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Last active March 12, 2018 22:21
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Edit nessus scan details, including schedule, name, and policy data, extracted of Scan.ps1 from Posh-Nessus
Edit nessus scan details, including schedule, name, and policy data
Long description
Example of how to use this cmdlet
Another example of how to use this cmdlet
function Edit-NessusScanDetail
# Nessus session Id
$SessionId = @(),
[Bool]$Enabled = $true,
[ValidateSet('Day of Month','Week of Month')][String]$RepeatBy,
# Return the day and week of a date (1st Tuesday is 1TU, 3rd Wednesday is 3WE, etc.)
Function Get-WeekDay {
if ($DateTime.Day -le 7) {
$week = 1
else {
$week = (1..$DateTime.Day).ForEach{
Get-Date "$($DateTime.Year)-$($DateTime.Month)-$_"
}.Where{$_.DayOfWeek -eq $DateTime.DayOfWeek}.Count
$origin = New-Object -Type DateTime -ArgumentList 1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0
$ToProcess = @()
foreach($i in $SessionId)
$Connections = $Global:NessusConn
foreach($Connection in $Connections)
if ($Connection.SessionId -eq $i)
$ToProcess += $Connection
foreach($Connection in $ToProcess)
$ScanDetails = InvokeNessusRestRequest -SessionObject $Connection -Path "/scans/$($ScanId)" -Method 'Get' -Parameter $Params
if ($ScanDetails -is [psobject])
# Set the rrules based on the frequency type
switch ($Frequency) {
'Onetime' {
$rRules = 'FREQ=ONETIME'
'Daily' {
$rRules = "FREQ=$Frequency;INTERVAL=$Interval"
'Weekly' {
if (!$ByDay) {$ByDay = $StartTime.DayOfWeek.ToString().Substring(0,2)}
$rRules = "FREQ=$Frequency;INTERVAL=$Interval;BYDAY=$($ByDay -join ',')"
'Monthly' {
switch ($RepeatBy) {
'Day of Month' {
$rRules = "FREQ=$Frequency;INTERVAL=$Interval;BYMONTHDAY=$($StartTime.Day)"
'Week of Month' {
$byDay = Get-WeekDay $StartTime
$rRules = "FREQ=$Frequency;INTERVAL=$Interval;BYDAY=$ByDay"
# Set the 'static' settings
$settings = @{
enabled = $enabled
timezone = $Timezone
# If no targets are specified, use the targets from the previous scan
if (!($TargetGroups -or $AgentGroups -or $FileTargets -or $TextTargets)) {
$TextTargets = $
# Set the 'dynamic' parameters. If these items are not sent to the API, they will remain unchanged
if ($Name) {$ = $Name}
if ($Description) {$settings.description = $Description}
if ($PolicyID) {$settings.policy_id = $PolicyID}
if ($FolderID) {$settings.folder_id = $FolderID}
if ($ScannerID) {$settings.scanner_id = $ScannerID}
if ($rRules) {$settings.rrules = $rRules.ToUpper()}
if ($StartTime) {$settings.starttime = $StartTime.ToString('yyyyMMddTHHmmss')}
if ($rRules -and $Frequency -notlike 'Onetime') {$settings.launch = $Frequency.ToUpper()}
if ($LaunchNow) {$settings.launch_now = $true}
if ($TargetGroups) {$settings.target_groups = $TargetGroups}
if ($AgentGroups) {$settings.agent_groups = $AgentGroups}
if ($TextTargets) {$settings.text_targets = $TextTargets -join ','}
if ($FileTargets) {$settings.file_targets = $FileTargets}
if ($Emails) {$settings.emails = $Emails -join ','}
# Convert the settings to JSON format for use by the API
$scanParams = @{
settings = $settings
$json = ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $scanParams -Compress
$ServerTypeParams = @{
'SessionObject' = $Connection
'Path' = "/scans/$ScanId"
'Method' = 'PUT'
'ContentType' = 'application/json'
'Parameter' = $json
InvokeNessusRestRequest @ServerTypeParams
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