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Last active September 27, 2015 14:18
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POMDP Model Example
import org.enmas.pomdp._
import org.enmas.pomdp.State.Implicits._
case class SimplePOMDP extends POMDP (
name = "Example POMDP",
description = "Just a simple POMDP",
agentConstraints = List(
AgentConstraint('TeamA, 1, Int.MaxValue)
initialState = State("time" -> 0),
actionsFunction = (_) => Set(
transitionFunction = (state, actions) => {
val t = state.getAs[Int]("time") getOrElse 0
State("time" -> (t + 1))
rewardFunction = (state, actions, statePrime) => (aNum, aType) => {
val allChoseWin = actions.foldLeft(true) {
(result, a) => result && a.action == Action("win")
if (allChoseWin) 1
else 0
observationFunction = (state, actions, statePrime) => (aNum, aType) => state
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