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Created November 29, 2021 22:00
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reverse the prefix in a word, leetcode #2000
Given a 0-indexed string word and a character ch, reverse the segment of word that starts at index 0 and ends at the index of the first occurrence of ch (inclusive). If the character ch does not exist in word, do nothing.
For example, if word = "abcdefd" and ch = "d", then you should reverse the segment that starts at 0 and ends at 3 (inclusive). The resulting string will be "dcbaefd".
Return the resulting string.
Example 1:
Input: word = "abcdefd", ch = "d"
Output: "dcbaefd"
Explanation: The first occurrence of "d" is at index 3.
Reverse the part of word from 0 to 3 (inclusive), the resulting string is "dcbaefd".
Example 2:
Input: word = "xyxzxe", ch = "z"
Output: "zxyxxe"
Explanation: The first and only occurrence of "z" is at index 3.
Reverse the part of word from 0 to 3 (inclusive), the resulting string is "zxyxxe".
Example 3:
Input: word = "abcd", ch = "z"
Output: "abcd"
Explanation: "z" does not exist in word.
You should not do any reverse operation, the resulting string is "abcd".
1 <= word.length <= 250
word consists of lowercase English letters.
ch is a lowercase English letter.
func reversePrefix(word string, ch byte) string {
char := string([]byte{ch})
prefixArr := strings.Split(word, char)
if len(prefixArr) > 1 {
rns := []rune(prefixArr[0]) // convert to rune
for i, j := 0, len(rns)-1; i < j; i, j = i+1, j-1 {
// swap the letters of the string,
// like first with last and so on.
rns[i], rns[j] = rns[j], rns[i]
// return the reversed string.
var resp string
for k := 0; k < len(prefixArr) - 1; k++ {
if k == 0 {
resp = char + string(rns)
} else {
resp = resp + prefixArr[k] + char
return resp + prefixArr[len(prefixArr)-1]
} else {
return prefixArr[0]
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