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Created February 27, 2022 23:35
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All emacs MELPA packages, ordered by number of downloads, tab delimited 2022.02.27
Package Description Version Recipe Source DLs
dash A modern list library for Emacs 20210826.1149 github "4,007,974"
magit A Git porcelain inside Emacs. 20220227.1341 github "3,263,366"
s The long lost Emacs string manipulation library. 20210616.619 github "3,071,022"
helm Helm is an Emacs incremental and narrowing framework 20220226.2016 github "2,823,492"
epl Emacs Package Library 20180205.2049 github "2,632,580"
f Modern API for working with files and directories 20210624.1103 github "2,471,330"
projectile Manage and navigate projects in Emacs easily 20220227.551 github "2,331,955"
flycheck On-the-fly syntax checking 20210825.1804 github "2,322,470"
company Modular text completion framework 20220110.2248 github "2,321,843"
helm-core Development files for Helm 20220217.812 github "2,079,632"
async Asynchronous processing in Emacs 20220104.1222 github "2,057,701"
git-commit Edit Git commit messages. 20220222.1036 github "2,056,163"
markdown-mode Major mode for Markdown-formatted text 20220212.728 github "2,013,304"
pkg-info Information about packages 20150517.1143 github "1,929,047"
popup Visual Popup User Interface 20211231.1823 github "1,879,056"
yasnippet Yet another snippet extension for Emacs 20200604.246 github "1,773,035"
use-package A configuration macro for simplifying your .emacs 20210207.1926 github "1,754,669"
git-modes Major modes for editing Git configuration files 20211020.2306 github "1,733,709"
avy Jump to arbitrary positions in visible text and select text quickly. 20220102.805 github "1,672,592"
with-editor Use the Emacsclient as $EDITOR 20220211.2034 github "1,664,087"
bind-key A simple way to manage personal keybindings 20210210.1609 github "1,560,925"
smartparens "Automatic insertion, wrapping and paredit-like navigation with user defined pairs." 20220204.1134 github "1,544,849"
evil Extensible Vi layer for Emacs. 20220217.748 github "1,516,214"
which-key Display available keybindings in popup 20220214.1818 github "1,511,862"
hydra Make bindings that stick around. 20220102.803 github "1,419,844"
transient Transient commands 20220227.1751 github "1,368,514"
ivy Incremental Vertical completYon 20211231.1730 github "1,368,138"
ace-window Quickly switch windows. 20200606.1259 github "1,342,956"
expand-region Increase selected region by semantic units. 20210708.1952 github "1,289,650"
diminish Diminished modes are minor modes with no modeline display 20220104.1539 github "1,254,221"
rainbow-delimiters Highlight brackets according to their depth 20210515.1254 github "1,251,150"
lsp-mode LSP mode 20220227.2032 github "1,178,658"
auto-complete Auto Completion for GNU Emacs 20220105.439 github "1,165,978"
web-mode major mode for editing web templates 20220227.1557 github "1,146,115"
goto-chg Go to last change 20220107.1733 github "1,142,977"
shut-up Shut up would you! 20210403.1249 github "1,126,195"
anzu Show number of matches in mode-line while searching 20211002.2255 github "1,105,824"
request Compatible layer for URL request 20211107.1907 github "1,094,314"
powerline Rewrite of Powerline 20220122.1904 github "1,080,121"
helm-projectile Helm integration for Projectile 20201217.908 github "1,071,688"
lv Other echo area 20200507.1518 github "1,071,446"
iedit Edit multiple regions in the same way simultaneously. 20220216.717 github "1,032,827"
swiper "Isearch with an overview. Oh, man!" 20210919.1221 github "992,034"
helm-ag The silver searcher with helm interface 20210702.845 github "989,913"
highlight-indentation Minor modes for highlighting indentation 20210221.1418 github "979,411"
ht The missing hash table library for Emacs 20210119.741 github "977,651"
elisp-slime-nav "Make M-. and M-, work in elisp like they do in slime" 20210510.528 github "969,145"
exec-path-from-shell Get environment variables such as $PATH from the shell 20210914.1247 github "968,915"
js2-mode Improved JavaScript editing mode 20211229.135 github "968,304"
aggressive-indent Minor mode to aggressively keep your code always indented 20210701.2224 github "966,637"
package-build Tools for assembling a package archive 20220210.1334 github "965,173"
counsel Various completion functions using Ivy 20211230.1909 github "955,066"
commander Emacs command line parser 20140120.1852 github "952,533"
magit-popup Define prefix-infix-suffix command combos 20200719.1015 github "951,138"
hl-todo highlight TODO and similar keywords 20210909.1114 github "950,805"
flx fuzzy matching with good sorting 20211101.146 github "946,971"
macrostep interactive macro expander 20161120.2106 github "944,383"
packed package manager agnostic Emacs Lisp package utilities 20211021.1753 github "895,024"
auto-compile automatically compile Emacs Lisp libraries 20220111.1108 github "892,536"
ace-link Quickly follow links 20210121.923 github "892,421"
evil-nerd-commenter Comment/uncomment lines efficiently. Like Nerd Commenter in Vim 20220106.1224 github "882,629"
popwin Popup Window Manager 20210215.1849 github "878,155"
cider Clojure Interactive Development Environment that Rocks 20220222.1710 github "873,951"
helm-swoop Efficiently hopping squeezed lines powered by helm interface 20210426.547 github "872,408"
evil-matchit Vim matchit ported to Evil 20210923.931 github "871,642"
volatile-highlights Minor mode for visual feedback on some operations. 20160612.155 github "868,995"
dumb-jump Jump to definition for 50+ languages without configuration 20211018.1545 github "867,209"
evil-surround emulate surround.vim from Vim 20210615.2119 github "860,049"
treemacs A tree style file explorer package 20220216.1950 github "851,804"
google-translate Emacs interface to Google Translate. 20210406.1138 github "851,555"
multiple-cursors Multiple cursors for Emacs. 20211112.2223 github "841,480"
pcre2el regexp syntax converter 20161120.2103 github "840,054"
flx-ido flx integration for ido 20180117.1519 github "833,516"
paradox "A modern Packages Menu. Colored, with package ratings, and customizable." 20191011.1111 github "818,025"
yaml-mode Major mode for editing YAML files 20220104.1503 github "804,219"
move-text Move current line or region with M-up or M-down. 20170909.330 github "800,742"
helm-make Select a Makefile target with helm 20200620.27 github "789,553"
evil-escape No description available. 20180910.1234 github "778,844"
hungry-delete hungry delete minor mode 20210409.1643 github "773,528"
helm-descbinds A convenient `describe-bindings' with `helm' 20190501.935 github "772,330"
htmlize Convert buffer text and decorations to HTML. 20210825.2150 github "771,328"
auto-highlight-symbol Automatic highlighting current symbol minor mode 20220223.1622 github "771,303"
spaceline Modeline configuration library for powerline 20211120.1636 github "771,169"
parent-mode get major mode's parent modes 20150824.2300 github "764,137"
evil-numbers Increment/decrement numbers like in VIM 20211011.103 github "760,450"
highlight-numbers Highlight numbers in source code 20181013.1744 github "759,400"
toc-org "add table of contents to org-mode files (formerly, org-toc)" 20220110.1452 github "749,172"
bind-map Bind personal keymaps in multiple locations 20220108.228 github "748,805"
indent-guide show vertical lines to guide indentation 20210115.400 github "748,502"
fill-column-indicator Graphically indicate the fill column 20200806.2239 github "748,075"
haskell-mode A Haskell editing mode 20220208.1821 github "745,893"
persp-mode windows/buffers sets shared among frames + save/load. 20220206.1742 github "744,383"
highlight-parentheses Highlight surrounding parentheses 20210821.1957 git "737,772"
golden-ratio Automatic resizing of Emacs windows to the golden ratio 20191028.1732 github "733,625"
evil-exchange Exchange text more easily within Evil 20200118.252 github "729,553"
dash-functional Collection of useful combinators for Emacs Lisp 20210210.1449 github "729,297"
neotree A tree plugin like NerdTree for Vim 20200324.1946 github "728,236"
restart-emacs Restart emacs from within emacs 20201127.1425 github "722,063"
eval-sexp-fu Tiny functionality enhancements for evaluating sexps. 20191128.825 github "721,421"
evil-visualstar Starts a * or # search from the visual selection 20160223.48 github "720,720"
ws-butler Unobtrusively remove trailing whitespace. 20201117.1528 github "715,367"
clojure-mode Major mode for Clojure code 20220222.827 github "713,533"
all-the-icons A library for inserting Developer icons 20220117.108 github "713,049"
define-word display the definition of word at point. 20220104.1848 github "711,531"
org-bullets Show bullets in org-mode as UTF-8 characters 20200317.1740 github "711,217"
clean-aindent-mode "Simple indent and unindent, trims indent white-space" 20171017.2043 github "709,424"
vi-tilde-fringe Displays tildes in the fringe on empty lines a la Vi. 20141028.242 github "704,946"
open-junk-file Open a junk (memo) file to try-and-error 20161210.1114 github "703,333"
git-timemachine Walk through git revisions of a file 20210528.908 gitlab "700,665"
fancy-battery Fancy battery display 20150101.1204 github "697,872"
evil-args Motions and text objects for delimited arguments in Evil. 20220125.1626 github "697,251"
evil-anzu anzu for evil-mode 20200514.1902 github "695,929"
helm-themes Color theme selection with helm interface 20200323.712 github "693,750"
git An Elisp API for programmatically using Git 20140128.1041 github "691,442"
evil-iedit-state Evil states to interface iedit mode. 20220219.1432 github "678,195"
helm-mode-manager Select and toggle major and minor modes with helm 20210108.2330 github "668,788"
lorem-ipsum Insert dummy pseudo Latin text. 20190819.2042 github "663,346"
paredit minor mode for editing parentheses 20191121.2328 git "663,096"
evil-lisp-state An evil state to edit Lisp code 20160404.248 github "662,775"
evil-mc Multiple cursors for evil-mode 20220118.122 github "661,947"
evil-tutor Vimtutor adapted to Evil and wrapped in a major-mode 20150103.650 github "660,877"
pos-tip Show tooltip at point 20191227.1356 github "659,717"
eyebrowse Easy window config switching 20201107.955 git "645,825"
evil-indent-plus Evil textobjects based on indentation 20220106.931 github "637,211"
link-hint "Use avy to open, copy, etc. visible links" 20211224.1358 github "636,966"
ace-jump-helm-line Ace-jump to a candidate in helm window 20160918.1836 github "633,445"
json-mode Major mode for editing JSON files. 20211011.630 github "629,525"
pyvenv Python virtual environment interface 20211014.707 github "627,722"
helm-flx Sort helm candidates by flx score 20180103.516 github "627,688"
json-reformat Reformatting tool for JSON 20160212.853 github "598,506"
ansi Turn string into ansi strings 20211104.1420 github "594,470"
json-snatcher Grabs the path to JSON values in a JSON file 20200916.1717 github "592,828"
zenburn-theme A low contrast color theme for Emacs. 20220221.2005 github "591,479"
column-enforce-mode Highlight text that extends beyond a column 20200605.1933 github "584,107"
lsp-ui UI modules for lsp-mode 20220104.1635 github "577,784"
uuidgen Provides various UUID generating functions 20200816.1308 github "577,378"
deferred Simple asynchronous functions for emacs lisp 20170901.1330 github "571,815"
yasnippet-snippets Collection of yasnippet snippets 20220221.1234 github "558,475"
diff-hl Highlight uncommitted changes using VC 20220124.323 github "558,221"
highlight Highlighting commands. 20210318.2248 github "557,835"
alert Growl-style notification system for Emacs 20200303.2118 github "556,723"
ghub Minuscule client libraries for Git forge APIs. 20220216.2156 github "548,905"
winum Navigate windows and frames using numbers. 20190911.1607 github "545,581"
doom-modeline A minimal and modern mode-line 20220218.1547 github "544,381"
simple-httpd pure elisp HTTP server 20191103.1446 github "538,931"
evil-visual-mark-mode Display evil marks on buffer 20190116.1557 github "529,433"
linum-relative display relative line number in emacs. 20180124.1047 github "525,652"
log4e provide logging framework for elisp 20211019.948 github "524,532"
editorconfig EditorConfig Emacs Plugin 20210830.1025 github "522,073"
evil-ediff Make ediff a little evil 20170724.1923 github "521,485"
anaconda-mode "Code navigation, documentation lookup and completion for Python" 20211122.817 github "512,972"
memoize Memoization functions 20200103.2036 github "508,980"
rust-mode A major-mode for editing Rust source code 20220217.2009 github "505,179"
go-mode Major mode for the Go programming language 20220114.2239 github "495,932"
gntp Growl Notification Protocol for Emacs 20141025.250 github "487,192"
pfuture a simple wrapper around asynchronous processes 20211229.1513 github "483,537"
smex M-x interface with Ido-style fuzzy matching. 20151212.2209 github "482,602"
package-lint A linting library for elisp package authors 20220213.1457 github "478,536"
git-messenger Popup last commit of current line 20201202.1637 github "473,167"
slime Superior Lisp Interaction Mode for Emacs 20220227.1043 github "472,775"
doom-themes an opinionated pack of modern color-themes 20220222.2326 github "467,614"
evil-search-highlight-persist Persistent highlights after search 20170523.334 github "467,488"
auto-yasnippet Quickly create disposable yasnippets 20191015.942 github "467,357"
solarized-theme The Solarized color theme 20211114.807 github "453,222"
org-pomodoro Pomodoro implementation for org-mode. 20190530.1445 github "451,183"
pythonic Utility functions for writing pythonic emacs package. 20210122.1247 github "449,404"
markdown-toc A simple TOC generator for markdown file 20210905.738 github "445,732"
gnuplot Major-mode and interactive frontend for gnuplot 20220102.1637 github "443,902"
posframe Pop a posframe (just a frame) at point 20220124.859 github "441,181"
ess Emacs Speaks Statistics 20220225.1523 github "429,618"
visual-fill-column fill-column for visual-line-mode 20211118.33 git "427,456"
php-mode Major mode for editing PHP code 20220120.1959 github "426,615"
git-link Get the GitHub/Bitbucket/GitLab URL for a buffer location 20220217.2315 github "422,344"
org-download Image drag-and-drop for Org-mode. 20210118.958 github "414,438"
haml-mode Major mode for editing Haml files 20190219.2102 github "412,964"
helm-c-yasnippet helm source for yasnippet.el 20210330.16 github "410,287"
ac-ispell ispell completion source for auto-complete 20151101.226 github "394,857"
flycheck-pos-tip Display Flycheck errors in GUI tooltips 20200516.1600 github "393,643"
skewer-mode "live browser JavaScript, CSS, and HTML interaction" 20200304.1142 github "393,356"
helm-company Helm interface for company-mode 20190812.1429 github "387,475"
page-break-lines Display ^L page breaks as tidy horizontal lines 20210104.2224 github "384,789"
pcache persistent caching for Emacs. 20201226.634 github "383,918"
magit-section Sections for read-only buffers 20220223.2013 github "383,667"
sass-mode Major mode for editing Sass files 20190502.53 github "380,319"
scss-mode Major mode for editing SCSS files 20180123.1708 github "378,095"
coffee-mode Major mode for CoffeeScript code 20200315.1133 github "374,995"
emmet-mode Unofficial Emmet's support for emacs 20210820.1124 github "374,877"
orgit support for Org links to Magit buffers 20220211.25 github "374,843"
magit-gitflow gitflow extension for magit 20170929.824 github "371,870"
smeargle Highlighting region by last updated time 20200323.533 github "371,839"
inf-ruby Run a Ruby process in a buffer 20220203.153 github "369,483"
git-gutter Port of Sublime Text plugin GitGutter 20211222.913 github "369,129"
company-anaconda Anaconda backend for company-mode 20200404.1859 github "367,035"
color-theme-sanityinc-tomorrow "A version of Chris Kempson's ""tomorrow"" themes" 20210907.1208 github "364,211"
lsp-treemacs LSP treemacs 20220102.1517 github "360,299"
elpy Emacs Python Development Environment 20220220.2059 github "356,063"
dap-mode Debug Adapter Protocol mode 20220226.1848 github "355,456"
dotenv-mode Major mode for .env files 20191027.2129 github "355,394"
gh-md Render markdown using the Github api 20151207.1740 github "354,115"
pip-requirements A major mode for editing pip requirements files. 20181027.1629 github "350,500"
js2-refactor A JavaScript refactoring library for emacs. 20210306.2003 github "349,192"
multi-term Managing multiple terminal buffers in Emacs. 20200514.428 github "347,874"
org-present Minimalist presentation minor-mode for Emacs org-mode. 20220108.1802 github "346,145"
writeroom-mode Minor mode for distraction-free writing 20210927.1301 github "345,710"
treemacs-projectile Projectile integration for treemacs 20211223.1454 github "341,506"
org-mime org html export for text/html MIME emails 20220204.42 github "341,006"
xterm-color "ANSI, XTERM 256 and Truecolor support" 20200605.2017 github "339,362"
ctable Table component for Emacs Lisp 20210128.629 github "339,352"
wgrep Writable grep buffer and apply the changes to files 20210322.2207 github "338,735"
tablist Extended tabulated-list-mode 20200427.2205 github "334,303"
live-py-mode Live Coding in Python 20220208.308 github "328,278"
typescript-mode Major mode for editing typescript 20220223.1506 github "325,716"
lua-mode a major-mode for editing Lua scripts 20210809.1320 github "325,355"
dockerfile-mode Major mode for editing Docker's Dockerfiles 20220220.1439 github "324,595"
tagedit Some paredit-like features for html-mode 20161121.855 github "322,951"
fuzzy Fuzzy Matching 20211231.1837 github "321,057"
helm-gitignore Generate .gitignore files with 20170211.8 github "320,785"
overseer Ert-runner Integration Into Emacs 20180226.619 github "317,588"
symbol-overlay Highlight symbols with keymap-enabled overlays 20220103.1747 github "317,407"
counsel-projectile Ivy integration for Projectile 20211004.2003 github "316,532"
forge Access Git forges from Magit. 20220225.1417 github "314,832"
imenu-list Show imenu entries in a separate buffer 20210420.1200 github "314,634"
gh A GitHub library for Emacs 20201222.438 github "314,076"
flycheck-package A Flycheck checker for elisp package authors 20210509.2323 github "313,847"
fringe-helper helper functions for fringe bitmaps 20140620.2109 github "312,689"
spacemacs-theme Color theme with a dark and light versions 20220128.1519 github "312,205"
concurrent Concurrent utility functions for emacs lisp 20161229.330 github "311,840"
clang-format Format code using clang-format 20191106.950 github "308,240"
epc A RPC stack for the Emacs Lisp 20140610.534 github "303,807"
company-quickhelp Popup documentation for completion candidates 20211115.1335 github "301,939"
pdf-tools Support library for PDF documents 20220214.344 github "298,513"
string-inflection underscore -> UPCASE -> CamelCase -> lowerCamelCase conversion of names 20210918.419 github "297,390"
evil-collection A set of keybindings for Evil mode 20220222.1104 github "296,802"
pyenv-mode Integrate pyenv with python-mode 20200518.1521 github "296,396"
mmm-mode Allow Multiple Major Modes in a buffer 20200908.2236 github "295,046"
ido-vertical-mode Makes ido-mode display vertically 20210205.436 github "290,389"
nameless Hide package namespace in your emacs-lisp code 20190429.1202 github "288,571"
web-beautify "Format HTML, CSS and JavaScript/JSON" 20161115.2247 github "288,511"
window-purpose Purpose-based window management for Emacs 20210628.715 github "288,427"
flyspell-correct Correcting words with flyspell via custom interface 20220131.834 github "286,952"
monokai-theme A fruity color theme for Emacs. 20220117.1244 github "284,888"
leuven-theme Awesome Emacs color theme on white background 20220203.947 github "284,056"
cython-mode Major mode for editing Cython files 20211111.1407 github "283,140"
shell-pop helps you to use shell easily on Emacs. Only one key action to work. 20200315.1139 github "282,204"
helm-xref Helm interface for xref results 20211017.1334 github "280,423"
pytest Easy Python test running in Emacs 20200330.41 github "280,256"
tern Tern-powered JavaScript integration 20181108.722 github "279,784"
evil-goggles Add a visual hint to evil operations 20220112.1302 github "278,658"
org-projectile Repository todo management for org-mode 20220114.730 github "277,607"
treepy Generic tree traversal tools 20191108.2217 github "277,138"
logito logging library for Emacs 20201226.534 github "276,147"
shrink-path fish-style path 20190208.1335 gitlab "274,313"
find-file-in-project Find file/directory and review Diff/Patch/Commit efficiently 20220125.726 github "273,195"
slim-mode Major mode for editing Slim files 20170728.1348 github "271,844"
eshell-prompt-extras Display extra information for your eshell prompt. 20210925.110 github "269,371"
quelpa Emacs Lisp packages built directly from source 20211228.248 github "267,791"
centered-cursor-mode cursor stays vertically centered 20200507.1529 github "267,046"
web-completion-data Shared completion data for ac-html and company-web 20160318.848 github "261,999"
org-category-capture Contextualy capture of org-mode TODOs. 20220114.730 github "261,816"
company-web "Company version of ac-html, complete for web,html,emmet,jade,slim modes" 20220115.2146 github "258,447"
websocket Emacs WebSocket client and server 20210110.17 github "258,165"
password-generator "Password generator for humans. Good, Bad, Phonetic passwords included." 20210425.2227 github "257,801"
yapfify (automatically) format python buffers using YAPF. 20210914.634 github "257,527"
cfrs Child-frame based read-string 20220129.1149 github "256,684"
treemacs-evil Evil mode integration for treemacs 20211019.1654 github "255,907"
helm-ls-git list git files. 20220113.1752 github "255,014"
spaceline-all-the-icons A Spaceline theme using All The Icons 20190325.1602 github "254,556"
symon tiny graphical system monitor 20170224.833 github "253,499"
evil-org evil keybindings for org-mode 20220227.1024 github "253,020"
emacsql high-level SQL database front-end 20220101.1820 github "252,003"
auto-dictionary automatic dictionary switcher for flyspell 20150410.1610 github "251,856"
ert-runner Opinionated Ert testing workflow 20201005.2336 github "251,140"
list-utils List-manipulation utility functions 20210111.1522 github "250,225"
helm-pydoc pydoc with helm interface 20160918.542 github "249,252"
robe "Code navigation, documentation lookup and completion for Ruby" 20211208.205 github "248,953"
js-doc Insert JsDoc style comment easily 20160715.434 github "246,151"
evil-cleverparens Evil friendly minor-mode for editing lisp. 20170718.413 github "244,514"
unfill Do the opposite of fill-paragraph or fill-region 20210106.220 github "242,679"
browse-kill-ring interactively insert items from kill-ring 20200210.921 github "242,250"
inflections convert english words between singular and plural 20210110.2237 github "241,724"
evil-lion "Evil align operator, port of vim-lion" 20170811.614 github "241,337"
color-theme-sanityinc-solarized A version of Ethan Schoonover's Solarized themes 20200805.603 github "238,377"
sesman Generic Session Manager 20210901.1134 github "236,578"
esh-help Add some help functions and support for Eshell 20190905.22 github "236,136"
bui Buffer interface library 20210108.1141 github "235,754"
buffer-move easily swap buffers 20160615.1803 github "235,442"
py-isort Use isort to sort the imports in a Python buffer 20160925.1018 github "234,493"
git-gutter-fringe Fringe version of git-gutter.el 20211003.2228 github "234,477"
helm-css-scss CSS/SCSS/LESS Selectors with helm interface 20191230.1549 github "232,978"
ace-jump-mode a quick cursor location minor mode for emacs 20140616.815 github "232,412"
helm-purpose Helm Interface for Purpose 20170114.1636 github "230,609"
cmake-mode major-mode for editing CMake sources 20210104.1831 git "230,443"
geiser GNU Emacs and Scheme talk to each other 20220223.1659 gitlab "225,169"
company-statistics Sort candidates using completion history 20170210.1933 github "224,976"
pug-mode Major mode for jade/pug template files 20211114.1645 github "224,514"
imenu-anywhere ido/ivy/helm imenu across same mode/project/etc buffers 20210201.1704 github "222,639"
vterm Fully-featured terminal emulator 20211226.817 github "221,405"
org-brain Org-mode concept mapping 20210706.1519 github "219,882"
gist Emacs integration for 20171128.406 github "216,772"
docker Interface to Docker 20220225.1528 github "214,542"
eshell-z cd to frequent directory in eshell 20191116.333 github "213,769"
ag "A front-end for ag ('the silver searcher'), the C ack replacement." 20201031.2202 github "212,340"
julia-mode Major mode for editing Julia source code 20211023.1434 github "212,001"
emacsql-sqlite EmacSQL back-end for SQLite 20220218.1543 github "211,917"
tide Typescript Interactive Development Environment 20220102.441 github "211,195"
evil-textobj-line Line text object for Evil 20211101.1429 github "210,348"
erlang Erlang major mode 20220215.1844 github "209,795"
ein Emacs IPython Notebook 20211225.1355 github "209,309"
git-gutter+ Manage Git hunks straight from the buffer 20151204.1723 github "208,840"
restclient An interactive HTTP client for Emacs 20220101.1239 github "208,773"
treemacs-icons-dired Treemacs icons for dired 20211229.1448 github "208,713"
gruvbox-theme A retro-groove colour theme for Emacs 20220101.1208 github "207,082"
ggtags emacs frontend to GNU Global source code tagging system 20211020.354 github "206,333"
prettier-js Minor mode to format JS code on file save 20180109.726 github "205,623"
smooth-scrolling Make emacs scroll smoothly 20161002.1949 github "204,589"
rspec-mode Enhance ruby-mode for RSpec 20220203.211 github "204,252"
company-c-headers Company mode backend for C/C++ header files 20190825.1631 github "204,250"
racer "code completion, goto-definition and docs browsing for Rust via racer" 20210307.243 github "201,712"
material-theme A Theme based on the colors of the Google Material Design 20210904.1226 github "199,364"
dracula-theme Dracula Theme 20220209.724 github "197,564"
window-numbering Numbered window shortcuts 20160809.1810 github "197,134"
helm-gtags GNU GLOBAL helm interface 20200602.1610 github "194,910"
livid-mode Live browser eval of JavaScript every time a buffer changes 20131116.1344 github "193,224"
treemacs-magit Magit integration for treemacs 20211010.1005 github "193,153"
toml-mode Major mode for editing TOML files 20161107.1800 github "192,795"
git-gutter-fringe+ Fringe version of git-gutter+.el 20140729.1103 github "192,014"
closql store EIEIO objects using EmacSQL 20220216.1906 github "191,640"
treemacs-persp Persp-mode integration for treemacs 20220209.2117 github "190,717"
org-ref "citations, cross-references and bibliographies in org-mode" 20220212.1552 github "190,394"
mwim Switch between the beginning/end of line or code 20181110.1900 github "188,933"
hy-mode Major mode for Hylang 20211016.2011 github "187,987"
w3m an Emacs interface to w3m 20211122.335 github "186,230"
browse-at-remote Open github/gitlab/bitbucket/stash/gist/phab/sourcehut page from Emacs 20210603.802 github "186,114"
clj-refactor A collection of commands for refactoring Clojure code 20220213.1906 github "185,904"
helm-org Helm for org headlines and keywords completion 20210324.1927 github "185,514"
flycheck-rust Flycheck: Rust additions and Cargo support 20190319.1546 github "183,846"
flycheck-elsa Flycheck for Elsa. 20200203.1758 github "183,501"
org-superstar Prettify headings and plain lists in Org mode 20210915.1934 github "181,319"
csharp-mode C# mode derived mode 20211124.1105 github "179,445"
devdocs Emacs viewer for DevDocs 20220226.925 github "179,318"
cargo "Emacs Minor Mode for Cargo, Rust's Package Manager." 20220208.1933 github "178,541"
ledger-mode "Helper code for use with the ""ledger"" command-line tool" 20211214.1449 github "177,956"
flyspell-correct-helm Correcting words with flyspell via helm interface 20210124.1143 github "175,604"
impatient-mode Serve buffers live over HTTP 20200723.2117 github "175,238"
elixir-mode Major mode for editing Elixir files 20211013.1408 github "175,196"
org-cliplink insert org-mode links from the clipboard 20201126.1020 github "175,121"
ivy-hydra Additional key bindings for Ivy 20210311.1108 github "174,586"
moe-theme "A colorful eye-candy theme. Moe, moe, kyun!" 20220111.1220 github "173,758"
emr Emacs refactoring system. 20220108.548 github "173,744"
beacon Highlight the cursor whenever the window scrolls 20190104.1931 github "173,376"
origami Flexible text folding 20200331.1019 github "172,409"
color-theme An OBSOLETE color-theme implementation 20190220.1115 github "172,184"
org-roam A database abstraction layer for Org-mode 20220227.2050 github "171,502"
gitignore-templates Create .gitignore using GitHub or API 20210814.144 github "169,860"
less-css-mode Major mode for editing LESS CSS files ( 20161001.453 github "169,653"
lsp-java Java support for lsp-mode 20211124.605 github "169,581"
parseedn Clojure/EDN parser 20220207.1352 github "169,523"
key-chord map pairs of simultaneously pressed keys to commands 20201222.2030 github "169,417"
leaf "Simplify your init.el configuration, extended use-package" 20211226.1633 github "169,298"
smart-mode-line A color coded smart mode-line. 20211005.233 github "168,278"
parseclj Clojure/EDN parser 20220207.1351 github "167,310"
lsp-python-ms The lsp-mode client for Microsoft python-language-server 20211204.1209 github "162,952"
jedi-core Common code of jedi.el and company-jedi.el 20210503.1315 github "162,780"
quickrun Run commands quickly 20210904.1553 github "161,825"
cyberpunk-theme Cyberpunk Color Theme 20200601.1632 github "161,466"
magit-svn Git-Svn extension for Magit 20210426.2114 github "161,299"
go-eldoc eldoc for go-mode 20170305.1427 github "161,196"
a Associative data structure functions 20210929.1510 github "160,676"
racket-mode "Racket editing, REPL, and more" 20220222.1947 github "156,412"
elfeed an Emacs Atom/RSS feed reader 20210822.2129 github "156,393"
dashboard A startup screen extracted from Spacemacs 20220208.915 github "156,188"
helm-lsp LSP helm integration 20210419.2014 github "155,447"
helm-git-grep "helm for git grep, an incremental git-grep(1)" 20170614.1411 github "155,139"
rtags A front-end for rtags 20210313.1541 github "152,965"
python-environment virtualenv API for Emacs Lisp 20150310.853 github "152,948"
docker-tramp TRAMP integration for docker containers 20220219.420 github "152,531"
format-all "Auto-format C, C++, JS, Python, Ruby and 50 other languages" 20211119.1042 github "152,110"
rake Run rake commands 20220211.827 github "152,041"
scala-mode Major mode for editing Scala 20210414.1126 github "151,373"
helpful A better *help* buffer 20220220.2308 github "149,765"
annalist Record and display information such as keybindings 20190929.207 github "149,430"
company-go company-mode backend for Go (using gocode) 20170825.1643 github "149,133"
bash-completion BASH completion for the shell buffer 20210821.1941 github "148,432"
marshal eieio extension for automatic (un)marshalling 20201223.1853 github "148,381"
jedi a Python auto-completion for Emacs 20191011.1750 github "148,119"
pipenv A Pipenv porcelain 20210127.1444 github "147,659"
ido-completing-read+ A completing-read-function using ido 20210529.1318 github "147,639"
undercover Test coverage library for Emacs Lisp 20210602.2119 github "146,960"
ample-theme Calm Dark Theme for Emacs 20180207.1745 github "146,503"
groovy-mode Major mode for Groovy source files 20220212.646 github "145,591"
helm-org-rifle Rifle through your Org files 20200512.1943 github "145,248"
python-mode Python major mode 20220223.1329 gitlab "144,618"
blacken "Reformat python buffers using the ""black"" formatter" 20220110.1841 github "143,881"
drag-stuff "Drag stuff (lines, words, region, etc...) around" 20161108.749 github "143,640"
polymode Extensible framework for multiple major modes 20220225.1521 github "143,038"
company-auctex Company-mode auto-completion for AUCTeX 20200529.1835 github "142,934"
noflet locally override functions 20141102.1454 github "142,286"
autothemer Conveniently define themes. 20220106.416 github "140,863"
alect-themes "Configurable light, dark and black themes for Emacs 24 or later" 20211022.1651 github "140,136"
ivy-rich More friendly display transformer for ivy 20210409.931 github "139,732"
parsebib A library for parsing bib files 20220116.2336 github "139,454"
apropospriate-theme "A colorful, low-contrast, light & dark theme set for Emacs with a fun name." 20220114.1444 github "139,370"
bundler Interact with Bundler from Emacs 20200129.1338 github "139,304"
anti-zenburn-theme Low-contrast Zenburn-inverted theme 20180712.1838 github "138,963"
transpose-frame Transpose windows arrangement in a frame 20200307.2119 github "138,341"
dired-quick-sort Persistent quick sorting of dired buffers in various ways. 20201221.403 gitlab "138,026"
rich-minority Clean-up and Beautify the list of minor-modes. 20190419.1136 github "136,440"
tao-theme This package provides two parametrized uncoloured color themes for Emacs: tao-yin and tao-yang. 20211221.1443 github "136,124"
nodejs-repl Run Node.js REPL 20200802.1310 github "135,911"
flycheck-guile A Flycheck checker for GNU Guile 20201202.509 github "135,698"
sublime-themes A collection of themes based on Sublime Text 20170606.1844 github "135,207"
darktooth-theme From the darkness... it watches 20201215.822 github "135,037"
irony C/C++ minor mode powered by libclang 20220110.849 github "133,742"
fish-mode Major mode for fish shell scripts 20210215.1114 github "133,084"
gotham-theme A very dark Emacs color theme 20220107.1730 git "133,052"
xcscope cscope interface for (X)Emacs 20210719.828 github "132,068"
helm-bibtex A bibliography manager based on Helm 20210725.1510 github "131,488"
flycheck-haskell Flycheck: Automatic Haskell configuration 20211223.104 github "130,753"
organic-green-theme Low-contrast green color theme. 20201216.2240 github "130,691"
switch-window A *visual* way to switch window 20210808.742 github "130,315"
bracketed-paste bracketed paste mode support within emacs -nw 20160407.2348 github "129,397"
disaster Disassemble C/C++ code under cursor in Emacs 20171016.2152 github "127,704"
gruber-darker-theme Gruber Darker color theme for Emacs 24. 20220107.1815 github "126,895"
ecukes Cucumber for Emacs. 20210202.1241 github "126,492"
espuds Ecukes step definitions 20160905.1300 github "126,358"
tuareg OCaml mode 20220104.2039 github "126,122"
elisp-refs find callers of elisp functions or macros 20220220.2305 github "125,151"
evil-easymotion A port of vim's easymotion to emacs 20200424.135 github "124,642"
sbt-mode Interactive support for sbt projects 20211203.1148 github "124,116"
inkpot-theme A port of vim's inkpot theme 20220211.548 gitlab "123,938"
elm-mode Major mode for Elm 20220227.931 github "123,223"
ccls ccls client for lsp-mode 20200820.308 github "122,703"
easy-kill kill & mark things easily 20181114.2330 github "122,669"
molokai-theme molokai theme with Emacs theme engine 20220106.1520 github "122,064"
ox-reveal reveal.js Presentation Back-End for Org Export Engine 20220216.1506 github "121,749"
biblio-core A framework for looking up and displaying bibliographic entries 20210418.406 github "121,454"
evil-leader let there be <leader> 20140606.1243 github "121,424"
projectile-rails Minor mode for Rails projects based on projectile-mode 20210810.1303 github "121,194"
afternoon-theme Dark color theme with a deep blue background 20140104.1859 github "121,174"
pippel Frontend to python package manager pip 20220225.1128 github "121,014"
kaolin-themes A set of eye pleasing themes 20220131.1652 github "120,824"
hierarchy Library to create and display hierarchy structures 20190425.842 github "120,535"
makey interactive commandline mode 20131231.1430 github "120,034"
org-journal a simple org-mode based journaling mode 20220103.829 github "119,990"
ujelly-theme Ujelly theme for GNU Emacs 24 (deftheme) 20180214.1624 github "119,020"
biblio "Browse and import bibliographic references from CrossRef, arXiv, DBLP, HAL, Dissemin, and" 20210418.406 github "118,941"
tangotango-theme Tango Palette color theme for Emacs 24. 20220106.1039 github "118,512"
request-deferred Wrap request.el by deferred 20210214.37 github "117,859"
command-log-mode log keyboard commands to buffer 20160413.447 github "117,809"
json-navigator View and navigate JSON structures 20191213.755 github "117,760"
importmagic Fix Python imports using importmagic. 20180520.303 github "117,062"
rubocop An Emacs interface for RuboCop 20210309.1241 github "116,332"
subatomic-theme Low contrast bluish color theme 20220128.1615 github "116,147"
noctilux-theme Dark theme inspired by LightTable 20161113.1442 github "115,293"
grandshell-theme Dark color theme for Emacs > 24 with intensive colors. 20180606.517 git "114,957"
reformatter Define commands which run reformatters on the current buffer 20210831.1405 github "114,541"
tango-plus-theme A color theme based on the tango palette 20211222.1100 github "114,472"
ample-zen-theme AmpleZen Theme for Emacs 24 20150119.2154 github "114,346"
names Namespaces for emacs-lisp. Avoid name clobbering without hiding symbols. 20180321.1155 github "114,274"
guide-key Guide the following key bindings automatically and dynamically 20150108.635 github "114,001"
graphql GraphQL utilities 20180912.31 github "113,713"
flatland-theme A simple theme for Emacs based on the Flatland theme for Sublime Text 20171113.1521 github "113,607"
ruby-tools Collection of handy functions for ruby-mode. 20151209.1615 github "113,059"
flatui-theme A color theme for Emacs based on 20160619.127 github "113,006"
rjsx-mode Real support for JSX 20200120.1446 github "112,903"
grizzl Fast fuzzy search index for Emacs. 20160818.737 github "112,708"
hc-zenburn-theme An higher contrast version of the Zenburn theme. 20150928.1633 github "112,397"
ibuffer-vc "Group ibuffer's list by VC project, or show VC status" 20200805.604 github "112,322"
jazz-theme A warm color theme for Emacs 24+. 20201026.1027 github "111,712"
ivy-xref Ivy interface for xref results 20211008.1103 github "111,584"
naquadah-theme A theme based on Tango color set 20190225.1427 github "110,935"
darkburn-theme A not-so-low contrast color theme for Emacs. 20170423.1652 github "110,820"
soothe-theme a dark colorful theme for Emacs24. 20141027.1441 github "110,744"
clues-theme an Emacs 24 theme which may well be fully awesome... 20161213.1127 github "110,528"
spacegray-theme A Hyperminimal UI Theme 20150719.1931 github "109,411"
hindent "Indent haskell code using the ""hindent"" program" 20210201.148 github "109,241"
minimal-theme A light/dark minimalistic Emacs 24 theme. 20190113.2132 github "109,100"
espresso-theme Espresso Tutti Colori port for Emacs 20210505.1957 github "108,708"
guru-mode Become an Emacs guru 20211025.1157 github "108,450"
planet-theme A dark theme inspired by Gmail's 'Planets' theme of yore 20161031.217 github "108,403"
badwolf-theme Bad Wolf color theme 20161004.715 github "108,243"
discover-my-major Discover key bindings and their meaning for the current Emacs major mode 20180606.511 git "108,120"
auctex-latexmk Add LatexMk support to AUCTeX 20170618.1636 github "108,038"
seti-theme "A dark colored theme, inspired by Seti Atom Theme" 20190201.1848 github "107,940"
darkmine-theme Yet another emacs dark color theme. 20160406.624 github "107,646"
rvm Emacs integration for rvm 20201222.17 github "107,585"
twilight-theme Twilight theme for GNU Emacs 24 (deftheme) 20120412.1303 github "107,356"
ruby-test-mode Minor mode for Behaviour and Test Driven 20210205.1107 github "107,188"
cherry-blossom-theme a soothing color theme for Emacs24. 20150622.342 github "107,149"
bubbleberry-theme A theme based on LightTable for Emacs24 20141017.944 github "107,062"
phoenix-dark-pink-theme Originally a port of the Sublime Text 2 theme 20190821.48 github "107,039"
github-clone Fork and clone github repos 20210108.1920 github "106,996"
company-shell Company mode backend for shell functions 20211013.1725 github "106,741"
ruby-hash-syntax Toggle ruby hash syntax between => and 1.9+ styles 20210106.224 github "106,370"
tango-2-theme Tango 2 color theme for GNU Emacs 24 20120312.2025 git "105,987"
heroku-theme Heroku color theme 20150523.219 github "105,945"
lush-theme A dark theme with lush colors 20180816.2200 github "105,795"
dakrone-theme dakrone's custom dark theme 20170801.1933 github "105,760"
twilight-anti-bright-theme A soothing Emacs 24 light-on-dark theme 20160622.848 github "105,565"
yari Yet Another RI interface for Emacs 20151128.739 github "105,483"
birds-of-paradise-plus-theme A brown/orange light-on-dark theme for Emacs 24 (deftheme). 20130419.2129 github "105,080"
twilight-bright-theme A Emacs 24 faces port of the TextMate theme 20130605.843 github "104,953"
ir-black-theme Port of ir-black theme 20130303.755 github "104,798"
soft-morning-theme Emacs24 theme with a light background. 20150918.2041 github "104,793"
ibuffer-projectile Group ibuffer's list by projectile root 20200805.604 github "104,714"
busybee-theme port of vim's mustang theme 20170719.928 github "104,609"
hemisu-theme Hemisu for Emacs. 20130508.1844 github "104,412"
underwater-theme "A gentle, deep blue color theme" 20131118.2 github "103,934"
gandalf-theme Gandalf color theme 20130809.947 github "103,831"
prescient Better sorting and filtering 20211228.417 github "103,515"
whitespace-cleanup-mode Intelligently call whitespace-cleanup on save 20210510.533 github "103,491"
zen-and-art-theme zen and art color theme for GNU Emacs 24 20120622.1437 github "103,281"
scratch Mode-specific scratch buffers 20190314.614 github "103,105"
smartrep Support sequential operation which omitted prefix keys. 20150509.230 github "103,068"
monochrome-theme A dark Emacs 24 theme for your focused hacking sessions 20140326.1050 github "103,028"
alchemist Elixir tooling integration into Emacs 20180312.1304 github "102,907"
toxi-theme A dark color theme by toxi 20160424.2126 github "102,848"
django-theme Custom face theme for Emacs 20131022.902 github "102,846"
subatomic256-theme Fork of subatomic-theme for terminals. 20130621.210 github "102,586"
oldlace-theme Emacs 24 theme with an 'oldlace' background. 20150705.1300 github "102,487"
smyx-theme smyx Color Theme 20141127.828 github "102,484"
go-guru Integration of the Go 'guru' analysis tool into Emacs. 20181012.330 github "102,437"
soft-charcoal-theme Dark charcoal theme with soft colors 20140420.1643 github "102,434"
professional-theme Emacs port of Vim's professional theme 20150315.1100 github "102,255"
obsidian-theme port of the eclipse obsidian theme 20170719.948 github "102,190"
soft-stone-theme Emacs 24 theme with a light background. 20140614.835 github "102,048"
session "use variables, registers and buffer places across sessions" 20120511.0 github "102,025"
purple-haze-theme an overtly purple color theme for Emacs24. 20141015.229 github "101,868"
mustang-theme port of vim's mustang theme 20170719.946 github "101,821"
reverse-theme Reverse theme for Emacs 20141205.145 github "101,249"
light-soap-theme Emacs 24 theme with a light background. 20150607.1445 github "101,162"
buttercup Behavior-Driven Emacs Lisp Testing 20210105.2255 github "101,159"
occidental-theme Custom theme for faces based on Adwaita 20130312.1958 github "101,048"
sunny-day-theme Emacs24 theme with a light background. 20140413.2125 github "100,981"
phoenix-dark-mono-theme Monochromatic version of the Phoenix theme 20170729.1406 github "100,951"
highlight-symbol automatic and manual symbol highlighting 20160102.2009 github "100,913"
rbenv Emacs integration for rbenv 20141120.749 github "100,903"
ac-php-core The core library of the ac-php 20220120.754 github "100,179"
caml Caml mode for GNU Emacs 20211226.27 github "100,011"
jbeans-theme Jbeans theme for GNU Emacs 24 (deftheme) 20200924.1946 github "99,114"
nginx-mode major mode for editing nginx config files 20170612.437 github "99,057"
string-edit Avoid escape nightmares by editing string in separate buffer 20210405.1836 github "98,849"
ov Overlay library for Emacs Lisp 20200326.1042 github "98,747"
magit-todos Show source file TODOs in Magit 20210811.459 github "98,627"
highlight-escape-sequences Highlight escape sequences 20201214.1730 github "98,270"
cider-eval-sexp-fu Briefly highlights an evaluated sexp. 20190311.2152 github "98,227"
esup The Emacs StartUp Profiler (ESUP) 20220202.2335 github "98,055"
auto-package-update Automatically update Emacs packages. 20211108.2025 github "97,306"
lsp-pyright Python LSP client using Pyright 20211103.619 github "96,433"
general Convenience wrappers for keybindings. 20211203.120 github "95,332"
emojify Display emojis in Emacs 20210108.1111 github "95,223"
farmhouse-theme "Farmhouse Theme, Emacs edition" 20160713.2244 github "95,140"
modus-themes Highly accessible and customizable themes (WCAG AAA) 20220227.1815 gitlab "94,694"
omtose-phellack-theme "A dark theme, with cold bluish touch." 20161111.2120 github "94,079"
fullframe Generalized automatic execution in a single frame 20210226.1057 git "94,027"
hcl-mode Major mode for Hashicorp 20200315.2129 github "93,456"
visual-regexp A regexp/replace command for Emacs with interactive visual feedback 20210502.2019 github "93,423"
google-c-style Google's C/C++ style for c-mode 20220210.1659 github "93,154"
majapahit-theme Color theme with a dark and light versions 20160817.1848 gitlab "93,145"
terraform-mode Major mode for terraform configuration file 20210621.1953 github "93,036"
deft "quickly browse, filter, and edit plain text notes" 20210707.1633 github "92,495"
add-node-modules-path Add node_modules to your exec-path 20210305.312 github "92,086"
dired-hacks-utils Utilities and helpers for dired-hacks collection 20201005.2318 github "92,050"
darkokai-theme A darker variant on Monokai. 20200614.1452 github "91,985"
vimrc-mode Major mode for vimrc files 20181116.1919 github "91,967"
slime-company slime completion backend for company mode 20210124.1627 github "91,700"
lsp-origami origami.el support for lsp-mode 20211016.1045 github "91,696"
eglot Client for Language Server Protocol (LSP) servers 20220123.1406 github "91,439"
diredfl Extra font lock rules for a more colourful dired 20220103.1744 github "91,156"
multi-line multi-line statements 20220112.1744 github "90,780"
whole-line-or-region Operate on current line if region undefined 20201214.650 github "90,571"
edn Support for reading and writing the edn data format from elisp 20160215.1219 github "90,511"
powershell Mode for editing PowerShell scripts 20220103.925 github "90,267"
el-mock Tiny Mock and Stub framework in Emacs Lisp 20170824.1954 github "89,893"
magit-gh-pulls GitHub pull requests extension for Magit 20191230.1944 github "89,888"
lsp-haskell Haskell support for lsp-mode 20220226.1437 github "89,014"
railscasts-theme Railscasts color theme for GNU Emacs. 20150219.1525 github "88,446"
ruby-compilation run a ruby process in a compilation buffer 20150709.640 github "88,341"
plantuml-mode Major mode for PlantUML 20191102.2056 github "88,322"
swift-mode Major-mode for Apple's Swift programming language 20211031.543 github "88,041"
default-text-scale Easily adjust the font size in all frames 20191226.2234 github "87,694"
all-the-icons-dired Shows icons for each file in dired mode 20211007.1729 github "87,540"
textile-mode Textile markup editing major mode 20210912.906 github "87,538"
pandoc-mode Minor mode for interacting with Pandoc 20211208.2229 github "87,402"
flycheck-ledger Flycheck integration for ledger files 20200304.2204 github "86,900"
github-browse-file View the file you're editing on GitHub 20160205.1427 github "86,427"
nix-mode Major mode for editing .nix files 20220121.1723 github "85,808"
eldoc-eval Enable eldoc support when minibuffer is in use. 20220106.1951 github "85,606"
ranger Make dired more like ranger 20210125.330 github "85,070"
js-comint JavaScript interpreter in window. 20200117.615 github "84,552"
cask Cask: Project management for package development 20211103.1654 github "84,283"
crux A Collection of Ridiculously Useful eXtensions 20210811.436 github "84,014"
dart-mode Major mode for editing Dart files 20210830.0 github "83,787"
css-eldoc an eldoc-mode plugin for CSS source code 20150125.323 github "83,483"
lsp-ivy LSP ivy integration 20210904.2043 github "83,253"
chruby Emacs integration for chruby 20180114.1652 github "83,215"
base16-theme Collection of themes built on combinations of 16 base colors 20211225.2032 github "82,570"
highlight-quoted Highlight Lisp quotes and quoted symbols 20140916.1822 github "82,322"
haskell-snippets Yasnippets for Haskell 20210228.344 github "82,279"
esxml Library for working with xml via esxml and sxml 20211122.1657 github "82,238"
merlin "Mode for Merlin, an assistant for OCaml" 20210720.950 github "81,485"
rainbow-identifiers Highlight identifiers according to their names 20141102.1526 github "80,513"
vlf View Large Files 20191126.2250 github "80,438"
helm-dash Offline documentation browser for +150 APIs using Dash docsets. 20190527.1118 github "80,115"
org-rich-yank Paste with org-mode markup and link to source 20201115.823 github "79,858"
rg A search tool based on ripgrep 20220116.1228 github "79,359"
flyspell-correct-ivy Correcting words with flyspell via ivy interface 20210124.1143 github "79,303"
faceup Markup language for faces and font-lock regression testing 20170925.1946 github "79,092"
git-blamed Minor mode for incremental blame for Git 20161028.1926 github "79,047"
reveal-in-osx-finder Reveal file associated with buffer in OS X Finder 20150802.1657 github "78,965"
flymake-easy Helpers for easily building flymake checkers 20140818.755 github "78,833"
