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Tim Coysh Coysh

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name: Doorbell - Notify Alexa
description: "Make an announcement over Amazon Echo devices when the doorbell is pushed."
domain: automation
name: Doorbell
description: This is the doorbell binary sensor
Coysh / cases
Created February 3, 2024 13:49
Title 1,Title 2,Received,Case Number,Applicable Code Year,Completed,No breach Clause(s),Breach Clause(s),Sanctions Applied,Additional Sanctions,Appeal,Website Link,Case Summary
AUTH/3595/1/22 and AUTH/3596/1/22 - Complainant v Bristol Myers-Squibb and Pfizer,Concerns about Eliquis Website,04-Jan-22,AUTH/3595/1/22 AND AUTH/3596/1/22,2021,09-Mar-23,"2, 6.1","5.1, 6.1",Undertaking received,,No appeal,,"This case was in relation to four patient information booklets on the Bristol Myers-Squibb and Pfizer Eliquis (apixaban) website which were not updated following updates to the Eliquis Summary of Product Characteristics (SPC).
The Panel ruled a breach of the following Clause(s) of the 2021 Code in relation to each of the four booklets for failing to include certain information following updates to the SPC which meant that the booklets were inaccurate or misleading:
Breach of Clause 6.1
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<urlset xmlns="">
name: MOES ZigBee (TS0043) 3 button remote
description: Automate your MOES ZigBee Wireless Scene Switch 3 button remote using
ZHA events.
domain: automation
name: Moes TS0043 3 button remote
description: Moes TS0043 3 button remote to use
Country,Association Name,Code Name,Latest code Link,
Argentina,Cámara Argentina de Especialidades Medicinales,Code of Good Practices,,
Australia,Medicines Australia,Code of Conduct,,
Austria,Association of the Austrian Pharmaceutical Industry,Code of Conduct ,,
Belarus,AIPM,AIPM Code of Practice,,
Belgium,,Code of Deontology, ,
Belgium,,Guidelines on the value of meals offered to HCPs,
We can make this file beautiful and searchable if this error is corrected: No commas found in this CSV file in line 0.
1846 Partnership
Anne Calver
Appeal - Major Donor
Autumn Appeal
Autumn Appeal - Major Donor
Being Human
Coysh / macro
Created July 17, 2020 16:53
Craft CMS image macros
{# _partials/common/_macros #}
{% macro asset( asset, divClasses = '', imgClasses = '', altText = null ) %}
{% if asset | length %}
{% if divClasses | length %}
<div class="{{ divClasses }}">
{% endif %}
data-srcset="{{ asset.srcset() }}"