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Last active May 17, 2023 08:41
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"id": "16a94310-cea8-435f-90e8-10f8b02b7bfe",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Easy bread rolls",
"description": "Bake these simple white bread rolls for sandwiches, burger buns or to dunk in soup. Using only a handful of ingredients, bread-making has never been so easy",
"author": "Barney Desmazery",
"rattings": 4,
"ingredients": [
"500g strong white bread flour, plus extra for dusting ",
"7g sachet fast action yeast",
"1 tsp white caster sugar",
"2 tsp fine salt",
"1 tsp sunflower oil, plus extra for the work surface and bowl"
"steps": [
"Tip the flour, yeast, sugar, salt and oil into a bowl. Pour over 325ml warm water, then mix (with a spatula or your hand), until it comes together as a shaggy dough. Make sure all the flour has been incorporated. Cover and leave for 10 mins.",
"Lightly oil your work surface and tip the dough onto it. Knead the dough for at least 10 mins until it becomes tighter and springy \u2013 if you have a stand mixer you can do this with a dough hook for 5 mins. Pull the dough into a ball and put in a clean, oiled bowl. Leave for 1 hr, or until doubled in size.",
"Tip the dough onto a lightly floured surface and roll into a long sausage shape. Halve the dough, then divide each half into four pieces, so you have eight equal-sized portions. Roll each into a tight ball and put on a dusted baking tray, leaving some room between each ball for rising. Cover with a damp tea towel and leave in a warm place to prove for 40 mins-1 hr or until almost doubled in size.",
"Heat the oven to 230C/210C fan/gas 8. When the dough is ready, dust each ball with a bit more flour. (If you like, you can glaze the rolls with milk or beaten egg, and top with seeds.) Bake for 25-30mins, until light brown and hollow sounding when tapped on the base. Leave to cool on a wire rack."
"nutrients": {
"kcal": "246",
"fat": "2g",
"saturates": "0g",
"carbs": "48g",
"sugars": "1g",
"fibre": "2g",
"protein": "8g",
"salt": "1.2g"
"times": {
"Preparation": "30 mins",
"Cooking": "25 mins - 30 mins"
"serves": 8,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 137,
"subcategory": "Bread",
"dish_type": "Bread roll recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "5edaf257-7a3b-4878-bf3c-99922f319e7a",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Pizza rolls",
"description": "These easy-to-make snacks can be doubled to feed a crowd of kids",
"author": "Good Food team",
"rattings": 4,
"ingredients": [
"6 crusty bread rolls",
"2 tbsp tomato pur\u00e9e",
"6 slices ham",
"3 tomatoes, sliced",
"2 balls mozzarella, sliced (we used Sainsbury's Basics)",
"2 tsp dried oregano",
"6 black olives (optional)"
"steps": [
"Heat oven to 180C/160C fan/gas 4. Cut the tops off the rolls and scoop out the insides. Spread the rolls with tomato pur\u00e9e, then fill with ham, tomatoes and finally the mozzarella. Scatter with dried oregano and top each with an olive, if you like.",
"Place the rolls on a baking tray and bake for 15 mins until the rolls are crusty brown and the cheese is bubbling. Leave to rest for a min, then serve hot with a side salad."
"nutrients": {
"kcal": "275",
"fat": "11g",
"saturates": "6g",
"carbs": "30g",
"sugars": "4g",
"fibre": "2g",
"protein": "17g",
"salt": "1.99g"
"times": {
"Preparation": "15 mins",
"Cooking": "15 mins"
"serves": 6,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 4,
"subcategory": "Bread",
"dish_type": "Bread roll recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "aa999c11-f8c0-40c5-8239-732339e3cd57",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Foccaccia rolls",
"description": "Team these rustic bread rolls with a selection of antipasti or your favourite Italian fare",
"author": "Angela Nilsen",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"500g strong white bread flour",
"7g sachet easy-bake dried yeast (or 2 tsp Quick dried yeast)",
"1\u00bd tsp salt",
"1 tbsp soft butter",
"3 tbsp olive oil",
"100g sliced roasted peppers",
"85g chopped camembert",
"20 small black olives",
"handful of rocket leaves",
"a good pinch of oregano"
"steps": [
"Mix the flour, yeast and salt in a large mixing bowl. Make a dip in the centre of the flour and pour in almost 300ml hand warm (cool rather than hot) water and 1 tbsp olive oil, with a round-bladed knife. Then mix in enough of the remaining water and a bit more if needed, to gather up any dry bits in the bottom of the bowl, until the mixture comes together as a soft, not too sticky, dough. Gather it into a ball with your hands.",
"Put the dough onto a very lightly floured surface and knead for 8-10 mins until it feels smooth and elastic, only adding the minimum of extra flour if necessary to prevent the dough sticking. Place the ball of dough on a lightly floured work surface. Cover with an upturned, clean, large glass bowl and leave for 45 mins-1 hr or until doubled in size and feels light and springy. Timing will depend on the warmth of the room.",
"Knock back the dough by gently kneading just 3-4 times. You only want to knock out any large air bubbles, so too much handling now will lose the dough\u2019s lightness. Shape into a ball, then cover and leave for 10 mins.",
"Cut the dough into 10 even pieces. Shape each into a ball and sit them on 2 baking parchment-lined baking sheets. Cover with a clean dry tea towel and leave for 40-45 mins, or until about doubled in size.",
"Finish by using your fingers press a wide indent in the middle of each roll. Scatter over the roasted peppers, cheese and olives pressing down quite firmly into the indents, finish with rocket. Drizzle with most of the remaining oil mixed with a good pinch of dried oregano. Season.",
"Put a roasting tin in the bottom of the oven 20 mins before ready to bake and heat oven to 230C/210C fan/gas 8. Put the risen bread in the oven, carefully pour about 250ml cold water into the roasting tin (this will hiss and create a burst of steam to give you a crisp crust), then lower the heat to 220C/200C fan/gas 7. Bake for 20 mins or until golden. Remove and cool on a wire rack. If you tap the underneath of the loaf if should be firm and sound hollow. When baked, drizzle with a little extra olive oil."
"nutrients": {
"kcal": "240",
"fat": "7g",
"saturates": "2g",
"carbs": "38g",
"sugars": "1g",
"fibre": "2g",
"protein": "8g",
"salt": "1.37g"
"times": {
"Preparation": "20 mins",
"Cooking": "20 mins"
"serves": 10,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 6,
"subcategory": "Bread",
"dish_type": "Bread roll recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "5d49a07d-cc45-492e-bb66-0db776dc2c2b",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Cheesy sausage rolls",
"description": "Bake these comforting bread rolls in a muffin tin - they're filled with cheddar, bangers, spring onions and garlic butter",
"author": "Sarah Cook",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"500g pack bread mix",
"oil, for greasing",
"8 good-quality sausages, cooked following pack instructions and cooled",
"a little flour, for dusting",
"50g garlic butter, melted",
"6 spring onions, finely sliced",
"200g mature cheddar, grated"
"steps": [
"Make up the bread mix following pack instructions. Set aside somewhere warm-ish to rise, in a bowl covered with oiled cling film, while you get everything else ready. Slice the cooked sausages into just under 1cm slices.",
"Roll out the dough on a lightly floured surface to a rectangle roughly 50 x 30cm. Brush with half the garlic butter and scatter over the spring onions, cheese and sausages. Roll up the dough tightly from one of the longest sides, like a Swiss roll. Use a sharp, floured knife to cut the roll into 12 pieces. Wipe the holes of a 12-hole muffin tin with a little more melted butter. Push a roll of bread, cut-side up, into each hole. Dab the remaining butter over the tops, and cover loosely with oiled cling film. Set aside somewhere warm-ish for 30 mins to puff a little.",
"Heat oven to 200C/180C fan/gas 6. Bake the rolls for 20-25 mins until golden and risen. Cool in the tins for 10 mins, then lift out to eat warm, or cool completely."
"nutrients": {
"kcal": "294",
"fat": "17g",
"saturates": "9g",
"carbs": "22g",
"sugars": "1g",
"fibre": "1g",
"protein": "13g",
"salt": "1.5g"
"times": {
"Preparation": "1 hr and 20 mins",
"Cooking": "45 mins - 50 mins"
"serves": 12,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 21,
"subcategory": "Bread",
"dish_type": "Bread roll recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "30f735f0-cbfe-4884-bc8c-25e0472fb156",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Ploughman\u2019s rolls",
"description": "Bake your own bread buns and fill them with classic cheese ploughman's ingredients for an inspired lunch",
"author": "Sarah Cook",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"1 tbsp celery seeds, plus a few extra",
"500g pack bread dough",
"200ml milk, plus a splash to glaze",
"100g extra-mature cheddar, grated",
"85g English Brie or camembert, diced",
"1 small apple, cored and diced into small chunks",
"2 spring onions, finely chopped",
"1 tbsp poppy seed",
"plain flour, for dusting",
"pickle, to serve"
"steps": [
"Stir the celery seeds into the bread dough mix. Pour the milk into a jug, make up to 325ml with water, then warm to hand temperature (this is easy to do in the microwave). Add to the bread mix and bring together following pack instructions. Leave to rise in a warm place until about doubled in size.",
"Meanwhile, mix together 85g of the cheddar, the Brie, apple and spring onions, and season a little.",
"Divide the dough into 8 even pieces. Roll a piece into a roughly 10cm-wide circle (about the thickness of a naan), then spoon an eighth of the cheesy mixture into the middle. Gather up the edges of the dough around the filling and pinch together to seal firmly \u2013 you don\u2019t want it to burst while baking. Turn the roll over so the pinched bit seals and squashes together underneath. Re-shape a little if necessary. Repeat with the remaining dough and filling, then sit on floured baking sheets, spaced a little apart. Cover with oiled cling film and set aside in a warm place for 30 mins more.",
"Heat oven to 200C/180C fan/gas 6. Brush the rolls with a splash of milk, scatter with the poppy seeds plus a pinch more celery seeds and the remaining cheddar, then bake for 20-22 mins. Eat warm or cold, with pickle."
"nutrients": {
"kcal": "250",
"fat": "9g",
"saturates": "5g",
"carbs": "32g",
"sugars": "3g",
"fibre": "2g",
"protein": "12g",
"salt": "1g"
"times": {
"Preparation": "40 mins",
"Cooking": "22 mins"
"serves": 8,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 1,
"subcategory": "Bread",
"dish_type": "Bread roll recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "a416c6e5-c27d-42cb-9b31-0d1cef0d5356",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Hedgehog rolls",
"description": "Introduce kids to the art of breadmaking with this fun and easy starter recipe. These mini hedgehog rolls are the cutest bake you'll ever make",
"author": "Lulu Grimes",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"500g pack brown bread mix",
"25g butter",
"plain flour, for dusting",
"12 raisins",
"6 flaked almonds"
"steps": [
"Make the bread mixture with the butter following pack instructions. It\u2019s easiest to use a stand mixer but not difficult to do by hand. Leave the dough to rest for 5 mins, then knead for 5 mins.",
"Cut the dough into six pieces. Dust the surface with a little flour and shape each piece into a ball by rolling it between your hand. Now make it hedgehog-shaped by pulling one side out a little and squeezing it gently into a snout. Be quite firm or it will bounce back.",
"Put the hedgehogs on a baking sheet, cover with a damp tea towel and leave to rise for 1 hr.",
"Heat oven to 200C/180C fan/gas 6. Using kitchen scissors (supervise younger children), carefully snip into the dough to make the spikes on the backs of the hedgehogs. Press raisins in for the eyes and push a flaked almond into the end of each snout.",
"Bake for 15 mins or until the rolls are risen and golden. Will keep for two days in an airtight container."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "20 mins",
"Cooking": "15 mins"
"serves": 6,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 11,
"subcategory": "Bread",
"dish_type": "Bread roll recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "2b5a9a25-3318-44f6-b2c8-e1d8e82d5126",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Basic granary bread dough (for rolls or a large loaf)",
"description": "Nothing beats homemade bread straight from the oven - ready in just 35 minutes",
"author": "Lesley Waters",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"225g strong white flour",
"225g malted granary bread flour",
"1 tsp salt",
"1 tsp caster sugar",
"7g sachet easy-blend yeast",
"150ml warm milk",
"1 egg, beaten",
"1 tbsp olive oil",
"100-150ml warm water"
"steps": [
"Mix the flours and salt together in a large bowl, then stir in the sugar and yeast. Make a well in the centre of the flour and pour in the warm milk, beaten egg, olive oil and enough of the water to form a soft, wet dough.",
"On a lightly floured surface, knead dough for 10 mins until smooth. Put the dough in a lightly oiled bowl, cover with oiled cling film, then leave to rise in a warm place until doubled in size. The dough is now ready to be shaped.",
"To make 12 rolls, divide the dough into 12 pieces and shape into rolls. Lightly flour 3 baking sheets. Place the rolls onto the sheets and cover loosely with oiled cling film. Set aside in a warm place for 30 mins or until they have doubled in size.",
"Heat oven to 200C/fan 180C/gas 6. Brush the bread with beaten egg and sprinkle with sesame and poppy seeds. Bake for 15-20 mins until deep golden brown and well risen.",
"To make a flowerpot loaf, leave the dough to rise for about 1 hour, or until doubled in size. Soak one large or eight small terracotta flowerpots in cold water for about 30 mins. Dry thoroughly, then brush the inside of the pots with oil and line with parchment paper. Shape dough into a smooth round with a roughly pointed shape at one end so it half-fills the pot. Leave until doubled in size.",
"Heat oven to 190C/fan 170C/gas 5. Brush the top of the loaf with beaten egg, sprinkle with poppy or sesame seeds and bake for 45-50 mins (15-20 mins for small loaves) until golden. Let it sit for 5-10 mins, then take out of the pot and leave to cool on a wire rack."
"nutrients": {
"kcal": "232",
"fat": "4g",
"saturates": "0g",
"carbs": "42g",
"sugars": "3g",
"fibre": "3g",
"protein": "9g",
"salt": "0.7g"
"times": {
"Preparation": "15 mins",
"Cooking": "15 mins - 20 mins"
"serves": 12,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 30,
"subcategory": "Bread",
"dish_type": "Bread roll recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "a2ab04eb-1465-4a3e-a6f3-64dcf462e6fc",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Tear-and-share cheese & garlic rolls",
"description": "Enjoy this cheesy garlic tear-and-share bread at a family dinner. It's perfect for feeding a crowd at a barbecue, or as a side dish to a hearty casserole",
"author": "Lulu Grimes",
"rattings": 4,
"ingredients": [
"100g unsalted butter, softened",
"450g strong white bread flour",
"7g sachet fast-action dried yeast",
"1 tsp golden caster sugar",
"rapeseed oil, for the bowl and tray",
"2 tbsp polenta or cornmeal",
"1 garlic clove, grated",
"100g mozzarella, grated",
"50g cheddar, grated"
"steps": [
"Heat 280ml water in a saucepan for a minute until warm but not too hot to stick your finger in (don\u2019t burn yourself!). Remove from the heat, then add 50g butter. Combine the flour, yeast, sugar and 1 tsp salt in a large bowl or a tabletop mixer. Add the warm water and beat to make a soft dough. Knead for 10 mins by hand, or 5 mins in a mixer, until the dough feels stretchy and smooth. Tip into a clean, oiled bowl and cover with oiled cling film. Leave to rise for 1\u00bd-2 hrs, or until doubled in size.",
"Brush a large baking tray with oil and scatter over the polenta. Knock the air out of the dough. Pinch off small pieces (about the size of a walnut), then roll each piece into a ball and put on the baking tray. Leave a little space between each dough ball.",
"Heat oven to 180C/160C fan/gas 4. Cover the tray with oiled cling film, then prove for 30 mins-1 hr until the dough has doubled in size and the balls are touching. Mix the remaining butter with the garlic. When the rolls are ready to cook, brush the tops with the garlic butter and scatter with the cheeses. Bake for 25-30 mins until the dough balls are cooked through. Leave to cool for 5 mins, then serve."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "40 mins",
"Cooking": "40 mins"
"serves": 20,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 10,
"subcategory": "Bread",
"dish_type": "Bread roll recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "878e7fe1-e28f-4372-876d-c7fe549db8bd",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Cheese & pesto whirls",
"description": "These herby tear-and-share bread rolls have mozzarella and sun-dried tomatoes baked into them - perfect for a picnic or for dipping into soup",
"author": "Cassie Best",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"450g strong white bread flour, plus a little for dusting",
"7g sachet fast-action dried yeast",
"1 tsp golden caster sugar",
"2 tbsp olive oil, plus a drizzle",
"150g tub fresh pesto",
"240g tub semi-dried tomatoes, drained and roughly chopped",
"100g grated mozzarella (ready-grated is best for this, as it is drier than fresh)",
"50g parmesan (or vegetarian alternative), grated",
"handful basil leaves"
"steps": [
"Combine the flour, yeast, sugar and 1\u00bd tsp fine salt in a large mixing bowl, or the bowl of a tabletop mixer. Measure out 300ml warm water and add roughly 280ml to the flour, along with the olive oil, and start mixing until the ingredients start to clump together as a dough. If the dough seems a little dry, add the remaining water. Once combined, knead for 10 mins by hand on your work surface, or for 5 mins on a medium speed in a mixer. The dough is ready when it feels soft, springy and elastic. Clean the bowl, drizzle in a little oil, then pop the dough back in, turning it over and coating the sides of the bowl in oil. Cover with some oiled cling film and set aside in a warm place to double in size \u2013 this will take 1-3 hrs, depending on the temperature.",
"Line a baking tray with parchment. Uncover the dough and punch it down a couple of times with your fist, knocking out all the air bubbles. Tip out onto a floured work surface and dust the top with a little flour too, if it is sticky. Roll the dough out to a rectangle, roughly 40 x 30cm. Spread the pesto over the dough, then scatter over the tomatoes, both cheeses and the basil. Roll the dough up from one of the longer sides, into a long sausage.",
"Use a sharp knife to cut the dough into 12 even pieces. Place on the baking tray, cut-side up, in a 3-by-4 formation, making sure the open end of each roll is tucked in towards the centre on the arrangement \u2013 this will prevent them from uncoiling during cooking. Leave a little space between each roll as they will grow and touch as they prove. Loosely cover with oiled cling film and leave to prove for 30 mins\u20131 hr until almost doubled in size again. Heat oven to 200C/180C fan/gas 6.",
"Uncover the bread when it is puffed up. Bake on the middle shelf in the oven for 35-40 mins until golden brown and the centre looks dry and not doughy. Remove from the oven and leave to cool for at least 10 mins."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "40 mins",
"Cooking": "40 mins"
"serves": 12,
"difficult": "More effort",
"vote_count": 60,
"subcategory": "Bread",
"dish_type": "Bread roll recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "47f524ce-c4d4-49e7-a70a-2e71a2731528",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Cheese roll-ups",
"description": "Teach kids a lifetime cookery skill with a special recipe from CBeebies' 'i can cook'- these buns show how to make dough",
"author": "Good Food team",
"rattings": 4,
"ingredients": [
"200g self-raising flour, plus extra for dusting",
"50g butter, softened",
"1 tsp paprika",
"100-125ml/3\u00bd-4fl oz milk",
"50g ready-grated mature cheddar"
"steps": [
"Heat oven to 220C/200C fan/gas 7. Put the flour and butter in a bowl and rub them together with your fingers. Rubbing in mixture with cold butter is hard and tiring on young fingers, so use slightly softened butter \u2013 but not so soft that it is oily. Now stir in the paprika and mix again.",
"Add 100ml milk and mix with a fork until you get a soft dough. Add a splash more milk if the dough is dry. This process will teach you how to feel the dough and decide if it needs more liquid. You can always add more milk if required.",
"On a lightly floured surface, roll out the dough like pastry to about 0.5cm thick. Try to keep a rectangular shape. Only roll in one direction, and roll and turn, roll and turn \u2013 by keeping the dough moving, you avoid finding it stuck at the end.",
"Sprinkle the grated cheese on top, then roll up like a sausage along the long side. Cut into 12 thick rings using a table knife. Get an adult to show you how to hold the dough with one hand and cut straight through with the other.",
"Line the baking tray with baking parchment. Place the roll-ups on the parchment, cut-side down, almost touching each other, making sure that you can see the spiral. Get an adult to put them in the oven for you and bake for 20-25 mins until golden and melty. Ask an adult to remove them from the oven, then leave to cool. The cheese roll-ups will keep for up to 3 days in an airtight container."
