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Last active June 21, 2019 16:09
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  • Save Cranc/124edfeb57f594376c0a577dae57d787 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Cranc/124edfeb57f594376c0a577dae57d787 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
using Sandbox.Game.EntityComponents;
using Sandbox.ModAPI.Ingame;
using Sandbox.ModAPI.Interfaces;
using SpaceEngineers.Game.ModAPI.Ingame;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System;
using VRage.Collections;
using VRage.Game.Components;
using VRage.Game.GUI.TextPanel;
using VRage.Game.ModAPI.Ingame.Utilities;
using VRage.Game.ModAPI.Ingame;
using VRage.Game.ObjectBuilders.Definitions;
using VRage.Game;
using VRage;
using VRageMath;
namespace IngameScript
partial class Program : MyGridProgram
private static string INGOTS = "ingots";
private static string COMPONENTS = "components";
private static string INFORMATION_PANEL = "storage_information";
private static string TRASH_REMOVEL = "Trash";
private static string typeId_Ingots = "MyObjectBuilder_Ingot";
private static string typeId_Components = "MyObjectBuilder_Component";
private static double description_space = 3.5;
private static int progressBar_slots = 40;
private static int numberOf_decimals = 2;
private static char boarder_character = '+';
private static Boolean trash_removel = true;
private List<IMyCargoContainer> cargo_container_ingots;
private List<IMyCargoContainer> cargo_container_components;
private List<IMyTextPanel> informationPanels;
private IMyShipConnector trashShute;
private string[] storage;
private Dictionary<string, uint> items;
public Program()
this.Runtime.UpdateFrequency = UpdateFrequency.Update100;
this.items = new Dictionary<string, uint>();
List<IMyShipConnector> list = new List<IMyShipConnector>();
this.GridTerminalSystem.GetBlocksOfType(list, block => block.CustomData.Contains(TRASH_REMOVEL) && block.CubeGrid.IsSameConstructAs(this.Me.CubeGrid));
if (list.Count > 0)
this.trashShute = list[0];
this.trashShute = null;
this.cargo_container_components = new List<IMyCargoContainer>();
this.GridTerminalSystem.GetBlocksOfType(this.cargo_container_components, container => container.CustomData.Contains(COMPONENTS) && container.CubeGrid.IsSameConstructAs(this.Me.CubeGrid));
this.cargo_container_ingots = new List<IMyCargoContainer>();
this.GridTerminalSystem.GetBlocksOfType(this.cargo_container_ingots, container => container.CustomData.Contains(INGOTS) && container.CubeGrid.IsSameConstructAs(this.Me.CubeGrid));
this.informationPanels = new List<IMyTextPanel>();
GridTerminalSystem.GetBlocksOfType(this.informationPanels, panel => panel.CustomData.Contains(INFORMATION_PANEL) && panel is IMyTextPanel && panel.CubeGrid.IsSameConstructAs(this.Me.CubeGrid));
if (this.cargo_container_ingots.Count <= 0)
this.cargo_container_ingots = null;
if (this.cargo_container_components.Count <= 0)
this.cargo_container_components = null;
if (this.informationPanels.Count <= 0)
this.informationPanels = null; = Storage.Replace("\n", "").Split(';');
if ( > 0)
{ = null;
public void Save()
private void LoadData()
for (int i = 0; i < - 1; i++)
var item =[i++];
var value = UInt32.Parse([i]);
this.items[item] = value;
catch (Exception e)
private void UpdateTaskList()
{ = this.Me.CustomData.Replace("\n", "").Split(';');
private void FillList()
items.Add("Stone", 10000);
items.Add("Iron", 100000);
items.Add("Nickel", 30000);
items.Add("Cobalt", 20000);
items.Add("Magnesium", 10000);
items.Add("Silicon", 40000);
items.Add("Silver", 1000);
items.Add("Gold", 1000);
items.Add("Platinum", 100);
items.Add("Uranium", 1000);
private void SaveData()
string builder = "";
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, uint> k in this.items)
builder += k.Key;
builder += ";";
builder += k.Value.ToString();
builder += ";";
builder += "\n";
builder.Remove(builder.LastIndexOf(';'), 1);
this.Me.CustomData = builder;
this.Storage = "";
this.Storage = builder;
private void TransfareComponents(List<IMyInventory> list)
int i = 0;
foreach (var inv in list)
List<MyInventoryItem> items = new List<MyInventoryItem>();
inv.GetItems(items, entry => entry.Type.TypeId.Equals(typeId_Components));
foreach (var item in items)
var destination = cargo_container_components[i].GetInventory();
while (!destination.CanItemsBeAdded(item.Amount, item.Type))
if (i + 1 >= cargo_container_components.Count)
