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Created January 18, 2019 22:14
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Mesa Space Module
Objects used to add a spatial component to a model.
Grid: base grid, a simple list-of-lists.
SingleGrid: grid which strictly enforces one object per cell.
MultiGrid: extension to Grid where each cell is a set of objects.
# Instruction for PyLint to suppress variable name errors, since we have a
# good reason to use one-character variable names for x and y.
# pylint: disable=invalid-name
import itertools
import numpy as np
class Grid:
""" Class for a square grid.
Grid cells are indexed by [x][y], where [0][0] is assumed to be the
bottom-left and [width-1][height-1] is the top-right. If a grid is
toroidal, the top and bottom, and left and right, edges wrap to each other
width, height: The grid's width and height.
torus: Boolean which determines whether to treat the grid as a torus.
grid: Internal list-of-lists which holds the grid cells themselves.
get_neighbors: Returns the objects surrounding a given cell.
get_neighborhood: Returns the cells surrounding a given cell.
get_cell_list_contents: Returns the contents of a list of cells
((x,y) tuples)
neighbor_iter: Iterates over position neightbors.
coord_iter: Returns coordinates as well as cell contents.
place_agent: Positions an agent on the grid, and set its pos variable.
move_agent: Moves an agent from its current position to a new position.
iter_neighborhood: Returns an iterator over cell coordinates that are
in the neighborhood of a certain point.
torus_adj: Converts coordinate, handles torus looping.
iter_cell_list_contents: Returns an iterator of the contents of the
cells identified in cell_list.
get_cell_list_contents: Returns a list of the contents of the cells
identified in cell_list.
remove_agent: Removes an agent from the grid.
is_cell_empty: Returns a bool of the contents of a cell.
def __init__(self, width, height, torus, multigrid=False):
""" Create a new grid.
width, height: The width and height of the grid
torus: Boolean whether the grid wraps or not.
self.height = height
self.width = width
self.torus = torus
self.multigrid = multigrid
self.grid = []
for x in range(self.width):
col = []
for y in range(self.height):
self.empties = set(itertools.product(
*(range(self.width), range(self.height))))
def __getitem__(self, index):
return self.grid[index] # returns column or row?
def __iter__(self):
# create an iterator that chains the
# rows of grid together as if one list:
return itertools.chain(*self.grid)
def empty_value(self):
if self.multigrid:
return set()
return None
def coord_iter(self):
""" Returns an iterator of tuples (agent, x, y) over the whole square grid. """
for x in range(self.width):
for y in range(self.height):
yield self.grid[x][y], x, y
def neighbors(self, pos, moore=True, radius=1, get_agents=False, include_empty=False):
pos: coordinates (x, y) for the neighborhood to get
moore: if True, return Moore neighborhood
(including diagonals)
if False, return Von Neumann neighborhood
(exclude diagonals)
radius: range of the Moore/von Neumann neighborhood
if True, return (agent, (x, y)) as a set element
if False, return (x, y) as a set element
if True, treat empty cells as valid adjacent cells
if False, skip empty cells
A set of adjacent cells of a single cell at `pos`.
The number of cells
in the Moore neighborhood with radius n is (2n+1)^2 -1.