"nutrients": {
"kcal": "218",
"fat": "11g",
"saturates": "6g",
"carbs": "25g",
"sugars": "1g",
"fibre": "1g",
"protein": "6g",
"salt": "0.6g"
"times": {
"Preparation": "30 mins",
"Cooking": "25 mins"
"serves": 6,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 8,
"subcategory": "Bread",
"dish_type": "Bread roll recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "ee080c75-002e-446e-8db8-ae15c02abf2d",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Simit bread",
"description": "Simit breads are sesame bread rings, which look similar to bagels. They are sold on every street corner in Turkey and are popular for breakfast or as a snack",
"author": "Cassie Best",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"250g strong white bread flour",
"1 tsp salt",
"1 tsp caster sugar",
"1 tsp (5g) fast-action dried yeast",
"100g sesame seeds",
"1 tbsp pomegranate molasses or molasses syrup"
"steps": [
"Tip the flour, salt and sugar into a bowl and mix together. Add the yeast and 150ml warm water, mix, then knead for a few mins to bring everything together into a soft dough. Tip onto your work surface and continue kneading for 10-12 mins until the dough feels stretchy. Return to a clean bowl, cover and leave to rise for an hour or two until doubled in size.",
"Meanwhile, toast the sesame seeds in a dry frying pan until golden. Set aside in the pan. Mix the molasses syrup or pomegranate molasses with 50ml water in a wide shallow bowl.",
"Divide the dough into four equal pieces. Roll each into a sausage about 45cm long. Flip the rope of dough back on itself then twist the two strands and loop into a ring, squeezing the ends together to secure. Once shaped, dip each piece into the molasses water, turning to coat, then into the sesame seeds, making sure each one is well covered. Transfer to a baking tray, cover and leave to prove for another 45 mins-1 hr. Heat oven to 200C/180C fan/gas 6.",
"When the breads have puffed up, uncover them and bake for 15-18 mins until golden. Cool, then wrap in a tea towel to keep them fresh. Can be made up to a day ahead and warmed gently before serving."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "30 mins",
"Cooking": "15 mins"
"serves": 4,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 5,
"subcategory": "Bread",
"dish_type": "Bread roll recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "f91dd68c-aef8-4528-8e03-db03baf98381",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Roquefort & walnut rolls",
"description": "Use your favourite cheese in these delicious rolls from Great British Bake Off judge Paul Hollywood",
"author": "Good Food team",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"140g walnuts",
"100g wholemeal flour",
"400g strong white bread flour",
"14g sachet fast-action yeast",
"25g butter",
"250g roquefort cheese, crumbled",
"2 medium eggs, beaten"
"steps": [
"Place the walnuts in a food processor and pulse to chop finely; leave to one side. Put the flours, 10g salt, yeast, butter and 300ml water in a bowl, stir together and begin massaging the ingredients for a minute. If the mixture seems dry, add more water a tbsp at a time to make a soft but not sticky dough, then knead in the bowl for a further couple of minutes to bring the dough together.",
"Tip the dough onto a lightly floured work surface and knead well for 10 mins before returning to the bowl. Cover the bowl with cling film and leave to rise in a warm place for 1 hr. Briefly knead the walnuts into the dough, then leave to rise in the bowl for a further 20 mins.",
"Tip the dough out onto a lightly floured surface and roll out into a rectangle, approx 50 x 20cm, 1cm thick. Sprinkle the Roquefort evenly over the dough and lightly press in. Place the rectangle width-ways in front of you and roll up the rectangle like a Swiss roll. Cut into 8 equal sized pieces and place them onto a lightly greased baking tray, cut-side down. Cover with cling film and leave to rise for 1 hr.",
"Heat oven to 220C/200C fan/gas 7. Brush each round of dough with the beaten egg and bake for 20 mins. Leave to cool for a few minutes and eat while still warm. These are delicious on their own or served with a soup or a chunky salad with apple in it."
"nutrients": {
"kcal": "492",
"fat": "27g",
"saturates": "10g",
"carbs": "46g",
"sugars": "1g",
"fibre": "3g",
"protein": "18g",
"salt": "1.42g"
"times": {
"Preparation": "30 mins",
"Cooking": "20 mins"
"serves": 8,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 13,
"subcategory": "Bread",
"dish_type": "Bread roll recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "e6eeb897-93b9-45d0-908f-0bb7897b122a",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Jalape\u00f1o & cheddar corn rolls",
"description": "These bread rolls are full of strong cheddar and pop with jalape\u00f1os. They make a tasty veggie side and you can make a batch to freeze for later",
"author": "Cassie Best",
"rattings": 3,
"ingredients": [
"50g slightly salted butter, melted, plus extra for greasing ",
"250g fine polenta or cornmeal, plus extra for dusting",
"325g can sweetcorn, drained",
"250ml buttermilk",
"4 large eggs",
"1 tbsp golden caster sugar",
"100g plain flour",
"2 tsp baking powder",
"1 tsp bicarbonate of soda",
"200g mature cheddar, grated",
"50g jalape\u00f1os, sliced"
"steps": [
"Heat oven to 180C/160C fan/gas 4 and brush the holes of a 12-hole muffin tin with melted butter. Dust generously with polenta and shake out the excess. Tip 175g of the sweetcorn into a food processor with 1 tsp salt and the remaining ingredients, except the jalape\u00f1os. Blend until smooth, then remove the blade and stir through the remaining sweetcorn and jalape\u00f1os.",
"Divide the batter between the holes and bake for 25-30 mins until risen and golden. Insert a skewer into the centre of a roll \u2013 it should come out with a few moist crumbs, but the mixture should not be wet. Return to the oven for 5 mins more if necessary, then test again.",
"Cool for 5 mins, then transfer the rolls to a wire rack to cool. Will keep, wrapped in cling film, for up to 3 days, or freeze for up to 2 months \u2013 warm in a low oven before serving."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "20 mins",
"Cooking": "30 mins"
"serves": 12,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 2,
"subcategory": "Bread",
"dish_type": "Bread roll recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "4ff2b742-f9fb-4875-928f-7b551da32de5",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Olive bread swirls",
"description": "These delicious savoury rolls make an excellent side dish for a lunch party",
"author": "Xanthe Clay",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"500g strong white flour, plus extra for rolling",
"1 tsp salt",
"7g sachet easy-blend dried yeast",
"6 tbsp extra-virgin olive oil, plus a little for brushing",
"small bunch of basil",
"170g pitted black olives (about 200g unpitted weight)",
"1 garlic clove, crushed",
"4 tinned anchovies (optional)",
"50g pitted green olives"
"steps": [
"In a large bowl, mix the flour, salt, yeast, 1 tbsp olive oil and 300ml warm water, to make a soft dough. Knead by hand for 10 mins or with the dough hook in a food processor or mixer for 5 mins. Put the dough back in the cleaned out mixing bowl, then cover the bowl with oiled cling film. Leave to rise for an hr in a warm place until doubled in size.",
"Meanwhile, make the filling. Discard any tough basil stalks (leave tender ones on) and put in a mini food processor or hand blender beaker with the black olives. Add 4 tbsp olive oil, the garlic and the anchovies, if using. Whizz to a rough paste.",
"Heat oven to 220C/200C fan/gas 7. Line a shallow baking tin about 30 x 20cm with non-stick paper. On a floured worktop, roll out the dough to a rectangle roughly 30 x 40cm. Spread the olive paste all over and arrange the whole green olives in a line down one of the short edges. Roll up the dough like a Swiss roll, starting at the short olive-encrusted end to make a sausage shape.",
"Cut the dough into 12 slices, then carefully lift each one into the tin, to make 4 rows of 3 swirl shapes. Lightly brush all over with the remaining olive oil. Loosely cover with cling film, then leave to rise for 20 mins or so, until slightly puffed up and filling the tin. Cook for 20-25 mins until golden, then leave to cool in the tin."
"nutrients": {
"kcal": "258",
"fat": "10g",
"saturates": "1g",
"carbs": "38g",
"sugars": "1g",
"fibre": "3g",
"protein": "6g",
"salt": "1.05g"
"times": {
"Preparation": "20 mins - 25 mins",
"Cooking": "20 mins - 25 mins"
"serves": 12,
"difficult": "More effort",
"vote_count": 35,
"subcategory": "Bread",
"dish_type": "Bread roll recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "0cf32020-3175-48ae-9299-c36404417c70",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Tear-and-share stuffed deli rolls",
"description": "A picnic-friendly sharing loaf stuffed with mozzarella cheese, peppers and artichokes",
"author": "Cassie Best",
"rattings": 4,
"ingredients": [
"500g pack bread mix (we used ciabatta)",
"145g tub fresh pesto",
"100g cooked artichoke in olive oil, drained and chopped (reserve a little of the oil)",
"3 roasted peppers (from a jar), drained and chopped",
"250g ball mozzarella, chopped",
"handful basil, torn"
"steps": [
"Make up the bread dough following pack instructions, adding 1 tbsp of pesto instead of the oil suggested on the pack. Leave the dough to rise until doubled in size.",
"Brush a 23cm springform tin with some of the oil from the artic and set aside 2 tbsp pesto and 1 tbsp chopped peppers for the filling. Mix the remaining ingredients together in a bowl.",
"Divide the dough into 12 equal pieces, using scales to be exact. Roll each piece into a ball, then roll out to form a disc with a rolling pin. Divide the pesto-veg filling between the 12 pieces of dough, then shape back into balls by pinching the edges together and rolling until smooth. Arrange the dough balls, seam-side down, in the cake tin. Cover with a piece of oiled cling film and leave to prove until doubled in size. 4 Heat oven to 180C/160C fan/gas 4.",
"Remove the cling film. Brush the rolls with the remaining pesto and scatter over the rest of the peppers. Bake for 50 mins until golden and cooked through. Cool in the tin for 10 mins, then cool completely on a wire rack before transferring the deli rolls to your picnic basket."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "25 mins",
"Cooking": "50 mins"
"serves": 12,
"difficult": "More effort",
"vote_count": 1,
"subcategory": "Bread",
"dish_type": "Bread roll recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "9a8e0ed8-5f6b-4296-b2c5-c6052475bb73",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Brazilian cheese bread (p\u00e3o de queijo)",
"description": "Try baking a South American mainstay \u2013 these light and fluffy cheese puffs are best served warm from the oven",
"author": "Jennifer Joyce",
"rattings": 4,
"ingredients": [
"oil or butter, for the baking sheet",
"250ml whole milk",
"125g unsalted butter",
"1 tsp salt",
"300g tapioca flour",
"2 eggs",
"100g parmesan, grated"
"steps": [
"Heat the oven to 220C/200C fan/gas 7. Oil or butter a baking sheet and set aside.",
"Heat the milk, butter and salt in a medium saucepan and bring to a boil. Remove from the heat and add the tapioca flour. Stir vigorously, then leave to cool a little.",
"Pour the dough into a standing mix to beat the dough until its cool, or use a wooden spoon and beat by hand. Beat the eggs in one at a time, waiting until each is completely incorporated before adding the next. When the dough is glossy and mixed, add the parmesan. Beat again until mixed.",
"Spoon the dough onto the baking sheet in 1 tbsp balls, 5cm apart. Bake for 30 mins until crisp and golden. Remove from the oven and eat while still warm."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "20 mins",
"Cooking": "30 mins"
"serves": 24,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 18,
"subcategory": "Bread",
"dish_type": "Bread roll recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "e2113ae1-8af1-4943-9108-f86e981479af",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Brioche buns",
"description": "We show you how to master this soft bread enriched with eggs and milk. Serve split and filled with barbecued meat, burgers or pulled pork",
"author": "Jennifer Joyce",
"rattings": 4,
"ingredients": [
"250ml warm water",
"2 tsp dried yeast (not fast-action)",
"3 tbsp warm milk",
"2 tbsp golden caster sugar",
"450g strong flour, plus extra for dusting",
"4 tbsp unsalted butter, softened",
"2 large eggs, plus 1 beaten egg, for glazing",
"sesame seeds, for sprinkling"
"steps": [
"Mix the warm water, yeast, warm milk and sugar in a bowl. Let it stand for 5 mins until it becomes frothy \u2013 this is how you know the yeast is working.",
"Tip the flour and 1 tsp salt into a large mixing bowl, add the butter and rub together with your fingertips until the mixture resembles fine breadcrumbs.",
"Make a well in the centre of the buttery flour and add the warm yeast mixture and the eggs.",
"Use your hands to mix it into a sticky dough \u2013 don\u2019t worry if the mixture feels a little wet at this stage, it will come together when kneading. Tip the dough out onto a floured work surface.",
"Knead the dough for 10 mins by stretching it on the work surface \u2013 it will still be very sticky at this stage but don\u2019t be tempted to add too much flour.",
"The dough is ready when it feels soft and bouncy \u2013 this means that the gluten strands have developed. Place in an oiled bowl, cover with cling film and set aside to rise for 1-3 hrs or until doubled in size.",
"Once the dough has doubled in size, knock the air out and knead again for 2 mins. The dough should be much less sticky now, but add a little flour if it needs it.",
"Divide the dough into 12-16 even pieces. Roll into balls and arrange on lined baking trays. Loosely cover with oiled cling film and leave for about 1 hr or until doubled in size again. Heat oven to 200C/180C fan/gas 6 and place a shallow baking tray at the bottom.",
"Uncover the trays, brush the buns with egg and sprinkle with sesame seeds. Pour a cup of water into a baking tray at the bottom of the oven to create steam (see Tips for success, left). Bake for 20 mins or until golden, then leave to cool on a wire rack."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "15 mins",
"Cooking": "20 mins"
"serves": 16,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 60,
"subcategory": "Bread",
"dish_type": "Bread roll recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "8f75735a-dc95-4de5-8ceb-5d1bd903f3f7",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Garlic & basil ciabatta",
"description": "Perfect as a starter or as a side dish for a dinner party",
"author": "Good Food team",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"1 tbsp mayonnaise",
"2 tbsp butter, softened",
"1 bunch of basil",
"1 small ciabatta",
"2 tbsp grated parmesan (or vegetarian alternative)",
"2 garlic cloves ,crushed"
"steps": [
"Heat the grill to high. Beat together the mayonnaise, butter and garlic cloves until smooth. Chop basil, stir through and season with salt and pepper. Put the halves of the ciabatta, sliced lengthways, on a baking tray and spread with the butter. Sprinkle with grated Parmesan, then grill for 2-3 mins."
"nutrients": {
"kcal": "224",
"fat": "12g",
"saturates": "5g",
"carbs": "23g",
"sugars": "2g",
"fibre": "1g",
"protein": "7g",
"salt": "0.85g"
"times": {
"Preparation": "5 mins",
"Cooking": "3 mins"
"serves": 4,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 62,
"subcategory": "Bread",
"dish_type": "Garlic bread recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "e30bda29-cf26-4de2-9ce1-0390e9e01de2",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Cheese-stuffed garlic dough balls with a tomato sauce dip",
"description": "Impress family and friends with the ultimate sharing starter: cheesy, moreish garlic dough balls. With a tomato-based dipping sauce, they make an ideal addition to any Italian-inspired menu",
"author": "Liberty Mendez",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"50g butter, cubed",
"300g strong white bread flour",
"7g sachet fast-action dried yeast",
"1 tbsp caster sugar",
"200g block mozzarella, cut into 1.5cm cubes",
"65g gruy\u00e8re, coarsely grated (optional)",
"100g butter",
"2 garlic cloves, crushed",
"1 rosemary sprig, leaves picked and finely chopped ",
"1 tbsp olive oil, plus extra for the bowl and baking sheet",
"1 garlic clove, sliced",
"250g passata",
"1 tsp red wine vinegar",
"1 tsp caster sugar",
"pinch of chilli flakes",
"\u00bd small bunch of basil, torn, plus extra to serve "
"steps": [
"Heat 175ml water in a saucepan until steaming, then add the butter. Remove from the heat and leave to cool until the mixture is just warm (it should not be hot). Combine the flour, yeast, sugar and 1 tsp salt in a large bowl or stand mixer. Add the cooled butter mixture, and mix to a soft dough using a wooden spoon or the mixer. Knead for 10 mins by hand (or 5 mins using a mixer) until the dough feels bouncy and smooth. Transfer to an oiled bowl and cover with a clean tea towel. Leave somewhere warm to rise for 1\u00bd-2 hrs, or until doubled in size. Alternatively, leave to prove in the fridge overnight.",
"Oil and line a baking sheet with baking parchment. Knock the air out of the dough, then knead again for several minutes. Flatten a small piece of dough (about 20g) into a disc, and put a cube of the mozzarella and a pinch of the gruy\u00e8re into the middle of the disc. Enclose the cheeses with the dough, then roll into a ball. Transfer to the prepared baking sheet. Repeat with the remaining cheese and dough, placing the dough balls \u00bdcm apart on the baking sheet \u2013 they should be just touching after proving. Cover with a clean tea towel and leave somewhere warm to rise for 30 mins.",
"Meanwhile, make the garlic butter. Melt the butter in a small pan over a low heat, then stir in the garlic and rosemary. Remove from the heat and set aside until needed. Heat the oven to 180C/160C fan/gas 4. Brush the risen dough balls with the garlic butter, then bake for 25-30 mins until the dough balls are cooked through and the middles are oozing.",
"While the dough balls are baking, make the tomato sauce dip. Heat the oil in a saucepan and fry the garlic for 30 seconds. Tip in the passata, vinegar, sugar and chilli flakes, and simmer for 10 mins until thickened. Season to taste and stir in the basil. Brush the warm dough balls with any remaining garlic butter, then serve with the tomato sauce dip on the side for dunking."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "40 mins",
"Cooking": "35 mins"
"serves": 20,
"difficult": "More effort",
"vote_count": 15,
"subcategory": "Bread",
"dish_type": "Garlic bread recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "e72f3d35-5c4e-45d2-bebd-0f92710846f0",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Cheesy garlic baguette",
"description": "Make this family-friendly, cheesy garlic bread to accompany soup, chilli or pasta. It's an easy crowd-pleaser that's full of melty mozzarella.",
"author": "Ben O'Donoghue",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"125g mozzarella ball",
"140g taleggio cheese, rind removed",
"100g butter, softened",
"3 garlic cloves, finely chopped",
"handful parsley leaves, chopped",
"1 tsp fresh marjoram leaves, chopped, optional",
"1 long baguette",
"large pinch of paprika"
"steps": [
"Light the barbecue. Chop the mozzarella and taleggio into small chunks and tip into a bowl with the butter, garlic, herbs and some salt and pepper. If you want, you can mix everything together with a wooden spoon, but I prefer to use my hands.",
"Using a bread knife, cut diagonal slices along the loaf about three quarters of the way into the bread \u2013 don\u2019t cut all the way through. If it looks like the bread won\u2019t fit on the barbecue, cut it in half and make two smaller ones.",
"Push the garlic butter generously between each cut, allowing some to ooze onto the top \u2013 it will caramelise and taste superb. Sprinkle the paprika over. Wrap the bread up like a cracker in a double thickness of foil. You can prepare to this stage up to a day ahead.",
"Put the pack straight onto the barbecue. Cook for 2 minutes then roll it over onto its side and cook for 2 minutes more. Roll it onto its other side and cook for a further 2 minutes. Have a peek \u2013 if the cheese is melting and the bread is crispy, remove it from the barbie. Pull the slices apart and eat while hot and gooey."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "20 mins",
"Cooking": "No Time"
"serves": 6,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 28,
"subcategory": "Bread",
"dish_type": "Garlic bread recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "d53c5938-3a5b-4252-939e-2a029da06298",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Garlic bread",
"description": "Make this classic side dish with a crispy crust and buttery, garlicky centre. Our cheesy garlic bread toasts are delicious served with lasagne, soups and plenty more.",
"author": "Emma Lewis",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"2 ciabatta loaves",
"140g butter, softened",
"4-6 garlic cloves, crushed",
"handful parsley, chopped",
"2 tbsp finely grated Parmesan (or vegetarian alternative)"
"steps": [
"Slice the bread in half lengthwise. Toast the crust side for 2 mins until really crispy. Mix together butter, garlic and parsley in a bowl. Spread over the cut bread halves. Sprinkle over the Parmesan. Just before serving place on a baking sheet, then cook under a hot grill for 5 mins until toasty and lightly golden. Let it cool for 1 min before cutting into thick slices."
"nutrients": {
"kcal": "230",
"fat": "12g",
"saturates": "7g",
"carbs": "26g",
"sugars": "2g",
"fibre": "1g",
"protein": "6g",
"salt": "0.89g"
"times": {
"Preparation": "10 mins",
"Cooking": "7 mins"
"serves": 12,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 33,
"subcategory": "Bread",
"dish_type": "Garlic bread recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "d4b2dbbb-9638-4acc-96c7-c4ad957539ae",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Cheesy garlic bread wedges",
"description": "A wonderfully gooey version of garlic bread with jarlsberg",
"author": "Angela Nilsen",
"rattings": 4,
"ingredients": [
"85g butter, room temperature",
"2 garlic cloves, finely chopped",
"175g jarlsberg cheese, coarsley grated",
"2 tbsp chopped parsley",
"\u00bc tsp crushed dried chillies",
"1 round French country loaf, or ciabatta"
"steps": [
"Preheat the oven to fan 170C/conventional 190C/ gas 5. Beat the butter and garlic, then mix in the cheese, parsley and chillies. Cut the bread in half crossways through the centre.",
"Spread the cheese mixture on the cut sides of both bread halves. Wrap each half loosely in foil and put on a baking sheet. Bake for 20 minutes, unwrap the foil and bake a further 10-15 minutes until starting to turn pale golden. Cut into wedges and serve."
