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Element Full Electron Configuration String
hydrogen 1s1
helium 1s2
lithium 1s22s1
beryllium 1s22s2
boron 1s22s22p1
carbon 1s22s22p2
nitrogen 1s22s22p3
oxygen 1s22s22p4

Neutering the “developer mode” screen on your Chromebook

I am the proud owner of two Chromebooks – one Samsung Series 3 ARM Chromebook and one Samsung 550 Chromebook. Like many serial tinkerers the frowny/sick developer “warning” screen, which you get if you want to overwrite the operating system having to enable developer mode, is more of a pain than anything, much as I recognise it is for security. Having to press CTRL + D at every boot, or wait 30 seconds and endure a loud, audible beep is not my idea of slick fun. Happily, it is possible to all but disable this screen, by rewriting the BIOS with the correct “flags”. This leaves the screen enabled, but it only displays for 2 seconds, and there is no beep. Unhappily, you have to physically open the Chromebook up and disable the inbuilt BIOS write protect to take advantage of this.

The procedure is a follows:

  • Open Chromebook and enable/disable write protect jumpe
CoolOppo / exclude.txt
Last active August 29, 2015 14:07
WinRAR Useful Settings
desktop.ini *.ipch *.pch *.pyc *.sdf *.suo
CoolOppo /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:07
A Radio With Guts in Prose (i.e. without line breaks every so many words)

A Radio With Guts (in Prose)

On the 2nd floor on Coronado Street, I used to get drunk and throw the radio through the window while it was playing, and, of course, it would break the window. The radio would sit there on the roof, still playing, and I'd tell my woman, "Ah, what a marvelous radio!" The next morning, I'd take the window off the hinges and carry it down the street to the glass man, who would put in another pane. I kept throwing that radio through the window each time I got drunk, and it would sit there on the roof still playing. It was a magic radio--a radio with guts. Each morning, I'd take the window back to the glass man. I don't remember how it ended exactly, though I do remember we finally moved out. There was a woman downstairs who worked in the garden in her bathing suit; she really dug with that trowel. She put her behind up in the air, and I used to sit in the window and watch the sun shine all over that thing while the music played.

Written by Charles Bukowski

Uninstalling .NET Framework Preview v4.5.3

Remove Update for Microsoft Windows (KB2969357)

Uninstalling .NET Framework Preview v4.5.2

Remove Update for Microsoft Windows (KB2934520)

CoolOppo /
Last active March 7, 2022 06:37
BinPac8x converts a bin file to a file for use on Texas Instruments calculators, such as a '.8xp' file for the TI-83+ and TI-84+. Created by Kerm Martian:
#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
import os
import time
import platform
import struct
import math
def disphelp():
pacman -Squy --needed --noconfirm base
pacman -Squ --noconfirm
break-before-br: t
clean: t
fix-uri: n
indent: auto
omit-optional-tags: f
replace-color: t
show-info: f
show-warnings: f
sort-attributes: alpha
tidy-mark: f
var the_sum = 0;
for (var i = 5; i < 1000; i++) {
if (i / 5 == Math.floor(i / 5)) {
the_sum += i;
for (var i = 3; i < 1000; i++) {
if (i / 3 == Math.floor(i / 3)) {
if (i / 5 != Math.floor(i / 5)) {
the_sum += i;
CoolOppo /
Created September 16, 2014 02:38
Convert .bin files to .8xp files for the TI-83+ and TI-84+ with Python - not by me
#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
import os
import time
import platform
import struct
import math
def safeprint(*args):