operate-on-number Operate on number at point with arithmetic functions 20150707.623 github "78,616"
regex-tool A regular expression evaluation tool for programmers 20170104.1918 github "78,343"
company-irony company-mode completion back-end for irony-mode 20190124.2346 github "78,249"
minitest An Emacs mode for ruby minitest files 20200506.308 github "77,891"
graphviz-dot-mode Mode for the dot-language used by graphviz (att). 20220117.1537 github "77,473"
persistent-soft "Persistent storage, returning nil on failure" 20150223.1853 github "77,366"
org-repo-todo Simple repository todo management with org-mode 20171228.119 github "76,456"
highlight-indent-guides Minor mode to highlight indentation 20200820.2328 github "76,404"
dante Development mode for Haskell 20210301.1738 github "76,239"
clojure-snippets Yasnippets for clojure 20180314.1308 github "75,959"
move-dup Eclipse-like moving and duplicating lines or rectangles 20210127.1938 github "75,888"
cmm-mode Major mode for C-- source code 20150225.746 github "75,200"
math-symbol-lists Lists of Unicode math symbols and latex commands 20200131.2338 github "75,121"
yagist Yet Another Emacs integration for 20160418.508 github "75,039"
idomenu imenu tag selection a la ido 20141123.2120 github "74,753"
emms The Emacs Multimedia System 20220221.1445 git "74,239"
zop-to-char A replacement of zap-to-char. 20160212.1554 github "74,121"
helm-flyspell Helm extension for correcting words with flyspell 20170210.1901 github "74,067"
lispy vi-like Paredit 20220209.1138 github "73,861"
god-mode Minor mode for God-like command entering 20210102.515 github "73,783"
white-sand-theme Emacs theme with a light background. 20210131.813 github "73,012"
nov Featureful EPUB reader mode 20220218.1230 git "72,783"
launchctl Interface to launchctl on Mac OS X. 20210611.2243 github "72,495"
terminal-here Run an external terminal in current directory 20210605.1453 github "72,313"
consult Consulting completing-read 20220227.1400 github "72,277"
vc-darcs a VC backend for darcs 20170905.320 github "72,216"
protobuf-mode major mode for editing protocol buffers. 20211013.1726 github "71,924"
company-php A company back-end for PHP. 20211204.558 github "71,918"
rebecca-theme Rebecca Purple Theme 20180324.821 github "71,849"
ox-pandoc An Org-mode exporter using pandoc 20211224.1240 github "71,738"
exotica-theme A dark theme with vibrant colors 20180212.2329 github "71,608"
company-box Company front-end with icons 20211020.2007 github "71,432"
madhat2r-theme dark color theme that is easy on the eyes 20170203.30 github "71,235"
crontab-mode Major mode for crontab(5) 20210715.133 github "70,240"
counsel-gtags ivy for GNU global 20210222.1803 github "70,097"
go-rename Integration of the 'gorename' tool into Emacs. 20190805.2101 github "70,073"
sr-speedbar Same frame speedbar 20161025.831 github "70,063"
osx-trash System trash for OS X 20210419.2229 github "69,974"
company-cabal company-mode cabal backend 20170917.1317 github "69,648"
bug-reference-github Set `bug-reference-url-format' in Github repos 20200206.2158 github "69,153"
better-defaults Fixing weird quirks and poor defaults 20220116.2220 git "69,085"
bbdb The Insidious Big Brother Database for GNU Emacs 20220224.403 git "68,771"
org-tree-slide A presentation tool for org-mode 20220112.142 github "68,402"
color-identifiers-mode Color identifiers based on their names 20210607.1842 github "68,021"
edit-indirect Edit regions in separate buffers 20220216.1812 github "67,941"
flycheck-color-mode-line Change mode line color with Flycheck status 20200528.416 github "67,743"
flycheck-elm Flycheck support for the elm language 20181107.146 github "67,301"
org-super-agenda Supercharge your agenda 20210928.916 github "67,059"
evil-commentary Comment stuff out. A port of vim-commentary. 20210210.1702 github "67,031"
company-rtags RTags back-end for company 20191222.920 github "66,897"
olivetti Minor mode for a nice writing environment 20211030.838 github "66,860"
cask-mode major mode for editing Cask files 20160410.1449 github "66,757"
nyan-mode Nyan Cat shows position in current buffer in mode-line. 20200526.1054 github "66,521"
ruby-refactor A minor mode which presents various Ruby refactoring helpers. 20160214.1650 github "66,393"
sphinx-doc Sphinx friendly docstrings for Python functions 20210213.1250 github "66,107"
enh-ruby-mode Major mode for editing Ruby files 20210120.201 github "66,042"
dtrt-indent Adapt to foreign indentation offsets 20220226.1354 github "65,826"
jade-mode Major mode for editing .jade files 20210908.2121 github "65,289"
bibtex-completion A BibTeX backend for completion frameworks 20220117.1131 github "65,184"
ycmd emacs bindings to the ycmd completion server 20190416.807 github "64,605"
phpunit Launch PHP unit tests using phpunit 20180829.1438 github "64,602"
solaire-mode make certain buffers grossly incandescent 20211213.102 github "64,545"
smarty-mode major mode for editing smarty templates 20100703.1158 github "64,530"
py-autopep8 Use autopep8 to beautify a Python buffer 20160925.1052 github "64,487"
findr Breadth-first file-finding facility for (X)Emacs 20130127.2032 github "64,394"
rustic Rust development environment 20220227.1323 github "63,061"
omnisharp Omnicompletion (intellisense) and more for C# 20210725.1955 github "62,877"
yard-mode Minor mode for Ruby YARD comments 20170817.1237 github "62,810"
company-emoji company-mode backend for emoji 20210427.2151 github "61,957"
realgud A modular front-end for interacting with external debuggers 20211107.2210 github "61,831"
company-prescient prescient.el + Company 20211228.417 github "61,392"
lcr lightweight coroutines 20210102.853 github "61,143"
loop friendly imperative loop structures 20160813.1407 github "61,071"
ac-js2 "Auto-complete source for Js2-mode, with navigation" 20190101.933 github "60,704"
sudo-edit Open files as another user 20210706.534 github "60,642"
hlint-refactor Apply HLint suggestions 20190115.900 github "60,622"
docker-compose-mode Major mode for editing docker-compose files 20200830.1336 github "60,565"
ansible Ansible minor mode 20220114.45 github "60,348"
cljsbuild-mode A minor mode for the ClojureScript 'lein cljsbuild' command 20160402.1700 github "60,343"
dhall-mode Major mode for the dhall configuration language 20200822.258 github "60,018"
skewer-less Skewer support for live LESS stylesheet updates 20210510.532 github "59,943"
flycheck-clojure Flycheck: Clojure support 20191215.2227 github "59,925"
eclim An interface to the Eclipse IDE. 20181108.1134 github "59,876"
focus Dim the font color of text in surrounding sections 20191209.2210 github "59,366"
ipretty Interactive Emacs Lisp pretty-printing 20180606.522 git "59,302"
flycheck-rtags RTags Flycheck integration 20191222.920 github "59,273"
company-ghci company backend which uses the current ghci process. 20190707.311 github "58,865"
stickyfunc-enhance An enhancement to stock `semantic-stickyfunc-mode' 20150429.1814 github "58,685"
dsvn Subversion interface 20190316.2201 github "58,556"
yaml YAML parser for Elisp 20210730.143 github "58,539"
ivy-yasnippet Preview yasnippets with ivy 20200704.700 github "58,380"
ts Timestamp and date/time library 20210813.1617 github "58,290"
company-math Completion backends for unicode math symbols and latex tags 20210731.2019 github "58,246"
goto-line-preview Preview line when executing `goto-line` command 20210323.422 github "57,950"
ox-hugo Hugo Markdown Back-End for Org Export Engine 20220225.358 github "57,563"
insert-shebang Insert shebang line automatically. 20201203.1648 github "57,554"
dimmer Visually highlight the selected buffer 20211123.1536 github "57,442"
purescript-mode A PureScript editing mode 20210109.244 github "57,272"
modern-cpp-font-lock "Font-locking for ""Modern C++""" 20210405.1155 github "57,193"
circe Client for IRC in Emacs 20210717.1041 github "57,192"
glsl-mode major mode for Open GLSL shader files 20210808.1945 github "57,143"
evil-terminal-cursor-changer Change cursor shape and color by evil state in terminal 20211225.600 github "56,868"
elein running leiningen commands from emacs 20120120.1116 github "56,773"
helm-rtags A front-end for rtags 20191222.920 github "56,658"
company-jedi Company-mode completion back-end for Python JEDI 20200324.25 github "56,080"
company-ycmd company-mode backend for ycmd 20180520.1053 github "56,072"
pbcopy Emacs Interface to pbcopy 20150225.459 github "55,501"
puppet-mode Major mode for Puppet manifests 20210305.645 github "55,317"
marginalia Enrich existing commands with completion annotations 20220226.1237 github "54,893"
jinja2-mode A major mode for jinja2 20220117.807 github "54,828"
matlab-mode Major mode for MATLAB(R) dot-m files 20211122.833 git "54,751"
drupal-mode Advanced minor mode for Drupal development 20220125.1044 github "54,671"
dired-subtree Insert subdirectories in a tree-like fashion 20210105.1127 github "54,658"
osx-dictionary Interface for OSX 20210703.1152 github "54,570"
go-impl impl integration for go-mode 20210621.743 github "54,530"
calfw Calendar view framework on Emacs 20180118.45 github "54,478"
helm-hoogle Use helm to navigate query results from Hoogle 20161027.534 github "54,426"
amx Alternative M-x with extra features. 20210305.118 github "54,407"
evil-snipe emulate vim-sneak & vim-seek 20211114.1647 github "54,222"
google-this A set of functions and bindings to google under point. 20170810.1215 github "54,210"
feature-mode Major mode for editing Gherkin (i.e. Cucumber) user stories 20200815.1617 github "54,195"
kv key/value data structure functions 20140108.1534 github "54,127"
disable-mouse Disable mouse commands globally 20210512.2114 github "53,970"
anaphora anaphoric macros providing implicit temp variables 20180618.2200 github "53,894"
psc-ide Minor mode for PureScript's IDE server. 20210219.2247 github "53,841"
flycheck-cask Cask support in Flycheck 20200926.1502 github "53,787"
rinari Rinari Is Not A Rails IDE 20150709.640 github "53,726"
comment-dwim-2 An all-in-one comment command to rule them all 20210101.1820 github "53,575"
direx Simple Directory Explorer 20170422.1327 github "53,418"
paredit-everywhere Enable some paredit features in non-lisp buffers 20210510.531 github "53,345"
go-gen-test Generate tests for go code with gotests 20210816.1215 github "53,286"
super-save "Auto-save buffers, based on your activity." 20200930.1634 github "53,277"
tree-mode A mode to manage tree widgets 20151104.1331 github "53,276"
hide-mode-line minor mode that hides/masks your modeline 20211112.1400 github "52,991"
darcsum a pcl-cvs like interface for managing darcs patches 20190316.2215 github "52,954"
go-tag Edit Golang struct field tag 20180227.411 github "52,937"
jump build functions which contextually jump between files 20161127.128 github "52,691"
srefactor A refactoring tool based on Semantic parser framework 20180703.1810 github "52,343"
go-fill-struct Fill struct for golang. 20171225.331 github "52,259"
ob-restclient org-babel functions for restclient-mode 20220202.1609 github "52,041"
org-ql "Org Query Language, search command, and agenda-like view" 20210922.615 github "51,748"
tabbar Display a tab bar in the header line 20180726.1735 github "51,610"
systemd Major mode for editing systemd units 20210209.2052 github "51,316"
meghanada A better java development mode 20220101.501 github "50,792"
flycheck-popup-tip Display Flycheck error messages using popup.el 20170812.2351 github "50,397"
eziam-theme "A mostly monochrome theme, inspired by Tao and Leuven, with dark and light versions." 20200327.1810 github "50,152"
el-get Manage the external elisp bits and pieces you depend upon 20211224.959 github "50,069"
ob-ipython org-babel functions for IPython evaluation 20180224.953 github "49,688"
hippie-expand-slime Hook slime's completion into hippie-expand 20170723.146 github "49,393"
know-your-http-well "Look up the meaning of HTTP headers, methods, relations, status codes" 20160208.2304 github "49,260"
company-terraform A company backend for terraform 20190607.1037 github "49,243"
gotest Launch GO unit tests 20220209.1739 github "49,188"
idle-highlight-mode Highlight the word the point is on 20220211.548 gitlab "48,982"
emacsql-sqlite3 Yet another EmacSQL backend for SQLite 20200914.508 github "48,657"
sly Sylvester the Cat's Common Lisp IDE 20220131.1646 github "48,527"
graphql-mode Major mode for editing GraphQL schemas 20211127.1023 github "48,520"
pallet "A package management tool for Emacs, using Cask." 20150512.702 github "48,448"
ac-slime An auto-complete source using slime completions 20171027.2100 github "48,429"
notmuch run notmuch within emacs 20220226.1200 git "48,422"
poetry Interface to Poetry 20211016.834 github "48,273"
cmake-ide Calls CMake to find out include paths and other compiler flags 20210610.1525 github "48,179"
magithub Magit interfaces for GitHub 20190512.2316 github "47,882"
embark Conveniently act on minibuffer completions 20220225.2232 github "47,785"
flycheck-ycmd flycheck integration for ycmd 20181016.618 github "47,539"
lsp-dart Dart support lsp-mode 20220212.27 github "47,456"
perspective "switch between named ""perspectives"" of the editor" 20220225.2254 github "47,226"
ebib a BibTeX database manager 20220121.2236 github "47,024"
twittering-mode Major mode for Twitter 20181121.1402 github "46,801"
org-re-reveal Org export to reveal.js presentations 20211119.624 gitlab "46,452"
org-gcal Org sync with Google Calendar 20220222.1915 github "46,208"
company-restclient company-mode completion back-end for restclient-mode 20190426.1312 github "46,195"
ecb a code browser for Emacs 20170728.1921 github "45,801"
dash-at-point Search the word at point with Dash 20211023.104 github "45,797"
prodigy Manage external services from within Emacs 20210116.816 github "45,574"
company-reftex Company backend based on RefTeX. 20210418.1316 github "44,766"
ssass-mode Edit Sass without a Turing Machine 20200211.132 github "44,727"
adoc-mode a major-mode for editing AsciiDoc files in Emacs 20160314.2130 github "44,469"
fsharp-mode Support for the F# programming language 20211229.1121 github "44,421"
2048-game play 2048 in Emacs 20200417.259 hg "44,360"
try Try out Emacs packages. 20181204.236 github "43,988"
centaur-tabs "Aesthetic, modern looking customizable tabs plugin" 20220224.808 github "43,830"
mode-line-bell Flash the mode line instead of ringing the bell 20181029.516 github "43,773"
shackle Enforce rules for popups 20211118.1129 git "43,754"
vimish-fold Fold text like in Vim 20201205.1156 github "43,681"
ace-jump-buffer fast buffer switching extension to `avy' 20171031.1550 github "43,631"
markup-faces collection of faces for markup language modes 20141110.817 github "43,531"
lsp-metals Scala Client settings 20220218.1105 github "43,207"
go-autocomplete auto-complete-mode backend for go-mode 20170626.1023 github "42,893"
flycheck-irony Flycheck: C/C++ support via Irony 20180604.2152 github "42,750"
list-unicode-display Search for and list unicode characters by name 20181121.2316 github "42,748"
evil-indent-textobject evil textobjects based on indentation 20130831.2219 github "42,719"
emoji-cheat-sheet-plus emoji-cheat-sheet for emacs 20200202.1404 github "42,692"
vue-mode Major mode for vue component based on mmm-mode 20190415.231 github "42,595"
bm Visible bookmarks in buffer. 20210421.1351 github "42,582"
ac-cider Clojure auto-complete sources using CIDER 20161006.719 github "42,563"
leaf-keywords Additional leaf.el keywords for external packages 20210816.1107 github "42,533"
ucs-utils Utilities for Unicode characters 20150826.1414 github "42,266"
daemons UI for managing init system daemons (services) 20211214.1251 github "42,233"
npm-mode minor mode for working with npm projects 20190616.2025 github "42,225"
ansible-doc Ansible documentation Minor Mode 20160924.824 github "42,165"
vue-html-mode Major mode for editing Vue.js templates 20180428.2035 github "41,394"
engine-mode Define and query search engines from within Emacs. 20200611.1825 github "41,121"
hl-anything "Highlight symbols, selections, enclosing parens and more." 20160422.1708 github "41,108"
ivy-prescient prescient.el + Ivy 20211228.417 github "40,382"
ox-gfm Github Flavored Markdown Back-End for Org Export Engine 20170628.2102 github "40,327"
nasm-mode NASM x86 assembly major mode 20190410.342 github "40,264"
ddskk Simple Kana to Kanji conversion program. 20220227.1955 github "40,205"
password-store Password store (pass) support 20200328.1214 github "40,162"
kotlin-mode Major mode for kotlin 20210917.1911 github "39,986"
ace-pinyin Jump to Chinese characters using avy or ace-jump-mode 20210827.355 github "39,976"
godoctor Frontend for godoctor 20180710.2152 github "39,891"
load-relative Relative file load (within a multi-file Emacs package) 20201130.2202 github "39,826"
cdlatex Fast input methods for LaTeX environments and math 20210804.452 github "39,817"
slack Slack client for Emacs 20211129.310 github "39,758"
shm Structured Haskell Mode 20180327.57 github "39,565"
wgrep-ag Writable ag buffer and apply the changes to files 20200217.1028 github "39,534"
psci Major mode for purescript repl psci 20191025.830 github "39,421"
cmake-font-lock "Advanced, type aware, highlight support for CMake" 20211224.2006 github "39,152"
spray a speed reading mode 20160304.2220 git "39,089"
edit-server server that responds to edit requests from Chrome 20181016.1125 github "39,018"
nim-mode A major mode for the Nim programming language 20211102.917 github "39,000"
atom-one-dark-theme Atom One Dark color theme 20210128.1640 github "38,891"
github-search Clone repositories by searching github 20190624.436 github "38,867"
minions A minor-mode menu for the mode line 20211110.142 github "38,704"
nav-flash Briefly highlight the current line 20210906.1942 github "38,703"
ob-http http request in org-mode babel 20180707.1448 github "38,588"
virtualenvwrapper a featureful virtualenv tool for Emacs 20190223.1919 github "38,522"
apache-mode Major mode for editing Apache httpd configuration files 20210519.1931 github "38,386"
frame-local Variables local to a frame 20180330.940 github "38,272"
utop Universal toplevel for OCaml 20210607.1941 github "38,246"
seeing-is-believing minor mode for running the seeing-is-believing ruby gem 20170214.1320 github "38,114"
ghci-completion Completion for GHCi commands in inferior-haskell buffers 20151125.1257 github "37,739"
tree-sitter-langs Grammar bundle for tree-sitter 20220212.641 github "37,629"
elfeed-org Configure elfeed with one or more org-mode files 20210510.1219 github "37,609"
elisp-def macro-aware go-to-definition for elisp 20210126.750 github "37,296"
migemo Japanese incremental search through dynamic pattern expansion 20200913.12 github "37,295"
elscreen Emacs window session manager 20181009.451 github "37,269"
clojure-mode-extra-font-locking Extra font-locking for Clojure mode 20211230.817 github "37,264"
ghub+ a thick GitHub API client built on ghub 20191229.1748 github "37,234"
ob-async Asynchronous org-babel src block execution 20210428.2052 github "37,106"
d-mode D Programming Language major mode for (X)Emacs 20210119.1853 github "37,031"
ess-R-data-view Data viewer for GNU R 20130509.1158 github "36,731"
flycheck-bashate Integrate bashate with flycheck 20200625.642 github "36,700"
web-server Emacs Web Server 20210708.2242 github "36,682"
immortal-scratch respawn the scratch buffer when it's killed 20160517.2118 github "36,664"
selectrum Easily select item from list 20220123.27 github "36,649"
persistent-scratch Preserve the scratch buffer across Emacs sessions 20220218.810 github "36,609"
ztree Text mode directory tree 20210415.1947 github "36,405"
ob-go org-babel functions for go evaluation 20190201.2040 github "36,322"
levenshtein Edit distance between two strings. 20090830.1040 github "36,293"
gradle-mode Gradle integration with Emacs' compile 20150313.1905 github "36,277"
orgit-forge Org links to Forge issue buffers 20220211.26 github "36,248"
auto-complete-c-headers An auto-complete source for C/C++ header files 20150912.323 github "36,209"
guide-key-tip Show guide-key.el hints using pos-tip.el 20161011.823 github "36,205"
elisp-demos Elisp API Demos 20210312.542 github "36,194"
elm-test-runner Enhanced support for running elm-test 20190105.1923 github "36,072"
httprepl An HTTP REPL 20141101.1734 github "36,054"
tree-sitter Incremental parsing system 20220212.1632 github "36,012"
test-simple Simple Unit Test Framework for Emacs Lisp 20200722.1121 github "35,993"
redshank Common Lisp Editing Extensions 20180730.407 github "35,927"
yaxception Provide framework about exception like Java for Elisp 20150105.1452 github "35,849"
dired-k "Highlight dired by size, date, git status" 20211002.2358 github "35,686"
lsp-sourcekit sourcekit-lsp client for lsp-mode 20210905.2017 github "35,507"
arduino-mode Major mode for editing Arduino code 20220210.1355 git "35,451"
helm-cscope Helm interface for xcscope.el. 20190615.41 github "35,204"
no-littering help keeping ~/.emacs.d clean 20220227.1208 github "35,054"
loc-changes keep track of positions even after buffer changes 20200722.1111 github "34,917"
lsp-docker LSP Docker integration 20211203.1659 github "34,908"
proof-general PG init file for package.el and ELPA compatibility 20220209.1726 github "34,899"
groovy-imports Code for dealing with Groovy imports 20210505.1807 github "34,728"
mu4e-alert Desktop notification for mu4e 20190418.558 github "34,636"
tsc Core Tree-sitter APIs 20220212.1632 github "34,589"
ox-twbs Bootstrap compatible HTML Back-End for Org 20200628.1949 github "34,426"
font-utils Utility functions for working with fonts 20210405.1149 github "34,295"
json-rpc JSON-RPC library 20200417.1629 github "34,182"
apiwrap api-wrapping macros 20180602.2231 github "34,044"
dired-rsync Allow rsync from dired buffers 20210806.850 github "34,003"
sqlformat Reformat SQL using sqlformat or pgformatter 20210305.209 github "33,945"
lively interactively updating text 20171005.754 github "33,928"
jabber A Jabber client for Emacs. 20180927.2325 github "33,918"
company-ansible A company back-end for ansible 20200306.1441 github "33,850"
keyfreq track command frequencies 20210630.1318 github "33,775"
dash-docs Offline documentation browser using Dash docsets. 20210830.926 github "33,662"
unicode-fonts Configure Unicode fonts 20200803.1335 github "33,615"
mvn helpers for compiling with maven 20181002.1617 github "33,561"
osx-clipboard Use the OS X clipboard from terminal Emacs 20141012.717 github "33,558"
company-lua Company backend for Lua 20171108.2306 github "33,528"
auto-complete-clang Auto Completion source for clang for GNU Emacs 20140409.752 github "33,382"
ruby-end Automatic insertion of end blocks for Ruby 20141215.1223 github "33,372"
idris-mode Major mode for editing Idris code 20220105.1300 github "33,342"
visual-regexp-steroids Extends visual-regexp to support other regexp engines 20170222.253 github "33,186"
deadgrep "fast, friendly searching with ripgrep" 20220209.719 github "33,128"
atomic-chrome Edit Chrome text area with Emacs using Atomic Chrome 20210221.59 github "33,078"
github-review GitHub based code review 20211029.243 github "33,067"
chocolate-theme A dark chocolaty theme 20210128.1647 github "32,962"
mu4e-maildirs-extension Show mu4e maildirs summary in mu4e-main-view 20201028.921 github "32,824"
company-irony-c-headers Company mode backend for C/C++ header files with Irony 20151018.909 github "32,741"
youdao-dictionary Youdao Dictionary interface for Emacs 20200722.1705 github "32,730"
lsp-mssql MSSQL LSP bindings 20191204.1150 github "32,714"
rubocopfmt Minor-mode to format Ruby code with RuboCop on save 20200713.1144 github "32,691"
pydoc "functional, syntax highlighted pydoc navigation" 20211119.2211 github "32,665"
erc-hl-nicks ERC nick highlighter that ignores uniquifying chars when colorizing 20200317.16 github "32,622"
ob-elixir org-babel functions for elixir evaluation 20170725.1419 github "32,600"
company-dict A backend that emulates ac-source-dictionary 20190302.5 github "32,445"
all-the-icons-ivy-rich Better experience with icons for ivy 20220219.1054 github "32,433"
org-noter "A synchronized, Org-mode, document annotator" 20191020.1212 github "32,372"
zoutline Simple outline library. 20220102.835 github "32,213"
helm-flycheck Show flycheck errors with helm 20160710.829 github "31,964"
chinese-word-at-point Add `chinese-word' thing to `thing-at-point' 20170811.941 github "31,957"
pinyinlib Convert first letter of Pinyin to Simplified/Traditional Chinese characters 20200911.1723 github "31,936"
nixos-options Interface for browsing and completing NixOS options. 20160209.1841 github "31,723"
maven-test-mode Utilities for navigating test files and running maven test tasks. 20141220.557 github "31,617"
uptimes Track and display Emacs session uptimes. 20191121.1030 github "31,593"
evil-vimish-fold Integrate vimish-fold with evil 20200122.117 github "31,363"
irony-eldoc irony-mode support for eldoc-mode 20200622.2214 github "31,230"
xref-js2 Jump to references/definitions using ag & js2-mode's AST 20210310.1238 github "31,217"
orderless Completion style for matching regexps in any order 20220212.356 github "31,074"
flycheck-credo flycheck checker for elixir credo 20170526.1545 github "31,037"
js3-mode An improved JavaScript editing mode 20160515.1550 github "30,994"
attrap ATtempt To Repair At Point 20220124.1253 github "30,958"
counsel-css stylesheet-selector-aware swiper 20211115.1755 github "30,881"
info-colors Extra colors for Info-mode 20200125.1447 github "30,437"
latex-preview-pane Makes LaTeX editing less painful by providing a updatable preview pane 20181008.1822 github "30,402"
fancy-narrow narrow-to-region with more eye candy. 20171031.16 github "30,353"
embrace Add/Change/Delete pairs based on `expand-region' 20171031.1833 github "30,295"
hlinum Extension for linum.el to highlight current line number 20180422.412 github "30,290"
sws-mode (S)ignificant (W)hite(S)pace mode 20210908.2121 github "30,234"
org-jira Syncing between Jira and Org-mode. 20220225.158 github "30,216"
nord-theme "An arctic, north-bluish clean and elegant theme" 20200620.1122 github "30,008"
org-pdftools Support for links to documents in pdfview mode 20210118.1611 github "29,996"
xml-rpc An elisp implementation of clientside XML-RPC 20200907.42 github "29,959"
company-nixos-options Company Backend for nixos-options 20160215.857 github "29,589"
vmd-mode Fast Github-flavored Markdown preview using a vmd subprocess. 20210524.27 github "29,454"
esh-autosuggest History autosuggestions for eshell 20210906.1446 github "29,358"
web useful HTTP client 20141231.2001 github "29,281"
evil-multiedit multiple cursors for evil-mode 20211121.1650 github "29,275"
ivy-purpose Ivy Interface for Purpose 20160724.1003 github "29,166"
avy-zap Zap to char using `avy' 20190801.329 github "29,027"
init-loader Loader for configuration files 20210703.902 github "28,902"
quelpa-use-package quelpa handler for use-package 20201022.746 github "28,717"
lsp-tailwindcss A lsp-mode client for tailwindcss 20211211.248 github "28,675"
pretty-mode Redisplay parts of the buffer as pretty Unicode symbols. 20190615.2045 github "28,527"
lsp-sonarlint Emacs Sonarlint lsp client 20210820.2044 github "28,428"
seml-mode "Major-mode for SEML, S-Expression Markup Language, file" 20200812.1027 github "28,352"
ob-rust Org-babel functions for Rust 20210204.244 github "28,313"
go-projectile Go add-ons for Projectile 20200609.131 github "28,237"
flycheck-golangci-lint Flycheck checker for golangci-lint 20190330.1412 github "28,199"
wanderlust Yet Another Message Interface on Emacsen 20220103.800 github "28,185"
grip-mode Instant GitHub-flavored Markdown/Org preview using grip. 20220104.1419 github "27,980"
rmsbolt A compiler output viewer 20210920.1617 gitlab "27,975"
commenter multiline-comment support package 20160219.1627 github "27,954"
flycheck-hdevtools A flycheck checker for Haskell using hdevtools 20160926.702 github "27,939"
dactyl-mode Major mode for editing Pentadactyl config files 20140906.1725 github "27,886"
dired-narrow Live-narrowing of search results for dired 20181114.1723 github "27,781"
ripgrep "Front-end for ripgrep, a command line search tool" 20190215.841 github "27,622"
calfw-org calendar view for org-agenda 20160303.258 github "27,538"
py-yapf Use yapf to beautify a Python buffer 20160925.1122 github "27,299"
processing-mode Major mode for Processing 2.0 20171022.2302 github "27,287"
ivy-bibtex A bibliography manager based on Ivy 20210927.1205 github "27,269"
elisp-lint Basic linting for Emacs Lisp 20211018.212 github "27,191"
evil-embrace Evil integration of embrace.el 20220211.606 github "26,965"
ccc buffer local cursor color control library 20210501.820 github "26,913"
system-packages functions to manage system packages 20210103.8 gitlab "26,850"
cdb constant database (cdb) reader for Emacs Lisp 20200904.1431 github "26,840"
evil-textobj-anyblock Textobject for the closest user-defined blocks. 20170905.1907 github "26,811"
grammarly Grammarly API interface 20220222.638 github "26,726"
pony-mode Minor mode for working with Django Projects 20170807.1522 github "26,724"
wc-mode Running word count with goals (minor mode) 20210418.47 github "26,713"
common-lisp-snippets Yasnippets for Common Lisp 20180226.1523 github "26,692"
ocp-indent automatic indentation with ocp-indent 20211019.907 github "26,606"
cuda-mode NVIDIA CUDA Major Mode 20201013.2230 github "26,565"
ivy-posframe Using posframe to show Ivy 20211217.234 github "26,542"
fountain-mode Major mode for screenwriting in Fountain markup 20220223.1041 github "26,496"
langtool Grammar check utility using LanguageTool 20200529.230 github "26,492"
all-the-icons-ivy Shows icons while using ivy and counsel 20190508.1803 github "26,419"
stan-mode Major mode for editing Stan files 20211129.2051 github "26,211"
cl-libify Update elisp code to use cl-lib instead of cl 20181130.230 github "26,196"
smart-mode-line-powerline-theme smart-mode-line theme that mimics the powerline appearance. 20160706.38 github "26,056"
yascroll Yet Another Scroll Bar Mode 20220212.1742 github "26,048"
pyim "A Chinese input method support quanpin, shuangpin, wubi, cangjie and rime." 20220130.722 github "26,042"
goto-char-preview Preview character when executing `goto-char` command 20210323.332 github "26,033"
pretty-hydra A macro for creating nice-looking hydras 20210221.834 github "25,984"
company-racer Company integration for racer 20171205.310 github "25,969"
align-cljlet Space align various Clojure forms 20160112.2101 github "25,918"
writegood-mode Polish up poor writing on the fly 20210418.110 github "25,721"
lsp-focus focus.el support for lsp-mode 20200906.1917 github "25,640"
org-fancy-priorities Display org priorities as custom strings 20210830.1657 github "25,468"
go-playground Local Golang playground for short snippets. 20220106.1618 github "25,431"
counsel-dash Browse dash docsets using Ivy 20200103.1411 github "25,393"
flymake-cursor Show flymake messages in the minibuffer after delay 20210126.1733 github "25,289"
elfeed-goodies Elfeed goodies 20220116.1609 github "25,262"
company-emacs-eclim Eclim company backend 20180911.1121 github "25,219"
flycheck-nimsuggest flycheck backend for Nim using nimsuggest 20171027.2208 github "25,138"
kubernetes Magit-like porcelain for Kubernetes 20220213.1809 github "24,855"
erc-image Show received image urls in the ERC buffer 20210604.753 github "24,849"
indium JavaScript Awesome Development Environment 20210309.1210 github "24,782"
qml-mode Major mode for editing QT Declarative (QML) code. 20161016.31 github "24,773"
ac-inf-ruby Enable auto-complete in inf-ruby sessions 20131115.1150 github "24,748"
sqlup-mode Upcase SQL words for you 20170610.1537 github "24,643"
zeal-at-point Search the word at point with Zeal 20180131.2354 github "24,632"
flim A library to provide basic features about message representation or encoding. 20210529.1253 github "24,632"
embark-consult Consult integration for Embark 20220219.1728 github "24,590"
ron-mode Rusty Object Notation mode 20200830.1554 git "24,476"
gnuplot-mode Major mode for editing gnuplot scripts 20171013.1616 github "24,450"
fakir fakeing bits of Emacs 20140729.1652 github "24,378"
org-preview-html Automatically preview org-exported HTML files within Emacs 20211126.2350 github "24,206"
markdown-preview-mode markdown realtime preview minor mode. 20210516.936 github "24,195"
xkcd View xkcd from Emacs 20220106.952 github "24,187"
geben "DBGp protocol frontend, a script debugger" 20210830.422 github "24,054"
ob-sql-mode SQL code blocks evaluated by sql-mode 20190421.1539 github "24,028"
company-coq A collection of extensions for Proof General's Coq mode 20210708.2357 github "23,985"
cquery cquery client for lsp-mode 20190118.542 github "23,934"
shell-split-string Split strings using shell-like syntax 20151224.1008 github "23,858"
counsel-tramp "Tramp ivy interface for ssh, docker, vagrant" 20210518.1153 github "23,657"
sublimity "smooth-scrolling, minimap and distraction-free mode" 20200905.1730 github "23,642"
ssh-config-mode Mode for fontification of ~/.ssh/config 20211003.2330 github "23,528"
go-dlv Go Delve - Debug Go programs interactively with the GUD. 20220126.1436 github "23,457"
recentf-ext Recentf extensions 20170926.35 github "23,260"
dired-single Reuse the current dired buffer to visit a directory 20211101.2319 github "23,239"
nvm Manage Node versions within Emacs 20210826.1000 github "23,221"
import-js Import Javascript dependencies 20220215.1948 github "23,142"
pomodoro A timer for the Pomodoro Technique 20210225.2018 github "23,134"
javadoc-lookup Javadoc Emacs integration with Maven 20160214.31 github "23,106"
pager windows-scroll commands 20151202.120 github "23,025"
scad-mode A major mode for editing OpenSCAD code 20200830.301 github "23,024"
citeproc A CSL 1.0.2 Citation Processor 20220124.721 github "22,932"
sx "StackExchange client. Ask and answer questions on Stack Overflow, Super User, and the likes" 20191229.1746 github "22,894"
osx-location Watch and respond to changes in geographical location on OS X 20200304.2209 github "22,843"
multi Clojure-style multi-methods for emacs lisp 20131013.1544 github "22,746"
pomidor Simple and cool pomodoro timer 20210111.919 github "22,716"
ac-haskell-process Haskell auto-complete source which uses the current haskell process 20150423.1402 github "22,672"
zygospore reversible C-x 1 (delete-other-windows) 20140703.852 github "22,611"
ac-php Auto Completion source for PHP. 20200916.751 github "22,592"
bongo play music with Emacs 20201002.1020 github "22,575"
dired-sidebar Tree browser leveraging dired 20210608.2340 github "22,395"
zerodark-theme "A dark, medium contrast theme for Emacs" 20211115.841 github "22,306"
tldr tldr client for Emacs 20210921.1715 github "22,303"
lsp-latex "LSP-mode client for LaTeX, on texlab" 20210815.1426 github "22,300"
jupyter Jupyter 20220212.210 github "22,260"
outshine outline with outshine outshines outline 20191112.1414 github "22,150"
stylus-mode Major mode for editing .styl files 20211019.2113 github "22,001"
pkgbuild-mode Interface to the ArchLinux package manager 20210123.1507 github "21,920"
ob-mongo Execute mongodb queries within org-mode blocks. 20170720.1919 github "21,793"
zmq ZMQ bindings in elisp 20210613.343 github "21,754"
function-args C++ completion for GNU Emacs 20211231.1150 github "21,707"
ob-translate Translation of text blocks in org-mode. 20170720.1919 github "21,690"
flymake-python-pyflakes A flymake handler for python-mode files using pyflakes (or flake8) 20170723.146 github "21,682"
org-trello Minor mode to synchronize org-mode buffer and trello board 20210314.1901 github "21,678"
semi A library to provide MIME features. 20210613.948 github "21,669"
smart-region "Smartly select region, rectangle, multi cursors" 20150903.1403 github "21,636"
restclient-helm helm interface for restclient.el 20170314.1554 github "21,614"
pass Major mode for password-store.el 20210203.810 github "21,604"
shader-mode Major mode for shader 20180518.1157 github "21,572"
swiper-helm Helm version of Swiper. 20180131.1744 github "21,554"
apel A Portable Emacs Library provides support for portable Emacs Lisp programs 20201106.2221 github "21,544"
telega Telegram client (unofficial) 20220221.1453 github "21,475"
diffview View diffs in side-by-side format 20150929.511 github "21,327"
rhtml-mode major mode for editing RHTML files 20130422.1311 github "21,311"
easy-kill-extras Extra functions for easy-kill. 20210529.945 github "21,093"
poly-markdown Polymode for markdown-mode 20220117.2351 github "21,067"
spotify Control the spotify application from emacs 20200615.1418 github "21,014"
direnv direnv integration 20220103.1342 github "20,976"
dune Integration with the dune build system 20210909.1010 github "20,902"
hayoo Query hayoo and show results in a tabulated buffer. 20140831.1221 github "20,900"
undo-fu Undo helper with redo 20220211.548 gitlab "20,825"
creole A parser for the Creole Wiki language 20140924.1500 github "20,822"
mode-icons Show icons for modes 20200920.2031 github "20,810"
jedi-direx Tree style source code viewer for Python buffer 20140310.936 github "20,809"
mocha Run Mocha or Jasmine tests 20200729.1130 github "20,769"
powerline-evil Utilities for better Evil support for Powerline 20190603.340 github "20,721"
exato EXATO: Evil XML/HTML Attributes Text Object 20180305.1042 github "20,637"
password-store-otp Password store (pass) OTP extension support 20220128.1320 github "20,470"
use-package-ensure-system-package auto install system packages 20180913.1501 github "20,459"
bmx-mode Batch Mode eXtras 20210319.620 github "20,435"
actionscript-mode A simple mode for editing Actionscript 3 files 20180527.1701 github "20,365"
prop-menu Create and display a context menu based on text and overlay properties 20150728.1118 github "20,319"
goto-last-change Move point through buffer-undo-list positions 20150109.1823 github "20,316"
ini-mode Major mode for Windows-style ini files. 20170424.909 github "20,284"
workgroups2 "save&load multiple named workspaces (or ""workgroups"")" 20220106.249 github "20,205"
all-the-icons-ibuffer Display icons for all buffers in ibuffer 20220122.2206 github "20,135"
tree-sitter-indent Provide indentation with a Tree-sitter backend 20211128.2236 git "20,115"
list-environment A tabulated process environment editor 20210930.1439 github "20,095"
mixed-pitch "Use a variable pitch, keeping fixed pitch where it's sensible" 20210304.1900 gitlab "20,009"
flycheck-ocaml Flycheck: OCaml support 20170730.2153 github "19,984"
mustache Mustache templating library in emacs lisp 20210224.710 github "19,946"
db A database for EmacsLisp 20140421.2111 github "19,943"
vagrant-tramp Vagrant method for TRAMP 20210217.704 github "19,938"
elnode The Emacs webserver. 20190702.1509 github "19,906"
ivy-rtags RTags completion back-end for ivy 20191222.920 github "19,840"
android-mode Minor mode for Android application development 20190903.811 github "19,718"
mozc minor mode to input Japanese with Mozc 20210306.1053 github "19,654"
flycheck-nim Defines a flycheck syntax checker for nim 20190927.1514 github "19,647"
ivy-avy Avy integration for Ivy 20211021.1602 github "19,591"
ergoemacs-mode Emacs mode based on common modern interface and ergonomics. 20220223.1148 github "19,585"
handlebars-mode A major mode for editing Handlebars files. 20150211.1749 github "19,553"
ess-smart-equals "flexible, context-sensitive assignment key for R/S" 20210411.1333 github "19,483"
phpactor Interface to Phpactor 20220120.1919 github "19,457"
tern-auto-complete Tern Completion by auto-complete.el 20170521.1935 github "19,403"
nix-sandbox Utility functions to work with nix-shell sandboxes 20210325.1622 github "19,395"
vagrant Manage a vagrant box from emacs 20211206.1634 github "19,379"
gdscript-mode Major mode for Godot's GDScript language 20210328.2037 github "19,371"
outorg Org-style comment editing 20190720.2002 github "19,308"
lsp-grammarly LSP Clients for Grammarly 20220222.638 github "19,302"
ac-helm Helm interface for auto-complete 20160319.233 github "19,250"
ace-isearch "A seamless bridge between isearch, ace-jump-mode, avy, helm-swoop and swiper" 20210830.746 github "19,237"
atom-dark-theme An Emacs port of the Atom Dark theme from 20220114.1902 github "19,196"
beginend Redefine M-< and M-> for some modes 20210504.341 github "19,095"
copyit "Copy it, yank anything!" 20190919.1258 github "19,085"
flycheck-posframe Show flycheck error messages using posframe.el 20210316.618 github "18,997"
flymd On the fly markdown preview 20160617.1214 github "18,986"
haxe-mode Major mode for editing Haxe files 20210108.1835 github "18,870"
telephone-line Rewrite of Powerline 20220218.449 github "18,862"
julia-repl A minor mode for a Julia REPL 20220225.810 github "18,741"
cmd-to-echo Show the output of long-running commands in the echo area 20161203.2133 github "18,662"
flycheck-clj-kondo Add clj-kondo linter to flycheck 20211227.2226 github "18,598"
company-fuzzy Fuzzy matching for `company-mode' 20220222.613 github "18,591"
smart-tabs-mode "Intelligently indent with tabs, align with spaces!" 20200907.2025 github "18,564"
ruby-electric Minor mode for electrically editing ruby code 20200328.1528 github "18,545"
yafolding Folding code blocks based on indentation 20200119.1353 github "18,398"
hi2 indentation module for Haskell Mode 20141005.1931 github "18,335"
helm-mu Helm sources for searching emails and contacts 20210816.913 github "18,305"
fzf A front-end for fzf. 20211228.2005 github "18,197"
org2blog Blog from Org mode to WordPress 20210929.17 github "18,164"
counsel-etags Fast and complete Ctags/Etags solution using ivy 20220213.1104 github "18,089"
merlin-eldoc eldoc for OCaml and Reason 20190830.517 github "18,071"
composer Interface to PHP Composer 20200616.1717 github "18,000"
helm-cider Helm interface to CIDER 20220102.1626 github "17,983"
calfw-ical calendar view for ical format 20150703.819 github "17,955"
color-moccur multi-buffer occur (grep) mode 20141223.35 github "17,859"
persp-mode-projectile-bridge persp-mode + projectile integration. 20170315.1120 github "17,842"
wrap-region Wrap text with punctation or tag 20140117.720 github "17,830"
pacmacs Pacman for Emacs 20220106.2248 github "17,803"
opencl-mode Syntax coloring for opencl kernels 20201025.1656 github "17,803"
latex-extra Adds several useful functionalities to LaTeX-mode. 20170817.147 github "17,654"
org-roam-bibtex Org Roam meets BibTeX 20220213.1609 github "17,577"
windswap "Like windmove, but swaps buffers while moving point" 20200722.411 github "17,508"
maxframe maximize the emacs frame based on display size 20170120.1705 github "17,477"
auto-complete-auctex auto-completion for auctex 20140223.1758 github "17,415"
helm-rg a helm interface to ripgrep 20200721.725 github "17,393"
rust-playground Local Rust playground for short code snippets. 20200116.1043 github "17,355"
php-runtime Language binding bridge to PHP 20181212.1825 github "17,273"
erc-view-log Major mode for viewing ERC logs 20140227.2039 github "17,267"
org-caldav Sync org files with external calendar through CalDAV 20200510.2030 github "17,237"
yatex Yet Another tex-mode for emacs //野鳥// 20211203.2212 hg "17,181"
es-lib A collection of emacs utilities 20141111.1830 github "17,145"
c-eldoc helpful description of the arguments to C functions 20201004.2347 github "17,121"
erc-social-graph A social network graph module for ERC. 20150508.1204 github "17,115"
ns-auto-titlebar Set the MacOS transparent titlebar to match theme 20181022.2154 github "17,109"
nix-buffer Set up buffer environments with nix 20180212.1518 github "16,932"
promise Promises/A+ 20210307.727 github "16,925"
auto-rename-tag Automatically rename paired HTML/XML tag 20210805.1344 github "16,908"
conda Work with your conda environments 20211123.357 github "16,904"
flycheck-pyflakes Support pyflakes in flycheck 20170330.2311 github "16,883"
auto-complete-pcmp Provide auto-complete sources using pcomplete results 20140227.651 github "16,882"
company-posframe Use a posframe as company candidate menu 20220110.1017 github "16,846"
wiki-summary View Wikipedia summaries in Emacs easily. 20181010.1824 github "16,825"
basic-mode major mode for editing BASIC code 20210316.1253 github "16,794"
typo Minor mode for typographic editing 20200706.1714 github "16,725"
erc-yt An erc module to display youtube links nicely 20150426.1249 github "16,696"
color-theme-modern Reimplement colortheme with Emacs 24 theme framework. 20200729.921 github "16,690"
lsp-ltex LSP Clients for LTEX 20220222.656 github "16,672"
jdee Java Development Environment for Emacs 20191102.1426 github "16,648"
virtualenv Virtualenv for Python 20140220.2301 github "16,639"
pangu-spacing Minor-mode to add space between Chinese and English characters. 20190823.401 github "16,628"
company-inf-ruby company-mode completion back-end for inf-ruby 20140805.2054 github "16,620"
golint lint for the Go source code 20180221.2015 github "16,597"
envrc Support for `direnv' that operates buffer-locally 20220218.1627 github "16,595"
selectrum-prescient Selectrum integration 20211228.417 github "16,552"
mic-paren advanced highlighting of matching parentheses 20170731.1907 github "16,545"
poly-R Various polymodes for R language 20210930.1921 github "16,469"
company-tabnine A company-mode backend for TabNine 20210310.2247 github "16,437"
language-id Library to work with programming language identifiers 20210916.831 github "16,427"
highlight-defined Syntax highlighting of known Elisp symbols 20210411.222 github "16,360"
shfmt Reformat shell scripts using shfmt 20210803.222 github "16,335"
openwith Open files with external programs 20120531.2136 github "16,319"
org-ac Some auto-complete sources for org-mode 20170401.1307 github "16,225"
ox-clip Cross-platform formatted copying for org-mode 20220117.1909 github "16,203"
persp-projectile Perspective integration with Projectile 20210618.708 github "16,201"
smooth-scroll Minor mode for smooth scrolling and in-place scrolling. 20130322.414 github "16,157"
dired-filter Ibuffer-like filtering for dired 20191105.1404 github "16,058"
com-css-sort Common way of sorting the CSS attributes 20201002.1430 github "16,035"
gcmh the Garbage Collector Magic Hack 20201116.2251 gitlab "16,008"
ac-math Auto-complete sources for input of mathematical symbols and latex tags 20141116.2127 github "15,968"
html-to-markdown HTML to Markdown converter written in Emacs-lisp. 20151105.840 github "15,895"
wakatime-mode Automatic time tracking extension for WakaTime 20211104.1455 github "15,871"
prassee-theme A high contrast color theme for Emacs. 20180709.1004 github "15,852"
thrift major mode for fbthrift and Apache Thrift files 20200212.1903 github "15,788"
legalese Add legalese to your program files 20200119.2248 github "15,771"
alt-codes Insert alt codes using meta key 20220212.1526 github "15,768"
magit-filenotify Refresh status buffer when git tree changes 20151116.2340 github "15,603"
line-reminder Line annotation for changed and saved lines 20220206.1919 github "15,560"
pyim-basedict The default pinyin dict of pyim 20210517.43 github "15,516"
mew Messaging in the Emacs World 20210625.240 github "15,515"
counsel-world-clock Display world clock using Ivy. 20190709.2211 github "15,493"
indicators Display the buffer relative location of line in the fringe. 20161211.1126 github "15,437"
go-errcheck errcheck integration for go-mode 20160723.43 github "15,412"
inheritenv Make temp buffers inherit buffer-local environment variables 20210204.354 github "15,397"
elfeed-web web interface to Elfeed 20210226.258 github "15,396"
logview Major mode for viewing log files 20201014.2033 github "15,341"
rpm-spec-mode RPM spec file editing commands for Emacs/XEmacs 20160710.1136 github "15,325"
hackernews Hacker News Client for Emacs 20210226.1226 github "15,316"
datetime "Parsing, formatting and matching timestamps" 20211016.1656 github "15,190"
togetherly allow multiple clients to edit a single buffer online 20170426.616 github "15,146"
manage-minor-mode Manage your minor-modes easily 20210108.1832 github "15,114"
dired-open Open files from dired using using custom actions 20180922.1113 github "15,081"
furl Friendly URL retrieval 20150509.316 github "15,060"
isearch-project Incremental search through the whole project 20210715.1041 github "15,014"
flymake-lua Flymake for Lua 20170129.154 github "14,971"
eshell-git-prompt Some Eshell prompt for Git users 20220206.458 github "14,960"
unicode-escape Escape/Unescape unicode notations 20160614.1234 github "14,949"
flycheck-pycheckers "multiple syntax checker for Python, using Flycheck" 20211122.235 github "14,942"
typit Typing game similar to tests on 10 fast fingers 20220106.1722 github "14,869"
org-beautify-theme A sub-theme to make org-mode more beautiful. 20170908.2218 github "14,858"
htmltagwrap Wraps a chunk of HTML code in tags 20200929.559 github "14,853"
poly-noweb Polymode for noweb 20200316.1315 github "14,837"
moody Tabs and ribbons for the mode line 20220120.1155 github "14,813"
benchmark-init Benchmarks Emacs require and load calls 20150905.938 github "14,789"
flycheck-relint A Flycheck checker for elisp regular expressions 20200721.2217 github "14,764"
flymake-ruby A flymake handler for ruby-mode files 20170723.146 github "14,739"
ac-c-headers auto-complete source for C headers 20200816.1007 github "14,716"
organize-imports-java Automatically organize imports in Java code 20210715.1155 github "14,682"
lsp-julia Julia support for lsp-mode 20211229.1534 github "14,612"
peep-dired Peep at files in another window from dired buffers 20160321.2237 github "14,598"
