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Created May 8, 2014 14:51
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  • Save Crash--/bdcde272f549d1c6a3ea to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Crash--/bdcde272f549d1c6a3ea to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
for f in `find ./app/app/data -name "index.html"`;do
phantomjs ./bin/rasterize.js $f $png "entire page"
IMG_CHARS=$(identify "${png}" 2> /dev/null) || die "${IMAGE} is not a proper image"
# grab width and height
IMG_CHARS=$(echo "${IMG_CHARS}" | sed -n 's/\(^.*\)\ \([0-9]*\)x\([0-9]*\)\ \(.*$\)/\2 \3/p')
WIDTH=$(echo "${IMG_CHARS}" | awk '{print $1}')
HEIGHT=$(echo "${IMG_CHARS}" | awk '{print $2}')
sed -i '' '2i\
"width" : "'$WIDTH'px",
' $metadataFile
sed -i '' '3i\
"height" : "'$HEIGHT'px",
' $metadataFile
# We can't do a division with float in bash, so we use awk :D
heightToHave=$(awk "BEGIN {printf \"%.0f\",${WIDTH}/1.67}")
percentageCrop=$(awk "BEGIN {printf \"%.0f\",${heightToHave}*100/${HEIGHT}}")
# crop the right percentage
convert ${png} -crop 100%x${percentageCrop}%+0+0 ${png}
convert ${png} -resize 250x150! ${png}
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