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Last active November 16, 2019 20:41
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Test file for Ethereum developer ProjectSubmission coding exercise
// ===== DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE =====
var assert = require('assert')
const Web3 = require('web3')
const App = require('../scripts/app.helper.js')
let accounts = []
This test file makes assumptions about
- properties names of structs
- university and project data structures in contract storage
that are defined in the ProjectSubmission.sol file.
describe('App Tests', function() {
let ownerAccount
let universityAccount1
let universityAccount2
let userAccount1
let userAccount2
let hash1 = "0x681afa780d17da29203322b473d3f210a7d621259a4e6ce9e403f5a266ff719a"
let hash2 = "0xb6a955c14d250a9b036a6cf4dae42e1140fa56d8cb29ca70050d6e8ab81b457f"
before(async function(){
web3 = new Web3("ws://localhost:8545")
web3.givenProvider = web3.currentProvider // to mimic a browser environment
accounts = await web3.eth.getAccounts()
ownerAccount = accounts[0]
web3.eth.defaultAccount = ownerAccount
universityAccount1 = accounts[1]
universityAccount2 = accounts[2]
userAccount1 = accounts[3]
userAccount2 = accounts[4]
await App.init()
describe('Calling the contract', function() {
it("Gets the current account", async function(){
await App.getAccount()
assert.equal(ownerAccount, App.account, "The accounts should be the same")
it("Has a function to read the contract owner", async function(){
let result = await App.readOwnerAddress()
assert.equal(ownerAccount, result, "Owner should be the first account")
it("Has a function to read the contract owner balance", async function(){
let result = await App.readOwnerBalance()
assert.equal(result, 0, "Owner should be the first account")
it("Has a function for the owner to register a University", async function(){
let result = await App.registerUniversity(universityAccount1)
assert.equal(result.receipt.status, true, "Registering a university should result in a successful transaction")
it("Has a function to read the university state", async function(){
await App.registerUniversity(universityAccount1)
let result = await App.readUniversityState(universityAccount1)
assert.equal(result.balance, 0, "Balance of university 1 should be 0")
assert.equal(result.available, true, "The university should be accepting submissions")
it("Has a function to let the owner disable the university", async function(){
let result = await App.disableUniversity(universityAccount1)
assert.equal(result.receipt.status, true, "The university should be accepting submissions")
let universityState1 = await App.readUniversityState(universityAccount1)
assert.equal(universityState1.available, false, "")
it("Has a function to let anyone submit projects", async function(){
await App.registerUniversity(universityAccount1)
web3.eth.defaultAccount = userAccount1
let etherAmount = 1
let result = await App.submitProject(hash1, universityAccount1, etherAmount)
assert.equal(result.receipt.status, true, "Registering a university should result in a successful transaction")
it("Has a function to let the owner review projects", async function(){
web3.eth.defaultAccount = ownerAccount
let result = await App.reviewProject(hash1, 2)
assert.equal(result.receipt.status, true, "Calling the reviewProject function should result in a successful transaction")
it("Has a function to let anyone read a projects' state", async function(){
let result = await App.readProjectState(hash1)
assert.equal(, userAccount1, "The author of project associated with hash1 should be userAccount1")
it("Has a function to let anyone donate to a univesrity and a project", async function(){
web3.eth.defaultAccount = userAccount2
let amount = 100
let result = await App.donate(hash1, amount)
assert.equal(result.receipt.status, true, "Calling the donate function should result in a successful transaction")
it("Has a function to let the owner withdraw their funds", async function(){
web3.eth.defaultAccount = ownerAccount
let result = await App.reviewProject(hash2, 2)
assert.equal(result.receipt.status, true, "Calling the withdraw function should result in a successful transaction")
it("Has a function to let the project authors withdraw their funds", async function(){
web3.eth.defaultAccount = userAccount1
let result = await App.authorWithdraw(hash1)
assert.equal(result.receipt.status, true, "Calling the authorWithdraw function should result in a successful transaction")
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