wolfram-mode Mathematica editing and inferior mode. 20180307.13 github "14,593"
mmt Missing macro tools for Emacs Lisp 20210321.1829 github "14,553"
use-ttf Keep font consistency across different OSs 20220220.150 github "14,498"
ialign visual align-regexp 20200711.1117 github "14,493"
synosaurus An extensible thesaurus supporting lookup and substitution. 20191125.552 github "14,492"
project-explorer A project explorer sidebar 20150504.14 github "14,492"
button-lock Clickable text defined by regular expression 20200309.1323 github "14,456"
cal-china-x "Chinese localization, lunar/horoscope/zodiac info and more..." 20200924.1837 github "14,453"
inf-clojure Run an external Clojure process in an Emacs buffer 20220208.1627 github "14,426"
bazel Bazel support for Emacs 20220222.1616 github "14,394"
right-click-context Right Click Context menu 20210519.1713 github "14,391"
ham-mode Html As Markdown. Transparently edit an html file using markdown 20150811.1306 github "14,362"
speed-type Practice touch and speed typing 20191204.1107 github "14,328"
project-abbrev Customize abbreviation expansion in the project 20210715.1213 github "14,323"
org-web-tools Display and capture web content with Org-mode 20201212.1058 github "14,279"
flycheck-grammarly Grammarly support for Flycheck 20220222.638 github "14,249"
evil-ledger Make `ledger-mode' more `evil'. 20180802.1612 github "14,208"
quack enhanced support for editing and running Scheme code 20181106.1301 github "14,182"
nimbus-theme An awesome dark theme 20220106.2017 github "14,162"
ert-expectations The simplest unit test framework in the world 20121009.734 github "14,092"
diminish-buffer Diminish (hide) buffers from buffer-menu 20220218.1541 github "14,072"
package-utils Extensions for package.el 20210221.822 github "14,057"
pylint minor mode for running `pylint' 20210411.1931 github "14,045"
popup-kill-ring interactively insert item from kill-ring 20131020.1854 github "14,043"
demangle-mode "Automatically demangle C++, D, and Rust symbols" 20210822.2210 github "14,015"
dired-rainbow Extended file highlighting according to its type 20190722.1109 github "13,992"
good-scroll Good pixel line scrolling 20211101.942 github "13,925"
eslintd-fix use eslint_d to automatically fix js files 20210731.1649 github "13,889"
google-maps Access Google Maps from Emacs 20181121.1532 github "13,848"
ordinal Convert number to ordinal number notation 20210519.1442 github "13,824"
duplicate-thing Duplicate current line & selection 20181031.1500 github "13,744"
raku-mode Major mode for editing Raku code 20210927.1227 github "13,710"
region-occurrences-highlighter Mark occurrences of current region (selection). 20200815.1555 github "13,700"
feebleline Replace modeline with a slimmer proxy 20190822.1401 github "13,667"
show-eol Show end of line symbol in buffer 20210715.1227 github "13,653"
evil-smartparens Evil support for smartparens 20171210.1513 github "13,653"
fic-mode Show FIXME/TODO/BUG(...) in special face only in comments and strings 20180603.2035 github "13,634"
javap-mode Javap major mode 20120223.2208 github "13,604"
tabbar-ruler "Pretty tabbar, autohide, use both tabbar/ruler" 20160802.307 github "13,533"
gmail-message-mode A major-mode for editing gmail messages using markdown syntax. 20160627.1847 github "13,532"
flyspell-popup Correcting words with Flyspell in popup menus 20170529.815 github "13,441"
go-snippets Yasnippets for go 20180113.611 github "13,428"
smartscan Jumps between other symbols found at point 20170211.2033 github "13,425"
airline-themes vim-airline themes for emacs powerline 20211214.1749 github "13,425"
vs-dark-theme Visual Studio IDE dark theme 20220214.1401 github "13,410"
mocker mocking framework for emacs 20210115.157 github "13,408"
ac-html auto complete source for html tags and attributes 20151005.731 github "13,389"
org-dashboard Visually summarize progress in org files 20171223.1924 github "13,369"
tracking Buffer modification tracking 20210713.1609 github "13,367"
multi-web-mode multiple major mode support for web editing 20130824.354 github "13,340"
quick-peek Inline quick-peek windows 20200130.2059 github "13,311"
company-flx flx based fuzzy matching for company 20180103.518 github "13,243"
smart-tab Intelligent tab completion and indentation 20210530.1743 git "13,211"
dictionary Client for rfc2229 dictionary servers 20201001.1727 github "13,203"
company-phpactor company-mode backend for Phpactor 20200121.1218 github "13,145"
helm-ctest Run ctest from within emacs 20191031.1435 github "13,109"
floobits Floobits plugin for real-time collaborative editing 20211018.550 github "13,109"
ert-async Async support for ERT 20200105.1031 github "13,072"
dired-ranger Implementation of useful ranger features for dired 20180401.2206 github "13,053"
auto-indent-mode Auto indent Minor mode 20211029.11 github "13,053"
php-refactor-mode Minor mode to quickly and safely perform common refactorings 20171124.635 github "13,007"
ido-at-point ido-style completion-at-point 20151021.757 github "12,983"
poet-theme A theme for prose 20200606.2343 github "12,838"
eshell-syntax-highlighting Highlight eshell commands 20210429.413 github "12,833"
extmap Externally-stored constant mapping for Elisp 20211023.1904 github "12,820"
wgrep-helm Writable helm-grep-mode buffer and apply the changes to files 20210322.2148 github "12,789"
0xc Base conversion made easy 20201025.2105 github "12,779"
better-jumper configurable jump list 20220110.118 github "12,762"
darcula-theme Inspired by IntelliJ's Darcula theme 20171227.1845 gitlab "12,732"
magit-annex Control git-annex from Magit 20211004.2314 github "12,724"
nixpkgs-fmt Reformat Nix using nixpkgs-fmt 20200327.2302 github "12,707"
fasd Emacs integration for the command-line productivity booster `fasd' 20210104.738 git "12,700"
flycheck-plantuml Integrate plantuml with flycheck 20171018.111 github "12,663"
j-mode Major mode for editing J programs 20171224.1856 github "12,632"
vs-light-theme Visual Studio IDE light theme 20220214.1401 github "12,619"
free-keys Show free keybindings for modkeys or prefixes 20211116.1501 github "12,617"
define-it "Define, translate, wiki the word" 20211216.719 github "12,571"
auto-read-only Automatically make the buffer to read-only 20200827.1754 github "12,559"
ahk-mode Major mode for editing AHK (AutoHotkey and AutoHotkey_L) 20200412.1832 github "12,511"
sage-shell-mode A front-end for Sage Math 20201225.1011 github "12,475"
find-by-pinyin-dired Find file by first PinYin character of Chinese Hanzi 20180210.218 github "12,472"
helm-spotify-plus Control Spotify search and select music with Helm. 20190913.2236 github "12,450"
flycheck-tip Show flycheck/flymake errors by tooltip 20171020.1048 github "12,448"
link Hypertext links in text buffers 20191111.446 github "12,398"
nlinum-relative Relative line number with nlinum 20160526.708 github "12,385"
reveal-in-folder Reveal current file in folder 20220110.1821 github "12,356"
csproj-mode "Work with .NET project files (csproj, vbproj)" 20200801.1732 github "12,332"
req-package A use-package wrapper for package runtime dependencies management 20180605.1141 github "12,299"
es-windows Window-management utilities 20140211.904 github "12,273"
connection TCP-based client connection 20191111.446 github "12,265"
phi-search "another incremental search & replace, compatible with ""multiple-cursors""" 20200510.906 github "12,241"
consult-flycheck Provides the command `consult-flycheck' 20210530.202 github "12,230"
parse-it Basic Parser in Emacs Lisp 20220214.1531 github "12,199"
paren-face a face for parentheses in lisp modes 20220129.2216 github "12,158"
mediawiki mediawiki frontend 20200718.1529 github "12,157"
dashboard-ls Display files/directories in current directory on Dashboard 20220117.1607 github "12,060"
use-package-chords key-chord keyword for use-package 20181024.2322 github "12,055"
treemacs-all-the-icons all-the-icons integration for treemacs 20220124.1914 github "11,999"
bison-mode "Major mode for editing bison, yacc and lex files." 20210527.717 github "11,995"
helm-nixos-options Helm Interface for nixos-options 20151013.2309 github "11,994"
bind-chord key-chord binding helper for use-package-chords 20171204.2010 github "11,965"
buffer-wrap Wrap the beginning and the end of buffer 20200924.345 github "11,921"
applescript-mode major mode for editing AppleScript source 20210802.1715 github "11,890"
python-pytest helpers to run pytest 20211215.1101 github "11,853"
fiplr Fuzzy Search for Files in Projects 20140724.645 github "11,839"
pdf-view-restore Support for opening last known pdf position in pdfview mode 20190904.1708 github "11,825"
elpher A friendly gopher and gemini client 20220208.1726 git "11,822"
metaweblog An XML-RPC MetaWeblog and WordPress API client. 20210422.326 github "11,800"
p4 Simple Perforce-Emacs Integration 20150721.1937 github "11,788"
edts Erlang Development Tool Suite 20220220.1753 github "11,740"
flycheck-gometalinter flycheck checker for gometalinter 20180424.941 github "11,718"
discover discover more of Emacs 20140103.2139 github "11,704"
emoji-github Display list of GitHub's emoji. (cheat sheet) 20200825.425 github "11,703"
string-utils String-manipulation utilities 20140508.2041 github "11,694"
ssh Support for remote logins using ssh. 20120904.2042 github "11,686"
abyss-theme A dark theme with contrasting colours. 20170808.1345 github "11,682"
cpputils-cmake Easy realtime C++ syntax check and IntelliSense with CMake. 20181006.328 github "11,604"
vala-mode Vala mode derived mode 20201218.2109 github "11,559"
ob-mermaid org-babel support for mermaid evaluation 20200320.1504 github "11,558"
soria-theme A xoria256 theme with some colors from openSUSE 20220127.1004 github "11,526"
smart-compile an interface to `compile' 20211127.1702 github "11,491"
sudoku "Simple sudoku game, can download puzzles" 20191015.1315 github "11,464"
keypression Keystroke visualizer 20200819.534 github "11,405"
smart-forward Semantic navigation 20140430.713 github "11,399"
zoom-window Zoom window like tmux 20201205.1038 github "11,393"
flyspell-lazy Improve flyspell responsiveness using idle timers 20210308.1253 github "11,393"
japanese-holidays Calendar functions for the Japanese calendar 20201229.755 github "11,376"
gorepl-mode Go REPL Interactive Development in top of Gore 20170905.945 github "11,355"
auto-complete-clang-async Auto Completion source for clang for GNU Emacs 20130526.1514 github "11,352"
masm-mode MASM x86 and x64 assembly major mode 20200308.1450 github "11,342"
evil-paredit Paredit support for evil keybindings 20150413.2048 github "11,341"
yatemplate File templates with yasnippet 20211115.1208 github "11,267"
helm-git Helm extension for Git. 20120630.2103 github "11,261"
manage-minor-mode-table Manage minor-modes in table 20200717.809 github "11,256"
grab-mac-link Grab link from Mac Apps and insert it into Emacs 20210511.1303 github "11,160"
zencoding-mode Unfold CSS-selector-like expressions to markup 20140213.822 github "11,145"
helm-spotify Control Spotify with Helm. 20160905.2147 github "11,105"
vterm-toggle Toggles between the vterm buffer and other buffers. 20220202.1722 github "11,063"
makefile-executor Commands for conveniently running makefile targets 20201119.1500 github "11,018"
solidity-mode Major mode for ethereum's solidity language 20220106.1055 github "11,009"
ctags-update (auto) update TAGS in parent directory using exuberant-ctags 20190609.613 github "10,999"
x86-lookup jump to x86 instruction documentation 20210412.2022 github "10,998"
crystal-mode Major mode for editing Crystal files 20220104.2146 github "10,996"
magit-find-file completing-read over all files in Git 20150702.830 github "10,991"
flycheck-inline Display Flycheck errors inline 20200808.1019 github "10,989"
back-button Visual navigation through mark rings 20150804.2004 github "10,931"
dired-hide-dotfiles Hide dotfiles in dired 20210222.1919 github "10,874"
flymake-json A flymake handler for json using jsonlint 20180511.911 github "10,820"
helm-google Emacs Helm Interface for quick Google searches 20210527.900 git "10,811"
monky Control Hg from Emacs. 20210417.12 github "10,802"
transwin Make window/frame transparent 20200910.1636 github "10,740"
ac-etags etags/ctags completion source for auto-complete 20161001.1507 github "10,737"
ssh-deploy "Deployment via Tramp, global or per directory." 20220126.658 github "10,732"
undohist Persistent undo history for GNU Emacs 20220219.634 github "10,728"
window-number Select windows by numbers. 20170801.151 github "10,718"
4clojure Open and evaluate questions. 20210102.459 github "10,704"
cider-decompile decompilation extension for cider 20151122.537 github "10,677"
flycheck-clang-analyzer Integrate Clang Analyzer with flycheck 20211214.648 github "10,648"
eproject "assign files to projects, programatically" 20180312.1642 github "10,629"
org-page a static site generator based on org mode 20170807.224 github "10,617"
go-direx Tree style source code viewer for Go language 20150316.143 github "10,586"
flymake-jslint A flymake handler for javascript using jslint 20170723.146 github "10,533"
most-used-words Display most used words in buffer 20200808.931 github "10,529"
zzz-to-char Fancy version of `zap-to-char' command 20210321.1707 github "10,512"
flymake-go A flymake handler for go-mode files 20150714.733 github "10,493"
meson-mode Major mode for the Meson build system files 20210820.905 github "10,469"
auto-dim-other-buffers Makes windows without focus less prominent 20220209.2101 github "10,445"
helm-migemo Migemo plug-in for helm 20151010.356 github "10,311"
ahg Alberto's Emacs interface for Mercurial (Hg) 20210412.847 git "10,311"
zetteldeft Turn deft into a zettelkasten system 20211214.2221 github "10,296"
jenkinsfile-mode Major mode for editing Jenkins declarative pipeline syntax 20200929.428 github "10,278"
outline-magic outline mode extensions for Emacs 20180619.1819 github "10,228"
better-scroll Improve user experience when scrolling window 20210715.1004 github "10,226"
flycheck-joker Add Clojure syntax checker (via Joker) to flycheck 20200412.2346 github "10,209"
flymake-shell A flymake syntax-checker for shell scripts 20170723.146 github "10,184"
latex-pretty-symbols Display many latex symbols as their unicode counterparts 20151112.1044 github "10,140"
flymake-php A flymake handler for php-mode files 20170723.146 github "10,135"
ox-jira JIRA Backend for Org Export Engine 20220121.1015 github "10,116"
distinguished-theme A dark and elegant theme for emacs. 20151216.2015 github "10,104"
emamux Interact with tmux 20200315.1220 github "10,098"
wttrin Emacs frontend for weather web service 20170614.1206 github "10,044"
electric-operator Automatically add spaces around operators 20220218.826 github "10,015"
eterm-256color Customizable 256 colors for term. 20210224.2241 github "9,954"
historian Persistently store selected minibuffer candidates 20200203.1927 github "9,938"
auto-save-buffers-enhanced Automatically save buffers in a decent way 20161109.710 github "9,869"
simpleclip Simplified access to the system clipboard 20210406.1221 github "9,783"
license-templates Create LICENSE using GitHub API 20200906.2047 github "9,782"
ivy-historian Persistently store selected minibuffer candidates 20210714.56 github "9,744"
annotate annotate files without changing them 20220225.1955 github "9,726"
mermaid-mode major mode for working with mermaid graphs 20210505.1635 github "9,708"
badger-theme A dark theme for Emacs 24. 20140717.232 github "9,690"
org-alert Notify org deadlines via notify-send 20210922.125 github "9,681"
git-auto-commit-mode Emacs Minor mode to automatically commit and push 20200828.653 github "9,678"
goto-last-point Record and jump to the last point in the buffer. 20190525.1855 github "9,668"
tss provide a interface for auto-complete.el/flymake.el on typescript-mode. 20150913.1408 github "9,631"
howdoyou A stackoverflow and its sisters' sites reader 20210909.2000 github "9,621"
php-boris Run boris php REPL 20130527.821 github "9,620"
flycheck-dmd-dub Sets flycheck-dmd-include-paths from dub package information 20210412.1608 github "9,571"
json-process-client Interact with a TCP process using JSON 20210525.733 git "9,559"
hide-lines Commands for hiding lines based on a regexp 20210513.1636 github "9,553"
java-snippets Yasnippets for Java 20160627.252 github "9,513"
linum-off Provides an interface for turning line-numbering off 20160217.2137 github "9,498"
org-sticky-header Show off-screen Org heading at top of window 20201223.143 github "9,453"
windata convert window configuration to list 20090830.1040 github "9,451"
mark-multiple Sorta lets you mark several regions at once. 20121118.1554 github "9,448"
ox-rst Export reStructuredText using org-mode. 20200815.1511 github "9,445"
find-file-in-repository "Quickly find files in a git, mercurial or other repository" 20210301.2202 github "9,436"
magic-latex-buffer Magically enhance LaTeX-mode font-locking for semi-WYSIWYG editing 20210306.422 github "9,427"
flutter Tools for working with Flutter SDK 20220220.1423 github "9,365"
magit-gerrit Magit plugin for Gerrit Code Review 20210831.1453 github "9,306"
flymake-coffee A flymake handler for coffee script 20170723.146 github "9,286"
ess-smart-underscore Ess Smart Underscore 20190309.101 github "9,281"
org-autolist Improved list management in org-mode 20211225.658 github "9,238"
keycast Show current command and its key in the mode line 20220211.2035 github "9,209"
faff-theme Light Emacs color theme on cornsilk3 background 20220219.1818 github "9,168"
es-mode A major mode for editing and executing Elasticsearch queries 20201125.2059 github "9,158"
python-docstring Smart Python docstring formatting 20190716.921 github "9,154"
helm-tramp "Tramp helm interface for ssh, docker, vagrant" 20190616.125 github "9,147"
window-layout window layout manager 20170215.33 github "9,143"
eval-in-repl Consistent ESS-like eval interface for various REPLs 20201121.1341 github "9,127"
eros Evaluation Result OverlayS for Emacs Lisp 20180415.618 github "9,113"
project-persist A minor mode to allow loading and saving of project settings. 20180906.1302 github "9,081"
colorless-themes A macro to generate mostly colorless themes 20210102.1035 git "9,063"
0blayout Layout grouping with ease 20190703.527 github "9,001"
sicp Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs in info format 20200512.1137 github "8,973"
dirtree Directory tree views 20140129.832 github "8,969"
org-sidebar Helpful sidebar for Org buffers 20210912.1321 github "8,943"
atl-markup Automatically truncate lines for markup languages 20210731.609 github "8,919"
org-mind-map Creates a directed graph from org-mode files 20180826.2340 github "8,914"
fold-this Just fold this region please 20191107.1816 github "8,910"
vscode-dark-plus-theme Default Visual Studio Code Dark+ theme 20220217.350 github "8,890"
iter2 Reimplementation of Elisp generators 20211119.1718 github "8,878"
epresent Simple presentation mode for Emacs Org-mode 20160411.201 github "8,878"
company-quickhelp-terminal Terminal support for `company-quickhelp' 20210715.1010 github "8,868"
gitlab Emacs client for Gitlab 20180312.1647 github "8,855"
merlin-company Merlin and company mode integration. 20210615.1208 github "8,829"
theme-changer Sunrise/Sunset Theme Changer for Emacs 20201226.2256 github "8,746"
impatient-showdown Preview markdown buffer live over HTTP using showdown 20200914.221 github "8,742"
vdiff A diff tool similar to vimdiff 20210426.155 github "8,708"
fcitx Make fcitx better in Emacs 20190806.1923 github "8,704"
flymake-yaml A flymake handler for YAML 20130423.1548 github "8,701"
sayid sayid nREPL middleware client 20220101.1357 github "8,632"
keychain-environment load keychain environment variables 20180318.2223 github "8,601"
sourcekit Library to interact with sourcekittendaemon 20210430.2155 github "8,599"
company-sourcekit company-mode completion backend for SourceKit 20210430.2155 github "8,596"
zoom Fixed and automatic balanced window layout 20201215.1913 github "8,576"
ffmpeg-player Play video using ffmpeg 20200720.1028 github "8,575"
fireplace A cozy fireplace for emacs 20200402.2206 github "8,566"
searcher Searcher in pure elisp 20210124.1524 github "8,563"
swoop Peculiar buffer navigation 20200618.905 github "8,559"
rcirc-notify libnotify popups 20150219.2204 github "8,556"
ido-hacks Put more IDO in your IDO 20190206.2153 github "8,544"
trinary Trinary logic. 20180904.2313 github "8,533"
srcery-theme Dark color theme 20210601.1247 github "8,512"
evil-tabs Integrating Vim-style tabs for Evil mode users. 20160217.1520 github "8,463"
ppp Extended pretty printer for Emacs Lisp 20220211.1529 github "8,427"
plan9-theme A color theme for Emacs based on Plan9 20180804.1441 github "8,410"
blackout Better mode lighter overriding 20200404.1550 github "8,398"
ivy-searcher Ivy interface to use searcher 20210221.923 github "8,397"
google Emacs interface to the Google API 20140416.1748 github "8,387"
elsa Emacs Lisp Static Analyser 20220223.2021 github "8,384"
markdown-preview-eww Realtime preview by eww 20160111.1502 github "8,381"
preproc-font-lock Highlight C-style preprocessor directives. 20151107.2018 github "8,363"
helm-github-stars Helm interface for your github's stars 20190428.1047 github "8,332"
fill-page Fill buffer so you don't see empty lines at the end 20210707.354 github "8,293"
rainbow-blocks Block syntax highlighting for lisp code 20210715.1518 github "8,263"
helm-ack Ack command with helm interface 20141030.1226 github "8,204"
flymake-jshint making flymake work with JSHint 20140319.2200 github "8,196"
mmm-jinja2 MMM submode class for Jinja2 Templates 20170313.1420 github "8,180"
e2wm simple window manager for emacs 20170215.36 github "8,171"
sunshine Provide weather and forecast information. 20200306.1711 github "8,166"
selectric-mode IBM Selectric mode for Emacs 20200209.2107 github "8,153"
danneskjold-theme Beautiful high-contrast Emacs theme. 20220214.552 github "8,086"
govet linter/problem finder for the Go source code 20170808.1724 github "8,066"
moonscript Major mode for editing MoonScript code 20170831.2226 github "8,059"
jump-char navigation by char 20180601.1348 github "8,025"
salt-mode Major mode for Salt States 20200210.1200 github "8,010"
ac-clang Auto Completion source by libclang for GNU Emacs 20180710.546 github "7,994"
folding A folding-editor-like minor mode. 20220110.1718 github "7,991"
avy-menu Library providing avy-powered popup menu 20210321.1732 github "7,968"
jq-mode Edit jq scripts. 20200604.833 github "7,961"
react-snippets Yasnippets for React 20210430.1510 github "7,959"
latex-math-preview preview LaTeX mathematical expressions. 20211228.641 gitlab "7,940"
org-agenda-property Display org properties in the agenda buffer. 20140626.2116 github "7,915"
flycheck-kotlin Support kotlin in flycheck 20210406.1148 github "7,910"
warm-night-theme Emacs 24 theme with a dark background. 20161101.1428 github "7,903"
nav Emacs mode for filesystem navigation 20120507.707 github "7,900"
python-black Reformat Python using python-black 20211217.2037 github "7,893"
vline Column highlighting (vertical line displaying) mode 20210805.1528 github "7,886"
flymake-sass Flymake handler for sass and scss files 20170723.146 github "7,874"
monokai-pro-theme A simple theme based on the Monokai Pro Sublime color schemes 20210206.1820 github "7,850"
change-inner Change contents based on semantic units 20210126.1456 github "7,817"
projectile-ripgrep Run ripgrep with Projectile 20180914.1500 github "7,807"
eww-lnum Conkeror-like functionality for eww 20150102.1512 github "7,794"
helm-dictionary Helm source for looking up dictionaries 20201006.1511 github "7,766"
cnfonts A simple Chinese fonts config tool 20211227.248 github "7,763"
tiny Quickly generate linear ranges in Emacs 20190722.1212 github "7,760"
eimp Emacs Image Manipulation Package 20120826.2039 github "7,759"
dired-collapse Collapse unique nested paths in dired listing 20210403.1230 github "7,748"
helm-cmd-t cmd-t style completion 20170125.1459 github "7,735"
flymake-css Flymake support for css using csslint 20170723.146 github "7,734"
flymake-haskell-multi Syntax-check haskell-mode using both ghc and hlint 20170723.146 github "7,731"
company-nginx company-mode keywords support for nginx-mode 20220210.1411 git "7,729"
org-drill Self-testing using spaced repetition 20210427.2003 gitlab "7,696"
mips-mode Major-mode for MIPS assembly 20211114.1645 github "7,670"
org-msg Org mode to send and reply to email in HTML. 20210916.1114 github "7,655"
ox-ioslide Export org-mode to Google I/O HTML5 slide. 20161015.1338 github "7,620"
paredit-menu Adds a menu to paredit.el as memory aid 20160128.1733 github "7,607"
go-complete Native code completion for Go 20190409.516 github "7,606"
pcsv Parser of csv 20150220.1131 github "7,595"
image+ Image manipulate extensions for Emacs 20150707.1616 github "7,581"
worf A warrior does not press so many keys! (in org-mode) 20220102.835 github "7,579"
org-chef Cookbook and recipe management with org-mode. 20210930.1418 github "7,559"
flyspell-correct-popup Correcting words with flyspell via popup interface 20210124.1143 github "7,555"
lsp-pascal LSP client for Pascal 20200422.1610 github "7,531"
edbi Emacs Database Interface 20160225.141 github "7,500"
helm-pass "helm interface of pass, the standard Unix password manager" 20210221.1655 github "7,498"
color-theme-approximate Makes Emacs theme works on terminal transparently 20140228.436 github "7,486"
aio async/await for Emacs Lisp 20200610.1904 github "7,480"
boxquote Quote text with a semi-box. 20220105.1515 github "7,476"
fold-dwim Unified user interface for Emacs folding modes 20140208.1637 github "7,473"
anki-editor Minor mode for making Anki cards with Org 20190922.1223 github "7,458"
python-django A Jazzy package for managing Django projects 20150822.404 github "7,433"
poporg Pop a comment or string to an empty buffer for text editing 20170403.751 github "7,410"
howm Wiki-like note-taking tool 20211230.1221 git "7,397"
zig-mode A major mode for the Zig programming language 20211227.1108 github "7,358"
powerthesaurus Powerthesaurus integration 20220221.1004 github "7,356"
ethan-wspace whitespace customizations for emacs 20201106.2059 github "7,351"
with-simulated-input A macro to simulate user input non-interactively 20210527.2320 github "7,350"
rebox2 Handling of comment boxes in various styles. 20121113.1300 github "7,350"
transmission Interface to a Transmission session 20210705.2152 github "7,331"
workgroups workgroups for windows (for Emacs) 20110726.1641 github "7,301"
elmacro Convert keyboard macros to emacs lisp 20210716.639 github "7,283"
jsonnet-mode Major mode for editing jsonnet files 20220121.2109 github "7,250"
evil-find-char-pinyin Evil's f/F/t/T/evil-snipe commands with Pinyin support 20160514.2041 github "7,238"
ob-sml org-babel functions for template evaluation 20130829.1843 github "7,226"
syslog-mode Major-mode for viewing log files & strace output 20210910.1952 github "7,217"
flycheck-yamllint Flycheck integration for YAMLLint 20170325.1735 github "7,217"
easy-hugo Write blogs made with hugo by markdown or org-mode 20211017.1248 github "7,195"
sequential-command Many commands into one command 20170926.40 github "7,190"
cpp-auto-include Insert and delete C++ header files automatically 20210318.2217 github "7,185"
haxor-mode Major mode for editing Haxor Assembly Files 20160618.1129 github "7,178"
mozc-popup Mozc with popup 20150224.34 github "7,168"
egg Emacs Got Git - Emacs interface to Git 20181126.500 github "7,160"
helm-open-github Utilities of Opening Github Page 20170220.159 github "7,153"
textmate TextMate minor mode for Emacs 20110816.2146 github "7,134"
company-dcd Company backend for Dlang using DCD. 20210307.649 github "7,130"
webpaste Paste to pastebin-like services 20211211.658 github "7,127"
auto-async-byte-compile Automatically byte-compile when saved 20160916.454 github "7,120"
mustache-mode A major mode for editing Mustache files. 20141024.1432 github "7,116"
company-try-hard get all completions from company backends 20200417.1603 github "7,116"
dmenu simulate the dmenu command line program 20190908.44 github "7,110"
django-mode Major mode for Django web framework. 20170522.714 github "7,102"
ac-alchemist auto-complete source for alchemist 20150908.656 github "7,064"
pt "A front-end for pt, The Platinum Searcher." 20161226.1959 github "7,048"
helm-ag-r Search something by ag and display by helm 20131123.1531 github "7,039"
yankpad Paste snippets from an org-mode file 20220201.2104 github "7,023"
unkillable-scratch Disallow the \*scratch\* buffer from being killed 20190309.17 github "7,023"
org-appear Auto-toggle Org elements 20220211.727 github "7,005"
zotxt Tools to integrate emacs with Zotero via the zotxt plugin. 20210222.347 gitlab "7,003"
dune-format Reformat OCaml's dune files automatically 20210505.108 github "7,000"
copy-as-format Copy buffer locations as GitHub/Slack/JIRA etc... formatted code 20190523.258 github "6,969"
org-vcard org-mode support for vCard export and import. 20220206.1209 github "6,960"
ac-emmet auto-complete sources for emmet-mode's snippets 20131015.1558 github "6,948"
sauron Track (erc/org/dbus/...) events and react to them. 20201015.836 github "6,928"
fstar-mode Support for F* programming 20220106.2256 github "6,909"
gscholar-bibtex "Retrieve BibTeX from Google Scholar and other online sources(ACM, IEEE, DBLP)" 20190130.555 github "6,903"
elcord Allows you to integrate Rich Presence from Discord 20220209.2301 github "6,881"
flycheck-google-cpplint Help to comply with the Google C++ Style Guide 20210210.300 github "6,879"
flycheck-crystal Add support for Crystal to Flycheck 20200805.2344 github "6,866"
angular-snippets Yasnippets for AngularJS 20140514.523 github "6,828"
log4j-mode major mode for viewing log files 20160108.1918 git "6,824"
cmake-project Integrates CMake build process with Emacs 20171121.1115 github "6,816"
projectile-speedbar projectile integration for speedbar 20190807.2010 github "6,808"
litable dynamic evaluation replacement with emacs 20200130.1329 github "6,808"
python-info Python info manual for Emacs 20151228.1852 github "6,764"
helm-bm helm sources for bm.el 20160321.1331 github "6,754"
bbdb-vcard vCard import/export for BBDB 20210325.2208 github "6,722"
ng2-mode Major modes for editing Angular 2 20201203.1925 github "6,710"
ivy-pass ivy interface for pass 20170812.1955 github "6,710"
erc-terminal-notifier OSX notifications via the terminal-notifier gem for Emacs ERC. 20140115.1024 github "6,691"
org-attach-screenshot Screenshots integrated with org attachment dirs 20210221.1336 github "6,672"
mc-extras Extra functions for multiple-cursors mode. 20181109.1735 github "6,666"
gitlab-ci-mode Mode for editing GitLab CI files 20191022.2017 gitlab "6,665"
eshell-up Quickly go to a specific parent directory in eshell 20170425.1737 github "6,665"
real-auto-save Automatically save your buffers/files at regular intervals 20200505.1537 github "6,639"
rotate Rotate the layout of emacs 20210126.637 github "6,636"
flycheck-mypy Support mypy in flycheck 20200113.1336 github "6,609"
pretty-symbols Draw tokens as Unicode glyphs. 20140814.959 github "6,598"
weechat Chat via WeeChat's relay protocol in Emacs 20190520.1551 github "6,582"
sparql-mode Edit and interactively evaluate SPARQL queries. 20210701.1202 github "6,575"
geiser-guile Guile's implementation of the geiser protocols 20220215.2320 gitlab "6,567"
shrink-whitespace Whitespace removal DWIM key 20181003.321 gitlab "6,564"
php-eldoc eldoc backend for php 20140202.1941 github "6,533"
atl-long-lines Turn off truncate-lines when the line is long 20201026.339 github "6,520"
load-env-vars Load environment variables from files 20180511.2210 github "6,505"
geeknote Use Evernote in Emacs through geeknote 20220213.612 github "6,503"
howdoi Instant coding answers via Emacs. 20150204.43 github "6,495"
ac-geiser Auto-complete backend for geiser 20200318.824 github "6,482"
auto-complete-rst Auto-complete extension for ReST and Sphinx 20140225.944 github "6,477"
iflipb Interactively flip between recently visited buffers 20210907.1717 github "6,447"
avy-flycheck Jump to and fix syntax errors using `flycheck' with `avy' interface 20160720.1500 github "6,431"
haskell-emacs Write emacs extensions in haskell 20160904.2026 github "6,412"
highlight-thing Minimalistic minor mode to highlight current thing under point. 20181229.1301 github "6,400"
smart-mode-line-atom-one-dark-theme Atom-one-dark theme for smart-mode-line 20220108.2110 github "6,395"
servant ELPA server written in Emacs Lisp 20140216.1219 github "6,394"
ac-html-bootstrap auto complete bootstrap3/fontawesome classes for `ac-html' and `company-web' 20160302.1701 github "6,388"
org-fragtog Auto-toggle Org LaTeX fragments 20220110.2211 github "6,362"
m-buffer "List-Oriented, Functional Buffer Manipulation" 20170407.2141 github "6,338"
indent-control Management for indentation level 20220227.653 github "6,333"
helm-fuzzier Better fuzzy matching for Helm 20160605.2145 github "6,331"
scrollable-quick-peek Display scrollable overlays 20201224.329 github "6,322"
typing The Typing Of Emacs 20180830.2203 github "6,313"
graphene Friendly Emacs defaults 20180529.1112 github "6,305"
company-ctags Fastest company-mode completion backend for ctags 20211211.338 github "6,304"
org-mru-clock Clock in/out of tasks with completion and persistent history 20211029.1147 github "6,296"
docstr A document string minor mode 20220214.1539 github "6,284"
kubernetes-evil Kubernetes keybindings for evil-mode. 20211225.300 github "6,259"
verb Organize and send HTTP requests 20220214.943 github "6,255"
eclipse-theme Theme based on Eclipse circa 2010 20191113.1518 github "6,248"
calfw-gcal edit Google calendar for calfw.el. 20120111.1000 github "6,225"
auctex-lua Lua editing support for AUCTeX 20151121.1610 github "6,218"
lispyville A minor mode for integrating evil with lispy. 20210702.2031 github "6,211"
arjen-grey-theme A soothing dark grey theme 20170522.2047 github "6,173"
challenger-deep-theme challenger-deep Theme 20210120.941 github "6,162"
ox-epub Export org mode projects to EPUB 20181101.1854 github "6,147"
ssh-agency manage ssh-agent from Emacs 20200329.1558 github "6,131"
ace-jump-zap "Character zapping, `ace-jump-mode` style" 20170717.1849 github "6,129"
centered-window Center the text when there's only one window 20220125.804 github "6,098"
org-kanban kanban dynamic block for org-mode. 20220218.1845 github "6,071"
green-is-the-new-black-theme A cool and minimalist green blackened theme engine 20210203.1511 github "6,071"
libmpdee "Client end library for mpd, a music playing daemon" 20160117.2301 github "6,061"
cwl-mode A major mode for editing CWL 20210510.1150 github "6,053"
ctrlf Emacs finally learns how to ctrl+F 20220130.2307 github "6,015"
avy-migemo avy with migemo 20180716.1455 github "6,006"
flymake-haml A flymake handler for haml files 20170723.146 github "5,999"
stripe-buffer Use a different background for even and odd lines 20141208.1508 github "5,998"
sly-macrostep fancy macro-expansion via macrostep.el 20191211.1630 github "5,998"
spark sparkline generation 20211021.1832 github "5,990"
pyimport Manage Python imports! 20180308.1752 github "5,984"
zlc Provides zsh like completion system to Emacs 20151011.157 github "5,982"
elisp-format Format elisp code 20160508.952 github "5,949"
helm-c-moccur helm source for color-moccur.el 20151230.924 github "5,935"
company-plsense Company backend for Perl 20180118.58 github "5,922"
visible-mark Make marks visible. 20150624.450 git "5,918"
xmlgen A DSL for generating XML. 20170411.1317 github "5,903"
scheme-complete Smart auto completion for Scheme in Emacs 20201112.442 github "5,896"
wordnut Major mode interface to WordNet 20180313.443 github "5,874"
helm-go-package helm sources for Go programming language's package 20161103.153 github "5,852"
flycheck-clang-tidy Flycheck syntax checker using clang-tidy 20201115.1232 github "5,851"
shell-here Open a shell relative to the working directory 20220102.1703 github "5,829"
pyenv-mode-auto Automatically activates pyenv version if .python-version file exists. 20180620.1252 github "5,819"
helm-proc Helm interface for managing system processes 20161006.305 github "5,805"
ewal-spacemacs-themes Ride the rainbow spaceship 20190911.1305 github "5,803"
epic Evernote Picker for Cocoa Emacs 20170210.23 github "5,795"
undo-propose Simple and safe undo navigation 20210207.45 github "5,788"
ess-view View R dataframes in a spreadsheet software 20181001.1730 github "5,785"
auto-complete-nxml do completion by auto-complete.el on nXML-mode 20140221.458 github "5,743"
fira-code-mode Minor mode for Fira Code ligatures using prettify-symbols 20210702.1631 github "5,735"
helm-unicode Helm command for unicode characters. 20180608.1407 github "5,732"
helm-git-files helm for git files 20141212.1317 github "5,728"
smart-jump Smart go to definition. 20210304.844 github "5,727"
nlinum-hl heal nlinum's line numbers 20211112.1241 github "5,718"
company-bibtex Company completion for bibtex keys 20171105.644 github "5,690"
guess-language Robust automatic language detection 20210623.1505 github "5,684"
native-complete Shell completion using native complete mechanisms 20220124.1806 github "5,680"
mozc-im Mozc with input-method-function interface. 20160412.22 github "5,675"
package+ Extensions for the package library. 20210124.640 github "5,674"
babel interface to web translation services such as Babelfish 20210612.640 github "5,656"
org-roam-ui User Interface for Org-roam 20220225.2151 github "5,653"
srv perform SRV DNS requests 20180715.1959 github "5,641"
vala-snippets Yasnippets for Vala 20150429.352 github "5,628"
company-emojify Company completion for Emojify 20210718.424 github "5,623"
ahungry-theme Ahungry color theme for Emacs. Make sure to (load-theme 'ahungry). 20180131.328 github "5,622"
kivy-mode Emacs major mode for editing Kivy files 20210318.2106 github "5,619"
tramp-term Automatic setup of directory tracking in ssh sessions. 20190628.1207 github "5,616"
orglue more functionality to org-mode. 20200411.311 github "5,612"
doct DOCT: Declarative Org capture templates 20220227.205 github "5,597"
org-noter-pdftools Integration between org-pdftools and org-noter 20210118.1611 github "5,595"
prettier Code formatting with Prettier 20211018.955 github "5,586"
mingus MPD Interface 20190106.1443 github "5,575"
flycheck-languagetool Flycheck support for LanguageTool 20211107.1001 github "5,557"
helm-flymake helm interface for flymake 20160610.2 github "5,551"
flymake-shellcheck A bash/sh Flymake backend powered by ShellCheck 20210314.2048 github "5,528"
hiwin Visible active window mode. 20150825.827 github "5,513"
mood-line A minimal mode-line inspired by doom-modeline 20211003.2113 gitlab "5,507"
google-contacts Support for Google Contacts in Emacs 20201012.1056 github "5,506"
cask-package-toolset Toolsettize your package 20170921.2256 github "5,505"
helm-R helm-sources and some utilities for GNU R. 20120820.14 github "5,504"
oauth Oauth library. 20130128.151 github "5,481"
org-evil Evil extensions for Org. 20210809.1724 github "5,479"
codesearch Core support for managing codesearch tools 20181006.1431 github "5,477"
dts-mode Major mode for Devicetree source code 20211202.18 github "5,476"
helm-notmuch Search emails with Notmuch and Helm 20190320.1048 github "5,472"
kurecolor color editing goodies for Emacs 20200113.2027 github "5,467"
clomacs Simplifies Emacs Lisp interaction with Clojure. 20201224.1358 github "5,461"
ejc-sql Emacs SQL client uses Clojure JDBC. 20211119.1910 github "5,457"
clipmon "Clipboard monitor - watch system clipboard, add changes to kill ring/autoinsert" 20180129.1054 github "5,451"
guix Interface for GNU Guix 20210608.1653 github "5,445"
ivy-file-preview Preview the current ivy file selection 20210124.1639 github "5,440"
helm-helm-commands List all helm commands with helm 20130902.1748 github "5,440"
leaf-convert Convert many format to leaf format 20210816.1103 github "5,435"
indent-tools "Indent, navigate (and more) by blocks of indentation: yaml, python etc." 20210622.1207 gitlab "5,429"
doom DOM implementation and manipulation library 20180301.2308 github "5,428"
ac-octave An auto-complete source for Octave 20180406.334 github "5,418"
julia-shell Major mode for an inferior Julia shell 20161125.1910 github "5,412"
smart-comment smarter commenting 20160322.1839 github "5,407"
dired-toggle Show dired as sidebar and will not create new buffers when changing dir 20190616.303 github "5,399"
fish-completion Fish completion for pcomplete (shell and Eshell) 20191103.1210 gitlab "5,386"
ox-asciidoc AsciiDoc Back-End for Org Export Engine 20211224.538 github "5,374"
bnf-mode Major mode for editing BNF grammars. 20200323.1348 github "5,374"
elixir-yasnippets Yasnippets for Elixir 20150417.1239 github "5,367"
zotelo Manage Zotero collections from emacs 20160602.949 github "5,359"
reason-mode A major mode for editing ReasonML 20200929.1606 github "5,352"
flycheck-flow Support Flow in flycheck 20190304.1459 github "5,350"
academic-phrases Bypass that mental block when writing your papers. 20180723.1021 github "5,338"
major-mode-hydra Major mode keybindings managed by Hydra 20210221.834 github "5,335"
ubuntu-theme A theme inspired by the default terminal colors in Ubuntu 20150805.1506 github "5,333"
ace-popup-menu Replace GUI popup menu with something more efficient 20210608.839 github "5,322"
dot-mode minor mode to repeat typing or commands 20180312.2300 github "5,305"
win-switch "fast, dynamic bindings for window-switching/resizing" 20161009.1627 github "5,282"
orgtbl-aggregate Create an aggregated Org table from another one 20220127.1502 github "5,280"
poly-org Polymode for org-mode 20220201.1514 github "5,274"
windsize "Simple, intuitive window resizing" 20181029.2257 github "5,234"
orglink use Org Mode links in other modes 20220101.1045 github "5,230"
ert-junit JUnit XML reports from ert results 20190802.2232 git "5,226"
all-ext M-x all with helm-swoop/anything/multiple-cursors/line-number 20200315.1443 github "5,218"
navi-mode major-mode for easy buffer-navigation 20201220.1727 github "5,205"
auto-complete-exuberant-ctags Exuberant ctags auto-complete.el source 20140320.724 github "5,198"
sane-term Multi Term is crazy. This is not. 20181130.101 github "5,184"
calmer-forest-theme Darkish theme with green/orange tint 20130926.510 github "5,179"
fixmee Quickly navigate to FIXME notices in code 20150223.1355 github "5,178"
region-bindings-mode Enable custom bindings when mark is active. 20140407.2214 github "5,176"
helm-mt helm multi-term management 20160918.452 github "5,164"
go-stacktracer parse Go stack traces 20150430.2142 github "5,164"
dired-imenu imenu binding for dired mode 20140109.1610 github "5,156"
basic-theme Minimalistic light color theme 20160817.827 github "5,135"
org-wc Count words in org mode trees. 20200731.2244 github "5,134"
eink-theme E Ink color theme 20190219.858 github "5,133"
org-timeline Add graphical view of agenda to agenda buffer. 20211110.1952 github "5,125"
gitter An Emacs Gitter client 20180122.856 github "5,123"
electric-spacing Insert operators with surrounding spaces smartly 20220220.1540 github "5,120"
autumn-light-theme "A light color theme with muted, autumnal colors." 20150515.1447 github "5,113"
curry-on-theme A low contrast color theme 20210322.1717 github "5,095"
monitor Utilities for monitoring expressions. 20161018.1144 github "5,091"
pandoc Pandoc interface 20161128.1157 github "5,090"
ace-mc Add multiple cursors quickly using ace jump 20190206.749 github "5,085"
helm-perldoc perldoc with helm interface 20200315.1716 github "5,081"
company-native-complete Company completion using native-complete 20220103.1622 github "5,080"
lispxmp Automagic emacs lisp code annotation 20170926.23 github "5,077"
bicycle cycle outline and code visibility 20220101.1042 github "5,063"
shell-switcher Provide fast switching between shell buffers. 20210509.1045 github "5,058"
auto-virtualenv Auto activate python virtualenvs 20211215.907 github "5,054"
platformio-mode PlatformIO integration 20210511.957 github "5,050"
chinese-conv Conversion between Chinese Characters with opencc or cconv 20170807.2128 github "5,047"
coverage Code coverage line highlighting 20191113.1958 github "5,038"
http-post-simple HTTP POST requests using the url library 20170715.940 github "5,033"
paper-theme A minimal Emacs colour theme. 20200510.5 github "5,020"
znc ZNC + ERC 20210803.159 github "5,016"
dream-theme Maximalist Nordic/Zenburn-inspired color theme 20210419.605 github "5,011"
auto-sudoedit Auto sudo edit by tramp 20220209.554 github "4,996"
image-dired+ Image-dired extensions 20150430.544 github "4,995"
md4rd Mode for reddit (browse it). 20220105.1558 github "4,972"
inf-mongo Run a MongoDB shell process in a buffer 20180408.1338 github "4,964"
helm-dired-recent-dirs Show recent dirs with helm.el support. 20131228.1414 github "4,961"
ewal A pywal-based theme generator 20200305.230 github "4,942"
fennel-mode A major-mode for editing Fennel code 20220131.627 gitlab "4,940"
org-board bookmarking and web archival system for Org mode. 20200619.1016 github "4,929"
ivy-erlang-complete Erlang context sensitive completion at point using ivy. It also support xref and eldoc. 20211019.447 github "4,922"
logms Log message with clickable links to context 20210721.349 github "4,920"
esqlite Manipulate sqlite file from Emacs 20151206.1206 github "4,917"
keytar Emacs Lisp interface for node-keytar 20220222.639 github "4,915"
reverse-im Reverse mapping for non-default system layouts 20211005.2158 github "4,911"
bufler Group buffers into workspaces with programmable rules 20210907.1145 github "4,908"
color-theme-buffer-local Install color-themes by buffer. 20170126.601 github "4,906"
flx-isearch Fuzzy incremental searching for emacs 20191119.515 github "4,898"
sly-repl-ansi-color Add ANSI colors support to the sly mrepl. 20171020.1516 github "4,856"
leaf-tree Interactive side-bar feature for init.el using leaf 20211105.19 github "4,846"
jss An emacs interface to webkit and mozilla debuggers 20130508.1423 github "4,846"
org-ehtml Export Org-mode files as editable web pages 20220216.2054 github "4,842"
idea-darkula-theme Color theme based on IntelliJ IDEA Darkula color theme 20160416.2303 github "4,827"
suggest suggest elisp functions that give the output requested 20190807.851 github "4,824"
skeletor Provides project skeletons for Emacs 20210129.239 github "4,819"
svg-mode-line-themes SVG-based themes for mode-line 20150425.2006 github "4,816"
flycheck-elixir Support Elixir in flycheck 20210413.612 github "4,802"
theme-looper A package for switching themes in Emacs interactively 20210827.424 github "4,799"
cm-mode Minor mode for CriticMarkup 20170203.2107 github "4,798"
mo-git-blame "An interactive, iterative 'git blame' mode for Emacs" 20160129.1759 gitlab "4,793"
selected Keymap for when region is active 20200528.606 github "4,781"
hideshow-org Provides org-mode like hide and show for hideshow.el 20120223.2250 github "4,777"
xresources-theme Use your .Xresources as your emacs theme 20190108.1851 github "4,761"
hledger-mode A mode for writing journal entries for hledger. 20210706.1225 github "4,757"
magit-org-todos Add local todo items to the magit status buffer 20180709.1950 github "4,751"
ac-html-csswatcher css/less class/id completion with `ac-html' or `company-web' 20151208.2113 github "4,745"
lentic One buffer as a view of another 20210727.1247 github "4,741"
smart-newline Provide smart newline for one keybind. 20131208.340 github "4,729"
jeison A library for declarative JSON parsing 20190721.1651 github "4,723"
achievements Achievements for emacs usage. 20150531.1317 gitlab "4,723"
literate-calc-mode Inline results from calc 20220215.1814 github "4,717"
ibuffer-tramp Group ibuffer's list by TRAMP connection 20151118.1739 github "4,703"
lice License And Header Template 20220215.303 github "4,702"
ob-typescript org-babel functions for typescript evaluation 20190910.946 github "4,692"
ibuffer-sidebar Sidebar for `ibuffer' 20210508.836 github "4,691"
github-theme The GitHub color theme for Emacs. 20170630.2201 github "4,691"
helm-w3m W3m bookmark - helm interface. 20210315.723 github "4,683"
dired-toggle-sudo Browse directory with sudo privileges. 20211216.102 github "4,679"
org-clock-convenience convenience functions for org time tracking 20200705.1527 github "4,677"
helm-orgcard browse the orgcard by helm 20151001.1524 github "4,656"
forecast Weather forecasts 20191004.1850 github "4,656"
immaterial-theme A flexible theme based on material design principles 20220214.1859 github "4,654"
ansible-vault Minor mode for editing ansible vault files 20211119.1500 github "4,652"
sly-quicklisp Quicklisp support for SLY 20211206.948 github "4,630"
auth-source-keytar Integrate auth-source with keytar 20220222.640 github "4,620"
elfeed-protocol Provide fever/newsblur/owncloud/ttrss protocols for elfeed 20220126.1404 github "4,600"
mu4e-conversation Show a complete thread in a single buffer 20190609.812 gitlab "4,592"
lsp-jedi Lsp client plugin for Python Jedi Language Server 20210602.1925 github "4,592"
helm-chrome Helm interface for Chrome bookmarks 20160719.520 github "4,590"
snakemake-mode Major mode for editing Snakemake files 20220223.218 github "4,588"
org-wild-notifier Customizable org-agenda notifications 20220221.928 github "4,588"
r-autoyas Provides automatically created yasnippets for R function argument lists. 20140101.1510 github "4,587"
epkg browse the Emacsmirror package database 20220216.1916 github "4,578"
midje-mode Minor mode for running Midje tests in emacs 20170809.403 github "4,572"
