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Last active March 15, 2020 10:37
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Create Volumes

you only need run if you plan on using

  • Ensure sudo vim /etc/synthetic.conf contains
  • Reboot

  • Create Nix and Run APFS Volumes (replace CHANGEME with your disk(example: disk1) and enter the password you want)

sudo diskutil apfs addVolume <CHANGEME|disk1> APFSX Nix -mountpoint /nix -passprompt
sudo diskutil apfs addVolume <CHANGEME|disk1> APFSX Run -mountpoint /run -passprompt

sudo diskutil enableOwnership /nix
sudo diskutil enableOwnership /run

# If you don't want the disk to show on your desktop
sudo chflags hidden /nix
sudo chflags hidden /run

LaunchD / Mount steps

Make sure you update the password to the password you entered earlier

  • Create sudo vim /Users/Shared/ and ensure it contains
# This can be cleaned up... but simple for now
echo<CHANGEME|password>| diskutil quiet apfs unlock Nix -stdinpassphrase -mountpoint /nix
echo<CHANGEME|password>| diskutil quiet apfs unlock Run -stdinpassphrase -mountpoint /run

NOTE: at least on my machine, /Users/Shared is on a filevaulted drive, so while the password is in plaintext it is owned by root and encrypted at rest

  • Ensure the script is executable, and permissions are correct
sudo chmod +x /Users/Shared/
sudo chown root:wheel /Users/Shared/

NOTE: I created the script in a global launchd location, I don't think this is stricly neccesary but has worked for me and mounts the volumes before GUI apps are brought up See and

  • create sudo vim /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.<CHANGEME|asdf>.mountnix.plist and ensure it contains the following(make sure you update <CHANGEME|asdf> in the file path and the plst content below)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
  • update permissions and load into launchd. Replace <CHANGEME|asdf> with your name or whatever you want
sudo chown root:wheel /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.<CHANGME|asdf>.mountnix.plist
sudo launchctl load /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.<CHANGEME|asdf>.mountnix.plist
  • Reboot and Nix and Run should be mounted in /nix and /run

Install Nix

I chose to install nix in multiuser mode and so far it's worked great

sh <(curl --daemon
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CorbanR commented Feb 25, 2020

Could probably change


To just



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