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Created May 13, 2014 13:47
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Save Coridyn/e813ac8a2fc669a9b22f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A cut-down version of the ui-bootstrap tab component - this fixes the transclusion of tab header content.
* angular-ui-bootstrap
* Version: 0.10.0 - 2014-05-05
* License: MIT
angular.module("ui.bootstrap", ["ui.bootstrap.tpls", "ui.bootstrap.tabs"]);
angular.module("ui.bootstrap.tpls", ["template/tabs/tab.html","template/tabs/tabset.html"]);
* @ngdoc overview
* @name ui.bootstrap.tabs
* @description
* AngularJS version of the tabs directive.
angular.module('ui.bootstrap.tabs', [])
.controller('TabsetController', ['$scope', function TabsetCtrl($scope) {
var ctrl = this,
tabs = ctrl.tabs = $scope.tabs = []; = function(tab) {
angular.forEach(tabs, function(tab) { = false;
}); = true;
ctrl.addTab = function addTab(tab) {
if (tabs.length === 1 || {;
ctrl.removeTab = function removeTab(tab) {
var index = tabs.indexOf(tab);
//Select a new tab if the tab to be removed is selected
if ( && tabs.length > 1) {
//If this is the last tab, select the previous tab. else, the next tab.
var newActiveIndex = index == tabs.length - 1 ? index - 1 : index + 1;[newActiveIndex]);
tabs.splice(index, 1);
* @ngdoc directive
* @name ui.bootstrap.tabs.directive:tabset
* @restrict EA
* @description
* Tabset is the outer container for the tabs directive
* @param {boolean=} vertical Whether or not to use vertical styling for the tabs.
* @param {boolean=} justified Whether or not to use justified styling for the tabs.
* @example
<example module="ui.bootstrap">
<file name="index.html">
<tab heading="Tab 1"><b>First</b> Content!</tab>
<tab heading="Tab 2"><i>Second</i> Content!</tab>
<hr />
<tabset vertical="true">
<tab heading="Vertical Tab 1"><b>First</b> Vertical Content!</tab>
<tab heading="Vertical Tab 2"><i>Second</i> Vertical Content!</tab>
<tabset justified="true">
<tab heading="Justified Tab 1"><b>First</b> Justified Content!</tab>
<tab heading="Justified Tab 2"><i>Second</i> Justified Content!</tab>
.directive('tabset', function() {
return {
restrict: 'EA',
transclude: true,
replace: true,
scope: {},
controller: 'TabsetController',
templateUrl: 'template/tabs/tabset.html',
link: function(scope, element, attrs) {
scope.vertical = angular.isDefined(attrs.vertical) ? scope.$parent.$eval(attrs.vertical) : false;
scope.justified = angular.isDefined(attrs.justified) ? scope.$parent.$eval(attrs.justified) : false;
scope.type = angular.isDefined(attrs.type) ? scope.$parent.$eval(attrs.type) : 'tabs';
* @ngdoc directive
* @name ui.bootstrap.tabs.directive:tab
* @restrict EA
* @param {string=} heading The visible heading, or title, of the tab. Set HTML headings with {@link ui.bootstrap.tabs.directive:tabHeading tabHeading}.
* @param {string=} select An expression to evaluate when the tab is selected.
* @param {boolean=} active A binding, telling whether or not this tab is selected.
* @param {boolean=} disabled A binding, telling whether or not this tab is disabled.
* @description
* Creates a tab with a heading and content. Must be placed within a {@link ui.bootstrap.tabs.directive:tabset tabset}.
* @example
<example module="ui.bootstrap">
<file name="index.html">
<div ng-controller="TabsDemoCtrl">
<button class="btn btn-small" ng-click="items[0].active = true">
Select item 1, using active binding
<button class="btn btn-small" ng-click="items[1].disabled = !items[1].disabled">
Enable/disable item 2, using disabled binding
<br />
<tab heading="Tab 1">First Tab</tab>
<tab select="alertMe()">
<tab-heading><i class="icon-bell"></i> Alert me!</tab-heading>
Second Tab, with alert callback and html heading!
<tab ng-repeat="item in items"
<file name="script.js">
function TabsDemoCtrl($scope) {
$scope.items = [
{ title:"Dynamic Title 1", content:"Dynamic Item 0" },
{ title:"Dynamic Title 2", content:"Dynamic Item 1", disabled: true }
$scope.alertMe = function() {
setTimeout(function() {
alert("You've selected the alert tab!");
* @ngdoc directive
* @name ui.bootstrap.tabs.directive:tabHeading
* @restrict EA
* @description
* Creates an HTML heading for a {@link ui.bootstrap.tabs.directive:tab tab}. Must be placed as a child of a tab element.
