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Created June 10, 2011 12:08
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Save Cospel/1018715 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Converting text from strace to html.
# Nazov : hltrace, B. Zvyraznenie syntaxe
# Autor : Michal Lukac,
# Datum : 10.3.2011
# Info : Tento skript sluzi ako prvy projekt pre predmet IOS na VUT FIT.
# Ulohou tohoto skriptu je zvyraznovanie syntaxe textu zaznamenaneho
# pomocou strace a vystupom je HTML stranka.
# P.riadkov: 107
# Testovane: na systemoch FREEBSD, LINUX, SOLARIS
system=$(uname) # Ziskanie nazov systemu
# Funkcia print_help() vypise napovedu pre skript.
printf "hltrace zvyrazni syntax stopy od strace.\n"
printf "Pouziti: hltrace [volby] <stopa.strace >stopa.html\n"
printf "Volby:\n"
printf " -s SYSCALL Specialne zvyrazni volani SYSCALL.\n"
exit 1
# Zaciatok html tagu a href.
link="<a href=\"http:\/\/www\.kernel\.org\/doc\/man-pages\/online\/pages\/man2\/"
# Spracovanie parametrov pomocou funkcie getopts.
while getopts ":hs:" param; do
case "$param" in
s) syscall="$OPTARG"
h) print_help;;
*) print_help;;
# Kontrola parametrov.
if [ "$call" = "TRUE" ]; then
if [ "$#" != "2" ]; then
printf "Chybny parameter!\n"
exit 1
elif [ "$call" != "TRUE" ]; then
if [ "$#" != "0" ]; then
printf "Chybny parameter!\n"
exit 1
# Vypisanie zaciatku html.
printf "<html>\n"
printf "<style>\n"
printf ".pid { color:darkred; }\n"
printf ".ts { color:navy; }\n"
printf ".number { color:red; }\n"
printf ".const { color:green; }\n"
printf ".string { color:blue; }\n"
printf ".hlcall { text-decoration:none; font-weight:bold; color:black; }\n"
printf ".call { text-decoration:none; color:olive; }\n"
printf "</style>\n"
printf "<body><pre>\n"
# Nacitanie textu, spracovanie,vypis.
while read -r line; do
# Nahradenie znakov <>& pomocou sed.
line="$(printf "%s\0" "$line" | sed -e 's/&/\&amp;/g' -e 's/</\&lt;/g' -e 's/>/\&gt;/g')"
# Oznacenie retazcovych literalov triedou string.
line=$(printf "%s\0" "$line" | sed -r 's/("[^"]*")/\<span class="string"\>\1\<\/span\>/g')
# Oznacenie konstant triedou const.
line=$(printf "%s\0" "$line" | sed -r 's/([\[|{&=])([[:upper:]]+[[:upper:]_0-9]+)([^\\]+)/\1\<span class="const"\>\2\<\/span\>\3/g
s/([[:upper:]]+[[:upper:]_0-9]+)([(|&)},])/\<span class="const"\>\1\<\/span\>\2/g
s/([[:upper:]]+[[:upper:]_0-9]+)( \()/\<span class="const"\>\1\<\/span\>\2/g
s/(, )([[:upper:]]+[[:upper:]_0-9]+)/\1\<span class="const"\>\2<\/span\>/g')
# Oznacenie relativnych casovych udajov triedou ts.
line=$(printf "%s\0" "$line" | sed -r 's/ ([0-9]+\.[0-9]*) /\ <span class="ts"\>\1\<\/span\> /g')
# Oznacenie systemovych volani.
if [ "$call" = TRUE ]; then
line=$(printf "%s\0" "$line" | sed -r "s/($syscall)\(/$link\1\.2\.html\" class=\"hlcall\"\>\1\<\/a\>\(/g")
line=$(printf "%s\0" "$line" | sed -r "s/^([a-z_][a-z0-9_]*)\(/$link\1\.2\.html\" class=\"call\"\>\1\<\/a\>\(/g
s/([^a-zA-Z] )([a-z_][a-z0-9_]*)\(/\1$link\2\.2\.html\" class=\"call\"\>\2\<\/a\>\(/g")
# Oznacenie cisla procesov triedou pid.
line=$(printf "%s\0" "$line" | sed -r 's/^([0-9]+) /\<span class="pid"\>\1\<\/span\> /g')
# Oznacenie ciselnych parametrov triedou number.
line=$(printf "%s\0" "$line" | sed -r 's/([^=])(-*0[Xx][0-9A-Fa-f]+)/\1<span class="number"\>\2\<\/span\>/g
s/ ([-0-9]+)\)/ \<span class="number"\>\1\<\/span\>\)/g
s/([^=]= )([-0-9\-]+)/\1<span class="number"\>\2\<\/span\>/g
s/\(([-0-9\-]+)\)/\(<span class="number"\>\1\<\/span\>\)/g
s/([^=0-9"|])([-0-9]+),/\1<span class="number"\>\2\<\/span\>,/g')
# Vypisanie podla systemu
if [ "$system" = "SunOS" ] ; then
printf "%s\0" "$line" | sed -r 's/(.+)./\1/g'
echo ""
echo "$line"
printf "</pre></body></html>\n"
exit 0
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