The number of cells in the Moore neighborhood with radius n is [(2n+1)^2 -1]
The number of cells in the von Neumann neighbourhood of
radius n of a single cell is
if moore:
neighbors = self._moore(pos, radius, get_agents, include_empty)
neighbors = self._von_neumann(
pos, radius, get_agents, include_empty)
return neighbors
def at_row(self, row, include_agents=False):
""" Return an iterator over a specific row
include_agents: return ((x, y), agent) if True, otherwise (x, y)
_, y = self._torus_adj((0, row))
for x in range(self.width):
if include_agents:
yield ((x, y), self.grid[x][y])
yield (x, y)
def at_col(self, col, include_agents=False):
""" Return an iterator over a specific column """
x, _ = self._torus_adj((col, 0))
for y in range(self.height):
if include_agents:
yield ((x, y), self.grid[x][y])
yield (x, y)
def _moore(self, pos, radius, get_agents, include_empty):
radius: range
neighbors = set()
for dx in range(-radius, radius + 1):
for dy in range(-radius, radius + 1):
x, y = self._torus_adj((pos[0] + dx, pos[1] + dy))
# If a cell is empty and empty cell should not be returned, skip
if (self.grid[x][y] == self.empty_value) and (not include_empty):
if (get_agents):
neighbors.add((self.grid[x][y], (x, y)))
neighbors.add((x, y))
return neighbors
def _von_neumann(self, pos, radius, get_agents, include_empty):
radius: range
neighbors = set()
for dx in range(-radius, radius + 1):
for dy in range(-radius, radius + 1):
x, y = self._torus_adj((pos[0] + dx, pos[1] + dy))
# If a cell is empty and empty cell should not be returned, skip
if (self.grid[x][y] == self.empty_value) and (not include_empty):
# Skip coordinates that are outside manhattan distance
if abs(dx) + abs(dy) > radius:
if (get_agents):
neighbors.add((self.grid[x][y], (x, y)))
neighbors.add((x, y))
return neighbors
def _torus_adj(self, pos):
""" Convert coordinate, handling torus looping. """
if self.torus:
x, y = pos[0] % self.width, pos[1] % self.height
return x, y
if (not 0 <= pos[0] < self.width) or (not 0 <= pos[1] < self.height):
raise IndexError(
"Coordinates out of bounds. Grid is non-toroidal.")
def move_agent(self, agent, pos, replace=False):
Move an agent from its current position to a new position.
agent: Agent object to move. Assumed to have its current location
stored in a 'pos' tuple.
pos: Tuple of new position to move the agent to.
replace: if True, replace the possibly existed agent at `pos` with `agent`
pos = self._torus_adj(pos)
self._remove_agent(agent.pos, agent)
self._place_agent(pos, agent, replace)
agent.pos = pos
def place_agent(self, agent, pos=("random", "random"), replace=False):
""" Position an agent on the grid, and set its pos variable.
agent: agent to place at `pos`
pos: coordinates of the grid (x, y)
replace: if True, replace the possibly existed agent at `pos` with `agent`
if (pos[0] == "random") or (pos[1] == "random"):
pos = self._pick_random_position(agent, pos)
self._place_agent(pos, agent, replace)
agent.pos = pos
def _place_agent(self, pos, agent, replace):
""" Place the agent at the correct location. """
x, y = pos
old_agent = self.grid[x][y]
if old_agent == self.empty_value:
self.grid[x][y] = set((agent, )) if self.multigrid else agent
if replace:
old_agent.pos = None
self.grid[x][y] = agent
if self.multigrid:
raise Exception(
"Cell already occupied by agent {}".format(old_agent.unique_id))
def _pick_random_position(self, agent, pos):
if pos == ("random", "random") and self.exists_empty_cells():
return agent.random.choice(tuple(self.empties))
empties = set()
if pos[0] == "random":
# We pick a random cell in a specified row
for coords, cell in self.at_row(pos[1], include_agents=True):
if cell == self.empty_value:
# We pick a random cell in a specified column
for coords, cell in self.at_col(pos[0], include_agents=True):
if cell == self.empty_value:
if len(empties) > 0:
return agent.random.choice(empties)
raise Exception("ERROR: No empty cells")
def remove_agent(self, agent):
""" Remove the agent from the grid and set its pos variable to None. """
pos = agent.pos
self._remove_agent(pos, agent)
agent.pos = None
def _remove_agent(self, pos, agent):
