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Created August 3, 2020 03:45
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import com.mojang.datafixers.Dynamic;
import net.minecraft.block.BlockState;
import net.minecraft.block.Blocks;
import net.minecraft.util.Direction;
import net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos;
import net.minecraft.util.math.MutableBoundingBox;
import voronoiaoc.byg.BYG;
import voronoiaoc.byg.core.byglists.BYGBiomeList;
import voronoiaoc.byg.core.byglists.BYGBlockList;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.function.Function;
public class AspenTree3 extends BYGAbstractTreeFeature<NoFeatureConfig> {
//Blocks used for the tree.
private static final BlockState LOG = BYGBlockList.ASPEN_LOG.getDefaultState();
private static final BlockState LEAVES = BYGBlockList.ASPEN_LEAVES.getDefaultState();
private static final BlockState BEENEST = Blocks.BEE_NEST.getDefaultState();
Random random = new Random();
public AspenTree3(Function<Dynamic<?>, ? extends NoFeatureConfig> configIn) {
//setSapling((net.minecraftforge.common.IPlantable) BYGBlockList.ASPEN_SAPLING);
protected static boolean canTreeReplace(IWorldGenerationBaseReader genBaseReader, BlockPos blockPos) {
return canLogPlaceHere(
genBaseReader, blockPos
public boolean place(Set<BlockPos> treeBlockSet, IWorldGenerationReader worldIn, Random rand, BlockPos pos, MutableBoundingBox boundsIn, boolean isSapling) {
int minHeight = 9;
if (worldIn instanceof IWorld) {
Biome biome = ((IWorld) worldIn).getBiome(pos);
if (biome == BYGBiomeList.ASPENFORESTHILLS || biome == BYGBiomeList.SEASONALTAIGA || biome == BYGBiomeList.SEASONALTAIGAHILLS || biome == BYGBiomeList.SEASONALGIANTTAIGA || biome == BYGBiomeList.THE_BLACK_FOREST || biome == BYGBiomeList.BLACK_FOREST_HILLS || biome == BYGBiomeList.BLACK_FOREST_CLEARING || biome == BYGBiomeList.FOREST_FAULT)
minHeight = 13;
Set<BlockPos> treeLogPositions = Sets.newHashSet();
int randTreeHeight = rand.nextInt(3) + minHeight;
int posX = pos.getX();
int posY = pos.getY();
int posZ = pos.getZ();
if (posY >= 1 && posY + randTreeHeight + 1 < worldIn.getMaxHeight()) {
if (!isDesiredGroundwDirtTag(worldIn, pos.offset(Direction.DOWN), Blocks.GRASS_BLOCK)) {
return false;
} else if (!this.isAnotherTreeNearby(worldIn, pos, randTreeHeight, 0, isSapling)) {
return false;
// else if (!this.doesSaplingHaveSpaceToGrow(worldIn, pos, randTreeHeight, 5, 5, 5, isSapling)) {
// return false;
// }
// else if (!this.doesTreeFit(worldIn, pos, randTreeHeight)) {
// return false;
// }
else {
//Places dirt under logs where/when necessary.
Direction direction = Direction.Plane.HORIZONTAL.random(rand);
int randTreeHeight2 = randTreeHeight - rand.nextInt(1);//Crashes on 0.
int posY1 = 2 - rand.nextInt(1);//Crashes on 0.
int posX1 = posX;
int posZ1 = posZ;
int topTrunkHeight = posY + randTreeHeight - 1;
int topTrunkHeight2 = posY + randTreeHeight + randTreeHeight - 1;
//Raising the 'groundUpLogRemover' will remove all log blocks from the ground up no matter how thick the trunk is based on the value given. 5 would destroy all trunks from 5 up off the ground.
for (int groundUpLogRemover = 0; groundUpLogRemover < randTreeHeight; ++groundUpLogRemover) {
if (groundUpLogRemover >= randTreeHeight2 && posY1 < 0) { //Unknown
posX1 += direction.getXOffset();
posZ1 += direction.getZOffset();
//This Int is responsible for the Y coordinate of the trunk BlockPos'.
