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Created November 16, 2017 09:19
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Example one-liners
# Look for potentially bad stuff that's compressed to hide mysterious things - run this within documentroot's of web servers to find potential php shells (source:
grep '((eval.*(base64_decode|gzinflate|\$_))|\$[0O]{4,}|FilesMan|JGF1dGhfc|IIIl|die\(PHP_OS|posix_getpwuid|Array\(base64_decode|document\.write\("\\u00|sh(3(ll|11)))' . -lroE --include=*.php*
# Print out processes in a nicer format to compare its shown source to actual source
ps -Ao pid,comm,cmd,lstart
# Deny those damn pesky processes their CPU time - this is based on all the bad processes being under a single user. Don't run this unless you're sure that
pkill -U <user> -STOP || pkill -STOP -U <user> # Depeding on OS
# Deny processes CPU time - this is based on a process by process working order
kill -STOP <PID>
# Decode and prepend gzip header on a raw file
base64 -d file.b64 | printf "\x1f\x8b\x08\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00" | cat - /tmp/zlib.raw | gzip -dc > /tmp/out.txt
# Find all writable files/directories in the current directory for the current user - watch out for NFS UID mapping (or root-squashing)
find . -writable
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