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Created March 11, 2023 01:26
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// ==== AVX2 decompressor for Q4_0 and Q4_1 compressed blocks ====
#include <array>
#include <immintrin.h>
// Unpack 32 4-bit fields into 32 bytes
// The output vector contains 32 bytes, each one in [ 0 .. 15 ] interval
inline __m256i bytesFromNibbles( const uint8_t* rsi )
// Load 16 bytes from memory
__m128i tmp = _mm_loadu_si128( ( const __m128i* )rsi );
// Expand bytes into uint16_t values
__m256i bytes = _mm256_cvtepu8_epi16( tmp );
// Unpack values into individual bytes
const __m256i lowMask = _mm256_set1_epi8( 0xF );
__m256i high = _mm256_andnot_si256( lowMask, bytes );
__m256i low = _mm256_and_si256( lowMask, bytes );
high = _mm256_slli_epi16( high, 4 );
bytes = _mm256_or_si256( low, high );
return bytes;
// Convert lower 8 lower bytes in the vector from int8_t into float lanes
inline __m256 makeFloats( __m128i bytes )
__m256i i32 = _mm256_cvtepi8_epi32( bytes );
return _mm256_cvtepi32_ps( i32 );
// Decompress Q4_0 compressed block, the block size is 32
// The block payload contains 1 reference value (the first argument), and 32 4-bit values packed into 16 bytes (second argument)
std::array<__m256, 4> decompressBlock40( const float* scaling, const uint8_t* rsi )
// Unpack 4-bit fields into bytes
__m256i bytes = bytesFromNibbles( rsi );
// Now we have a vector with bytes in [0..15], offset into [-8..+7]
const __m256i off = _mm256_set1_epi8( 8 );
bytes = _mm256_sub_epi8( bytes, off );
// Broadcast ref1 into AVX vector
const __m256 sv = _mm256_broadcast_ss( scaling );
// Produce the result
std::array<__m256, 4> arr;
__m128i tmp = _mm256_castsi256_si128( bytes );
arr[ 0 ] = _mm256_mul_ps( sv, makeFloats( tmp ) );
tmp = _mm_srli_si128( tmp, 8 );
arr[ 1 ] = _mm256_mul_ps( sv, makeFloats( tmp ) );
tmp = _mm256_extracti128_si256( bytes, 1 );
arr[ 2 ] = _mm256_mul_ps( sv, makeFloats( tmp ) );
tmp = _mm_srli_si128( tmp, 8 );
arr[ 3 ] = _mm256_mul_ps( sv, makeFloats( tmp ) );
return arr;
// Decompress Q4_1 compressed block, the block size is 32
// The block payload contains min value, scaling vactor, and 32 4-bit values packed into 16 bytes
std::array<__m256, 4> decompressBlock41( const float* minValue, const float* scaling, const uint8_t* rsi )
// Unpack 4-bit fields into bytes
const __m256i bytes = bytesFromNibbles( rsi );
// Broadcast both floats into AVX vectors
const __m256 iv = _mm256_broadcast_ss( minValue );
const __m256 sv = _mm256_broadcast_ss( scaling );
// Produce the result
std::array<__m256, 4> arr;
__m128i tmp = _mm256_castsi256_si128( bytes );
arr[ 0 ] = _mm256_fmadd_ps( sv, makeFloats( tmp ), iv );
tmp = _mm_srli_si128( tmp, 8 );
arr[ 1 ] = _mm256_fmadd_ps( sv, makeFloats( tmp ), iv );
tmp = _mm256_extracti128_si256( bytes, 1 );
arr[ 2 ] = _mm256_fmadd_ps( sv, makeFloats( tmp ), iv );
tmp = _mm_srli_si128( tmp, 8 );
arr[ 3 ] = _mm256_fmadd_ps( sv, makeFloats( tmp ), iv );
return arr;
// ==== Debug Functions ====
#include <assert.h>
#include <cmath>
#include <stdio.h>
inline void storeBlock( std::array<float, 32>& arr, std::array<__m256, 4> v )
float* rdi =;
_mm256_storeu_ps( rdi, v[ 0 ] );
_mm256_storeu_ps( rdi + 8, v[ 1 ] );
_mm256_storeu_ps( rdi + 16, v[ 2 ] );
_mm256_storeu_ps( rdi + 24, v[ 3 ] );
float decompressScalar40( float scaling, uint8_t byte )
assert( byte <= 15 );
int8_t val = (int8_t)byte - 8;
return scaling * val;
float decompressScalar41( float minValue, float scaling, uint8_t byte )
assert( byte <= 15 );
return std::fma( scaling, (float)byte, minValue );
int main()
const float scaling = 13;
const float min = 44;
// From
const std::array<uint8_t, 16> bytes = { 188, 56, 77, 68, 113, 245, 126, 231, 143, 225, 48, 216, 191, 53, 110, 118 };
// Decompress and store these bytes in both compressed formats
std::array<float, 32> b40, b41;
storeBlock( b40, decompressBlock40( &scaling, ) );
storeBlock( b41, decompressBlock41( &min, &scaling, ) );
// Verify the data
for( size_t i = 0; i < 32; i++ )
uint8_t byte = bytes[ i / 2 ];
if( 0 == ( i % 2 ) )
byte &= 0xF;
byte = byte >> 4;
// Verify Q4_0 decompressor
float fast = b40[ i ];
float scalar = decompressScalar40( scaling, byte );
if( fast != scalar )
return 1;
// Verify Q4_1 decompressor
fast = b41[ i ];
scalar = decompressScalar41( min, scaling, byte );
if( fast != scalar )
return 1;
printf( "Success!\n" );
return 0;
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