"nutrients": {
"kcal": "152",
"fat": "10g",
"saturates": "6g",
"carbs": "10g",
"sugars": "0g",
"fibre": "1g",
"protein": "5g",
"salt": "0.92g"
"times": {
"Preparation": "35 mins - 45 mins"
"serves": 12,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 14,
"subcategory": "Bread",
"dish_type": "Garlic bread recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "5d5790ac-16b1-44ca-bc74-37d2acd7c99b",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Garlic bread pizzas",
"description": "A fresh, easy-to-prepare snack",
"author": "Good Food team",
"rattings": 4,
"ingredients": [
"500g strong white flour, plus extra for rolling",
"7g sachet fast-action yeast",
"1 tsp salt",
"2 tbsp olive oil",
"50g butter, softened",
"2 garlic cloves, crushed",
"300g pack mozzarella, drained",
"4 tomatoes, roughly chopped",
"handful basil leaves, roughly chopped",
"1 tbsp extra-virgin olive oil",
"1 tsp balsamic vinegar"
"steps": [
"Tip all of the base ingredients into a mixing bowl. Pour over 300ml warm water \u2013 not too hot. Stir quite hard with a spoon until the mixture comes together.",
"Turn out onto a lightly floured surface and knead 2-3 times until the mixture forms a ball. Divide dough into 8 equalsize pieces. Take 1 piece, leaving the remainder loosely covered with oiled cling film. Lightly flour the surface again and use a rolling pin to roll out dough into a round about 15cm diameter or as thin as you can. Put pizza on a baking sheet.",
"Mix together the butter and crushed garlic, then spread a little over the pizza. Tear the mozzarella into thin strips and scatter over. Repeat for the remaining pieces of dough. You should be able to fit 2 pizzas per baking sheet; depending on how many baking sheets you have, you may have to cook in batches.",
"Heat oven to 240C/fan 220C/gas 9. Bake pizzas for 12-15 mins until crisp and cooked through. Meanwhile, mix together the remaining ingredients, then season well. When the pizza comes out of the oven, top with the tomato mixture and serve straight away."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "25 mins",
"Cooking": "15 mins"
"serves": 4,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 12,
"subcategory": "Bread",
"dish_type": "Garlic bread recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "474b5788-2599-493b-a8f7-1a6473adf99b",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Spicy garlic bread",
"description": "Lashings of spiced garlic butter spread on ciabatta then baked makes a great homemade side dish",
"author": "Good Food team",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"250g unsalted butter, softened",
"small bunch coriander, finely chopped",
"2 red chillies, deseeded and finely chopped",
"5 garlic cloves, crushed",
"2 tsp smoked paprika",
"5 ciabatta loaves"
"steps": [
"In a small bowl, combine \u00bd tsp salt with all the ingredients apart from the ciabatta. Mash together with a fork so everything is combined.",
"Heat oven to 200C/180C fan/gas 6. Using a bread knife, cut diagonal slices into the loaves, about three-quarters of the way through. Spread the butter into the slices, then wrap each loaf in a double layer of foil. Bake in the oven for 15 mins, then open up the foil and bake for a further 10 mins until crispy."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "15 mins",
"Cooking": "25 mins"
"serves": 15,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 4,
"subcategory": "Bread",
"dish_type": "Garlic bread recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "17f67054-fdca-41ce-a4bf-f23b68bd75eb",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Garlic bread nachos",
"description": "This easy side dish is sure to disappear quickly. Layer up garlic bread, cheddar, tortilla chips, spring onions and bake until melted. Serve with guacamole",
"author": "Sarah Cook",
"rattings": 4,
"ingredients": [
"3 ready-made garlic baguettes",
"90g lighter mature cheddar, grated",
"3 spring onions, finely sliced",
"30g bag tortilla chips, crunched a few times to roughly crush",
"90g soured cream",
"handful coriander leaves"
"steps": [
"Cut through the baguettes to separate all the slices, discarding the end pieces.",
"Pile the bread slices on top of your biggest baking sheet, all overlapping, as you would with tortillas for nachos. Scatter over most of the cheese, spring onions and crushed tortilla chips as you layer, finishing with a final layer of these toppings. If you\u2019re preparing ahead, you can cover the tray with cling film and chill until ready to cook.",
"Heat oven to 200C/180C fan/gas 6. Bake for 15 mins until the cheese has melted and the bread is golden and crisp. Loosen the soured cream with enough water to make a more drizzly topping, then spoon over the nachos and sprinkle with some coriander. Serve while everything is still hot and melted."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "10 mins",
"Cooking": "15 mins"
"serves": 8,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 9,
"subcategory": "Bread",
"dish_type": "Garlic bread recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "63d25ca2-c56b-452c-b588-5feb7dfc07ff",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Crusty garlic bread",
"description": "Get the kids in the kitchen to make this simple side dish - pop any extra garlic butter into the fridge or freezer for a busy weeknight",
"author": "Angela Boggiano",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"60g butter, softened",
"2 garlic cloves, crushed",
"1 part-baked white baguette (about 150g)"
"steps": [
"Put the butter in a bowl, add the garlic and mix well. Spoon the butter out onto a sheet of cling film and roll up to make a sausage-shaped log. Chill for 10 mins.",
"Heat oven to 200C/180C fan/gas 6. Slice the baguette into about 12 slices but not all the way through, leaving the base intact to hold it together.",
"Remove the cling film from the butter and thinly slice on a chopping board. Press each butter slice between the slices of bread.",
"Wrap the baguette in foil, place on a tray and bake for 5\u20136 mins, then peel back the foil. Cook for a further 4\u20135 mins to crisp up."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "5 mins",
"Cooking": "15 mins"
"serves": 6,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 20,
"subcategory": "Bread",
"dish_type": "Garlic bread recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "02b47d43-1ce4-4cd1-aa2a-247239c1327d",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Wild garlic butter on music paper bread",
"description": "This delicate, super-thin bread is inspired by a Sardinian classic, carta di musica - serve with flavoured butter for a special starter or side",
"author": "Barney Desmazery",
"rattings": 3,
"ingredients": [
"200g '00' flour, plus extra for dusting",
"100g semolina flour or fine semolina",
"olive oil, for brushing",
"8 slices wild garlic butter (see recipe in Goes well with), to serve",
"flaky sea salt, to serve"
"steps": [
"In a bowl, mix together the flours and 1/2 tsp salt. Pour in 175ml water and mix to a soft dough. Tip onto a lightly floured surface and knead for about 5 mins or until smooth. Wrap in cling film and leave to rest for 30 mins. Meanwhile, place a pizza stone or one or two large baking trays in the oven, then heat it to 240C/220C fan/gas 9 or as high as it will go.",
"Divide the dough into 8 and shape into balls. On a floured surface, roll out balls very thinly into rough circles about 20-22cm in diameter.",
"Cut out 8 squares of baking parchment a little larger than the dough circles. Pop the dough circles on top and brush with olive oil. Cook the breads, 1 or 2 at a time, on the hot pizza stone or baking tray (still on the baking parchment) for 6-8 mins or until bubbled up in places, golden brown and crisp. Remove and leave to cool on a wire rack while you cook the rest. Pop all the breads back in the oven for 1 min to warm through. Remove and top with a slice of garlic butter (see Goes well with) and sea salt."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "20 mins",
"Cooking": "35 mins"
"serves": 8,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 3,
"subcategory": "Bread",
"dish_type": "Garlic bread recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "eb542dec-4ca5-4e03-94fb-fab582012207",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Lamb & garlic bread salad",
"description": "Try these tasty lamb cutlets served with a vibrant salad of garlic bread, mint, charred cucumber and tomato. It's an easy midweek meal or an al fresco lunch",
"author": "Elena Silcock",
"rattings": 4,
"ingredients": [
"small pack mint, finely chopped",
"2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil",
"1 lemon, zested and juiced",
"8 lamb cutlets",
"1 cook-at-home garlic baguette (170g)",
"300g medium tomatoes, quartered",
"1 large cucumber, cut into large chunks",
"small pack parsley, roughly chopped",
"1 tsp honey"
"steps": [
"Heat oven to 200C/180C fan/gas 6. Mix half the mint with 1 tbsp oil, the lemon zest and a large pinch of salt and black pepper, then rub the mixture all over the lamb cutlets.",
"Bake the garlic bread for 15 mins, then allow to cool a little. Tear into chunks and return to the oven for 5 mins to dry out.",
"Meanwhile, put a griddle pan or large frying pan over a high heat and, once very hot, cook the lamb for 2-3 mins each side or until nicely seared outside but still pink in the middle. (You may have to do this in two batches.) Set aside to rest while you make the salad.",
"Put the tomatoes and cucumber in the same hot pan and cook for 2 mins or until a little charred \u2013 you will need to do this in batches. Tip into a large bowl and add thetoasted bread, remaining mint and the parsley.",
"Mix the lemon juice with the remaining olive oil and the honey, then season. Pour the dressing over the salad and toss gently so the tomatoes don\u2019t break up too much. Serve the warm salad alongside the lamb cutlets."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "20 mins",
"Cooking": "35 mins"
"serves": 4,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 4,
"subcategory": "Bread",
"dish_type": "Garlic bread recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "cd869596-3ba4-4385-9cd5-6db2ea679ed5",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Christmas tree garlic bread",
"description": "Each piece of this pull-apart bread has a melted mozarella centre. Brushed with garlic butter and served with a tomato dipping sauce, this will be a hit at any Christmas party buffet table",
"author": "Cassie Best",
"rattings": 4,
"ingredients": [
"500g strong white bread flour",
"7g sachet fast-action dried yeast",
"2 tsp golden caster sugar",
"100g butter, melted (buy a 250g pack and use the rest in the garlic butter)",
"drizzle of oil, for greasing",
"2 tbsp fine polenta or cornmeal",
"150g pack mozzarella (about 20 balls)",
"small knob of butter",
"1 garlic clove, crushed",
"2 x 400g cans chopped tomatoes",
"1 tsp dried oregano",
"1 tbsp red wine vinegar",
"2 tsp golden caster sugar",
"140g butter",
"4 garlic cloves, crushed",
"small bunch parsley, finely chopped (leave a little leftover to garnish, if you like)"
"steps": [
"Tip the flour into a large bowl or the bowl of a freestanding mixer. Add the yeast and sugar to one side of the bowl and 1 tsp fine salt to the other. Mix together, then add the melted butter and 275ml warm water. Mix to a dough, then knead for 10 mins by hand (or 5 mins in a freestanding mixer) until the dough feels stretchy and soft. Clean out the bowl, then lightly grease with a little oil. Turn the dough over in the oiled bowl until it\u2019s well coated. Cover with cling film or a tea towel and set aside somewhere warm until the dough has doubled in size. Alternatively, put the dough in the fridge and leave to rise slowly for 2 days (bring it to room temperature before continuing to step 2).",
"Line your largest baking sheet with parchment, and dust with polenta or cornmeal. Drain the mozzarella and dry the balls on some kitchen paper. Tip the dough onto your work surface and punch out the air bubbles. To make a Christmas tree shape, you\u2019ll need 23 balls. Tear off lumps of dough, ensuring each one is roughly the same size (if you want to be exact, weigh the dough, divide the weight by 23, then weigh each ball of dough as you break them off).",
"Shape each piece of dough into a disc and place a ball of mozzarella in the middle. Pull up the sides of the dough to encase the cheese, pinching the dough together to seal. Roll into a ball and place on the baking sheet, sealed-side down, in a tree shape. Leave a little space between each ball, as they will grow when proving. You\u2019re likely to have 2 or 3 balls without mozzarella, so use these pieces of dough for the trunk \u2013 for anyone who doesn\u2019t like cheese. Cover the tray with a sheet of oiled cling film and set aside for 30 mins until almost doubled in size.",
"While the dough proves, make the tomato dipping sauce. Melt the butter in a saucepan, add the garlic and sizzle for 30 secs until fragrant. Add the tomatoes, oregano, vinegar, sugar and some seasoning. Bubble for 30 mins until the sauce is thick. Heat oven to 200C/180C fan/gas 6.",
"When the dough is ready, uncover the baking sheet and bake for 20-25 mins until golden brown. Meanwhile, make the garlic butter. Melt the butter in a saucepan, add the garlic and sizzle for 1-2 mins until the garlic is a shade darker (but not brown). When the bread is cooked, transfer it to a platter. Stir most of the parsley into the garlic butter and use a pastry brush to brush it all over the bread. Leave it to soak in, then brush on more. Sprinkle over a little extra parsley to garnish, if you like. Reheat the tomato sauce and serve it alongside the bread with any remaining garlic butter."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "45 mins",
"Cooking": "55 mins"
"serves": 8,
"difficult": "More effort",
"vote_count": 12,
"subcategory": "Bread",
"dish_type": "Garlic bread recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "b8f2b281-a5c5-4387-b050-8bd4cfe81873",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Smoked mackerel chowder with hedgehog garlic bread",
"description": "Whip up this budget-friendly, creamy fish soup and easy garlic loaf using smoked mackerel and a few store cupboard ingredients",
"author": "Cassie Best",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"4 garlic cloves, crushed",
"50g butter, plus a large knob for the chowder, softened",
"1 small round loaf of bread",
"1 tsp vegetable oil, for cooking",
"4 celery sticks, finely chopped, plus a few leaves to serve",
"1 onion, finely chopped",
"3 tbsp plain flour",
"600ml whole milk",
"2 large potatoes, cut into cubes",
"200g pack smoked peppered mackerel, flaked",
"200g frozen sweetcorn"
"steps": [
"Heat oven to 220C/200C fan/gas 7. Mash the garlic with 50g butter. Slice the bread first one way, then the other (in a hedgehog pattern), but do not cut all the way through. Stuff the crevices with garlic butter, then wrap loosely in foil, leaving the top open to crisp, and bake for 20 mins while you make the chowder.",
"Heat a knob of butter in a saucepan with the oil. Tip in the celery and onion, cook for 5 mins or until soft, then add the flour and mix to a paste. Pour in the milk, a little at a time, and cook until smooth and the consistency of double cream. Add the potatoes and half the mackerel, cover and simmer for 15 mins until the potatoes are cooked.",
"Flake the remaining mackerel, add to the chowder with the sweetcorn and simmer for 1-2 mins until the sweetcorn is cooked. Splash in a little water if it is too thick. Ladle into bowls, scatter over the celery leaves and serve with the bread for dunking."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "10 mins",
"Cooking": "25 mins"
"serves": 4,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 12,
"subcategory": "Bread",
"dish_type": "Garlic bread recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "a1ecbd6a-de28-424f-980e-abd272802b9e",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Smoked haddock & sweetcorn chowder with herby garlic bread",
"description": "This creamy fish soup with corn and potato will warm you up - serve with buttery homemade garlic baguette and plenty of parsley",
"author": "Good Food team",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"1 tbsp olive oil",
"1 onion, finely chopped",
"100g streaky bacon, chopped",
"200g potato, chopped into small pieces",
"2 tbsp plain flour",
"600ml milk",
"400ml chicken stock",
"300g smoked haddock, skinned and cut into 1cm pieces",
"325g can sweetcorn, drained",
"1 baguette",
"140g butter, softened",
"4 garlic cloves, crushed",
"small pack flat-leaf parsley, finely chopped"
"steps": [
"Heat oven to 200C/180C fan/gas 6. Mix together the butter, garlic and half the flat-leaf parsley, then spread the mix between diagonal cuts in the baguette. Wrap the bread in foil and set to one side.",
"Heat the oil in a large pan over a medium heat. Fry the onion and bacon for about 5 mins until softened, then add the potato and cook for another 5 mins. Meanwhile, put the garlic bread in the oven and cook for 15 mins, opening the foil for the last 5 mins to brown.",
"Stir the flour into the bacon and potato, and cook for a couple of mins, then gradually add the milk and stock. Bring to the boil, then reduce the heat and simmer gently for 10-15 mins until the potato is almost cooked. Add the haddock and sweetcorn to the pan, and simmer for a further 5 mins. Stir the remaining parsley into the chowder and serve alongside the garlic bread."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "30 mins",
"Cooking": "35 mins"
"serves": 4,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 6,
"subcategory": "Bread",
"dish_type": "Garlic bread recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "bfbab064-135d-46fb-ad40-8f0cd99819ae",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Easy sausage casserole",
"description": "A comforting and hearty one-pot sausage casserole recipe with spicy chorizo, smoked paprika and plenty of vegetables, perfect for a filling family meal",
"author": "Caroline Hire \u2013 Food writer",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"2 tbsp olive or rapeseed oil",
"1 onion, finely chopped",
"2 medium sticks celery, finely chopped",
"1 yellow pepper, chopped",
"1 red pepper, chopped",
"6 cooking chorizo sausages (about 400g)",
"6 pork sausages (about 400g)",
"3 fat garlic cloves, chopped",
"1 \u00bd tsp sweet smoked paprika",
"\u00bd tsp ground cumin",
"1 tbsp dried thyme",
"125ml white wine",
"2 x 400g cans cherry tomatoes or chopped tomatoes",
"2 sprigs fresh thyme",
"1 chicken stock cube",
"1 x 400g can aduki beans, drained and rinsed",
"1 bunch chives, snipped (optional)"
"steps": [
"Heat 2 tbsp olive or rapeseed oil in a large heavy-based pan.",
"Add 1 finely chopped onion and cook gently for 5 minutes.",
"Add 2 finely chopped medium celery sticks, 1 chopped yellow pepper and 1 chopped red pepper and cook for a further 5 mins.",
"Add 6 chorizo sausages and 6 pork sausages and fry for 5 minutes.",
"Stir in 3 chopped garlic cloves, 1 \u00bd tsp sweet smoked paprika, \u00bd tsp ground cumin and 1 tbsp dried thyme and continue cooking for 1 \u2013 2 mins or until the aromas are released.",
"Pour in 125ml white wine and use a wooden spoon to remove any residue stuck to the pan.",
"Add two 400g cans of tomatoes, and 2 sprigs of fresh thyme and bring to a simmer. Crumble in the chicken stock cube and stir.",
"Cook for 40 minutes. Stir in a 400g drained and rinsed can of aduki beans and cook for a further five minutes.",
"Remove the thyme sprigs, season with black pepper and stir through some snipped chives, if using. Serve."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "15 mins",
"Cooking": "1 hr"
"serves": 4,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 423,
"subcategory": "Bread",
"dish_type": "Garlic bread recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "6a3fd1f9-d513-41d7-b628-d6e347f11a13",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Garlic & prosciutto plait",
"description": "Create your own artisan bread with these attractive, yet simple-to-make savoury loaves",
"author": "Angela Nilsen",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"400g malted grain brown bread flour, or wholemeal or granary bread flour",
"100g strong white bread flour",
"7g sachet easy-bake dried yeast (or 2 tsp Quick dried yeast)",
"1\u00bd tsp salt",
"1 tbsp soft butter",
"2 plump garlic cloves, crushed with \u00bc tsp salt",
"5 slices prosciutto, roughly chopped",
"1 beaten egg"
"steps": [
"Mix your choice of brown flour with the white, the yeast and salt in a large mixing bowl. Put in the butter and rub it into the flour. Mix in the crushed garlic. Make a dip in the centre of the flour and pour in almost 300ml hand warm (cool rather than hot) water, with a round-bladed knife. Then mix in enough of the remaining water and a bit more if needed, to gather up any dry bits in the bottom of the bowl and until the mixture comes together as a soft, not too sticky, dough. Gather it into a ball with your hands.",
"Put the dough on to a very lightly floured surface and knead for 8-10 mins until it feels smooth and elastic, only adding the minimum of extra flour if necessary to prevent the dough sticking. Place the ball of dough on a lightly floured work surface. Cover with an upturned, clean, large glass bowl and leave for 45 mins-1 hr or until doubled in size and feels light and springy. Timing will depend on the warmth of the room.",
"Knock back the dough by lightly kneading just 3-4 times. You only want to knock out any large air bubbles, so too much handling now will lose the dough\u2019s lightness. Shape into a ball. Cover with the glass bowl and leave for 15 mins.",
"Shape by cutting the ball into 6 even pieces. Roll each with your hands into a 30-35cm sausage shape, that is plump in the middle and tapers off at each end. For each plait, lay 2 dough sausages in front of you like an X, then lay the other piece lengthways down the middle of the X and scatter over a few slices of proscuitto. Start to plait from the centre down, left over right, right over left etc. When you reach the end, carefully turn the plait over and complete the plaiting, working down from the centre again. Press the tapered ends together to seal then lay each on a baking sheet lined with baking parchment. Tuck the rest of the proscuitto into the folds of each plait. Cover with a clean tea towel. Leave for 40-45 mins, or until doubled in size.",
"Put a roasting tin in the bottom of the oven 20 mins before ready to bake and heat oven to 230C/210C fan/gas 8. Put the risen bread in the oven, carefully pour about 250ml cold water into the roasting tin (this will hiss and create a burst of steam to give you a crisp crust), then lower the heat to 220C/200C fan/gas 7. Bake for 25 mins or until golden. Remove and cool on a wire rack. If you tap the underneath of the loaf if should be firm and sound hollow. Finish by brushing with beaten egg."
