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Created March 21, 2015 20:18
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  • Save CoolOppo/e91882f311b73fcbabbe to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save CoolOppo/e91882f311b73fcbabbe to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
// Auto-pair backticks in Markdown files
"keys": ["`"],
"command": "insert_snippet",
"contents": "`$0`"
"context": [
"key": "setting.auto_match_enabled",
"operator": "equal",
"operand": true
"key": "selection_empty",
"operator": "equal",
"operand": true,
"match_all": true
"key": "following_text",
"operator": "regex_contains",
"operand": "^(?:\t| |\\)|]|\\}|>|$)",
"match_all": true
"key": "preceding_text",
"operator": "not_regex_contains",
"operand": "[`a-zA-Z0-9_]$",
"match_all": true
"key": "eol_selector",
"operator": "not_equal",
"operand": "string.quoted.single - punctuation.definition.string.end",
"match_all": true
"key": "selector",
"operator": "equal",
"operand": "text.html.markdown"
"keys": ["`"],
"command": "insert_snippet",
"contents": "`${0:$SELECTION}`"
"context": [
"key": "setting.auto_match_enabled",
"operator": "equal",
"operand": true
"key": "selection_empty",
"operator": "equal",
"operand": false,
"match_all": true
"key": "selector",
"operator": "equal",
"operand": "text.html.markdown"
"keys": ["`"],
"command": "move",
"by": "characters",
"forward": true
"context": [
"key": "setting.auto_match_enabled",
"operator": "equal",
"operand": true
"key": "selection_empty",
"operator": "equal",
"operand": true,
"match_all": true
"key": "following_text",
"operator": "regex_contains",
"operand": "^`",
"match_all": true
"key": "selector",
"operator": "not_equal",
"operand": "punctuation.definition.string.begin",
"match_all": true
"key": "eol_selector",
"operator": "not_equal",
"operand": "string.quoted.single - punctuation.definition.string.end",
"match_all": true
"key": "selector",
"operator": "equal",
"operand": "text.html.markdown"
"keys": ["backspace"],
"command": "run_macro_file",
"file": "res://Packages/Default/Delete Left Right.sublime-macro"
"context": [
"key": "setting.auto_match_enabled",
"operator": "equal",
"operand": true
"key": "selection_empty",
"operator": "equal",
"operand": true,
"match_all": true
"key": "preceding_text",
"operator": "regex_contains",
"operand": "`$",
"match_all": true
"key": "following_text",
"operator": "regex_contains",
"operand": "^`",
"match_all": true
"key": "selector",
"operator": "not_equal",
"operand": "punctuation.definition.string.begin",
"match_all": true
"key": "eol_selector",
"operator": "not_equal",
"operand": "string.quoted.single - punctuation.definition.string.end",
"match_all": true
"key": "selector",
"operator": "equal",
"operand": "text.html.markdown"
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