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Created January 23, 2017 00:13
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function Format-TrelloUriToJson {
param ($url)
Write-Debug "Formatting $url"
$prefix = ""
$url = $url -replace $prefix,""
$identifier = "$($url.Split("/")[0])"
$name = "$($url.Split("/")[1])"
$url = $prefix + $identifier + ".json"
Write-Debug "Returning $url"
return $url, $name
# Only returns the last 1000 actions from public boards
function Import-TrelloActivity {
param ($url, $date = $null)
$actions = @()
$url, $name = Format-TrelloUriToJson $url
$j = ConvertFrom-Json $(Invoke-WebRequest $url)
$cards = $(
$ | where { $_.closed -eq $False -and $(
if ($date) {
$(get-date $_.dateLastActivity) -ge $(get-date $date)
} else {
)} | select @{n="Cards"; e={"* $($_.Name.SubString(0, $( if ($_.Name.Length -lt 50){ $_.Name.Length } else { 50 } )))"}}, @{n="LastActivity";e={"$(get-date $_.dateLastActivity)"}} |
sort "LastActivity" -Descending
foreach ($action in $j.actions){
$actions += [pscustomobject]@{
Username = $($action.memberCreator.username);
ActionType = $action.type;
Date = $(Get-Date $;
$acts = $(
$actions |
where {
if ($date) {
$(get-date $_.Date) -ge $(get-date $date)
} else {
} | select username, @{name="date";e={"$($(get-date $"}} | group date, username | select Count, @{n="Date";e={$($_.Name -split ",")[0] -replace ' 00:00:00',''}}, @{n="User";e={$_.Group.Username | select -Unique}} | sort Date -Descending
return $cards, $acts, $name
$trello_boards = @{
$asOfDate = $(Get-Date).AddDays(-10).Date
$trello_boards | %{
$_.Values | % {
$board_cards, $board_actions, $board_name = Import-TrelloActivity $_ $asOfDate
write-output "** $board_name activity since $asOfDate **"
$board_actions | ft
write-output "** $board_name cards touched since $asOfDate **"
$board_cards | ft
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