"nutrients": {
"kcal": "81",
"fat": "2g",
"saturates": "1g",
"carbs": "15g",
"sugars": "1g",
"fibre": "1g",
"protein": "3g",
"salt": "0.45g"
"times": {
"Preparation": "20 mins",
"Cooking": "25 mins"
"serves": 2,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 2,
"subcategory": "Bread",
"dish_type": "Garlic bread recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "27cfe6ca-0ea6-4c81-9a63-a3609e6e4198",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Garlic bacon butties",
"description": "You'll need good, crusty white bread for these instant hangover cures",
"author": "Lesley Waters",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"6 rashers rindless back bacon",
"1 white country loaf",
"butter, for spreading",
"3 tbsp tomato chutney",
"1 large garlic clove, peeled, cut in half"
"steps": [
"Heat a griddle or frying pan, then cook the bacon for 3 mins each side or until golden and crisp.",
"Cut 6 thick slices from the loaf and butter each one on one side. Spread the chutney evenly over 3 slices of the bread and top each with 2 rashers of bacon. Top with the other slices of bread, buttered side down, then press together well.",
"Return the butties to the pan over a medium heat (you'll have to do this in batches), then toast for 2-3 mins each side until golden. Remove from pan, then rub both sides with cut side of the garlic clove. Cut the butties in half and serve straight away."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "10 mins",
"Cooking": "15 mins"
"serves": 6,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 11,
"subcategory": "Bread",
"dish_type": "Garlic bread recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "bd92d295-6572-4bb2-9261-84a5c34be3e1",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Sweet potato & rosemary soup with garlic toasts",
"description": "This rustic soup is super-quick and cheap to make, but full of flavour",
"author": "Good Food team",
"rattings": 4,
"ingredients": [
"2 tsp olive oil, plus extra for brushing",
"1 onion, chopped",
"3 garlic cloves",
"750g sweet potato, peeled and cubed",
"1l vegetable stock",
"2 rosemary sprigs",
"8 slices bread (ciabatta is good)"
"steps": [
"Heat the oil in a large saucepan, then fry the onion until soft. Crush 2 garlic cloves, add to the onion, then fry for 1 min more. Stir in the sweet potato, then cover with the stock and bring to the boil. Strip the leaves from one of the rosemary sprigs, then add to the pan. Simmer for 10 mins until the potato is soft.",
"Meanwhile, heat oven to 200C/ fan 180C/gas 6. Place the bread on a baking sheet, then brush with olive oil. Slice the remaining garlic clove in half, then rub the cut side over the bread along with the leaves from the second rosemary sprig. Season, then bake for 10 mins until crisp and golden.",
"Use a hand blender to roughly pur\u00e9e the soup, adding a splash of hot water if it seems too thick. Season well, then pour into warmed bowls and serve with the toasts."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "10 mins",
"Cooking": "20 mins"
"serves": 4,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 24,
"subcategory": "Bread",
"dish_type": "Garlic bread recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "af680c5d-dc01-47e2-a314-2d474afd7c0c",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Seeded wholemeal loaf",
"description": "This hearty, wholesome bread is rich in flavour and packed with seeds - try pumpkin, sunflower, poppy or linseeds",
"author": "Chelsie Collins",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"400g strong wholemeal bread flour",
"100g spelt flour",
"7g sachet fast-action dried yeast",
"1 tbsp black treacle",
"oil, for greasing",
"50g mixed seeds (we used pumpkin, sunflower, poppy and linseeds)",
"1 egg yolk, loosened with a fork",
"1 tsp fine salt"
"steps": [
"Combine both flours in a large bowl with the yeast and 1 tsp fine salt. Mix the treacle with 250ml warm water until well combined. Stir into the flour to make a slightly sticky dough. If you need to add more water, splash it in 1 tbsp at a time.",
"Knead the dough on a lightly floured surface for 10 mins (or in a tabletop mixer for 5-7 mins). Your dough should be smooth and elastic when it\u2019s ready. Place the dough in a lightly oiled bowl, flip the dough over to coat it in oil, then cover with a sheet of oiled cling film. Leave in a warm place until doubled in size \u2013 this will take about 1 hr (see note, below). Lightly oil a 900g loaf tin.",
"Once doubled in size, knead the dough again for 3-5 mins to knock out the air bubbles \u2013 add most of the seeds and work these into the dough as you knead. Shape the dough into an oval roughly the same length as your tin. Place in the tin and leave to prove, covered with oiled cling film, for 30-45 mins until it has nearly doubled in size again. Heat oven to 200C/180C fan/gas 6.",
"Gently press a finger into the loaf to check if it has had enough proving time (see tip). When it\u2019s ready, glaze the top of the loaf with the egg yolk and sprinkle over the remaining seeds. Bake in the oven for 40-45 mins until golden brown \u2013 if you tip the loaf out of the tin and tap the bottom, it should sound hollow. Leave to cool on a wire rack for at least 30 mins before slicing."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "35 mins",
"Cooking": "45 mins"
"serves": 1,
"difficult": "More effort",
"vote_count": 34,
"subcategory": "Bread",
"dish_type": "Wholemeal breads",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "27a8ba23-e11e-4030-81a4-534b0dada29d",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Wholemeal flatbreads",
"description": "These flatbreads are a doddle \u2013 simply make a large batch out of storecupboard ingredients and freeze them for later in the week",
"author": "Justine Pattison",
"rattings": 4,
"ingredients": [
"350g wholemeal flour, plus extra for dusting",
"4 tsp cold-pressed rapeseed oil"
"steps": [
"Put the flour in a medium bowl and rub in the oil with your fingertips. Stir in 225ml warm water, mix thoroughly, then knead until the dough feels smooth and elastic.",
"Put the dough onto a lightly floured surface and divide into eight balls. Sprinkle the work surface with a little more flour and roll out one of the balls very thinly, using a floured rolling pin, to around 22cm in diameter. Turn the dough regularly and sprinkle with a little more flour if it begins to stick. Set aside and make the other flatbreads in the same way. If making ahead, freeze before cooking.",
"Put a medium non-stick frying pan over a high heat and, once hot, add one of the flatbreads. Cook for about 30 secs, then turn over and cook on the other side for 30 secs. Press the flatbread with a spatula while cooking to encourage it to puff up and cook inside \u2013 it should be lightly browned in patches and look fairly dry, without being crisp. Repeat with the remaining flatbreads, keeping them warm by wrapping in a clean tea towel until needed."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "10 mins",
"Cooking": "10 mins"
"serves": 8,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 19,
"subcategory": "Bread",
"dish_type": "Wholemeal breads",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "14ce6f4a-607f-41c4-b625-ffe4ae8aac0b",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Mixed seed bread",
"description": "This recipe uses a basic bread dough method, but the mix of flours gives an interesting texture and flavour",
"author": "Good Food team",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"350g wholemeal flour",
"100g rye flour",
"50g quinoa flour or extra rye flour",
"2 tsp salt",
"7g sachet fast-action yeast",
"125g pack sunflower seeds",
"25g caraway seeds",
"50g each poppy seeds and sesame seeds",
"75ml black treacle",
"300ml water"
"steps": [
"Mix the flours, salt, yeast, sunflower, caraway, and poppy seeds in a large bowl. Add the black treacle and water, then mix well. If the dough seems a little stiff, add 1 tbsp or more extra water. Mix well, then put on a lightly floured work surface and gently knead the dough for 7 mins. Put it back into a lightly oiled bowl for approx 2 hours until doubled in size.",
"Line a tray with baking parchment. Tip the dough onto a lightly floured work surface and knock back, then gently mould the dough into a ball. Roll the dough in the sesame seeds and place on the baking tray to prove for a further hour until doubled in size.",
"Heat oven to 220C/fan 200C/gas 7. Cut the top into criss-cross slashes with a sharp knife and bake for 30 mins until golden brown and the loaf sounds hollow when tapped underneath. Cool on a wire rack."
"nutrients": {
"kcal": "315",
"fat": "13g",
"saturates": "1g",
"carbs": "42g",
"sugars": "5g",
"fibre": "5g",
"protein": "11g",
"salt": "1g"
"times": {
"Preparation": "25 mins",
"Cooking": "30 mins"
"serves": 1,
"difficult": "More effort",
"vote_count": 11,
"subcategory": "Bread",
"dish_type": "Wholemeal breads",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "f6ddaab0-0064-49ed-964a-9f365b134a9b",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Rye bread",
"description": "This rye bread recipe is lower in gluten than your average white loaf - this recipe uses white or wholemeal flour to give a light texture but you can experiment with ratios",
"author": "Cassie Best",
"rattings": 4,
"ingredients": [
"200g rye flour, plus extra for dusting",
"200g strong white or wholemeal flour",
"7g sachet fast-action dried yeast",
"\u00bd tsp fine salt",
"1 tbsp honey",
"1 tsp caraway seed (optional)"
"steps": [
"Tip the flours, yeast and salt into a bowl. In a jug, mix the honey with 250ml warm water, pour the liquid into the bowl and mix to form a dough. Rye flour can be quite dry and absorbs lots of water, if the dough looks too dry add more warm water until you have a soft dough Tip out onto your work surface and knead for 10 mins until smooth. Rye contains less gluten than white flour so the dough will not feel as springy as a conventional white loaf.",
"Place the dough in a well oiled bowl, cover with cling film and leave to rise in a warm place for 1-2 hrs, or until roughly doubled in size. Dust a 2lb/900g loaf tin with flour.",
"Tip the dough back onto your work surface and knead briefly to knock out any air bubbles. If using caraway seeds work these in to the dough. Shape into a smooth oval loaf and pop into your tin. Cover the tin with oiled cling film and leave to rise somewhere warm for a further 1 \u2013 1.5 hr, or until doubled in size.",
"Heat oven to 220C/200C fan/gas 7. Remove the cling film and dust the surface of the loaf with rye flour. Slash a few incisions on an angle then bake for 30 mins until dark brown and hollow sounding when tapped. Transfer to a wire cooling rack and leave to cool for at least 20 mins before serving"
"nutrients": {
"kcal": "170",
"fat": "1.1g",
"saturates": "0.2g",
"carbs": "34.3g",
"sugars": "2.3g",
"fibre": "6.9g",
"protein": "5.6g",
"salt": "0.3g"
"times": {
"Preparation": "50 mins",
"Cooking": "No Time"
"serves": 1,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 19,
"subcategory": "Bread",
"dish_type": "Wholemeal breads",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "c4529756-bea9-4eff-8530-10eb1d9f26ff",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Triangular bread thins",
"description": "Bake our easy bread thins with wholemeal spelt and top with your favourite ingredients. We have ideas for using them in two healthy lunch recipes",
"author": "Sara Buenfeld",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"190g plain wholemeal spelt flour, plus extra for dusting",
"\u00bd tsp bicarbonate of soda\u2028",
"1 tsp baking powder",
"75ml live bio yogurt made up to 150ml with cold water"
"steps": [
"Heat oven to 200C/180C fan/gas 6 and line a baking sheet with baking parchment. Mix the flour, bicarbonate of soda and baking powder in a bowl, then stir in the diluted yogurt with the blade of a knife until you have a soft, sticky dough, adding a little water if the mix is dry.",
"Tip the dough onto a lightly floured surface and shape and flatten with your hands to make a 20cm round. Take care not to over-handle as it can make the bread tough. Lift onto the baking sheet and cut into six triangles, slightly easing them apart with the knife. Bake for about 10-12 mins \u2013 they don\u2019t have to be golden, but should feel firm. Leave to cool on a wire rack.",
"Use to make our wild salmon & avocado triangles and goat's cheese, tomato & olive triangles. The rest can be packed into a food bag to use later in the week, or frozen until needed."
"nutrients": {
"kcal": "115",
"fat": "1g",
"saturates": "0.3g",
"carbs": "21g",
"sugars": "1g",
"fibre": "2g",
"protein": "5g",
"salt": "0.4g"
"times": {
"Preparation": "8 mins",
"Cooking": "10 mins - 12 mins"
"serves": 6,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 12,
"subcategory": "Bread",
"dish_type": "Wholemeal breads",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "4fe76c25-1736-42be-84b1-515a4e13a31b",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Brown loaf",
"description": "Try this simple step-by-step brown bread recipe to make a seeded loaf or try one of three gorgeous variations",
"author": "Angela Nilsen",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"400g malted grain brown bread flour, or wholemeal or granary bread flour",
"100g strong white bread flour",
"7g sachet easy-bake dried yeast (or 2 tsp Quick dried yeast)",
"1\u00bd tsp salt",
"1 tbsp soft butter",
"4 tbsp mixed seed (optional), such as linseed, pumpkin, sesame and sunflower, plus extra for sprinkling"
"steps": [
"Mix your choice of brown flour with the white, the yeast and salt in a large mixing bowl. Put in the butter and rub it into the flour. Stir in the seeds if using. Make a dip in the centre of the flour and pour in almost 300ml hand warm (cool rather than hot) water, with a round-bladed knife. Then mix in enough of the remaining water and a bit more if needed, to gather up any dry bits in the bottom of the bowl and until the mixture comes together as a soft, not too sticky, dough. Gather it into a ball with your hands.",
"Put the dough on to a very lightly floured surface and knead for 8-10 mins until it feels smooth and elastic, only adding the minimum of extra flour if necessary to prevent the dough sticking. Place the ball of dough on a lightly floured work surface. Cover with an upturned, clean, large glass bowl and leave for 45 mins-1 hr or until doubled in size and feels light and springy. Timing will depend on the warmth of the room.",
"Knock back the dough by lightly kneading just 3-4 times. You only want to knock out any large air bubbles, so too much handling now will lose the dough\u2019s lightness. Shape into a ball. Cover with the glass bowl and leave for 15 mins.",
"Now shape to make a tin loaf Grease a 1.2-litre capacity loaf tin (about 23 x 13 x 5.5cm) and line the base with baking parchment. Using your knuckles, flatten the dough into a rectangle about 25 x 19cm. Fold both shorter ends into the centre like an envelope, make a \u00bc turn, then flatten again into the same size and roll up very tightly, starting from one of the short ends. Roll the top of the dough in extra seeds and place in the tin with the join underneath, pressing the seeds gently into the dough. Cover with a clean tea towel. Leave for 40-45 mins, or until risen about 5cm above the top of the tin.",
"Put a roasting tin in the bottom of the oven 20 mins before ready to bake and heat oven to 230C/210C fan/gas 8. Put the risen bread in the oven, carefully pour about 250ml cold water into the roasting tin (this will hiss and create a burst of steam to give you a crisp crust), then lower the heat to 220C/200C fan/gas 7. Bake for about 30 mins or until golden, covering with foil for the last 5 mins if starting to brown too quickly. Leave in the tin for 2-3 mins, then remove and cool on a wire rack. If you tap the underneath of the baked loaf if should be firm and sound hollow."
"nutrients": {
"kcal": "91",
"fat": "1g",
"saturates": "0g",
"carbs": "18g",
"sugars": "1g",
"fibre": "1g",
"protein": "3g",
"salt": "0.38g"
"times": {
"Preparation": "20 mins",
"Cooking": "30 mins"
"serves": 1,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 57,
"subcategory": "Bread",
"dish_type": "Wholemeal breads",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "9f88bdf9-74d8-4b68-82b0-18c27149f7fb",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Indian bread with courgettes & coriander",
"description": "This bread is called thepla in India and is best served hot with lightly salted plain yogurt, or cold with mango chutney",
"author": "Good Food team",
"rattings": 4,
"ingredients": [
"\u00bd tsp cumin seeds",
"450g courgettes",
"175g plain flour, plus extra for rolling out",
"175g plain wholemeal flour (not strong bread flour)",
"2 tsp grated fresh root ginger",
"a good pinch of turmeric",
"a small handful of fresh coriander, chopped",
"3-4 tbsp sunflower oil"
"steps": [
"Dry fry the cumin seeds for 30-60 seconds in a non-stick pan, tossing constantly until toasted. Remove from heat.",
"Wash the courgettes, then trim and grate them on the coarsest side of the grater (unpeeled) into a largish bowl. Tip in both the flours, the ginger, turmeric and coriander, add 1 tsp salt and stir well.",
"Pour 11\u20442 tbsp of the oil into the flour mixture and rub it in, then gradually add 4-5 tbsp cold water until the mixture comes together to form a soft dough, a bit wetter than pastry. Tear or cut off 12 equal-sized pieces and shape into balls.",
"Dust the work surface and rolling pin with a little extra flour and roll each piece into a thin 14cm round \u2013 don\u2019t worry if the edges are crinkly.",
"Heat a large cast-iron griddle or heavy-based frying pan until very hot. Put one or two breads on the griddle and cook for 2 minutes on one side, patting the edges with a clean soft cloth \u2013 this keeps the bread in contact with the heat and helps cook it fast. Turn the breads over and cook for 2 minutes more.",
"Drizzle a little oil around the edges of the bread, turn them over again and cook for 30-60 seconds more, then drizzle a few drops of oil on this side. Remove and set aside on a plate. Repeat with the rest of the rounds. (You can make the breads up to 2 hours ahead, then wrap in foil and reheat in a low oven.) Serve hot or cold."
"nutrients": {
"kcal": "257",
"fat": "7g",
"saturates": "1g",
"carbs": "43g",
"sugars": "0g",
"fibre": "4g",
"protein": "8g",
"salt": "0.01g"
"times": {
"Preparation": "1 hr and 15 mins",
"Cooking": "No Time"
"serves": 12,
"difficult": "More effort",
"vote_count": 7,
"subcategory": "Bread",
"dish_type": "Wholemeal breads",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "a627b33d-3af9-4f77-9e7e-3eba62b76e06",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Spiced flat breads",
"description": "Easy to make and delicious from the grill",
"author": "Good Food team",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"140g plain flour",
"140g wholemeal flour",
"7g sachet easy-blend yeast",
"1 tbsp melted butter, plus extra for brushing",
"2 fat garlic cloves, chopped",
"1 large red or green chilli, seeded and chopped",
"2 tsp sesame seeds ",
"2 tsp ground fenugreek or ground coriander",
"2 tbsp olive oil",
"2 tbsp chopped coriander"
"steps": [
"If making the paste, use a food processor, electric spice mill or pestle and mortar to blend together the garlic, chilli, sesame seeds and ground spice to a thick paste. Work in the oil, then the coriander, to a spreading paste and season. Set aside.",
"Put the flours, 1 tsp salt and yeast into a large bowl and mix. Stir 120ml tepid water into the melted butter, then mix this into the flour, adding extra drops of tepid water until you have a smooth dough. Knead on a lightly floured surface for 5 mins, then return to the bowl, cover and leave in a warm place to rise until doubled in size. This should take 1 hr.",
"Divide the dough into 8 balls. Roll out each ball on a lightly floured surface to a rough 18cm circle the thickness of a 10p coin. Prick each one well with a fork to stop them rising. To cook on a barbecue: put the breads on the centre of the grill. Cook for a few mins, then turn and cook the other side. If using the paste, spread 1 tsp on one side as the breads come off the heat. Otherwise, brush the breads with more melted butter. Reheat the griddle between batches and stack them on top of each other to keep warm."
"nutrients": {
"kcal": "128",
"fat": "2g",
"saturates": "1g",
"carbs": "25g",
"sugars": "0.03g",
"fibre": "2g",
"protein": "4g",
"salt": "0g"
"times": {
"Preparation": "35 mins",
"Cooking": "10 mins"
"serves": 8,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 20,
"subcategory": "Bread",
"dish_type": "Wholemeal breads",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "999e0d56-d146-4973-afa1-6f0fc24f9272",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Stout & apple wheaten bread",
"description": "An easy beer bread with chunks of sweet apple. This wholemeal loaf is made with buttermilk and treacle for a dense, moist slice you can enjoy with your tea",
"author": "Diana Henry",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"60g butter, cut into small cubes, plus more for the tins",
"1 large apple (or 2 small ones), peeled, cored and diced",
"175g plain flour",
"450g wholemeal flour",
"90g medium oatmeal",
"2 \u00bd tsp bicarbonate of soda",
"4 tbsp muscovado sugar",
"175ml good-quality stout",
"5 tbsp treacle",
"400ml buttermilk",
"oat flakes, pinhead oatmeal or sesame seeds (or a mixture of all three) to sprinkle over the top"
"steps": [
"Heat oven to 180C/160C fan/gas 4. Butter three 1lb loaf tins. Toss the apple with 2 tbsp of the plain flour. Mix the flours and oatmeal with 1 tsp salt and the bicarbonate of soda. Add the butter and rub it in with your fingertips. Stir in the sugar.",
"Make a well in the middle of the mixture and gradually pour in the stout, followed by the treacle, then the buttermilk. Mix the liquids in with a butter knife as they are added, also working in the floured apple \u2013 work quickly and be careful not to overmix.",
"Divide the mixture between the loaf tins, sprinkle over the oats or seeds. and bake for 35-40 mins. To test whether the loaves are ready, remove one from the tin and tap the bottom. If it sounds hollow, it\u2019s ready; if not, return to the oven for a little longer. Turn the loaves out of the tins and leave to cool on a wire rack."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "30 mins",
"Cooking": "35 mins - 40 mins"
"serves": 3,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 2,
"subcategory": "Bread",
"dish_type": "Wholemeal breads",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "36bfb14c-be0e-4eca-9aa8-1e5b3a96c328",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Seeded flatbreads",
"description": "Moroccan-style breads with nigella and sesame seeds, great for wrapping and dipping",
"author": "Cassie Best",
"rattings": 4,
"ingredients": [
"7g sachet dried yeast",
"1 tsp caster sugar",
"400g strong white bread flour",
"200g wholemeal bread flour",
"oil, for greasing",
"1 tbsp kalonji seeds (also called black onion seeds or nigella seeds)",
"2 tbsp sesame seed"
"steps": [
"Mix the yeast with 2 tbsp warm water and sugar, and leave for a few mins. Tip the flours into a large bowl with 1 tsp salt and make a well in the centre. Pour in the yeast mixture and 500ml warm water. Mix with a wooden spoon until it comes together as a dough, then tip onto a work surface and knead for 5-10 mins until smooth and elastic \u2013 add a little extra flour if the dough is too sticky. Put the dough in an oiled bowl, cover with a tea towel and leave in a warm place to rise for 1 hr until doubled in size.",
"Tip the dough onto your work surface and knock out all the air. Knead the seeds into the dough until well distributed. Divide the dough into 12 pieces, then roll out each as thinly as you can. Heat a large frying pan, cook the flatbreads for 2 mins or until bubbles appear on the surface, then flip over and cook for 2 mins more. Once all are cooked, wrap in foil and keep for up to a day. Pop in a warm oven to reheat."
"nutrients": {
"kcal": "189",
"fat": "3g",
"saturates": "0g",
"carbs": "34g",
"sugars": "1g",
"fibre": "3g",
"protein": "7g",
"salt": "0.4g"
"times": {
"Preparation": "45 mins",
"Cooking": "30 mins"
"serves": 12,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 4,
"subcategory": "Bread",
"dish_type": "Wholemeal breads",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "86124a2d-0aa7-492d-b957-70cd777a11f1",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Pitta bread",
"description": "Rustle up homemade pitta bread to serve with dips or as a side dish to mop up juices. You can easily make them ahead and freeze them for a fail-safe snack",
"author": "Sophie Godwin \u2013 Cookery writer",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"2 tsp fast-action dried yeast",
"500g strong white bread flour, plus extra for dusting ",
"2 tsp salt",
"1 tbsp olive oil"
"steps": [
"Mix the yeast with 300ml warm water in a large bowl. Leave to sit for 5 mins until the yeast is super bubbly then tip in the flour, salt and olive oil. Bring the mixture together into a soft dough. Don\u2019t worry if it looks a little rough round the edges.",
"Tip the dough onto a lightly floured work surface. Knead for 5-10 mins until you have a soft, smooth and elastic dough. Try to knead using as little extra flour as possible, just enough so that the dough doesn\u2019t stick \u2013 this will keep the pittas light and airy. Once kneaded, place in a lightly oiled bowl, cover with a tea towel and leave to double in size, approximately 1 hour.",
"Heat oven as high as it will go (ideally 250C/230C fan/gas 9) and put a large baking tray on the middle shelf of the oven to get searingly hot. Divide the dough into eight balls then flatten each into a disc with the palm of your hand. On a lightly floured surface, roll each disc into an oval, around 20cm long, 15cm wide and 3-5mm thick.",
"Carefully remove the hot tray from the oven. Dust with flour then place your pittas directly onto it \u2013 you may have to do this in batches. Return swiftly to the oven and bake for 4-5 mins, or until the pittas have puffed up and are a pale golden colour. Wrap each hot pitta in a clean tea towel once it's baked to keep it soft while the others cook."
