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Last active September 3, 2022 15:32
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  • Save CrimsonScythe/3675425f4d334c899e063d48b84bb1cf to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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* Dave Patterson at UCB modified this code from a program by Andrea
* Dusseau of U.C. Berkeley,which was based on a description in
* Saavedra-Barrera [1992]:
* Saavedra-Barrera, R. H. [1992]. CPU Performance Evaluation and
* Execution Time Prediction Using Narrow Spectrum Benchmarking,
* Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Calif., Berkeley (May).
* Patterson has given permission to use and modify this code as long
* as these people and the U. of Cal., Berkeley get proper credit.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/times.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <time.h>
#define CACHE_MIN (1024) /* smallest cache */
#define CACHE_MAX (16*1024*1024) /* largest cache */
#define SAMPLE 10 /* to get a larger time sample */
#ifndef CLK_TCK
#define CLK_TCK 60 /* number clock ticks per second */
int x[CACHE_MAX]; /* array going to stride through */
double get_seconds() { /* routine to read time */
struct tms rusage;
times(&rusage); /* UNIX utility: time in clock ticks */
return (double) (rusage.tms_utime)/CLK_TCK;
int main() {
int register i, index, stride, limit;
int temp;
int steps, tsteps, csize;
double sec0, sec; /* timing variables */
for (csize=CACHE_MIN; csize <= CACHE_MAX; csize=csize*2)
for (stride=1; stride <= 128; stride=stride*2) {
sec = 0; /* initialize timer */
limit = csize-stride+1; /* cache size this loop */
steps = 0;
do { /* repeat until collect 1 second */
sec0 = get_seconds(); /* start timer */
for (i=SAMPLE*stride;i!=0;i=i-1) /* larger sample */
for (index=0; index < limit; index=index+stride)
x[index] = x[index] + 1; /* cache access */
steps = steps + 1; /* count while loop iterations */
sec = sec + (get_seconds() - sec0);/* end timer */
} while (sec < 1.0); /* until collect 1 second */
/* Repeat empty loop to loop subtract overhead */
tsteps = 0; /* used to match no. while iterations */
do { /* repeat until same no. iterations as above */
sec0 = get_seconds(); /* start timer */
for (i=SAMPLE*stride;i!=0;i=i-1) /* larger sample */
for (index=0; index < limit; index=index+stride)
temp = temp + index; /* dummy code */
tsteps = tsteps + 1; /* count while iterations */
sec = sec - (get_seconds() - sec0);/* - overhead */
} while (tsteps<steps); /* until = no. iterations */
printf("Size (bytes):%9d, Stride (bytes):%4d, read+write:%6.2f ns\n",
csize*sizeof(int), stride*sizeof(int),
(double) sec*1e9/(steps*SAMPLE*stride*((limit-1)/stride+1)));
}; /* end of both outer for loops */
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