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Last active November 16, 2021 20:33
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try and write chsarp in an fsharp style
using System;
// Trying to replicate
namespace csharpchallenge
record EligibleRegisteredCustomer(string Name, string Email) : Customer;
record RegisteredCustomer(string CustomerName, string? Email) : Customer;
record UnregisteredCustomer(string Name) : Customer;
abstract record Customer;
class Program
static decimal CalculateOrderTotal(Customer customer, decimal spend)
var discount =
customer switch
EligibleRegisteredCustomer _ when spend >= 100M => spend * 0.1m,
_ => 0m
return spend - discount;
static void Main(string[] args)
var john = new EligibleRegisteredCustomer("John", "");
var mary = new EligibleRegisteredCustomer("Mary", "");
var richard = new RegisteredCustomer("Richard", null);
var sarah = new UnregisteredCustomer("Sarah");
var assertJohn = CalculateOrderTotal(john, 100.0m) == 90.0m;
var assertMary = CalculateOrderTotal(mary, 99.0m) == 99.0m;
var assertRichard = CalculateOrderTotal(richard, 100.0M) == 100.0m;
var assertSarah = CalculateOrderTotal(sarah, 100.0M) == 100.0m;
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