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Last active July 26, 2016 17:56
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All you need to know for tmux

Charles' simple tmux guide

tmux is a better and more modern screen alternative. When refering to PREFIX, it usually is CTRL + B. This can be edited in the tmux config.

Basic Commands

Create session tmux new -s <name>

Attact to session tmux a -t <name>

Detact to session PREFIX + D

List all active sessions Will error if none is open tmux ls

Force kill a session tmux kill-session -t <name>

Windows (tabs)

These are runned inside the tmux session. These are like 'tabs' in your browser.

List all windows (also in bottom bar) PREFIX + W

New window PREFIX + C

Name window PREFIX + ,

Go to next window PREFIX + N

Go to previous window PREFIX + P

Find window PREFIX + F

Kill window PREFIX + &

Panes (division)

This is to split a single window into multiple.

Split vertically Make a line from the top down PREFIX + %

Split horizontally Make a line from the left to right PREFIX + "

Move to next pane PREFIX + }

Move to previously pane PREFIX + {

Kill pane PREFIX + X

Switch layout PREFIX + space (The space bar)

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