""" Remove the agent from the given location. """
x, y = pos
if self.multigrid:
self.grid[x][y] = None
if self.is_cell_empty(pos):
def is_cell_empty(self, pos):
""" Returns a bool of the contents of a cell. """
x, y = pos
return self.grid[x][y] == self.empty_value
def move_to_empty(self, agent):
""" Moves agent to a random empty cell, vacating agent's old cell. """
pos = agent.pos
if not self.exists_empty_cells():
raise Exception("ERROR: No empty cells")
new_pos = agent.random.choice(self.empties)
self._place_agent(new_pos, agent, replace=False)
agent.pos = new_pos
self._remove_agent(pos, agent)
def find_empty(self):
""" Pick a random empty cell. """
from warnings import warn
import random
warn(("`find_empty` is being phased out since it uses the global "
"`random` instead of the model-level random-number generator. "
"Consider replacing it with having a model or agent object "
"explicitly pick one of the grid's list of empty cells."),
if self.exists_empty_cells():
pos = random.choice(self.empties)
return pos
return None
def exists_empty_cells(self):
""" Return True if any cells empty else False. """
return len(self.empties) > 0
# Depreciated functions below
def get_neighbors(self, pos, moore,
include_center=False, radius=1):
return self.neighbors(pos, moore, radius, True)
def position_agent(self, agent, x="random", y="random"):
self.place_agent(agent, (x, y))
class SingleGrid(Grid):
"""Depreciated class."""
def __init__(self, width, height, torus):
super().__init__(width, height, torus, multigrid=False)
class MultiGrid(Grid):
"""Depreciated class."""
def __init__(self, width, height, torus):
super().__init__(width, height, torus, multigrid=True)
class HexGrid(Grid):
""" Hexagonal Grid: Extends Grid to handle hexagonal neighbors.
Functions according to odd-q rules.
See for more.
width, height: The grid's width and height.
torus: Boolean which determines whether to treat the grid as a torus.
get_neighbors: Returns the objects surrounding a given cell.
get_neighborhood: Returns the cells surrounding a given cell.
neighbor_iter: Iterates over position neightbors.
iter_neighborhood: Returns an iterator over cell coordinates that are
in the neighborhood of a certain point.
def __getitem__(self, index):
return self.grid[index] # returns column or row?
def iter_neighborhood(self, pos,
include_center=False, radius=1):
""" Return an iterator over cell coordinates that are in the
neighborhood of a certain point.
pos: Coordinate tuple for the neighborhood to get.
include_center: If True, return the (x, y) cell as well.
Otherwise, return surrounding cells only.
radius: radius, in cells, of neighborhood to get.
A list of coordinate tuples representing the neighborhood. For
example with radius 1, it will return list with number of elements
equals at most 9 (8) if Moore, 5 (4) if Von Neumann (if not
including the center).
def torus_adj_2d(pos):
return (pos[0] % self.width, pos[1] % self.height)
coordinates = set()
def find_neighbors(pos, radius):
x, y = pos
Both: (0,-), (0,+)
Even: (-,+), (-,0), (+,+), (+,0)
Odd: (-,0), (-,-), (+,0), (+,-)
adjacent = [(x, y - 1), (x, y + 1)]
if include_center:
if x % 2 == 0:
adjacent += [(x - 1, y + 1), (x - 1, y),
(x + 1, y + 1), (x + 1, y)]
adjacent += [(x - 1, y), (x - 1, y - 1),
(x + 1, y), (x + 1, y - 1)]
if self.torus is False:
adjacent = list(
filter(lambda coords:
not self.out_of_bounds(coords), adjacent))
adjacent = [torus_adj_2d(coord) for coord in adjacent]
if radius > 1:
[find_neighbors(coords, radius - 1) for coords in adjacent]
find_neighbors(pos, radius)
if not include_center and pos in coordinates:
for i in coordinates:
yield i
def neighbor_iter(self, pos):
""" Iterate over position neighbors.
pos: (x,y) coords tuple for the position to get the neighbors of.
neighborhood = self.iter_neighborhood(pos)
return self.iter_cell_list_contents(neighborhood)
def get_neighborhood(self, pos,
include_center=False, radius=1):
""" Return a list of cells that are in the neighborhood of a
certain point.
pos: Coordinate tuple for the neighborhood to get.
include_center: If True, return the (x, y) cell as well.
