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Created January 13, 2023 15:23
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svelte quill
import Quill from 'quill';
import 'quill/dist/quill.core.css'
import 'quill/dist/quill.snow.css'
import { onMount } from 'svelte';
let editor;
export let toolbarOptions = [
[{ header: 1 }, { header: 2 }, "blockquote", "link"],
["bold", "italic", "underline", "strike"],
[{ list: "ordered" }, { list: "ordered" }],
[{ align: [] }],
let quill
let contents = ""
onMount(async () => {
quill = new Quill(editor, {
modules: {
toolbar: toolbarOptions
theme: "snow",
placeholder: "Write your story..."
quill.on('text-change', (d, od, s) => {
contents = quill.root.innerHTML
<div class="editor-wrapper">
<div bind:this={editor} />
<h1>Contents Formatted</h1>
{#if quill}
{@html contents}
<h1>Contents Raw</h1>
{#if quill}
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