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PowerShell: Retrieves all available Exceptions to construct ErrorRecord objects.
Retrieves all available Exceptions to construct ErrorRecord objects.
Retrieves all available Exceptions in the current session to construct ErrorRecord objects.
$availableExceptions = Get-AvailableExceptionsList
Stores all available Exception objects in the variable 'availableExceptions'.
Get-AvailableExceptionsList | Set-Content $env:TEMP\AvailableExceptionsList.txt
Writes all available Exception objects to the 'AvailableExceptionsList.txt' file in the user's Temp directory.
Name: Get-AvailableExceptionsList
Author: Robert Robelo
LastEdit: 08/24/2011 12:35
function Get-AvailableExceptionsList {
end {
$irregulars = 'Dispose|OperationAborted|Unhandled|ThreadAbort|ThreadStart|TypeInitialization'
[AppDomain]::CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies() | ForEach-Object {
$_.GetExportedTypes() -match 'Exception' -notmatch $irregulars |
Where-Object {
$_.GetConstructors() -and $(
$_exception = New-Object $_.FullName
New-Object Management.Automation.ErrorRecord $_exception, ErrorID, OpenError, Target
} | Select-Object -ExpandProperty FullName
} 2> $null
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