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Last active August 4, 2021 17:23
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Gw2 meta description for commanders - Silverwastes RIBA + CF


(INTRO 1/3) Welcome to the Silverwastes farm. There are 2 main objectives - Events and Chests. Events take place in 4 fortresses - Red, Indigo, Blue, Amber. Thus RIBA. 
(INTRO 2/3) Chest farm takes place after killing Vinewrath, before the events resume. Map has bonus buffs, that you get from doing events / killing final boss. This gives you extra Magic Find :)
(INTRO 3/3) First buff [&BnhkAAA=] can give you up to 150% magic find, second one [&BsFmAAA=] another 50%! And when opening Lost Bandit Chest, you get up to another 150% MF for one second :)
(STREAM) If you would prefer voiced explanation, join up at :) Commands with useful links are also set-up there.
(GUILD) I am recruiting ppl to my brand new guild - Chilling Capybaras :) Lvl 9, 5 active players, discord channel full of capybara images. Like, hundreds of them :D /w me for more info!

RIBA event chain

(RIBA 1/6) Foothold event / RIBA starts at [&BKYHAAA=]. Kill all enemies, finish the event. Then we do the same in [&BKkHAAA=], continue to [&BKsHAAA=] and finish in [&BKoHAAA=]. RIBA :)
(RIBA 2/6) I hope you like running in circles :) After the intial conquering of fortresses, we need to defend them and help Supply Bulls reach their destination. 
(RIBA 3/6) Attacks on fortresses are periodic and on timer, which start in a moment we liberate the fortress. That's why we liberated them in a order - now we can defend them in a same order :)
(RIBA 4/6) So we run in a huge circle, defending everything. ALWAYS res commander of the fortress - FAST. Also other NPC's - gives us time. Call in /map for help, if fortress is struggling. 
(RIBA 5/6) Protect Supply Bulls, kill champions and vine tendrills inside a fortress, have fun. Try to tag as many events as you can - they are source of SHINIES in this farm :)
(RIBA 6/6) Boss spawns when we fill the progress bar you see on right. Inside the Foothold event window. The more and better fortresses we have, the faster the progress bar goes :)

The Breach

(BREACH 1/2) Preparation for final attack - Mordemoth's champions spawned inside all fortresses. Jump into the hole of closest one, fight the boss. GL!
(BREACH 2/2) When you kill the boss, go out, check other fortresses - if there is a big red arrow, boss there is still active and you can help. More SHINIES!


(FINAL 1/5) It is time to kill Vinewrath - final boss of meta. We have short time window before event starts. Usually ppl use it to farm more chests. We will get ready at lanes.
(FINAL 2/5) The boss is located at [&BLcHAAA=]. There are 3 paths to it, each with it's own event and boss. We need to split to 3 roughly same sized groups. You cannot fight more then 1 boss!
(FINAL 3/5) Protect the siege on your lane, kill mobs. When all vine-walls are destroyed, rush in, kill boss. Then you will be teleported outside. Continue helping the siege. It gives boons :)
(FINAL 4/5) When the boss is dead, loot big chest, loot Bandit Chests, enjoy your SHINIES! Now we go to Chest farm, for even more SHINIES!
(FINAL 5/5) You got [&AgGLCQEA] from boss. You can use it in a maze near [&BKwHAAA=]. The green wolfs one-shot you, use your mounts to get past them. You can use multiple keys, one after another.

Chest farm

(CHEST 1/3) Time to get even more SHINIES! You will need [&AgEqUQEA], purchased using Bandit Crests at main camp [&BH8HAAA=] - bit north-east from waypoint. Get as many as you can :)
(CHEST 2/3) I will run around, using TACO to find the chests. Marking them with squad markers :) Use [&AgHyCAEA] first skill to dig them up.
(CHEST 3/3) And that is it, ladies and gentleman. We hunt the chests until the RIBA parts starts, then we hunt events, then bosses, then chests :) Good luck for SHINIES!

Stream info

Squad message:

Welcome to SW RIBA + CF meta train for new players.
I will be sending lot of explanations to squad chat, feel free to ask any questions :) 
Voiced explanation and usefull links are on
GL on loot and have fun!
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