use-package-hydra Adds :hydra keyword to use-package macro 20181228.745 gitlab "4,564"
aqi Air quality data from the World Air Quality Index 20200215.1334 github "4,556"
form-feed Display ^L glyphs as horizontal lines 20210508.1627 git "4,550"
xml+ Utilities for xml and html trees 20170727.2351 github "4,522"
lean-mode A major mode for the Lean 3 language 20220124.1813 github "4,520"
stan-snippets Yasnippets for Stan 20211129.2051 github "4,514"
ox-html5slide Export org-mode to HTML5 slide. 20131228.606 github "4,508"
helm-system-packages Helm UI wrapper for system package managers. 20210628.1727 github "4,508"
org-edit-latex Edit embedded LaTeX in a dedicated buffer 20170908.1522 github "4,497"
desktop-environment Helps you control your GNU/Linux computer 20210129.2018 github "4,478"
k8s-mode Major mode for Kubernetes configuration file 20211121.518 github "4,471"
lfe-mode Lisp Flavoured Erlang mode 20220102.1653 github "4,469"
el-init A loader inspired by init-loader 20150728.920 github "4,440"
helm-describe-modes Helm interface to major and minor modes. 20160212.518 github "4,437"
bbdb-ext Extra commands for BBDB 20151220.2013 github "4,427"
org-dotemacs "Store your emacs config as an org file, and choose which bits to load." 20211126.2038 github "4,421"
helm-rails Helm extension for Rails projects. 20130424.1519 github "4,410"
cyberpunk-2019-theme A retina-scorching cyberpunk theme 20191008.1133 github "4,394"
dic-lookup-w3m look up dictionaries on the Internet 20180526.1621 github "4,392"
nordless-theme A mostly colorless version of nord-theme 20201222.1627 git "4,391"
kubernetes-tramp TRAMP integration for kubernetes containers 20181228.922 github "4,391"
term+ term-mode enhancement 20170509.17 github "4,390"
figlet "Annoy people with big, ascii art text" 20160218.2237 github "4,387"
grep-a-lot manages multiple search results buffers for grep.el 20210618.1420 github "4,386"
counsel-spotify Control Spotify search and select music with Ivy 20200818.2055 github "4,376"
paxedit "Structured, Context Driven LISP Editing and Refactoring" 20160730.1727 github "4,365"
ibuffer-git show git status in ibuffer column 20110508.731 github "4,362"
firecode-theme an Emacs 24 theme based on FireCode (tmTheme) 20170808.1311 github "4,361"
zone-nyan Zone out with nyan cat 20210508.1642 git "4,358"
org-babel-eval-in-repl Eval org-mode babel code blocks in various REPLs. 20201206.1540 github "4,356"
wsd-mode Emacs major-mode for 20191031.1211 github "4,345"
load-theme-buffer-local Install emacs24 color themes by buffer. 20120702.2036 github "4,345"
browse-url-dwim Context-sensitive external browse URL or Internet search 20140731.1922 github "4,304"
angular-mode Major mode for Angular.js 20151201.2127 github "4,302"
labburn-theme A lab color space zenburn theme. 20200822.2153 github "4,289"
cycle-themes A global minor mode to make switching themes easier 20150403.309 github "4,283"
gnu-apl-mode Integrate GNU APL with Emacs 20211012.1139 github "4,276"
helm-recoll helm interface for the recoll desktop search tool. 20200805.1235 github "4,273"
flatland-black-theme an Emacs 24 theme based on Flatland Black (tmTheme) 20170808.1312 github "4,272"
fd-dired find-dired alternative using fd 20210723.549 github "4,272"
async-await Async/Await 20200117.828 github "4,270"
multi-vterm Like multi-term.el but for vterm 20210727.1050 github "4,266"
erefactor Emacs-Lisp refactoring utilities 20200513.1252 github "4,264"
eslint-fix Fix JavaScript files using ESLint 20211005.221 github "4,254"
nova-theme "A dark, pastel color theme" 20210512.1802 github "4,246"
charmap Unicode table for Emacs 20200616.1418 github "4,223"
loccur Perform an occur-like folding in current buffer 20210224.2041 github "4,217"
readline-complete offers completions in shell mode 20150708.1437 github "4,212"
desktop+ Handle special buffers when saving & restoring sessions 20170107.2132 github "4,207"
ruby-interpolation Ruby string interpolation helpers 20131112.1652 github "4,206"
diredful colorful file names in dired buffers 20160529.2017 github "4,205"
helm-firefox Firefox bookmarks 20210331.1900 github "4,197"
humanoid-themes Color themes with a dark and light variant 20220112.1138 github "4,195"
oer-reveal "OER with reveal.js, plugins, and org-re-reveal" 20220117.1434 gitlab "4,185"
one-themes One Colorscheme 20200720.1444 github "4,178"
ido-yes-or-no Use Ido to answer yes-or-no questions 20161108.2351 github "4,178"
elquery The HTML library for elisp. 20200628.1756 github "4,171"
dired-launch Use dired as a launcher 20211205.712 github "4,169"
flymake-hlint A flymake handler for haskell-mode files using hlint 20170723.146 github "4,167"
isend-mode Interactively send parts of an Emacs buffer to an interpreter 20210106.1506 github "4,164"
orgbox Mailbox-like task scheduling Org. 20180827.218 github "4,163"
foreign-regexp search and replace by foreign regexp. 20200325.50 github "4,160"
navi2ch Navigator for 2ch for Emacsen 20200130.36 github "4,146"
helm-ls-hg List hg files in hg project. 20150909.543 github "4,145"
forth-mode Programming language mode for Forth 20210829.1824 github "4,136"
flycheck-clangcheck A Flycheck checker difinition for ClangCheck. 20150712.710 github "4,134"
which-key-posframe Using posframe to show which-key 20210615.944 github "4,133"
pg Emacs Lisp interface to the PostgreSQL RDBMS 20130731.2142 github "4,132"
scpaste Paste to the web via scp. 20210223.1902 git "4,122"
popup-switcher switch to other buffers and files via popup. 20210402.1208 github "4,122"
ninja-mode Major mode for editing .ninja files 20181024.1439 github "4,122"
dedicated A very simple minor mode for dedicated buffers 20151202.110 github "4,122"
csv Functions for reading and parsing CSV files. 20161113.1510 gitlab "4,119"
itail An interactive tail mode 20171112.804 github "4,115"
pabbrev Predictive abbreviation expansion 20160320.2101 github "4,108"
org-make-toc Automatic tables of contents for Org files 20200409.1436 github "4,108"
java-imports Code for dealing with Java imports 20211006.2153 github "4,099"
org-doing Keep track of what you're doing 20161017.1620 github "4,096"
key-combo map key sequence to commands 20150324.1439 github "4,092"
offlineimap Run OfflineIMAP from Emacs 20150916.1158 github "4,086"
minesweeper play minesweeper in Emacs 20200416.2342 hg "4,082"
auto-complete-chunk Auto-completion for dot.separated.words. 20140225.946 github "4,081"
helm-emmet helm sources for emmet-mode's snippets 20160713.1231 github "4,072"
bibtex-utils Provides utilities for extending BibTeX mode 20190703.2117 github "4,063"
org-octopress Compose octopress articles using org-mode. 20170821.415 github "4,056"
psession Persistent save of elisp objects. 20211228.839 github "4,055"
ido-grid-mode Display ido-prospects in the minibuffer in a grid. 20160122.1139 github "4,054"
python-x python.el extras for interactive evaluation 20190611.1303 gitlab "4,032"
horizon-theme A beautifully warm dual theme 20200720.1832 github "4,028"
jenkins Minimalistic Jenkins client for Emacs 20200524.2016 github "4,006"
monokai-alt-theme Theme with a dark background. Based on sublime monokai theme. 20170630.2048 github "4,003"
project-persist-drawer Use a project drawer with project-persist. 20151108.1222 github "3,998"
kill-ring-search incremental search for the kill ring 20140422.1555 github "3,997"
eshell-toggle Show/hide eshell under active window. 20210407.2039 github "3,996"
sml-modeline Show position in a scrollbar like way in mode-line 20170614.2111 github "3,993"
helm-emms Emms for Helm. 20201205.1635 github "3,985"
w32-browser Run Windows application associated with a file. 20170101.1954 github "3,975"
weather-metno Weather data from in Emacs 20150901.107 github "3,974"
separedit Edit comment/string/docstring/code block in separate buffer 20220226.1344 github "3,965"
yang-mode major mode for editing YANG files 20190507.724 github "3,959"
borland-blue-theme Blue/yellow theme based on old DOS Borland/Turbo C IDE 20160117.1321 github "3,948"
parrot Party Parrot rotates gracefully in mode-line. 20220101.518 github "3,946"
cargo-mode Cargo Major Mode. Cargo is the Rust package manager 20210605.1003 github "3,946"
kubel Control Kubernetes with limited permissions 20220104.2320 github "3,937"
vc-fossil VC backend for the fossil sofware configuraiton management system 20210928.737 github "3,931"
magit-lfs Magit plugin for Git LFS 20210918.2000 github "3,929"
elpygen Generate a Python function/method using a symbol under point 20171225.1736 github "3,926"
suscolors-theme "Colorful theme, inspired by Gruvbox." 20190713.1009 github "3,925"
green-phosphor-theme "A light color theme with muted, autumnal colors." 20150515.1447 github "3,920"
simple-mpc provides a simple interface to mpc 20220216.102 github "3,913"
org-bookmark-heading Emacs bookmark support for org-mode 20200103.514 github "3,913"
popup-complete completion with popup 20141109.308 github "3,912"
objed Navigate and edit text objects. 20200911.1435 github "3,912"
popup-imenu imenu index popup 20210404.1153 github "3,901"
ppd-sr-speedbar Sr Speedbar adaptor for project-persist-drawer. 20151108.1224 github "3,898"
sort-words Sort words in a selected region 20160929.1335 github "3,894"
sound-wav Play wav file 20200323.728 github "3,879"
scribble-mode Major mode for editing Scribble documents 20190912.200 github "3,876"
org-context Contextual capture and agenda commands for Org-mode 20210216.1526 github "3,874"
todotxt A major mode for editing todo.txt files 20220204.1903 github "3,873"
edit-server-htmlize (de)HTMLization hooks for edit-server.el 20130329.2248 github "3,872"
dropbox Emacs backend for dropbox 20190918.1629 github "3,858"
helm-gitlab Helm interface to Gitlab 20180312.1647 github "3,854"
icomplete-vertical Display icomplete candidates vertically 20210603.1343 github "3,853"
ponylang-mode A major mode for the Pony programming language 20211015.331 github "3,835"
eide IDE interface 20220119.2125 git "3,828"
helm-ghq Ghq with helm interface 20210724.744 github "3,827"
clang-format+ Minor mode for automatic clang-format application 20190824.2216 github "3,827"
all-the-icons-gnus Shows icons for in Gnus 20180511.654 github "3,816"
idle-require load elisp libraries while Emacs is idle 20090715.2203 github "3,814"
highlight-blocks Highlight the blocks point is in 20190318.1557 github "3,808"
fuel Major mode for the Factor programming language. 20211221.2127 github "3,804"
fontawesome fontawesome utility 20170305.1356 github "3,794"
autodisass-java-bytecode Automatically disassemble Java bytecode 20211005.1920 github "3,794"
org-grep Kind of M-x rgrep adapted for Org mode. 20151202.1229 github "3,792"
bog Extensions for research notes in Org mode 20201030.357 github "3,787"
org-static-blog a simple org-mode based static blog generator 20220110.739 github "3,771"
highlight-doxygen Highlight Doxygen comments 20200520.1713 github "3,770"
jquery-doc jQuery api documentation interface for emacs 20150812.758 github "3,762"
helm-backup Backup each file change using git 20180911.614 github "3,758"
on-screen guide your eyes while scrolling 20160302.950 github "3,744"
dired-efap Edit Filename At Point in a dired buffer 20140122.1656 github "3,744"
bliss-theme an Emacs 24 theme based on Bliss (tmTheme) 20170808.1307 github "3,743"
better-shell Better shell management 20191025.1737 github "3,740"
ocamlformat Utility functions to format ocaml code 20210923.1348 github "3,738"
evil-god-state use god-mode keybindings in evil-mode 20141117.255 github "3,724"
night-owl-theme A color theme for the night owls out there 20200622.1943 github "3,723"
citre Ctags IDE on the True Editor 20220130.538 github "3,723"
ignoramus "Ignore backups, build files, et al." 20210515.1422 github "3,718"
dotnet Interact with dotnet CLI tool 20200803.1032 github "3,698"
dark-krystal-theme an Emacs 24 theme based on Dark Krystal (tmTheme) 20170808.1300 github "3,694"
ace-flyspell Jump to and correct spelling errors using `ace-jump-mode' and flyspell 20170309.509 github "3,692"
corral Quickly surround text with delimiters 20160502.701 github "3,688"
ob-browser Render HTML in org-mode blocks. 20170720.1918 github "3,686"
resize-window easily resize windows 20180918.538 github "3,677"
phi-search-mc multiple-cursors extension for phi-search 20160324.1503 github "3,671"
go-add-tags Add field tags for struct fields 20161123.1227 github "3,668"
sqlite Use sqlite via ELisp 20201227.1822 gitlab "3,667"
org-redmine Redmine tools using Emacs OrgMode 20160711.1114 github "3,646"
comment-tags Highlight & navigate comment tags like 'TODO'. 20170910.1735 github "3,640"
web-mode-edit-element Helper-functions for attribute- and element-handling 20190531.852 github "3,634"
company-arduino company-mode for Arduino 20160306.1739 github "3,620"
boron-theme an Emacs 24 theme based on Boron (tmTheme) 20170808.1308 github "3,617"
evil-mu4e evil-based key bindings for mu4e 20180613.1039 github "3,616"
go "Play GO, translate and transfer between GO back ends" 20161111.249 github "3,615"
boon Ergonomic Command Mode for Emacs. 20211217.737 github "3,612"
butler Emacs client for Jenkins 20210928.230 github "3,609"
helm-ispell ispell-complete-word with helm interface 20151231.853 github "3,606"
chronos multiple simultaneous countdown / countup timers 20150602.1529 github "3,606"
iceberg-theme "Well-designed, eye-friendly, dark blue color scheme" 20200812.943 github "3,604"
gnus-alias an alternative to gnus-posting-styles 20150316.42 github "3,592"
vscode-icon Utility package to provide Vscode style icons 20201214.2227 github "3,586"
magit-delta Use Delta when displaying diffs in Magit 20220125.50 github "3,586"
org-outlook Outlook org 20160705.1338 github "3,585"
ac-rtags auto-complete back-end for RTags 20191222.920 github "3,579"
volume tweak your sound card volume from Emacs 20201002.1022 github "3,578"
language-detection Automatic language detection from code snippets 20161123.1813 github "3,573"
org-mobile-sync automatically sync org-mobile on changes 20180606.524 git "3,571"
yoshi-theme Theme named after my cat 20211031.456 github "3,557"
magit-topgit TopGit extension for Magit 20160313.1954 github "3,557"
jtags enhanced tags functionality for Java development 20160211.2029 git "3,554"
aes Implementation of AES 20211204.2348 github "3,550"
cheatsheet create your own cheatsheet 20170126.2150 github "3,547"
avk-emacs-themes Collection of avk themes 20210521.1051 github "3,546"
parchment-theme Light theme inspired by Acme and Leuven 20200910.2310 github "3,543"
docker-api Emacs interface to the Docker API 20160525.720 github "3,542"
shift-number Increase/decrease the number at point 20170301.1459 github "3,540"
firestarter Execute (shell) commands on save 20210508.1626 git "3,533"
smart-shift Smart shift text left/right. 20150203.725 github "3,531"
helm-smex Helm interface for smex 20171004.2008 github "3,529"
org2jekyll Minor mode to publish org-mode post to jekyll without specific yaml 20210829.1113 github "3,504"
window-jump Move left/right/up/down through your windows. 20170809.2208 github "3,503"
multi-compile Multi target interface to compile. 20211113.2119 github "3,499"
format-sql Use format-sql to make your SQL readable in directly Emacs. 20150422.1333 github "3,498"
git-annex Mode for easy editing of git-annex'd files 20190625.2118 github "3,497"
calfw-cal calendar view for emacs diary 20170320.1206 github "3,493"
counsel-osx-app launch osx applications via ivy interface 20160821.809 github "3,485"
julia-snail Julia Snail 20220218.512 github "3,480"
rime Rime input method 20220222.228 github "3,475"
wgrep-ack Writable ack-and-a-half buffer and apply the changes to files 20200128.109 github "3,470"
toggle-quotes Toggle between single and double quoted string 20140710.926 github "3,470"
demo-it Create demonstrations 20211221.2152 github "3,457"
reykjavik-theme Theme with a dark background. 20201219.947 github "3,456"
evil-quickscope "Highlight unique characters in words for f,F,t,T navigation" 20160202.1924 github "3,452"
multifiles View and edit parts of multiple files in one buffer 20130615.2133 github "3,443"
org-toodledo Toodledo integration for Emacs Org mode 20150301.1113 github "3,441"
flycheck-julia Julia support for Flycheck 20170729.2141 github "3,431"
miniedit Enhanced editing for minibuffer fields. 20100419.1745 github "3,429"
affe Asynchronous Fuzzy Finder for Emacs 20211221.1304 github "3,419"
lusty-explorer Dynamic filesystem explorer and buffer switcher 20200602.228 github "3,417"
artbollocks-mode Improve your writing (especially about art) 20170524.422 github "3,417"
auto-virtualenvwrapper Lightweight auto activate python virtualenvs 20200510.1006 github "3,414"
pcmpl-git pcomplete for git 20170121.59 github "3,411"
eldoc-box Display documentation in childframe 20220220.2003 github "3,411"
cedit paredit-like commands for c-like languages 20200816.526 github "3,407"
grapnel HTTP request lib with flexible callback dispatch 20131001.1534 github "3,403"
graphene-meta-theme Integrated theming for common packages 20161204.1607 github "3,403"
tox Launch current python test with tox 20160810.1555 github "3,401"
libmpdel Communication with an MPD server 20210627.755 github "3,396"
gitconfig Emacs lisp interface to work with git-config variables 20130718.935 github "3,393"
frog-jump-buffer The fastest buffer-jumping Emacs lisp package around. 20220129.539 github "3,390"
wc-goal-mode Running word count with goals (minor mode) 20140829.1359 github "3,389"
mykie Command multiplexer: Register multiple functions to a keybind 20150808.2205 github "3,387"
bibretrieve Retrieve BibTeX entries from the internet 20191124.1855 github "3,387"
simple-call-tree analyze source code based on font-lock text-properties 20210625.2001 github "3,383"
slime-theme an Emacs 24 theme based on Slime (tmTheme) 20170808.1322 github "3,382"
smart-cursor-color Change cursor color dynamically 20201207.2228 github "3,380"
display-theme display current theme(s) at mode-line 20140115.1556 github "3,379"
package-filter package archive whitelist and blacklist 20161122.719 github "3,376"
flycheck-status-emoji "Show flycheck status using cute, compact emoji" 20180330.2325 github "3,364"
bats-mode Emacs mode for editing and running Bats tests 20160514.615 github "3,359"
go-gopath Will guess GOPATH using gb and projectile. 20160705.1034 github "3,357"
apples-mode Major mode for editing and executing AppleScript code 20110121.418 github "3,352"
po-mode major mode for GNU gettext PO files 20200606.1404 github "3,350"
dired-filetype-face Set different faces for different filetypes in dired 20180907.1339 github "3,346"
projectile-codesearch Integration of codesearch into projectile 20180508.1522 github "3,343"
helm-icons Helm icons 20210330.1216 github "3,342"
mpv control mpv for easy note-taking 20211228.2043 github "3,340"
bbdb-csv-import import csv to bbdb version 3+ 20140802.1142 git "3,333"
shx Extras for the comint-mode shell 20201121.1824 github "3,327"
flymake-puppet Flymake handler using puppet-lint 20170801.554 github "3,326"
aggressive-fill-paragraph A mode to automatically keep paragraphs filled 20180910.816 github "3,325"
full-ack a front-end for ack 20140223.1732 github "3,322"
uuid UUID's for EmacsLisp 20120910.851 github "3,318"
go-scratch *scratch* buffer for Go 20150810.440 github "3,318"
waher-theme Emacs 24 theme based on waher for st2 by dduckster 20141115.1230 github "3,312"
org-radiobutton Radiobutton for org-mode lists. 20210519.1225 github "3,311"
hover Package to use hover with flutter 20220129.1935 github "3,311"
cljr-helm Wraps clojure refactor commands with helm 20160913.828 github "3,309"
stem Routines for stemming 20131102.1109 github "3,305"
ido-complete-space-or-hyphen Allow spaces to also match hyphens in ido 20210206.1505 github "3,303"
greymatters-theme Emacs 24 theme with a light background. 20150621.1123 github "3,293"
org-index A personal adaptive index for org 20220121.1503 github "3,290"
fix-word Convenient word transformation 20210319.1414 github "3,290"
nrepl-eval-sexp-fu Tiny functionality enhancements for evaluating sexps. 20201007.2311 github "3,278"
sudo-ext sudo support 20170126.1214 github "3,276"
dictcc Look up translations on 20220219.1302 github "3,268"
undo-fu-session "Persistent undo, available between sessions" 20220211.548 gitlab "3,262"
grunt Some glue to stick Emacs and Gruntfiles together 20160316.1528 github "3,261"
el-autoyas Automatically create Emacs-Lisp Yasnippets 20120918.1317 github "3,260"
mastodon Client for Mastodon 20220216.1103 git "3,258"
datomic-snippets Yasnippets for Datomic 20180817.1045 github "3,258"
load-bash-alias Convert bash aliases into eshell ones 20220108.2103 github "3,252"
melpa-upstream-visit A set of kludges to visit a melpa-hosted package's homepage 20130720.1033 github "3,250"
imenus Imenu for multiple buffers and without subgroups 20200730.855 github "3,249"
cp5022x "cp50220, cp50221, cp50222 coding system" 20120323.2335 github "3,248"
taskpaper-mode Major mode for working with TaskPaper files 20220117.2118 github "3,247"
viewer View-mode extension 20170107.202 github "3,230"
launch launch files with OS-standard associated applications. 20130619.2204 github "3,221"
golden-ratio-scroll-screen "Scroll half screen down or up, and highlight current line" 20200419.451 github "3,218"
erc-colorize Per user colorization of whole message 20170107.1339 github "3,218"
org-drill-table Generate drill cards from org tables 20180115.1009 github "3,216"
citar "Citation-related commands for org, latex, markdown" 20220217.1606 github "3,207"
helm-project-persist Helm integration for project-persist package 20151210.1543 github "3,205"
gif-screencast One-frame-per-action GIF recording 20210401.656 gitlab "3,205"
helm-fuzzy-find Find file using Fuzzy Search 20171106.400 github "3,202"
org-starter A basic configuration framework for org mode 20220218.743 github "3,200"
helm-rb Search Ruby's method by ag and display helm 20131123.1639 github "3,199"
kanban Parse org-todo headlines to use org-tables as Kanban tables 20170418.810 hg "3,198"
circe-notifications Add desktop notifications to Circe. 20180102.2318 github "3,187"
syntax-subword make operations on words more fine-grained 20160205.2154 github "3,177"
seoul256-theme Low-contrast color scheme based on Seoul Colors. 20180505.757 github "3,175"
boogie-friends "A collection of programming modes for Boogie, Dafny, and Z3 (SMTLIB v2)." 20210703.238 github "3,175"
ivy-explorer Dynamic file browsing grid using ivy 20190909.1921 github "3,168"
clojure-quick-repls Quickly create Clojure and ClojureScript repls for a project. 20150814.736 github "3,163"
django-snippets Yasnippets for django 20131229.1611 github "3,159"
auto-auto-indent Indents code as you type 20131106.1903 github "3,155"
flycheck-ghcmod A flycheck checker for Haskell using ghcmod 20150114.632 github "3,144"
highlight-operators a face for operators in programming modes 20170213.2220 github "3,136"
almost-mono-themes Almost monochromatic color themes 20210306.1040 github "3,135"
org-variable-pitch Minor mode for variable pitch text in org mode. 20220220.1757 github "3,134"
cypher-mode major mode for editing cypher scripts 20151110.1142 github "3,129"
go-imports Insert go import statement given package name 20190715.1647 github "3,127"
backup-each-save backup each savepoint of a file 20180227.557 github "3,127"
go-translate Translation framework supports multiple engines such as Google/Bing/DeepL 20220130.138 github "3,119"
popper Summon and dismiss buffers as popups 20220216.1906 github "3,115"
js2-highlight-vars highlight occurrences of the variable under cursor 20170418.1829 github "3,114"
ox-impress-js impress.js Back-End for Org Export Engine 20150412.1716 github "3,106"
org-time-budgets Define time budgets and display clocked time. 20200715.1016 github "3,099"
gnus-desktop-notify Gnus Desktop Notification global minor mode 20180623.1538 gitlab "3,094"
elpa-mirror Create local package repository from installed packages 20220123.1237 github "3,090"
chinese-wbim Enable Wubi Input Method in Emacs. 20190727.854 github "3,090"
tab-group Grouped tabs and their tabbar 20140306.1450 github "3,089"
stimmung-themes Themes tuned to inner harmonies 20220210.1829 github "3,086"
lisp-extra-font-lock Highlight bound variables and quoted exprs. 20181008.1921 github "3,084"
dark-mint-theme dark & minty fresh theme 20160302.642 github "3,084"
splitter Manage window splits 20170809.2208 github "3,082"
simplenote2 Interact with 20190321.933 github "3,080"
enlive query html document with css selectors 20170725.1417 github "3,072"
tommyh-theme "A bright, bold-colored theme for emacs" 20131004.2330 github "3,065"
cider-hydra Hydras for CIDER. 20190816.1121 github "3,065"
yarn-mode Major mode for yarn.lock files. 20200208.2332 github "3,058"
company-erlang company backend based on ivy-erlang-complete 20170123.538 github "3,058"
ereader Major mode for reading ebooks with org-mode integration 20170810.501 github "3,055"
osx-lib Basic functions for Apple/OSX 20211206.619 github "3,052"
ember-mode Ember navigation mode for emacs 20200208.1423 github "3,052"
dokuwiki-mode Major mode for DokuWiki document 20170223.1301 github "3,051"
bbdb- provide interface for more easily search/choice than BBDB. 20140221.2354 github "3,050"
modalka Modal editing your way 20210318.1748 github "3,048"
ox-mediawiki Mediawiki Back-End for Org Export Engine 20180105.2154 github "3,045"
eshell-fringe-status Show last status in fringe 20170117.2316 github "3,041"
backup-walker quickly traverse all backups of a file 20130720.1516 github "3,041"
flycheck-checkbashisms checkbashisms checker for flycheck 20190403.218 github "3,038"
ob-sagemath org-babel functions for SageMath evaluation 20191106.828 github "3,035"
sly-asdf ASDF system support for SLY 20220117.714 github "3,028"
flymake-elixir A flymake handler for elixir-mode .ex files. 20130810.1417 github "3,023"
0x0 Upload sharing to 20210701.839 gitlab "3,019"
px preview inline latex in any mode 20170317.2330 github "3,016"
ox-tufte Tufte HTML org-mode export backend 20160926.1607 github "3,015"
dired-recent Dired visited paths history 20211004.1924 github "3,005"
rase Run At Sun Event daemon 20120928.2045 github "2,995"
paganini-theme "A colorful, dark and warm theme." 20180815.1921 github "2,988"
osx-browse Web browsing helpers for OS X 20140508.2041 github "2,982"
mpdel Play and control your MPD music 20210107.1303 github "2,979"
scratch-ext Extensions for *scratch* 20140104.516 github "2,978"
ob-prolog org-babel functions for prolog evaluation. 20190410.2130 github "2,977"
annoying-arrows-mode Ring the bell if using arrows too much 20161024.646 github "2,975"
evil-avy set-based completion 20150908.748 github "2,973"
repl-toggle Switch to/from repl buffer for current major-mode 20210226.1055 git "2,968"
cort Simplify extended unit test framework 20211020.18 github "2,966"
abl-mode Python TDD minor mode 20210923.950 github "2,966"
leetcode An leetcode client 20220206.1515 github "2,962"
abc-mode Major mode for editing abc music files 20210508.1552 github "2,954"
twig-mode A major mode for twig 20130220.1850 github "2,953"
camcorder Record screencasts in gif or other formats. 20190317.2138 github "2,952"
hydandata-light-theme A light color theme that is easy on your eyes 20190809.1925 github "2,947"
terraform-doc Look up terraform documentation on the fly 20211003.1333 github "2,945"
swap-buffers The quickest way to swap buffers between windows. Based on switch-window package. 20150506.2139 github "2,944"
smtpmail-multi Use different smtp servers for sending mail 20160218.2349 github "2,944"
toml "TOML (Tom's Obvious, Minimal Language) parser" 20130903.1255 github "2,943"
plsense provide interface for PlSense that is a development tool for Perl. 20151104.1445 github "2,942"
org-cua-dwim Org-mode and Cua mode compatibility layer 20120203.534 github "2,941"
fanyi Not only English-Chinese translator 20220222.1101 github "2,941"
eshell-autojump autojump command for Eshell 20201117.235 github "2,938"
kibit-helper Conveniently use the Kibit Leiningen plugin from Emacs 20150508.1533 github "2,935"
buffer-flip Cycle through buffers like Alt-Tab in Windows 20180307.2251 github "2,932"
fast-scroll Some utilities for faster scrolling over large buffers. 20191016.327 github "2,931"
tidal Interact with TidalCycles for live coding patterns 20210211.1531 github "2,925"
ac-html-angular auto complete angular15 data for `ac-html' and `company-web' 20151225.719 github "2,923"
flex-isearch Flex matching (like ido) in isearch. 20170308.2010 github "2,915"
pig-mode Major mode for Pig files 20180520.1400 github "2,913"
cursor-test testing library for cursor position in emacs. 20131207.1732 github "2,904"
bitbake Running bitbake from emacs 20190107.1155 github "2,900"
sotlisp Write lisp at the speed of thought. 20190211.2026 github "2,898"
el-patch Future-proof your Elisp 20220115.34 github "2,894"
flycheck-cython Support Cython in flycheck 20170724.958 github "2,887"
pianobar "thin wrapper for Pianobar, a Pandora Radio client" 20201002.1756 github "2,881"
flow-minor-mode Flow type mode based on web-mode. 20200905.1730 github "2,878"
sourcerer-theme A version of sourcerer by xero 20161014.1625 github "2,877"
mag-menu Intuitive keyboard-centric menu system 20150505.1850 github "2,877"
finalize finalizers for Emacs Lisp 20170418.1945 github "2,873"
bury-successful-compilation Bury the *compilation* buffer after successful compilation 20181106.403 github "2,869"
flex-autopair "Automatically insert pair braces and quotes, insertion conditions & actions are highly customizable." 20120809.1218 github "2,866"
iscroll Smooth scrolling over images 20210128.1938 github "2,865"
blamer Show git blame info about current line 20220227.1237 github "2,861"
mocha-snippets Yasnippets for the Mocha JS Testing Framework 20190417.1931 github "2,856"
github-elpa Build and publish ELPA repositories with GitHub Pages 20200129.417 github "2,851"
meow Yet Another modal editing 20220218.2024 github "2,850"
auto-org-md export a markdown file automatically when you save an org-file 20180213.2343 github "2,839"
scad-preview Preview SCAD models in real-time within Emacs 20211212.1128 github "2,837"
wand Magic wand for Emacs - Select and execute 20210511.725 github "2,835"
ssh-tunnels Manage SSH tunnels 20190622.931 github "2,834"
fold-dwim-org Fold DWIM bound to org key-strokes. 20131203.1351 github "2,830"
toggle-window toggle current window size between half and full 20141207.1548 github "2,824"
vim-empty-lines-mode Vim-like empty line indicator at end of files. 20150111.426 github "2,821"
github-modern-theme The GitHub color theme for Emacs. 20171109.1251 github "2,820"
syntactic-close Insert closing delimiter 20210105.1400 github "2,817"
orgtbl-ascii-plot ascii-art bar plots in org-mode tables 20200411.711 github "2,815"
helm-robe completing read function for robe 20151209.355 github "2,815"
yaml-tomato copy or show the yaml path currently under cursor. 20151123.753 github "2,813"
trashed Viewing/editing system trash can 20220106.1358 github "2,803"
faust-mode Faust syntax colorizer for Emacs. 20201004.1353 github "2,802"
balanced-windows Keep windows balanced 20190903.1120 github "2,801"
ido-select-window Select a window using ido and buffer names 20131220.2047 github "2,800"
evil-space Repeat motion in Evil. Correct the behaviour of what SPC should do. 20151208.1228 github "2,800"
bpr Background Process Runner 20180220.1844 github "2,792"
jira-markup-mode Emacs Major mode for JIRA-markup-formatted text files 20150601.2109 github "2,788"
ample-regexps ample regular expressions for Emacs 20200508.1021 github "2,783"
quasi-monochrome-theme Quasi Monochrome theme 20200415.705 github "2,781"
select-themes Color theme selection with completing-read 20160221.106 github "2,774"
smart-hungry-delete smart hungry deletion of whitespace 20211020.1822 github "2,772"
pcmpl-args Enhanced shell command completion 20220131.2316 github "2,767"
circadian Theme-switching based on daytime 20181024.1256 github "2,762"
cheat-sh Interact with 20210607.1307 github "2,760"
libgit Thin bindings to libgit2. 20210620.2017 github "2,758"
extempore-mode Emacs major mode for Extempore source files 20210512.2350 github "2,757"
spaces Create and switch between named window configurations. 20170809.2208 github "2,752"
http Yet another HTTP client 20201010.920 github "2,751"
shadchen pattern matching for elisp 20141102.1839 github "2,747"
logstash-conf basic mode for editing logstash configuration 20210123.1949 github "2,739"
pov-mode Major mode for editing POV-Ray scene files. 20161115.743 github "2,731"
mu4e-overview Show overview of maildir 20200824.1549 github "2,731"
gnome-calendar Integration with the GNOME Shell calendar 20161110.1256 github "2,730"
helm-bibtexkey Bibtexkey source for helm 20140214.1504 github "2,725"
qt-pro-mode Qt Pro/Pri major mode 20170604.1841 github "2,721"
dynamic-fonts Set faces based on available fonts 20140731.1226 github "2,721"
ac-emoji auto-complete source of Emoji 20150823.711 github "2,721"
latex-unicode-math-mode Input method for Unicode math symbols 20170123.1816 github "2,715"
elscreen-separate-buffer-list Separate buffer list manager for elscreen 20200807.1324 github "2,714"
svelte-mode Emacs major mode for Svelte 20211016.652 github "2,712"
blackboard-theme TextMate Blackboard Theme 20161216.656 github "2,712"
term-run Run arbitrary command in terminal buffer 20200128.702 github "2,708"
showtip Show tip at cursor 20090830.1040 github "2,708"
flymake-diagnostic-at-point Display flymake diagnostics at point 20180815.1004 github "2,706"
flycheck-grammalecte Integrate Grammalecte with Flycheck 20210705.1656 git "2,706"
company-glsl Support glsl in company-mode 20210109.1403 github "2,706"
cloud-theme A light colored theme 20220205.1336 github "2,704"
jekyll-modes Major modes (markdown and HTML) for authoring Jekyll content 20141117.1314 github "2,693"
emacsql-psql EmacSQL back-end for PostgreSQL via psql 20220101.1820 github "2,693"
brutalist-theme Brutalist theme 20181023.1222 git "2,693"
helm-pt Helm interface to the platinum searcher 20160214.2342 github "2,687"
ix Emacs client for pastebin 20131027.1629 github "2,685"
flycheck-swift Flycheck extension for Apple's Swift. 20170129.549 github "2,684"
mkdown Pretty Markdown previews based on 20140517.1418 github "2,683"
telepathy Access Telepathy from Emacs 20131209.1258 github "2,676"
clojars search interface 20180825.1951 github "2,676"
flymake-phpcs making flymake work with PHP CodeSniffer 20140713.631 github "2,675"
dired-avfs AVFS support for dired 20161012.1104 github "2,675"
ob-tmux Babel Support for Interactive Terminal 20190708.1202 github "2,673"
shakespeare-mode A major mode for editing Shakespearean templates. 20180704.2138 github "2,666"
tron-legacy-theme An original retro-futuristic theme inspired by Tron: Legacy 20210420.1201 github "2,665"
skewer-reload-stylesheets "live-edit CSS, SCSS, Less, and friends." 20160725.1220 github "2,665"
auto-complete-sage An auto-complete source for sage-shell-mode. 20160514.751 github "2,665"
show-css Show the css of the html attribute the cursor is on 20160210.1408 github "2,664"
saveplace-pdf-view Save place in pdf-view buffers 20210217.1312 github "2,664"
flucui-themes Custom theme inspired by the Flat UI palette 20200815.2103 github "2,657"
edit-list edit a single list 20100930.1443 github "2,656"
ac-capf auto-complete source with completion-at-point 20151101.217 github "2,655"
helm-systemd helm's systemd interface 20210105.542 github "2,645"
hardcore-mode Disable arrow keys + optionally backspace and return 20151114.701 github "2,643"
traad emacs interface to the traad refactoring server. 20180730.48 github "2,641"
kooten-theme Dark color theme 20161023.905 github "2,640"
ob-hy org-babel functions for Hy-lang evaluation 20180702.540 github "2,632"
python-cell Support for MATLAB-like cells in python mode 20220105.2315 github "2,627"
tomatinho Simple and beautiful pomodoro timer 20180621.1748 github "2,626"
hamlet-mode Hamlet editing mode 20131208.724 github "2,626"
hyde Major mode to help create and manage Jekyll blogs 20160508.308 github "2,624"
arc-dark-theme Arc dark theme 20190314.1632 github "2,623"
sphinx-frontend Launch build process for rst documents via sphinx. 20161025.758 github "2,618"
ts-comint Run a Typescript interpreter in an inferior process window. 20181219.719 github "2,616"
eredis "eredis, a Redis client in emacs lisp" 20181119.131 github "2,614"
ido-sort-mtime Sort Ido's file list by modification time 20171121.859 github "2,613"
osx-plist Apple plist file parser 20200212.1724 github "2,609"
import-popwin popwin buffer near by import statements with popwin 20170218.1407 github "2,608"
org-gnome Orgmode integration with the GNOME desktop 20150614.1457 github "2,604"
creamsody-theme Straight from the soda fountain. 20170222.1058 github "2,599"
org-re-reveal-ref Citations and bibliography for org-re-reveal 20211029.551 gitlab "2,598"
unicode-whitespace teach whitespace-mode about fancy characters 20140508.2041 github "2,596"
pocket-reader Client for Pocket reading list 20210824.658 github "2,593"
list-packages-ext Extras for list-packages 20151115.1716 github "2,590"
foggy-night-theme Dark low contrast theme with soft and muted colors. 20190123.1614 github "2,580"
org-journal-list Org mode Journal List 20190221.2052 github "2,578"
erc-tweet shows text of a tweet when an url is posted in erc buffers 20150920.1258 github "2,577"
emms-info-mediainfo Info-method for EMMS using medianfo 20131223.1300 github "2,575"
closure-lint-mode minor mode for the Closure Linter 20101118.2124 github "2,574"
carbon-now-sh integration. 20201028.950 github "2,574"
emacsql-mysql EmacSQL back-end for MySQL 20171219.227 github "2,567"
jest helpers to run jest 20220114.213 github "2,565"
helm-posframe Using posframe to show helm window 20211103.236 github "2,559"
electric-case "insert camelCase, snake_case words without ""Shift""ing" 20150417.1112 github "2,556"
pulseaudio-control Use `pactl' to manage PulseAudio volumes. 20200406.752 github "2,554"
orgtbl-join join columns from another table 20220127.1516 github "2,554"
lavender-theme an Emacs 24 theme based on Lavender (tmTheme) 20170808.1313 github "2,548"
fastnav Fast navigation and editing routines. 20120211.1457 github "2,538"
dired-dups Find duplicate files and display them in a dired buffer 20130527.2125 github "2,533"
pcomplete-extension additional completion for pcomplete 20190928.519 github "2,526"
zeno-theme A dark theme using different shades of blue 20211205.2148 github "2,515"
consult-lsp LSP-mode Consult integration 20220109.937 github "2,515"
oceanic-theme Oceanic theme. 20161015.819 github "2,512"
interaction-log exhaustive log of interactions with Emacs 20160305.1301 github "2,509"
remember-last-theme Remember the last used theme between sessions. 20170619.2133 github "2,508"
rand-theme Random Emacs theme at start-up! 20151219.2335 github "2,506"
mentor Frontend for the rTorrent bittorrent client 20220113.2136 github "2,506"
pungi Integrates jedi with virtualenv and buildout python environments 20150222.1246 github "2,505"
silkworm-theme "Light theme with pleasant, low contrast colors." 20210215.1120 github "2,503"
org-pretty-tags Surrogates for tags 20211228.1546 gitlab "2,496"
font-lock-studio interactive debugger for Font Lock keywords. 20170127.2051 github "2,496"
company-flow Flow backend for company-mode 20180225.2159 github "2,495"
stumpwm-mode special lisp mode for evaluating code into running stumpwm 20140131.216 git "2,480"
parsec Parser combinator library 20180730.16 github "2,479"
org-sync Synchronize Org documents with External Issue Trackers 20181204.23 github "2,478"
pocket-lib Library for accessing API 20190720.1957 github "2,476"
clippy Show tooltip with function documentation at point 20161028.1954 github "2,475"
lemon-mode A major mode for editing lemon grammar files 20130216.1304 github "2,464"
ac-dcd Auto Completion source for dcd for GNU Emacs 20210428.1556 github "2,461"
crm-custom Alternate `completing-read-multiple' that uses `completing-read' 20160117.6 github "2,458"
ycm Emacs client for the YouCompleteMe auto-completion server. 20150822.1836 github "2,456"
bing-dict Minimalists' English-Chinese Bing dictionary 20200216.110 github "2,455"
focus-autosave-mode Automatically save files in focus-out-hook. 20160519.2116 github "2,454"
cff Search of the C/C++ file header by the source and vice versa 20160118.2018 github "2,454"
rfc-mode RFC document browser and viewer 20210615.1721 github "2,452"
org-elisp-help org links to emacs-lisp documentation 20161122.55 github "2,449"
texfrag preview LaTeX fragments in alien major modes 20200716.1331 github "2,446"
synonymous A thesaurus at your fingertips 20180325.1817 github "2,444"
helm-clojuredocs search for help in 20160405.723 github "2,441"
counsel-notmuch Search emails in Notmuch asynchronously with Ivy 20181203.935 github "2,441"
slime-volleyball An SVG Slime Volleyball Game 20190701.1624 github "2,438"
ob-kotlin org-babel functions for kotlin evaluation 20180823.1321 github "2,437"
mbo70s-theme "70s style palette, with similarities to mbo theme" 20170808.1315 github "2,437"
axiom-environment An environment for using Axiom/OpenAxiom/FriCAS 20211120.1646 git "2,436"
py-import-check Finds the unused python imports using importchecker 20130802.1111 github "2,434"
ghc-imported-from Haskell documentation lookup with ghc-imported-from 20141124.1932 github "2,430"
scion Haskell Minor Mode for Interacting with the Scion Library 20130315.1255 github "2,427"
yaml-imenu Enhancement of the imenu support in yaml-mode. 20210530.251 github "2,424"
hardhat Protect against clobbering user-writable files 20210515.1422 github "2,420"
evil-lispy precision Lisp editing with Evil and Lispy 20190502.739 github "2,413"
acme-theme A color theme based on Acme & Sam from Plan 9 20210430.302 github "2,410"
tramp-hdfs Tramp extension to access hadoop/hdfs file system in Emacs 20210526.339 github "2,409"
sclang-extensions Extensions for the SuperCollider Emacs mode. 20160509.338 github "2,408"
call-graph Library to generate call graph for c/c++ functions 20220214.1251 github "2,408"
company-qml Company backend for QML files 20170428.1708 github "2,407"
ack-menu A menu-based front-end for ack 20150504.2022 github "2,406"
tinysegmenter Super compact Japanese tokenizer in Javascript ported to emacs lisp 20141124.1013 github "2,400"
helm-file-preview Preview the current helm file selection 20200927.528 github "2,400"
punpun-theme A bleak theme 20210508.1635 git "2,393"
motion-mode major mode for RubyMotion enviroment 20140920.156 github "2,383"
tea-time "Simple timer package, useful to make perfect tea." 20120331.820 github "2,381"
mini-frame Show minibuffer in child frame on read-from-minibuffer 20210710.1941 github "2,374"
helm-aws Manage AWS EC2 server instances directly from Emacs 20180514.1032 github "2,372"
org-table-comment Org table comment modes. 20120209.1851 github "2,370"
org-ml Functional Org Mode API 20211231.700 github "2,367"
scratch-pop "Generate, popup (& optionally backup) scratch buffer(s)." 20200910.226 github "2,365"
dired-atool Pack/unpack files with atool on dired. 20210719.404 github "2,362"
thingopt Thing at Point optional utilities 20160520.2318 github "2,358"
ido-load-library Load-library alternative using ido-completing-read 20140611.1600 github "2,357"
mustard-theme an Emacs 24 theme based on Mustard (tmTheme) 20170808.1319 github "2,349"
alda-mode An Alda major mode 20210705.654 gitlab "2,349"
snapshot-timemachine "Step through (Btrfs, ZFS, ...) snapshots of files" 20161221.929 github "2,348"
evil-textobj-syntax Provides syntax text objects. 20181210.1213 github "2,346"
ercn Flexible ERC notifications 20150523.1503 github "2,346"
psysh "PsySH, PHP interactive shell (REPL)" 20190709.106 github "2,343"
nnreddit Gnus Backend For Reddit 20220124.351 github "2,342"
helm-grepint Generic helm interface to grep 20200811.1616 github "2,342"
term+mux term+ terminal multiplexer and session management 20140211.749 github "2,339"
ox-textile Textile Back-End for Org Export Engine 20210919.1738 github "2,336"
helm-wordnet Helm interface to local wordnet dictionary 20160128.1507 github "2,332"
colonoscopy-theme an Emacs 24 theme based on Colonoscopy (tmTheme) 20170808.1309 github "2,332"
slime-docker Integration of SLIME with Docker containers 20210426.1422 github "2,329"
flymake-gjshint A flymake handler for javascript using both jshint and gjslint 20130327.1232 github "2,329"
magit-libgit . 20220130.2007 github "2,328"
conkeror-minor-mode Mode for editing conkeror javascript files. 20150114.1604 github "2,327"
phpstan Interface to PHPStan 20210714.1805 github "2,322"
peacock-theme an Emacs 24 theme based on Peacock (tmTheme) 20170808.1320 github "2,317"
lsp-javacomp Provide Java IDE features powered by JavaComp. 20190124.1755 github "2,317"
vbasense provide a environment like Visual Basic Editor. 20140221.2353 github "2,316"
helm-bind-key helm-source for for bind-key. 20141109.515 github "2,315"
html-script-src "Insert <script src=""..""> for popular JavaScript libraries" 20120403.1815 github "2,314"
shimbun interfacing with web newspapers 20211029.150 github "2,312"
nix-update "Update ""fetch"" blocks in .nix expressions" 20190124.1935 github "2,312"
evil-string-inflection snake_case -> CamelCase -> etc. for text objects 20180313.1755 github "2,311"
helm-cider-history Helm interface for cider history 20150719.2120 github "2,309"
hgignore-mode a major mode for editing hgignore files 20210314.431 github "2,308"
assess Test support functions 20200211.1817 github "2,307"
notmuch-labeler Improve notmuch way of displaying labels 20131230.1719 github "2,306"
simplezen A simple subset of zencoding-mode for Emacs. 20130421.1000 github "2,303"
maude-mode Emacs mode for the programming language Maude 20200725.2035 github "2,302"
org-parser parse org files into structured datatypes. 20200417.301 hg "2,300"
iregister Interactive register commands for Emacs. 20150515.2107 github "2,298"
auto-minor-mode Enable minor modes by file name and contents 20180527.1123 github "2,294"
realgud-lldb Realgud front-end to lldb 20210417.1434 github "2,290"
parinfer-rust-mode An interface for the parinfer-rust library 20210413.2 github "2,290"
mellow-theme an Emacs 24 theme based on Mellow (tmTheme) 20170808.1317 github "2,290"
flycheck-gradle Flycheck extension for Gradle. 20190315.234 github "2,289"
mini-modeline Display modeline in minibuffer 20211130.604 github "2,287"
smart-mark Restore point after C-g when mark 20150912.210 github "2,285"
debian-el Emacs helpers specific to Debian users 20211006.1939 git "2,284"
exwm-x A derivative wm based on EXWM (emacs x window manager) 20210419.950 github "2,283"
ant helpers for compiling with ant 20160211.1543 github "2,275"
savekill Save kill ring to disk 20140418.229 github "2,272"
haskell-tab-indent tab-based indentation for haskell-mode 20200513.1950 git "2,271"
exunit ExUnit test runner 20211209.1012 github "2,268"
scratch-log Utility for *scratch* buffer. 20141115.743 github "2,260"
find-things-fast "Find things fast, leveraging the power of git" 20150519.2226 github "2,260"
flycheck-d-unittest Add D unittest support to flycheck 20160522.417 github "2,259"
timesheet Timesheet management add-on for org-mode 20191024.151 github "2,255"
switch-buffer-functions Hook run when current buffer changed 20200127.409 github "2,254"
erc-youtube Show info about a YouTube URL in an ERC buffer. 20150603.2136 github "2,243"
org-analyzer org-analyzer is a tool that extracts time tracking data from org files. 20191001.1717 github "2,242"
emms-player-simple-mpv An extension of emms-player-simple.el for mpv JSON IPC 20180316.1549 github "2,241"
helm-codesearch helm interface for codesearch 20190412.1153 github "2,239"
urlenc URL encoding/decoding utility for Emacs. 20140116.1456 github "2,230"
shell-history integration with shell history 20100505.839 github "2,226"
isearch-dabbrev Use dabbrev in isearch 20141224.622 github "2,226"
httpcode explains the meaning of an HTTP status code 20121002.345 github "2,224"
org-projectile-helm helm functions for org-projectile 20180601.1822 github "2,223"
magic-filetype Enhance filetype major mode 20180219.1552 github "2,221"
io-mode Major mode to edit Io language files in Emacs 20161004.756 github "2,219"
org-capture-pop-frame Run org-capture in a new pop frame 20160518.1008 github "2,212"
helm-exwm Helm for EXWM buffers 20210215.858 github "2,212"
yesql-ghosts Display ghostly yesql defqueries inline 20150220.1237 github "2,211"
proced-narrow Live-narrowing of search results for proced. 20190911.1818 github "2,210"
caroline-theme A trip down to New Orleans... 20160318.520 github "2,210"
phi-rectangle another rectangle-mark command (rewrite of rect-mark) 20200911.204 github "2,209"
ac-sly An auto-complete source using sly completions 20170728.1027 github "2,209"
org-recent-headings Jump to recently used Org headings 20211011.1519 github "2,207"
aurel "Search, get info, vote for and download AUR packages" 20170114.937 github "2,206"
runner "Improved ""open with"" suggestions for dired" 20160524.743 github "2,204"
spell-fu Fast & light spelling highlighter 20220213.1215 gitlab "2,202"
git-lens "Show new, deleted or modified files in branch" 20190319.1342 gitlab "2,202"
gap-mode Major mode for editing files in the GAP programing language. 20191110.2237 gitlab "2,202"
easy-escape Improve readability of escape characters in regular expressions 20210917.1254 github "2,199"
sly-named-readtables Support named readtables in Common Lisp files 20191013.2138 github "2,195"
