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Created August 30, 2023 20:54
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Scalable HaxeUI macro impl
package haxe.ui.core;
//in file path haxe/ui/core
#if !macro
import haxe.ui.core.Component;
interface Scalable {
private var baseWidth:Null<Float>;
private var baseHeight:Null<Float>;
private var scalableChildren:Array<Scalable>;
public function addComponent(component:Component):Component;
@:isVar public var scale(get, set):Float;
private function get_scale():Float;
private function set_scale(value:Float):Float;
private function set_width(value:Null<Float>):Null<Float>;
private function set_height(value:Null<Float>):Null<Float>;
package haxe.ui.macros;
//in file path haxe/ui/macros
#if macro
import haxe.macro.Context;
import haxe.macro.Expr.Field;
import haxe.macro.Type.ClassType;
class ScalableType {
macro function applyScalable():Array<Field> {
var isComponent = false;
var _last:haxe.macro.Type.Ref<ClassType> = Context.getLocalClass();
do {
isComponent = _last.toString() == 'haxe.ui.core.Component';
if (isComponent)
_last = _last.get().superClass.t;
} while (_last.get().superClass != null);
if (!isComponent) {
Context.error('Non-component classes cannot be Scalable', Context.currentPos());
var fields:Array<Field> = Context.getBuildFields();
// Compiler.addMetadata('scalable', Context.getLocalClass().toString());
Context.getLocalClass().get().meta.add('scalable', [macro true], Context.currentPos());
* Base width and height (to use with scale)
name: 'baseWidth',
access: [APrivate],
pos: Context.currentPos(),
kind: FVar(macro :Null<Float>, macro null)
name: 'baseHeight',
access: [APrivate],
pos: Context.currentPos(),
kind: FVar(macro :Null<Float>, macro null)
* Separate scalable children
name: 'scalableChildren',
access: [APrivate],
kind: FVar(macro :Array<Scalable>, {
expr: EArrayDecl([]),
pos: Context.currentPos()
pos: Context.currentPos(),
name: 'addComponent',
access: [AOverride, APublic],
kind: FFun({
args: [
name: 'component',
type: (macro :haxe.ui.core.Component)
expr: macro {
if (Std.isOfType(component, Scalable)) {
scalableChildren.push(untyped component);
return super.addComponent(component);
pos: Context.currentPos(),
* scale, getters, and setters
name: 'scale',
access: [APublic],
pos: Context.currentPos(),
kind: FProp('get', 'set', (macro :Float), (macro 1)),
meta: [
// make sure var field is generated
name: ':isVar',
pos: Context.currentPos()
name: 'get_scale',
access: [APrivate],
kind: FFun({
args: [],
ret: (macro :Float),
expr: macro {
return scale;
pos: Context.currentPos()
name: 'set_scale',
kind: FFun({
args: [
name: 'value',
type: (macro :Float),
ret: (macro :Float),
expr: macro {
scale = value;
if (baseWidth == null)
baseWidth = width;
if (baseHeight == null)
baseHeight = height;
super.set_width(baseWidth * scale);
super.set_height(baseHeight * scale);
this.customStyle.fontSize = 13 * scale;
for (child in scalableChildren) {
child.scale = scale;
return scale;
pos: Context.currentPos(),
* Override set_width to modify base width instead
name: 'set_width',
kind: FFun({
args: [
name: 'value',
type: (macro :Null<Float>)
ret: (macro :Null<Float>),
expr: macro {
baseWidth = value;
return super.set_width(baseWidth * scale);
access: [AOverride, APrivate],
pos: Context.currentPos()
* Override set_height to modify base height instad
name: 'set_height',
kind: FFun({
args: [
name: 'value',
type: (macro :Null<Float>)
ret: (macro :Null<Float>),
expr: macro {
baseHeight = value;
return super.set_height(baseHeight * scale);
access: [AOverride, APrivate],
pos: Context.currentPos()
return fields;
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