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Created August 11, 2017 04:24
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PASS Data Architecture Virtual Group demo
break # Prevent everything from running at once.
$SqlServer = "SQL2016"
Import-Module dbatools
# Stop the current command if it throws an error or exception.
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
# Multiple assignment, woo!
# Give us more information about what is going on behind the scenes!
$DebugPreference = $VerbosePreference = "SilentlyContinue"
# If you dont have all the help you see in this demo, run the Update-Help command in an admin shell.
# if you are familiar with the *nix word | more only works in console, but great for paging help content or long strings.
Get-Help about_redirection
Get-Help about_*
# Native help
Get-Help *dba*
Get-Help Test-DbaSqlPath
Get-Help Test-DbaSqlPath -Examples
Get-Help Test-DbaSqlPath -Online
Find-DbaCommand *bios*
# PowerShell naming conventions are a bit particular, but let you live within your own namespace.
# Get/Test - Good (though test-dbalastbackup can restore databases, but no harm should come from that.)
# Anything else - potentially state altering in the dbatools project.
# If you do data things, you want to learn select and where :)
Get-Help Select-Object
Get-Help Where-Object
Get-Help Format-*
# Things I use on the daily.
# Less code = less maint, less things to go wrong, less me being a dangus.
Get-DbaLastBackup -SqlInstance $SqlServer
Get-DbaLastBackup -SqlInstance $SqlServer |
Select-Object ComputerName, Database, LastFullBackup, LastLogBackup, LastDiffBackup |
Sort-Object -Property LastFullBackup |
Test-DbaJobOwner -SqlInstance $SqlServer -Login sa | ft
Test-DbaDatabaseOwner -SqlInstance $SqlServer -TargetLogin sa | ft
# Set-DbaDatabaseOwner
Test-DbaVirtualLogFile -SqlInstance $SqlServer | where {$_.Count -gt 50} | Out-GridView
# Base command
Get-DbaDatabase -SqlInstance $SqlServer
# Select useful fields
Get-DbaDatabase -SqlInstance $SqlServer -ExcludeAllSystemDb | select Name, SizeMB
# Assign and store to a table.
# Gather databases metadata
$Databases = Get-DbaDatabase -SqlInstance $SqlServer -ExcludeAllSystemDb | select Name, SizeMB
# Convert that metadata to a datatable object, that which SQL Server loves.
$DataTable = Out-DbaDataTable -InputObject $Databases
# Write this to a table, and even generate it at runtime if we want!
Write-DbaDataTable -SqlInstance $SqlServer -Database tempdb -InputObject $DataTable -Table DataSize -AutoCreateTable # Only for the demo!
# Query to verify it exists using some dbatools magic in the .Query command
(Connect-DbaSqlServer -SqlInstance $SqlServer).Databases['tempdb'].Query( " select * from DataSize " )
# Things that I use to check on a new server I inherited. I LOVE the test commands!
# SQL Server Settings
Test-DbaMaxDop "sql2014" | ft # Cool output and supports testing databases and server level stuff in different versions!
Test-DbaMaxMemory $SqlServer # Gives a recommend memory setting!
# Network Crap.
Test-DbaSpn -ComputerName $SqlServer | ft # Ugh, I hate SPNs.
Test-DbaConnectionAuthScheme -SqlInstance $SqlServer # Checks if you are using Kerebos, screw NTLM!
# Windows Server configuration garbo, I thought I got to focus on db things :)
Test-DbaDiskAlignment -ComputerName $SqlServer | ft # Gives a recommended set of best practice flags!
Test-DbaDiskAllocation -ComputerName $SqlServer | ft # Checks if our disks are allocated properly!
Test-DbaPowerPlan -ComputerName $SqlServer # So annoying to get at, so easy to check.
# Database stuff which might be wrong.
Test-DbaDatabaseCollation -SqlInstance $SqlServer # Checking if correlation is screwy.
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