destination = cargo_container_components[++i].GetInventory();
destination.TransferItemFrom(inv, item, item.Amount).ToString();
private void TransfareIngots(List<IMyInventory> list)
int i = 0;
foreach (var inv in list)
List<MyInventoryItem> items = new List<MyInventoryItem>();
inv.GetItems(items, entry => entry.Type.TypeId.Equals(typeId_Ingots));
foreach (var item in items)
var destination = cargo_container_ingots[i].GetInventory();
while (!destination.CanItemsBeAdded(item.Amount, item.Type))
if (i + 1 >= cargo_container_ingots.Count)
destination = cargo_container_ingots[++i].GetInventory();
destination.TransferItemFrom(inv, item, item.Amount).ToString();
private void DisplayComponents(IMyTextPanel panel, Double level_comp)
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
builder.Append(BuildNameAndPadding(panel, "Components:"));
panel.WriteText(builder, true);
private void DisplayIngots(IMyTextPanel panel, Double level_ing)
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
builder.Append(BuildNameAndPadding(panel, "Ingots:"));
panel.WriteText(builder, true);
private void DisplayRefineries(IMyTextPanel panel, Double level_refinery)
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
builder.Append(BuildNameAndPadding(panel, "Refinery Input:"));
panel.WriteText(builder, true);
private void DisplayHydrogenTank(IMyTextPanel panel, Double ratio)
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
builder.Append(BuildNameAndPadding(panel, "Hydrogen Tank:"));
panel.WriteText(builder, true);
private void DisplayBatteries(IMyTextPanel panel, Double ratio)
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
builder.Append(BuildNameAndPadding(panel, "Battery charge:"));
panel.WriteText(builder, true);
private void DisplayIngots(IMyTextPanel panel, Double ratio, String name)
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
builder.Append(BuildNameAndPadding(panel, name + " ingots:"));
panel.WriteText(builder, true);
private StringBuilder BuildNameAndPadding(IMyTextPanel panel, string name)
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
var strInPixel = panel.MeasureStringInPixels(builder, panel.Font, panel.FontSize);
var panelSize = panel.SurfaceSize;
var pixel_left = ((double)panelSize.X / description_space) - (double)strInPixel.X;
StringBuilder space = new StringBuilder();
space.Append(' ');
var spaceInPixel = panel.MeasureStringInPixels(space, panel.Font, panel.FontSize);
var spaces = pixel_left / (double)spaceInPixel.X;
spaces = Round(spaces);
if (spaces < 0)
spaces = 0;
builder.Append(' ', (int)spaces);
return builder;
private StringBuilder BuildProgressBar(Double level)
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
var temp = level;
if (temp > 1)//dont go over max progressBar Slots but show percentages
temp = 1;
var progressNmbr = Round(temp * progressBar_slots);
var rest = progressBar_slots - progressNmbr;
if (rest < 0)
rest = 0;
if (progressNmbr < 0)
progressNmbr = 0;
builder.Append('|', progressNmbr);
builder.Append('.', rest);
builder.Append(" ");
builder.Append((level * 100).ToString("N" + numberOf_decimals));
return builder;
private void BuildBorder(IMyTextPanel panel, char border)
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder();
var nmbr = panel.SurfaceSize.X / panel.MeasureStringInPixels(text, panel.Font, panel.FontSize).X;
if (nmbr < 1)
builder.Append(border, (int)nmbr);
panel.WriteText(builder, true);
private void DisplayStorageLevels()
if (this.informationPanels == null)
List<IMyRefinery> refineries = new List<IMyRefinery>();
this.GridTerminalSystem.GetBlocksOfType(refineries, block => block is IMyRefinery && block.CubeGrid.IsSameConstructAs(this.Me.CubeGrid));
List<IMyGasTank> tankH = new List<IMyGasTank>();
this.GridTerminalSystem.GetBlocksOfType(tankH, block => block is IMyGasTank && block.CubeGrid.IsSameConstructAs(this.Me.CubeGrid));
List<IMyBatteryBlock> batteries = new List<IMyBatteryBlock>();
this.GridTerminalSystem.GetBlocksOfType(batteries, block => block is IMyBatteryBlock && block.CubeGrid.IsSameConstructAs(this.Me.CubeGrid));
foreach (var panel in this.informationPanels)
panel.FontSize = .7f;
DisplayComponents(panel, GetLevel(this.cargo_container_components));
DisplayIngots(panel, GetLevel(this.cargo_container_ingots));
//refinery storage
DisplayRefineries(panel, GetLevelInputInventory(refineries));
//Hydrogen Tank
DisplayHydrogenTank(panel, GetLevelTank(tankH));
DisplayBatteries(panel, GetLevelCharge(batteries));
BuildBorder(panel, boarder_character);
