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Created July 25, 2021 17:15
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  • Save CoolCatsNFTPublic/976ae72cec7827328486554c43561194 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Snapshotting Opensea collections
async function snapShot(slug, address, totalTokens) {
const API_KEY = ""
// Step 1 - Pagination
const pages = Math.ceil(totalTokens / 50); // Paginate to account for OpenSea api call limits.
let offSet = 0;
let num = 0;
let totalOwned = 0;
let foundTokens = 0;
let holderAddresses = {};
for (let i = 0; i < pages; i++) {
offSet = i * 50;
console.log('page:', i);
const response = await fetch(`${offSet}&limit=50&collection=${slug}`);
const listOfTokens = await response.json();
// Loop through found tokens
for (const asset of listOfTokens.assets) {
// Step 2 - Smashing my head on the desk
const url = `${address}/token/${asset.token_id}/owners?chain=eth&chain_name=mainnet&format=decimal&order=name.DESC`;
const header = {
method: 'GET', headers: {
const fetchResult = await fetch(url, header);
const jsonResult = await fetchResult.json();
totalOwned +=;
// Step 3 - Filtering holders
// iterate through results
for (const result of jsonResult.result) {
if (!holderAddresses[result.owner_of]) {
holderAddresses[result.owner_of] = 1;
} else {
// Step 4 - Saving and checking
// Log useful data
console.log('total tokens:', foundTokens);
console.log('total owned:', totalOwned);
console.log('total holders', Object.keys(holderAddresses).length);
// Write holders to json file
fs.writeFile(`./src/snapshots/${slug}-holders.json`, JSON.stringify(holderAddresses), {flag: 'w'}, function(err) {
// Log error if fail saving fails.
if (err) return console.log(err);
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