gitlab-ci-mode-flycheck Flycheck support for ‘gitlab-ci-mode’ 20190323.1829 gitlab "2,195"
pyim-wbdict Some wubi dicts for pyim 20210902.1714 github "2,191"
markdownfmt Format markdown using markdownfmt 20160609.1241 github "2,191"
fabric Launch Fabric using Emacs 20171116.656 github "2,191"
bitlbee Help get Bitlbee ( up and running. 20151203.0 github "2,191"
codic Search Codic ( naming dictionaries 20150926.1127 github "2,190"
dpaste Emacs integration for 20160303.2112 github "2,186"
historyf file history library like browser 20151124.159 github "2,185"
sourcemap Sourcemap parser 20200315.1037 github "2,181"
flatfluc-theme Custom merge of flucui and flatui themes 20210908.1423 github "2,176"
roguel-ike A coffee-break roguelike 20160120.302 github "2,171"
key-seq map pairs of sequentially pressed keys to commands 20150907.756 github "2,169"
autobookmarks Save recently visited files and buffers 20190919.841 github "2,167"
german-holidays German holidays for Emacs calendar 20181213.644 github "2,163"
apib-mode Major mode for API Blueprint files 20200101.1017 github "2,163"
pyimpsort Sort python imports. 20160130.453 github "2,161"
eshell-did-you-mean "command not found (""did you mean…"" feature) in Eshell" 20211104.237 github "2,160"
org-clock-csv Export `org-mode' clock entries to CSV format. 20201222.1506 github "2,159"
monroe Yet another client for nREPL 20210824.2348 github "2,157"
goose-theme A gray color theme 20160828.1245 github "2,157"
evil-replace-with-register Port of vim plugin ReplaceWithRegister 20170713.925 github "2,157"
char-menu Create your own menu for fast insertion of arbitrary symbols 20210321.1657 github "2,155"
rope-read-mode Rearrange lines to read text smoothly 20211228.1126 gitlab "2,149"
nsis-mode NSIS-mode 20190615.1827 github "2,148"
restclient-test Run tests with restclient.el 20210422.1815 github "2,147"
math-symbols Math Symbol Input methods and conversion tools 20201005.2313 github "2,146"
wide-column Calls functions dependant on column position. 20170925.1613 github "2,145"
vdiff-magit magit integration for vdiff 20210908.135 github "2,145"
ietf-docs "Fetch, Cache and Load IETF documents" 20190420.851 github "2,145"
tt-mode Emacs major mode for editing Template Toolkit files. 20130804.1110 github "2,141"
ob-crystal org-babel functions for Crystal evaluation 20180126.718 github "2,141"
morlock more font-lock keywords for elisp 20220223.1454 github "2,140"
iodine-theme A light emacs color theme 20151031.1639 github "2,135"
outline-minor-faces Headings faces for outline-minor-mode 20210530.1259 github "2,133"
helm-sage A helm extension for sage-shell-mode. 20160514.745 github "2,128"
ascii-table Interactive ASCII table 20201019.700 github "2,128"
flatui-dark-theme Dark color theme with colors from 20170513.1422 github "2,127"
fantom-theme Dark theme based on Phantom Code for VSCode 20200328.604 github "2,127"
pdfgrep run `pdfgrep' and display the results. 20210203.1730 github "2,126"
flymake-perlcritic Flymake handler for Perl to invoke Perl::Critic 20120328.814 github "2,126"
babel-repl Run babel REPL 20160504.2201 github "2,125"
org-table-sticky-header Sticky header for org-mode tables 20190924.506 github "2,122"
cape Completion At Point Extensions 20220227.316 github "2,120"
use-package-el-get el-get support for use package 20180131.505 github "2,119"
heaven-and-hell easy toggle light/dark themes 20190713.1830 github "2,119"
projectile-git-autofetch automatically fetch git repositories 20200820.2028 github "2,115"
ob-coffeescript "org-babel functions for coffee-script evaluation, and fully implementation!" 20180126.719 github "2,115"
pastebin A simple interface to the webservice 20101125.2002 github "2,113"
hl-fill-column Highlight fill column. 20200607.757 github "2,113"
direx-grep Grep node of direx.el using incremental search like anything.el/helm.el 20140515.1506 github "2,113"
org-protocol-jekyll Jekyll's handler for org-protocol 20170328.1639 github "2,110"
xquery-mode A simple mode for editing xquery programs 20170214.1119 github "2,108"
solidity-flycheck Flycheck integration for solidity emacs mode 20210411.758 github "2,108"
realgud-byebug Realgud front-end to the Ruby byebug debugger 20190520.1140 github "2,108"
pastelmac-theme a soothing theme with a pastel color palette 20151031.236 github "2,107"
skype skype UI for emacs users.. 20160711.824 github "2,104"
palimpsest Various deletion strategies when editing 20200804.2308 github "2,103"
realgud-pry Realgud front-end to the Ruby pry debugger 20201011.1815 github "2,102"
naysayer-theme The naysayer color theme 20200405.123 github "2,100"
newlisp-mode newLISP editing mode for Emacs 20160226.1545 github "2,099"
calibredb Yet another calibre client 20210603.323 github "2,095"
clips-mode Major mode for editing CLIPS code and REPL 20170909.823 github "2,091"
bbcode-mode Major mode for phpBB posts (BBCode markup) 20190304.2122 github "2,088"
sync-recentf Synchronize the recent files list between Emacs instances 20160326.2001 github "2,087"
org-transform-tree-table "Transform org-mode tree with properties to a table, and the other way around" 20200413.1959 github "2,086"
framesize change the size of frames in Emacs 20131017.2132 github "2,086"
cliphist paste from clipboard managers 20210813.750 github "2,086"
ac-mozc auto-complete sources for Japanese input using Mozc 20150227.1619 github "2,084"
org-dropbox move Dropbox notes from phone into org-mode datetree 20150114.509 github "2,082"
evil-tutor-ja Japanese Vimtutor adapted to Evil and wrapped in a major-mode 20160917.132 github "2,080"
comware-router-mode Major mode for editing Comware configuration files 20220108.2111 github "2,079"
z3-mode A z3/SMTLIBv2 interactive development environment 20211116.138 github "2,078"
esqlite-helm Define helm source for sqlite database 20151116.850 github "2,078"
helm-pages Pages in current buffer as Helm datasource 20161121.226 github "2,077"
tracwiki-mode Emacs Major mode for working with Trac 20150119.1621 github "2,075"
spotlight search files with Mac OS X spotlight 20200109.2137 github "2,075"
sexy-monochrome-theme A sexy dark Emacs >= 24 theme for your sexy code 20200115.2146 github "2,072"
geiser-racket Support for Racket in Geiser 20210421.125 gitlab "2,068"
forest-blue-theme Emacs theme with a dark background. 20160627.842 github "2,067"
evil-rsi "Use emacs motion keys in evil, inspired by vim-rsi" 20160221.2104 github "2,065"
langdoc Help to define help document mode for various languages 20150218.645 github "2,063"
pcmpl-homebrew pcomplete for homebrew 20200911.742 github "2,062"
rectangle-utils Some useful rectangle functions. 20190411.1757 github "2,059"
processing-snippets Snippets for processing-mode 20140426.1428 github "2,057"
doneburn-theme A light theme based on Bozhidar Batsov's Zenburn 20181110.1857 github "2,056"
chef-mode minor mode for editing an opscode chef repository 20180628.1453 github "2,055"
kaesar Another AES algorithm encrypt/decrypt string with password. 20160128.1008 github "2,054"
rcirc-alertify Cross platform notifications for rcirc 20140407.119 github "2,053"
requirejs-mode Improved AMD module management 20130215.2104 github "2,052"
dark-souls Prepare to die 20140314.1128 github "2,052"
mw-thesaurus Merriam-Webster Thesaurus 20210224.449 github "2,046"
elmine Redmine API access via elisp. 20200520.1237 github "2,045"
jumblr an anagram game for emacs 20170727.2043 github "2,042"
ac-racer auto-complete source of racer 20170114.809 github "2,042"
cyphejor Shorten major mode names using user-defined rules 20210816.1607 github "2,040"
sdcv Interface for sdcv (StartDict console version). 20220210.1412 git "2,036"
esh-buf-stack Add a buffer stack feature to Eshell 20140107.1018 github "2,031"
todotxt-mode Major mode for editing todo.txt files 20200228.952 github "2,030"
save-visited-files save opened files across sessions 20200212.414 github "2,025"
hl-sentence highlight a sentence based on customizable face 20171018.1519 github "2,022"
company-org-block Org blocks company backend 20210825.2107 github "2,021"
helm-rubygems-local Installed local rubygems find-file for helm 20130712.111 github "2,020"
unicode-progress-reporter Progress-reporter with fancy characters 20140508.2041 github "2,018"
textmate-to-yas Import Textmate macros into yasnippet syntax 20160409.1708 github "2,017"
frecency Library for sorting items by frequency and recency of access 20170909.631 github "2,017"
prosjekt a software project tool for emacs 20151127.1416 github "2,016"
review-mode major mode for ReVIEW 20220215.842 github "2,013"
panda-theme Panda Theme 20181128.1738 github "2,009"
inf-crystal Run a Inferior-Crystal process in a buffer 20180119.211 github "2,007"
erc-crypt Symmetric Encryption for ERC 20200516.2054 github "2,007"
rcirc-styles support mIRC-style color and attribute codes 20210414.1712 github "2,003"
magit-imerge Magit extension for git-imerge 20211004.2311 github "2,002"
iasm-mode interactive assembly major mode. 20171023.1422 github "2,001"
helm-youtube Query YouTube and play videos in your browser 20190101.1733 github "2,001"
klere-theme A dark theme with lambent color highlights and incremental grays 20210320.1912 git "1,999"
code-library use org-mode to collect code snippets 20160426.1218 github "1,999"
vhdl-tools Utilities for navigating vhdl sources 20200330.1819 gitlab "1,996"
lab-themes A custom theme carefully constructed in the LAB space 20200815.2104 github "1,996"
enclose Enclose cursor within punctuation pairs. 20121008.1614 github "1,991"
org-link-beautify Beautify Org Links 20220210.1409 git "1,989"
evil-extra-operator "Evil operator for evaluating codes, taking notes, searching via google, etc." 20210225.1239 github "1,986"
haste Emacs client for hastebin ( 20141030.2034 github "1,985"
kite WebKit inspector front-end 20130201.1938 github "1,984"
helm-itunes Play local iTunes and Spotify tracks 20151013.648 github "1,981"
helm-idris "A Helm datasource for Idris documentation, queried from the compiler" 20141202.1757 github "1,980"
mood-one-theme A dark color scheme inspired by the Doom One theme. 20210221.18 gitlab "1,979"
tab-jump-out Use tab to jump out of delimiter pairs. 20151006.130 github "1,977"
org-wunderlist Org sync with Wunderlist 20191017.1917 github "1,976"
cloc count lines of code over emacs buffers 20170728.1824 github "1,976"
search-web Post web search queries using `browse-url'. 20150312.1103 github "1,975"
dyalog-mode Major mode for editing Dyalog APL source code 20210413.810 github "1,975"
discover-js2-refactor Adds discover context menu for js2-refactor 20140129.1552 github "1,975"
ob-graphql Org-Babel execution backend for GraphQL source blocks 20201222.1515 github "1,974"
org-tracktable Track your writing progress in an org-table 20161118.1329 github "1,973"
livescript-mode Major mode for editing LiveScript files 20140613.421 github "1,972"
pcmpl-pip pcomplete for pip 20181229.1420 github "1,970"
amd-mode Minor mode for handling JavaScript AMD module requirements. 20180111.1402 github "1,968"
minibuf-isearch incremental search on minibuffer history 20151226.1943 github "1,962"
js-auto-format-mode Minor mode for auto-formatting JavaScript code 20180807.1352 github "1,958"
hive Hive SQL mode extension 20131217.1512 github "1,957"
blog-admin Blog admin for emacs with hexo/org-page supported 20170923.1409 github "1,957"
orgtbl-show-header Show the header of the current column in the minibuffer 20141023.837 github "1,948"
flycheck-phpstan Flycheck integration for PHPStan 20210714.1805 github "1,946"
wucuo Fastest solution to spell check camel case code or plain text 20211201.1214 github "1,943"
lexbind-mode Puts the value of lexical-binding in the mode line 20141027.1429 github "1,942"
helm-commandlinefu Search and browse from helm 20150611.545 github "1,942"
sticky Sticky key for capital letters 20170926.36 github "1,941"
helm-slime helm-sources and some utilities for SLIME. 20191016.1601 github "1,941"
tex-smart-umlauts Smart umlaut conversion for TeX. 20190316.2215 github "1,940"
zone-rainbow Zone out with rainbow. 20160120.1334 github "1,939"
initsplit code to split customizations into different files 20160919.1818 github "1,938"
helm-spaces helm sources for spaces 20161001.1409 github "1,938"
dired-icon A minor mode to display a list of associated icons in dired buffers. 20170223.526 gitlab "1,938"
systemtap-mode A mode for SystemTap 20151122.1940 github "1,935"
gnus-x-gm-raw Search mail of Gmail using X-GM-RAW as web interface 20140610.731 github "1,935"
navigel Facilitate the creation of tabulated-list based UIs 20200202.1214 github "1,933"
flycheck-cstyle Integrate cstyle with flycheck 20160905.2341 github "1,933"
dart-server Minor mode for editing Dart files 20210501.1445 github "1,933"
bf-mode Browse file persistently on dired 20130403.1442 github "1,930"
noccur Run multi-occur on project/dired files 20191015.719 github "1,929"
ayu-theme Ayu theme 20200521.1157 github "1,926"
turnip Interacting with tmux from Emacs 20150309.629 github "1,925"
flycheck-indicator A fancy mode line indicator for `flycheck-mode' 20200331.1142 github "1,924"
sphinx-mode Minor mode providing sphinx support. 20211021.1444 github "1,923"
mongo MongoDB driver for Emacs Lisp 20150315.1219 github "1,921"
tco Tail-call optimisation for Emacs lisp 20191129.2040 github "1,919"
emms-soundcloud EMMS source for Soundcloud audio sharing platform 20131221.1145 github "1,919"
xmlunicode Unicode support for XML 20210829.1631 github "1,915"
shift-text "Move the region in 4 directions, in a way similar to Eclipse's" 20130831.1655 github "1,915"
rcirc-groups an emacs buffer in rcirc-groups major mode 20170731.2101 github "1,915"
history History utility for source code navigation 20160821.1602 github "1,912"
org-special-block-extras 30 new custom blocks & 34 link types for Org-mode 20210909.2032 github "1,910"
haskell-emacs-base Haskell functions from Prelude 20150714.1559 github "1,909"
helm-eww Helm UI wrapper for EWW. 20190315.907 github "1,908"
multicolumn Creating and managing multiple side-by-side windows. 20150202.2251 github "1,907"
ox-slack Slack Exporter for org-mode 20200108.1546 github "1,906"
edebug-x Extensions for Edebug 20130616.625 github "1,904"
ox-twiki Org Twiki and Foswiki export 20200927.857 github "1,903"
emoji-display emoji displaying module 20140117.1013 github "1,900"
package-lint-flymake A package-lint Flymake backend 20210530.319 github "1,899"
flyparens Check for unbalanced parens on the fly 20140723.1846 github "1,895"
hamburg-theme Color Theme with a dark blue background. 20160123.740 github "1,894"
world-time-mode show whole days of world-time diffs 20140627.807 github "1,893"
elm-yasnippets Yasnippets for Elm 20160401.524 github "1,892"
jenkins-watch Watch continuous integration build status 20121004.2326 github "1,891"
evil-dvorak evil keybindings for that work with dvorak mode 20160416.1841 github "1,889"
emms-mode-line-cycle Display the emms mode line as a ticker 20160221.1120 github "1,888"
malinka A C/C++ project configuration package for Emacs 20171202.1021 github "1,887"
inlineR insert Tag for inline image of R graphics 20191017.1920 github "1,887"
auto-shell-command Run the shell command asynchronously that you specified when you save the file. 20180817.1502 github "1,886"
literate-coffee-mode major-mode for Literate CoffeeScript 20170211.1515 github "1,885"
merlin-iedit Merlin and iedit integration. 20210615.1208 github "1,883"
yalinum yet another display line numbers. 20130217.1043 github "1,882"
typing-game a simple typing game 20160426.1220 github "1,880"
cl-format CL format routine. 20210831.530 gitlab "1,878"
wgrep-pt Writable pt buffer and apply the changes to files 20200128.109 github "1,877"
isortify (automatically) format python buffers using isort. 20190315.2004 github "1,875"
walkman Write HTTP requests in Org mode 20201229.1811 github "1,870"
soundklaus Play music on SoundCloud with Emacs via EMMS 20191220.2112 github "1,870"
pycoverage Support for coverage stats on Python 2.X and 3 20200513.2047 github "1,869"
liso-theme Eclectic Dark Theme for GNU Emacs 20160410.2029 github "1,868"
key-intercept Intercept prefix keys 20140211.749 github "1,866"
tr-ime Emulator of IME patch for Windows 20211120.718 github "1,864"
init-open-recentf Invoke a command immediately after startup 20220220.2004 github "1,861"
test-case-mode unit test front-end 20130525.1434 github "1,860"
ob-swift org-babel functions for swift evaluation 20170921.1325 github "1,857"
sunburn-theme A low contrast color theme 20201216.1539 github "1,854"
pophint "Provide navigation using pop-up tips, like Firefox's Vimperator Hint Mode" 20200420.1429 github "1,854"
ac-skk auto-complete-mode source for DDSKK a.k.a Japanese input method 20141230.119 github "1,854"
emms-mark-ext Extra functions for emms-mark-mode and emms-tag-edit-mode 20130529.327 github "1,853"
unidecode Transliterate Unicode to ASCII 20201213.1449 github "1,849"
brainfuck-mode Brainfuck mode for Emacs 20150113.842 github "1,848"
el-spice Extra spice for emacs lisp programming 20201013.1729 github "1,845"
soundcloud a SoundCloud client for Emacs 20150502.326 github "1,844"
git-dwim Context-aware git commands such as branch handling 20170126.1214 github "1,842"
composable composable editing 20201024.1458 github "1,841"
helm-ls-svn helm extension to list svn files 20190316.2203 github "1,839"
wiki-nav Simple file navigation using [[WikiStrings]] 20200309.1323 github "1,838"
slime-repl-ansi-color Turn on ANSI colors in REPL output; 20200712.1226 gitlab "1,838"
path-headerline-mode Displaying file path on headerline. 20140423.1332 github "1,838"
sqlite3 Direct access to the core SQLite3 API 20220202.728 github "1,837"
go-playground-cli Go Playground client tool 20160503.914 github "1,837"
cake-inflector Lazy porting CakePHP infrector.php to el 20140415.858 github "1,837"
autotetris-mode automatically play tetris 20141114.1646 github "1,837"
vimgolf VimGolf interface for the One True Editor 20200205.1420 github "1,835"
org-reverse-datetree Create reverse date trees in org-mode 20220222.1041 github "1,835"
rails-log-mode Major mode for viewing Rails log files 20140408.425 github "1,832"
fortpy a Fortran auto-completion for Emacs 20150715.2032 github "1,831"
company-lean A company backend for lean-mode 20210305.1705 github "1,831"
term+key-intercept term+ intercept key mapping 20140211.750 github "1,828"
apt-sources-list Mode for editing APT source.list files 20180527.1241 git "1,828"
@ multiple-inheritance prototype-based objects DSL 20181225.1438 github "1,826"
cssh clusterssh implementation for emacs 20150810.1709 github "1,825"
creole-mode a markup mode for creole 20130722.50 github "1,824"
travis Emacs client for Travis 20150825.1138 github "1,823"
fortune-cookie Print a fortune in your scratch buffer. 20181223.842 github "1,822"
tumblesocks An Emacs tumblr client. 20191014.356 github "1,818"
mu4e-views View emails in mu4e using xwidget-webkit 20220214.358 github "1,818"
crappy-jsp-mode A pretty crappy major-mode for jsp. 20140311.931 github "1,817"
exwm-edit Edit mode for EXWM 20200728.8 github "1,815"
seethru Easily change Emacs' transparency 20150218.1829 github "1,814"
overcast-theme A dark but vibrant color theme for Emacs 20200425.1601 github "1,812"
autodisass-llvm-bitcode Automatically disassemble LLVM bitcode 20150411.125 github "1,810"
ember-yasnippets Snippets for Ember.js development 20160526.1658 github "1,809"
caskxy Control Cask in Emacs 20140513.1539 github "1,807"
fringe-current-line show current line on the fringe. 20140111.411 github "1,805"
php-boris-minor-mode a minor mode to evaluate PHP code in the Boris repl 20140209.1835 git "1,797"
sentence-navigation Commands to navigate one-spaced sentences. 20180408.1619 github "1,795"
ryo-modal Roll your own modal mode 20220103.940 github "1,795"
emoji-fontset Set font face for Emoji. 20160726.1924 github "1,795"
occur-x Extra functionality for occur 20130610.1343 github "1,794"
shrface Extend shr/eww with org features and analysis capability 20210829.1013 github "1,792"
sift "Front-end for sift, a fast and powerful grep alternative" 20200421.1423 github "1,790"
helm-circe helm circe buffer management. 20160207.652 github "1,788"
fvwm-mode A major mode for editing Fvwm configuration files 20160411.1138 github "1,785"
rpn-calc quick RPN calculator for hackers 20210306.426 github "1,782"
ox-tiddly Org TiddlyWiki exporter 20200927.857 github "1,781"
helm-w32-launcher Start Menu entry launcher using Helm 20141223.2014 github "1,781"
csound-mode A major mode for interacting and coding Csound 20211215.1925 github "1,781"
elscreen-multi-term Multi term for elscreen 20200417.821 github "1,780"
clipetty Send every kill from a TTY frame to the system clipboard 20200327.2241 github "1,779"
frames-only-mode Use frames instead of Emacs windows 20210107.918 github "1,778"
white-theme Minimalistic light color theme inspired by basic-theme 20160917.1743 github "1,777"
emms-player-mpv-jp-radios EMMS players and stream lists of Japan radio stations 20180325.1117 github "1,777"
redis Redis integration 20150531.1948 github "1,776"
md-readme Markdown-formatted READMEs for your ELisp 20191112.1943 github "1,776"
flymake-less Flymake handler for LESS stylesheets ( 20151111.738 github "1,775"
grayscale-theme A simple grayscale theme 20171005.802 github "1,773"
perlbrew A perlbrew wrapper for Emacs 20161109.709 github "1,772"
all-the-icons-completion Add icons to completion candidates 20220106.1310 github "1,772"
zweilight-theme A dark color theme for Emacs. 20170113.605 github "1,771"
termbright-theme a more usable theme for white-on-black terminals 20151031.235 github "1,771"
asn1-mode ASN.1/GDMO mode for GNU Emacs 20170729.226 github "1,770"
find-temp-file Open quickly a temporary file 20200117.2254 github "1,769"
pcap-mode Major mode for working with PCAP files 20161025.1448 github "1,768"
flymake-eslint A Flymake backend for Javascript using eslint 20191129.1558 github "1,768"
parse-csv Parse strings with CSV fields into s-expressions 20160512.1723 github "1,767"
highlight-stages highlight staged (quasi-quoted) expressions 20210306.418 github "1,764"
elf-mode Show symbols in binaries 20161009.748 github "1,764"
dim Change mode-line names of major/minor modes 20160818.949 github "1,761"
shell-toggle Toggle to and from the shell buffer 20150226.1411 github "1,760"
replace-from-region Replace commands whose query is from region 20170227.2316 github "1,760"
look-mode quick file viewer for image and text file browsing 20220213.126 github "1,760"
timp Multithreading library 20160618.803 github "1,759"
redtick Smallest pomodoro timer (1 char) 20180424.2136 github "1,759"
package-safe-delete Safely delete package.el packages 20150116.1607 github "1,759"
meta-presenter A simple multi-file presentation tool for Emacs 20210714.1658 github "1,759"
ocodo-svg-modelines A collection of beautiful SVG modelines 20150516.1419 github "1,757"
uncrustify-mode Minor mode to automatically uncrustify. 20130707.1359 github "1,756"
flappymacs flappybird clone for emacs 20171023.1004 github "1,754"
hasklig-mode Hasklig ligatures 20211017.1730 github "1,753"
url-shortener shorten long url and expand tinyurl 20170805.242 github "1,750"
dylan Dylan editing modes 20220115.1804 github "1,750"
easy-jekyll Major mode managing jekyll blogs 20211217.2311 github "1,749"
weyland-yutani-theme Emacs theme based off Alien movie franchise 20210802.2251 github "1,748"
hippie-exp-ext Extension of hippie-expand 20160502.2326 github "1,747"
buster-snippets Yasnippets for the Buster javascript testing framework 20151125.1010 github "1,747"
state Quick navigation between workspaces 20200727.1227 github "1,746"
ipython-shell-send Send code (including magics) to ipython shell 20190220.2246 github "1,746"
emacsshot Snapshot a frame or window from within 20191206.944 gitlab "1,746"
company-ycm company-ycm 20140904.1817 github "1,746"
kill-or-bury-alive Precise control over buffer killing in Emacs 20210320.1231 github "1,745"
intellij-theme Inspired by IntelliJ's default theme 20171017.1415 gitlab "1,745"
objc-font-lock Highlight Objective-C method calls. 20141021.1822 github "1,744"
clmemo Change Log MEMO 20220204.1345 github "1,737"
py-test A test runner for Python code. 20151117.622 github "1,735"
simp "Simple project definition, chiefly for file finding, and grepping" 20180607.254 github "1,734"
cerbere Unit testing in Emacs for several programming languages 20181113.1641 github "1,734"
multi-project "Find files, compile, and search for multiple projects." 20211230.2223 hg "1,732"
flycheck-css-colorguard Detect similar colors in CSS 20161031.1122 github "1,732"
counsel-org-clock Counsel commands for org-clock 20200810.1109 github "1,732"
hl-indent Highlight irregular indentation. 20170429.2104 github "1,729"
homebrew-mode minor mode for editing Homebrew formulae 20210919.331 github "1,728"
sclang-snippets Snippets for the SuperCollider Emacs mode 20130513.751 github "1,727"
toggle-test Toggle between source and test files in various programming languages 20140723.537 github "1,725"
highlight2clipboard Copy text to clipboard with highlighting. 20151020.1840 github "1,724"
xbm-life A XBM version of Conway's Game of Life 20210508.1640 git "1,722"
org-random-todo show a random TODO (with alert) every so often 20190214.2057 github "1,722"
myterminal-controls Quick toggle controls at a key-stroke 20210904.516 github "1,722"
gemini-mode A simple highlighting package for text/gemini 20210909.1442 git "1,722"
helm-chronos helm interface for chronos timers 20150528.2036 github "1,721"
flycheck-mercury Mercury support in Flycheck 20181118.1952 github "1,721"
org-notebook Ease the use of org-mode as a notebook 20170322.452 github "1,720"
keymap-utils keymap utilities 20220101.1036 github "1,719"
geiser-mit MIT/GNU Scheme's implementation of the geiser protocols 20211204.1935 gitlab "1,716"
rust-auto-use Utility to automatically insert Rust use statements 20200608.1359 github "1,712"
rings "Buffer rings. Like tabs, but better." 20160531.2027 github "1,712"
mhc Message Harmonized Calendaring system. 20201227.406 github "1,710"
uimage An iimage like mode with the ability to display url images 20160901.1221 github "1,709"
keg Modern Elisp package development system 20211105.316 github "1,709"
helm-fuzzy Fuzzy matching for helm source 20200927.532 github "1,709"
moom Commands to control frame position and size 20210324.825 github "1,708"
ido-gnus Access gnus groups or servers using ido 20140216.1646 github "1,708"
counsel-jq "Live preview of ""jq"" queries using counsel" 20210329.749 github "1,708"
buffer-utils Buffer-manipulation utility functions 20140512.1400 github "1,707"
sotclojure Write clojure at the speed of thought. 20170922.8 github "1,706"
helm-dired-history Show dired history with helm.el support. 20170524.1046 github "1,706"
wolfram Wolfram Alpha Integration 20190805.1007 github "1,705"
eshell-bookmark Integrate bookmarks with eshell. 20170922.1514 github "1,703"
play-routes-mode Play Framework Routes File Support 20170426.733 github "1,702"
magit-tbdiff Magit extension for range diffs 20220204.455 github "1,702"
nand2tetris Major mode for HDL files in the nand2tetris course 20171201.1813 github "1,698"
imakado imakado's usefull macros and functions 20141024.923 github "1,696"
distel-completion-lib Completion library for Erlang/Distel 20180827.1344 github "1,696"
wordsmith-mode Syntax analysis and NLP text-processing in Emacs (OSX-only) 20210715.1517 github "1,695"
w32-ime Windows IME UI/UX controler 20201107.143 github "1,693"
github-notifier Displays your GitHub notifications unread count in mode-line 20180421.316 github "1,692"
snazzy-theme An elegant syntax theme with bright colors 20170823.1832 github "1,688"
e2wm-bookmark Bookmark plugin for e2wm.el 20151123.521 github "1,686"
dna-mode a major mode for editing dna sequences 20191001.2108 github "1,686"
anki-mode A major mode for creating anki cards 20201223.719 github "1,686"
macro-math in-buffer mathematical operations 20130328.1604 github "1,685"
ob-cypher query neo4j using cypher in org-mode blocks 20200521.936 github "1,675"
gore-mode "Simple mode for gore, a command-line evaluator for golang." 20151123.1927 github "1,674"
monotropic-theme Monotropic Theme 20211116.1328 github "1,673"
osx-pseudo-daemon Daemon mode that plays nice with OSX. 20200215.513 github "1,671"
grails-mode minor-mode that adds some Grails project management to a grails project 20160504.911 github "1,671"
cycbuf "Cycle buffers, inspired by swbuff.el, swbuff-x.el, and bs.el" 20131203.2037 github "1,670"
addressbook-bookmark An address book based on Standard Emacs bookmarks. 20190612.1638 github "1,670"
js2-closure Google Closure dependency manager 20170816.1918 github "1,667"
dircmp Compare and sync directories. 20141204.1756 github "1,667"
make-it-so Transform files with Makefile recipes. 20190625.1036 github "1,666"
git-commit-insert-issue "Get issues list when typing ""Fixes #""" 20210107.2018 gitlab "1,664"
archive-region Move region to archive file instead of killing 20200316.1425 github "1,662"
handlebars-sgml-mode Add Handlebars contextual indenting support to sgml-mode 20130623.2333 github "1,661"
id-manager id-password management 20170320.1246 github "1,660"
shr-tag-pre-highlight Syntax highlighting code block in HTML 20200626.1047 github "1,656"
helm-org-ql Helm support for org-ql 20210922.615 github "1,653"
helm-hatena-bookmark Hatena::Bookmark with helm interface 20210724.732 github "1,653"
ess-view-data View Data 20220124.1430 github "1,653"
weblogger Weblog maintenance via XML-RPC APIs 20110926.1618 github "1,652"
gmail2bbdb import email and name into bbdb from vcard. 20170423.1144 github "1,652"
gherkin-mode An emacs major mode for editing gherkin files. 20171224.1353 github "1,651"
coffee-fof A coffee-mode configuration for `ff-find-other-file'. 20131012.1230 github "1,651"
simplenote Interact with 20141118.1440 github "1,648"
headlong reckless completion 20150417.1526 github "1,648"
constant-theme "A calm, dark, almost monochrome color theme." 20180921.1012 github "1,648"
geiser-chez Chez Scheme's implementation of the geiser protocols 20211216.2332 gitlab "1,647"
git-command A Git Command-Line interface 20191028.333 github "1,646"
gnus-summary-ext Extra limit and process mark commands for the gnus summary buffer 20180113.1316 github "1,645"
helm-bundle-show Bundle show with helm interface 20190526.1401 github "1,642"
eldev Elisp Development Tool 20220221.2055 github "1,642"
py-smart-operator smart-operator for python-mode 20170531.1209 github "1,641"
jabber-otr Off-The-Record messaging for jabber.el 20150918.1144 github "1,639"
ducpel Logic game with sokoban elements 20140702.1154 github "1,637"
vc-msg Show commit information of current line 20211224.1354 github "1,635"
unison-mode Syntax highlighting for unison file synchronization program 20160513.1501 github "1,632"
ede-compdb Support for compilation database projects in EDE 20150920.2033 github "1,632"
clocker Note taker and clock-in enforcer 20190214.1833 github "1,631"
eldoc-overlay Display eldoc with contextual documentation overlay. 20220210.1358 git "1,630"
evil-mark-replace replace the thing in marked area 20200630.940 github "1,625"
widget-mvc MVC framework for the emacs widgets 20150102.406 github "1,624"
flycheck-pkg-config configure flycheck using pkg-config 20200409.501 github "1,623"
dkmisc Miscellaneous functions required by dk* packages. 20131110.1115 github "1,621"
swap-regions Swap text in two regions 20180915.1346 github "1,620"
srfi Scheme Requests for Implementation browser 20220202.2241 github "1,620"
smart-window vim-like window controlling plugin 20160717.130 github "1,620"
ewmctrl Use `wmctrl' to manage desktop windows via EWMH/NetWM. 20170922.217 github "1,617"
marmalade-client client for marmalade API from emacs 20141231.2007 github "1,614"
sonic-pi A Emacs client for SonicPi 20211214.1242 github "1,611"
elfeed-score Gnus-style scoring for Elfeed 20220202.201 github "1,605"
region-state Show the number of chars/lines or rows/columns in the region 20181205.1746 github "1,604"
eglot-jl Julia support for eglot 20211208.359 github "1,603"
templatel Templating language; 20210902.228 github "1,602"
spice-mode Major mode for SPICE 20220210.1414 git "1,602"
omni-log Logging utilities 20200304.2229 github "1,601"
org-clock-today Show total clocked time of the current day in the mode line 20191204.1558 github "1,594"
tabula-rasa Distraction free writing mode 20141216.547 github "1,593"
vc-check-status Warn you when quitting emacs and leaving repo dirty. 20210216.1525 github "1,590"
bbdb2erc "make bbdb show if pal is online with ERC, click i to chat" 20190822.907 github "1,590"
quick-preview "quick preview using GNOME sushi, gloobus or quick look" 20191017.1920 github "1,589"
ob-diagrams org-babel functions for diagrams evaluation 20160407.1237 github "1,588"
transient-dwim Useful preset transient commands 20200812.1033 github "1,587"
tc a Japanese input method with T-Code on Emacs 20220122.1443 github "1,587"
e2wm-direx Plugin of e2wm.el for direx.el 20200805.1414 github "1,587"
docker-cli Running various commands in docker containers 20190524.1624 github "1,587"
nameframe Manage frames by name. 20171107.56 github "1,586"
bonjourmadame "Say ""Hello ma'am!""" 20170919.1134 github "1,583"
flycheck-vale flycheck integration for vale 20190609.1533 github "1,582"
debug-print A nice printf debugging environment by the way Gauche do 20140126.19 github "1,582"
todoist Extension for interacting and managing todoist tasks 20220126.1813 github "1,581"
mu-cite A library to provide MIME features. 20190803.439 github "1,581"
bbyac "Type a little Bit, and Bang! You Are Completed." 20180206.1441 github "1,581"
mozc-temp Use mozc temporarily 20160228.840 github "1,580"
signal Advanced hook 20160816.1438 github "1,579"
haskell-emacs-text Haskell functions from Data.Text 20150713.1416 github "1,578"
swiss-holidays Swiss holidays for the calendar 20200526.822 github "1,576"
evm Emacs Version Manager 20141007.1156 github "1,575"
draft-mode Rough drafting for Emacs. 20140609.1456 gitlab "1,575"
recursive-narrow narrow-to-region that operates recursively 20190306.1521 github "1,572"
indent-info Show indentation information in status bar 20210111.745 github "1,572"
ivy-gitlab Ivy interface to Gitlab 20181228.826 github "1,571"
purty-mode "Safely pretty-print greek letters, mathematical symbols, or anything else." 20131004.2259 github "1,570"
jq-format Reformat JSON and JSONLines using jq 20190428.1434 github "1,570"
el-init-viewer Record viewer for el-init 20150303.828 github "1,569"
jasminejs-mode A minor mode for manipulating jasmine test files 20150527.5 github "1,567"
drupal-spell Aspell extra dictionary for Drupal 20130520.1655 github "1,567"
unicode-enbox Surround a string with box-drawing characters 20140508.2041 github "1,566"
ivy-dired-history use ivy to open recent directories 20210715.48 github "1,566"
unicode-emoticons Shortcuts for common unicode emoticons 20150204.1108 github "1,562"
term-manager Contextual terminal management 20190610.2032 github "1,562"
xwidgete enhances usability of current xwidget browser 20171118.2116 github "1,561"
s-buffer s operations for buffers 20130605.2124 github "1,561"
password-vault A Password manager for Emacs. 20160126.1820 github "1,561"
counsel-bbdb Quick search&input email from BBDB based on ivy 20181128.1320 github "1,561"
encourage-mode Encourages you in your work. :D 20151128.905 github "1,560"
winpoint "Remember buffer positions per-window, not per buffer" 20131023.1713 github "1,559"
nanowrimo Track progress for nanowrimo 20151105.228 gitlab "1,556"
helm-rhythmbox control Rhythmbox's play queue via Helm 20160524.1158 github "1,556"
zpresent Simple presentation mode based on org files. 20200417.309 hg "1,555"
helm-rubygems-org Use helm to search 20140826.1156 github "1,555"
rect+ Extensions to rect.el 20150621.44 github "1,554"
green-screen-theme A nice color theme for those who miss green CRTs 20180816.1502 github "1,554"
git-ps1-mode Global minor-mode to print __git_ps1 in mode-line 20200113.704 github "1,553"
el2markdown Convert commentary section of elisp files to markdown. 20170630.1858 github "1,553"
bar-cursor package used to switch block cursor to a bar 20201204.2244 github "1,553"
helm-hayoo Source and configured helm for searching hayoo 20151014.651 github "1,551"
equake Drop-down console for (e)shell & terminal emulation 20210913.145 gitlab "1,551"
simple-modeline A simple mode-line configuration for Emacs 20210312.1048 github "1,547"
vhdl-capf Completion at point function (capf) for vhdl-mode. 20160221.1734 github "1,546"
jvm-mode Monitor and manage your JVMs 20150422.708 github "1,546"
opam OPAM tools 20150719.1220 github "1,544"
emms-state Display track description and playing time in the mode line 20211023.1942 github "1,543"
f3 a helm interface to find 20180130.1158 github "1,541"
alarm-clock Alarm Clock 20191204.716 github "1,540"
berrys-theme "A light, clean and elegant theme" 20191201.1609 github "1,537"
wn-mode numeric window switching shortcuts 20151110.552 github "1,536"
vulpea A collection of org-roam note-taking functions 20220204.936 github "1,534"
suomalainen-kalenteri Finnish national and Christian holidays for calendar 20220101.718 github "1,533"
projector Lightweight library for managing project-aware shell and command buffers 20211112.1514 github "1,533"
desktop-registry Keep a central registry of desktop files 20140119.2143 github "1,532"
eradio A simple Internet radio player 20210327.1000 github "1,530"
bibslurp retrieve BibTeX entries from NASA ADS 20151202.2346 github "1,529"
blimp Bustling Image Manipulation Package 20180903.2240 github "1,524"
org-recur Recurring org-mode tasks 20211007.238 github "1,523"
dirvish A modern file manager based on dired mode 20220223.1713 github "1,520"
evalator Package for interactive transformation of data with helm 20160213.128 github "1,519"
mode-line-debug show status of `debug-on-error' in the mode-line 20210525.2014 github "1,516"
prism "Customizable, depth-based syntax coloring" 20210804.417 github "1,515"
company-ngram N-gram based completion 20170129.1913 github "1,515"
isearch-symbol-at-point Use isearch to search for the symbol at point 20130728.2221 github "1,514"
helm-dirset helm sources for multi directories 20151209.12 github "1,514"
edit-at-point "edit(copy,cut..) current things(word,symbol..) under cursor" 20191013.1218 github "1,510"
shelldoc shell command editing support with man page. 20200513.1206 github "1,509"
minor-mode-hack Change priority of minor-mode keymaps 20170926.34 github "1,509"
http-twiddle send & twiddle & resend HTTP requests 20160801.1911 github "1,509"
el-spec ruby's rspec like syntax test frame work 20121018.704 github "1,509"
occur-context-resize dynamically resize context around matches in occur-mode 20210121.50 github "1,507"
man-commands Add interactive commands for every manpages installed in your computer. 20151221.2221 github "1,507"
evil-rails Rails support for Evil Mode 20190512.1517 github "1,506"
buttercup-junit JUnit reporting for Buttercup 20190802.2258 git "1,506"
org-multiple-keymap "Set keymap to elements, such as timestamp and priority." 20191017.1920 github "1,505"
ivy-omni-org Browse anything in Org mode 20200810.1050 github "1,505"
ido-occasional Use ido where you choose. 20150214.1248 github "1,502"
elisp-depend Parse depend libraries of elisp file. 20190325.1114 github "1,498"
theme-magic Apply your Emacs theme to the rest of Linux 20190711.2034 github "1,497"
jsfmt Interface to jsfmt command for javascript files 20180920.1008 github "1,496"
term-cmd Send commands from programs running in term.el. 20210417.1447 github "1,494"
git-wip-timemachine Walk through git-wip revisions of a file 20150408.1006 github "1,494"
dizzee A more pleasant way to manage your project's subprocesses in Emacs. 20171201.916 github "1,494"
presentation Display large character for presentation 20180427.224 github "1,493"
paren-completer "Automatically, language agnostically, fill in delimiters." 20160501.1052 github "1,492"
markup Simple markup generation helpers. 20170420.1129 github "1,491"
jaword Minor-mode for handling Japanese words better 20210306.420 github "1,491"
org-if Interactive Fiction Authoring System for Org-Mode. 20150920.1513 gitlab "1,490"
omni-quotes Random quotes displayer 20200304.2341 github "1,490"
gnomenm Emacs interface to Gnome nmcli command 20150316.1918 github "1,490"
msvc Microsoft Visual C/C++ mode 20210503.1856 github "1,488"
flimenu Flatten imenu automatically 20200810.1510 github "1,488"
decide rolling dice and other random things 20211127.2248 github "1,488"
pinyin-search Search Chinese by Pinyin 20160515.358 github "1,487"
aria2 Control aria2c commandline tool from Emacs 20190816.25 gitlab "1,487"
sparkline Make sparkline images from a list of numbers 20150101.1319 github "1,485"
vuiet The music player and explorer for Emacs 20220218.1024 github "1,482"
dummyparens parenthesis auto-pairing and wrapping 20141009.1024 github "1,482"
helm-jstack Helm interface to Jps & Jstack for Java/JVM processes 20150603.422 github "1,480"
scratch-palette make scratch buffer for each files 20210306.427 github "1,476"
point-stack Back and forward navigation through buffer locations 20200427.107 github "1,474"
phi-search-migemo migemo extension for phi-search 20170618.921 github "1,471"
poly-ansible Polymode for Ansible: Jinja2 in YAML 20220113.1656 gitlab "1,469"
elx extract information from Emacs Lisp libraries 20210918.1436 github "1,465"
ac-emacs-eclim auto-complete source for eclim 20180911.1121 github "1,465"
fifo-class First in first out abstract class 20160425.558 github "1,464"
emacs-everywhere System-wide popup windows for quick edits 20220220.1404 github "1,463"
db-pg A PostgreSQL adapter for emacs-db 20130131.1902 github "1,463"
play-crystal integration. 20180114.1024 github "1,462"
phi-search-dired interactive filtering for dired powered by phi-search 20200816.1542 github "1,461"
bts A unified UI for various bug tracking systems 20151109.1333 github "1,461"
plsense-direx Perl Package Explorer 20140520.2008 github "1,460"
nu-mode Modern Emacs Prompts Based Keybinding. 20190404.2032 github "1,459"
bufshow A simple presentation tool for Emacs. 20130726.1838 github "1,459"
x509-mode "View certificates, CRLs and keys using OpenSSL." 20210407.627 github "1,456"
quelpa-leaf Quelpa handler for leaf 20210124.348 github "1,455"
instapaper No description available. 20110419.1355 git "1,455"
maxima Major mode for Maxima 20210526.1525 gitlab "1,454"
ivy-todo Manage org-mode TODOs with ivy 20200323.2005 github "1,454"
number Working with numbers at point. 20170901.1312 github "1,451"
gxref xref backend using GNU Global. 20170411.1753 github "1,450"
yabin Yet Another Bignum package (A thin wrapper of calc.el). 20140206.351 github "1,449"
fancy-dabbrev Like dabbrev-expand with preview and popup menu 20220211.633 github "1,449"
company-solidity Company-mode back-end for solidity-mode 20181117.1518 github "1,448"
stash lightweight persistent caching 20151117.1427 github "1,447"
etherpad Interface to the Etherpad API 20211128.106 github "1,443"
js-import Import Javascript files from your current project or dependencies 20210105.829 github "1,441"
zone-sl Zone out with steam locomotives. 20160201.1210 github "1,440"
ggo-mode Gengetopt major mode 20210310.1345 github "1,439"
cucumber-goto-step Jump to cucumber step definition 20131210.519 github "1,439"
smart-dash Smart-Dash minor mode 20210427.1709 github "1,437"
marcopolo Emacs client to the Docker HUB/Registry API 20160421.1004 github "1,435"
evil-textobj-column Provides column text objects. 20170905.1905 github "1,434"
burly Save and restore frame/window configurations with buffers 20211005.1159 github "1,434"
discover-clj-refactor Adds discover context menu for clj-refactor 20150328.1459 github "1,431"
flycheck-aspell Aspell checker for flycheck 20220128.1518 github "1,430"
ox-rfc RFC Back-End for Org Export Engine 20220206.1046 github "1,429"
ergoemacs-status Adaptive Status Bar / Mode Line 20160318.538 github "1,429"
speechd-el Client to speech synthesizers and Braille displays. 20211231.758 github "1,427"
quickref Display relevant notes-to-self in the echo area 20170817.1232 github "1,426"
erc-track-score Add score support to tracked channel buffers 20130328.1215 github "1,426"
blockdiag-mode Major mode for editing blockdiag files 20160427.524 github "1,426"
realgud-ipdb Realgud front-end to ipdb 20200722.1116 github "1,425"
phi-grep Interactively-editable recursive grep implementation in elisp 20210306.425 github "1,424"
js-react-redux-yasnippets "JavaScript,React,Redux yasnippets" 20200316.1144 github "1,424"
e2wm-term Perspective of e2wm.el for work in terminal 20200322.729 github "1,424"
dtrace-script-mode DTrace code editing commands for Emacs 20150214.623 github "1,422"
org-iv a tool used to view html (in browser) generated by org-file once the org-file changes 20171001.1022 github "1,421"
leerzeichen Minor mode to display whitespace characters. 20170422.1313 github "1,421"
control-mode "A ""control"" mode, similar to vim's ""normal"" mode" 20160624.1710 github "1,421"
e2wm-R some e2wm plugin and perspective for GNU R 20151230.926 github "1,418"
hexo Major mode & tools for Hexo 20200416.1410 github "1,417"
thread-dump Java thread dump viewer 20170816.1850 github "1,416"
org-gtd An implementation of GTD. 20220213.41 github "1,416"
helm-sheet helm sources for sheet 20130630.1239 github "1,416"
helm-bbdb Helm interface for bbdb 20190728.1325 github "1,416"
lsp-intellij intellij lsp client 20180831.2051 github "1,415"
robots-txt-mode Major mode for editing robots.txt 20190812.1858 github "1,414"
capture "screencasting with ""avconv"" or ""ffmpeg""" 20130828.1644 github "1,414"
rdf-prefix Prefix lookup for RDF 20211209.1952 github "1,413"
minizinc-mode Major mode for MiniZinc code 20180201.1450 github "1,411"
minibuffer-complete-cycle Cycle through the *Completions* buffer 20130813.1645 github "1,410"
elpl Emacs Lisp REPL 20200821.1052 github "1,409"
stack-mode A minor mode enabling various features based on stack-ide. 20150923.1523 github "1,407"
choice-program Parameter based program 20201217.1751 github "1,407"
vdirel "Manipulate vdir (i.e., vCard) repositories" 20210813.754 github "1,406"
owdriver Quickly perform various actions on other windows 20200410.1901 github "1,406"
django-manage Django minor mode for commanding 20160819.212 github "1,406"
cryptol-mode Cryptol major mode for Emacs 20190531.2051 github "1,406"
mandoku A tool to access repositories of premodern Chinese texts 20180403.1106 github "1,404"
kpm-list An emacs buffer list that tries to intelligently group together buffers. 20170924.1352 github "1,404"
php-scratch A scratch buffer to interactively evaluate php code 20210706.459 github "1,403"
hyai Haskell Yet Another Indentation 20170301.1447 github "1,403"
transpose-mark Transpose data using the Emacs mark 20150405.716 github "1,401"
eacl Auto-complete lines by grepping project 20220101.1517 github "1,401"
egison-mode Egison editing mode 20200107.2333 github "1,396"
shell-current-directory create new shell based on buffer directory 20140101.2354 github "1,394"
aproject Basic project framework for Emacs 20190730.152 github "1,394"
recompile-on-save Trigger recompilation on file save. 20151126.1446 github "1,393"
ox-qmd Qiita Markdown Back-End for Org Export Engine 20210826.1425 github "1,392"
elscreen-buffer-group elscreen buffer group 20200109.2338 github "1,392"
make-color Alternative to picking color - update fg/bg color by pressing r/g/b/... keys 20140625.1150 github "1,391"
wisp-mode Tools for wisp: the Whitespace-to-Lisp preprocessor 20220208.636 hg "1,390"
magma-mode Mode for editing Magma source code 20211018.917 github "1,390"
frame-tag Minor mode that assigns a unique number to each frame for easy switching 20170111.6 github "1,390"
viking-mode "kill first, ask later" 20160705.2027 github "1,389"
keydef "a simpler way to define keys, with kbd syntax" 20090428.1931 github "1,389"
rtm An elisp implementation of the Remember The Milk API 20180329.1508 github "1,388"
nyx-theme Dark theme 20170910.1307 github "1,385"
karma Karma Test Runner Emacs Integration 20160220.1245 github "1,385"
helm-lobsters helm front-end for 20150213.1546 github "1,385"
download-region Simple in-buffer download manager 20210306.415 github "1,385"
ukrainian-holidays Ukrainian holidays for Emacs calendar. 20130720.1349 github "1,384"
pc-bufsw PC style quick buffer switcher 20201011.1918 github "1,383"
easy-after-load eval-after-load for all files in a directory 20170817.1231 github "1,383"
cbm Switch to similar buffers. 20171116.1240 github "1,383"
term-projectile projectile terminal management 20190307.400 github "1,381"
spdx Insert SPDX license and copyright headers 20220225.102 github "1,381"
btc-ticker Shows latest bitcoin price 20151113.1459 github "1,380"
editorconfig-generate Generate .editorconfig 20190513.433 github "1,379"
dokuwiki Edit Remote DokuWiki Pages Using XML-RPC 20180102.59 github "1,379"
trr a type-writing training program on GNU Emacs. 20191019.1403 github "1,378"
orca Org Capture 20210828.1639 github "1,376"
ewal-doom-themes Dread the colors of darkness 20200922.325 github "1,376"
evil-mc-extras Extra functionality for evil-mc 20170202.1649 github "1,376"
helm-j-cheatsheet Quick J reference for Emacs 20170217.829 github "1,375"
ob-axiom An org-babel backend for the axiom-environment system 20190623.2052 git "1,374"
go-imenu Enhance imenu for go language 20181029.1029 github "1,374"
org-sql Org-Mode SQL converter 20210404.1839 github "1,373"
octopress A lightweight wrapper for Jekyll and Octopress. 20190123.107 github "1,373"
