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Outputs a table of any comments that mention a KB number on the monthly Patch Tuesday megathread
# Get a list of posts from front page
$posts = Invoke-RestMethod ''
# Get the URL for the patch tuesday megathread
$megathread = ${$_.title -like '*Patch Tuesday Megathread*'}
$megathreadUrl = $megathread.Url
# Get the comments of the megathread
$comments = Invoke-RestMethod "$megathreadUrl.json"
# Iterate through the comments, match any KB#######. Case insensitive, there can be any single character between KB and the numbers.
$commentTable = ${
$match = ([regex]'(?i)kb\d{7}|(?i)kb.\d{7}').Matches($_.body);
if ($match.Value) {
# Return a custom object with the data we want to see
[PSCustomObject] @{
Ups = $
KB = $match.Value -join ', '
Body = $_.body
# Output the data
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