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Created May 28, 2024 16:44
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Cloud Optimized S2 Tile spec
import fs from 'fs'
import zlib, { brotliCompressSync, brotliDecompressSync } from 'zlib'
import * as S2CellID from 's2projection/s2CellID'
import type { Face } from 's2projection'
/** Types **/
type DrawType = 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 // 1: points, 2: lines, 3: poly
type Node = [number, number]
export interface LayerFields {
[layerFieldKey: string]: Array<'Number' | 'String' | 'Boolean'>
export interface LayerMetaData {
[layer: string]: { // layer
description?: string
minzoom: number
maxzoom: number
drawTypes: DrawType[]
fields: LayerFields // max fields size of 10
export interface TileStatsMetadata {
total: number
0: { total: number }
1: { total: number }
2: { total: number }
3: { total: number }
4: { total: number }
5: { total: number }
export interface Metadata {
name: string
format: 'fzxy'
description: string
type: 'vector' | 'raster' | 'rasterDEM' | 'rasterData' | 'json' | 'buffer'
encoding: 'gz' | 'br' | 'none'
faces: Face[]
facesbounds: { // facesbounds[face][zoom] = [...]
0: { [zoom: number]: [number, number, number, number] }
1: { [zoom: number]: [number, number, number, number] }
2: { [zoom: number]: [number, number, number, number] }
3: { [zoom: number]: [number, number, number, number] }
4: { [zoom: number]: [number, number, number, number] }
5: { [zoom: number]: [number, number, number, number] }
minzoom: number
maxzoom: number
attributions: { [name: string]: string } // { ['human readable string']: 'href' }
layers: LayerMetaData
tilestats: TileStatsMetadata
export interface Options {
readonly?: boolean
walClean?: boolean
wal?: boolean
maxzoom?: number
export interface TileSet {
face: number
zoom: number
x: number
y: number
data: Buffer
export type Directory = [offset: number, length: number] // list of [offset (6 bytes), length (4 bytes)]
const NODE_SIZE = 10 // [offset, length] => [6 bytes, 4 bytes]
const DIR_SIZE = 1_365 * NODE_SIZE // (13_650) -> 6 levels, the 6th level has both node and leaf (1+4+16+64+256+1024)*2 => (1365)+1365 => 2_730
const ROOT_DIR_SIZE = DIR_SIZE * 6 // 27_300 * 6 = 163_800
// assuming all tiles exist for every face from 0->30 the max leafs to reach depth of 30 is 5
// root: 6sides * 27_300bytes/dir = (163_800 bytes)
// all leafs at 6: 1024 * 6sides * 27_300bytes/dir (0.167731 GB)
// al leafs at 12: 524_288 * 6sides * 27_300bytes/dir (85.8783744 GB) - obviously most of this is water
export default class S2Tiles {
file: number
offset = 0
version = 1
maxzoom: number
metadata: Metadata = defaultMetadata()
constructor (path: string, options: Options = {}) {
// build file if it does not exist yet
if (!fs.existsSync(path)) {
const buf = Buffer.alloc(20 + ROOT_DIR_SIZE) // also allocate room for metadataLength, metadataPosition, and some potential future information. Lastly store the roote directory
buf[0] = 83 // S
buf[1] = 50 // 2
buf.writeUInt16LE(this.version, 2)
fs.appendFileSync(path, buf)
this.maxzoom = options.maxzoom ?? 20
// open file
this.file = fs.openSync(path, options.readonly === true ? 'r' : 'r+')
// parse
// if the header doesn't exist, we create it really quick
#readHeader (): void {
const { size } = fs.fstatSync(this.file)
this.offset = size
// read the id, version, and metadata
const rootDirData = Buffer.alloc(20)
fs.readSync(this.file, rootDirData, 0, 20, 0)
if (rootDirData[0] !== 83 || rootDirData[1] !== 50) throw Error('This file is not an "S2Tiles" format')
// version
const version = rootDirData.readUint16LE(2)
this.version = version
// metadata
const mLen = rootDirData.readUint32LE(4)
const mPos = _readUInt48LE(rootDirData, 8)
if (mLen !== 0) {
const metadataBuf = Buffer.alloc(mLen)
fs.readSync(this.file, metadataBuf, 0, mLen, mPos)
this.metadata = JSON.parse(String(brotliDecompressSync(metadataBuf)))
this.maxzoom = this.metadata.maxzoom
putMetadata (metadata: Metadata): void {
// store metadata and metadata length
const metaBuf = brotliEncode(Buffer.from(JSON.stringify(metadata)))
fs.writeSync(this.file, metaBuf, 0, metaBuf.length, this.offset)
// store length and position
const metaLenPosBuf = Buffer.alloc(10)
_writeUInt48LE(metaLenPosBuf, this.offset, 4)
// update the offset
this.offset += metaBuf.length
fs.writeSync(this.file, metaLenPosBuf, 0, metaLenPosBuf.length, 4)
getTile (id: bigint): null | Buffer {
// if we made it here, we need to pull out the node and read in the contents
const [offset, length] = this._readNode(id)
if (length !== 0) {
const buf = Buffer.alloc(length)
fs.readSync(this.file, buf, 0, length, offset)
return buf
} else { return null }
getTileIJ (face: Face, level: number, i: number, j: number): null | Buffer {
const id = S2CellID.fromIJ(face, i, j, level)
return this.getTile(id)
// given a cell ID, find the offset and length
_readNode (id: bigint): Node {
// use the s2cellID and move the cursor
const cursor = this.#walk(id)
if (cursor === 0) return [0, 0]
// read contents at cursor position
const node = Buffer.alloc(NODE_SIZE)
fs.readSync(this.file, node, 0, NODE_SIZE, cursor)
return [_readUInt48LE(node), node.readUint32LE(6)]
// Inserts a tile into the S2Tiles store.
