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Created September 19, 2010 18:31
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Implementation of jGrowl using qTip2 Library
$('button').click(function() {
// Check if it should be persistent (can set to a normal bool if you like!)
createGrowl( $(this).hasClass('persistent') );
// Make it a window property see we can call it outside via createGrowls() at any point
window.createGrowl = function(persistent) {
// Use the last visible jGrowl qtip as our positioning target
var target = $('.qtip.jgrowl:visible:last');
// Create your jGrowl qTip...
// Any content config you want here really.... go wild!
content: {
text: 'Testing out our jGrowl implementation (persistent: ' + persistent + ')',
title: {
text: 'Attention!',
button: true
position: {
my: 'top right', // Not really important...
at: (target.length ? 'bottom' : 'top') + ' right', // If target is window use 'top right' instead of 'bottom right'
target: target.length ? target : $(document.body), // Use our target declared above
adjust: { y: 5 }, // Add some vertical spacing
/* ======================================================================
* (Check the footer below to see why we're setting the position data)
* =======================================================================
effect: function(api, position) {
$(this).data('toPosition', position).animate(position, { duration: 200, easing: 'swing', queue: false });
show: {
event: false, // Don't show it on a regular event
ready: true, // Show it when ready (rendered)
effect: function() { $(this).stop(0,1).fadeIn(400); }, // Matches the hide effect
// Custom option for use with the .get()/.set() API, awesome!
persistent: persistent
hide: {
event: false, // Don't hide it on a regular event
effect: function(api) {
// Do a regular fadeOut, but add some spice!
$(this).stop(0,1).fadeOut(400).queue(function() {
// Destroy this tooltip after fading out
// Update positions
style: {
classes: 'jgrowl ui-tooltip-dark ui-tooltip-rounded', // Some nice visual classes
tip: false // No tips for this one (optional ofcourse)
events: {
render: function(event, api) {
// Trigger the timer (below) on render
// Make it a window property see we can call it outside via updateGrowls() at any point
window.updateGrowls = function() {
// Loop over each jGrowl qTip
var each = $('.qtip.jgrowl:not(:animated)');
each.each(function(i) {
var api = $(this).data('qtip');
// Set the target option directly to prevent reposition() from being called twice. = !i ? $(document.body) : each.eq(i - 1);
api.set('', (!i ? 'top' : 'bottom') + ' right');
// Utilise delegate so we don't ahve to rebind for every qTip!
$(document).delegate('.qtip.jgrowl', 'mouseover mouseout', function(event) {
var api = $(this).qtip('api'),
lifespan = 5000; // 5 second lifespan
// If persistent is set to true, don't do anything.
if(api.get('show.persistent') === true) { return; }
// Otherwise, start/clear the timer depending on event type
if(event.type === 'mouseover') {
else {
api.timer = setTimeout(api.hide, lifespan);
/* ======================================================================
* Because we use .animate() for our positioning, as soon as the next
* tooltip in the .each() chain has its position update, the previous one
* won't have actually moved (since it's still at the starting point of
* the animation.
* To get around this, we set the new position as some .data() on our
* tooltip element, and override the default offset() method with a custom
* one that checks to see if the element is a jGrowl qTip, and the position
* data is present. If so it returns this, and therefore allows the
* positioning system to work without any alterations.
* Neat huh?
* =======================================================================
$.fn.oldOffset = $.fn.offset; // Store the old function :)
$.fn.offset = function() {
// Grab the position data set above in our position.effect method
var pos = $(this).data('toPosition');
/* If the data was present and the target element is a jGrowl qtip,
* return the position data, otherwise use the original offset() method!
return $(this).hasClass('qtip') && $(this).hasClass('jgrowl') && pos ? pos : $.fn.oldOffset.apply(this, arguments);
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