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Created March 30, 2023 15:37
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Infinite bit-perfect haxe abstract
import haxe.Exception;
import haxe.ds.Vector;
abstract Bits(Array<Int>) {
* How many bits long this is
public var length(get, never):Int;
private function get_length():Int {
return this.length;
* @param num Number to convert to binary
* @return a Vector representation of the number in binary
private static function toBin(num:Int):Vector<Int> {
if (num == 0) {
return Vector.fromArrayCopy([0]);
var _num:Float = num;
var p2 = 0;
while ((1<<p2) < num) {
var v = new Vector(p2 + 1);
while (p2 >= 0) {
if (_num >= (1<<p2)) {
_num -= (1<<p2);
v[v.length - p2 - 1] = 1;
} else {
v[v.length - p2 - 1] = 0;
return v;
private static function bitToInt(bitArr:Array<Int>):Int {
for (i in bitArr) {
if (i != 0 || i != 1) {
throw new Exception('Invalid bit: expected 0 or 1; got ${i}');
final ilen = bitArr.length;
var val:Int = 0;
while (bitArr.length > 0) {
val += (1<<(ilen - bitArr.length)) * bitArr.pop();
return val;
* @param a Array of 0s and 1s to make a bit array with
public inline function new(a:Array<Int>):Bits {
for (e in a) {
if (e != 0 && e != 1) {
throw new Exception('Cannot convert non-bit array to bit array: ${e} is not 0 or 1');
this = a;
* Adds [a] to the end of [this]
* @param a Either 1 or 0 to push at the end
public function push(a:Int):Void {
if (a != 0 && a != 1) {
throw new Exception("Cannot push non-binary numbers to Bits");
* Drops leading zeroes; May be done automatically in the future
public function dropLeading():Bits {
while (this[0] == 0) {
return this;
* @param size Length to pad to, returns this if less than current length
public function padTo(size:Int):Bits {
var x = this;
if (x.length > size)
return x;
while (this.length < size) {
x = [0].concat(x);
return x;
* Shifts all bits right, wrapping overflow to the left side.
* @param nSpaces spaces to shift right
public function rotateRight(nSpaces:Int):Bits {
final tBits:Bits = this;
return (tBits.lo(nSpaces).concat(tBits.hi(tBits.length - nSpaces)));
* Shifts all bits left, wrapping overflow to the right side.
* @param nSpaces spaces to shift left
public function rotateLeft(nSpaces:Int):Bits {
final tBits:Bits = this;
return (tBits.lo(tBits.length - nSpaces).concat(tBits.hi(nSpaces)));
* Adds leading zeroes to the nearest multiple of 8 bits.
* @param keepLeadingZeroes Whether to drop all leading zeroes before rounding.
public function toNearestByte(keepLeadingZeroes:Bool = false) {
var bThis:Bits = this;
if (!keepLeadingZeroes)
bThis = bThis.dropLeading();
return bThis.padTo(bThis.length + (bThis.length % 8));
* @param other
public function concat(other:Bits):Bits {
var thisArr:Array<Int> = this;
var otherArr:Array<Int> = other;
return thisArr.concat(otherArr);
* Returns the lowest [bits] Bits of this function
* @param bits
* @return Bits
public function lo(bits:Int):Bits {
return (new Bits(this)) & Bits.fromInt((1<<bits) - 1);
* Returns the highest [bits] Bits of this function
* @param bits
* @return Bits
public function hi(bits:Int):Bits {
return (new Bits(this)) & (Bits.fromInt((1<<bits) - 1)) << (this.length - bits);
* @param a Bytes to convert to Bits
public static function fromBytes(a:Bytes):Bits {
var _tmp = [];
for (i in 0...a.length) {