putTile (id: bigint, data: Uint8Array): void {
const length = data.byteLength
// first create node, setting offset
const node: Node = [this.offset, length]
fs.writeSync(this.file, data, 0, length, this.offset)
this.offset += length
// store node in the correct directory
this._putNodeInDir(id, node)
putTileIJ (
face: Face,
level: number,
i: number,
j: number,
data: Uint8Array
): void {
const id = S2CellID.fromIJ(face, i, j, level)
this.putTile(id, data)
putBuffer (data: Buffer): void {
fs.writeSync(this.file, data, 0, data.length, this.offset)
this.offset += data.length
editBuffer (data: Buffer, offset: number): void {
fs.writeSync(this.file, data, 0, data.length, offset)
// Work our way towards the correct parent directory.
// If parent directory does not exists, we create it.
_putNodeInDir (id: bigint, node: Node): void {
// use the s2cellID and move the cursor
const cursor = this.#walk(id, true)
// finally store
this.#writeNode(cursor, node)
// given position and level, explain where to adust the cursor to file
#walk (id: bigint, create = false): number {
const { maxzoom } = this
// grab properties
const level: number = S2CellID.level(id)
const [face, i, j] = S2CellID.toIJ(id, level)
const leafNode = Buffer.alloc(NODE_SIZE)
let cursor: number = 20 + (DIR_SIZE * face)
// let dirPos: bigint = 61n
let leaf: number
let depth = 0
const path = getPath(level, i, j)
while (path.length !== 0) {
// grab movement
const shift = path.shift() ?? 0
// update cursor position
cursor += shift * NODE_SIZE
if (path.length !== 0) { // if we hit a leaf, adjust nodePos position and move cursor to new directory
// if we are at the max zoom, we are already in the correct position (the "leaf" is actually a node instead)
if (maxzoom % 5 === 0 && path.length === 1 && level === maxzoom && path[0] === 0) return cursor
// grab the leaf from the file
fs.readSync(this.file, leafNode, 0, NODE_SIZE, cursor)
leaf = _readUInt48LE(leafNode)
// if the leaf doesn't, we create, otherwise we move to the leaf
if (leaf === 0) {
if (create) cursor = this.#createLeaf(cursor, depth * 5)
else return 0
} else { cursor = leaf } // move to where leaf is pointing
return cursor
#createLeaf (cursor: number, depth: number): number {
// build directory size according to maxzoom
const dirSize = _buildDirSize(depth, this.maxzoom)
// let dirSize = DIR_SIZE
// create offset & node
const offset = this.offset
const node: Node = [offset, dirSize]
// create a dir of said size and update to new offset
fs.writeSync(this.file, Buffer.alloc(dirSize), 0, dirSize, offset)
this.offset += dirSize
// store our newly created directory as a leaf directory in our current directory
this.#writeNode(cursor, node)
// return the offset of the leaf directory
return offset
#writeNode (cursor: number, node: Node): void {
const [offset, length] = node
// write offset and length to buffer
const nodeBuf = Buffer.alloc(NODE_SIZE)
_writeUInt48LE(nodeBuf, offset)
nodeBuf.writeUInt32LE(length, 6)
// write buffer to file at directory offset
fs.writeSync(this.file, nodeBuf, 0, NODE_SIZE, cursor)
export function getDirPos (pos: number): [zoom: number, x: number, y: number] {
const { pow, floor } = Math
// first pull out zoom
let zoom = 0
let zoomPos = pow(1 << zoom, 2)
while (zoomPos <= pos) {
pos -= zoomPos
zoomPos = pow(1 << zoom, 2)
// than figure out y
const zoomShift = (1 << zoom)
const y = floor(pos / zoomShift)
const x = pos % zoomShift
return [zoom, x, y]
// write a 32 bit and a 16 bit
function _writeUInt48LE (
buffer: Buffer,
num: number,