"nutrients": {
"kcal": "246",
"fat": "2g",
"saturates": "0.4g",
"carbs": "47g",
"sugars": "0.3g",
"fibre": "2g",
"protein": "8g",
"salt": "1g"
"times": {
"Preparation": "20 mins",
"Cooking": "40 mins"
"serves": 8,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 96,
"subcategory": "Bread",
"dish_type": "Pitta bread recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "d92f67b6-484b-46d2-9674-2aae44b862fa",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Pitta pizzas",
"description": "Little ones will love these fun and super-easy pizza's for lunch or a light supper",
"author": "Good Food team",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"4large pitta breads",
"4 tbsp tomato pur\u00e9e",
"2 tsp mixed herb",
"2 tomatoes, sliced",
"6 slices salami, torn into small pieces",
"50g cheddar, grated"
"steps": [
"Heat the grill. Spread each pitta bread with 1 tbsp tomato pur\u00e9e, sprinkle over the mixed herbs, then lay on the tomato slices. Divide the salami between the pittas, sprinkle over the cheese and grill until the cheese is golden and bubbling."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "20 mins",
"Cooking": "25 mins"
"serves": 4,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 30,
"subcategory": "Bread",
"dish_type": "Pitta bread recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "37774045-d9d3-4abd-859f-609341d544e1",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Lime & chilli pitta crisps",
"description": "Enjoy a low-fat snack with Lime & chilli pitta crisps",
"author": "Jane Hornby",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"2 pitta breads",
"\u00bd tsp oil",
"lime zest",
"\u00bd tsp chilli flakes"
"steps": [
"Heat oven to 180C/fan160C /gas 4. Tear 2 pitta breads into crisp-size pieces and brush with 1 tsp oil.",
"Sprinkle with lime zest and 1\u20442 tsp chilli flakes.",
"Bake for 10 mins until crisp. Sprinkle with salt if you like."
"nutrients": {
"kcal": "216",
"fat": "4g",
"saturates": "0g",
"carbs": "34g",
"sugars": "0g",
"fibre": "3g",
"protein": "4g",
"salt": "0.41g"
"times": {
"Preparation": "15 mins",
"Cooking": "No Time"
"serves": 2,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 15,
"subcategory": "Bread",
"dish_type": "Pitta bread recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "f78f358b-7b4f-4513-9eba-b8f46190940d",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Spicy courgette pitta pockets",
"description": "Treat yourself to a solo supper of grilled vegetables, served in bread pockets with tahini, hummus, broad beans and harissa",
"author": "Good Food team",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"1 courgette, trimmed and thinly sliced lengthways",
"2 tsp harissa paste",
"2 tsp olive oil",
"small handful broad beans (fresh or frozen)",
"2 tbsp hummus",
"1 spring onion, finely sliced",
"1 tsp tahini paste",
"small garlic clove, crushed",
"squeeze lemon juice",
"1 tbsp Greek-style yogurt",
"1 large wholemeal pitta bread"
"steps": [
"Toss the courgette slices in the harissa and olive oil, and season. Cook on a hot griddle pan for 2 mins each side or until tender. Transfer to a plate and set aside.",
"Cook the broad beans in boiling water for 2 mins, drain under cold running water, then slip them out of their outer skins. Discard the skins. Put the broad beans, hummus and spring onion in a small bowl and mix to combine.",
"In another bowl, mix the tahini, garlic, lemon juice and yogurt. Toast the pitta and split it to create 2 pockets. Spoon the hummus mix inside each pocket, followed by the spicy courgette slices and a drizzle of the yogurt mixture."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "10 mins",
"Cooking": "6 mins"
"serves": 1,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 12,
"subcategory": "Bread",
"dish_type": "Pitta bread recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "870c0b00-e43f-4840-8200-9a33444c60ae",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Fluffy pittas",
"description": "Try making these Grecian-style pittas which are fluffier than the ones you'll find in most shops. Fill with barbecued chicken or pork, salad and tzatziki for a satisfying fakeaway kebab",
"author": "Barney Desmazery",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"500g strong white bread flour, plus extra for dusting",
"7g sachet fast-action dried yeast",
"1 tbsp caster sugar",
"2 tsp fresh thyme leaves (optional)",
"200ml milk",
"1 tbsp olive oil, plus a little extra for proving and brushing"
"steps": [
"A few hours before you want to eat, make the dough. Mix the flour, yeast, sugar, thyme, if using, and 2 tsp salt in a bowl with your fingertips. Pour over the milk, olive oil and 100ml lukewarm water and, still using your fingers, combine to make a dough. Tip onto a work surface and knead for 8-10 mins (or blitz in a stand mixer for 5 mins). Clean, then lightly oil a bowl, put the dough in the bowl and cover with a tea towel. Leave to rise for 1 hr or until nearly doubled in size. If you want to give yourself more time, the dough will take longer to rise in the fridge (at least 2 hrs).",
"Divide the dough into eight equal pieces. One at a time, on a lightly floured surface, roll out to circles about 20cm wide, then brush with a little more olive oil and cook on the hot side of the barbecue for 2-3 mins on each side until puffed up and blistered. Alternatively, heat a frying pan or griddle (or two if you can) over a medium-high heat and cook, one by one in each pan, until bubbles appear on the surface after 1-2 mins. When the underside is golden, flip and cook for another 2-3 mins. Continue until all the pittas are cooked, wrapping them in foil as you go to keep warm."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "20 mins",
"Cooking": "40 mins"
"serves": 8,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 6,
"subcategory": "Bread",
"dish_type": "Pitta bread recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "4f086a31-6f41-419d-b6fc-5b80315b8c8f",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Caesar pitta",
"description": "Pack a pitta with chicken, salad and homemade caesar dressing for an easy lunch. It takes just 10 minutes from prep to plate and it's healthy too",
"author": "Anna Glover",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"1 tsp lemon juice",
"\u00bd small garlic clove, crushed",
"1 tbsp fat-free Greek yogurt",
"1 tbsp lighter mayonnaise",
"\u00bc tsp mustard powder",
"1 brown anchovy, rinsed and finely chopped",
"\u00bd tbsp grated parmesan",
"1 small skinless cooked chicken breast, or 80g cooked chicken, shredded",
"\u00bc small cucumber, cubed",
"3 cherry tomatoes, halved",
"4 Little Gem lettuce leaves, shredded",
"1 wholemeal pitta bread"
"steps": [
"Whisk the lemon juice, garlic, yogurt, mayonnaise, mustard powder, anchovy, parmesan and 2-3 tbsp water together with a good grinding of black pepper. Toss in the chicken, cucumber, tomatoes and lettuce, until everything is well coated. Toast the pitta and split, then stuff with the salad and chicken mixture."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "10 mins",
"Cooking": "No Time"
"serves": 1,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 6,
"subcategory": "Bread",
"dish_type": "Pitta bread recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "0a69f4ff-7c2e-47b4-aa3c-8b1e68ff5514",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Toaster pitta pockets",
"description": "If your kids can't wait until their next meal, these little pittas will keep them going in the meantime",
"author": "Good Food team",
"rattings": 4,
"ingredients": [
"1 mini pitta bread",
"1 tbsp soft cheese",
"1 tbsp grated cheddar",
"your favourite fillings - ham, tomatoes, sweetcorn, ready-roasted peppers from a jar and tuna are good"
"steps": [
"Pop the pitta into the toaster for 30 secs- 1 min, until just puffed but not crisp. Meanwhile, mix together the cheeses.",
"Slice an opening at one end of the pitta and use a teaspoon or a knife to spread the cheese mixture in. Push in some of your favourite fillings, gently squash the pitta closed between your hands, then put back in the toaster \u2013 cut-side up. Toast for 1-2 mins until golden and crisp."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "5 mins",
"Cooking": "No Time"
"serves": 1,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 3,
"subcategory": "Bread",
"dish_type": "Pitta bread recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "675c17c9-97e3-452d-8c2d-d03eb970b2f5",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Quick pitta pizzas",
"description": "Kids will love this quick supper. Experiment with different toppings such as sweetcorn and ham",
"author": "Good Food team",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"4 wholewheat pitta breads",
"4 tsp sun-dried tomato pur\u00e9e",
"3 ripe plum tomatoes, diced",
"1 shallot, thinly sliced",
"85g chorizo, diced",
"50g mature cheddar, grated",
"few basil leaves, if you like"
"steps": [
"Heat oven to 200C/180C fan/gas 6 and put a baking sheet inside to heat up. Spread each pitta with 1 tsp pur\u00e9e. Top with the tomatoes, shallot, chorizo and cheddar.",
"Place on the hot sheet and bake for 10 mins until the pittas are crisp, the cheese has melted and the chorizo has frazzled edges. Scatter with basil, if you like, and serve with a green salad."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "10 mins",
"Cooking": "10 mins"
"serves": 2,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 25,
"subcategory": "Bread",
"dish_type": "Pitta bread recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "f1a65279-3fca-4871-bc09-b77f9e296db2",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Piri-piri chicken pittas",
"description": "Make these easy piri-piri chicken pittas for lunch or a quick dinner. All you need is four ingredients: chicken, piri-piri sauce, coleslaw and pitta breads",
"author": "Esther Clark",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"4 chicken breasts",
"3 tbsp medium spice piri-piri sauce",
"300g tub coleslaw",
"4 pitta breads"
"steps": [
"Chop the chicken into 2cm cubes and toss in the piri-piri sauce. Heat the grill to high, push the chicken onto four skewers and grill on all sides for 10-12 mins in total or until cooked through and a little charred. Meanwhile, warm the pittas in a toaster.",
"Slice the pittas in half, stuff with the coleslaw, then slide the chicken from the skewers and add to the pittas."
"nutrients": {
"kcal": "471",
"fat": "15g",
"saturates": "2g",
"carbs": "44g",
"sugars": "6g",
"fibre": "3g",
"protein": "38g",
"salt": "2.1g"
"times": {
"Preparation": "10 mins - 12 mins"
"serves": 4,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 7,
"subcategory": "Bread",
"dish_type": "Pitta bread recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "ed9cb933-0430-426c-b729-a833e50496f0",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Spiced flat breads",
"description": "Easy to make and delicious from the grill",
"author": "Good Food team",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"140g plain flour",
"140g wholemeal flour",
"7g sachet easy-blend yeast",
"1 tbsp melted butter, plus extra for brushing",
"2 fat garlic cloves, chopped",
"1 large red or green chilli, seeded and chopped",
"2 tsp sesame seeds ",
"2 tsp ground fenugreek or ground coriander",
"2 tbsp olive oil",
"2 tbsp chopped coriander"
"steps": [
"If making the paste, use a food processor, electric spice mill or pestle and mortar to blend together the garlic, chilli, sesame seeds and ground spice to a thick paste. Work in the oil, then the coriander, to a spreading paste and season. Set aside.",
"Put the flours, 1 tsp salt and yeast into a large bowl and mix. Stir 120ml tepid water into the melted butter, then mix this into the flour, adding extra drops of tepid water until you have a smooth dough. Knead on a lightly floured surface for 5 mins, then return to the bowl, cover and leave in a warm place to rise until doubled in size. This should take 1 hr.",
"Divide the dough into 8 balls. Roll out each ball on a lightly floured surface to a rough 18cm circle the thickness of a 10p coin. Prick each one well with a fork to stop them rising. To cook on a barbecue: put the breads on the centre of the grill. Cook for a few mins, then turn and cook the other side. If using the paste, spread 1 tsp on one side as the breads come off the heat. Otherwise, brush the breads with more melted butter. Reheat the griddle between batches and stack them on top of each other to keep warm."
"nutrients": {
"kcal": "128",
"fat": "2g",
"saturates": "1g",
"carbs": "25g",
"sugars": "0.03g",
"fibre": "2g",
"protein": "4g",
"salt": "0g"
"times": {
"Preparation": "35 mins",
"Cooking": "10 mins"
"serves": 8,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 20,
"subcategory": "Bread",
"dish_type": "Pitta bread recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "97dcd6ba-5a15-4a1d-8c65-a58456fc1b43",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Fast feta & aubergine pizzas",
"description": "This vegetarian pizza's not only healthy - it's also incredibly quick to make",
"author": "Good Food team",
"rattings": 4,
"ingredients": [
"4 pitta breads, white or brown",
"330g jar roasted aubergines",
"100g feta cheese, crumbled",
"handful mint leaves, roughly chopped"
"steps": [
"Toast the pitta breads in batches until lightly golden and just starting to crisp. Drain the aubergines, reserving some of the oil, and whizz half in a food processor until smooth.",
"Spread aubergine paste over each pitta. Top with remaining aubergine slices and scatter on feta. Sprinkle over mint, drizzle with reserved oil and serve."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "10 mins",
"Cooking": "No Time"
"serves": 4,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 2,
"subcategory": "Bread",
"dish_type": "Pitta bread recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "9921ee89-787d-4ee8-a02a-e8af3b7d1fc7",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Cheese & pepper pitta pocket",
"description": "A fantastic high-speed or vegetarian snack to make your mouth water",
"author": "Good Food team",
"rattings": 4,
"ingredients": [
"1 pitta bread, white or wholemeal",
"2 long slices of brie (Blue Cambozola is very tasty) or any other cheese that melts well",
"a few roasted peppers from a jar or the deli counter",
"a handful of watercress or lettuce",
"your favourite dressing or olive oil"
"steps": [
"Trim off one of the long edges of the pitta bread, put the pitta in the toaster on a medium setting for a second or two, then pop it up and open it like they do in kebab houses, being careful it doesn\u2019t split. (Warming the bread first makes this easier.) If the pitta doesn\u2019t fit your toaster, use the grill, or try mini pittas.",
"Stuff the cheese and peppers inside the pocket and close by gently pressing it down. Pop it back into the toaster on a medium setting (or under the grill) with the open side upwards.",
"Toss the watercress in a drizzling of your favourite dressing or some olive oil. When the pitta pops up, cut it in half for easy eating, or leave it as it is. Allow it to cool for a moment as it is quite hot at first. Serve with the watercress and have a napkin at the ready \u2013 the yummy pepper juices may leak when you take the first bite."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "10 mins",
"Cooking": "No Time"
"serves": 1,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 2,
"subcategory": "Bread",
"dish_type": "Pitta bread recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "27a72564-1510-493b-b5f7-7b3b01cbe9c6",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Beetroot hummus with crisp pittas",
"description": "Think hummus means just chickpeas? Think again \u2013 you can make a gorgeous beetroot version",
"author": "Good Food team",
"rattings": 4,
"ingredients": [
"175g cooked beetroot",
"400g can chickpeas",
"1 garlic clove, crushed or chopped",
"handful of coriander",
"juice of 2 lemons",
"5 tbsp olive oil",
"1 head red chicory",
"2 handfuls rocket",
"handful olives",
"6-8 large pitta breads"
"steps": [
"Roughly chop the beetroot. Drain and rinse the chickpeas. Put these in a food processor with the garlic, coriander, lemon juice and olive oil. Blitz until fairly smooth. Taste and add freshly ground pepper, and salt if you wish.",
"Divide the salad leaves between 6 plates. Spoon a little hummus onto each plate and scatter with a few olives. Drizzle a little oil over the leaves and sprinkle with a little black pepper, and salt, if you wish.",
"Toast the pittas, cut into wedges and serve with the hummus."
"nutrients": {
"kcal": "256",
"fat": "9g",
"saturates": "1g",
"carbs": "39g",
"sugars": "0g",
"fibre": "3g",
"protein": "8g",
"salt": "1.04g"
"times": {
"Preparation": "10 mins",
"Cooking": "No Time"
"serves": 4,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 11,
"subcategory": "Bread",
"dish_type": "Pitta bread recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "6124ec28-4ed4-481c-85a3-e967378e4de3",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Turkey & pepper pittas",
"description": "Kids will love this tasty snack-supper, and we bet they'll never know it's superhealthy too",
"author": "Good Food team",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"1 tbsp olive oil",
"200g turkey breast steak, cut into strips",
"pinch chilli flakes",
"1 red and 1 yellow pepper, deseeded and cut into strips",
"3 spring onions, trimmed and sliced",
"1 avocado, stoned, peeled and sliced",
"handful coriander leaves",
"2 wholemeal pitta breads, toasted and halved to form pockets",
"2 tbsp soured cream"
"steps": [
"Heat the oil in a wok or large frying pan and fry the turkey and chilli flakes for 5-6 mins. Add the peppers and spring onions and stir-fry until the turkey is cooked but the peppers still have crunch. Season.",
"Divide the avocado and coriander between the pitta halves, then spoon in the turkey and pepper mix. Add a dollop of soured cream to each and serve straight away."
"nutrients": {
"kcal": "526",
"fat": "24g",
"saturates": "5g",
"carbs": "45g",
"sugars": "11g",
"fibre": "9g",
"protein": "35g",
"salt": "1.05g"
"times": {
"Preparation": "15 mins",
"Cooking": "12 mins"
"serves": 2,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 1,
"subcategory": "Bread",
"dish_type": "Pitta bread recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "ec33598c-07fb-4e26-8ecd-d7b5a6c8931c",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Chicken pitta pockets with hummus drizzle",
"description": "Brilliant for snacks - just toast, stuff and eat!",
"author": "Good Food team",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"85g shredded chicken breast",
"a finger length of cucumber, cut into strips",
"1 grated carrot",
"a handful of cress (optional)",
"2 tbsp hummus",
"3 tbsp natural yogurt",
"2 wholemeal pitta breads, cut in half and split open"
"steps": [
"Mix together the shredded chicken breast, cucumber strips, grated carrot and a handful of cress. Set to one side. Mix together the hummus with the natural or Greek yogurt. Lightly toast the wholemeal pitta breads, cut in half and split open. Stuff the chicken mixture into pitta pockets and top each with the hummus drizzle."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "10 mins"
"serves": 2,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 1,
"subcategory": "Bread",
"dish_type": "Pitta bread recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "00e65891-0162-4121-ba2b-9085bbee4bb6",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Egg & veggie pittas",
"description": "Cram wholemeal bread pockets with healthy aubergine, beetroot and carrot, then add a garlic and dill yogurt and eggs",
"author": "Good Food team",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"1 aubergine, cut into thick rounds",
"1 \u00bd tbsp olive oil",
"1 tbsp harissa",
"2 eggs",
"1 tbsp red wine vinegar",
"2 tsp agave nectar or golden caster sugar",
"1 raw beetroot, grated",
"1 large carrot, peeled and julienned",
"\u00bd small red onion, very finely sliced",
"4 tbsp 0% fat Greek yogurt",
"1 tbsp chopped dill",
"1 garlic clove, crushed",
"2 wholemeal pitta breads"
"steps": [
"Heat oven to 220C/200C fan/gas 7. Put the aubergine slices on a baking sheet, season, brush with oil and bake for 15 mins. Turn, spread with the harissa, and bake for another 5 mins.",
"Meanwhile, carefully lower the eggs into a pan of boiling water, turn down the heat and simmer for 10 mins. Run under cold water to cool, peel and put to one side.",
"In a bowl, mix the vinegar and agave or sugar with some seasoning, then tip in the beetroot, carrot and onion. In another bowl, mix together the yogurt, dill, garlic and seasoning. Toast the pittas and split them in half. Slice the eggs and put them inside the pittas with the spicy aubergine rounds and some of the beetroot salad. Spoon in the yogurt and serve with any of the remaining aubergine, salad and yogurt on the side."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "15 mins",
"Cooking": "20 mins"
"serves": 2,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 2,
"subcategory": "Bread",
"dish_type": "Pitta bread recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "f222ba68-6549-49ec-9a40-c4a7c6e67966",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Mozzarella, ham & pesto pizzas",
"description": "An easy snack or supper that everyone will love, and it's ready in only 10 minutes",
"author": "Good Food team",
"rattings": 4,
"ingredients": [
"4 mini pitta breads",
"150g pack mozzarella",
"4 tsp pesto",
"85g smoked wafer thin ham"
"steps": [
"Turn the grill to high, put the pittas on the grill rack and heat for about a minute while you slice the mozzarella into five.",
"Turn the pittas over and spread each one with 1 tsp pesto, then top with a mozzarella slice. Pile the ham on top, so it looks quite ruffled, then tear the final mozzarella slice into four, put it on top of the ham and grind over black pepper. Return to the grill for 3-4 minutes more until melted and starting to turn golden."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "10 mins",
"Cooking": "No Time"
"serves": 2,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 13,
"subcategory": "Bread",
"dish_type": "Pitta bread recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "c4e0b7c8-6392-4040-852e-501c87440764",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Smoked salmon & bean dip with crispy pittas",
"description": "The pittas become crunchy in the oven making them unbelievably moreish",
"author": "Sara Buenfeld",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"410g can cannellini beans, rinsed and drained",
"200g tub Greek yogurt",
"225g pack smoked salmon trimmings",
"1 tbsp chopped fresh dill",
"1 tbsp lemon juice",
"6 pitta bread",
"2 tbsp olive oil",
"sea salt flakes",
"2 tbsp chopped fresh dill",
"2bunches of radishes"
"steps": [
"Tip the beans into a food processor with the yogurt and blend until smooth. Add the salmon and pulse, keeping the salmon quite chunky. Tip into a bowl and stir in the dill, lemon juice and seasoning. This can be made up to a day ahead.",
"For the pittas, preheat the oven to fan 180C/conventional 200C/gas 6. Tear the pittas onto 2 baking trays. Drizzle with theoil and sprinkle with the sea salt and dill. Bake for 7 minutes until crisp. These can be made a day ahead or just before serving.",
"Once the pittas have cooled, pack them and the dip into seperate rigid containers. Transport the radishes packed in ice to keep them crisp. Put the bowl of dip on a platter and surround with the pitta. Serve the iced radishes separately."
