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Last active October 12, 2015 13:18
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* __series
* Given an array of functions, it will call every function,
* once at a time, sequentially.
* Every function will have a trigger function as its last argument,
* that should be called when the function is done.
* If arguments are given to this trigger function, those will be passed
* to the next function.
* @example
* this.__series([
* function doSomething(next) {
* //when it's done
* next(argument1, arguments2)
* },
* function doSomethingElse(arg1, arg2, next) {
* // do something with the arguments,
* // and when it's done:
* next();
* },
* function doAnotherThing(next) {
* // because we didn't give arguments to this function
* // only the 'next' is available
* // when done.
* next();
* }
* ]);
* @param {Array} fns Array of functions
var series = function (fns) {
(function next() {
var args =;
fns.length && fns.shift().apply(this, args.concat(next));
* __parallel
* Given an array of functions, it will call every function,
* in parallel.
* Every function will have a trigger function as its last argument,
* that should be called when the function is done.
* If arguments are given to this trigger function, those will be passed
* to the callback function.
* The callback function will have as many arguments as those you passed to the
* next function, by order.
* @example
* this.__parallel([
* function doSomething(next) {
* //when it's done
* next(argument1, arguments2)
* },
* function doSomethingElse(arg1, arg2, next) {
* // do something with the arguments,
* // and when it's done:
* next();
* },
* {
* fn: function doAnotherThing(next) {
* // because we didn't give arguments to this function
* // only the 'next' is available
* // when done.
* next(arguments4);
* },
* cb: function (cancel, args4) {
* // Call this function only when doAnotherThing has ended
* // It's possible to cancel all future callbacks by calling
* // the 'cancel' function
* }
* }
* ], function (args1, args2, args4) {
* // All tasks were done.
* // and we get the argument1 and argument2 from the first
* // function and args4 from the third function.
* });
* @method
* @private
* @param {Array} fns Array of functions
* @param {Function} callback Function to run when every function is complete
__parallel : function (tasks, callback) {
var counter = 0,
results = {},
// Flag to know if it should run callbacks
enabled = true,
// Setter to disable callbacks
cancel = function () { enabled = false; },
// function that will be given to each task, so that each task can
// notify when it's ready.
next = function (id) {
// Collect the given arguments given by the task
var args =, 1);
// Save them in a final object
results[id.idx] = (args.length) ? args : undefined;
// Increment counter.
counter += 1;
// If the current task has an individual callback, call it,
// passing the arguments given by the task to the next function
// and the cancel function to give the option to disable future callbacks
if (id.cb && enabled) { id.cb.apply(this, [cancel].concat(args)); }
// If the counter reached the total number of tasks, call the
// 'done' function to parse the arguments for the final callback
if (counter === tasks.length && enabled) { done(); }
// function that will parse all the arguments from the tasks, and
// it will call the callback arguments function given.
done = function () {
var finalArgs = [];
// Sort the arguments to be in the same order that the tasks
// given, and merge them into a single array
Object.keys(results).sort().forEach(function (val) {
finalArgs = finalArgs.concat(results[val]);
// If a callback function was given, call it, passing the
// arguments
if (callback) { callback.apply(this, finalArgs); }
tasks.forEach(function (task, index) {
// for each task in the array, check if has a property 'fn'
// if has, run that property, otherwise the task should be
// a function.
// curry an object giving the current index of the task and
// the individual callback if exists
(task.fn || task)(next.bind(this, { idx: index, cb: task.cb }));
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