int logplacer = posY + groundUpLogRemover;
int logplacer2 = posY + randTreeHeight;
BlockPos blockpos1 = new BlockPos(posX1, logplacer, posZ1);
BlockPos blockpos2 = new BlockPos(posX1, logplacer2, posZ1);
//Sets Logs
this.treelog(treeBlockSet, worldIn, blockpos1, boundsIn, treeLogPositions);
this.treelog(treeBlockSet, worldIn, blockpos2.north().west(), boundsIn, treeLogPositions);
this.treelog(treeBlockSet, worldIn, blockpos2.down().south().east(), boundsIn, treeLogPositions);
this.treelog(treeBlockSet, worldIn, blockpos2.south().east(), boundsIn, treeLogPositions);
this.treelog(treeBlockSet, worldIn, blockpos2.up().south().east(), boundsIn, treeLogPositions);
//This allows a random rotation between 3 differently leave Presets in the same class. Optimizes Performance instead of the loading of several classes.
int leavessquarespos = 2;
for (int posXLeafWidth = -leavessquarespos; posXLeafWidth <= leavessquarespos; ++posXLeafWidth) {//has to do with leaves
for (int posZLeafWidthL0 = -leavessquarespos; posZLeafWidthL0 <= leavessquarespos; ++posZLeafWidthL0) {
int posX2 = posX1 + 1;
int posZ2 = posZ1 + 1;
int posX3 = posX1 - 1;
int posZ3 = posZ1 - 1;
//Bottom Leaves
// this.leafs(worldIn, posX1 + posXLeafWidth, topTrunkHeight + 1, posZ1 + posZLeafWidthL0, boundsIn, treeBlockSet, treeLogPositions);
// this.leafs(worldIn, posX1 + posXLeafWidth - 2, topTrunkHeight + 1, posZ1 + posZLeafWidthL0, boundsIn, treeBlockSet, treeLogPositions);
// this.leafs(worldIn, posX1 + posXLeafWidth - 1, topTrunkHeight + 1, posZ1 + posZLeafWidthL0 + 1, boundsIn, treeBlockSet, treeLogPositions);
// this.leafs(worldIn, posX1 + posXLeafWidth - 1, topTrunkHeight + 1, posZ1 + posZLeafWidthL0 - 1, boundsIn, treeBlockSet, treeLogPositions);
if (posXLeafWidth <= 1 && posZLeafWidthL0 <= 1 && posZLeafWidthL0 >= -1 && posXLeafWidth >= -1) {
this.leafs(worldIn, posX2 + posXLeafWidth, topTrunkHeight + 3, posZ2 + posZLeafWidthL0, boundsIn, treeBlockSet, treeLogPositions);
this.leafs(worldIn, posX3 + posXLeafWidth, topTrunkHeight + 2, posZ3 + posZLeafWidthL0, boundsIn, treeBlockSet, treeLogPositions);
if (posXLeafWidth <= 0 && posZLeafWidthL0 <= 1 && posZLeafWidthL0 >= -1 && posXLeafWidth >= -1) {
//Left Leaves
this.leafs(worldIn, posX2 + 1, topTrunkHeight + 2, posZ2, boundsIn, treeBlockSet, treeLogPositions);
this.leafs(worldIn, posX2 + 2, topTrunkHeight + 2, posZ2, boundsIn, treeBlockSet, treeLogPositions);
this.leafs(worldIn, posX2 + 1, topTrunkHeight + 1, posZ2, boundsIn, treeBlockSet, treeLogPositions);
this.leafs(worldIn, posX2, topTrunkHeight + 2, posZ2 + 1, boundsIn, treeBlockSet, treeLogPositions);
this.leafs(worldIn, posX2, topTrunkHeight + 2, posZ2 + 2, boundsIn, treeBlockSet, treeLogPositions);
this.leafs(worldIn, posX2, topTrunkHeight + 3, posZ2 + 2, boundsIn, treeBlockSet, treeLogPositions);