"nutrients": {
"kcal": "526",
"fat": "27g",
"saturates": "14g",
"carbs": "69g",
"sugars": "20g",
"fibre": "2g",
"protein": "7g",
"salt": "0.17g"
"times": {
"Preparation": "30 mins",
"Cooking": "No Time"
"serves": 8,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 2,
"subcategory": "Bread",
"dish_type": "Pitta bread recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "46a8d2d3-6860-45b3-9ef7-56938228bf07",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Falafel burgers",
"description": "A healthy burger that's filling too. These are great for anyone after a satisfying bite low in calories.",
"author": "Good Food team",
"rattings": 4,
"ingredients": [
"400g can chickpeas, rinsed and drained",
"1 small red onion, roughly chopped",
"1 garlic clove, chopped ",
"handful of flat-leaf parsley or curly parsley",
"1 tsp ground cumin",
"1 tsp ground coriander",
"\u00bd tsp harissa paste or chilli powder",
"2 tbsp plain flour",
"2 tbsp sunflower oil",
"toasted pitta bread, to serve",
"200g tub tomato salsa, to serve",
"green salad, to serve"
"steps": [
"Drain the chickpeas and pat dry with kitchen paper. Tip into a food processor along with the onion, garlic, parsley, cumin, coriander, harissa paste, flour and a little salt. Blend until fairly smooth, then shape into four patties with your hands.",
"Heat the sunflower oil in a non-stick frying pan, and fry the burgers for 3 mins on each side until lightly golden. Serve with the toasted pitta bread, tomato salsa and green salad."
"nutrients": {
"kcal": "161",
"fat": "8g",
"saturates": "1g",
"carbs": "18g",
"sugars": "1g",
"fibre": "3g",
"protein": "6g",
"salt": "0.4g"
"times": {
"Preparation": "10 mins",
"Cooking": "6 mins"
"serves": 4,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 710,
"subcategory": "Bread",
"dish_type": "Pitta bread recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "3fac1205-357a-47cf-b59e-ac1675de35f8",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "DIY kofta burgers",
"description": "With these quick, easy and cheap koftas, there's no excuse for hitting the kebab van",
"author": "Good Food team",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"1kg lamb mince",
"2 onions, coarsely grated",
"1 garlic bulb, broken into cloves and finely chopped or grated",
"6 tbsp garam masala",
"bunch coriander, chopped (optional)",
"1 tbsp chilli sauce, plus extra to serve",
"8 pitta breads",
"4 tomatoes, halved and sliced",
"half a red cabbage, shredded",
"1 red onion, sliced (optional)",
"small pot plain yogurt"
"steps": [
"Tip the mince into a large bowl (use a clean washing-up bowl if you don\u2019t have anything big enough) with all the other burger ingredients and a good pinch of salt. Roll up your sleeves, get your hands into the mix and squelch everything together through your fingers until completely mixed. Pat the mix into 16 small burgers. These may now be frozen for up to 1 month or chilled up to a day ahead.",
"To cook, heat grill to its highest setting and lay the burgers in a single layer on a baking tray (you may need to do this in batches, depending on how big your tray is). Grill on the highest shelf for 5-6 mins on each side until browned and cooked through. Pile burgers onto a platter and serve with all the accompaniments, so everyone can construct their own sandwich."
"nutrients": {
"kcal": "295",
"fat": "18g",
"saturates": "8g",
"carbs": "8g",
"sugars": "2g",
"fibre": "0g",
"protein": "26g",
"salt": "0.37g"
"times": {
"Preparation": "30 mins",
"Cooking": "20 mins"
"serves": 8,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 51,
"subcategory": "Bread",
"dish_type": "Pitta bread recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "92991f31-941b-4d20-9119-fc4efb61b695",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Pea pakora pockets",
"description": "Cheap and easy to prepare, but fun for everyone to put together - the yogurt dressing really makes these",
"author": "Good Food team",
"rattings": 4,
"ingredients": [
"500g floury potato, cut into chunks",
"200g frozen pea",
"4-5 tsp curry powder (choose your favourite)",
"200ml natural yogurt",
"small bunch mint, half roughly chopped",
"6 white or wholemeal pitta breads, halved",
"\u00bd iceberg lettuce, shredded, to serve",
"\u00bd red onion, sliced"
"steps": [
"Heat oven to 200C/fan 180C/gas 6. Boil the potatoes for about 8 mins until tender, throwing in the peas for the final few mins. Drain well, pick out the potato, then return to the saucepan with a third of the peas. Add the curry powder and some seasoning, then mash together over a low heat \u2013 this will help to dry out the veg. Stir in the remaining peas.",
"Using 2 tablespoons, shape the mix into rough rugby ball shapes (you should get about 16), then place on a baking sheet lined with baking parchment. Bake for 20 mins until golden and crisp around the edges.",
"Mix the yogurt with the chopped mint. Warm the halved pittas, and toss the remaining mint leaves with the shredded lettuce. Serve the hot pakoras with all the extras for stuffing into the warmed pittas."
"nutrients": {
"kcal": "377",
"fat": "4g",
"saturates": "1g",
"carbs": "74g",
"sugars": "10g",
"fibre": "0g",
"protein": "18g",
"salt": "1.24g"
"times": {
"Preparation": "10 mins",
"Cooking": "30 mins"
"serves": 4,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 18,
"subcategory": "Bread",
"dish_type": "Pitta bread recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "72bd1364-7c48-4eaa-bef5-fa63564f879b",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Sweet potato falafels with coleslaw",
"description": "Pittas bursting with homemade falafels and salad make a low-fat lunch or light supper for less than a pound per serving",
"author": "Good Food team",
"rattings": 4,
"ingredients": [
"1 large or 2 small sweet potatoes, about 700g/1lb 9oz in total",
"1 tsp ground cumin",
"2 garlic cloves, chopped",
"2 tsp ground coriander",
"handful coriander leaves , chopped",
"juice \u00bd lemon",
"100g plain or gram flour",
"1 tbsp olive oil",
"4 wholemeal pitta breads",
"4 tbsp reduced-fat hummus",
"2 tbsp red wine vinegar",
"1 tbsp golden caster sugar",
"1 small onion, finely sliced",
"1 medium carrot, grated",
"\u00bc each white and red cabbage, shredded"
"steps": [
"Heat oven to 200C/180C fan/gas 6. Microwave sweet potato whole for 8-10 mins until tender. Leave to cool a little, then peel. Put the potato, cumin, garlic, ground and fresh coriander, lemon juice and flour into a large bowl. Season, then mash until smooth. Using a tablespoon, shape mix and into 20 balls. Put on an oiled baking sheet, bake for around 15 mins until the bases are golden brown, then flip over and bake for 15 mins more until brown all over.",
"Meanwhile, stir the vinegar and sugar together in a large bowl until the sugar has dissolved, toss through the onion, carrot and cabbage, then leave to marinate for 15 mins. To serve, toast the pittas, then split. Fill with salad, a dollop of hummus and the falafels."
"nutrients": {
"kcal": "486",
"fat": "8g",
"saturates": "1g",
"carbs": "92g",
"sugars": "24g",
"fibre": "14g",
"protein": "16g",
"salt": "1.08g"
"times": {
"Preparation": "20 mins",
"Cooking": "50 mins"
"serves": 4,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 30,
"subcategory": "Bread",
"dish_type": "Pitta bread recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "e9db7047-839e-4f0a-ab49-109ed0db6b22",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Turkish-style lamb",
"description": "Bring the taste of Turkey to your kitchen with these fun lamb pittas, great hand held food",
"author": "Good Food team",
"rattings": 4,
"ingredients": [
"4 lamb leg steaks",
"2 tsp seasoning (we used Schwartz Lamb Simply Shake seasoning)",
"1 tsp dried oregano, or mixed herbs would do",
"small bunch mint, leaves only, chopped ",
"2 x 150g tubs low-fat plain yogurt",
"4 pitta breads, white or wholemeal",
"\u00bd iceberg lettuce, shredded",
"1 red onion, thinly sliced",
"1 lemon, cut into wedges for squeezing, optional"
"steps": [
"Heat grill to high. Season the lamb, then grill for 2 mins on each side until browned, but still very rare. Meanwhile, mix the seasoning, oregano and half of the mint into one of the tubs of yogurt, smother this over the lamb, then return to the grill for another 2-3 mins or until the yogurt is blistered and the meat is cooked to your liking.",
"Leave the meat to rest on a board for a few mins while you toast the pittas, shred the lettuce and thinly slice the red onion. Stir the rest of the mint into the second tub of yogurt. Thickly slice the meat and stuff into the pitta bread with the salad and minted yogurt. Squeeze over lemon juice before tucking in, if you like."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "15 mins"
"serves": 4,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 7,
"subcategory": "Bread",
"dish_type": "Pitta bread recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "76952330-5182-4148-8845-6996548bfc8f",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Honey & almond layer cake",
"description": "April opts for the 'naked' style of decorating so the cake isn't swamped with icing, but instead delicately finished with candied almonds and Swiss meringue buttercream",
"author": "April Carter",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"280g unsalted butter, softened, plus extra for greasing",
"225g light muscovado sugar",
"140g clear honey, plus 2 tbsp",
"3 medium eggs, plus 4 medium egg yolks (reserve the whites for the buttercream)",
"280g plain flour",
"100g ground almonds",
"1 tbsp baking powder",
"1 tsp vanilla extract",
"125ml milk",
"140g white caster sugar",
"75g blanched almonds",
"350g unsalted butter, softened",
"4 medium egg whites",
"250g golden caster sugar",
"2 tbsp clear honey"
"steps": [
"First, make the honey & almond sponges. Heat oven to 180C/160C fan/ gas 4. Grease two 15cm cake tins and line the bases with baking parchment. Using a stand mixer or electric hand mixer, beat the butter, muscovado sugar and 140g honey until pale and fluffy. Add the eggs and yolks, one at a time, beating after each addition until well incorporated. In a clean bowl, whisk together the flour, almonds, baking powder and 1 / 4 tsp salt. Add half the flour mixture to the butter mixture and beat until just combined. Add the vanilla and milk, continuing to beat, then add the remaining flour mixture, beating until just combined. Divide the mixture evenly between the tins and bake for 45-55 mins or until a skewer inserted into the centre of each cake comes out clean. Allow the cakes to cool for 10 mins in their tins, then turn out onto a wire rack to cool completely. Leave the oven on for the candied almonds.",
"To make a honey syrup, put 2 tbsp honey and 2 tbsp water in a small saucepan and heat for 1-2 mins or until the honey has dissolved. Set aside.",
"Make the candied almonds by heating 150ml water and the sugar in a medium, heavy-bottomed saucepan with a sugar thermometer attached, and swirl until the sugar has dissolved. Meanwhile, spread the almonds out on a baking sheet and bake in the oven for 10-12 mins until golden brown. Heat the sugar syrup to 119C, turn off the heat and stir in the warm almonds. Keep stirring until the syrup coats the nuts and turns white and crunchy. Tip the almonds back onto the baking sheet and roughly chop half of them.",
"Next, make the Swiss meringue buttercream. Using a stand mixer or electric hand mixer, beat the butter until pale and fluffy. Put the egg whites and sugar in a clean heatproof bowl over a pan of simmering water. Whisk using a clean electric hand mixer and heat the mixture until the sugar has dissolved (you can check this by feeling some of the egg white between your fingers to check that it isn\u2019t grainy). Remove the bowl from the heat and, using a stand or electric hand mixer, whisk for 10 mins or until the mixture forms stiff peaks and has cooled to room temperature. Add the butter, 1-2 tbsp at a time, and beat until the mixture is smooth and creamy. Beat in the honey and transfer to a piping bag fitted with a 1cm nozzle.",
"To assemble the cake, level the sponges by cutting off the domed tops and split each sponge in half to create four layers. Fix the bottom layer to a cake board or stand with a splodge of buttercream, brush with the honey syrup and pipe a layer of buttercream on top. Gently press the second layer on top and repeat with the remaining layers. Cover the cake with a thin layer of buttercream, then use a palette knife to scrape the sides clean. Pipe a ring of buttercream blobs around the top, or spread a thick layer with a palette knife. Decorate with the candied almonds."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "1 hr and 30 mins",
"Cooking": "1 hr and 30 mins"
"serves": 12,
"difficult": "A challenge",
"vote_count": 10,
"subcategory": "Cakes",
"dish_type": "Easy birthday cakes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "d68f1e0c-2336-4845-a257-0f1efd51ee18",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Vegan simnel cake",
"description": "Make a vegan-friendly version of a classic simnel cake this Easter so everyone can enjoy a treat. Use a kitchen blowtorch to easily achieve that signature burnished look on the marzipan",
"author": "Anna Glover",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"200ml soya milk",
"1 lemon, zested and \u00bd juiced",
"500g marzipan",
"icing sugar, for dusting",
"250g dairy-free spread, plus extra for the tin",
"250g mixed dried fruit (we used sultanas, raisins and candied peel) ",
"75g glac\u00e9 cherries, roughly chopped ",
"1 orange, zested and juiced ",
"200g light brown soft sugar",
"200g plain flour",
"75g ground almonds",
"1 tsp baking powder",
"\u00bd tsp ground ginger",
"\u00bd tsp ground cinnamon",
"1 tsp mixed spice",
"2 tsp vanilla bean paste",
"25g apricot jam, warmed, plus extra for sticking the marzipan balls to the cake"
"steps": [
"Mix the soya milk with the lemon juice in a jug and set aside for a few minutes to thicken. Cut 150g of the marzipan from the larger block. Roll this out on a work surface lightly dusted with icing sugar until it's just slightly smaller than the base of a 23cm cake tin. Using the dairy-free spread, butter a 23cm springform cake tin and line with a double layer of baking parchment. Heat the oven to 180C/160C fan/gas 4.",
"Mix the dried fruit, lemon zest, chopped cherries and orange zest and juice together in a large bowl, tossing a few times until well combined.",
"Beat the vegan spread with the brown sugar until pale using an electric whisk, then add the flour, almonds, baking powder, spices and vanilla. Tip in the milk mixture until you have a smooth batter. Fold in the fruit along with a pinch of salt and any juice from the bowl until well combined \u2013 don\u2019t worry if the batter looks slightly curdled.",
"Spoon half the batter into the prepared tin, then gently smooth the surface with the back of the spoon and top with the round of marzipan. Spoon over the remaining batter and smooth the surface again. Bake for 30 mins, then reduce the oven to 150C/130C fan/gas 2 and bake for another 1 hr 45 mins-2 hrs, or until a skewer comes out clean and the cake is well-risen and firm. Carefully remove from the tin and leave to cool completely on a wire rack. Cut into slices to serve. Will keep for two weeks in an airtight container.",
"Brush the warm apricot jam over the cooled cake. Cut a 200g piece from the remaining marzipan and roll it out again as before. Cut out a 23cm circle using the base of the cake tin as a guide. Use the rolling pin to help you lift the marzipan circle over the cake and gently press it onto the surface (the apricot jam will help it stick). Divide the remaining marzipan into 11 pieces and roll into balls. Use a little more jam to stick the balls around the edge of the cake \u2013 these represent the 12 apostles, minus Judas. If you like, use a kitchen blowtorch to slightly burnish the marzipan balls and topping until just golden (do this carefully so they don't burn)."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "30 mins",
"Cooking": "2 hrs and 30 mins"
"serves": 12,
"difficult": "More effort",
"vote_count": 2,
"subcategory": "Cakes",
"dish_type": "Easy birthday cakes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "a4ba8d2c-33c8-4014-a445-e085021cde4a",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Number birthday cake",
"description": "Make a child's birthday special with this number cake decorated with mini meringues, biscuits, macarons and raspberries - and any other treats they like!",
"author": "Katie Marshall",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"350g unsalted butter, softened, plus extra for the tin",
"350g golden caster sugar",
"6 eggs",
"350g self-raising flour",
"1 tsp baking powder",
"2 lemons, zested",
"50ml milk",
"4 tbsp caster sugar",
"2 lemons, juiced (use the zested lemons)",
"175g unsalted butter, softened",
"350g icing sugar, sieved",
"4 tbsp jam of your choice",
"mini meringues, biscuits, macarons and raspberries (or any toppings you like)"
"steps": [
"Heat the oven to 200C/180C fan/gas 6. Butter a deep 30 x 23cm rectangular tin. Beat the butter and sugar together in a stand mixer until pale, about 5 mins. Add the eggs, one at a time. Sift in the flour and baking powder, and add the lemon zest and milk. Fold in using a large metal spoon. Spoon into the tin. Bake for 35-40 mins until a skewer inserted into the centre comes out clean. Leave to cool for 10 mins in the tin, then turn out onto a wire rack to cool completely.",
"Transfer the cake to a board and cut in half through the equator. Put one half on a baking tray. Mix the caster sugar with the lemon juice, then brush this over the cut sides of the cake halves. For the buttercream, beat the butter in a stand mixer to loosen. Slowly add the icing sugar and a splashof water and continue to beat until pale. Spread the jam over the base cake layer, then carefully spread a third of the buttercream on top. Sandwich with the other cake layer, then cut the cake into the shape of your desired number using a serrated knife, trying to waste as little of the cake as possible (offcuts can be eaten as a small treat). Spoon the remaining buttercream into a piping bag fitted with a star nozzle and pipe swirls on the cake. Decorate with your chosen toppings. Will keep chilled for up to three days."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "40 mins",
"Cooking": "40 mins"
"serves": 12,
"difficult": "More effort",
"vote_count": 1,
"subcategory": "Cakes",
"dish_type": "Easy birthday cakes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "0b573920-c924-43be-92d0-024a2741ced4",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Rainbow layer cake",
"description": "Show support for the LGBTQ+ community by making this beautiful rainbow layer cake, ideal for sharing at Pride festivities",
"author": "Good Food team",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"340g unsalted butter, softened, plus extra for the tins",
"340g caster sugar",
"6 large eggs",
"1 tsp vanilla extract",
"340g self-raising flour",
"1 tsp baking powder",
"2 tbsp milk",
"400g caramel, or lemon curd",
"5 egg whites",
"375g caster sugar",
"500g unsalted butter, cubed and softened",
"3 tsp vanilla extract",
"food colouring gels (for Pride, the colours are red, orange, yellow, green, dark blue, purple, light pink, baby blue, brown and black)"
"steps": [
"Butter three 20cm round cake tins and line their bases with baking parchment. Heat the oven to 190C/170C fan/gas 5. Beat the butter and sugar together in a large bowl until light and smooth. Gradually beat in the eggs until combined, then mix in the vanilla. Fold in the flour and baking powder to fully combine. Stir in the milk to loosen.",
"Divide the mixture between the three tins, and bake the sponges for 20 mins until golden and a skewer inserted into the centre of each cake comes out clean. Leave to cool in the tins for 10 mins, then transfer to a wire rack to cool completely.",
"Meanwhile, make the Swiss meringue buttercream. Put the egg whites and sugar in a heatproof bowl set over a small pan of gently simmering water, ensuring the bowl doesn\u2019t touch the water. Whisk for 3-4 mins until the sugar dissolves. Remove from the heat and tip the mixture into the bowl of a stand mixer, or use an electric whisk, and whisk for 10 mins on a medium-high speed until you have a thick meringue. Gradually whisk in the softened butter 1 tbsp at a time until fully incorporated and the buttercream is fluffy. Mixin the vanilla extract.",
"Put one of the sponges on a plate or cake stand, top it with 3-4 tbsp of the buttercream and spread out so that it\u2019s thicker at the edge. Add half of either the caramel or lemon curd and spread over the icing on the middle part of the cake \u2013 don't spread to the edges. Add the next sponge, and repeat. Top with the final sponge. Smooth a thin layer of the buttercream around the cake \u2013 this is called a crumb coat. Chill in the fridge for at least 45 mins, then smooth another layer of buttercream around the cake using a palette knife to fully cover the sponge, reserving half for decoration. Put the cake and reserved buttercream back in the fridge for another 45 mins-1 hr.",
"Divide the remaining buttercream between 11 small bowls and mix in a different gel colouring to 10 of them, leaving the last bowl white. Use a different piping bag for each colour, either cutting a 1cm hole in the end or applying a round nozzle.",
"Pipe one row of buttercream blobs in alternating colours from the top to the bottom of the cake, then use a teaspoon or small palette knife to very lightly smear each blob of frosting away from you. For the second row, choose the colour that is next in sequence to the colour alongside it, piping over the thinnest part of that smeared blob. As you continue to pipe around the cake following this pattern, you will create a swirl effect of colours.",
"Continue the previous piping method in a circle on top of the cake, but this time smearing the icing in towards the middle of the cake until the cake is covered, then it's ready to slice and serve. The cake will keep in an airtight container for up to three days."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "1 hr and 45 mins",
"Cooking": "20 mins"
"serves": 12,
"difficult": "More effort",
"vote_count": 2,
"subcategory": "Cakes",
"dish_type": "Easy birthday cakes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "ab625d1d-5c99-4d37-957b-b13d50f3600a",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Rainbow zebra cake",
"description": "Celebrate our 30th birthday with us \u2013 or your own special occasion \u2013 with this impressive rainbow sponge. Iced with buttercream and topped with coloured sprinkles, it's a cake that has the wow factor",
"author": "Esther Clark",
"rattings": 4,
"ingredients": [
"375g salted butter, softened, plus extra for the tin",
"375g golden caster sugar",
"6 large eggs, at room temperature",
"375g self-raising flour",
"1\u00bd tsp baking powder",
"150ml milk",
"blue and pink food colouring (see tip, below)",
"sprinkles, to decorate",
"250g salted butter, softened",
"400g icing sugar, sifted",
"vanilla pod, seeds scraped out",
"100g full-fat cream cheese"
"steps": [
"Heat the oven to 180C/160C fan/gas 4. Butter and line three 20cm loose-bottomed sandwich cake tins with baking parchment.",
"To make the sponge, beat the butter and sugar together in a stand mixer or using an electric whisk for 5-8 mins or until light and fluffy. Whisk in the eggs, one at a time, beating well after each addition. Fold in the flour, baking powder and milk to loosen. Divide the mixture between three mixing bowls, weighing for accuracy if you like. Colour one of the batters blue and another pink, starting with a little colouring, then adding more for a deeper finish. Leave one of the bowls of batter uncoloured.",