_tmp = _tmp.concat(toBin(a.get(i)).toArray());
return _tmp;
* @param a Int to convert to Bits
public static function fromInt(a:Int):Bits {
return toBin(a).toArray();
* @param a Hex string to convert to Bits
public static function fromHex(a:String):Bits {
return Bits.fromBytes(Bytes.ofHex(a));
* Converts Bits to an array of 1s and 0s
public inline function toBitArr():Array<Int> {
return this;
* Returns a byte representation of an array of bits
* @param byteArr
* @return Bytes
public inline function toBytes():Bytes {
var byteval:Int = 0;
var bytes:BytesBuffer = new BytesBuffer();
var bits:Array<Int> = new Bits(this).toNearestByte();
var bitArr:Array<Bits> = [];
for (_ in / 8)) {
bitArr.push(bits.splice(0, 8));
for (idx in 0...bitArr.length) {
var aBit:Array<Int> = bitArr[idx];
if (aBit.length != 8) {
throw new Exception('Cannot cast ${aBit} to byte: Must be length 8, got ${aBit.length}');
while (aBit.length != 0) {
final p2:Int = 8 - bitArr.length;
byteval += (1<<p2) * aBit.pop();
byteval = 0;
return bytes.getBytes();
public inline function toInt():Int {
return bitToInt(this);
* Bitwise AND between 2 Bits (or casts)
* @param b
@:op(A & B)
inline function and(b:Bits):Bits {
var thisArr:Array<Int> = new Bits(this).padTo(b.length);
var otherArr:Array<Int> = b;
var out:Bits = [0];
if (thisArr.length > otherArr.length) {
while (otherArr.length < thisArr.length) {
otherArr = [0].concat(otherArr);
} else if (thisArr.length < otherArr.length) {
while (thisArr.length < otherArr.length) {
thisArr = [0].concat(thisArr);
for (i in 0...thisArr.length) {
out.push((thisArr[i] == 1 && otherArr[i] == 1) ? 1 : 0);
return out.dropLeading();
* Bitwise OR between 2 Bits (or casts)
* @param b
@:op(A | B)
inline function or(b:Bits):Bits {
var thisArr:Array<Int> = new Bits(this).padTo(b.length);
var otherArr:Array<Int> = b.padTo(this.length);
var out:Bits = [0];
for (i in 0...thisArr.length) {
out.push((thisArr[i] == 1 || otherArr[i] == 1) ? 1 : 0);
return out.dropLeading();
* Bitwise XOR between 2 Bits (or casts)
* @param b
@:op(A ^ B)
inline function xor(b:Bits):Bits {
var thisArr:Array<Int> = new Bits(this).padTo(b.length);
var otherArr:Array<Int> = b.padTo(this.length);
var out:Bits = [0];
for (i in 0...thisArr.length) {
out.push((thisArr[i] != otherArr[i]) ? 1 : 0);
return out.dropLeading();
* Shifts [this] left b registers.
* @param b
@:op(A << B)
inline function lsh(b:Int):Bits {
return this.concat([for (_ in 0...b) 0]);
* Arithmetic (signed) shifts [this] right B registers
* @param b
@:op(A >> B)
inline function rshAri(b:Int):Bits {
final msb = this[0];
var rt:Array<Int> = this;
for (_ in 0...b) {
rt = [msb].concat(rt);
return rt;
* Logical (unsigned) shifts [this] right B registers
* @param b
@:op(A >>> B)
inline function rshLog(b:Int):Bits {
var rt:Array<Int> = this;
for (_ in 0...b) {
rt = [0].concat(rt);
return rt;
inline function not():Bits { -> {
return (bit+1)%2;
return this;
@:op(A + B)
inline function add(b:Bits):Bits {
var x:Bits = new Bits(this) & b;
var y:Bits = new Bits(this) ^ b;
while (x != 0) {
x = x << 1;
x = x & y;
y = x ^ y;
return y;
inline function sub(b:Bits):Bits {
var tBits:Bits = this;
tBits = tBits.padTo(b.length);
b = ~(b.padTo(tBits.length));
var mask = new Bits([1])<<this.length;
var ret = tBits + b;
mask &= ret;
ret ^= mask;
ret += mask;
return ret;
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