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Last active August 29, 2015 13:56
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translate obj-c code to ruby (rubymotion)
// Objective-C
uuid_t myAppUUIDbytes;
NSUUID *myAppUUID = [[NSUUID alloc] initWithUUIDString:@"226834ae-786e-4302-a52f-6e7efc9f990b"];
[myAppUUID getUUIDBytes:myAppUUIDbytes];
# Ruby
myAppUUIDbytes =, 0)
myAppUUID = NSUUID.alloc.initWithUUIDString("226834ae-786e-4302-a52f-6e7efc9f990b")
With, 0)
(main)> myAppUUIDbytes =, 0)
=> [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
(main)> myAppUUID = NSUUID.alloc.initWithUUIDString("93ad3e1c-7a52-434f-bfaf-efcc4f842474")
=> #<__NSConcreteUUID:0xca38b20>
(main)> myAppUUID.getUUIDBytes(myAppUUIDbytes)
=> #<__NSConcreteUUID:0xca38b20>
(main)> NSData.dataWithBytes(myAppUUIDbytes, length:16)
dyld: lazy symbol binding failed: Symbol not found: __ZN9RoxorCore14find_bs_cftypeESs
Referenced from: /Library/RubyMotion/data/ios/librubymotion-repl.dylib
Expected in: flat namespace
dyld: Symbol not found: __ZN9RoxorCore14find_bs_cftypeESs
Referenced from: /Library/RubyMotion/data/ios/librubymotion-repl.dylib
Expected in: flat namespace
cosmos-macbook-pro:PebbleFun Cosmo$
With, 16)
(main)> myAppUUIDbytes =, 16)
=> #<Pointer:0xbb7e890>
(main)> myAppUUID = NSUUID.alloc.initWithUUIDString("93ad3e1c-7a52-434f-bfaf-efcc4f842474")
=> #<__NSConcreteUUID:0xb812030>
(main)> myAppUUID.getUUIDBytes(myAppUUIDbytes)
2014-02-18 09:22:51.422 OnTellyPebble[3172:80b] expected Array (TypeError)
=> #<TypeError: expected Array>
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