this.leafs(worldIn, posX2 - 1, topTrunkHeight + 2, posZ2, boundsIn, treeBlockSet, treeLogPositions);
this.leafs(worldIn, posX2 - 2, topTrunkHeight + 2, posZ2, boundsIn, treeBlockSet, treeLogPositions);
this.leafs(worldIn, posX2 - 2, topTrunkHeight + 3, posZ2, boundsIn, treeBlockSet, treeLogPositions);
this.leafs(worldIn, posX2, topTrunkHeight + 1, posZ2 - 1, boundsIn, treeBlockSet, treeLogPositions);
this.leafs(worldIn, posX2, topTrunkHeight + 3, posZ2 - 2, boundsIn, treeBlockSet, treeLogPositions);
this.leafs(worldIn, posX2, topTrunkHeight + 2, posZ2 - 2, boundsIn, treeBlockSet, treeLogPositions);
this.leafs(worldIn, posX2 + 1, topTrunkHeight + 3, posZ2 - 1, boundsIn, treeBlockSet, treeLogPositions);
this.leafs(worldIn, posX2 + 1, topTrunkHeight + 2, posZ2 - 1, boundsIn, treeBlockSet, treeLogPositions);
this.leafs(worldIn, posX2 + 2, topTrunkHeight + 3, posZ2 - 1, boundsIn, treeBlockSet, treeLogPositions);
this.leafs(worldIn, posX2 + 1, topTrunkHeight + 2, posZ2 - 2, boundsIn, treeBlockSet, treeLogPositions);
this.leafs(worldIn, posX2 - 1, topTrunkHeight + 3, posZ2 - 1, boundsIn, treeBlockSet, treeLogPositions);
this.leafs(worldIn, posX2 - 1, topTrunkHeight + 3, posZ2 - 2, boundsIn, treeBlockSet, treeLogPositions);
this.leafs(worldIn, posX2 - 2, topTrunkHeight + 2, posZ2 - 1, boundsIn, treeBlockSet, treeLogPositions);
this.leafs(worldIn, posX2 - 1, topTrunkHeight + 3, posZ2 + 1, boundsIn, treeBlockSet, treeLogPositions);
this.leafs(worldIn, posX2 - 2, topTrunkHeight + 3, posZ2 + 1, boundsIn, treeBlockSet, treeLogPositions);
this.leafs(worldIn, posX2 - 1, topTrunkHeight + 3, posZ2 + 2, boundsIn, treeBlockSet, treeLogPositions);
this.leafs(worldIn, posX2 - 1, topTrunkHeight + 2, posZ2 + 1, boundsIn, treeBlockSet, treeLogPositions);
this.leafs(worldIn, posX2 + 1, topTrunkHeight + 3, posZ2 + 1, boundsIn, treeBlockSet, treeLogPositions);
this.leafs(worldIn, posX2 + 1, topTrunkHeight + 3, posZ2 + 2, boundsIn, treeBlockSet, treeLogPositions);
this.leafs(worldIn, posX2 + 1, topTrunkHeight + 2, posZ2 + 2, boundsIn, treeBlockSet, treeLogPositions);
this.leafs(worldIn, posX2 + 2, topTrunkHeight + 2, posZ2 + 2, boundsIn, treeBlockSet, treeLogPositions);
this.leafs(worldIn, posX2 + 2, topTrunkHeight + 3, posZ2 + 1, boundsIn, treeBlockSet, treeLogPositions);
this.leafs(worldIn, posX2, topTrunkHeight + 4, posZ2, boundsIn, treeBlockSet, treeLogPositions);
this.leafs(worldIn, posX2, topTrunkHeight + 5, posZ2, boundsIn, treeBlockSet, treeLogPositions);
this.leafs(worldIn, posX2, topTrunkHeight + 6, posZ2, boundsIn, treeBlockSet, treeLogPositions);
this.leafs(worldIn, posX2, topTrunkHeight + 4, posZ2 + 1, boundsIn, treeBlockSet, treeLogPositions);
this.leafs(worldIn, posX2 - 1, topTrunkHeight + 4, posZ2, boundsIn, treeBlockSet, treeLogPositions);
this.leafs(worldIn, posX2 + 1, topTrunkHeight + 4, posZ2, boundsIn, treeBlockSet, treeLogPositions);
