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Last active August 2, 2016 14:09
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use base::math::*;
use std::f64::consts::PI;
enum SIDE {
pub enum LOCATION {
// f64 for high accuracy #makef64greatagain
const ANG2RAD: f64 = (PI / 180.);
struct Plane {
points: [Point3f; 3],
d: f32,
normal: Vector3f,
impl Plane {
// is used to create plane with dummy values
// use setPoint3fs for right initialization
pub fn new() -> Plane {
Plane {
points: [Point3f::new(0., 0., 0.), Point3f::new(1., 1., 1.), Point3f::new(3., 2., 2.)],
d: 0.,
normal: Vector3f::new(0., 1., -1.),
pub fn set_point3fs(&mut self, x: Vector3f, y: Vector3f, z: Vector3f) {
self.points[0] = Point3f {
x: x.x,
y: x.y,
z: x.z,
self.points[1] = Point3f {
x: y.x,
y: y.y,
z: y.z,
self.points[2] = Point3f {
x: z.x,
y: z.y,
z: z.z,
let xy = y - x;
let xz = z - x;
self.normal = xy.cross(xz).normalize();
self.d = -(self.normal.x * self.points[0].x + self.normal.y * self.points[0].y +
self.normal.z * self.points[0].z);
pub fn distance(&self, p: &Point3f) -> f32 {
let top = self.normal.x * p.x + self.normal.y * p.y + self.normal.z * p.z + self.d;
let c = |x| x * x;
let bottom = (c(self.normal.x) + c(self.normal.y) + c(self.normal.z)).sqrt();
top / bottom
pub struct Frustum {
planes: [Plane; 6],
angle: f32,
ratio: f32,
near: f32,
far: f32,
nearheight: f32,
nearwidth: f32,
farheight: f32,
farwidth: f32,
impl Frustum {
// initialization stuff contains dummys use
// set_cam_internals and set_cam_def to initialize the frustum
pub fn new() -> Frustum {
let ps =
[Plane::new(), Plane::new(), Plane::new(), Plane::new(), Plane::new(), Plane::new()];
Frustum {
planes: ps,
angle: 0.0,
ratio: 0.75,
near: 10.0,
far: 300.0,
nearheight: 800.0,
nearwidth: 600.0,
farheight: 1920.0,
farwidth: 1080.0,
pub fn set_cam_internals(&mut self, angle: f32, ratio: f32, near: f32, far: f32) {
self.angle = angle;
self.ratio = ratio;
self.near = near;
self.far = far;
let tan: f32 = ((ANG2RAD * self.angle as f64 * 0.5).tan()) as f32;
self.nearheight = self.near * tan;
self.nearwidth = self.nearheight * ratio;
self.farheight = self.far * tan;
self.farwidth = self.farheight * ratio;
// camera pos is a vector to use operators like
// -/+ (no ops for point3f - vector3f)
// note replace with more efficent later on
pub fn set_cam_def(&mut self, pos: Point3f, look_at: Vector3f, up: Vector3f) {
// axis cause we all want them
let camera_pos = Vector3f::new(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z);
let z = (camera_pos - look_at).normalize();
let x = (up.cross(z)).normalize();
let y = (z.cross(x)).normalize();
// calc center of [insert near/far plane joke here]
let c = {
|x: f32| (camera_pos - z) * (x)
let nc = c(self.near);
let fc = c(self.far);
// 4 corners of Frustum near plane
let ntl = nc + y * self.nearheight - x * self.nearwidth;
let ntr = nc + y * self.nearheight + x * self.nearwidth;
let nbl = nc - y * self.nearheight - x * self.nearwidth;
let nbr = nc - y * self.nearheight + x * self.nearwidth;
// 4 corners of Frustum far plane
let ftl = fc + y * self.farheight - x * self.farwidth;
let ftr = fc + y * self.farheight + x * self.farwidth;
let fbl = fc - y * self.farheight - x * self.farwidth;
let fbr = fc - y * self.farheight + x * self.farwidth;
// set planes points are given counter clockwise
let mut c = |s, x, y, z| self.planes[s as usize].set_point3fs(x, y, z);
c(SIDE::Top, ntr, ntl, ftl);
c(SIDE::Bottom, nbl, nbr, fbr);
c(SIDE::Left, ntl, nbl, fbl);
c(SIDE::Right, nbr, ntr, fbr);
c(SIDE::NearP, ntl, ntr, nbr);
c(SIDE::FarP, ftr, ftl, fbl);
pub fn point_in_frustum(&self, p: &Point3f) -> LOCATION {
// If a point is inside the frustum it must be on the right
// side of every plane.
for i in 0..6 {
if self.planes[i].distance(p) < 0.0 {
return LOCATION::Outside;
pub fn sphere_in_frustum(&self) {
// TODO if needed
pub fn box_in_frustum(&self, points: [&Point3f; 8]) -> LOCATION {
// If one of the corner points is inside we box needs to be rendered so INSIDE
let mut ins;
let mut out;
for i in 0..6 {
ins = 0;
out = 0;
for k in 0..8 {
if self.planes[i].distance(points[k]) < 0. {
out += 1;
if ins != 0 {
} else {
ins += 1;
if out != 0 {
// no point inside plane ... OUTSIDE
if ins == 0 {
return LOCATION::Outside;
} else if out != 0 {
return LOCATION::Intersect;
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