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Created February 25, 2019 18:13
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Safe Shutdown Script
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from gpiozero import Button, LED, OutputDevice
import os
from signal import pause
import subprocess
from time import sleep
resetPin = 2
ledPin = 14
powerenPin = 4
fanPin = 17
hold = 2
led = LED(ledPin,initial_value=True)
power = OutputDevice(powerenPin,initial_value=True)
fan = OutputDevice(fanPin,initial_value=False)
reboot_long_press = None
#functions that handle button events
def reboot_press():
global reboot_long_press
reboot_long_press = False
def reboot_hold():
global reboot_long_press
reboot_long_press = True
def reboot_release():
output_es = int(subprocess.check_output(['/opt/RetroFlag/', '--es-pid']))
output_rc = int(subprocess.check_output(['/opt/RetroFlag/', '--rc-pid']))
if reboot_long_press:
if output_rc:
os.system("/opt/RetroFlag/ --closeemu")
if output_es:
os.system("/opt/RetroFlag/ --es-reboot")
os.system("sudo reboot")
if output_rc:
os.system("/opt/RetroFlag/ --closeemu")
elif output_es:
os.system("/opt/RetroFlag/ --es-restart")
rebootBtn = Button(resetPin,hold_time=hold)
rebootBtn.when_pressed = reboot_press
rebootBtn.when_held = reboot_hold
rebootBtn.when_released = reboot_release
def getCPUtemp():
res = os.popen('vcgencmd measure_temp').readline()
return float(res.replace("temp=","").replace("'C\n",""))
fanOn = False
forcedFanState = False
while True:
reqFanState = None
governor = None
with open('/dev/shm/fan_governor','r') as f:
governor = f.readline().strip().lower()
if governor == 'alwayson':
reqFanState = True
forcedFanState = True
elif governor == 'alwaysoff':
reqFanState = False
forcedFanState = True
fanOnTemp = 65
fanOffTemp = 45
if governor == 'quiet':
fanOnTemp = 70
fanOffTemp = 60
cpuTemp = int(getCPUtemp())
if forcedFanState:
reqFanState = False
forcedFanState = False
if cpuTemp >= fanOnTemp:
reqFanState = True
elif cpuTemp < fanOffTemp:
reqFanState = False
if not fanOn and reqFanState is True:
fanOn = True
elif fanOn and reqFanState is False:
fanOn = False
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