offset = 0
): void {
const lower = num & 0xFFFF
const upper = num / (1 << 16)
buffer.writeUInt16LE(lower, offset)
buffer.writeUInt32LE(upper, offset + 2)
function _readUInt48LE (buffer: Buffer, offset = 0): number {
return buffer.readUint32LE(2 + offset) * (1 << 16) + buffer.readUint16LE(offset)
function _buildDirSize (depth: number, maxzoom: number): number {
const { min, pow } = Math
let dirSize = 0
// grab the remainder
let remainder = min(maxzoom - depth, 5) // must be increments of 5, so if level 4 then inc is 0 but if 5, inc is 5
// for each remainder (including 0), we add a quadrant
do { dirSize += pow(1 << remainder, 2) } while (remainder-- !== 0)
return dirSize * NODE_SIZE
export function defaultMetadata (): Metadata {
return {
name: 'default',
format: 'fzxy',
type: 'vector',
encoding: 'none',
minzoom: Infinity,
maxzoom: -Infinity,
faces: [],
facesbounds: {
0: {},
1: {},
2: {},
3: {},
4: {},
5: {}
layers: {},
attributions: {},
description: '',
tilestats: {
total: 0,
0: { total: 0 },
1: { total: 0 },
2: { total: 0 },
3: { total: 0 },
4: { total: 0 },
5: { total: 0 }
export function updateMetaData (
metadata: Metadata,
face: Face,
zoom: number,
x: number,
y: number,
layers: string[],
layerFields: { [layer: string]: LayerFields } // { layer: { [layer-field-key]: [value, value, value] } }
): void {
const { min, max } = Math
// update tile stats
// update zoom metadata
metadata.maxzoom = max(metadata.maxzoom, zoom)
metadata.minzoom = min(metadata.minzoom, zoom)
// update face metadata
metadata.faces = [...(new Set(metadata.faces))]
if (metadata.facesbounds[face] === undefined) metadata.facesbounds[face] = {}
if (metadata.facesbounds[face][zoom] === undefined) metadata.facesbounds[face][zoom] = [Infinity, Infinity, -Infinity, -Infinity]
const fbfz = metadata.facesbounds[face][zoom]
if (fbfz[0] > x) fbfz[0] = x
if (fbfz[2] < x) fbfz[2] = x
if (fbfz[1] > y) fbfz[1] = y
if (fbfz[3] < y) fbfz[3] = y
// layers
for (const layer of layers) {
if (metadata.layers[layer] === undefined) metadata.layers[layer] = { minzoom: Infinity, maxzoom: -Infinity, fields: {}, drawTypes: [] }
metadata.layers[layer].minzoom = min(metadata.layers[layer].minzoom, zoom)
metadata.layers[layer].maxzoom = max(metadata.layers[layer].maxzoom, zoom)
// add in fields
for (const layer in layerFields) {
if (metadata.layers[layer] !== undefined) {
const metadataLayer = metadata.layers[layer]
const layerFieldLayer = layerFields[layer]
for (const layerKey in layerFieldLayer) {
if (metadataLayer.fields[layerKey] === undefined) metadataLayer.fields[layerKey] = []
const joinedFields = [...metadataLayer.fields[layerKey], ...layerFieldLayer[layerKey]]
metadataLayer.fields[layerKey] = [...(new Set(joinedFields))]
while (metadataLayer.fields[layerKey].length > 50) metadataLayer.fields[layerKey].pop()
function getPath (zoom: number, x: number, y: number): number[] {
const { max, pow } = Math
const path: Array<[zoom: number, x: number, y: number]> = []
while (zoom >= 5) {
path.push([5, x & 31, y & 31])
x >>= 5
y >>= 5
zoom = max(zoom - 5, 0)
path.push([zoom, x, y])
return[zoom, x, y]) => {
let val = 0
val += y * (1 << zoom) + x
while (zoom-- !== 0) val += pow(1 << zoom, 2)
return val
const brotliEncode = (data: Buffer): Buffer => {
return brotliCompressSync(data, {
chunkSize: 32 * 1024,
params: {
[zlib.constants.BROTLI_PARAM_MODE]: zlib.constants.BROTLI_MODE_GENERIC,
[zlib.constants.BROTLI_PARAM_QUALITY]: 11,
[zlib.constants.BROTLI_PARAM_SIZE_HINT]: data.length
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