* @example
<example module="ui.bootstrap">
<file name="index.html">
<tab-heading><b>HTML</b> in my titles?!</tab-heading>
And some content, too!
<tab-heading><i class="icon-heart"></i> Icon heading?!?</tab-heading>
That's right.
.directive('tab', ['$parse', function($parse) {
return {
require: '^tabset',
restrict: 'EA',
replace: true,
templateUrl: 'template/tabs/tab.html',
transclude: true,
scope: {
heading: '@',
onSelect: '&select', //This callback is called in contentHeadingTransclude
//once it inserts the tab's content into the dom
onDeselect: '&deselect'
controller: function() {
//Empty controller so other directives can require being 'under' a tab
compile: function(elm, attrs, transclude) {
return function postLink(scope, elm, attrs, tabsetCtrl) {
var getActive, setActive;
if ( {
getActive = $parse(;
setActive = getActive.assign;
scope.$parent.$watch(getActive, function updateActive(value, oldVal) {
// Avoid re-initializing as it is already initialized
// below. (watcher is called async during init with value ===
// oldVal)
if (value !== oldVal) { = !!value;
}); = getActive(scope.$parent);
} else {
setActive = getActive = angular.noop;
scope.$watch('active', function(active) {
// Note this watcher also initializes and assigns to the
// expression.
setActive(scope.$parent, active);
if (active) {;
} else {
scope.disabled = false;
if ( attrs.disabled ) {
scope.$parent.$watch($parse(attrs.disabled), function(value) {
scope.disabled = !! value;
} = function() {
if ( ! scope.disabled ) { = true;
scope.$on('$destroy', function() {
//We need to transclude later, once the content container is ready.
//when this link happens, we're inside a tab heading.
scope.$transcludeFn = transclude;
/* Original behaviour:*/
//.directive('tabHeadingTransclude', [function() {
// return {
// restrict: 'A',
// require: '^tab',
// link: function(scope, elm, attrs, tabCtrl) {
// scope.$watch('headingElement', function updateHeadingElement(heading) {
// if (heading) {
// elm.html('');
// elm.append(heading);
// }
// });
// }
// };
.directive('tabHeadingTransclude', ['$compile', function($compile) {
return {
restrict: 'A',
require: '^tab',
link: function(scope, elm, attrs, tabCtrl) {
scope.$watch('headingElement', function updateHeadingElement(heading) {
if (heading) {
var headerTmpl = $compile(heading.innerHTML)(scope.$parent, function(elem, scope){
.directive('tabContentTransclude', function() {
return {
restrict: 'A',
require: '^tabset',
link: function(scope, elm, attrs) {
var tab = scope.$eval(attrs.tabContentTransclude);
//Now our tab is ready to be transcluded: both the tab heading area
//and the tab content area are loaded. Transclude 'em both.
tab.$transcludeFn(tab.$parent, function(contents) {
angular.forEach(contents, function(node) {
if (isTabHeading(node)) {
//Let tabHeadingTransclude know.
tab.headingElement = node;
} else {
function isTabHeading(node) {
return node.tagName && (
node.hasAttribute('tab-heading') ||
node.hasAttribute('data-tab-heading') ||
node.tagName.toLowerCase() === 'tab-heading' ||
node.tagName.toLowerCase() === 'data-tab-heading'
angular.module("template/tabs/tab.html", []).run(["$templateCache", function($templateCache) {
"<li ng-class=\"{active: active, disabled: disabled}\">\n" +
" <a ng-click=\"select()\" tab-heading-transclude>{{heading}}</a>\n" +
"</li>\n" +
angular.module("template/tabs/tabset.html", []).run(["$templateCache", function($templateCache) {
"\n" +
"<div class=\"tabbable\">\n" +
" <ul class=\"nav {{type && 'nav-' + type}}\" ng-class=\"{'nav-stacked': vertical, 'nav-justified': justified}\" ng-transclude></ul>\n" +
" <div class=\"tab-content\">\n" +
" <div class=\"tab-pane\" \n" +
" ng-repeat=\"tab in tabs\" \n" +
" ng-class=\"{active:}\"\n" +
" tab-content-transclude=\"tab\">\n" +
" </div>\n" +
" </div>\n" +
"</div>\n" +
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