docbook-snippets Yasnippets for DocBook 20150714.1625 github "1,373"
bibclean-format Reformat BibTeX and Scribe using bibclean 20190302.2017 github "1,371"
tj3-mode major mode for editing TaskJuggler 3 files 20180519.1228 github "1,370"
ox-nikola Export Nikola articles using org-mode. 20151114.1116 github "1,368"
disk "simplified find-file, revert-file, save-buffer interface" 20171116.731 github "1,367"
python-test Python testing integration 20181018.29 github "1,365"
kubernetes-helm "extension for helm, the package manager for kubernetes" 20210902.2232 github "1,364"
cql-mode Major mode for editting CQLs 20190315.225 github "1,363"
vertigo Jump across lines using the home row. 20211224.1256 github "1,361"
symex An evil way to edit Lisp symbolic expressions as trees 20220221.252 github "1,361"
stock-ticker Show stock prices in mode line 20150204.1052 github "1,360"
niceify-info improve usability of Info pages 20160416.1244 github "1,358"
cov Show coverage stats in the fringe. 20211203.416 github "1,355"
angry-police-captain Show quote from in the minibuffer 20120829.1252 github "1,355"
jammer Punish yourself for using Emacs inefficiently 20210508.1633 git "1,353"
flycheck-dialyzer Support dialyzer in flycheck 20160326.1430 github "1,353"
jscs Consistent JavaScript editing using JSCS 20151015.1749 github "1,352"
easy-repeat Repeat easily 20150516.848 github "1,351"
nswbuff Quick switching between buffers. 20210721.741 github "1,348"
tok-theme My theme 20220222.1140 github "1,347"
pollen-mode major mode for editing pollen files 20210120.422 github "1,347"
eno "Goto/copy/cut any word/symbol/line in view, similar to ace-jump/easymotion" 20191013.1239 github "1,347"
steam Organize and launch Steam games 20220218.1707 github "1,345"
smog "Analyse the writing style, word use and readability of prose" 20200211.528 github "1,343"
elscreen-mew ElScreen Add-On for Mew 20160504.1835 github "1,341"
commify Toggle grouping commas in numbers 20210904.1106 github "1,339"
mu4e-jump-to-list mu4e jump-to-list extension 20211030.2307 gitlab "1,338"
delim-kill Kill text between delimiters. 20100517.620 github "1,338"
litanize "Generate ""Latour Litanies""" 20200211.621 github "1,337"
broadcast Links buffers together for simultaneous editing. 20151205.212 github "1,336"
aws-ec2 Manage AWS EC2 instances 20161007.1914 github "1,335"
plenv A plenv wrapper for Emacs 20130707.616 github "1,334"
highlight-unique-symbol highlight symbols which not appear in the repository 20130612.542 github "1,334"
defproject Manager dir-locals and project specific variables 20151201.2219 github "1,334"
mac-pseudo-daemon Daemon mode that plays nice with Mac OS. 20200215.513 github "1,332"
e2ansi "Syntax highlighting support for `less', powered by Emacs." 20190517.1902 github "1,332"
refine interactive value editing 20200507.731 github "1,331"
org-randomnote Find a random note in your Org-Mode files 20200110.1407 github "1,331"
mark-tools Some simple tools to access the mark-ring in Emacs 20130614.1025 github "1,331"
omni-scratch Easy and mode-specific draft buffers 20171009.2151 github "1,330"
flycheck-pony Pony support in Flycheck 20210118.1326 github "1,329"
northcode-theme A dark theme focused on blue and orange colors. 20180423.1649 github "1,328"
org-link-travis Insert/Export the link of Travis CI on org-mode 20140405.2327 github "1,325"
ivy-youtube Query YouTube and play videos in your browser 20181126.1039 github "1,325"
helm-ad helm source for Active Directory 20151209.1015 github "1,324"
voca-builder Helps you build up your vocabulary 20161101.1645 github "1,323"
ox-pukiwiki Pukiwiki Back-End for Org Export Engine 20150124.1716 github "1,323"
stupid-indent-mode Plain stupid indentation minor mode 20170525.1117 git "1,320"
py-gnitset Run your Python tests any way you'd like 20170821.1732 github "1,319"
sequences Ports of some Clojure sequence functions. 20170818.1252 github "1,318"
jist Gist integration 20161229.1721 github "1,315"
debpaste Interface for getting/posting/deleting pastes from 20160113.2347 github "1,312"
activity-watch-mode Automatic time tracking extension. 20220111.1121 github "1,312"
keyword-search browser keyword search from Emacs 20180424.1102 github "1,310"
consult-dir Insert paths into the minibuffer prompt 20211007.2352 github "1,309"
strace-mode strace output syntax highlighting 20171116.2039 github "1,308"
pgdevenv Manage your PostgreSQL development envs 20150105.2236 github "1,307"
bpe Blog from Org mode to Blogger 20141228.2205 github "1,306"
ipcalc IP subnet calculator 20210903.958 github "1,304"
edit-color-stamp "Edit a hex color stamp, using a QT or the internal color picker" 20130529.1733 github "1,304"
sackspace A better backspace 20130719.956 github "1,303"
futhark-mode major mode for editing Futhark source files 20220211.1009 github "1,303"
ormolu "Format Haskell source code using the ""ormolu"" program" 20211020.2229 github "1,302"
efire Use campfire from Emacs 20151009.2031 github "1,302"
elpa-audit Handy functions for inspecting and comparing package archives 20141023.1331 github "1,301"
tumble an Tumblr mode for Emacs 20160112.729 github "1,299"
milkode Command line search and direct jump with Milkode 20140927.529 github "1,299"
chinese-yasdcv Yet another StarDict frontend 20171015.144 github "1,298"
winnow winnow ag/grep results by matching/excluding lines 20210105.1919 github "1,297"
cd-compile run compile in a specific directory 20141108.1957 github "1,297"
airplay Airplay bindings to Emacs 20130212.1226 github "1,297"
epm Emacs Package Manager 20190509.443 github "1,296"
shen-elisp Shen implementation in Elisp 20210530.349 github "1,295"
php-cs-fixer php-cs-fixer wrapper. 20210923.718 github "1,295"
iplayer Browse and download BBC TV/radio shows 20161120.2120 github "1,295"
dklrt Ledger Recurring Transactions. 20131110.1341 github "1,295"
css-comb Sort CSS properties in a particular order using CSS Comb 20160416.559 github "1,295"
time-ext more function for time/date 20170126.1215 github "1,293"
dired-fdclone dired functions and settings to mimic FDclone 20220119.717 github "1,293"
anki-connect AnkiConnect API 20191123.1858 github "1,293"
grails-projectile-mode Grails mode with Projectile for projects management. 20160327.1324 github "1,292"
pushbullet Emacs client for the PushBullet Android app 20140809.1232 github "1,291"
xterm-keybinder Let you extra keybinds in xterm/urxvt 20160523.56 github "1,290"
org2issue export org to github issue 20190531.941 github "1,290"
org-dp Declarative Local Programming with Org Elements 20180311.923 github "1,289"
messages-are-flowing "visible indication when composing ""flowed"" emails" 20191029.954 github "1,289"
image-archive Image thumbnails in archive file with non-blocking 20150621.132 github "1,289"
nofrils-acme-theme "Port of ""No Frils Acme"" Vim theme." 20180620.1248 gitlab "1,288"
js-auto-beautify auto format you js/jsx file 20161031.509 github "1,288"
evil-expat Evil ex commands 20190521.714 github "1,287"
blgrep Block grep 20150401.1416 github "1,285"
trident-mode Live Parenscript interaction 20190410.2036 github "1,283"
ox-json JSON export backend for Org mode 20210928.347 github "1,283"
unicode-troll-stopper Minor mode for Highlighting Unicode homoglyphs 20190209.411 github "1,282"
wacspace The WACky WorkSPACE manager for emACS 20180311.2350 github "1,281"
quick-buffer-switch Quick switch to file or dir buffers. 20201027.2307 github "1,281"
pager-default-keybindings Add the default keybindings suggested for pager.el 20130719.2057 github "1,281"
describe-number Describe arbitrarily large number at point. 20151101.55 github "1,281"
elwm Minimalistic window manager for emacs 20150817.1007 github "1,279"
double-saber Narrow and delete in search buffers. 20190325.1917 github "1,279"
hgrc-mode major mode for editing hgrc files 20150409.2043 github "1,278"
genrnc "generate RELAX NG Compact Schema from RELAX NG Schema, XML Schema and DTD." 20140612.1237 github "1,275"
watch-buffer run a shell command when saving a buffer 20120331.2044 github "1,274"
foreman-mode View and manage Procfile-based applications 20170725.1422 github "1,274"
emacsc helper for emacsc(1) 20210302.806 github "1,274"
cycle-resize Cycle resize the current window horizontally or vertically 20160521.1557 github "1,274"
term-alert Notifications when commands complete in term.el. 20210414.1638 github "1,273"
mpages An Emacs buffer for quickly writing your Morning Pages 20150710.1404 github "1,272"
zenity-color-picker Insert and adjust colors using Zenity 20160302.1154 git "1,271"
look-dired Extensions to look-mode for dired buffers 20160729.2323 github "1,270"
ob-nim Babel Functions for nim 20210601.1807 github "1,269"
osx-org-clock-menubar simple menubar integration for org-clock 20150205.2111 github "1,267"
config-parser a library for parsing config file 20160426.1219 github "1,265"
elog logging library extended from logito 20160724.2255 github "1,262"
nrepl-sync connect to nrepl port and eval .sync.clj. 20140807.1554 github "1,261"
gams-mode Major mode for General Algebraic Modeling System (GAMS) 20210701.36 github "1,261"
slideview File slideshow 20150324.2240 github "1,260"
coverlay Test coverage overlays 20190414.940 github "1,260"
yequake "Drop-down frames, like Yakuake" 20200219.2323 github "1,258"
verify-url find out invalid urls in the buffer or region 20160426.1228 github "1,258"
dpkg-dev-el Emacs modes for debian packaging 20190824.2314 git "1,258"
visual-ascii-mode Visualize ascii code (small integer) on buffer. 20150129.1046 github "1,257"
org-sync-snippets Export snippets to org-mode and vice versa 20210111.1726 github "1,254"
noxml-fold Fold away XML things. 20170823.1357 github "1,254"
latexdiff Latexdiff integration in Emacs 20190827.1651 github "1,248"
xtest Simple Testing with Emacs & ERT 20141214.1706 github "1,247"
enotify A networked notification system for emacs 20130407.1348 github "1,247"
ncl-mode Major Mode for editing NCL scripts and other goodies 20180129.703 github "1,246"
anyins Insert content at multiple places from shell command or kill-ring 20131229.1041 github "1,246"
projectile-sift Run a sift with Projectile 20160107.1015 github "1,244"
chronometrist Friendly and powerful personal time tracker and analyzer 20220224.1017 git "1,244"
helm-zhihu-daily Helm interface for 知乎日报 ( 20160625.1145 github "1,243"
elgrep Searching files for regular expressions 20211221.852 github "1,243"
kakapo-mode "TABS (hard or soft) for indentation (leading whitespace), and SPACES for alignment." 20171004.451 github "1,242"
helm-filesets A helm source for emacs filesets 20140929.1835 github "1,242"
projmake-mode "Project oriented automatic builder and error highlighter, flymake for projects" 20161031.1715 github "1,241"
inline-docs Show inline contextual docs. 20220210.1402 git "1,239"
counsel-pydoc run pydoc with counsel 20171018.2042 github "1,239"
xwidgets-reuse Reuse xwidgets sessions to reduce resource consumption 20200817.147 github "1,237"
org-themis Experimental project management mode for org-mode 20160122.404 github "1,237"
navorski "Helping you live in the terminal, like Viktor did." 20141203.1824 github "1,237"
ez-query-replace a smarter context-sensitive query-replace that can be reapplied 20210724.2247 github "1,237"
dynamic-ruler Displays a dynamic ruler at point. 20160602.808 github "1,237"
paperless A major mode for sorting and filing PDF documents. 20201130.1241 github "1,236"
buffer-manage Manage buffers 20211122.1957 github "1,235"
mutt-mode major mode for editing mutt configuration 20191102.2330 gitlab "1,233"
unify-opening Unify the mechanism to open files 20171122.2012 github "1,229"
korean-holidays Korean holidays for calendar. 20190102.1558 github "1,229"
simple-rtm Interactive Emacs mode for Remember The Milk 20160222.1534 gitlab "1,228"
expand-line Expand selection by line 20151006.207 github "1,228"
zone-select Select zone programs. 20160118.1419 github "1,227"
what-the-commit Random commit message generator 20150901.1316 github "1,227"
aws-snippets Yasnippets for AWS 20191203.1553 github "1,225"
audio-notes-mode Play audio notes synced from somewhere else. 20170611.2159 github "1,225"
spu Silently upgrade package in the background 20161214.324 github "1,223"
chyla-theme - green color theme. 20180302.1658 github "1,223"
clean-buffers clean useless buffers 20160529.2259 github "1,222"
cdnjs A front end for 20161031.1522 github "1,222"
netherlands-holidays Netherlands holidays for Emacs calendar. 20150202.1617 github "1,221"
highlight-leading-spaces Highlight leading spaces 20151216.1222 github "1,221"
ox-trac Org Export Backend to Trac WikiFormat 20171026.1823 github "1,220"
nummm-mode Display the number of minor modes instead of their names 20131117.1014 github "1,220"
company-ledger Fuzzy auto-completion for Ledger & friends 20210910.250 github "1,220"
vertica Vertica SQL mode extension 20131217.1511 github "1,218"
kaesar-mode Encrypt/Decrypt buffer by AES with password. 20160128.1008 github "1,218"
jar-manifest-mode Major mode to edit JAR manifest files 20160501.26 github "1,217"
elisp-sandbox Evaluate EmacsLisp expressions in a sandbox 20131116.1842 github "1,217"
extend-dnd R drag and Drop 20151122.1850 github "1,216"
usage-memo integration of Emacs help system and memo 20170926.37 github "1,215"
luarocks luarocks tools 20170430.2305 github "1,214"
lastpass LastPass command wrapper 20201229.2109 github "1,214"
aa-edit-mode Major mode for editing AA(S_JIS Art) and .mlt file 20170119.320 github "1,214"
weblorg Static Site Generator for org-mode 20210919.1547 github "1,213"
html-check-frag Check html-fragments 20201106.1748 github "1,212"
hack-mode Major mode for the Hack programming language 20211224.19 github "1,210"
e2wm-svg-clock e2wm plugin for svg-clock 20150106.1306 github "1,210"
bool-flip flip the boolean under the point 20161215.1539 github "1,208"
toggle quickly open corresponding file (eg test vs impl). 20180316.3 github "1,206"
org-seek Searching Org-mode files with search tools. 20161217.502 git "1,206"
buster-mode Minor mode to speed up development when writing tests with Buster.js 20140928.1213 github "1,206"
quiet Disconnect from the online world for a while 20200211.721 github "1,205"
searchq "Framework of queued search tasks using GREP, ACK, AG and more." 20150829.1211 github "1,202"
flycheck-dialyxir flycheck checker for elixir dialyxir 20170515.1525 github "1,202"
literate-starter-kit A literate starter kit to configure Emacs using Org-mode files. 20150730.1854 github "1,200"
jump-to-line Jump to line number at point. 20130122.1653 github "1,200"
dedukti-mode Major mode for Dedukti files 20171103.1212 github "1,200"
bts-github A plugin of bts.el for GitHub 20170401.1249 github "1,200"
org-rtm Simple import/export from rememberthemilk to org-mode 20160214.1236 github "1,197"
borg assimilate Emacs packages as Git submodules 20220216.1925 github "1,195"
micgoline "powerline mode, color schemes from microsoft and google's logo." 20160415.326 github "1,194"
org-tfl Transport for London meets Orgmode 20170923.1218 github "1,192"
dispass Emacs wrapper for DisPass 20140202.1531 github "1,192"
serverspec Serverspec minor mode 20150623.1155 github "1,190"
lang-refactor-perl "Simple refactorings, primarily for Perl" 20131122.2127 github "1,190"
cacoo Minor mode for Cacoo : 20120319.2359 github "1,190"
helm-hunks "A helm interface for git hunks - browsing, staging, unstaging and killing" 20171217.1933 github "1,189"
dim-autoload dim or hide autoload cookie lines 20220101.1042 github "1,189"
sly-hello-world A template SLY contrib 20200225.1755 github "1,187"
nameframe-projectile Nameframe integration with Projectile 20160928.403 github "1,187"
hippie-namespace Special treatment for namespace prefixes in hippie-expand 20140508.2041 github "1,187"
turkish Convert to Turkish characters on-the-fly 20170910.1511 github "1,186"
start-menu start-menu for executing external program like in windows 20160426.1225 github "1,186"
railscasts-reloaded-theme Railscasts Reloaded color theme 20190308.759 github "1,184"
phi-autopair another simple-minded autopair implementation 20210306.424 github "1,183"
el2org Convert elisp file to org file 20200408.146 github "1,183"
peek-mode Serve buffers live over HTTP with elnode backend 20130620.1946 github "1,182"
helm-prosjekt Helm integration for prosjekt. 20140129.717 github "1,182"
dkdo Do List major mode based on org-mode. 20131110.1119 github "1,182"
pinboard-api Rudimentary integration 20140324.1148 github "1,181"
checkbox Quick manipulation of textual checkboxes 20141117.58 github "1,181"
eldoc-cmake Eldoc support for CMake 20190419.2244 github "1,180"
centimacro Assign multiple macros as global key bindings 20201225.1132 github "1,180"
vscdark-theme VS Code Dark+ like theme 20191212.107 github "1,179"
helm-img Utilities for making image sources for helm. 20151224.2321 github "1,178"
evil-traces Visual hints for `evil-ex' 20191214.558 github "1,176"
xquery-tool A simple interface to saxonb's xquery. 20200907.811 github "1,174"
lxc lxc integration with Emacs 20140410.2022 github "1,174"
flymake-solidity A flymake handler for solidity using solc 20170805.644 github "1,174"
dashboard-hackernews Display Hacker News on dashboard 20190109.205 github "1,174"
regex-dsl lisp syntax for regexps 20220125.506 github "1,171"
save-load-path save load-path and reuse it to test 20140206.1214 github "1,170"
org-review schedule reviews for Org entries 20160907.537 github "1,170"
geben-helm-projectile Integrate helm-projectile with geben 20160611.59 github "1,170"
dirtree-prosjekt dirtree integration for prosjekt. 20140129.904 github "1,169"
flycheck-ats2 Flycheck: ATS2 support 20170225.1636 github "1,168"
pixie-mode Major mode for Pixie-lang 20180626.541 github "1,167"
flymake-racket Flymake extension for Racket. 20210105.606 github "1,167"
fillcode Fill (wrap) function calls and expressions in source code 20200524.2226 github "1,167"
diredc Extensions for dired 20220113.332 github "1,167"
window-end-visible Find the last visible point in a window 20140508.2041 github "1,166"
totd Display a random daily emacs command. 20150519.1440 gitlab "1,166"
wandbox Wandbox client 20170603.1231 github "1,165"
vector-utils Vector-manipulation utility functions 20140508.2041 github "1,165"
goggles Pulse modified regions 20220222.1514 github "1,165"
inline-crypt Simple inline encryption via openssl 20170824.900 github "1,164"
grass-mode Provides Emacs modes for interacting with the GRASS GIS program 20170503.1500 github "1,164"
code-review "Perform code review from Github, Gitlab, and Bitbucket Cloud" 20220107.1355 github "1,163"
chatwork ChatWork client for Emacs 20170511.442 github "1,162"
evil-fringe-mark Display evil-mode marks in the fringe 20190320.453 github "1,161"
iss-mode Mode for InnoSetup install scripts 20141001.1913 github "1,160"
docean Interact with DigitalOcean from Emacs. 20180605.1744 github "1,159"
beeminder Emacs interface for Beeminder 20201227.1533 github "1,159"
pdb-mode Major mode for editing Protein Data Bank files 20150128.1751 github "1,153"
pretty-sha-path Prettify Guix/Nix store paths 20141105.1826 github "1,152"
logalimacs Front-end to logaling-command for Ruby gems 20131021.1829 github "1,152"
orgnav Org tree navigation using helm 20170608.1713 github "1,148"
namespaces "An implementation of namespaces for Elisp, with an emphasis on immutabilty." 20130326.2250 github "1,148"
express Alternatives to `message' 20140508.2041 github "1,148"
minimal-session-saver Very lean session saver 20140508.2041 github "1,147"
shampoo A remote Smalltalk development mode 20131230.1019 github "1,145"
company-distel Erlang/distel completion backend for company-mode 20180827.1344 github "1,145"
cil-mode Common Intermediate Language mode 20160622.1430 github "1,145"
gmpl-mode Major mode for editing GMPL(MathProg) files 20220121.631 github "1,144"
dired-git Git integration for dired 20200527.732 github "1,144"
dionysos "Dionysos, a music player for Emacs" 20160810.1056 github "1,143"
cache implementation of a hash table whose key-value pairs expire 20111019.2300 github "1,143"
kite-mini Remotely evaluate JavaScript in the WebKit debugger 20160508.1106 github "1,142"
identica-mode Major mode API client for open microblogging 20130204.2253 github "1,141"
org-books Reading list management with Org mode and helm 20210408.1913 github "1,140"
org-commentary generate or update conventional library headers using Org mode files 20160802.637 github "1,139"
mix Mix Major Mode. Build Elixir using Mix 20210605.1015 github "1,139"
jetbrains-darcula-theme A complete port of the default JetBrains Darcula theme 20210602.1430 github "1,139"
gerrit-download Show gerrit reviews in a diff buffer. 20150714.1408 github "1,139"
geiser-chicken Chicken's implementation of the geiser protocols 20211204.2049 gitlab "1,139"
proc-net network process tools 20130322.12 github "1,138"
geiser-gambit Gambit's implementation of the geiser protocols 20220208.1356 gitlab "1,135"
octicons octicons utility 20151101.340 github "1,134"
kaesar-file Encrypt/Decrypt file by AES with password. 20160128.1008 github "1,133"
thumb-through Plain text reader of HTML documents 20120119.534 github "1,132"
wispjs-mode Major mode for Wisp code. 20170720.1919 github "1,131"
ert-modeline displays ert test results in the modeline. 20140115.1015 github "1,131"
key-quiz Emacs Keys Quiz 20200226.2129 github "1,130"
ctxmenu Provide a context menu like right-click. 20140303.2142 github "1,130"
stgit major mode for StGit interaction 20200606.1308 github "1,129"
evil-test-helpers unit test helpers for Evil 20201008.1515 github "1,128"
elogcat logcat interface 20151121.41 github "1,126"
chapel-mode A major mode for the Chapel programming language 20210513.457 github "1,126"
truthy Test the content of a value 20140508.2041 github "1,124"
smart-indent-rigidly Smart rigid indenting 20141206.15 github "1,123"
metalheart-theme Low-contrast theme with a dark blue-green background. 20160710.641 github "1,122"
nexus REST Client for Nexus Maven Repository servers 20210903.1743 github "1,121"
fix-muscle-memory Simple hacks to fix muscle memory problems 20210702.1755 github "1,116"
with-namespace interoperable elisp namespaces 20130407.1822 github "1,115"
node-resolver hook to install node modules in background 20140930.1723 github "1,115"
eopengrok opengrok interface for emacs 20200205.624 github "1,115"
register-channel Jump around fast using registers 20210120.1618 github "1,114"
js-format Format or transform code style using NodeJS server with different javascript formatter 20170119.102 github "1,114"
major-mode-icons display icon for major-mode on mode-line. 20220210.1404 git "1,108"
cfengine-code-style C code style for CFEngine project. 20171115.2108 github "1,108"
syntactic-sugar Effect-free forms such as if/then/else 20140508.2041 github "1,107"
kosmos-theme Black and lightgray theme with not so much syntax highlighting. 20170502.1850 github "1,107"
flymake-vala A flymake handler for vala-mode files 20150326.531 github "1,106"
weibo Weibo client for Emacs 20150307.2242 github "1,104"
pig-snippets Snippets for pig-mode 20130913.624 github "1,104"
tiny-menu Display tiny menus. 20161213.1235 github "1,101"
ob-lfe org-babel functions for lfe evaluation 20170725.1420 github "1,101"
downplay-mode focus attention on a region of the buffer 20151125.2009 github "1,100"
date-at-point Add `date' to `thing-at-point' function 20150308.1243 github "1,100"
tmux-pane Provide integration between emacs window and tmux pane 20200730.520 github "1,099"
fingers Modal editing with universal text manipulation helpers. 20160817.829 github "1,099"
on-parens smartparens wrapper to fit with evil-mode/vim normal-state 20210928.1913 github "1,098"
s3ed Tramp-like access to s3 20200929.1317 github "1,097"
pamparam Simple and fast flashcards. 20210105.1513 github "1,097"
github-explorer Explore a GitHub repository on the fly 20211216.749 github "1,096"
eyuml Write textual uml diagram from emacs using 20141028.2227 github "1,095"
ido-migemo Migemo plug-in for Ido 20191017.1919 github "1,094"
supergenpass SuperGenPass for Emacs 20130329.548 github "1,093"
rimero-theme Theme with a dark background suitable for UI and terminal usage. 20180901.1348 github "1,092"
wwtime Insert a time of day with appropriate world-wide localization 20151122.1610 github "1,091"
jack-connect Manage jack connections within Emacs 20220201.1417 git "1,091"
evalator-clojure Clojure evaluation context for evalator via CIDER. 20160208.2148 github "1,091"
jumplist Jump like vim jumplist or ex jumplist 20151120.345 github "1,090"
ruby-factory Minor mode for Ruby test object generation libraries 20160102.721 github "1,087"
el-spy "Mocking framework for Emacs lisp. It also support spy, proxy." 20131226.2008 github "1,087"
autotest ZenTest's autotest integration with emacs. 20190331.2230 github "1,087"
scf-mode shorten file-names in compilation type buffers 20151122.248 github "1,086"
e2wm-sww Plugin of e2wm.el to switch plugin quickly 20200805.1339 github "1,085"
requirejs Requirejs import manipulation and source traversal. 20151204.719 github "1,084"
helm-navi Helm for navi-mode 20201220.1823 github "1,084"
ob-clojurescript org-babel functions for ClojureScript evaluation 20180406.1828 gitlab "1,082"
fwb-cmds "misc frame, window and buffer commands" 20220101.1035 github "1,081"
vim-region Select region as vim 20140329.1624 github "1,080"
helm-etags-plus Another Etags helm.el interface 20201003.1424 github "1,079"
flutter-l10n-flycheck Flycheck checker for intl_translation 20220213.1335 github "1,077"
vc-hgcmd VC mercurial backend that uses hg command server 20211021.1704 github "1,076"
nnhackernews Gnus backend for Hacker News 20220107.1537 github "1,076"
ox-latex-subfigure Subfigure for latex export 20200326.919 github "1,075"
zprint-mode Reformat Clojure(Script) code using zprint 20200731.1238 github "1,074"
elhome "A framework for a ""home"" Emacs configuration" 20161025.2042 github "1,074"
ego "a static site generator based on org mode, forked from org-page." 20200803.1101 github "1,074"
cinspect Use cinspect to look at the CPython source of builtins and other C objects! 20150716.233 github "1,074"
pony-snippets Yasnippets for Pony 20200418.354 github "1,073"
hemera-theme Light theme 20180916.924 github "1,072"
splitjoin Transition between multiline and single-line code 20150505.1432 github "1,071"
emamux-ruby-test Ruby test with emamux 20130812.1639 github "1,071"
lxc-tramp TRAMP integration for LXC containers 20200414.1445 github "1,070"
flash-region Flash a region 20130923.1817 github "1,070"
journalctl-mode Sample major mode for viewing output journalctl 20201217.1625 github "1,069"
org-emms Play multimedia files from org-mode 20181010.1114 gitlab "1,068"
unipoint a simple way to insert unicode characters by TeX name 20140113.2224 github "1,067"
buffer-buttons "Define, save, and load code-safe buttons in files for emacs" 20150106.1439 github "1,067"
frame-purpose Purpose-specific frames 20211011.1518 github "1,066"
ox-gemini Output gemini formatted documents from org-mode 20220110.2102 git "1,065"
helm-growthforecast helm extensions for growthforecast. 20140120.344 github "1,065"
sysctl Manage sysctl though org-mode 20200615.1824 github "1,064"
magik-mode mode for editing Magik + some utils. 20220204.1229 github "1,064"
scratches Multiple scratches in any language 20151006.416 github "1,063"
dayone Utility script for Day One 20160105.1240 github "1,063"
vc-auto-commit Auto-committing feature for your repository 20210216.1517 github "1,062"
kanji-mode View stroke order for kanji characters at cursor 20160826.1139 github "1,058"
lingr Lingr Client for GNU Emacs 20100807.1731 github "1,057"
dpaste_de Emacs mode to paste to 20131015.1225 github "1,057"
dakrone-light-theme dakrone's custom light theme 20170808.2140 github "1,056"
elfeed-dashboard An extensible frontend for elfeed using org-mode 20210727.603 github "1,055"
dollaro simple text templates 20151123.1302 github "1,055"
perspeen An package for multi-workspace 20171203.1021 github "1,053"
oberon Major mode for editing Oberon/Oberon-2 program texts 20120715.909 github "1,052"
indent-lint Async indentation checker 20200812.949 github "1,052"
evil-ex-shell-command invoke shell-command right from evil-ex 20181226.226 github "1,052"
roy-mode Roy major mode 20121208.1158 github "1,051"
basic-c-compile "Quickly create a Makefile, compile and run C." 20170302.1112 github "1,051"
citeproc-org Render org-mode references in CSL styles 20200915.2009 github "1,050"
ddskk-posframe Show Henkan tooltip for ddskk via posframe 20200812.917 github "1,046"
pastehub A client for the PasteHub cloud service 20140615.620 github "1,045"
mozc-cand-posframe Posframe frontend for mozc.el 20200208.750 github "1,044"
gather Gather string in buffer. 20141230.1338 github "1,044"
flycheck-lilypond LilyPond support in Flycheck 20211006.2102 github "1,043"
ivs-edit IVS (Ideographic Variation Sequence) editing tool 20170818.1441 github "1,042"
preseed-generic-mode Debian preseed file major mode 20180210.500 github "1,039"
phabricator Phabricator/Arcanist helpers for Emacs. 20160510.1425 github "1,039"
org-easy-img-insert An easier way to add images from the web in org mode 20160915.2008 github "1,039"
emojify-logos Add logos to emojify 20180814.917 github "1,038"
xwwp Enhance xwidget webkit browser 20200917.643 github "1,037"
mexican-holidays Mexico holidays for Emacs calendar. 20210604.1421 github "1,037"
ids-edit IDS (Ideographic Description Sequence) editing tool 20170818.1502 github "1,037"
counsel-web Search the Web using Ivy 20210609.2156 github "1,037"
timu-spacegrey-theme Color theme inspired by the Spacegray theme in Sublime Text 20220126.2034 gitlab "1,036"
decl Library for organizing code declaratively 20220102.1310 github "1,035"
standoff-mode "Create stand-off markup, also called external markup." 20210810.1814 github "1,034"
org-tanglesync Syncing org src blocks with tangled external files 20200127.1616 gitlab "1,033"
idle-org-agenda Shows your agenda when editor is idle. 20190106.1844 github "1,033"
narrowed-page-navigation A minor mode for showing one page at a time 20150109.519 github "1,032"
imgbb Simple image upload client for 20180609.1649 github "1,032"
kwin communicatewith the KWin window manager 20220120.2125 github "1,031"
aurora-config-mode Major mode for Apache Aurora configuration files 20180216.2302 github "1,031"
system-specific-settings Apply settings only on certain systems 20140818.1457 github "1,030"
helm-safari Browse your Safari bookmarks and history 20160404.324 github "1,030"
svg-tag-mode Replace keywords with SVG tags 20211229.920 github "1,029"
repo Running repo from Emacs 20191201.38 github "1,029"
org-d20 minor mode for d20 tabletop roleplaying games 20210212.139 git "1,029"
sexp-move Improved S-Expression Movement 20150915.1730 gitlab "1,028"
io-mode-inf Interaction with an Io interpreter. 20140128.1934 github "1,028"
celestial-mode-line Show lunar phase and sunrise/-set time in modeline 20180518.822 github "1,028"
remark-mode Major mode for the remark slideshow tool 20210504.1238 github "1,027"
rcirc-alert Configurable alert messages on top of RCIRC 20141127.1047 github "1,026"
factlog File activity logger 20130210.140 github "1,025"
kconfig-mode Major mode for editing Kconfig files 20211018.2142 github "1,024"
fix-input Make input methods play nicely with alternative keyboard layout on OS level 20210320.1244 github "1,023"
ghq Ghq interface for emacs 20210504.902 github "1,022"
drill-instructor-AZIK-force Support AZIK input 20151123.514 github "1,022"
kolon-mode Syntax highlighting for Text::Xslate's Kolon syntax 20140122.1134 github "1,021"
flycheck-swift3 Flycheck: Swift support for Apple swift-mode 20210910.1244 github "1,021"
counsel-fd counsel interface for fd 20210606.1724 github "1,021"
swift3-mode Major-mode for Apple's Swift programming language. 20160918.1250 github "1,019"
map-regexp map over matches of a regular expression 20190128.18 github "1,019"
bfbuilder A brainfuck development environment with interactive debugger 20210228.1740 github "1,019"
letcheck Check the erroneous assignments in let forms 20160202.1948 github "1,018"
pixiv-novel-mode Major mode for pixiv novel 20160220.1421 github "1,016"
fontify-face Fontify symbols representing faces with that face. 20210503.1956 github "1,016"
aozora-view Aozora Bunko text Emacs viewer. 20140310.1317 github "1,016"
edwina Dynamic window manager 20200113.1714 github "1,015"
ob-fsharp Org-Babel F# 20170618.1429 github "1,014"
lolcode-mode Major mode for editing LOLCODE 20111002.847 github "1,014"
hound Display hound search results in a compilation window 20200122.1700 github "1,013"
winring Window configuration rings 20180530.18 gitlab "1,010"
ob-coffee org-babel functions for coffee-script evaluation 20170725.1424 github "1,010"
secretaria A personal assistant based on org-mode 20191128.250 gitlab "1,009"
weechat-alert Weechat notifier using alerts 20160416.1248 github "1,008"
pillar Major mode for editing Pillar files 20141112.1811 github "1,007"
wonderland declarative configuration for Emacsen 20130913.119 github "1,005"
total-lines Keep track of a buffer's total number of lines 20171227.1239 github "1,005"
xenops A LaTeX editing environment for mathematical documents 20211121.1953 github "1,004"
nemerle major mode for editing nemerle programs 20161029.2023 github "1,004"
helm-lean Helm interfaces for lean-mode 20210305.1705 github "1,004"
fuz Fast and precise fuzzy scoring/matching utils 20200104.524 github "1,004"
creds A parser credentials file library (not limited to credentials entries) 20140510.1706 github "1,004"
company-stan A company-mode completion backend for stan 20211129.2051 github "1,004"
lastfm API for Emacs Lisp 20211018.838 github "1,002"
iterator A library to create and use elisp iterators objects. 20210109.1859 github "1,002"
fcopy "Funny Copy, set past point HERE then search copy text" 20150304.1403 github "1,002"
sprunge Upload pastes to 20160301.243 github "1,001"
jg-quicknav Quickly navigate the file system to find a file. 20170809.130 github "1,000"
i-ching The Book of Changes 20211112.1528 github "1,000"
plur Easily search and replace multiple variants of a word 20160504.924 github 999
redpen-paragraph RedPen interface. 20160625.1050 github 998
shoulda Shoulda test support for ruby 20140616.1833 github 997
mip-mode virtual projects for emacs. 20151127.617 gitlab 997
gitolite-clone Clone gitolite repositories from a completing list 20160609.2355 github 997
clang-capf Completion-at-point backend for c/c++ using clang 20220122.1219 git 997
tbx2org Tinderbox to org-mode conversion 20140224.1559 github 996
rigid-tabs Fix TAB alignment in diff buffers 20170903.1559 gitlab 995
languagetool LanguageTool integration for grammar and spell check 20220127.2215 github 995
jknav Automatically enable j/k keys for line-based navigation 20121006.2025 github 995
status This package adds support for status icons to Emacs. 20151230.1408 github 994
evil-owl Preview evil registers and marks before using them 20210416.1700 github 992
python-switch-quotes "cycle between ' and "" quotes in python strings" 20161228.809 github 991
n4js Neo4j Shell 20150714.231 github 991
hacker-typer Pretend to write code like a pro 20170206.1520 github 991
company-nand2tetris Company backend for nand2tetris major mode 20171201.1813 github 990
take-off Emacs remote web access 20140531.917 github 989
yasnippet-lean Collection of snippets for the Lean prover 20220105.2251 github 988
perfect-margin "auto center windows, work with minimap and/or linum-mode" 20190722.126 github 988
jape-mode An Emacs editing mode mode for GATE's JAPE files 20140903.1506 github 988
mallard-mode Major mode for editing Mallard files 20131204.425 github 987
ido-exit-target Commands and keys for selecting other window and frame targets within ido 20170717.1851 github 986
simple-screen Simple screen configuration manager 20200926.109 github 985
scratch-message Changing message in your scratch buffer 20211221.1527 github 985
random-splash-image Randomly sets splash image to *GNU Emacs* buffer on startup. 20151003.130 github 985
ido-springboard Temporarily change default-directory for one command 20170106.755 github 984
eglot-fsharp fsharp-mode eglot integration 20211020.1758 github 984
counsel-org-capture-string Counsel for org-capture-string 20200810.1114 github 984
helm-ext A few extensions to Helm 20200722.107 github 983
sekka A client for Sekka IME server 20170803.1247 github 980
color-theme-x convert color themes to X11 resource settings 20201204.2245 github 980
laguna-theme An updated blue-green Laguna Theme. 20220109.1015 github 979
erc-twitch Support for Twitch emotes for ERC. 20170427.606 github 979
wavefront-obj-mode Major mode for Wavefront obj files 20170808.1716 github 978
springboard Temporarily change default-directory for one command 20170106.755 github 977
julia-vterm A mode for Julia REPL using vterm 20210410.40 github 976
portage-navi portage viewer 20141208.1355 github 973
ox-minutes Plain text backend for Org for Meeting Minutes 20180202.1734 github 973
nnir-est Gnus nnir interface for HyperEstraier 20180710.2103 github 973
jonprl-mode A major mode for editing JonPRL files 20160819.59 github 973
mb-url Multiple Backends for Emacs URL package 20211205.1100 github 971
helm-xcdoc Search Xcode Document by docsetutil and eww with helm interface 20160116.1018 github 970
digistar-mode major mode for Digistar scripts 20210129.1719 github 970
diffscuss-mode Major mode for diffscuss files. 20141014.2357 github 970
ob-php Execute PHP within org-mode source blocks. 20220221.1254 git 969
never-comment Never blocks are comment 20140104.2207 github 969
eprime-mode An E-prime checking mode for Emacs 20140513.1816 github 968
cloud-to-butt-erc Replace 'the cloud' with 'my butt' 20130627.2308 github 968
flycheck-dedukti Flycheck integration of Dedukti 20171103.1212 github 967
om-mode Insert Om component template with life cycle. 20140915.2110 github 966
vcomp compare version strings 20190128.20 github 964
dix Apertium XML editing minor mode 20220105.1017 github 964
goldendict query word smartly with goldendict.el 20220210.1401 git 963
shelltest-mode Major mode for shelltestrunner 20180501.141 github 962
killer kill and delete text 20190128.10 github 961
euslisp-mode Major mode for Euslisp-formatted text 20170830.1929 github 961
speech-tagger tag parts of speech using coreNLP 20170728.1829 github 960
empos Locate bibtex citations from within emacs 20151011.1916 github 959
date-field Date widget 20141129.105 github 959
otama Org-table Manipulator 20160404.1032 github 958
hookify Interactive commands to create temporary hooks 20141216.2209 github 958
govc Interface to govc for managing VMware ESXi and vCenter 20191213.2131 github 958
config-general-mode Config::General config file mode 20171024.1840 github 957
strie A simple trie data structure implementation 20160211.2222 github 956
multitran Interface to multitran 20211027.1833 github 955
magnatune browse magnatune's music catalog 20151030.1935 github 954
sensitive A dead simple way to load sensitive information 20170818.1251 github 953
transient-posframe Using posframe to show transient 20210102.130 github 952
omni-kill Kill all the things 20171016.2140 github 952
flycheck-objc-clang Flycheck: Objective-C support using Clang 20210911.1023 github 952
tmmofl Calls functions dependant on font lock highlighting at point 20121025.1101 github 951
habitica Interface for 20220215.1758 github 951
ph A global minor mode for managing multiple projects. 20161029.1522 github 950
hercules "An auto-magical, which-key-based hydra banisher." 20200420.747 github 950
narrow-reindent Defines a minor mode to left-align narrowed regions. 20150722.1906 github 949
counsel-codesearch Counsel interface for codesearch.el 20180925.803 github 949
mysql-to-org Minor mode to output the results of mysql queries to org tables 20210622.447 github 948
tornado-template-mode A major mode for editing tornado templates 20141128.1008 github 947
name-this-color Match RGB codes to names easily and precisely 20151014.2030 github 947
html-to-hiccup Convert HTML to Hiccup syntax 20211129.944 github 947
flow-js2-mode Support for flow annotations in js2-mode 20191213.1004 github 947
interval-tree Interval tree data structure for 1D range queries 20130325.1407 github 946
hl-block-mode Highlighting nested blocks 20220211.548 gitlab 946
bert BERT serialization library for Emacs 20131117.1014 github 944
hybrid-reverse-theme Emacs theme with material color scheme 20210806.1955 github 943
arview extract and view archives in the temporary directory 20160419.2109 github 943
nameframe-perspective Nameframe integration with perspective.el 20170406.119 github 942
grails Minor mode for Grails projects 20200519.1909 github 942
live-code-talks Support for slides with live code in them 20180907.1647 github 941
fliptext Input method for flipping characters upside down 20171124.2056 github 940
editorconfig-custom-majormode Decide major-mode and mmm-mode from EditorConfig 20180816.244 github 940
mo-vi-ment-mode Provide vi-like cursor movement that's easy on the fingers 20181217.206 github 939
janet-mode Defines a major mode for Janet 20210924.44 github 939
gom-mode Major mode for Gomfile 20131008.253 github 939
smotitah Modular emacs configuration framework 20150218.1030 github 937
backward-forward navigation backwards and forwards across marks 20161229.550 gitlab 937
wedge-ws Wedge whitespace between columns in text 20140714.2149 github 936
threes A clone of Threes (a tiny puzzle game) 20160820.1242 github 936
repeatable-motion Make repeatable versions of motions 20170620.1848 github 936
ido-skk ido interface for skk henkan 20151111.950 github 936
e2wm-pkgex4pl Plugin of e2wm.el for package explorer of Perl 20140525.1047 github 936
auto-complete-distel Erlang/distel completion backend for auto-complete-mode 20180827.1344 github 935
mu4e-query-fragments mu4e query fragments extension 20211030.2307 gitlab 934
minibuffer-cua Make CUA mode's S-up/S-down work in minibuffer 20130906.1134 github 934
lxd-tramp TRAMP integration for LXD containers 20181023.7 github 934
harvest Harvest integration 20170822.1746 github 934
pow pow ( manager for emacs 20140420.806 github 933
zombie major mode for editing ZOMBIE programs 20141222.1616 github 932
ytdl Emacs Interface for youtube-dl 20210506.914 gitlab 932
cabledolphin capture Emacs network traffic 20160204.938 github 932
nand2tetris-assembler Assembler For the Nand2tetris Course 20171201.1813 github 930
interval-list Interval list data structure for 1D selections 20150327.1718 github 929
el-sprunge Command line paste server with Emacs highlighting 20200312.1212 github 929
xml-quotes read quotations from an XML document 20200301.1222 github 928
stylefmt Stylefmt interface 20161025.824 github 928
ob-blockdiag org-babel functions for blockdiag evaluation 20210412.1541 github 928
consult-yasnippet A consulting-read interface for yasnippet 20211122.810 github 928
handoff "Get your hand off that mouse, damn it!" 20150917.600 github 927
habamax-theme Boring white background color that gets the job done. 20181001.850 github 927
c-c-combo Make stuff happen when you reach a target wpm 20151224.255 github 926
codebug Interact with codebug 20140929.2137 github 925
keyset A small library for structuring key bindings. 20150220.530 github 924
prompt-text Configure your minibuffer prompt 20190408.310 github 922
jst JS test mode 20150604.1138 github 922
gerrit Gerrit client 20220208.2103 github 922
ob-cfengine3 Org Babel functions for CFEngine 3 20191011.1721 github 921
private-diary maintain a private diary in Emacs 20151216.1657 github 920
ibuffer-rcirc Ibuffer integration for rcirc 20150215.2118 github 919
datetime-format Datetime functions 20160612.1715 github 919
current-word-highlight Highlight the current word minor mode 20210323.1401 github 919
linphone Emacs interface to Linphone 20130524.1109 github 918
fm-bookmarks "Use file manager bookmarks (eg Dolphin, Nautilus, PCManFM) in Dired" 20170104.1716 github 917
x-path-walker Navigation feature for JSON/XML/HTML based on path (imenu like) 20201220.628 github 916
private take care of your private configuration files. 20150122.157 github 916
prettify-greek Greek letters for prettify-symbols 20160603.908 gitlab 916
org-scrum org mode extensions for scrum planning and reporting 20200131.1129 github 916
mallard-snippets Yasnippets for Mallard 20131023.1851 github 916
replace-pairs Query-replace pairs of things 20160207.1251 github 914
clevercss A major mode for editing CleverCSS files 20131229.155 github 914
gs-mode Major mode for editing GrADS script files 20151202.1006 github 912
dtk access SWORD content via diatheke 20210926.541 github 912
neuron-mode Major mode for editing zettelkasten notes using neuron 20210227.1737 github 910
helm-lastpass Helm interface of LastPass 20180722.806 github 910
dad-joke Get/display dad jokes 20170928.658 github 910
github-pullrequest Create and fetch Github Pull requests with ease 20170116.616 github 909
reazon miniKanren for Emacs 20211229.1733 github 908
propfont-mixed Use proportional fonts with space-based indentation. 20150113.2211 github 908
asilea Find best compiler options using simulated annealing 20150105.1525 github 908
apdl-mode Major mode for the APDL programming language. 20211023.1831 github 907
mbe Macros by Example 20151126.1134 github 905
gkroam A lightweight org-mode Roam Research replica 20210914.1311 github 905
fetch Fetch and unpack resources 20131201.730 github 904
riscv-mode Major-mode for RISC V assembly 20170804.1521 github 903
command-queue shell command queue 20160328.1725 github 903
poly-rst poly-rst-mode polymode 20210418.1009 github 902
mote-mode Mote minor mode 20160123.29 github 902
vc-osc non-resident support for osc version-control 20190402.2349 github 901
map-progress mapping macros that report progress 20190128.16 github 901
insfactor Client for a Clojure project with insfactor in it 20141117.2 github 901
helm-qiita Qiita with helm interface 20190526.1359 github 901
cobra-mode Major mode for .NET-based Cobra language 20140116.2116 github 901
exwm-firefox-core Firefox hotkeys to functions 20190812.2110 github 900
programmer-dvorak Input method for Programmer Dvorak. 20150427.137 github 899
etable Implementation of javax.swing.JTable for Emacs. 20161028.2009 github 899
recover-buffers revisit all buffers from an auto-save file 20171009.437 github 898
pycarddavel Integrate pycarddav 20150831.1216 github 898
c0-mode Major mode for editing C0 files 20151110.1852 github 897
fyure An interface to fix Japanese hyoki-yure 20130216.1314 github 896
flycheck-stan Add Stan support for Flycheck 20211129.2051 github 896
test-kitchen Run test-kitchen inside of emacs 20171129.2035 github 893
plim-mode Major mode for editing Plim files 20140813.13 github 893
kaomoji Input kaomoji superb easily 20171227.440 github 893
ox-bibtex-chinese Let ox-bibtex work well for Chinese users 20170723.309 github 892
isgd Shorten URLs using the shortener service 20150414.936 github 891
czech-holidays Adds a list of Czech public holidays to Emacs calendar 20160113.1752 github 891
anx-api Interact with the AppNexus API from Emacs. 20140208.1514 github 891
sprintly-mode Major mode for dealing with 20121006.534 github 890
ariadne Ariadne plugin for Emacs 20131117.1711 github 889
ten-hundred-mode use only the ten hundred most usual words 20161028.2236 github 888
anybar Control AnyBar from Emacs 20160816.1421 github 888
ebuku Interface to the buku Web bookmark manager 20220106.902 github 887
flycheck-apertium Apertium checkers in flycheck 20181211.1038 github 886
fxrd-mode Major mode for editing fixed field width files 20170728.1801 github 885
openstack-cgit-browse-file Browse the current file in OpenStack cgit 20130819.927 github 884
key-leap Leap between lines by typing keywords 20160831.1447 github 884
kaocha-runner A package for running Kaocha tests via CIDER. 20190904.1950 github 884
html2org Convert html to org format text 20170418.501 github 884
flycheck-jest Flycheck extension for Jest. 20180411.328 github 884
clear-text Make you use clear text 20160406.2043 github 884
therapy Hooks for managing multiple Python major versions 20151113.1953 github 883
npm Run your npm workflows 20220222.1650 github 883
helm-img-tiqav An helm-source for joking. 20151224.2322 github 883
bibliothek Managing a digital library of PDFs 20190124.1828 github 883
swift-helpful Show documentation for Swift programs. 20210801.2036 github 882
punctuality-logger Punctuality logger for Emacs 20141120.2031 gitlab 880
eldoc-stan Eldoc support for stan functions 20211129.2051 github 880
arduino-cli-mode Arduino-CLI command wrapper 20210511.653 github 880
side-notes Easy access to a directory notes file 20210709.1403 github 879
replace-symbol Rename symbols in expressions or buffers 20160518.12 github 879
binder Global minor mode to facilitate multi-file writing projects 20211030.511 github 879
bifocal Split-screen scrolling for comint-mode buffers 20200325.539 github 879
gvpr-mode A major mode offering basic syntax coloring for gvpr scripts. 20201007.2054 github 878
terminal-focus-reporting Minor mode for terminal focus reporting. 20180830.719 github 877
ox-wk Wiki Back-End for Org Export Engine 20191231.2058 github 876
realgud-rdb2 Realgud front-end for interacting with Ruby debugger2 20190520.1146 github 875
drawille Drawille implementation in elisp 20160418.1838 github 875
lentic-server Web Server for Emacs Literate Source 20160717.2052 github 874
zombie-trellys-mode A minor mode for interaction with Zombie Trellys 20150304.1448 github 873