"Get the three cake tins and bowls of batter ready in front of you. Spoon a heaped tablespoon of blue batter into the centre of the first tin, then pink in the second, and plain in the third. Working quickly so that it doesn\u2019t spread too much, add another dollop of a different coloured batter on top of each one. Don\u2019t wait for the batter to settle or spread, just keep alternating the colours until you run out. The weight of each layer will cause the batter to spread as you go, so very gently tap and shake the cake tins to even out the mixture, then bake in the centre of the oven for 25-30 mins or until firm to the touch. Turn out top-side down onto wire racks straightaway, then leave to cool completely.",
"For the icing, put the butter, icing sugar and vanilla seeds into a stand mixer fitted with the paddle attachment or put in a bowl and use an electric whisk. Beat for 5 mins or until fluffy and aerated. Add the cream cheese and beat briefly until just combined.",
"Place one of the cakes on a cake stand or serving plate and spread 2 tbsp of the buttercream on top, then repeat with the other sponges. Spread a smooth layer of the icing over the top and sides of the cake, using a large palette knife, leaving some slightly less iced spots for a \u2018naked\u2019 finish. Top with sprinkles and candles, if you like. Will keep in an airtight tin for three days."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "50 mins",
"Cooking": "30 mins"
"serves": 12,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 28,
"subcategory": "Cakes",
"dish_type": "Easy birthday cakes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "88cdc06c-19a2-4c4a-b7bd-8c7600a25552",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Chocolate & vanilla celebration cake",
"description": "Round off the Easter weekend with this stunning showstopper cake. The sponges taste even better after a day or two, so it\u2019s a great get-ahead recipe",
"author": "Cassie Best",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"225ml vegetable oil, plus extra for the tins",
"300g plain flour",
"100g cocoa powder",
"2 tsp baking powder",
"1\u00bd tsp bicarbonate of soda",
"400g light brown soft sugar",
"300ml milk",
"2 tsp white wine vinegar",
"100ml strong coffee or espresso, cooled",
"2 tsp vanilla extract or paste",
"3 medium eggs",
"400g butter, at room temperature",
"800g icing sugar",
"2 tsp vanilla extract or paste",
"4-5 tbsp milk",
"food colouring pastes",
"edible flowers, pastel sugared almonds or chocolate eggs"
"steps": [
"Heat the oven to 180C/160C fan/gas 4. Oil three 20cm cake tins and line with baking parchment. Weigh out the flour, cocoa powder, baking powder, bicarb and sugar into a large bowl, add a pinch of salt and whisk gently to combine. Shake the bowl to bring any lumps of sugar to the surface and squeeze these with your fingertips.",
"Measure the oil, milk, vinegar, coffee and vanilla into a jug, then add the eggs and whisk to combine. Pour the wet ingredients into the dry and stir with a whisk until smooth, making sure there are no pockets of flour at the bottom of the bowl \u2013 the mixture will be quite runny. Divide the batter evenly between the prepared tins, then bake on the middle shelf of the oven (or middle and top if they don\u2019t all fit on one shelf) for 25 mins. Swap the tins around and bake 5 mins more.",
"Check the cakes are cooked by inserting a skewer into the centre of each \u2013 if any wet batter clings to the skewer, return the tins to the oven for another 5 mins, then check again. Leave to cool in the tins for 30 mins, then turn the sponges out onto wire racks to cool completely. If making ahead, wrap the cooled sponges well and store in an airtight container for up to three days, or the freezer for up to two months.",
"For the buttercream, beat the butter using an electric whisk or in a stand mixer for a few minutes until smooth and creamy. Add half the icing sugar and beat again to combine. Add the remaining icing sugar, the vanilla and 4 tbsp milk and beat again to combine, adding a splash more milk if needed to make a smooth, fluffy buttercream. Divide between three bowls. Add a few drops of different food colouring paste to each bowl, then mix well \u2013 we used pastel pink, purple and yellow.",
"Spoon the coloured buttercream mixtures into three separate piping bags and snip off the tips. Pipe a dot of buttercream onto a cake stand or board and place a sponge on top to help keep it in place. Pipe small blobs of purple buttercream all over the top of the sponge by holding the piping bag directly above the cake, about \u00bdcm from the surface, and squeezing the bag while pulling upwards to create a small peak.",
"Place the second sponge on top, then repeat the process with the pink buttercream. Add the third sponge on top, then neatly pipe blobs of yellow buttercream over the surface. Decorate with edible flowers, sugared almonds or mini chocolate eggs, if you like. Will keep in a tin at room temperature for up to five days."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "35 mins",
"Cooking": "30 mins"
"serves": 15,
"difficult": "More effort",
"vote_count": 3,
"subcategory": "Cakes",
"dish_type": "Easy birthday cakes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "8d923761-db57-48e8-ac98-f2f8d823a6b6",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Unicorn cake",
"description": "Stop people in their tracks with a stunning unicorn cake. With a light sponge and salted caramel buttercream, it looks fabulous and tastes divine too",
"author": "Liberty Mendez",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"300g white fondant icing",
"edible gold lustre",
"coloured sprinkles to decorate (optional)",
"black fondant icing",
"325g unsalted butter, softened, plus extra for the tin",
"325g caster sugar",
"1tsp vanilla bean paste",
"6 eggs",
"325g self-raising flour",
"2tsp baking powder",
"4tbsp milk",
"450g unsalted butter, softened",
"900g icing sugar",
"tsp vanilla bean paste",
"200g salted caramel (optional)",
"purple, pink and blue gel food colourings"
"steps": [
"Start by making the unicorn's horn and ears \u2013 they'll need to dry completely before use. Roll 225g white fondant into a long sausage shape, with one end slightly thicker than the other. Starting from the thicker end, twist the sausage into a tight coil until you have a horn shape. Pinch the small end upwards into a pointed tip. Next, divide the remaining white fondant into two pieces. Roll each one out into a rough oval on a sheet of baking parchment, then pinch the top end of each oval upwards to make a point. Set the ears aside with the horn and leave to dry while you make the cake.",
"Heat the oven to 180C/160C fan/gas 4. Butter the base of three 20cm sandwich tins and line with baking parchment. Beat the butter, sugar and vanilla together in a large bowl with an electric whisk for 8-10 mins until pale and fluffy. Add the eggs, one at a time, beating well after each addition. Sift in the flour, baking powder and a pinch of salt, and fold in using a large metal spoon. Add just enough of the milk to create a soft dropping consistency.",
"Divide the batter between the prepared tins and smooth the tops with a spatula. Bake on the middle shelf of the oven for 25-30 mins, or until golden and firm to the touch. Leave to cool slightly in the tins, then transfer to a wire rack to cool completely.",
"While the cake is cooling, make the buttercream. Beat the butter, icing sugar and vanilla together until pale and fluffy, beating in 4-6 tbsp hot water to loosen the mixture if necessary.",
"Put one of the cooled sponges on a cake board or stand and spread a little of the buttercream on top using a palette knife. Gently spread over half the salted caramel, if using, then sandwich with another sponge. Repeat the process with a little more buttercream, the remaining salted caramel (if using) and the third sponge. Spread the outside of the cake with a thin layer of buttercream \u2013 this doesn't have to be neat. Chill for 30 mins.",
"Spread a thick, even layer of buttercream over the chilled cake using a palette knife. Divide the remaining buttercream into three bowls and colour each one differently using the gel food colouring. Ours were light pink, purple and dark pink.",
"Put a little gold lustre dust into a bowl, add a drop of water and stir to make a gold paste. Using a small paintbrush, paint the unicorn horn gold using the paste, as well as the inside of the ears, if you like. Carefully place the gold horn in the middle of the iced cake, with the ears on either side.",
"Fit three piping bags with three different nozzles (we used a round nozzle and two different-sized star nozzles) and fill each with a different colour of buttercream. Pipe each colour around the ears and horn and all over the top of the cake, coming down one side and over the edge of the front \u2013 this is the unicorn's mane. Decorate with some sprinkles, if using.",
"Divide the black fondant in two pieces, and roll each into a thin sausage shape. Shape each into an arch, then press onto the front of the cake for eyes. If you like, curve the outer edges of the eyes upwards for eyelashes. Cut into slices and serve. Will keep in the fridge for up to three days."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "1 hr and 30 mins",
"Cooking": "30 mins"
"serves": 12,
"difficult": "More effort",
"vote_count": 6,
"subcategory": "Cakes",
"dish_type": "Easy birthday cakes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "6326a4ce-e0f0-4fdc-952c-aa9521ca7c5e",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Matcha mousse cake",
"description": "A popular ingredient in Asian desserts, matcha powder is made from finely ground green tea leaves. This pretty cake with white chocolate glaze and cherries is a bit of a challenge but worth it",
"author": "Cassie Best",
"rattings": 4,
"ingredients": [
"vegetable oil, for greasing",
"6 large eggs, separated",
"200g white caster sugar",
"1 tsp vanilla extract",
"100g plain flour",
"25g ground almonds",
"50g butter, melted and cooled",
"5 gelatine leaves",
"600ml pot double cream",
"2 tbsp matcha powder (see tip)",
"250g icing sugar, plus a little for dusting",
"150ml double cream",
"150g white chocolate, chopped into small pieces",
"1 tsp matcha powder",
"cherries and fresh pink cherry blossom flowers, to decorate (optional)"
"steps": [
"Heat oven to 180C/160C fan/gas 4. Grease two 20cm cake tins (one should be at least 8cm deep) with oil, and line the base and sides with baking parchment. Tip the egg yolks, caster sugar and vanilla into a large bowl, and the egg whites into a second large bowl. Combine the flour, almonds and 1 /4 tsp salt in a third bowl.",
"Using an electric hand whisk, beat the egg whites until doubled in size and holding soft peaks. Transfer the beaters to the egg yolk bowl (no need to clean the beaters first) and whisk until the mixture is thick and pale. Lift the beaters and drizzle the mixture around the bowl \u2013 a ribbon should sit on the surface for 2-3 secs.",
"With a large metal spoon, transfer a spoonful of egg white to the yolks, and mix to loosen the consistency. Add the remaining whites and gently fold into the yolks, trying to retain as much volume as possible. Stop before the mixture is totally combined. Sprinkle the flour and almond mixture evenly over the surface, then drizzle the cooled butter around the edge of the bowl. Fold everything together until just combined, making sure you scoop the spoon right down to the bottom of the bowl to catch the butter and any pockets of flour. Divide the mixture between the cake tins, level the surfaces, then bake on the middle shelf of the oven for 22-25 mins. Test the cakes are done by inserting a skewer into the centre \u2013 it should come out clean. Cool in their tins on a wire rack for 30 mins, then remove the tins and parchment, and leave to cool completely.",
"Boil the kettle. Put the gelatine in a bowl of cold water and set aside to soften. Pour 150ml cream and 50ml hot water into a saucepan. Add the matcha powder and whisk over a gentle heat until well combined and steaming. Remove from the heat. Squeeze the water from the gelatine leaves and add them, one by one, to the hot matcha cream, whisking until they\u2019re dissolved. Pour the warm cream into a bowl and put in the fridge to cool to room temperature \u2013 don\u2019t leave it too long or the gelatine will set.",
"Line the deepest of your 20cm cake tins with a double layer of cling film, ensuring the sides are well covered. Put one of the sponges in the tin, flattest-side down. Pour the remaining 450ml cream into a bowl and add the icing sugar. Whip until the cream is holding soft peaks, then fold through the cooled matcha cream. Scrape the cream into the cake tin and level the surface. Put the remaining sponge on top, flattest-side facing up, pushing the sponge gently into the cream. Wrap the tin in cling film and chill for at least 4 hrs.",
"Put the cream, chocolate and matcha powder in a saucepan and heat very gently, stirring until the chocolate has melted and the matcha is well mixed in. Set aside to cool and thicken for 10 mins. Remove the cake from the fridge and unwrap the tin. Invert the cake onto a cake stand or plate and remove from the tin and the cling film. Using a palette knife held at a 90-degree angle to the side of the cake, scrape around the edge to remove any excess mousse and give the cake a smooth finish. Using baking parchment, create a tight collar, sitting about 2cm taller than the cake. Pour the cooled chocolate glaze over the top, smoothing it to the edge \u2013 the collar should prevent it from dribbling down the sides. Chill for 30 mins more, or for up to 24 hrs.",
"Carefully pull off the parchment collar. Hold a chopping board (or another object with a straight edge) over half the cake and dust the exposed surface with icing sugar. Arrange fresh cherries and cherry blossom or another edible flower on top, if you like, and serve immediately."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "55 mins",
"Cooking": "30 mins"
"serves": 12,
"difficult": "A challenge",
"vote_count": 4,
"subcategory": "Cakes",
"dish_type": "Easy birthday cakes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "63c96abe-b75d-4297-8dff-ea53508b25fe",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Mermaid cake",
"description": "Create a cake with the wow factor with our colourful ombre mermaid. It's a baking challenge but makes a magical party cake for kids and grown-ups alike",
"author": "Liberty Mendez",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"300g butter, softened, plus extra for the tins",
"300g caster sugar",
"5 large eggs, beaten",
"1 tsp vanilla bean paste",
"1 tsp baking powder",
"300g self-raising flour",
"purple gel food colouring (or a mixture of purple, blue and red gel colouring) ",
"700g icing sugar",
"350g butter, softened ",
"Blue or purple gel food colouring",
"edible pearls and silver sprinkles, or extra optional decoration ",
"200g white chocolate",
"2 tsp gold or metallic lustre (see tip below)",
"mermaid tail mould and small shell moulds, available online"
"steps": [
"If you're making the mermaid tails, melt the white chocolate in a heatproof bowl in 20-second bursts in the microwave, stirring after each turn. Pour into the tail moulds and small shells, and put on a small tray flat in the freezer for 15-20 mins until set. You can repeat this for four tails if you only have one mould.",
"Once set, remove from the mould, mix the lustre with \u00bc tsp of water and paint it onto the mermaid tails (see tip, below). Put back on a plate or tray in the freezer until needed.",
"Heat the oven to 180C/160C fan/gas 4. Butter and line the base of three 18cm sandwich cake tins with baking parchment. Using a stand mixer or electric hand whisk, beat together the butter, sugar, eggs, vanilla, baking powder and flour until you have a fluffy mix.",
"Divide the mixture evenly between three bowls and mix a few drops of colouring into each bowl until fully combined, making each bowl a different shade of purple, getting lighter. Pour each coloured sponge mix into separate tins and smooth over the tops. Bake for 25-30 mins until a skewer inserted into the middle comes out clean. After 10 mins, remove the cakes from their tins and transfer to a cooling rack, top-side facing down, and leave to cool. Don\u2019t worry if the outside doesn\u2019t look purple, the inside will!",
"While the cake is cooling, make the icing. Beat together the icing sugar and butter until pale and fluffy, mixing in 1 tbsp warm water to loosen the mixture if necessary. Set half of the icing aside in a bowl. Divide the other half of the icing between three bowls and colour each a different shade of blue, a dark, medium and light. Stack the sponges, spreading most of the white icing over each one using a palette knife, then use the palette knife to roughly coat the outside of the cakes with the remaining white icing to create a crumb coat. Chill for 30 mins.",
"Put each of the blue icing shades in separate piping bags and cut a large 2cm hole at the bottom. Starting with the dark shade at the bottom of the cake, pipe an even ring onto the whole cake, two-three times around. Continue working your way up the cake with the icing getting lighter as you reach the top of the cake. Using a small palette knife, work your way around the join in between each row, gently pushing to join each line together. Save some icing in the piping bags to decorate the top. Smooth over the cake with a large palette knife or cake scraper to create a smooth ombre icing, keeping the excess to decorate the top.",
"You can either mix all the leftover icing together and put in a clean piping bag with a star nozzle to get a multicoloured effect, or pipe individual shades on the top. Add a few dots around the top of the cake in the varying blue colours to look like waves (using some of the white to look like the top of a crashing wave), and dot around the pearls, sprinkles, shells and mermaid tails, pushing them into the icing on the side of the cake, and on top to finish."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "1 hr and 30 mins",
"Cooking": "30 mins"
"serves": 14,
"difficult": "A challenge",
"vote_count": 8,
"subcategory": "Cakes",
"dish_type": "Easy birthday cakes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "20201af6-af09-4129-b985-03ecaaa7a110",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Chocolate drip cake",
"description": "This malted drip cake is smothered in cream cheese icing and drizzled with a dark chocolate ganache \u2013 a stunning multi-layered centrepiece for a big occasion",
"author": "Cassie Best",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"200g unsalted butter, softened, plus extra for greasing",
"250g golden caster sugar",
"3 large eggs",
"225g plain flour",
"25g powdered malt drink",
"2 tsp baking powder",
"100g natural yogurt",
"2 tsp vanilla extract",
"175g unsalted butter, softened, plus extra for greasing",
"250g golden caster sugar",
"3 large eggs",
"225g plain flour",
"25g cocoa powder",
"2 tsp baking powder",
"50g natural yogurt",
"100g dark chocolate, melted and cooled a little",
"butter or flavourless oil, for greasing",
"200g golden caster sugar",
"5 tbsp golden syrup",
"2 tsp bicarbonate of soda",
"37g pack Maltesers",
"250g pack slightly salted butter, softened",
"750g icing sugar",
"3 tbsp powdered malt drink",
"1 tsp vanilla extract",
"280g tub full-fat cream cheese",
"100g dark chocolate, finely chopped",
"75ml double cream"
"steps": [
"First make the malt sponges. Heat oven to 180C/160C fan/gas 4. Grease and line the bases of 2 x 20cm cake tins with baking parchment. Put the butter and sugar in a large bowl and whisk until pale and fluffy. Add the eggs, one at a time, whisking well between each addition. Tip the flour, malt and baking powder into the bowl with \u00bc tsp salt and fold together, then add the yogurt and vanilla, and give everything a final stir. Divide the cake mixture between the 2 tins, level the tops and bake on the middle shelf for 25-30 mins or until a skewer pushed into the centre of the cakes comes out clean. Cool for 10 mins, then remove from the tins, peel off the baking parchment and transfer to a wire rack to cool completely. Wash the tins.",
"Now make the chocolate sponges. Grease and line the base of the tins as before and boil the kettle. In the same bowl (don\u2019t worry about washing it), cream the butter and sugar as before, adding the eggs, one at a time, and mixing until combined. Sift in the flour, cocoa and baking powder with \u00bc tsp salt. Fold the mixture together, then add the yogurt, melted chocolate and 100ml boiling water. Stir until combined, then divide between the tins. Bake for 25-30 mins, testing with a skewer as before. Cool in the tins for 10 mins, then turn out, remove the baking parchment and cool completely. The sponges can be made up to 2 days before being iced, cooled and wrapped tightly in cling film.",
"Make the honeycomb. Grease a baking tray with a little butter or oil. Put the sugar and golden syrup in a large pan. Warm over a medium heat and leave to bubble to a liquid caramel, but don\u2019t stir. When you\u2019re happy with the colour (the darker it gets, the more intense the flavour will be), add the bicarbonate of soda and quickly stir into the syrup. Before the bubbles die down, pour the foaming mixture onto the baking tray, then set aside for 30 mins to cool and firm up.",
"Make the icing. In your largest mixing bowl, beat the butter with half the icing sugar, the malt and vanilla until smooth. Add the remaining icing sugar and the cream cheese, and beat again until well combined \u2013 don\u2019t overmix or the icing may become runny.",
"You\u2019re now ready to assemble. Put one of the sponges on a cake stand or cake board, sticking it down with a small blob of icing. Use \u00bc of the icing to stack the cakes, alternating between the malt and chocolate sponges. Place the final sponge on top, flat-side up. When assembled, use a palette knife to cover the entire cake with a thin layer of the icing, filling any gaps between sponges, but don\u2019t worry about completely covering the sponges at this stage. This is called a crumb coat and ensures that your final layer is crumb-free. Make space in your fridge and chill the cake for 30 mins to firm up the icing.",
"Once the icing is chilled, use the remaining icing to completely cover the cake. This is easiest if you pile the icing on top of the cake, then use a palette knife to ease it over the edge and down the sides. You can make it as smooth or as rough as you like. Chill for another 30 mins.",
"Make the drizzle. Meanwhile, put the dark chocolate in a bowl and heat the cream in a small pan until just steaming. Pour the cream over the chocolate and leave to melt for 5-10 mins. Stir to make a glossy ganache, then set aside to firm up a little \u2013 you want the ganache to be pourable but not too runny, to make drizzly droplets down the side of the cake.",
"When the ganache is the correct consistency, remove the cake from the fridge and spoon the ganache over the top edge of the cake, encouraging it to drizzle down the side with your spoon \u2013 start at the back of the cake to get the hang of it. Fill in the middle of the top of the cake with chocolate too.",
