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Created December 21, 2015 13:19
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  • Save ConnorMcF/5327913ff7f38900ffdb to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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what the fuck just happened
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[T.L.O.O.D Leader] Darth Slime: Hey
ConnorMcF // doing stuff: Hey
[T.L.O.O.D Leader] Darth Slime: How's ur server doing?
[T.L.O.O.D Leader] Darth Slime: going*
ConnorMcF // doing stuff: Good, you?
[T.L.O.O.D Leader] Darth Slime: Well
[T.L.O.O.D Leader] Darth Slime: Not really
ConnorMcF // doing stuff: :<
ConnorMcF // doing stuff: what's wrong?
[T.L.O.O.D Leader] Darth Slime: It got ddosed
[T.L.O.O.D Leader] Darth Slime: Idk how
[T.L.O.O.D Leader] Darth Slime: probaly a 5 year old
ConnorMcF // doing stuff: uh oh
[T.L.O.O.D Leader] Darth Slime: But can i apply to be staff on your server?
ConnorMcF // doing stuff: uh I guess
ConnorMcF // doing stuff: I always use a vpn
ConnorMcF // doing stuff: so you can't get my ip
ConnorMcF // doing stuff: through like skype resolvers
[T.L.O.O.D Leader] Darth Slime: Oh
ConnorMcF // doing stuff: or ulx commands
ConnorMcF // doing stuff: but the server has anti-ddos too
[T.L.O.O.D Leader] Darth Slime: Where do i apply for your server?
ConnorMcF // doing stuff: well you need to play for a while first!
[T.L.O.O.D Leader] Darth Slime: How long?
ConnorMcF // doing stuff: How long would you think?
[T.L.O.O.D Leader] Darth Slime: 20 hour?
ConnorMcF // doing stuff: yeah
[T.L.O.O.D Leader] Darth Slime: Well
ConnorMcF // doing stuff: "hi i've got no playtime on your server please make me moderator"
ConnorMcF // doing stuff: :V
ConnorMcF // doing stuff: sounds a bit silly, right?
[T.L.O.O.D Leader] Darth Slime: Well thanks
[T.L.O.O.D Leader] Darth Slime: Iam unfrieding you now
ConnorMcF // doing stuff: What?
[T.L.O.O.D Leader] Darth Slime: Boi boi
[T.L.O.O.D Leader] Darth Slime: Anything else u wanna say?
ConnorMcF // doing stuff: what?
ConnorMcF // doing stuff: what have I done?
[T.L.O.O.D Leader] Darth Slime: I never become staff on any server
[T.L.O.O.D Leader] Darth Slime: So
[T.L.O.O.D Leader] Darth Slime: Ill just leave you here now
ConnorMcF // doing stuff: i'm not going to just make anyone staff
ConnorMcF // doing stuff: you need to play first
ConnorMcF // doing stuff: duh
[T.L.O.O.D Leader] Darth Slime: I know
[T.L.O.O.D Leader] Darth Slime: Now iam blocking all stuff with you
[T.L.O.O.D Leader] Darth Slime: Bye
ConnorMcF // doing stuff: lol
ConnorMcF // doing stuff: meh not if I remove you first :V
[T.L.O.O.D Leader] Darth Slime is now Offline.
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