Otherwise, return surrounding cells only.
radius: radius, in cells, of neighborhood to get.
A list of coordinate tuples representing the neighborhood;
With radius 1
return list(self.iter_neighborhood(pos, include_center, radius))
def iter_neighbors(self, pos,
include_center=False, radius=1):
""" Return an iterator over neighbors to a certain point.
pos: Coordinates for the neighborhood to get.
include_center: If True, return the (x, y) cell as well.
return surrounding cells only.
radius: radius, in cells, of neighborhood to get.
An iterator of non-None objects in the given neighborhood
neighborhood = self.iter_neighborhood(
pos, include_center, radius)
return self.iter_cell_list_contents(neighborhood)
def get_neighbors(self, pos,
include_center=False, radius=1):
""" Return a list of neighbors to a certain point.
pos: Coordinate tuple for the neighborhood to get.
include_center: If True, return the (x, y) cell as well.
return surrounding cells only.
radius: radius, in cells, of neighborhood to get.
A list of non-None objects in the given neighborhood
return list(self.iter_neighbors(
pos, include_center, radius))
class ContinuousSpace:
""" Continuous space where each agent can have an arbitrary position.
Assumes that all agents are point objects, and have a pos property storing
their position as an (x, y) tuple. This class uses a numpy array internally
to store agent objects, to speed up neighborhood lookups.
_grid = None
def __init__(self, x_max, y_max, torus, x_min=0, y_min=0):
""" Create a new continuous space.
x_max, y_max: Maximum x and y coordinates for the space.
torus: Boolean for whether the edges loop around.
x_min, y_min: (default 0) If provided, set the minimum x and y
coordinates for the space. Below them, values loop to
the other edge (if torus=True) or raise an exception.
self.x_min = x_min
self.x_max = x_max
self.width = x_max - x_min
self.y_min = y_min
self.y_max = y_max
self.height = y_max - y_min = np.array(((x_max + x_min) / 2, (y_max + y_min) / 2))
self.size = np.array((self.width, self.height))
self.torus = torus
self._agent_points = None
self._index_to_agent = {}
self._agent_to_index = {}
def place_agent(self, agent, pos):
""" Place a new agent in the space.
agent: Agent object to place.
pos: Coordinate tuple for where to place the agent.
pos = self.torus_adj(pos)
if self._agent_points is None:
self._agent_points = np.array([pos])
self._agent_points = np.append(
self._agent_points, np.array([pos]), axis=0)
self._index_to_agent[self._agent_points.shape[0] - 1] = agent
self._agent_to_index[agent] = self._agent_points.shape[0] - 1
agent.pos = pos
def move_agent(self, agent, pos):
""" Move an agent from its current position to a new position.
agent: The agent object to move.
pos: Coordinate tuple to move the agent to.
pos = self.torus_adj(pos)
idx = self._agent_to_index[agent]
self._agent_points[idx, 0] = pos[0]
self._agent_points[idx, 1] = pos[1]
agent.pos = pos
def remove_agent(self, agent):
""" Remove an agent from the simulation.
agent: The agent object to remove
if agent not in self._agent_to_index:
raise Exception("Agent does not exist in the space")
idx = self._agent_to_index[agent]
del self._agent_to_index[agent]
max_idx = max(self._index_to_agent.keys())
# Delete the agent's position and decrement the index/agent mapping
self._agent_points = np.delete(self._agent_points, idx, axis=0)
for a, index in self._agent_to_index.items():
if index > idx:
self._agent_to_index[a] = index - 1
self._index_to_agent[index - 1] = a
# The largest index is now redundant
del self._index_to_agent[max_idx]
agent.pos = None
def get_neighbors(self, pos, radius, include_center=True):
""" Get all objects within a certain radius.
