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Last active February 24, 2023 14:48
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#Requires -Modules IsamsBatchApi
$config = Get-Content ./config.json -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json
$clientID = $config.BatchAPI.ClientID | ConvertTo-SecureString | ConvertFrom-SecureString -AsPlainText
$clientSecret = $config.BatchAPI.ClientSecret | ConvertTo-SecureString | ConvertFrom-SecureString -AsPlainText
$isamsInstance = $config.BatchAPI.Host | ConvertTo-SecureString | ConvertFrom-SecureString -AsPlainText
$searchBase = $config.ActiveDirectory.PupilSearchBase | ConvertTo-SecureString | ConvertFrom-SecureString -AsPlainText
Connect-Isams -ClientID $clientID -ClientSecret $clientSecret -IsamsInstance $isamsInstance
$iSAMSPupils = Get-IsamsCurrentPupil
$runCount = 0
$runCount ++
$rerun = $false
$ADPupils = Get-ADUser -Filter * -SearchBase $searchBase -Properties EmployeeID, EmployeeNumber, DisplayName
$isamsUsersToCreate = [System.Collections.Generic.List[Isams.BatchApiClient.Core.Model.PupilManager.PupilManagerInitialisedPupil]]::new()
$ManagedADUser = @{}
$UnManagedADUser = @{}
$ADPupils |
ForEach-Object {
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhitespace($_.EmployeeID))
$UnManagedADUser.Add($_.SamAccountName, $_)
#TODO could include a try catch here for adding duplicate IDs, should be no duplicates but no guarantees.
$ManagedADUser.Add([int]$_.EmployeeID, $_)
$iSAMSPupils |
ForEach-Object {
if ($ManagedADUser.ContainsKey($_.Id))
$user = $ManagedADUser[$_.Id]
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($user.EmployeeNumber) -or $user.EmployeeNumber -ne $_.SchoolId)
Write-Warning ("Setting " + $_.FullName + " EmployeeNumber to " + $_.SchoolId + ' was ' + $user.EmployeeNumber)
Set-ADUser $user -EmployeeNumber $_.SchoolId
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($user.GivenName) -or $user.GivenName -ne $_.Forename){
Write-Warning ("Setting " + $_.FullName + " GivenName to " + $_.Forename + ' was ' + $user.GivenName)
Set-ADUser $user -GivenName $_.Forename
$name = $_.Surname + ", " + $_.Preferredname
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($user.DisplayName) -or $user.DisplayName -ne $name){
Write-Warning ("Setting " + $_.FullName + " Display Name to " + $name + ' was ' + $user.DisplayName)
Set-ADUser $user -DisplayName $name
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($user.Name) -or $user.Name -ne $name){
Write-Warning ("Setting " + $_.FullName + " Name to " + $name + ' was ' + $user.Name)
$user | Rename-ADObject -NewName $name
elseif ($UnManagedADUser.ContainsKey($_.SchoolCode))
$user = $UnManagedADUser[$_.SchoolCode]
$msg = "Set ID for - " + $User.Name + "? (y/n)"
$answer = (Read-Host $msg).Trim().ToLower()
until ("y" -eq $answer -or "n" -eq $answer )
if ("y" -eq $answer)
Set-ADUser $user -EmployeeID $_.Id
$rerun = $true
Write-Warning "No AD user for $($_.Fullname)"
until ($runCount -eq 2 -or -not $rerun)
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