timer-revert minor mode to revert buffer for a given time interval. 20150122.2032 github 872
projekt some kind of staging for CVS 20150324.848 github 872
modtime-skip-mode Minor mode for disabling modtime and supersession checks on files. 20140128.2201 github 871
cricbuzz Cricket scores from cricbuzz in emacs 20180804.2254 github 871
indy A minor mode and EDSL to manage your mode's indentation rules. 20190807.625 github 870
nclip Network (HTTP) Clipboard 20130617.2015 github 869
symon-lingr A notification-based Lingr client powered by symon.el 20150719.1342 github 868
slovak-holidays Adds a list of slovak holidays to Emacs calendar 20211018.1754 github 866
rats Rapid testing suite for Go 20170818.1013 github 866
ox-report Export your org file to minutes report PDF file 20211226.2004 github 865
ivariants Ideographic variants editor and browser 20170823.224 github 865
ob-redis Execute Redis queries within org-mode blocks. 20220221.1249 git 864
gold-mode Major mode for editing .gold files 20140607.206 github 864
slirm Systematic Literature Review Mode for Emacs. 20160201.1425 github 862
plain-theme Plain theme without syntax highlighting 20171124.410 github 862
chee Interface to chee using dired and image-dired 20171123.2233 github 862
pinboard A client 20200630.1544 github 861
auto-pause Run processes which will be paused when Emacs is idle 20160426.1216 github 860
org-onenote export org-mode document to onenote. 20171008.500 github 859
lodgeit Paste to a lodgeit powered pastebin 20190802.1308 github 859
kfg an emacs configuration system 20140909.538 github 859
hnreader A hackernews reader 20220103.1909 github 855
ctl-mode Major mode for editing GrADS script files 20151202.1006 github 855
caseformat Format based letter case converter 20160115.1615 github 855
subemacs Evaluating expressions in a fresh Emacs subprocess 20170401.934 github 853
snow Let it snow in Emacs! 20210813.1902 github 853
smblog samba log viewer 20200424.938 github 853
ox-jekyll-md Export Jekyll on Markdown articles using org-mode. 20211222.1718 github 852
prognth Extend prog1 to arbitrary index 20130920.1759 github 851
git-identity Identity management for (ma)git 20210905.1208 github 851
aas Snippet expansions mid-typing 20220217.2054 github 850
org-working-set Manage and visit a small set of org-nodes. 20211112.1600 github 849
ta A tool to deal with Chinese homophonic characters 20160619.1645 github 847
helm-directory selecting directory before select the file 20170706.402 github 847
spiral Clojure IDE based on UNREPL 20180223.1140 github 846
jdecomp Interface to Java decompilers 20170224.2200 github 846
cheerilee Toolkit library 20160313.1835 github 844
wilt An extensions for calculating WILT in a buffer. 20180220.854 github 842
persistent-overlays Minor mode to store selected overlays to be loaded later 20161128.700 github 842
omni-tags Highlight and Actions for 'Tags' 20170426.2109 github 842
immutant-server Run your Immutant server in Emacs 20140311.2208 github 842
i3wm i3wm integration library 20170822.1438 git 842
whitaker Comint interface for Whitaker's Words 20210203.1149 github 841
flymake-quickdef Quickly define a new Flymake backend 20200308.2342 github 839
rbt Integrate reviewboard with emacs. 20170202.2302 github 837
colormaps Hex colormaps 20171008.2224 github 837
tinkerer Elisp wrapper for Tinkerer Blogging Engine. 20200914.1756 github 835
celery a minor mode to draw stats from celery and more? 20170225.924 github 834
kerl Emacs integration for kerl 20150424.2005 github 833
pubmed Interface to PubMed 20210927.1933 gitlab 831
commentary-theme A minimal theme with contrasting comments 20210714.1757 github 830
mu4e-marker-icons Display icons for mu4e markers 20220225.1137 git 829
helm-phpunit Helm integration for phpunit.el 20160513.853 github 829
nix-haskell-mode haskell-mode integrations for Nix 20190615.135 github 827
tawny-mode Ontology Editing with Tawny-OWL 20191108.1346 github 826
kiwix Searching offline Wikipedia through Kiwix. 20220210.1403 git 826
feather Parallel thread modern package manager 20200321.1237 github 826
click-mode Major mode for the Click Modular Router Project 20180611.44 github 826
swagger-to-org Convert a swagger.json file into an org-mode file 20160611.56 github 825
runtests Run unit tests from Emacs 20150807.831 github 825
evil-better-visual-line gj and gk visual line mode fix 20200123.2045 github 824
calfw-howm calendar view for howm 20170704.4 github 822
veri-kompass verilog codebase navigation facility 20200213.934 gitlab 821
contextual Contextual profile management system 20180726.800 github 820
memolist memolist.el is Emacs port of memolist.vim. 20150804.1721 github 819
ivy-mpdel Ivy interface to navigate MPD 20190428.920 github 819
ob-ml-marklogic org-babel functions for MarkLogic evaluation 20190312.1314 github 817
versuri The lyrics package 20211104.1301 github 816
pmdm poor man's desktop-mode alternative. 20191101.2346 hg 816
global-tags Elisp API and editor integration for GNU global 20211120.347 git 816
evil-colemak-basics Basic Colemak key bindings for evil-mode 20220222.1856 github 815
prog-fill Smartly format lines to use vertical space. 20180607.132 github 814
mandm-theme An M&M color theme. 20191112.1832 github 814
evil-text-object-python Python specific evil text objects 20191010.1328 github 814
caddyfile-mode Major mode for Caddy configuration files 20181204.858 github 812
mowedline elisp utilities for using mowedline 20161122.235 github 811
emacsist-view Mode for viewing 20160426.1223 github 810
i2b2-mode Highlights corresponding PHI data in the text portion of an i2b2 XML Document. 20140710.104 github 808
pocket-api another pocket api 20180403.109 github 807
face-explorer Library and tools for faces and text properties 20190517.1857 github 806
vdm-mode Major mode for the Vienna Development Method 20190328.1408 github 805
sibilant-mode Support for the Sibilant programming language 20151119.2145 github 805
realgud-old-debuggers Realgud front-end to older lesser-used debuggers 20190520.1150 github 805
pinot Emacs interface to pinot-search 20140211.2026 github 805
devdocs-browser Browse documents using EWW 20211218.949 github 805
org-tag-beautify Beautify Org Mode tags 20220224.358 git 804
esa Interface to 20180403.1525 github 802
lit-mode Major mode for lit 20141123.1736 github 801
sweetgreen Order Salads from 20180605.335 github 800
purp-theme A dark color theme with few colors 20210912.1940 github 800
pacfiles-mode pacnew and pacsave merging tool 20200915.1815 github 800
org-listcruncher Planning tool - Parse Org mode lists into table 20210706.1741 github 799
minsk-theme "Minsk, a theme in deep muted greens" 20200306.1220 github 799
mynt-mode Minor mode to work with the mynt static site generator 20150512.2049 github 794
igv Control Integrative Genomic Viewer within Emacs 20141210.1227 git 794
flycheck-swiftlint Flycheck extension for Swiftlint. 20180830.340 github 794
tblui Define tabulated list UI easily 20161007.1912 github 793
pathify Symlink your scripts into a PATH directory 20160423.846 github 791
mobdebug-mode Major mode for MobDebug 20140110.346 github 789
flatbuffers-mode Major mode for editing flatbuffers 20210710.1004 github 789
zen-mode A major mode for the Zen programming language 20200609.822 github 788
treemacs-perspective Perspective integration for treemacs 20220209.2117 github 788
mutant An interface for the Mutant testing tool 20160124.1353 github 788
org-id-cleanup "Interactively find, present and maybe clean up unused IDs of org-id" 20210714.1604 github 787
highlight-refontification Visualize font-lock refontification. 20170211.2024 github 786
xo XO linter integration with compilation mode 20160403.646 github 784
xml-format XML reformatter using xmllint 20191011.1148 github 784
org-kindle Send org link file to ebook reader. 20220210.1408 git 784
sorcery-theme A D&D (Dark and Dusty) Theme 20210101.1352 github 780
one-time-pad-encrypt One time pad encryption within file 20160329.1513 github 780
evil-ruby-text-objects Evil text objects for Ruby code 20200323.1552 github 778
numpydoc NumPy style docstring insertion 20220214.1526 github 776
dired-explorer minor-mode provides Explorer like select file at dired. 20180607.221 github 775
tern-context-coloring Use Tern for context coloring 20161218.747 github 774
torus A buffer groups manager 20190325.753 github 771
sql-impala comint support for Cloudera Impala 20181218.410 github 770
sis Less manual switch for native or OS input source (input method). 20211016.1144 github 769
noaa Get NOAA weather data 20210606.2050 github 769
iqa Init file(and directory) Quick Access 20200520.1137 github 769
neon-mode Simple major mode for editing neon files 20180406.1156 github 768
math-preview Preview TeX math equations inline 20211221.1611 gitlab 768
malyon "mode to execute Z-code files version 3, 5, 8" 20161208.2125 github 767
highlight-function-calls Highlight function/macro calls 20170908.500 github 767
flycheck-projectile Project-wide errors 20201031.1952 github 767
hoa-mode Major mode for the HOA format 20200610.1339 git 766
metascript-mode Major mode for the Metascript programming language 20150709.57 github 765
solo-jazz-theme The Solo-Jazz color theme 20220117.2009 github 763
myanmar-input-methods Emacs Input Method for Myanmar 20160106.1537 github 763
rtags-xref RTags backend for xref.el 20210721.2314 github 762
ovpn-mode an openvpn management mode 20210403.440 github 762
gildas-mode Major mode for Gildas 20181022.649 github 761
org-multi-wiki Multiple wikis based on Org mode 20210324.1820 github 760
picpocket Image viewer 20210806.1135 github 758
itasca Major modes for Itasca software data files. 20170601.1622 github 758
ebf brainfuck language transpiler to Emacs Lisp 20210225.1211 github 755
bnfc Define context-free grammars for the BNFC tool 20160605.1927 github 754
agtags A frontend to GNU Global 20200730.116 github 754
sproto-mode Major mode for editing sproto. 20151115.1805 github 753
org2web A static site generator based on org mode. 20210203.324 github 753
kodi-remote Remote Control for Kodi 20190622.1325 github 753
anki-vocabulary Help you to create vocabulary cards in Anki 20200103.325 github 753
ytel Query YouTube via Invidious 20200725.1056 github 752
sendto send the region content to a function 20160425.1250 github 752
helm-ros Interfaces ROS with helm 20160812.1752 github 750
shpec-mode Minor mode for shpec specification 20150530.922 github 749
lyrics Show lyrics 20180812.1841 github 749
litecoin-ticker litecoin price in modeline 20160612.11 github 749
gregorio-mode Gregorio Mode for .gabc files 20170705.1451 github 749
v-mode A major mode for the V programming language 20220104.142 github 748
ciel "A command that is clone of ""ci"" in vim." 20180914.815 github 748
say-what-im-doing dictate what you're doing with text to speech 20160706.1931 github 745
ivy-emoji Insert emojis with ivy 20200316.2351 github 745
evil-tex Useful features for editing LaTeX in evil-mode 20211208.1631 github 743
writefreely Push your Org files as markdown to a writefreely instance 20190628.1606 github 742
ewal-evil-cursors `ewal'-colored evil cursor for Emacs and Spacemacs 20190911.1315 github 742
hfst-mode major mode for editing HFST files 20160708.1202 github 741
helm-sly Helm sources and some utilities for SLY. 20210205.1424 github 740
kixtart-mode major mode for Kixtart scripting files 20150611.1604 github 739
opener opening urls as buffers 20161207.1810 github 738
pygen Python code generation using Elpy and Python-mode. 20161121.506 github 737
ob-applescript Org-babel functions for AppleScript 20190709.1607 github 737
bitbucket Bitbucket API wrapper 20170405.446 github 736
kroman Korean hangul romanization 20150827.2340 github 734
inverse-acme-theme A theme that looks like an inverse of Acme's color scheme. 20210204.1640 github 734
poly-erb Polymode for erb 20200316.1314 github 733
outline-toc "Sidebar showing a ""table of contents""." 20200401.1208 github 733
zephir-mode Major mode for editing Zephir code 20200417.830 github 731
flycheck-title show flycheck errors in the frame title 20210321.558 github 730
rally-mode a mode to interact with the Rally Software web site. 20161114.354 github 726
ledger-import Fetch OFX files from bank and push them to Ledger 20210419.818 github 723
flycheck-mmark Flycheck checker for the MMark markdown processor 20190713.1323 github 720
i3wm-config-mode Better syntax highlighting for i3wm's config file 20201105.2022 github 716
fastdef Insert terminology from Google top search results 20160713.1329 github 716
ksp-cfg-mode major mode for editing KSP CFG files 20190414.2348 github 714
annotate-depth Annotate buffer if indentation depth is beyond threshold. 20160520.2040 github 711
xcode-mode A minor mode for emacs to perform Xcode like actions. 20160907.1208 github 710
auctex-cluttex ClutTeX support for AUCTeX 20210226.302 github 706
flymake-aspell Aspell checker for flymake 20220128.1518 github 705
imapfilter run the imapfilter executable 20180318.2027 github 704
org-latex-impatient Preview org-latex Fragments Instantly via MathJax 20210409.2251 github 703
pact-mode "Mode for Pact, a LISPlike smart contract language." 20201219.2223 github 702
virtual-auto-fill Readably display text without adding line breaks 20200906.2038 github 701
magit-circleci CircleCI integration for Magit 20191209.2113 github 701
dix-evil optional evil-integration with dix.el 20170105.1423 github 701
evil-visual-replace "search/replace commands for evil visual state, inc. blocks" 20171016.613 github 700
web-search Open a web search 20190620.602 github 697
unicode-math-input Insert Unicode math symbols using TeX notation 20210612.847 github 697
evil-swap-keys Intelligently swap keys on text input with evil 20191105.1426 github 697
untitled-new-buffer Open untitled new buffer like other text editors. 20161212.1508 github 695
smart-semicolon Insert semicolon smartly 20200909.1412 github 695
reddigg A reader for redditt 20220120.2200 github 695
mbsync run mbsync to fetch mails 20200128.1053 github 695
jiralib2 JIRA REST API bindings to Elisp 20200520.2031 github 694
copyit-pandoc "Copy it, yank anything!" 20190919.1258 github 694
hsluv hsluv color space conversions 20181127.1206 github 693
recently Track recently opened files to visit them again 20210930.159 github 692
org-clock-split Split clock entries 20200331.526 github 692
ob-ess-julia Org babel support for Julia language 20210414.1444 github 691
ob-dart org-babel functions for Dart evaluation 20170106.1624 github 691
idle-highlight-in-visible-buffers-mode highlight the word the point is on 20181027.1531 github 689
org-auto-tangle Automatically and Asynchronously tangles org files on save 20211115.543 github 687
annotation Functions for annotating text with faces and help bubbles 20200914.644 github 687
podcaster Podcast client 20200607.1054 github 686
elcontext Create context specific actions 20210109.1238 github 684
dashboard-project-status Display a git project status in a dashboard widget. 20190202.1354 github 683
arch-packer Arch Linux package management frontend 20170730.1321 github 682
apheleia Reformat buffer stably 20220114.2329 github 681
literate-elisp Load Emacs Lisp code blocks from Org files 20220103.717 github 676
bln-mode binary line navigation minor mode for cursor movement in long lines 20181121.918 github 676
filetree File tree view/manipulatation package 20220130.9 github 675
rufo use rufo to automatically format ruby files 20170718.1416 github 674
abridge-diff "Abridge long line-based diff hunks, including in magit" 20210519.322 github 674
read-aloud A simple interface to TTS engines 20160923.500 github 673
flycheck-vdm Syntax checking for vdm-mode 20190304.839 github 671
remind-bindings Reminders for your init bindings 20200820.1723 gitlab 668
djangonaut Minor mode to interact with Django projects 20200503.921 github 668
elscreen-tab minor mode to display tabs of elscreen in a dedicated buffer 20201229.1428 github 665
editorconfig-domain-specific "Apply brace style and other ""domain-specific"" EditorConfig properties" 20180505.924 github 665
phpt-mode Major mode for editing PHPT test code 20190512.1809 github 664
learn-ocaml Emacs frontend for learn-ocaml 20211003.1412 github 662
org-outline-numbering Show outline numbering as overlays in org-mode 20180705.1501 gitlab 661
helm-jira Helm bindings for JIRA/Bitbucket/stash 20180802.815 github 659
ellocate The locate command reimplemented in Emacs Lisp 20200112.1931 github 659
passmm A minor mode for pass (Password Store). 20210109.8 github 658
avandu Gateway to Tiny Tiny RSS 20170101.1903 github 652
org-inline-pdf Inline PDF previewing for Org 20210119.529 github 651
projectile-variable Store project local variables. 20170208.1718 github 647
with-venv Execute with Python virtual environment activated 20210925.2336 github 646
flyspell-correct-avy-menu Correcting words with flyspell via avy-menu interface 20210124.1143 github 645
django-commands Run django commands 20191107.1830 github 642
adafruit-wisdom Get/display quotes 20200217.306 github 642
sl An Emacs clone of sl(1) 20161217.1404 github 641
rego-mode A major mode for rego language 20201102.1420 github 641
ibuffer-project Group ibuffer's list by project or any function 20210205.1940 github 641
banner-comment For producing banner comments. 20190606.1809 github 640
terminal-toggle simple pop-up terminal 20190226.1510 gitlab 639
hamburger-menu Mode line hamburger menu 20160825.2031 gitlab 637
anakondo Adds clj-kondo based Clojure[Script] editing facilities 20210221.1727 github 635
magit-diff-flycheck Report errors in diffs 20190524.551 github 634
with-shell-interpreter Helper for shell command APIs 20200828.1217 github 631
realgud-trepan-ni Realgud front-end to trepan-ni 20210513.2237 github 631
org-treeusage Examine the usage of org headings in a tree-like manner 20200418.1904 gitlab 629
xcode-project A package for reading Xcode project files. 20200810.2010 github 628
gulp-task-runner Gulp task runner 20170718.2041 github 628
company-pollen company-mode completion backend for pollen 20160812.1510 github 626
treeview A generic tree navigation library 20210723.2256 github 624
lavenderless-theme A mostly colorless version of lavender-theme 20201222.1627 git 622
ink-mode Major mode for writing interactive fiction in Ink 20201105.2242 github 622
eri Enhanced relative indentation (eri) 20200914.644 github 621
abs-mode Major mode for the modeling language Abs 20210411.1013 github 619
plain-org-wiki Simple jump-to-org-files in a directory package 20201217.1027 github 611
helm-sql-connect Choose a database to connect to via Helm. 20170319.1251 github 611
dynamic-spaces "When editing, don't move text separated by spaces" 20171027.1851 github 611
related Switch back and forth between similarly named buffers. 20190327.1024 github 609
ede-php-autoload Simple EDE PHP Project 20180901.1255 github 606
ob-html-chrome HTML code blocks converted to PNG using Chrome 20181219.1042 github 603
company-suggest Company-mode back-end for search engine suggests 20200911.1845 github 603
helm-tail Read recent output from various sources 20181124.439 github 602
smbc View SMBC from Emacs 20171229.1808 github 601
vdm-snippets YASnippets for VDM mode 20190313.1122 github 599
lsp-pyre lsp-mode client for python using pyre 20190406.335 github 599
ess-r-insert-obj Insert objects in ESS-R 20211209.812 github 599
python-isort Reformat python-mode buffer with isort 20210603.2153 github 598
simple-bookmarks Bookmark / functioncall manager 20190204.1426 github 597
webkit-color-picker Insert and adjust colors using Webkit Widgets 20180325.736 github 588
counsel-ffdata Use ivy to access firefox data 20191017.1237 github 587
backlight backlight brightness adjustment on GNU/Linux 20210513.129 github 586
intel-hex-mode Mode for Intel Hex files. 20180423.31 github 585
gpastel Integrates GPaste with the kill-ring 20181229.1404 github 585
gtk-pomodoro-indicator A pomodoro indicator for the GTK tray 20191007.1500 github 581
geiser-gauche Gauche scheme support for Geiser 20210911.1041 gitlab 581
yara-mode Major mode for editing yara rule file 20210520.1318 github 580
flycheck-pyre Support Pyre in flycheck 20190215.1222 github 578
espy Emacs Simple Password Yielder 20200317.2333 github 578
web-narrow-mode quick narrow code block in web-mode 20170407.210 github 576
org2ctex Export org to ctex (a latex macro for Chinese) 20200331.550 github 574
grugru Rotate text at point 20211119.815 github 572
coin-ticker Show a cryptocurrency price ticker 20170611.727 github 570
create-link Smart format link generator 20211014.1617 github 569
scroll-on-drag Interactive scrolling 20220211.548 gitlab 565
org-ref-prettify Prettify org-ref citation links 20220112.1746 github 565
elvish-mode Defines a major mode for Elvish 20180809.1612 github 565
add-hooks Functions for setting multiple hooks 20171217.123 github 565
org-shoplist Eat the world 20210629.2157 github 564
bpftrace-mode Major mode for editing bpftrace script files 20190608.2201 gitlab 564
smart-backspace intellj like backspace 20171014.526 github 563
helm-books Helm interface for searching books 20170325.631 github 563
calendar-norway Norwegian calendar 20220211.1129 github 562
q-mode A q editing mode 20220123.1721 github 559
frame-mode Use frames instead of windows 20190710.2030 github 558
git-msg-prefix Insert commit message prefix (issue number) 20191031.1304 github 556
dired-rifle Call rifle(1) from dired 20210316.1452 github 556
key-assist Minibuffer keybinding cheatsheet and launcher 20210722.758 github 555
hyperspace Get there from here 20210603.1825 github 553
ruby-extra-highlight Highlight Ruby parameters. 20171106.1933 github 552
pack Pack and unpack archive files 20191017.456 github 552
laas A bundle of as-you-type LaTeX snippets 20220108.1536 github 552
wakib-keys Minor Mode for Modern Keybindings 20220211.1304 github 551
password-mode Hide password text using overlays 20220222.1757 github 551
help-find-org-mode Advise help to find org source over tangled code 20181204.234 github 551
popup-edit-menu a popup context edit menu package 20170404.1425 github 549
ivy-lobsters Browse stories with ivy. 20200818.1406 github 548
helm-z Show z directory list with helm.el support. 20171204.325 github 548
flex-compile "Run, evaluate and compile across many languages" 20220205.205 github 547
diary-manager Simple personal diary 20210404.1821 github 545
flycheck-tcl A flycheck checker for Tcl using tclchecker 20180327.1259 github 544
timecop Freeze Time for testing 20160520.1052 github 543
eval-expr enhanced eval-expression command 20120619.647 github 540
clojure-essential-ref "Cider-doc to ""Clojure, The Essential Reference""" 20200619.1653 github 538
consult-notmuch Notmuch search using consult 20211229.420 git 535
monkeytype Mode for speed typing 20210110.513 github 534
exwm-mff Mouse Follows Focus 20210603.1723 github 534
phan Utility functions for Phan (PHP static analizer) 20200805.356 github 533
asx Ask StackExchange/StackOverflow 20191024.1100 github 533
org-anki Synchronize org-mode entries to Anki 20220102.1248 github 532
kdeconnect An interface for KDE Connect 20210519.2016 github 532
flycheck-pact Flycheck support for pact-mode 20180920.2052 github 530
cfml-mode Emacs mode for editing CFML files 20190617.1130 github 530
hmac Hash-based message authentication code 20201004.1819 github 528
elpa-clone Clone ELPA archive 20211205.1237 github 528
kakoune "A simulation, but not emulation, of kakoune" 20210220.1858 github 527
fill-function-arguments Convert function arguments to/from single line 20201223.819 github 525
dr-racket-like-unicode DrRacket-style unicode input 20200513.1642 github 524
coq-commenter Coq commenting minor mode for proof 20170822.2309 github 522
tab-bar-echo-area Display tab names of the tab bar in the echo area 20211013.1942 github 521
frecentf Pervasive recentf using frecency 20210330.1521 git 519
nerdtab Keyboard-oriented tabs 20180811.339 github 518
flycheck-liquidhs A flycheck checker for Haskell using liquid (i.e. liquidhaskell) 20170412.2326 github 518
comb Interactive code auditing and grep tool 20201010.1147 github 518
code-cells "Work with code split into cells, including Jupyter notebooks" 20211014.738 github 518
gitpatch Git-format patch toolkit 20170722.410 github 516
multi-run Efficiently manage multiple remote nodes 20210108.336 github 515
buffer-sets Sets of Buffers for Buffer Management 20170718.340 git 515
unison sync with Unison 20160704.740 github 512
run-command Run an external command from a context-dependent list 20210529.1505 github 512
exwm-firefox-evil evil-mode implementation of exwm-firefox-core 20200206.2212 github 511
modern-sh Minor mode for editing shell script 20211101.1001 github 509
company-axiom A company-mode backend for the axiom-environment system 20191027.1928 git 509
exwm-surf Interface for Surf ( under exwm 20171204.1140 github 508
neato-graph-bar Neat-o graph bars CPU/memory etc. 20181130.1649 gitlab 507
battle-haxe "A Haxe development system, with code completion and more" 20210219.354 github 507
ghost-blog A package to manage Ghost blog 20171023.742 github 502
backline Preserve appearance of outline headings 20200104.1851 github 501
ivy-clojuredocs Search for help in 20201129.2355 github 500
org2elcomment Convert Org file to Elisp comments 20170324.945 github 499
mini-header-line a minimal header-line 20170621.1221 github 498
toc-mode Manage outlines/table of contents of pdf and djvu documents 20211229.1334 github 497
qtcreator-theme A color theme that mimics Qt Creator IDE 20201215.1523 github 497
emaps Utilities for working with keymaps 20200508.1759 github 497
eloud "A lightweight, interactive screen reader" 20190706.1707 github 497
nubox "Nubox color theme (dark, light and tty versions)" 20170619.910 github 496
keepass-mode Mode to open Keepass DB 20211030.948 github 496
wotd Fetch word-of-the-day from multiple online sources 20170328.1948 github 494
sketch-themes Sketch color themes 20211209.1708 github 494
scihub Sci-Hub integration 20211020.420 github 494
scrooge Major mode for Twitter Scrooge files 20180630.1022 github 493
jest-test-mode Minor mode for running Node.js tests using jest 20220131.304 github 491
lolcat Rainbows and unicorns! 20190527.1145 github 490
frameshot Take screenshots of a frame 20210819.2123 github 490
pelican-mode Minor mode for editing Pelican sites 20190124.2336 git 489
dir-treeview A directory tree browser and simple file manager 20210625.2358 github 488
transfer-sh Simple interface for sending buffer contents to 20200601.1708 gitlab 487
orgstrap Bootstrap an Org file using file local variables 20211126.2201 github 486
helm-evil-markers Show evil markers with helm 20200506.715 github 486
android-env Helper functions for working in android 20200722.1403 github 485
temporary-persistent Keep temp notes buffers persistent 20200201.1719 github 483
lf A Language Features library for Emacs Lisp 20210808.1921 github 483
crossword Download and play crossword puzzles 20210614.633 github 483
info-buffer Display info topics in separate buffers 20170112.1422 gitlab 482
netrunner "Create Android: Netrunner decklists using Company, Helm and org-mode" 20160910.2332 github 481
elegant-agenda-mode An elegant theme for your org-agenda 20210115.353 github 481
tramp-auto-auth TRAMP automatic authentication library 20191027.1419 github 480
evil-textobj-tree-sitter Provides evil textobjects using tree-sitter 20220204.417 github 480
helm-switch-shell A Helm source for switching between shell buffers 20210713.1440 github 479
sailfish-scratchbox Sailfish OS scratchbox inside the emacs. 20171202.1332 github 478
leaf-manager Configuration manager for leaf based init.el 20211225.624 github 478
dumb-diff fast arbitrary diffs 20171211.2122 github 478
plisp-mode Major mode for PicoLisp programming. 20200427.405 github 476
pine-script-mode Trading View Pine Script major mode 20210629.1257 github 476
memento-mori Reminder of mortality 20190628.2147 github 476
archive-rpm RPM and CPIO support for archive-mode 20180706.1232 github 476
cpanfile-mode Major mode for cpanfiles 20161001.710 github 475
www-synonyms insert synonym for a word 20170128.2251 github 474
poly-ruby Provides poly-ruby-mode 20180905.929 github 474
highlight-context-line Improve orientation when scrolling 20181122.2203 github 474
bshell Manage and track multiple inferior shells 20201219.139 github 473
ejson-mode Major mode for editing ejson files. 20190720.2138 github 472
gn-mode major mode for editing GN (generate ninja) files 20190428.1812 github 471
ceylon-mode Major mode for editing Ceylon source code 20180606.1324 github 469
scroll-on-jump Scroll when jumping to a new point 20220211.548 gitlab 468
ox-leanpub Export Org documents to Leanpub book format 20201129.2027 gitlab 468
helm-lines A helm interface for completing by lines 20220103.1909 github 468
tree-edit A library for structural refactoring and editing 20220211.1633 github 467
pynt Generate and scroll EIN buffers from python code 20180710.726 github 467
diff-at-point Diff navigation 20220211.548 gitlab 467
code-archive git supported code archive and reference for org-mode 20190612.308 github 466
flymake-grammarly Flymake support for Grammarly 20220222.638 github 465
flycheck-eldev Eldev support in Flycheck 20210305.2231 github 464
contrast-color Pick best contrast color for you 20160903.1807 github 464
whois Syntax highlighted domain name queries using system whois 20211104.812 github 463
org-pivotal Sync Pivotal Tracker to org buffer 20210705.408 github 463
org-roam-timestamps Keep track of modification times for org-roam 20220111.1755 github 462
eshell-outline Enhanced outline-mode for Eshell 20201121.620 git 460
magit-patch-changelog Generate a patch according to emacs-mirror/CONTRIBUTE 20220209.1857 github 459
org-starter-swiper Swiper for org-starter 20201202.144 github 458
ivy-migemo Use migemo on ivy 20210425.613 github 458
erlstack-mode Minor mode for analysing Erlang stacktraces 20210419.1917 github 458
cobalt Easily use the static site generator 20180304.1155 github 458
code-stats Code::Stats plugin 20201209.2135 github 457
github-stars Browse your Github Stars 20190517.1319 github 455
editorconfig-charset-extras Extra EditorConfig Charset Support 20180223.457 github 455
markdown-changelog Maintain changelog entries 20200120.2253 github 454
buttons Define and visualize hierarchies of keymaps 20201123.2333 github 454
xwwp-follow-link-ivy Link navigation in `xwidget-webkit' sessions using `ivy' 20200917.642 github 453
org-generate Generate template files/folders from org document 20200815.736 github 453
elscreen-fr Use frame title as screen tab 20160920.953 github 450
emidje Test runner and report viewer for Midje 20190209.1726 github 449
timonier Manage Kubernetes Applications 20170411.800 github 448
doom-modeline-now-playing Segment for Doom Modeline to show playerctl information 20210831.1442 github 448
magit-reviewboard Show open Reviewboard reviews in Magit 20200727.1748 github 447
dfmt Emacs Interface to D indenting/formatting tool dfmt. 20170728.1023 github 447
pytest-pdb-break A pytest PDB launcher 20200804.848 github 446
ido-flex-with-migemo use ido with flex and migemo 20190408.350 github 445
helm-wikipedia Wikipedia suggestions 20210525.717 github 445
run-stuff Context based command execution 20220211.548 gitlab 444
ob-latex-as-png Org-babel functions for latex-as-png evaluation 20200629.1013 github 439
rc-mode Major mode for the Plan9 rc shell 20160913.1918 github 438
countdown Countdown using big LCD-like digits 20190626.244 github 437
compdef A local completion definer 20200304.611 github 437
autocrypt Autocrypt implementation 20220215.1204 git 437
renpy silly walks for Renpy 20200607.135 github 436
grab-x-link Grab links from X11 apps and insert into Emacs 20191113.848 github 436
yahtzee The yahtzee game 20220221.803 github 435
helm-bufler Helm source for Bufler 20210708.2217 github 434
with-emacs Evaluate Emacs Lisp expressions in a separate Emacs process 20200210.1543 github 433
playerctl Control your music player (e.g. Spotify) with playerctl 20211014.856 github 433
flymake-golangci A flymake handler for go-mode files using Golang CI lint 20191028.1927 gitlab 431
helm-taskswitch Use helm to switch windows and buffers 20190304.1414 github 430
smudge Control the Spotify app 20210326.2222 github 428
dkl Display keyboard layout. 20161005.7 github 428
realgud-jdb "Realgud front-end to Java's jdb debugger""" 20200722.1120 github 427
comment-or-uncomment-sexp Command for commenting the sexp under point. 20190225.1122 github 427
dynaring A dynamically sized ring structure 20210924.2026 github 426
message-attachment-reminder Remind if missing attachment 20200428.124 github 424
geiser-kawa Kawa scheme support for Geiser 20210920.1607 gitlab 424
helm-rage Helm command for rage characters. 20180118.1532 github 422
eshell-fixed-prompt Restrict eshell to a single fixed prompt 20220104.1535 github 421
font-lock-profiler Coverage and timing tool for font-lock keywords. 20170208.2008 github 420
uml-mode Minor mode for ascii uml sequence diagrams 20200129.1147 github 419
udev-mode Major mode for editing udev rules files 20200702.1536 github 419
sniem Hands-eased united editing method 20220210.1654 github 419
evil-python-movement Port Neovim's python movement to Evil 20180724.1420 git 419
ros Description 20220119.1543 github 416
helm-org-multi-wiki Helm interface to org-multi-wiki 20210228.1853 github 416
conllu-mode editing mode for CoNLL-U files 20200501.2328 github 415
puni Parentheses Universalistic 20220204.1645 github 414
blackboard-bold-mode Easily insert Unicode mathematical double-struck characters 20160813.206 github 414
vyper-mode Major mode for the Vyper programming language 20180707.1935 github 413
project-shells Manage the shell buffers of each project 20210625.647 github 413
vcsh vcsh integration 20200226.1339 gitlab 412
fn Concise anonymous functions for Emacs Lisp 20210304.1812 github 412
dired-posframe Peep dired items using posframe 20200817.420 github 412
quiz Multiple choice quiz game 20190525.1206 github 411
kubel-evil extension for kubel to provide evil keybindings 20210922.2325 github 410
helm-frame open helm buffers in a dedicated frame 20180604.1005 github 410
realgud-node-inspect "Realgud front-end to newer ""node inspect""" 20190523.1251 github 409
v2ex-mode Major mode for visit site. 20160720.345 github 408
flymake-go-staticcheck Go staticcheck linter for flymake 20190708.1325 github 408
emacsql-libsqlite3 EmacSQL back-end for SQLite using a module 20220129.2241 github 408
docopt A Docopt implementation in Elisp 20201211.1008 github 408
stripes highlight alternating lines differently 20211022.2144 gitlab 407
proxy-mode A minor mode to toggle proxy. 20220210.1410 git 406
org-notifications Creates notifications for org-mode entries 20210918.1827 github 406
vlc VideoLAN VLC Media Player Control 20200328.1143 github 404
mu4e-column-faces Faces for individual mu4e columns 20210927.1759 github 403
git-walktree Browse Git tree and blob objects 20191101.302 github 403
cakecrumbs Show parents on header for HTML/Jade/Sass/Stylus 20180929.139 github 402
lisp-butt-mode Slim Lisp Butts 20210215.2206 gitlab 401
unobtrusive-magit-theme An unobtrusive Magit theme 20200411.1349 github 400
inf-elixir Run an interactive Elixir shell 20211202.210 github 400
css-autoprefixer Adds autoprefix to CSS 20180311.1600 github 400
tile Tile windows with layouts 20161225.357 github 399
org-snooze "Snooze your code, doc and feed" 20181229.1424 github 398
mlscroll A scroll bar for the modeline 20210601.2158 github 398
lambdapi-mode A major mode for editing Lambdapi source code 20220106.1308 github 397
astyle Astyle formatter functions 20200328.616 github 396
shadowenv Shadowenv integration. 20210512.1625 github 395
metrics-tracker Generate reports of personal metrics from diary entries 20211026.1347 github 395
awscli-capf Completion at point function for the AWS CLI 20190930.1517 github 395
outrespace Some c++ namespace utility functions 20220218.1936 github 394
alsamixer Functions to call out to amixer. 20191002.1133 github 392
linguistic A package for basic linguistic analysis. 20181129.2116 github 391
consult-projectile Consult integration for projectile 20220225.1544 gitlab 391
ivy-ycmd Ivy interface to ycmd 20180909.1225 github 390
chronometer a [not so] simple chronometer 20190304.1528 github 390
flycheck-xcode Flycheck extension for Apple's Xcode. 20180122.651 github 389
outlook send emails in MS Outlook style 20180428.1430 github 388
opensource Client for Opensource API 20160926.1616 github 388
helm-fish-completion Helm interface for fish completion 20200908.1504 github 387
pickle Major mode for editing cucumber gherkin files. 20190923.354 github 386
curl-to-elisp Convert cURL command to Emacs Lisp code 20201124.1012 github 386
alan-mode Major mode for editing Alan files 20220106.727 github 386
ob-uart org-babel support for UART communication 20170521.858 github 385
keypress-multi-event Perform different actions for the same keypress. 20190109.530 github 384
maruo-macro-mode Major mode for editing Hidemaru/Maruo macro script 20160616.1349 github 383
helm-perspeen Helm interface for perspeen. 20170228.1345 github 383
elisp-docstring-mode Major mode for editing elisp docstrings. 20170304.1615 github 383
russian-holidays Russian holidays for the calendar 20170109.2140 github 382
synquid Major mode for editing Synquid files 20160930.1550 github 381
loopy A looping macro 20220209.320 github 381
default-font-presets Support selecting fonts from a list of presets 20220214.2326 gitlab 381
dogears Never lose your place again 20210913.1259 github 380
company-maxima Maxima company integration 20210520.2034 gitlab 380
recentf-remove-sudo-tramp-prefix Normalise recentf history 20210509.43 github 379
modern-fringes Replaces default fringe bitmaps with better looking ones 20200321.1817 github 379
friendly-tramp-path Human-friendly TRAMP path construction 20200502.1032 github 379
counsel-ag-popup Interactive search with counsel-ag 20210121.805 github 379
ptemplate Project templates 20210324.1446 github 378
gl-conf-mode Mode for editing gitolite config files 20170714.1310 github 378
wallpaper Setting the wallpaper 20201019.2123 github 377
vdm-comint REPL support for vdm-mode 20181127.2023 github 377
jetbrains JetBrains IDE bridge 20180301.502 github 377
swift-playground-mode Run Apple's playgrounds in Swift buffers 20190717.2223 gitlab 376
exiftool Elisp wrapper around ExifTool 20190520.1106 git 376
pocket-mode Manage your pocket 20171201.1315 github 375
js-codemod Run js-codemod on current sentence or selected region 20190921.941 github 375
helm-selected helm extension for selected.el 20171223.210 github 374
flymake-kondor Linter with clj-kondo 20211026.501 github 374
flycheck-prospector Support prospector in flycheck 20180524.450 github 374
zel Access frecent files easily 20171014.832 github 373
org-runbook Org mode for runbooks 20220107.451 github 373
abgaben review and correct assignments received by mail 20171119.646 gitlab 373
xonsh-mode Major mode for editing xonshrc files 20201020.52 github 370
php-quickhelp Quickhelp at point for php 20210819.2025 github 370
nothing-theme Monochrome theme 20200504.402 github 368
alert-termux alert.el notifications on Termux 20181119.951 github 364
git-attr Git attributes of buffer file 20180925.2003 github 363
pasp-mode - A major mode for editing Answer Set Programs. 20180404.1700 github 362
live-preview Live preview by any shell command while editing 20201010.1948 github 361
emoji-recall How many emoji can you recall from memory? 20160723.2208 github 361
blog-minimal a simple static site generator based on org mode 20181021.849 github 361
binclock Display the current time using a binary clock. 20170802.1116 github 361
wdl-mode WDL (Workflow Definition Language) major mode 20180831.1946 github 360
tab-bar-groups Tab groups for the tab bar 20211013.2012 github 360
sdlang-mode Major mode for Simple Declarative Language files. 20161201.711 github 360
friendly-shell Better shell-mode API 20201212.2302 github 360
digit-groups Highlight place-value positions in numbers 20200506.37 github 360
ob-elvish org-babel functions for Elvish shell 20180427.1900 github 359
filetags Package to manage filetags in filename 20190706.804 github 359
test-c quickly test c code 20180423.1720 github 358
gumshoe Scoped spatial and temporal POINT movement tracking 20211229.152 github 358
pest-mode Major mode for editing Pest files 20200321.504 github 356
flycheck-flawfinder Integrate flawfinder with flycheck 20211214.647 github 356
dynamic-graphs Manipulation with graphviz graphs 20210908.2010 github 356
smiles-mode Major mode for SMILES. 20220210.1413 git 354
panda Client for Bamboo's REST API. 20200715.338 github 353
haxe-imports Code for dealing with Haxe imports 20170330.2304 github 353
gnus-recent Article breadcrumbs for Gnus 20210920.902 github 353
flymake-gradle Flymake extension for Gradle. 20190315.233 github 353
brf Brf-mode provides features from the legendary editor Brief 20220104.2222 git 353
spacebar Workspaces Bar 20190719.334 github 352
flycheck-checkpatch Flycheck support for tool 20170217.1025 github 352
niconama Tools for Niconico Live Broadcast 20170910.1501 github 351
flycheck-indent Indent-lint frontend for flycheck 20200129.2046 github 350
build-status Mode line build status indicator 20190807.1231 github 350
wordgen Random word generator 20170803.1820 github 349
notmuch-maildir Visualize maildirs as a tree 20210615.1513 git 349
counsel-test Browse and execute tests with ivy 20190819.1920 github 349
persp-fr "In persp-mode, show perspective list in the GUI window title" 20191108.754 github 348
ox-spectacle spectacle.js Presentation Back-End for Org Export Engine 20181211.953 github 348
recursion-indicator Recursion indicator 20220224.1333 github 347
ox-mdx-deck org-mode to mdx-deck exporter 20181115.1847 github 347
just-mode Justfile editing mode 20210818.1526 github 347
geiser-chibi Chibi Scheme's implementation of the geiser protocols 20211204.1938 gitlab 347
jump-tree Treat position history as a tree 20171014.1551 github 346
helm-rdefs rdefs with helm interface 20161130.536 github 346
sweet-theme Sweet-looking theme 20200708.1202 github 345
keystore-mode A major mode for viewing and managing (java) keystores 20190409.1946 github 345
gameoflife Screensaver running Conway's Game of Life 20200614.1814 github 345
sxiv Run the sxiv image viewer 20210514.918 git 344
info-rename-buffer Rename Info buffers to match manuals 20200328.1450 github 344
pepita "Run Splunk search commands, export results to CSV/HTML/JSON" 20200228.2257 github 343
gitlab-pipeline Get infomation about Gitlab pipelines 20210601.1339 github 343
evil-textobj-entire text object for entire lines of buffer for evil 20150422.1254 github 343
liquid-types show inferred liquid-types 20151202.735 github 342
scrollkeeper Custom scrolling commands with visual guidelines 20190109.629 github 341
hal-mode Major mode for editing HAL files 20160704.1746 github 341
cljr-ivy Access clojure refactor with ivy completion 20200602.1607 github 340
rbtagger Ruby tagging tools 20211026.2318 github 339
poly-slim Polymodes for slim 20200316.1316 github 339
keyswap swap bindings between key pairs 20160813.957 github 339
insert-kaomoji Easily insert kaomojis 20220215.1204 git 339
helm-apt Helm interface for Debian/Ubuntu packages (apt-*) 20210324.1929 github 338
flycheck-yang YANG flycheck checker 20180312.1831 github 338
lognav-mode Navigate Log Error Messages 20191124.1011 hg 337
zotero Library for the Zotero API 20211008.2207 gitlab 336
ivy-fuz Integration between fuz and ivy. 20191222.946 github 336
helm-ghs ghs with helm interface 20170715.541 github 336
electric-cursor Change cursor automatically depending on mode 20220108.2052 github 335
rubik Rubik's Cube 20180222.2014 github 334
bart-mode Real time BART departures info. 20190601.1004 github 334
ob-julia-vterm Babel Functions for Julia in VTerm 20210418.2306 github 332
gift-mode major mode for editing GIFT format quizzes 20210528.1459 github 332
tickscript-mode A major mode for Tickscript files 20171219.203 github 331
qrencode QRCode encoder 20211010.1334 github 331
copy-file-on-save "Copy file on save, automatic deployment it." 20200616.518 github 330
org-picklink Pick a headline link from org-agenda 20210210.516 github 326
nntwitter Gnus Backend For Twitter 20220213.1654 github 326
inform Symbol links in Info buffers to their help documentation. 20200723.500 github 325
date2name Package to prepend ISO Timestamps to files 20190630.933 github 325
cubicaltt Mode for cubical type theory 20171108.1402 github 325
org-elp Preview latex equations in org mode while editing 20210329.1535 github 324
nocomments-mode Minor mode that makes comments invisible. 20170213.2037 github 324
robot-mode Major-mode for Robot Framework files 20210425.1925 github 323
detour Take a quick detour and return 20181122.2138 github 323
evil-ex-fasd using fasd right from evil-ex 20180903.612 github 322
vertica-snippets Yasnippets for Vertica 20200423.1200 github 321
liberime Rime elisp binding 20211203.244 github 321
su Automatically read and write files using su or sudo 20210721.1816 github 320
shroud Shroud secrets 20210220.1952 git 320
pushover Pushover API Access 20170818.2103 git 320
open-in-msvs Open current file:line:column in Microsoft Visual Studio 20170123.2228 github 320
gnus-select-account Select an account before writing a mail in gnus 20170722.511 github 320
ct Color Tools - a color api 20210219.1344 github 320
auth-source-xoauth2 Integrate auth-source with XOAUTH2 20200911.1554 github 319
zim-wiki-mode Zim Desktop Wiki edit mode 20211117.2000 github 318
gcode-mode Simple G-Code major mode 20210522.1025 gitlab 318
flycheck-raku Raku support in Flycheck 20210814.903 github 318
flame "automatic generation of flamage, as if we needed more." 20180303.2016 github 318
completions-frame Show completions in child frame 20210430.640 github 318
build-farm Interface for Nix and Guix build farms (Hydra and Cuirass) 20181218.2002 github 318
proportional use a proportional font everywhere 20200309.1556 github 317
omnibox Selection package 20180423.49 github 317
friendly-shell-command Better shell-command API 20200527.830 github 317
tikz A minor mode to edit TikZ pictures 20210927.1704 github 315
sharper "A dotnet CLI wrapper, using Transient" 20210523.1821 github 315
leo Interface for 20220111.1045 github 315
etc-sudoers-mode Edit Sudo security policies 20201102.1707 gitlab 315
egg-timer Commonly used intervals for setting timers while working 20200217.1650 github 315
consult-company Consult frontend for company 20211021.1152 github 315
suggestion-box show tooltip on the cursor 20170830.807 github 314
sql-clickhouse support ClickHouse as SQL interpreter 20191209.1443 github 314
mqtt-mode client for interaction with MQTT servers 20180611.1735 github 314
magit-rbr Support for git rbr in Magit 20181009.2016 github 314
eshell-vterm Vterm for visual commands in eshell 20211024.1443 github 314
schrute Help you remember there is a better way to do something. 20170521.1840 git 313
leanote A minor mode writing markdown leanote 20161223.139 github 311
lpy A lispy interface to Python 20201027.1425 github 310
undersea-theme Theme styled after undersea imagery 20200719.618 github 308
playonline Play code with online playgrounds 20200317.642 github 308
ox-ssh SSH Config Backend for Org Export Engine 20210917.1517 github 308
magit-vcsh Magit vcsh integration 20190817.2014 gitlab 308
gobgen Generate GObject descendants using a detailed form 20161020.1523 github 308
company-wordfreq Company backend for human language texts 20210201.1839 github 308
efar FAR-like file manager 20211122.1943 github 307
horoscope generate horoscopes. 20180409.641 github 305
helm-fuz Integrate Helm and Fuz 20200812.1222 github 305
gf Major mode for editing GF code 20181028.1542 github 305
dmacro Repeated detection and execution of key operation 20200803.633 github 305
treefactor Restructure your messy Org documents 20200516.1631 github 304
oj "Competitive programming tools client for AtCoder, Codeforces" 20200811.517 github 303
helm-org-recent-headings Helm source for org-recent-headings 20211011.1519 github 303
xwwp-follow-link-helm Link navigation in `xwidget-webkit' sessions using `helm' 20200917.642 github 302
buffer-watcher Easily run shell scripts per filetype/directory when a buffer is saved 20170913.839 github 302
spatial-navigate Directional navigation between white-space blocks 20220211.548 gitlab 301
lsp-p4 P4 support for lsp-mode 20190127.1049 github 301
info-beamer Utilities for working with info-beamer 20210427.1033 github 301
ameba An interface to Crystal Ameba linter 20200103.1454 github 301
taskrunner Retrieve build system/taskrunner tasks 20190916.1608 github 300
reaper Interact with Harvest time tracking app 20220211.1223 github 300
compiler-explorer Compiler explorer client ( 20210916.1316 github 300
amread-mode A minor mode helper user speed-reading 20220210.1354 git 300
wikinfo Scrape Wikipedia Infoboxes 20220121.2017 github 299
ivy-xcdoc Search Xcode documents with ivy interface. 20160917.1055 github 299
eshell-info-banner System information as your Eshell banner 20220114.1021 github 299
simple-paren "Non-electrical insert paired delimiter, wrap" 20220207.2007 github 298
keg-mode Major mode for editing Keg files 20200601.333 github 297
hl-prog-extra Customizable highlighting for source-code 20220211.548 gitlab 297
git-time-metric Provide function to record time with gtm ( git time metric ) 20181116.2011 github 297
mosey Mosey around your buffers 20180614.1649 github 296
vega-view Vega visualization viewer 20210401.1115 github 295
