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Last active July 19, 2023 20:04
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  • Save CorpulentBrony/b3c8d1ccc2c67bea55ba44b2fd07c8df to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save CorpulentBrony/b3c8d1ccc2c67bea55ba44b2fd07c8df to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop. bannening timeline

Chain of recent events so far:

  • January 31: AWS suspends all my access to S3 services for not replying to e-mails they sent reporting alleged "illegal content." I took all content down as reported in these e-mails, I just didn't write a message back letting them know because I figured these were some sort of automated message
  • February 1: I began copying all the data from the S3 bucket to Storj
  • February 3: After appeal, AWS restores my S3 access
  • February 13: I announced in thread the Storj copy of was available at
  • May 9: Officially switched over from S3 to Storj
  • May 30: All access to at Storj was yanked for a still unknown reason without warning
  • May 31: Opened a case with Storj to find out what happened; meanwhile pointed back over to AWS
  • June 2: Began copying all the data from AWS to Cloudflare R2 (this resulted in a $2k AWS bill)
  • June 22: Asked Storj for an update, no news yet
  • June 30: AWS sends a warning e-mail as I'm preparing for /mlp/ con notifying me of "illegal content"; I didn't reply right away because I was busy and was planning to do so after the con
  • July 2: I renewed for a year
  • July 3: At 9am the day after /mlp/ con ended - and during the July 4 holiday weekend - I received notice from AWS that all access to S3 buckets was terminated because I did not reply to their e-mail the Friday previous. I pointed over to the Cloudflare R2 data
  • July 6: AWS responded to my appeal with a final and non-appealable decision banning my access to all S3 services on their platform
  • July 7: GoDaddy sent me a notice that they found "sexual abuse material" on; due to me filtering out all GoDaddy e-mails (all they've ever sent has been spam up until now), I didn't see this e-mail
  • July 10: GoDaddy suspended my domain name because I did not respond to this notice. I deleted the offending file and replied letting them know it was deleted
  • July 11: GoDaddy restored the domain
  • July 12: GoDaddy claimed the content was not removed and threatened to take the domain down again; I sent them copies of the 404 notices I received when I tried to access the content proving it had been deleted. Also this day, I did a test transfer of to a different domain registrar away from GoDaddy
  • July 13: I transferred from GoDaddy to Cloudflare (which was already the DNS host). This step caused me to have to renew the domain for another year (it is now paid through July 2025). The first few hours after this transfer everything seemed to be working fine, but later that evening lookups to began returning NXDOMAIN
  • July 14: Opened ticket with Cloudflare for the NXDOMAIN errors right after midnight. They replied and directed me to create a thread in their community forum, so I did. Once the thread determined the issue was with the domain being in serverHold status, I went back to the support ticket and informed them. They said they would escalate it to their Registrar group. Later on this day, the serverHold status disappeared from the domain but any lookups were still returning NXDOMAIN. Asked Storj for an update, no news yet
  • July 15: Requested an update from Cloudflare support, they replied stating there were no updates. I noticed the serverHold status was back on the domain. Opened an "increase project limit" request with Storj because their UI shows I'm limited to 1B (1 byte); they just merged this into my other request that remains unanswered
  • July 16: Requested an update and estimated restoration time from Cloudflare, they stated there was no update and they could not provide any estimate
  • July 17: Requested an update from Cloudflare support, no response from them. I opened a case with ICANN Contractual Compliance about the transfer and the serverHold
  • July 18: Requested an update from Cloudflare support, they replied they had directly contacted their Registrar team with a request to speed up resolution. A member of their team replied to the community thread stating they reached out to the .horse registry and had been waiting for a reply since it was them who placed the serverHold on the domain. I discovered that the TLD is owned by GoDaddy (
  • July 19: ICANN accepted my case as a Domain Suspension complaint. Cloudflare Registrar team replied to support ticket basically restating they were trying to get in touch with the .horse registry to investigate this
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