this.leafs(worldIn, posX2, topTrunkHeight + 4, posZ2 - 1, boundsIn, treeBlockSet, treeLogPositions);
//Right Leaves
this.leafs(worldIn, posX3 + 1, topTrunkHeight + 1, posZ3, boundsIn, treeBlockSet, treeLogPositions);
this.leafs(worldIn, posX3 + 2, topTrunkHeight + 1, posZ3, boundsIn, treeBlockSet, treeLogPositions);
this.leafs(worldIn, posX3 + 1, topTrunkHeight, posZ3, boundsIn, treeBlockSet, treeLogPositions);
this.leafs(worldIn, posX3, topTrunkHeight, posZ3 + 2, boundsIn, treeBlockSet, treeLogPositions);
this.leafs(worldIn, posX3, topTrunkHeight, posZ3 + 3, boundsIn, treeBlockSet, treeLogPositions);
this.leafs(worldIn, posX3, topTrunkHeight, posZ3 + 3, boundsIn, treeBlockSet, treeLogPositions);
this.leafs(worldIn, posX3 - 1, topTrunkHeight + 1, posZ3, boundsIn, treeBlockSet, treeLogPositions);
this.leafs(worldIn, posX3 - 2, topTrunkHeight + 1, posZ3, boundsIn, treeBlockSet, treeLogPositions);
this.leafs(worldIn, posX3 - 2, topTrunkHeight + 2, posZ3, boundsIn, treeBlockSet, treeLogPositions);
this.leafs(worldIn, posX3, topTrunkHeight, posZ3 - 1, boundsIn, treeBlockSet, treeLogPositions);
this.leafs(worldIn, posX3, topTrunkHeight + 1, posZ3 - 1, boundsIn, treeBlockSet, treeLogPositions);
this.leafs(worldIn, posX3, topTrunkHeight + 1, posZ3 - 2, boundsIn, treeBlockSet, treeLogPositions);
this.leafs(worldIn, posX3 + 1, topTrunkHeight + 2, posZ3 - 1, boundsIn, treeBlockSet, treeLogPositions);
this.leafs(worldIn, posX3 + 1, topTrunkHeight + 1, posZ3 - 1, boundsIn, treeBlockSet, treeLogPositions);
this.leafs(worldIn, posX3 + 2, topTrunkHeight + 2, posZ3 - 1, boundsIn, treeBlockSet, treeLogPositions);
this.leafs(worldIn, posX3 + 1, topTrunkHeight + 1, posZ3 - 2, boundsIn, treeBlockSet, treeLogPositions);
this.leafs(worldIn, posX3 - 1, topTrunkHeight + 2, posZ3 - 1, boundsIn, treeBlockSet, treeLogPositions);
this.leafs(worldIn, posX3 - 1, topTrunkHeight + 2, posZ3 - 2, boundsIn, treeBlockSet, treeLogPositions);
this.leafs(worldIn, posX3 - 2, topTrunkHeight + 1, posZ3 - 1, boundsIn, treeBlockSet, treeLogPositions);
this.leafs(worldIn, posX3 - 1, topTrunkHeight + 2, posZ3 + 1, boundsIn, treeBlockSet, treeLogPositions);
this.leafs(worldIn, posX3 - 2, topTrunkHeight + 2, posZ3 + 1, boundsIn, treeBlockSet, treeLogPositions);
this.leafs(worldIn, posX3 - 1, topTrunkHeight + 2, posZ3 + 2, boundsIn, treeBlockSet, treeLogPositions);
this.leafs(worldIn, posX3 - 1, topTrunkHeight + 1, posZ3 + 1, boundsIn, treeBlockSet, treeLogPositions);
this.leafs(worldIn, posX3 + 1, topTrunkHeight + 2, posZ3 + 1, boundsIn, treeBlockSet, treeLogPositions);
this.leafs(worldIn, posX3 + 1, topTrunkHeight + 2, posZ3 + 2, boundsIn, treeBlockSet, treeLogPositions);
this.leafs(worldIn, posX3 + 1, topTrunkHeight + 1, posZ3 + 2, boundsIn, treeBlockSet, treeLogPositions);
