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Created July 14, 2016 22:00
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  • Save CreaturePhil/521bc8fbbed0b4a080922b07ad5328f2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save CreaturePhil/521bc8fbbed0b4a080922b07ad5328f2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
// ==UserScript==
// @name tagpro macros
// @namespace
// @description Help your team with quick chat macros.
// @include http://**
// @include*
// @include http://**
// @exclude http://**
// @license GPL version 3 or any later version;
// @author steppin, Watball
// @version 0.4
// ==/UserScript==
if ((window.sessionStorage.toggles && JSON.parse(window.sessionStorage.toggles).macros)){
// add your macros around line 125
// each player who wishes to use macros on the competitive partition must install this script to tampermonkey
// for the number row, use 48 for the zero key, 49 for the one key, 50 for the two key, etc (through 57 for the nine key).
// for example, "macros[54]" = {...}; assigns a macro to the six key.
// for all other keys, you can either use the variables defined on lines 21 through 121
// or you can use this link to determine the numbers associated with the keys you want to use for macros:
// number keys
var n0 = 48;
var n1 = 49;
var n2 = 50;
var n3 = 51;
var n4 = 52;
var n5 = 53;
var n6 = 54;
var n7 = 55;
var n8 = 56;
var n9 = 57;
// arrow keys
var leftarrow = 37;
var uparrow = 38;
var rightarrow = 39;
var downarrow = 40;
// navigation keys
var pgdown = 33;
var pgup = 34;
var end = 35;
var home = 36;
var ins = 45;
var del = 46;
// a-z keys
var a = 65;
var b = 66;
var c = 67;
var d = 68;
var e = 69;
var f = 70;
var g = 71;
var h = 72;
var i = 73;
var j = 74;
var k = 75;
var l = 76;
var m = 77;
var n = 78;
var o = 79;
var p = 80;
var q = 81;
var r = 82;
var s = 83;
var t = 84;
var u = 85;
var v = 86;
var w = 87;
var x = 88;
var y = 89;
var z = 90;
// alphanumeric
var backspace = 8;
var tab = 9;
var enter = 13;
var shift = 16;
var capslock = 20;
var space = 32;
var semicolon = 186;
var equals = 187;
var comma = 188;
var dash = 189;
var period = 190;
var forwardslash = 191;
var graveaccent = 192;
var openbracket = 219;
var backslash = 220;
var closebracket = 221;
var singlequote = 222;
// numpad
var num0 = 96;
var num1 = 97;
var num2 = 98;
var num3 = 99;
var num4 = 100;
var num5 = 101;
var num6 = 102;
var num7 = 103;
var num8 = 104;
var num9 = 105;
var star = 106;
var add = 107;
var subtract = 109;
var decimal = 110;
var divide = 111;
var numlock = 144;
// function keys
var f1 = 112;
var f2 = 113;
var f3 = 114;
var f4 = 115;
var f6 = 117;
var f7 = 118;
var f8 = 119;
var f9 = 120;
var f10 = 121;
var f11 = 122;
var f12 = 123;
// control keys
var ctrl = 17;
var alt = 18;
var pausebreak = 19;
var esc = 27;
var leftwindows = 91;
var rightwindows = 92;
var select = 93;
var scrolllock = 145;
var macros = {};
// >>>>>>> YOUR MACROS GO HERE <<<<<<<
macros[r] = {"message": "I'm on regrab", "toAll": false};
macros[n] = {"message": "need re", "toAll": false};
macros[p] = {"message": "I'm getting a pup", "toAll": false};
macros[num1] = {"message": "FC in lane 1", "toAll": false};
macros[num2] = {"message": "FC in lane 2", "toAll": false};
macros[num3] = {"message": "FC in lane 3", "toAll": false};
macros[num4] = {"message": "FC in lane 4", "toAll": false};
macros[c] = {"message": "Base is clear", "toAll": false};
macros[o] = {"message": "FC is out pass 2", "toAll": false};
// >>>>>>> <<<<<<<
window.sessionStorage.macros = JSON.stringify(macros);
if (document.location.port >= 8050) return;
(function() {
function contentEval(source) {
// Check for function input.
if ('function' == typeof source) {
// Execute this function with no arguments, by adding parentheses.
// One set around the function, required for valid syntax, and a
// second empty set calls the surrounded function.
source = '(' + source + ')();';
// Create a script node holding this source code.
var script = document.createElement('script');
script.setAttribute("type", "application/javascript");
script.textContent = source;
// Insert the script node into the page, so it will run, and immediately
// remove it to clean up.
function actualScript() {
var macros = JSON.parse(sessionStorage.macros);
// Game bindings overriding adapted from JohnnyPopcorn's NeoMacro
var handlerbtn = $('#macrohandlerbutton');
function documentKeydown(event) {
if (!tagpro.disableControls) {
handlerbtn.focus(); // The handler button should be always focused
function keydownHandler(event) {
var code = event.keyCode || event.which;
if (code in macros && !tagpro.disableControls) {
function keyupHandler(event) {
if (event.keyCode in macros && !tagpro.disableControls) {
var lastMessage = 0;
var active = false;
function chat(chatMessage) {
var limit = 500 + 10;
var now = new Date();
var timeDiff = now - lastMessage;
if (timeDiff > limit) {
tagpro.socket.emit("chat", chatMessage);
lastMessage = new Date();
} else if (timeDiff >= 0 && !active) {
active = true;
setTimeout(function(chatMessage) { chat(chatMessage); active = false; }, limit - timeDiff, chatMessage);
// This dummy input will handle macro keypresses
var btn = document.createElement("input"); = 0; = "absolute"; = "-100px"; = "-100px"; = "macrohandlerbutton";
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