flower Emacs task tracker client. 20201022.1904 github 295
consult-eglot A consulting-read interface for eglot 20210905.1830 github 295
org-treescope Time scoping sparse trees within org 20200503.1609 gitlab 293
tongbu A web server to share text or files between two devices 20200414.507 github 292
netease-music listen netease music 20210411.603 github 292
helm-chrome-history Browse Chrome History with Helm 20191031.1233 github 292
ah Additional hooks 20201213.218 github 292
turing-machine Single-tape Turing machine simulator 20180222.438 github 291
snoopy minor mode for number row unshifted character insertion 20171008.2004 github 291
mtg-deck-mode Major mode to edit MTG decks 20180613.2010 github 291
axe AWS Extensions 20210816.1530 github 291
helm-lib-babel helm insertion of babel function references 20180510.1324 github 290
competitive-programming-snippets Competitive Programming snippets for yasnippet 20201115.1702 github 290
evil-pinyin Evil search Chinese characters by pinyin 20200927.849 github 289
symbol-navigation-hydra "A symbol-aware, range-aware hydra" 20211010.2353 github 288
stock-tracker Track stock price 20200228.542 github 288
helm-osx-app Launch macOS apps with helm 20190717.958 github 288
autobuild Define and execute build rules and compilation pipelines 20200713.227 github 287
speeddating Increase date and time at point 20180319.723 github 285
home-end Smart multi-purpose home / end keys 20180817.855 github 285
dired-rmjunk A home directory cleanup utility for Dired. 20191007.1232 git 285
underline-with-char Underline with a char 20191128.2309 gitlab 284
playground Manage sandboxes for alternative configurations 20200812.1336 github 284
lammps-mode basic syntax highlighting for LAMMPS files 20180801.1319 github 284
flycheck-dogma flycheck checker for elixir dogma 20170125.721 github 284
flycheck-dtrace Flycheck: DTrace support 20180903.1630 github 283
lms Squeezebox / Logitech Media Server frontend 20210820.2200 hg 282
ivy-emms Ivy interface to emms tracks 20210817.1300 github 282
format-table Parse and reformat tabular data. 20181223.1616 github 282
digitalocean Create and manipulate digitalocean droplets 20190607.726 gitlab 282
brazilian-holidays Brazilian holidays 20210302.107 github 282
wikinforg Org-mode wikinfo integration 20211210.2116 github 281
macrostep-geiser Macrostep for `geiser' 20210717.801 github 281
dianyou Search and analyze mails in Gnus 20210525.1517 github 281
poke-line Minor mode to show position in a buffer using a Pokemon 20201023.247 github 280
currency-convert Currency converter 20210427.2032 github 280
crystal-playground Local crystal playground for short code snippets. 20180830.501 github 280
speedbar-git-respect Particular respect git repo in speedbar 20200901.246 github 279
mimetypes Guess a file's mimetype by extension 20201115.1605 github 279
gnus-notes Keep handy notes of read Gnus articles with helm and org 20210207.1010 github 279
evil-opener opening urls as buffers in evil 20161207.1810 github 279
ytdious Query / Preview YouTube via Invidious 20210228.2111 github 277
helm-js-codemod A helm interface for running js-codemods 20190921.942 github 277
erc-scrolltoplace An Erc module to scrolltobottom better with keep-place 20180608.606 gitlab 277
go-expr-completion Complement the return values for Go 20200817.1750 github 276
deno-fmt Minor mode for using deno fmt on save 20200520.1838 github 276
ob-napkin Babel functions for Napkin 20200816.1245 github 275
consult-recoll Recoll queries using consult 20220227.2050 git 275
nash-mode Nash major mode 20160830.1212 github 274
evil-nl-break-undo Break evil's undo sequence on CR 20181125.2054 github 274
recomplete Immediately (re)complete actions 20220211.548 gitlab 273
pomm Yet another Pomodoro timer implementation 20220208.1648 github 273
insert-char-preview Insert Unicode char 20201023.2108 gitlab 273
fuzzy-finder Fuzzy Finder App Integration 20210906.217 github 273
with-proxy Evaluate expressions with proxy 20200510.414 github 272
jsonl Utility functions for working with line-delimited JSON 20190623.509 github 272
faustine "Edit, visualize, build and run Faust code" 20171122.1202 git 272
el-fly-indent-mode Indent Emacs Lisp on the fly 20180422.243 github 272
edit-indirect-region-latex "Edit LaTeX regions in separate buffers, e.g. for English grammar checks" 20161129.645 github 272
clhs Access the Common Lisp HyperSpec (CLHS) 20210428.1911 gitlab 272
basic-ide BASIC IDE c64 20200429.1104 gitlab 272
shades-of-purple-theme A theme with bold shades of purple 20210506.1448 github 271
region-convert Convert string in region by Lisp function 20210519.1655 github 271
no-emoji Show :emoji-name: instead of emoji characters 20180515.1837 github 270
helm-lxc Helm interface to manage LXC containers 20200323.816 github 270
evil-colemak-minimal Minimal Colemak key bindings for evil-mode 20171006.1317 github 270
build-helper Utilities to help build code 20161009.1755 github 270
flycheck-ini-pyinilint Flycheck integration for PyINILint 20190312.1931 gitlab 269
biblio-bibsonomy Lookup bibliographic entries from Bibsonomy 20190105.1200 github 269
avy-embark-collect Use avy to jump to Embark Collect entries 20220221.1638 github 269
buffer-ring Rings and tori for buffer navigation 20220120.124 github 268
baidu-translate A plugin using baidu-translate-api 20211130.1235 github 268
pyramid Minor mode for working with pyramid projects 20210427.1032 github 267
rainbow-fart Checks the keywords of code to play suitable sounds 20220210.1359 git 266
2bit Library for reading data from 2bit files 20200926.1418 github 265
discourse discourse api 20160911.819 github 264
ol-notmuch Links to notmuch messages 20210530.2054 git 263
launch-mode Major mode for launch-formatted text 20170106.512 github 263
flymake-ktlint Flymake extension for Ktlint. 20180831.346 github 262
cframe Customize a frame and fast switch size and positions 20201222.1930 github 262
nndiscourse Gnus backend for Discourse 20220210.1529 github 261
evil-tree-edit Evil structural editing for any language! 20220129.446 github 261
comby Emacs comby integration 20200629.140 github 261
uci-mode Major-mode for chess engine interaction 20210626.1956 github 260
ob-elm Org-babel functions for elm evaluation 20200528.1857 github 260
find-file-rg Find file in project using ripgrep 20220109.2015 github 260
loophole Manage temporary key bindings 20220227.1436 github 259
git-backup Backup each file change using git 20191209.2144 github 259
ede-php-autoload-composer-installers Composer installers support for ede-php-autoload 20170221.2026 github 259
nix-env-install Install packages using nix-env 20200812.1305 github 257
metronome A simple metronome 20220210.147 gitlab 257
nv-delete-back backward delete like modern text editors 20170224.1249 gitlab 256
git-grep Search tools using git grep 20200920.1751 github 256
fraktur-mode Easily insert Unicode mathematical Fraktur characters 20160815.227 github 256
frontside-javascript JS development that just work™️ 20220201.2048 github 255
chronometrist-key-values add key-values to Chronometrist data 20220225.950 git 255
whizzml-mode Programming mode for editing WhizzML files 20201013.239 github 254
virtual-comment Virtual Comments 20211103.209 github 254
notink-theme A custom theme inspired by e-ink displays 20220114.1955 github 254
espotify Spotify access library 20220121.2057 git 254
cfn-mode AWS cloudformation mode 20220221.1029 gitlab 254
flycheck-ameba Add support for Ameba to Flycheck 20191226.1011 github 253
fb2-reader Read FB2 and FB2.ZIP documents 20211214.954 github 253
bap-mode Major-mode for BAP's IR 20200128.1354 github 253
validate-html Compilation mode for W3C HTML Validator 20210420.2344 github 251
theme-anchor Apply theme in current buffer only 20220204.321 github 251
pair-tree Visualize a list 20211219.1816 github 251
flycheck-coverity Integrate Coverity with flycheck 20170704.59 github 251
dispwatch Watch displays for configuration changes 20210305.342 github 251
thinks Insert text in a think bubble. 20170802.1128 github 250
notmuch-bookmarks Add bookmark handling for notmuch buffers 20200322.1925 github 250
git-backup-ivy An ivy interface to git-backup 20200709.818 github 250
elmpd "A tight, ergonomic, async client library for mpd" 20210904.7 github 249
clojure-essential-ref-nov "Cider-doc to ""Clojure, The Essential Reference"" (EPUB)" 20200719.608 github 249
block-nav Jump across indentation levels for quick navigation 20201005.202 github 249
space-theming Easilly override theme faces 20200502.1032 github 248
redprl Major mode for editing RedPRL proofs and interacting with RedPRL 20180418.1434 github 248
comint-intercept Intercept input in comint-mode 20200106.454 github 248
winds Window configuration switcher grouped by workspaces 20201121.123 github 247
hugsql-ghosts Display hugsql defqueries in clojure code as an overlay 20211124.1646 github 247
feed-discovery Discover feed url by RSS/Atom autodiscovery 20200714.1118 github 247
libelcouch Communication with CouchDB 20200923.1836 github 246
jmt-mode Java Mode Tamed 20211027.1852 github 246
gitignore-snippets templates for Yasnippet 20201118.1551 github 246
chinese-number Convert numbers between Arabic and Chinese formats 20161008.509 github 246
doxy-graph-mode Links source code editing with doxygen call graphs 20210604.723 github 245
zk Functions for working with Zettelkasten-style linked notes 20220227.1351 github 244
inherit-local Inherited buffer-local variables 20170409.1649 github 244
go-noisegate Run Golang tests with Noise Gate 20200502.703 github 244
octo-mode Major mode for Octo assembly language 20161008.1229 github 243
nodemcu-mode Minor mode for NodeMCU 20180501.2225 github 242
defrepeater Easily make commands repeatable 20180830.410 github 242
dash-alfred Search Dash documentation via Dash-Alfred-Workflow 20191024.450 github 242
path-helper Set PATH environment variables from config files 20181208.2229 github 241
imbot Automatic system input method switcher 20210423.731 github 241
xmind-org Import XMind mindmaps into Org 20201202.1605 github 240
hotfuzz Fuzzy completion style 20210924.936 github 240
khardel Integrate with khard 20220223.934 github 239
json-par Minor mode for structural editing of JSON 20220122.352 github 239
emms-bilibili Play Bilibili in EMMS. 20180103.418 github 239
clj-decompiler Clojure Java decompiler expansion 20220103.1746 github 239
postcss-sorting postcss-sorting interface 20180211.956 github 238
json-rpc-server Server-side JSON-RPC library. 20220205.1503 github 238
calc-at-point Perform calculations at point or over selection 20210219.1252 github 238
lexic A major mode to find out more about words 20220211.1347 github 237
helm-atoms Reverse variable lookup using Helm 20201013.1723 github 237
eve-mode Major mode for editing Eve documents. 20170822.2231 github 237
realgud-node-debug "Realgud front-end to older ""node debug""" 20190525.1634 github 236
firrtl-mode mode for working with FIRRTL files 20200329.2002 github 236
textx-mode Major mode for editing TextX files 20170516.911 github 234
mark-thing-at Mark a pattern at the current point 20201219.231 github 234
ivy-phpunit Ivy integration for phpunit.el 20180219.915 github 234
flycheck-swiftx Flycheck: Swift backend 20200814.845 github 233
fit-text-scale Fit text by scaling 20211230.2002 gitlab 233
cosmo Cosmological Calculator 20170922.744 gitlab 233
yoficator Interactively yoficate Russian texts 20190509.1620 gitlab 232
use-proxy Enable/Disable proxies respecting your HTTP/HTTPS env 20201209.853 github 232
subsonic Browse and play music from subsonic servers with mpv 20211231.1449 git 232
gtk-variant Set the GTK theme variant (titlebar color) 20200416.2136 github 232
lister Yet another list printer 20220118.1322 github 231
gvariant GVariant (GLib) helpers 20210507.1310 github 231
ado-mode Major mode for editing Stata-related files 20210510.1902 github 231
universal-emotions-emoticons Emoticons For The Six Universal Expressions 20180729.1941 github 230
org-tree-slide-pauses Bring the pause command from Beamer to org-tree-slide 20201215.146 github 230
opencc 中文简繁转换 <-> 中文簡繁轉換 (Convert Chinese with OpenCC) 20170722.816 github 230
git-io integration 20180317.1752 github 230
enlightened-theme A theme based on enlightened 20210220.2327 hg 230
sculpture-themes Themes with vivid colors 20210828.1634 github 229
gsettings GSettings (Gnome) helpers 20210407.2045 github 229
cc-cedict Interface to CC-CEDICT (a Chinese-English dictionary) 20210814.819 github 229
python-insert-docstring Python Google docstring inserter 20211127.1232 github 228
hungarian-holidays Adds a list of Hungarian public holidays to Emacs calendar 20161020.1138 github 228
helm-charinfo A helm source for character information 20170810.1231 github 228
dbc Control how to open buffers 20201001.1452 gitlab 228
projectile-trailblazer Minor mode for Rails projects using trailblazer 20170928.1624 github 227
ox-haunt Haunt-flavored HTML backend for the Org export engine 20200202.229 git 226
waf-mode Waf integration for Emacs 20170403.1940 git 225
salesforce-utils simple utilities for Salesforce 20160814.154 github 225
pdb-capf Completion-at-point function for python debugger 20200419.1237 github 225
evil-replace-with-char replace chars of a text object with a char 20180324.2206 github 225
benchstat proper benchmarking made simple 20171014.312 github 225
sfz-mode Major mode for SFZ files 20200716.1023 github 224
flycheck-hledger Flycheck module to check hledger journals 20210119.1000 github 224
see-mode Edit string in a separate buffer 20180511.41 github 223
org-linkotron Org-mode link selector 20200112.2235 gitlab 223
buckwalter Write arabic using Buckwalter transliteration 20191119.1950 github 223
mybigword Vocabulary builder using Zipf to extract English big words 20201030.1253 github 222
maces-game another anagram game. 20170903.1551 github 222
flymake-nasm A flymake handler for asm-mode files using nasm 20210310.1540 github 222
prompts utilities for working with text prompts. 20160916.1041 github 221
network-watch Support for intermittent network connectivity 20171123.1146 github 221
ivy-clipmenu Ivy client for clipmenu 20220202.2122 github 220
cangjie Retrieve cangjie code for han characters 20211201.2307 github 220
windwow simple workspace management 20170816.148 github 219
psalm Interface to Psalm 20211002.1552 github 219
osa OSA (JavaScript / AppleScript) bridge 20200522.2103 github 219
imake "Simple, opinionated make target runner" 20210918.2046 github 219
elbank Personal finances reporting application 20180316.1343 github 219
scratch-comment Insert Elisp result as comment in scratch buffer 20200812.1025 github 218
replace-with-inflections Inflection aware `query-replace' 20180831.635 github 218
numbers Display information and trivia about numbers 20170802.1134 github 218
number-lock Enter symbols on your number keys without pressing shift 20160830.200 github 218
dired-lsi Add memo to directory and show it in dired 20200812.929 github 218
csgo-conf-mode CS:GO Configuration files syntax highlighting 20161209.1619 github 218
posix-manual POSIX manual page lookup 20200301.1103 github 217
protocols Protocol database access functions. 20170802.1132 github 216
multistate Multistate mode 20210124.2014 gitlab 216
wordel "An Elisp implementation of ""Wordle"" (aka ""Lingo"")" 20220225.1907 github 215
helm-searcher Helm interface to use searcher 20210221.923 github 215
ednc Emacs Desktop Notification Center 20220226.1619 github 215
consult-ghq Ghq interface using consult 20210606.2047 github 215
xref-rst Lookup reStructuredText symbols 20220211.548 gitlab 214
typo-suggest Don't make typos with the help of helm and company 20200830.1143 github 214
elisp-depmap Generate an elisp dependency map in graphviz 20220223.1131 gitlab 214
comint-hyperlink Create hyperlinks in comint for SGR URL control sequences 20211026.100 github 214
amsreftex Add amsrefs bibliography support for reftex 20220115.1838 github 214
ox-timeline HTML Timeline Back-End for Org Export Engine 20210118.536 github 213
flymake-flycheck Use flycheck checkers as flymake backends 20210404.2128 github 213
zpl-mode ZIMPL major mode 20180906.1059 github 212
svnwrapper Highlighting and paging for shell command `svn' 20180414.1843 github 211
origami-predef Apply folding when finding (opening) files 20200615.1044 github 211
ob-svgbob Babel Functions for svgbob 20190911.300 github 211
ditz-mode Emacs interface to Ditz issue tracking system 20150729.940 hg 211
difflib Helpers for computing deltas between sequences. 20210224.2242 github 211
tfsmacs MS TFS source control interaction. 20180911.2114 github 210
friendly-remote-shell Human-friendly remote interactive shells 20200527.830 github 210
contextual-menubar display the menubar only on a graphical display 20180205.709 github 210
helm-catkin Package for compile ROS workspaces with catkin-tools 20190425.1520 github 208
elcouch View and manipulate CouchDB databases 20201108.955 github 208
merlin-ac Merlin and auto-complete integration. 20210615.1208 github 207
helm-selector Helm buffer selector 20210125.857 github 206
geolocation Get your location on Earth 20200317.1559 github 206
muban Lightweight template expansion tool 20180415.1219 github 205
finito View and collect books 20220111.1121 github 205
eg Norton Guide reader 20170830.815 github 205
apparmor-mode Major mode for editing AppArmor policy files 20211014.2319 github 205
markless Major mode for Markless documents 20190306.1002 github 204
js2hl Highlight/rename things using js2-mode parser 20201119.816 github 204
bookmark-view Bookmark views 20220216.2024 github 204
ydk-mode Language support for Yu-Gi-Oh! deck files 20170113.921 github 203
walkclj Manipulate Clojure parse trees 20201116.735 github 203
sql-presto No description available. 20190113.1742 github 203
symbolword-mode modify word split 20180401.1427 github 202
lcb-mode LiveCode Builder major mode 20160816.540 github 202
ancient-one-dark-theme A color theme based off uetchy's Ancient One Dark Theme 20211030.1358 github 200
fsbot-data-browser browse the fsbot database using tabulated-list-mode 20160921.1533 github 199
wwg Writer word goals 20210614.1527 github 198
ob-deno Babel Functions for Javascript/TypeScript with Deno 20201019.101 github 198
literal-string edit string literals in a dedicated buffer 20191023.733 github 198
fuff "Find files with findutils, recursively" 20170202.1503 github 198
pygn-mode "Major-mode for chess PGN files, powered by Python" 20211021.2325 github 197
l Compact syntax for short lambda 20211118.1837 git 197
mugur Configurator for QMK compatible keyboards 20210719.722 github 196
icsql Interactive iSQL iteraface to ciSQL 20210612.1340 github 196
greek-polytonic Quail package for inputting polytonic Greek 20190303.1358 github 196
flymake-vnu Flymake extension for the v.Nu HTML validator. 20181128.216 github 196
flycheck-psalm Flycheck integration for Psalm 20211002.1555 github 196
snapshot-timemachine-rsnapshot rsnapshot backend for snapshot-timemachine 20170324.1213 github 195
point-pos Save and restore point positions 20170421.1632 github 195
holiday-pascha-etc Eastern Christian analog to holiday-easter-etc 20160822.58 github 195
dired-view-data View data from dired via ESS and R 20220129.339 github 195
digitalocean-helm Create and manipulate digitalocean droplets 20180610.746 gitlab 195
kaleidoscope Controlling Kaleidoscope-powered devices. 20170808.817 github 194
services Services database access functions. 20170802.1130 github 193
kubectx-mode Change kubectl context/namespace and show in mode line 20200116.1918 github 193
jpop Lightweight project caching and navigation framework 20170410.1250 github 193
atcoder-tools An atcoder-tools client 20200109.1236 github 193
python-mls Multi-line shell for (i)Python 20220128.1953 github 192
lockfile-mode Major mode for .lock files 20170625.507 github 192
exsqlaim-mode Use variables inside sql queries 20170607.1003 github 192
vale-mode Major mode for writing Vale vaf files 20190725.125 github 191
org-zettelkasten Helper functions to use Zettelkasten in org-mode 20211002.1132 github 191
nikola Simple wrapper for nikola 20170703.2021 gitlab 191
indian-ext Extension to Indian language utilities 20190424.1547 github 191
somafm A simple interface 20200224.48 github 190
ob-smiles Org-mode Babel support for SMILES. 20220221.1255 git 189
magrant Transient Interface to Vagrant 20210706.1438 github 189
erc-matterircd Integrate matterircd with ERC 20210804.504 github 189
stem-english - routines for stemming English word 20180109.358 github 188
honcho Run and manage long-running services 20190623.2120 github 188
rescript-mode A major mode for editing ReScript 20210902.2140 github 187
helm-kythe Google Kythe helm interface 20170709.726 github 187
template-overlays Display template regions using overlays 20180706.1132 github 186
mu2tex Convert plain text molecule names and units to TeX 20200512.704 github 186
find-dupes-dired Find dupes and handle in dired 20210426.835 github 186
flymake-phpstan Flymake backend for PHP using PHPStan 20210714.1805 github 185
dw Diceware passphrase generation commands 20210331.2246 github 185
livereload Livereload server 20170629.650 github 184
edebug-inline-result Show Edebug result inline 20220210.1357 git 184
chemtable Periodic table of the elements 20210713.1551 github 184
esonify Sonify your code 20190110.1621 github 183
ede-php-autoload-drupal Drupal support for ede-php-autoload 20170316.2158 github 183
cubicle-mode Major mode for the Cubicle model checker 20171009.1957 github 183
belarus-holidays Belarus holidays whith transfers 20190102.1343 git 183
zero-input Zero Chinese input method framework 20200405.1220 git 182
unicad An elisp port of Mozilla Universal Charset Auto Detector 20200914.1500 github 182
quilt Minor mode for working with files in quilt 20190828.506 github 182
poly-wdl Polymode for WDL 20190712.529 github 182
consult-spotify Spotify queries using consult 20211114.2258 git 182
vtm Manages vterm buffers with configuration files 20200921.338 github 181
netease-cloud-music Netease Cloud Music client 20220211.1326 github 181
line-up-words Align words in an intelligent way 20180219.1024 github 181
helm-bitbucket Search Bitbucket with Helm 20190422.1102 github 181
freeze-it Minor mode to make your previous writing read-only 20210727.1535 github 181
gnus-summary-repo Import and export files between IMAP and local by using GNUS 20190617.1419 github 180
flymake-joker Add Clojure syntax checker (via Joker) to flymake 20200315.1429 github 180
didyoumean Did you mean to open another file? 20200905.1843 gitlab 180
mc-calc Combine multiple-cursors and calc 20200420.1836 github 179
license-snippets LICENSE templates for yasnippet 20201117.1619 github 179
company-plisp Company mode backend for PicoLisp language 20200531.1927 gitlab 179
letterbox-mode hide sensitive text on a buffer 20170702.125 github 177
helm-chrome-control Control Chrome tabs with Helm (macOS only) 20190707.1807 github 177
zimports Reformat python imports with zimports 20211011.2059 github 176
ob-dao Org Babel Functions for Dao 20170816.1558 github 176
kapacitor Main file for kapacitor-mode 20190414.1908 github 176
handle A handle for major-mode generic functions. 20191029.856 github 176
ptemplate-templates Official templates 20210324.1443 github 175
pinyin Convert Hanzi to Pinyin (汉字转拼音) 20180620.1241 github 175
catmacs Simple CAT interface for Yaesu Transceivers. 20170826.1157 git 175
prettify-math Prettify math formula 20220101.549 git 174
dtache Run and interact with detached shell commands 20220209.1903 gitlab 174
cowsay Poorly drawn ASCII cartoons saying things 20210510.1540 github 174
jemdoc-mode Major mode for editing jemdoc files 20170704.2027 github 173
exwm-float Convenient modes and bindings for floating EXWM frames 20210207.2035 gitlab 173
morganey-mode Major mode for editing Morganey files 20170118.934 github 172
jastadd-ast-mode Major mode for editing JastAdd AST files 20200926.1820 github 172
bolt-mode Editing support for Bolt language 20180310.810 github 171
register-quicknav Quickly jump to next/previous register 20200524.2006 git 170
other-emacs-eval Evaluate the Emacs Lisp expression in other Emacs 20180408.1348 github 170
obfusurl Obfuscate URLs so they aren't spoilers 20170809.1524 github 169
logpad Simulate Windows Notepad for logging. 20201113.917 github 169
gomacro-mode Gomacro mode and Go REPL integration 20200326.1103 github 169
burnt-toast Elisp integration with the BurntToast PowerShell module 20201113.814 github 169
utimeclock Simple utility for manual time tracking 20220211.548 gitlab 168
sudo-utils Sudo utilities 20210119.1930 github 168
ox-yaow Generate html pages from org files 20220103.2307 github 168
named-timer Simplified timer management for Emacs Lisp 20181120.2224 github 167
mgmtconfig-mode mgmt configuration management language 20210131.2152 github 167
750words Emacs integration and Org exporter for 20210701.1950 github 167
hyperlist-mode A major-mode for viewing Hyperlists 20200515.2209 github 166
freeradius-mode major mode for FreeRadius server config files 20190401.1743 github 166
eterm-fn Function keys (F1--F12) for term. 20191010.2331 github 166
ctrlxo Switch to the most recently used window 20201021.701 github 166
unisonlang-mode Simple major mode for editing Unison 20200803.808 github 165
inform7 Major mode for working with Inform 7 files 20200430.1539 github 165
paste-of-code paste code on 20170709.2355 github 164
osa-chrome Google Chrome remote tab control 20201122.1639 github 164
mpmc-queue a multiple-producer-multiple-consumer queue 20180303.2029 github 164
imenu-extra Add extra items into existing imenu items 20201229.1035 github 164
the-matrix-theme "Green-on-black dark theme inspired by ""The Matrix"" movie" 20220115.632 github 163
rum-mode Major mode for Rum programming language 20180127.22 github 163
retrie Refactoring Haskell code with retrie 20200519.551 github 163
revbufs Reverts all out-of-date buffers safely 20200907.2223 github 162
quick-shell-keybind Interactively bind a key to shell commands 20171023.613 github 162
molecule Simple wrapper for molecule 20180527.743 gitlab 162
metamorph Transform your buffers with lisp 20201025.2357 github 162
counsel-edit-mode Edit results of counsel commands in-place 20210824.1504 github 162
capnp-mode Major mode for editing Capn' Proto Files 20210707.2310 github 162
smmry SMMRY client 20161024.901 github 161
erblint An interface for checking HTML ERB files using Erblint 20200622.5 github 161
slow-keys Slow keys mode to avoid RSI 20180831.459 github 160
gitlab-snip-helm Gitlab snippets api helm package 20200427.2014 gitlab 160
face-shift Shift the colour of certain faces 20210725.2146 git 160
ctune Tune out CC Mode Noise Macros 20210205.1428 github 160
company-manually A company backend that lets you manually build candidates 20200709.913 github 160
socyl Frontend for several search tools 20170212.642 github 159
pinboard-popular Displays links from the popular page. 20180511.1726 github 159
metal-archives List future releases using Metal-Archives API 20210223.1638 github 159
lines-at-once Insert and edit multiple lines at once 20180422.247 github 159
tf2-conf-mode TF2 Configuration files syntax highlighting 20161209.1620 github 158
oauth2-request OAuth2 request package interface 20210215.657 github 158
gams-ac auto-complete source file for GAMS mode 20180423.926 github 158
diffpdf Transient diffpdf 20210626.1447 github 158
repeater Repeat recent repeated commands 20180418.1212 github 157
geiser-stklos STklos Scheme implementation of the geiser protocols 20211117.2114 gitlab 157
flames-of-freedom The flames of freedom 20191202.1637 github 157
cursor-flash Highlight the cursor on buffer/window-switch 20210722.445 github 157
upbo Karma Test Runner Integration 20180422.822 github 156
geoip Find out where an IP address is located via GeoIP2 20200310.911 github 156
github-dark-vscode-theme The GitHub Dark Theme from Visual Studio Code 20211122.1800 github 155
drone Launch your drone test suite if drone.yml is present 20161106.918 github 155
pastery paste snippets to 20171114.349 github 154
mqr Multi-dimensional query and replace 20180527.1204 github 154
tempel Tempo templates/snippets with in-buffer field editing 20220223.2047 github 153
flycheck-keg Flycheck for Keg projects 20200726.218 github 153
flycheck-cfn Flycheck backend for AWS cloudformation 20220221.1029 gitlab 153
filelock Functions for manipulating file locks 20180524.2215 github 153
execline Major mode for editing execline scripts 20190711.2010 gitlab 153
chronometrist-goal Adds support for time goals to Chronometrist 20210510.1831 git 153
tinypng Compress PNG and JPEG with API 20200306.911 github 151
teletext Teletext broadcast viewer 20211203.1111 github 151
sql-sqlline Adds SQLLine support to SQLi mode 20201102.1508 gitlab 151
owcmd Run a single command in the other window 20200517.2039 github 151
lisp-local Allow different Lisp indentation in each buffer 20210605.1347 github 151
expenses Record and view expenses 20220215.1518 github 151
djinni-mode Major-mode for editing Djinni files. 20190303.139 github 151
company-ipa IPA backend for company 20210307.1838 gitlab 151
battery-notifier Notify when battery capacity is low 20210521.1238 github 151
async-backup Backup on each save without freezing Emacs 20220131.1438 git 151
semaphore Semaphore based on condition variables 20190607.1949 github 149
ox-zenn Zenn flavored markdown backend for org export engine 20200924.1607 github 149
nz-holidays New Zealand public holidays for calendar. 20190415.703 github 149
nix-modeline Info about in-progress Nix evaluations on your modeline 20210405.742 github 148
urscript-mode major mode for editing URScript. 20190219.1604 github 147
streamlink A major mode for streamlink output 20210811.1429 github 147
package-loading-notifier Notify a package is being loaded 20220130.318 github 146
metal-archives-shopping-list Add shopping list generation support to metal-archives 20201229.949 github 146
loopy-dash Dash destructuring for `loopy' 20211020.157 github 146
hg-histedit Edit HG histedit files 20210302.2334 github 146
vc-defer Defer non-essential vc.el work 20201116.701 github 144
mpdmacs A lightweight MPD client 20210904.35 github 144
helm-esa Esa with helm interface 20190721.1429 github 144
elpa-deploy ELPA deployment library 20191022.718 github 144
dtb-mode Show device tree souce in dtbs 20210105.1132 github 144
dist-file-mode Dispatch major mode for *.dist files 20180830.418 github 144
graphql-doc GraphQL Documentation Explorer 20210808.8 github 143
kubedoc Kubernetes API Documentation 20211005.810 github 142
slurm-mode Interaction with the SLURM job scheduling system 20210519.1109 github 141
s12cpuv2-mode Major-mode for S12CPUV2 assembly 20171013.2051 github 141
porthole RPC Servers in Emacs 20200404.1454 github 141
flycheck-pest Flycheck integration for Pest - 20200317.1503 github 141
pyim-cangjiedict Some cangjie dicts for pyim 20210617.934 github 140
ob-spice org-babel functions for spice evaluation 20220210.1415 git 140
fluxus-mode Major mode for interfacing with Fluxus 20210715.58 github 140
tql-mode TQL mode 20170724.254 github 139
rib-mode RenderMan® Interface Bytestream (RIB) Major Mode 20170726.1448 github 139
c-eval Compile and run one-off C code snippets 20210611.705 github 138
side-hustle Hustle through Imenu in a side window 20210627.701 github 137
baff Create a byte array from a file 20200824.1807 github 137
sequed Major mode for FASTA format DNA alignments 20220115.743 github 136
old-norse-input An input method for Old Norse 20170816.1842 github 136
libbcel Library to connect to basecamp 3 API 20191203.654 github 136
fuo feeluown client. 20190812.927 github 136
yesterbox Count number of inbox messages by day 20200327.52 github 135
slstats Acquire and display stats about Second Life 20170823.849 github 134
kaleidoscope-evil-state-flash Flash keyboard LEDs when changing Evil state 20170728.1020 github 134
blitzmax-mode A major mode for editing BlitzMax source code 20211128.2028 github 134
auth-source-kwallet KWallet integration for auth-source 20210605.1032 github 134
teacode-expand Expansion of text by TeaCode program. 20181231.640 github 133
sidecar-locals A flexible alternative to built-in dir-locals 20220211.548 gitlab 133
poet-client Client for network api 20190124.654 github 133
plaster Pasting to a plaster host with buffers. 20180127.2050 github 133
moonshot "Run executable file, debug and build commands on project" 20210627.2244 github 133
modular-config Organize your config into small and loadable modules 20210726.1614 github 133
elescope Seach and clone projects from the minibuffer 20210312.1147 github 133
bookmark-in-project Bookmark access within a project 20220212.156 gitlab 133
zprint-format Reformat Clojure code using zprint 20210602.146 github 132
soccer "Fixtures, results, table etc for soccer" 20211207.1623 github 132
lox-mode Major mode for the Lox programming language 20200619.1700 github 132
helm-shell-history Find shell history from helm 20210214.948 github 132
egalgo Genetic algorithm 20211105.1657 github 132
zenscript-mode Major mode for ZenScript 20210102.1350 github 131
magit-commit-mark Support marking commits as read 20220211.548 gitlab 131
kana Learn Japanese hiragana and katakana 20210531.1427 github 131
flycheck-clolyze Add Clolyze to to flycheck 20190422.2134 github 131
meyvn Meyvn client 20211025.106 github 130
khalel "Import, edit and create calendar events through khal" 20211114.1233 gitlab 130
brightscript-mode Major mode for editing Brightscript files 20200321.2126 github 130
pikchr-mode A major mode for the pikchr diagram markup language 20210324.2125 github 129
mxf-view Simple MXF viewer 20180501.740 github 129
flymake-languagetool Flymake support for LanguageTool 20211227.1908 github 129
holy-books Org-mode links/tooltips/lookups for Quran & Bible 20211025.127 github 128
tzc Converts time between different time zones 20220126.604 github 127
poe-lootfilter-mode Major mode for editing Path of Exile lootfilters 20190330.1117 github 127
dut-mode Major mode for the Dut programming language 20170729.2111 github 127
sv-kalender-namnsdagar Swedish celebrated name of the day 20190421.1521 github 125
marquee-header Code interface for displaying marquee in header 20200720.1034 github 125
bencoding Bencoding decoding and encoding 20200331.1102 github 125
alectryon Toggle between Coq and reStructuredText 20211018.321 github 125
describe-hash Help function for examining a hash map 20200718.1556 github 124
cascading-dir-locals Apply all (!) .dir-locals.el from root to current directory 20211013.1955 github 124
redtt Major mode for editing redtt proofs 20181121.21 github 123
org-re-reveal-citeproc Citations and bibliography for org-re-reveal 20211028.1328 gitlab 123
cpu-sos S.O.S. from a CPU in distress 20200409.2356 github 123
soar-mode A major mode for the Soar language 20190503.1843 github 122
smithers A startup message featuring Mr C.M. Burns 20210531.2232 gitlab 121
zoxide Find file by zoxide 20211223.245 gitlab 120
ca65-mode Major mode for ca65 assembly files 20210218.106 github 120
twtxt Client twtxt 20200824.1323 github 119
rdxmk A small set of tools for redox developments 20170630.134 github 119
ligo-mode A major mode for editing LIGO source code 20220209.755 gitlab 119
flycheck-drstring Doc linting for Swift using DrString 20200210.1903 github 119
zetz-mode A major mode for the ZetZ programming language 20200823.536 github 118
vdf-mode Major mode for editing Valve VDF files. 20210303.714 github 118
sml-basis Standard ML Basis Library lookup 20210518.2040 github 118
ll-debug Low level debug tools 20211002.1031 github 118
flymake-pest A flymake handler for Pest files 20200317.1503 github 118
erc-yank Automagically create a Gist if pasting more than 5 lines 20210220.1815 github 118
conventional-changelog Conventional Changelog Generator 20211212.1158 github 118
zettelkasten Helper functions to organise notes in a Zettelkasten style 20210830.1025 github 117
sexp-diff Diff sexps based on Levenshtein-like edit distance 20200314.2018 github 117
session-async Asynchronous processing in a forked process session 20211227.1609 git 116
lsp-rescript LSP client configuration for lsp-mode and rescript-vscode 20210519.1101 github 116
gnome-screencast Use Gnome screen recording functionality using elisp 20210125.2001 github 116
gemini-write Elpher for Titan 20211114.1032 git 115
mandoku-tls A tool to access the TLS database 20171118.240 github 114
leaf-defaults Awesome leaf config collections 20210301.118 github 114
org-inline-anim Inline playback of animated GIF/PNG for Org 20211101.413 github 112
msgpack Read and write MessagePack object 20200323.515 github 112
chembalance Balance chemical equations 20210601.1653 github 112
counsel-at-point Context sensitive project search 20220211.548 gitlab 111
streak Track a daily streak in your Mode Line 20211004.2025 github 110
rivet-mode A minor mode for editing Apache Rivet files 20201013.1905 gitlab 110
project-mode-line-tag Display a buffer's project in its mode line 20211013.1954 github 110
openfoam OpenFOAM files and directories 20210516.1015 github 110
mode-line-idle Evaluate mode line content when idle 20220211.548 gitlab 110
semaphore-promise semaphore integration with promise 20190607.2115 github 109
no-spam Add repeat delays to commands 20190724.1854 github 109
hidepw Minor mode to hide passwords 20200326.112 github 109
ob-swiftui Org babel functions for SwiftUI evaluation 20210618.856 github 108
codcut Share pieces of code to Codcut 20190915.1009 github 108
pyinspect Python object inspector 20211102.1415 github 107
peertube Query and download PeerTube videos 20210101.1007 git 107
desktop-mail-user-agent Call OS default mail program to compose mail 20210519.1008 github 107
arxiv-mode Read and search for articles on 20220128.920 github 107
teco Teco interpreter 20200707.2309 github 106
shelldon An enhanced shell interface 20211118.1811 github 106
insert-esv Insert ESV Bible passages 20201201.722 github 106
hyperkitty Emacs interface for Hyperkitty archives 20220226.1951 github 105
weak-ref Weak references for Emacs Lisp 20200217.2200 github 104
tab-bar-lost-commands "The ""lost commands"" of the tab bar" 20211013.1945 github 103
standard-dirs "Platform-specific paths for config, cache, and other data" 20200621.1603 github 103
pronto Compilation mode for pronto stylechecks 20200218.1633 github 103
pnpm-mode Minor mode for working with pnpm projects 20200527.557 github 103
lyrics-fetcher Fetch song lyrics and album covers 20220207.1326 github 103
justl Major mode for driving just files 20220226.1619 github 103
helm-switch-to-repl Helm action to switch directory in REPLs 20210206.844 github 103
symbolist List and interactively unbind Emacs Lisp symbols 20211107.1615 github 102
myrddin-mode Major mode for editing Myrddin source files 20191225.2120 git 102
ivy-spotify Search spotify with ivy 20210329.312 git 102
xhair Highlight the current line and column 20210801.222 github 101
elfeed-autotag Easy auto-tagging for elfeed 20210607.637 github 101
edit-chrome-textarea Edit Chrome Textarea 20200324.1513 github 101
doc-show-inline Show doc-strings found in external files 20220211.548 gitlab 101
ynab Major mode for YNAB (you need a budget) 20200607.2008 github 99
weblio Look up Japanese words on 20210718.1410 github 99
unifdef Delete code guarded by processor directives 20200517.514 github 99
teletext-yle Teletext provider for Finnish national network YLE 20210927.825 github 99
share2computer Elisp helper of android ShareToComputer 20200316.31 github 99
persp-mode-project-bridge Integration of persp-mode + project.el 20220115.602 github 99
dime Dylan interaction mode 20210329.604 github 99
flymake-yamllint YAML linter with yamllint 20211215.1416 github 98
revert-buffer-all Revert all open buffers 20220211.548 gitlab 97
org-gamedb Track video games in org-mode with's API 20210525.2338 github 97
lol-data-dragon Browse Champions of League of Legends on Data Dragon 20200705.1822 github 97
el-secretario Unify all your inboxes with the Emacs secretary 20211208.1038 git 97
rbs-mode A major mode for RBS 20210430.135 github 95
langtool-ignore-fonts Force langtool to ignore certain fonts 20210526.2340 github 95
sway Communication with the Sway window manager 20211109.1601 github 94
ox-bb BBCode Back-End for Org Export Engine 20210222.2002 github 93
org-clock-reminder Notifications that remind you about clocked-in tasks 20211010.2139 github 93
org-auto-expand Automatically expand certain headings 20210923.243 github 93
ispc-mode Syntax coloring for ispc programs 20201215.852 github 93
dyncloze Language alternatives self-testing 20210712.145 github 92
pr-review Review github PR 20220213.1524 github 90
germanium Generate image from source code using germanium 20220116.1634 github 90
circleci-api Bindings for the CircleCI API 20210227.1607 github 90
shellcop Analyze info&error in shell-mode 20211118.1229 github 89
llama Anonymous function literals 20211118.1847 git 89
harpoon Bookmarks on steroids 20220220.839 github 89
verona-mode A major mode for the Verona programming language 20200823.536 github 88
olc Open location code library 20200818.1221 git 88
linkode Generate a linkode snippet with region/buffer content 20200607.2152 github 88
show-font-mode Show font at point on mode line 20201225.2217 github 87
read-only-cfg Make files read-only based on user config 20210717.205 github 87
diff-ansi Display diff's using alternative diffing tools 20220211.548 gitlab 87
molar-mass Calculates molar mass of a molecule 20210519.1342 github 86
blox Interaction with Roblox tooling 20210225.1900 github 86
ue Minor mode for Unreal Engine projects 20210929.1258 gitlab 85
topsy Simple sticky header 20210831.133 github 85
hiccup-cli Convert HTML to Hiccup syntax 20210208.652 github 85
gsnip A gitlab snippet client 20220206.1526 github 84
earthfile-mode Major mode for editing Earthly file 20210903.230 github 84
pyim-smzmdict Sanma(triple) Zhengma dict for pyim 20210505.1445 github 83
org-movies Manage watchlist with Org mode 20210920.101 github 83
audacious Emacs interface to control audacious 20210917.51 github 83
lacquer Switch theme/font by selecting from a cache 20211005.1517 github 82
notmuch-transient Command dispatchers for Notmuch 20210703.2133 git 80
tray Various transient menus 20210214.1119 git 79
seriestracker Series tracker 20220212.304 github 78
ob-reticulate Babel Functions for reticulate 20210214.2229 github 78
nikki A simple diary mode 20210227.1707 github 78
counsel-chrome-bm Browse Chrom(e/ium) bookmarks with Ivy 20211022.1427 github 77
buffer-env Buffer-local process environments 20210520.1616 github 77
huecycle Idle color animation 20210830.340 github 76
git-assembler-mode git-assembler major mode 20210207.1545 gitlab 76
elforth Do you have what it takes to hack Emacs Lisp in Forth? 20210522.928 github 76
eta standard and multi dispatch key bind 20210115.1655 github 75
dilbert View Dilbert comics 20211118.1512 github 75
simplicity-theme A minimalist dark theme 20220217.1928 github 74
orthodox-christian-new-calendar-holidays Feasts (NS) 20210830.1657 github 74
lakota-input Input modes for Lakota language orthographies 20200823.2146 git 74
titlecase Title-case phrases 20220227.1900 github 73
rsync-mode Rsync projects to remote machines 20210911.0 github 73
message-view-patch Colorize patch-like emails in mu4e 20210904.2227 github 73
lux-mode Major mode for editing lux files 20210607.1130 github 72
totp Time-based One-time Password (TOTP) 20211018.1743 github 71
snitch An Emacs firewall 20210202.1730 github 71
epkg-marginalia Show Epkg information in completion annotations 20220131.1328 github 71
text-categories Assign text categories to a buffer for mass deletion 20211130.1719 github 70
agda-editor-tactics An editor tactic to produce Σ-types from Agda records 20211024.2357 github 70
topspace "Scroll down & recenter top lines, get upper margins/padding" 20220227.2126 github 69
hass Interact with Home Assistant 20211222.2321 github 69
redacted Obscure text in buffer 20220108.1037 github 68
org-visibility Persistent org tree visibility 20220227.1536 github 68
project-tab-groups "Support a ""one tab group per project"" workflow" 20211018.2252 github 66
planemo-mode Minor mode for editing Galaxy XML files 20201216.1122 gitlab 66
pkg-overview Make org documentation from elisp source file 20210802.1509 github 66
eping Ping websites to check internet connectivity 20201027.2149 github 66
counsel-mairix Counsel interface for Mairix 20210422.649 git 66
accent Popup for accented characters (diacritics) 20220202.1312 github 66
eglot-java Java extension for the eglot LSP client 20211213.1014 github 65
rutils R utilities with transient 20210805.608 github 64
help-find Additional help functions for working with keymaps 20210826.928 github 63
declutter Read html content and (some) paywall sites without clutter 20210904.2039 github 63
rails-i18n Seach and insert i18n on ruby code 20220126.1643 github 62
exwm-modeline A modeline segment for EXWM workspaces 20220131.1520 github 62
helm-dogears Helm source for Dogears 20210822.2106 github 61
seen-mode A syntax highlighting package for text/kepago 20210311.1935 git 60
rails-routes Search for and insert rails routes 20220126.1631 github 60
ox-750words Org mode exporter for 20210701.1950 github 60
notmuch-addr An alternative to notmuch-address.el 20210615.1512 git 60
newspeak-mode Major mode for the Newspeak programming language 20211011.1425 github 59
eldoc-toml TOML table name at point for ElDoc 20211026.1122 github 57
flycheck-php-noverify Flycheck checker for PHP Noverify linter 20211005.401 github 56
chezmoi A package for interacting with chezmoi 20220221.1556 github 56
julia-formatter Use JuliaFormatter.jl for julia code 20220106.1414 git 53
run-command-recipes This is collection of recipes to `run-command' 20220208.1018 github 52
perspective-exwm Better integration for perspective.el and EXWM 20220125.1939 github 52
impostman Import Postman collections 20220102.1856 github 52
fontsloth Elisp otf/ttf font loader/renderer 20211118.2018 github 52
siri-shortcuts Interact with Siri Shortcuts 20211229.1833 github 51
python-coverage Show Python coverage via overlays or Flycheck 20211224.1420 github 51
clj-deps-new Create clojure projects from templates 20220221.2235 github 51
numbex Manage numbered examples 20220206.251 github 49
minibuffer-modifier-keys Use spacebar as a modifier key in the minibuffer 20210823.713 github 49
untappd Display your latest Untappd feed 20210815.1544 github 48
tubestatus Get the London Tube service status 20210801.1522 github 48
rii Reversible input interface for multiple input 20210317.1330 github 48
shenshou Download subtitles from 20211103.1010 github 45
org-view-mode Read-only viewer with less markup clutter in org mode files 20220218.2106 github 45
cycle-at-point Cycle (rotate) the thing under the cursor 20220220.431 gitlab 43
recur Tail call optimization 20211108.219 github 41
polybar-sesman Display active sesman connections in polybar 20210901.1336 github 40
helm-tree-sitter Helm interface for tree-sitter 20220124.2246 github 40
asm-blox Programming game involving WAT and YAML 20220124.1430 github 39
liquidmetal A mimetic poly-alloy of the Quicksilver scoring algorithm 20211004.1429 github 38
org-journal-tags Tagging and querying system of org-journal 20220216.801 github 37
vunit-mode VUnit Runner Interface 20220121.1644 github 36
librera-sync Sync document's position with Librera Reader for Android 20210827.2300 github 36
gh-notify A veneer for Magit/Forge GitHub notifications 20211126.638 github 36
preview-dvisvgm SVG output for LaTeX preview 20211225.635 github 33
litex-mode Minor mode for converting lisp to LaTeX 20220225.2010 github 33
pretty-speedbar Make speedbar pretty 20220124.16 github 32
edit-as-format Edit document as other format 20220221.1312 github 32
syntree Draw plain text constituency trees 20220122.2341 github 31
el-secretario-org Create inboxes out of org-mode files for el-secretario 20211222.1620 git 31
cilk-mode Minor mode for Cilk code editing 20211222.1541 github 31
ruby-json-to-hash Convert JSON to Hash and play with the keys 20211108.351 github 29
el-secretario-mu4e Add mu4e inboxes to el-secretario 20211214.1851 git 29
filldent Fill or indent 20220103.10 github 27
twitch-api An elisp interface for the API 20220207.813 github 26
el-secretario-elfeed Add notmuch email inboxes to el-secretario 20211214.1851 git 26
zk-index Index and Desktop for zk 20220220.1952 github 25
el-secretario-notmuch Add notmuch inboxes to el-secretario 20211214.1851 git 25
paimon A major mode for Splunk 20220218.1904 github 23
wallpreview Set wallpapers with image-dired 20220220.427 github 22
xwiki-mode Major mode for xwiki-formatted text 20211112.511 github 20
chronometrist-spark Show sparklines in Chronometrist buffers 20220215.1904 git 20
org-arbeitszeit Calculate your worktime 20220127.754 github 19
ruled-switch-buffer Rule based buffer switching 20211205.635 github 18
gmsh-mode Highlight GMSH mesh generator script syntax 20211204.826 gitlab 18
nxml-uxml MicroXML support for nXML 20220130.1405 gitlab 17
kmacro-mc Multiple cursors emulation with keyboard macros 20220123.2254 github 14
unmodified-buffer Auto revert modified buffer state 20220129.2013 github 12
helm-twitch Navigate via `helm' 20220207.1314 github 12
ob-solidity Org-babel functions for solidity evaluation 20220213.1910 github 9
simple-indentation "Simplify writing indentation functions, alternative to SMIE" 20220215.1745 github 8
rhq Client for rhq 20220128.1344 github 8
flymake-rest Core features for flymake-rest 20220109.15 github 6
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