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Created November 18, 2020 09:55
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How to Get Help Right For PSTypeNames
# How to get help right for an array of PSTypeNames
# Awesome function to get some random stuff
# The important thing is that we get objects with an added PSTypeName of 'Stuff'
Function Get-Stuff {
process {
$Stuff = @(
if($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('StuffID')) {
$Stuff | Where-Object StuffID -in $StuffID
} else {
# So lets get some objects
$stuff = Get-Stuff -StuffID 1,3
# $Stuff returns the following:
StuffID Measurement
------- -----------
1 1536015795
3 1958061410
# Now let's add a function which can consume an array of objects with PSTypeName = 'Stuff'
function Add-StuffUgly {
process {
"Adding {0} Stuff to {1}" -f $Stuff.count,$Identity
Add-StuffUgly -Identity 'Something' -Stuff $stuff
Adding 2 Stuff to Something
# Here is the issue though, in the syntax and in the help we see -Stuff taking a singlular object, not an array of 'Stuff' objects. Which is missleading
# Clearly the [PSTypeName('Stuff')] attributes allows for arrays to be passed in, since we get a count of 2 objects.
# What we want to see is -Stuff taking the type <Stuff[]> in the Syntax and Help text.
Get-Command Add-StuffUgly -Syntax
Add-StuffUgly [-Identity] <string> [-Stuff] <Stuff> [<CommonParameters>]
Get-help Add-StuffUgly -Parameter Stuff
-Stuff <Stuff>
Required? true
Position? 1
Accept pipeline input? false
Parameter set name (All)
Aliases None
Dynamic? false
# What we want to see is the type <Stuff[]> in the help.
# So how do we fix this? Well multiple PSTypeName attributes can be added to a parameter.
# So we add another PSTypeName saying 'Stuff[]'.
# This does not indicate an array of Stuff to PowerShell, rather that -Stuff takes two different type of PSTypeName objects, where one just happens to have brackets in the name, Stuff[].
function Add-Stuff {
process {
"Adding {0} Stuff to {1}" -f $Stuff.count,$Identity
Add-Stuff -Identity 'Something' -Stuff $stuff
Adding 2 Stuff to Something
Get-Command Add-Stuff -Syntax
Add-Stuff [-Identity] <string> [-Stuff] <Stuff[]> [<CommonParameters>]
Get-help Add-Stuff -Parameter Stuff
-Stuff <Stuff[]>
Required? true
Position? 1
Accept pipeline input? false
Parameter set name (All)
Aliases None
Dynamic? false
# Now we can finally sleep care free. :)
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