//Gravel + Trash Removel
DisplayIngots(panel, CountIngot("Stone") / items["Stone"], "Stone");
//Iron Ingots
DisplayIngots(panel, CountIngot("Iron") / items["Iron"], "Iron");
//Nickel Ingots
DisplayIngots(panel, CountIngot("Nickel") / items["Nickel"], "Nickel");
//Cobalt Ingots
DisplayIngots(panel, CountIngot("Cobalt") / items["Cobalt"], "Cobalt");
//Magnesium Ingots
DisplayIngots(panel, CountIngot("Magnesium") / items["Magnesium"], "Magnesium");
//Silicon Ingots
DisplayIngots(panel, CountIngot("Silicon") / items["Silicon"], "Silicon");
//Silver Ingots
DisplayIngots(panel, CountIngot("Silver") / items["Silver"], "Silver");
//Gold Ingots
DisplayIngots(panel, CountIngot("Gold") / items["Gold"], "Gold");
//Platinum Ingots
DisplayIngots(panel, CountIngot("Platinum") / items["Platinum"], "Platinum");
//Uranium Ingots
DisplayIngots(panel, CountIngot("Uranium") / items["Uranium"], "Uranium");
private float CountIngot(string subTypeId)
MyFixedPoint amount = new MyFixedPoint();
foreach(var container in cargo_container_ingots)
var inv = container.GetInventory();
var item = inv.FindItem(new MyItemType("MyObjectBuilder_Ingot", subTypeId));
if (item.HasValue)
amount += item.Value.Amount;
return (float) amount;
private Double GetLevelCharge<T>(List<T> list) where T : IMyBatteryBlock
float max_charge = 0;
float cur_charge = 0;
foreach (var entry in list)
max_charge += entry.MaxStoredPower;
cur_charge += entry.CurrentStoredPower;
return cur_charge / max_charge;
private Double GetLevelTank<T>(List<T> list) where T : IMyGasTank
Double ratio = 0;
foreach (var entry in list)
ratio += entry.FilledRatio;
if (list.Count != 0)
ratio = ratio / list.Count;
return ratio;
private Double GetLevelInputInventory<T>(List<T> list) where T : IMyProductionBlock
MyFixedPoint max = new MyFixedPoint();
MyFixedPoint cur = new MyFixedPoint();
foreach (var entry in list)
max += entry.InputInventory.MaxVolume;
cur += entry.InputInventory.CurrentVolume;
return ((double)cur.ToIntSafe() / (double)max.ToIntSafe());
private Double GetLevel<T>(List<T> list) where T : IMyEntity
MyFixedPoint max = new MyFixedPoint();
MyFixedPoint cur = new MyFixedPoint();
foreach (var inv in list)
max += inv.GetInventory().MaxVolume;
cur += inv.GetInventory().CurrentVolume;
return ((double)cur.ToIntSafe() / (double)max.ToIntSafe());
private void RemoveTrash()
var temp = CountIngot("Stone") - items["Stone"];
MyFixedPoint amount = new MyFixedPoint();
amount.RawValue = (long)(temp * 1000000); // convert float to MyFixedPoint
if (amount <= 0)
foreach (var con in this.cargo_container_ingots)
var inv = con.GetInventory();
List<MyInventoryItem> items = new List<MyInventoryItem>();
inv.GetItems(items, item => item.Type.SubtypeId.Equals("Stone"));
foreach(var item in items)
if (amount > 0)
var temp2 = item.Amount;
this.trashShute.GetInventory().TransferItemFrom(inv, item, amount);
amount -= temp2;
private int Round(double nmbr)
int i = (int)nmbr;
double val = nmbr - i;
if (val >= 0.3)
return i + 1;
return i;
public void Main(string argument, UpdateType updateSource)
//recalc these Lists in Main to include inventorys that connect to base
List<IMyAssembler> assemblers = new List<IMyAssembler>();
List<IMyRefinery> refineries = new List<IMyRefinery>();
List<IMyShipGrinder> grinders = new List<IMyShipGrinder>();
List<IMyCargoContainer> cargos = new List<IMyCargoContainer>();
List<IMyShipConnector> connectors = new List<IMyShipConnector>();
List<IMyInventory> inventories_ingots = new List<IMyInventory>();
List<IMyInventory> inventories_components = new List<IMyInventory>();
this.GridTerminalSystem.GetBlocksOfType(assemblers, entity => entity is IMyAssembler);
this.GridTerminalSystem.GetBlocksOfType(refineries, entity => entity is IMyRefinery);
this.GridTerminalSystem.GetBlocksOfType(cargos, entity => entity is IMyCargoContainer);
this.GridTerminalSystem.GetBlocksOfType(connectors, entity => entity is IMyShipConnector && !entity.CustomData.Contains(TRASH_REMOVEL));
this.GridTerminalSystem.GetBlocksOfType(grinders, entity => entity is IMyShipGrinder);
foreach (var entry in grinders)
foreach (var entry in assemblers)
if(entry.Mode == MyAssemblerMode.Assembly)
foreach(var entry in refineries)
foreach(var entry in cargos)
foreach(var entry in connectors)
//move components
if (this.cargo_container_components != null)
//move ingots
if(this.cargo_container_ingots != null)
if (trash_removel)
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