pos: (x,y) coordinate tuple to center the search at.
radius: Get all the objects within this distance of the center.
include_center: If True, include an object at the *exact* provided
coordinates. i.e. if you are searching for the
neighbors of a given agent, True will include that
agent in the results.
deltas = np.abs(self._agent_points - np.array(pos))
if self.torus:
deltas = np.minimum(deltas, self.size - deltas)
dists = deltas[:, 0] ** 2 + deltas[:, 1] ** 2
idxs, = np.where(dists <= radius ** 2)
neighbors = [self._index_to_agent[x]
for x in idxs if include_center or dists[x] > 0]
return neighbors
def get_heading(self, pos_1, pos_2):
""" Get the heading angle between two points, accounting for toroidal space.
pos_1, pos_2: Coordinate tuples for both points.
one = np.array(pos_1)
two = np.array(pos_2)
if self.torus:
one = (one - % self.size
two = (two - % self.size
heading = two - one
if isinstance(pos_1, tuple):
heading = tuple(heading)
return heading
def get_distance(self, pos_1, pos_2):
""" Get the distance between two point, accounting for toroidal space.
pos_1, pos_2: Coordinate tuples for both points.
x1, y1 = pos_1
x2, y2 = pos_2
dx = np.abs(x1 - x2)
dy = np.abs(y1 - y2)
if self.torus:
dx = min(dx, self.width - dx)
dy = min(dy, self.height - dy)
return np.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy)
def torus_adj(self, pos):
""" Adjust coordinates to handle torus looping.
If the coordinate is out-of-bounds and the space is toroidal, return
the corresponding point within the space. If the space is not toroidal,
raise an exception.
pos: Coordinate tuple to convert.
if not self.out_of_bounds(pos):
return pos
elif not self.torus:
raise Exception("Point out of bounds, and space non-toroidal.")
x = self.x_min + ((pos[0] - self.x_min) % self.width)
y = self.y_min + ((pos[1] - self.y_min) % self.height)
if isinstance(pos, tuple):
return (x, y)
return np.array((x, y))
def out_of_bounds(self, pos):
""" Check if a point is out of bounds. """
x, y = pos
return (x < self.x_min or x >= self.x_max or
y < self.y_min or y >= self.y_max)
class NetworkGrid:
""" Network Grid where each node contains zero or more agents. """
def __init__(self, G):
self.G = G
for node_id in self.G.nodes:
G.nodes[node_id]['agent'] = list()
def place_agent(self, agent, node_id):
""" Place a agent in a node. """
self._place_agent(agent, node_id)
agent.pos = node_id
def get_neighbors(self, node_id, include_center=False):
""" Get all adjacent nodes """
neighbors = list(self.G.neighbors(node_id))
if include_center:
return neighbors
def move_agent(self, agent, node_id):
""" Move an agent from its current node to a new node. """
self._remove_agent(agent, agent.pos)
self._place_agent(agent, node_id)
agent.pos = node_id
def _place_agent(self, agent, node_id):
""" Place the agent at the correct node. """
def _remove_agent(self, agent, node_id):
""" Remove an agent from a node. """
def is_cell_empty(self, node_id):
""" Returns a bool of the contents of a cell. """
return False if self.G.node[node_id]['agent'] else True
def get_cell_list_contents(self, cell_list):
return list(self.iter_cell_list_contents(cell_list))
def get_all_cell_contents(self):
return list(self.iter_cell_list_contents(self.G))
def iter_cell_list_contents(self, cell_list):
list_of_lists = [self.G.node[node_id]['agent']
for node_id in cell_list if not self.is_cell_empty(node_id)]
return [item for sublist in list_of_lists for item in sublist]
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