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Last active July 30, 2017 16:43
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Save ConorOBrien-Foxx/f26c1a1b63adcd9c524d1c8b33269022 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Ruby BF compiler
preamble = <<'EOF'
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main(){
#define S 65536
uint8_t t[S] = {0};
uint8_t m[S] = {0};
uint16_t p = 0, f = 0, z = 0;
int i, q = 0, d = 0, g = 0;
#define D for(z=0;z<12+(f+11)/12*12;){if(z%12==0){printf("%04i: ",z);}if(z==p)printf("\33[32;1m");if(m[z])printf("\33[41m");printf("%03i\33[0m ",t[z]);if(++z%12==0){for(q=0;q<12;q++){g=z-12+q;printf("\33[30;%im",g==p?46:m[g]?41:47);printf("%c",(i=t[z-12+q])<33||i>126?46:i);}puts("\33[0m");}}
$line_number = 1
$col_number = 1
$output = preamble
def echo(str)
$output += str + "\n"
end[0]).chars.each { |char|
if char == "\n"
$line_number += 1
$col_number = 1
case char
when ">"
echo '++p;f<=p&&(f=p);'
when "<"
echo '--p;'
when "+"
echo '++t[p];'
when "-"
echo '--t[p];'
when ","
echo 'i=getchar(),t[p]=i*(i>0);'
when "."
echo 'putchar(t[p]);'
when "["
echo 'while(t[p]){'
when "]"
echo '}'
when "#"
echo "printf(\"\\33[33mDump %i: (at line %i, char %i)\\33[0m\\n\", d++, #{$line_number}, #{$col_number}); D"
when "@"
echo "m[p]=1-m[p];"
$col_number += 1
echo "printf(\"\\33[33mFinal dump:\\33[0m\\n\");D;return 0;}"
File.write "#{ARGV[0]}.c", $output
`cc -O3 #{ARGV[0]}.c -o #{ARGV[0]}.exe`
# cc -O3 -o "$1.exe" "$1.c"
# "./$1.exe"
# rm "$1.c"
# ./test.bat "$1"
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