this.leafs(worldIn, posX3 + 2, topTrunkHeight + 1, posZ3 + 2, boundsIn, treeBlockSet, treeLogPositions);
this.leafs(worldIn, posX3 + 2, topTrunkHeight + 2, posZ3 + 1, boundsIn, treeBlockSet, treeLogPositions);
this.leafs(worldIn, posX3, topTrunkHeight + 3, posZ3, boundsIn, treeBlockSet, treeLogPositions);
this.leafs(worldIn, posX3, topTrunkHeight + 4, posZ3, boundsIn, treeBlockSet, treeLogPositions);
this.leafs(worldIn, posX3, topTrunkHeight + 5, posZ3, boundsIn, treeBlockSet, treeLogPositions);
this.leafs(worldIn, posX3, topTrunkHeight + 3, posZ3 + 1, boundsIn, treeBlockSet, treeLogPositions);
this.leafs(worldIn, posX3 - 1, topTrunkHeight + 3, posZ3, boundsIn, treeBlockSet, treeLogPositions);
this.leafs(worldIn, posX3 + 1, topTrunkHeight + 3, posZ3, boundsIn, treeBlockSet, treeLogPositions);
this.leafs(worldIn, posX3, topTrunkHeight + 3, posZ3 - 1, boundsIn, treeBlockSet, treeLogPositions);
this.leafs(worldIn, posX1 + 1, topTrunkHeight - 2, posZ1, boundsIn, treeBlockSet, treeLogPositions);
this.leafs(worldIn, posX1 - 1, topTrunkHeight - 2, posZ1, boundsIn, treeBlockSet, treeLogPositions);
this.leafs(worldIn, posX1 - 1, topTrunkHeight - 3, posZ1, boundsIn, treeBlockSet, treeLogPositions);
this.leafs(worldIn, posX1, topTrunkHeight - 3, posZ1 - 1, boundsIn, treeBlockSet, treeLogPositions);
this.leafs(worldIn, posX1, topTrunkHeight - 3, posZ1 + 1, boundsIn, treeBlockSet, treeLogPositions);
this.leafs(worldIn, posX1 - 1, topTrunkHeight - 3, posZ1 - 1, boundsIn, treeBlockSet, treeLogPositions);
if (isSapling) {
for (BlockPos addedPos : treeLogPositions) {;
return canSaplingGrowHere(worldIn, addedPos);
return true;
} else {
return false;
private boolean doesTreeFit(IWorldGenerationBaseReader reader, BlockPos blockPos, int height) {
int x = blockPos.getX();
int y = blockPos.getY();
int z = blockPos.getZ();
BlockPos.Mutable pos = new BlockPos.Mutable();
for (int yOffset = 0; yOffset <= height + 1; ++yOffset) {
//Distance/Density of trees. Positive Values ONLY
int distance = 2;
for (int xOffset = -distance; xOffset <= distance; ++xOffset) {
for (int zOffset = -distance; zOffset <= distance; ++zOffset) {
if (!canTreeReplace(reader, pos.setPos(x + xOffset, y + yOffset, z + zOffset))) {
return false;
return true;
//Log Placement
private void treelog(Set<BlockPos> setlogblock, IWorldGenerationReader reader, BlockPos pos, MutableBoundingBox boundingBox, Set<BlockPos> logPositions) {
if (canTreeReplace(reader, pos)) {
this.setFinalBlockState(setlogblock, reader, pos, LOG, boundingBox);
//Leaves Placement
private void leafs(IWorldGenerationReader reader, int x, int y, int z, MutableBoundingBox boundingBox, Set<BlockPos> blockPos, Set<BlockPos> logPositions) {
BlockPos blockpos = new BlockPos(x, y, z);
if (isAir(reader, blockpos)) {
this.setFinalBlockState(blockPos, reader, blockpos, LEAVES, boundingBox);
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