"Break the honeycomb into tall shards and stack them on top of the cake. Finish with whole and halved Maltesers, adding a few around the base, along with some honeycomb crumbs. The cake is best served within 2-3 hrs of assembling, but will still taste delicious for up to 3 days. Store leftovers in the fridge and allow to come back to room temperature before serving."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "2 hrs",
"Cooking": "1 hr"
"serves": 20,
"difficult": "A challenge",
"vote_count": 20,
"subcategory": "Cakes",
"dish_type": "Easy birthday cakes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "9a9a5cd7-4469-403d-bc91-ec5d05eb1173",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Pimm's cake",
"description": "Yes, you read right, Pimm's in cake form. Smooth strawberry and lemon buttercream coupled with cucumber essence make this the ultimate taste of summer",
"author": "Miriam Nice",
"rattings": 4,
"ingredients": [
"1 cucumber",
"zest and juice 1 lemon",
"300g butter, softened, plus extra for greasing",
"300g golden caster sugar",
"4 large eggs",
"1 tsp vanilla extract",
"400g self raising flour",
"1 \u00bd tsp baking powder",
"200g butter, softened",
"500g icing sugar",
"80g strawberries, hulled",
"200g butter, softened",
"400g icing sugar",
"juice & zest 1 lemon",
"100g strawberries, hulled and sliced plus 3 strawberries, halved, (stalks on)",
"3 tbsp Pimm's",
"\u00bc cucumber, sliced"
"steps": [
"Put the sliced and halved strawberries for the filling and decoration into a small bowl and pour over the Pimm's. Leave to soak in for at least one hour or overnight. Heat oven to 190C /170C fan/gas 5. Line 3 x 20cm sandwich tins with baking parchment and grease with butter.",
"Cut the whole cucumber in half lengthways and using a teaspoon scrape out and discard the seeds. Roughly chop the rest of the cucumber and puree in a blender with the lemon juice.",
"In a large bowl and using electric beaters whisk up the softened butter with the sugar until pale and light. Continue whisking as you add the eggs, one at a time, whisking in between additions. Once all the eggs have been added pour in the cucumber pur\u00e9e, lemon zest and vanilla extract. Don\u2019t worry if the mixture splits - it will come back together when you add the flour.",
"Fold in the flour and baking powder and whisk once again briefly until there are no lumps of flour remaining then divide the mixture between the three tins. Bake in the oven for 30-35mins or until a skewer pushed into the middle of the cakes comes out clean. Take the cakes out of the oven and leave to cool in their tins for five minutes then turn out onto wire racks to cool completely.",
"While the cakes are cooking and cooling make the buttercreams. To make the strawberry buttercream, mash the strawberries in a small bowl with a fork until mushy. In a larger bowl whisk up the butter and half the icing sugar until smooth, then whisk in the mashed strawberries followed by the remaining icing sugar. Whisk until smooth and pale pink and place in the fridge until needed. Repeat the process with the lemon buttercream.",
"Once the cakes are completely cold, put one of the cakes onto a cake turntable and add about one third of the lemon buttercream, spread over the surface evenly then top with half of the soaked strawberry slices. Next, spread one third of the strawberry buttercream onto another of the cakes and top with the remaining strawberry slices. Carefully stack the two filled layers with the final cake on top.",
"Transfer the remaining buttercreams to disposable piping bags and snip off the ends. Pipe the strawberry buttercream in rings around the outside of the cake, starting at the base. Once you reach three quarters of the way up, switch to the lemon buttercream and continue piping onto the top of the cake. Smooth over the top using a palette knife then smooth the sides with either a large palette knife or, better still a pastry scraper. Use long sweeping movements and gently turn the cake turntable so that you get a smooth finish but a subtle gradient effect where the two colours meet. Scrape any excess icing into a bowl.",
"To finish, top with the remaining soaked strawberry halves and the slices of cucumber."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "1 hr",
"Cooking": "30 mins"
"serves": 18,
"difficult": "More effort",
"vote_count": 20,
"subcategory": "Cakes",
"dish_type": "Easy birthday cakes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "4fb3ae34-909f-4b45-a1e9-be656eada39a",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Summer party cake",
"description": "This generous cake is big enough to feed a crowd and is a combination of all our favourite summer ingredients: strawberries, Victoria sponge, meringues, fresh cream, white chocolate and buttery shortbread",
"author": "Cassie Best",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"300g salted butter, at room temperature",
"300g golden caster sugar",
"1 tbsp vanilla bean paste (or the seeds from 2 vanilla pods with 2 tsp vanilla extract)",
"6 medium eggs, lightly beaten",
"300g self-raising flour",
"900ml double cream",
"1 heaped tbsp icing sugar",
"2 tsp vanilla bean paste",
"300g good-quality or homemade strawberry jam (see tip)",
"1kg strawberries, chopped into even slices for neat layers (save 8 to decorate)",
"pack of gold leaf (optional)",
"meringue kisses, chocolate bark & chocolate-coated strawberries (see recipes in 'goes well with')",
"shortbread biscuits (see recipe, or use shop-bought biscuits)"
"steps": [
"Heat oven to 180C/160C fan/gas 4. Grease and line two x 23cm tins with baking parchment. Beat the butter, sugar and vanilla in a tabletop mixer (or with a hand mixer or wooden spoon) until the mixture is very light, pale and fluffy. ",
"Gradually mix in the beaten eggs, scraping down the side of the bowl after each addition, until fully combined. If using a mixer, on slow, add the flour until just combined - don't over-beat as it can make the sponge heavy. If you're not using a mixer, fold in the flour with a large metal spoon. ",
"Divide the mixture between the tins and bake in the oven for 30 mins or until the cakes come away from the side and the skewer inserted into the centre comes out clean. Remove and cool in the tin for 5 mins. Turn out onto a wire rack and remove the parchment to allow the steam to escape and the cakes to cool. Meanwhile, make the decorations. ",
"Now assemble your cake. Before you split the sponges, trim the domed tops off each cake with a bread knife. Use the same knife or a cake wire, to split each sponge horizontally, so you're left with four sponge layers. A good tip is to cut a marker line on each sponge using a bread knife, so that once you've cut the sponges and filled them, you can use the line to put them back together in the right place. That way, if your cutting was a little wonky, it won't make the cake uneven. ",
"Whip the double cream with the icing sugar and vanilla until light and fluffy, and just holding shape. Put the bottom layer on a cake stand or board. Spread with a thin layer of jam, then spread or pipe on a good layer of cream. Arrange an even layer of strawberries neatly round the edge, then dot the middle of the sponge with more fruit. Repeat with two more of the cake layers.",
"For the top layer, add the sponge and jam, but neatly pipe the cream over. Gently press gold leaf onto the chocolate on the strawberries, a few meringues and some of the bark. ",
"Arrange the chocolate-coated strawberries on top of the creamy sponge, then nestle in shards of bark, meringues and biscuit. Finish with a sprinkling of crushed meringue and a little more of the freeze-dried strawberries (from the chocolate bark recipe). Serve and eat within a few hours. "
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "40 mins",
"Cooking": "30 mins"
"serves": 20,
"difficult": "A challenge",
"vote_count": 14,
"subcategory": "Cakes",
"dish_type": "Easy birthday cakes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "c9e77b20-8c70-47b5-a723-369a64f6fb01",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Funfetti cake",
"description": "Perfect for a party, this rainbow-speckled cake screams 'celebrate'! Pipe creamy vanilla icing and scatter over sprinkles for a showstopping cake that adults and kids will love",
"author": "Chelsie Collins",
"rattings": 4,
"ingredients": [
"300g golden caster sugar",
"450g butter, softened",
"1 tbsp vanilla bean paste",
"8 eggs, beaten",
"450g self-raising flour",
"1 tsp baking powder",
"4 tbsp whole milk",
"200g rainbow sprinkles, plus extra to decorate",
"150g softened butter",
"450g icing sugar, sifted",
"180g tub full-fat cream cheese",
"1 tbsp vanilla paste"
"steps": [
"Preheat the oven to 180C/160C fan/gas 4 and grease and line 4 x 20cm cake tins. If you don\u2019t have 4, halve the sponge recipe and bake in 2 batches.",
"Put the sugar, butter and vanilla paste in a large bowl and beat with an electric whisk (or in a table top mixer) until pale and fluffy. Add the eggs gradually, beating between each addition until fully incorporated. Add a tbsp or 2 of flour if the mixture looks like it\u2019s curdling.",
"Sift in the flour and baking powder with a tsp of salt and fold into the cake batter. Pour in the milk and beat to loosen the mixture. Scatter over the sprinkles and ripple through the cake batter before dividing between each cake tin. Bake for 25-30 mins until golden and the sponge springs back when you press it lightly. Swap the tins around in the oven after 15 mins to ensure they cook evenly. Cool on wire racks completely before icing.",
"Meanwhile, make the icing by beating the butter with half of the icing sugar until combined and fluffy. Add the cream cheese and the rest of the icing sugar, beating again until fully combined. Drizzle over the vanilla paste and beat until incorporated. Put a large round nozzle into a piping bag and spoon in the icing.",
"When the cakes have cooled put a blob of icing onto a cake board and sit 1 of the sponges on top. Pipe blobs of vanilla icing in a circle covering the whole base of the sponge, then top with the next sponge. Repeat with all 3 layers, scattering over some extra sprinkles on the top. Serve in slices."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "30 mins",
"Cooking": "25 mins - 30 mins"
"serves": 20,
"difficult": "More effort",
"vote_count": 49,
"subcategory": "Cakes",
"dish_type": "Easy birthday cakes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "dee6c06e-6acc-49e5-8429-336e62046986",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Rosewater & raspberry sponge cake",
"description": "Eloise Shardlow creates a delicate, floral twist on the classic sponge cake. Dried rose petals, rose icing and raspberries make for a showstopping decoration",
"author": "Good Food team",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"225g unsalted butter, softened, plus extra for greasing",
"225g golden caster sugar",
"4 medium eggs, beaten",
"1 tsp vanilla extract",
"225g self-raising flour, sifted",
"150ml double cream",
"1 tsp rosewater",
"4 tbsp raspberry jam",
"150g raspberries, slightly crushed",
"175g icing sugar, plus extra for dusting",
"\u00bd tsp rosewater",
"dried rose petals",
"handful raspberries"
"steps": [
"Heat oven to 180C/160C fan/gas 4. Lightly grease two 20cm cake tins and line with baking parchment. In a large mixing bowl, beat the butter and sugar together until pale and fluffy. Gradually add the eggs a little at a time, scraping down the side of the bowl after each addition. If the mixture starts to curdle, add 1 tsp flour. Add the vanilla extract, mix in half the flour, then fold in the rest.",
"Divide the mixture between the cake tins and bake for 20-25 mins \u2013 a skewer inserted into the middle of the cakes should come out clean. Leave to cool in the tins for 10 mins, then turn out onto a wire rack to cool completely.",
"Meanwhile, make the filling. Whisk the cream to soft peaks, adding the rosewater as you go, then fold in the jam, being careful not to over-mix.",
"Place one of the sponges on a serving plate and top with the cream mixture. Scatter with the raspberries, then top with the other sponge.",
"For the icing, mix together the icing sugar, 2 tbsp water and the rosewater, and stir in the juice from a few crushed raspberries. Drizzle over the cake, arrange the rose petals and the remaining raspberries on top and dust with icing sugar."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "35 mins",
"Cooking": "25 mins"
"serves": 10,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 34,
"subcategory": "Cakes",
"dish_type": "Easy birthday cakes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "eb5eb995-59eb-4d3e-ab76-d07a97aa616c",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Chocolate & raspberry birthday layer cake",
"description": "Who could resist our chocolate and raspberry cake? Like a Victoria sponge but better, try budget-friendly frozen raspberries for the cream",
"author": "Anna Glover",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"225ml sunflower oil, plus extra for the tins",
"250g caster sugar",
"3 large eggs",
"225ml milk",
"250g self-raising flour",
"4 tbsp cocoa",
"1\u00bd tsp bicarbonate of soda",
"150g raspberry jam",
"100g frozen raspberries, defrosted",
"300ml double cream",
"2 tbsp icing sugar"
"steps": [
"Heat the oven to 180C/160C fan/gas 4. Oil and line two round 20cm springform cake tins with baking parchment. Whisk the oil, sugar, eggs and milk in a bowl until smooth. Sieve the flour, cocoa and bicarb into another large bowl, then gradually mix in the wet ingredients. ",
"Divide the mixture between the tins and bake for 35-40 mins until the cakes are risen and spring back when pressed. Leave to cool in the tins for 10 mins, then transfer to a wire rack to cool completely.",
"For the raspberry layer, stir the jam and the defrosted raspberries together. Once the cakes are cool, whip the cream with the sugar to soft peaks, then gently fold half the raspberry mixture through the cream to create a ripple effect. ",
"Spoon most of the reserved raspberry mixture over one of the cakes, then dollop on half of the cream. Smooth over with a palette knife, then place the other sponge on top. Swirl over the remaining cream and swirl the last of the raspberry mixture through it. Will keep in the fridge for two days."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "20 mins",
"Cooking": "40 mins"
"serves": 12,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 88,
"subcategory": "Cakes",
"dish_type": "Birthday cake recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "137824b9-be3b-4fdc-a219-0e07e3d0a368",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Gravity-defying sweetie cake",
"description": "Anti-gravity cakes are a great option for birthdays or parties - this stunning chocolate sweetie cake will delight kids and grown-ups alike",
"author": "Cassie Best",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"150ml vegetable oil, plus extra for greasing",
"200g plain flour",
"8 tbsp cocoa powder",
"2 tsp baking powder",
"1 tsp bicarbonate of soda",
"280g light brown soft sugar",
"200ml buttermilk",
"100ml strong coffee or espresso",
"2 tsp vanilla extract",
"2 large eggs",
"2\u00bd x 114g packs milk chocolate fingers",
"8 tubes of sugar coated chocolates, or other sweets",
"100g milk chocolate, chopped into small pieces, plus 50g/2oz for decorating",
"200g slightly salted butter, softened",
"400g icing sugar, seived",
"4 tbsp cocoa powder",
"2 tbsp milk",
"1 bendy straw",
"2 wooden skewers",
"1 paper bag or sweet packet (see tip)",
"sticky tape"
"steps": [
"Heat oven to 180C/160C fan/gas 4. Grease and line two 20cm cake tins with baking parchment \u2013 if your cake tins are quite shallow, line the sides to a depth of at least 5cm. Put the flour, cocoa powder, baking powder, bicarbonate of soda, sugar and 1 tsp salt in a bowl and mix well. If there are any lumps in the sugar, squeeze these through your fingers to break them up.",
"Measure the buttermilk, coffee, oil and vanilla in a jug. Add the egg and whisk until smooth. Pour the wet ingredients into the dry and whisk until well combined. Pour the cake mixture evenly into the two tins, and bake for 25-30 mins until risen and a skewer inserted into the centre comes out clean. Cool in the tins for 10 mins, then turn out onto a wire rack, peel off the baking parchment and leave to cool. These sponges can be made up to three days ahead and will stay moist if wrapped in cling film, or you can wrap well and freeze for up to two months.",
"To make the chocolate fudge icing, put the chocolate in a heatproof bowl, suspended over a pan of barely simmering water. Stir every now and then until melted. (Alternatively, melt in the microwave, stirring the chocolate every 20 secs so it doesn\u2019t burn.) Remove the bowl from the heat and leave to cool a little. Meanwhile, put the butter and icing sugar in another large bowl and mash with a spatula to combine (this will prevent you covering the work surface in icing sugar), then whisk with a hand mixer until smooth. Sift in the cocoa and pour in the melted chocolate and milk, then mix again until smooth.",
"Use roughly half the icing to sandwich the cakes together on a cake stand or board. Use a palette knife to cover the entire cake with the remaining icing \u2013 don\u2019t worry about being too neat. Use the chocolate fingers to cover the sides of the cakes \u2013 do this straight after icing as the icing will set after a while, and the chocolate fingers won\u2019t stick.",
"Melt the remaining 50g chocolate in the microwave or in a small bowl suspended over a pan of gently simmering water. Leave to cool until the chocolate is a spreadable consistency. You can speed this up by putting it in the fridge \u2013 just stir it every 5 mins or so to prevent the chocolate from setting.",
"Push a skewer into the centre of the cake and slip the straw over the top \u2013 this will give it more stability. Push 1-2cm of the straw into the cake. Use a cutlery knife to spread a blob of chocolate onto a sugar coated chocolate sweet and, starting at the base, stick the sweets to the straw. You will have to do this in stages to allow the chocolate to set a little before adding another layer of sweets. Work your way up the straw until it\u2019s completely covered. If the chocolate in your bowl becomes too firm, simply heat again until it is at the correct consistency. Stop when you reach the bend in the straw.",
"Stick the remaining skewer into the top of the straw so that it pokes out at an angle. Place the paper bag on top \u2013 you may have to use a little sticky tape to hold it in place. If any of the straw is exposed, cover it with more sweets.",
"Tip the remaining sweets on top of the cake to flood the surface. Will keep well stored in an airtight tin for 2 days."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "1 hr",
"Cooking": "35 mins"
"serves": 12,
"difficult": "More effort",
"vote_count": 50,
"subcategory": "Cakes",
"dish_type": "Birthday cake recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "18d1764b-ac9b-43d1-b53d-7d915ba23e0e",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Cookies & cream party cake",
"description": "Stack up our best ever chocolate sponges and smother in a biscuit icing to make this towering celebration cake",
"author": "Cassie Best",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"300ml vegetable oil, plus extra for greasing",
"400g plain flour",
"130g cocoa powder",
"4 tsp baking powder",
"2 tsp bicarbonate of soda",
"560g light brown soft sugar",
"400ml buttermilk",
"200ml strong coffee, or espresso",
"4 tsp vanilla extract",
"4 large eggs",
"250g pack slightly salted butter, softened",
"600g icing sugar",
"280g tub full-fat cream cheese",
"2 tsp vanilla extract",
"10 filled chocolate biscuits (about \u00be of a pack)",
"filled chocolate biscuits, as many as you need for the letters on top (some may break when you insert the skewers, so buy extra)",
"thin wooden skewers",
"100g white chocolate, finely chopped",
"ready-to-roll fondant icing, coloured (we used a mixture of blue and green food colouring), or an icing writing pen"
"steps": [
"Heat oven to 180C/160C fan/gas 4. Grease and line two 20cm cake tins with baking parchment \u2013 if your cake tins are quite shallow, line the sides to a depth of at least 5cm. Put 200g flour, 8 tbsp cocoa powder, 2 tsp baking powder, 1 tsp bicarbonate of soda, 280g light brown soft sugar and 1 tsp salt in a bowl and mix well. If there are any lumps in the sugar, squeeze these through your fingers to break them up.",
"Measure 200ml buttermilk, 100ml coffee, 150ml oil and 2 tsp vanilla in a jug. Add 2 eggs and whisk until smooth. Pour the wet ingredients into the dry and whisk until well combined. Pour the cake mixture evenly into the two tins, and bake for 25-30 mins until risen and a skewer inserted into the centre comes out clean. Cool in the tins for 10 mins, then turn out onto a wire rack, peel off the baking parchment and leave to cool.",
"Repeat steps 1 and 2, so that you have 4 sponge cakes in total. These sponges can be made up to three days ahead and will stay moist if wrapped in cling film, or you can wrap well and freeze for up to two months.",
"To make the icing, put the butter in a large bowl and sieve in half the icing sugar. Roughly mash together with a spatula, then whizz with a hand mixer until smooth. Add the cream cheese and sieve in the remaining icing sugar, mash together again, then blend once more with the hand mixer. Put the biscuits in a food processor and whizz to fine crumbs. Add the biscuit crumbs to the icing and mix again until combined.",
"Next, make the cookie cake toppers. You\u2019ll need one biscuit for each letter of the word you\u2019d like to write \u2013 someone\u2019s name or, like we have done, \u2018WOW!\u2019 Carefully insert a skewer into the creamy filling in the middle of each biscuit \u2013 some cookies may break, so save these ones for later. Melt the chocolate in the microwave, stirring every 20 secs or so, or in a heatproof bowl suspended over a pan of gently simmering water. Spread a little chocolate over the surface of one side of each cookie. Roll out the fondant icing to the thickness of a 50p coin, and cut out your letters, then stick these to the cookies and set aside to dry. Alternatively, let the chocolate dry, then use an icing pen to write the name or word directly on the surface.",
"To assemble the cake, stick one of your sponges to a cake stand or board with a little of the cream cheese icing. Use roughly half the icing to stack the remaining cakes on top, spreading a generous amount between each layer. Pile the remaining icing on top of the assembled cake, and use a palette knife to ease it over the edges, covering the entire surface of the cake. Tidy the plate with a piece of kitchen paper.",
"If you have any leftover biscuits, break them into pieces and push these around the base of the cake. Insert the dried cookie cake toppers into the top of the cake and serve. Store leftovers in the fridge for up to 2 days, but bring back to room temperature for an hour or so before eating."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "1 hr",
"Cooking": "50 mins"
"serves": 20,
"difficult": "More effort",
"vote_count": 76,
"subcategory": "Cakes",
"dish_type": "Birthday cake recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "198ecb5b-e34f-4f6a-bad0-163abd417fb4",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Mermaid cake",
"description": "Create a cake with the wow factor with our colourful ombre mermaid. It's a baking challenge but makes a magical party cake for kids and grown-ups alike",
"author": "Liberty Mendez",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"300g butter, softened, plus extra for the tins",
"300g caster sugar",
"5 large eggs, beaten",
"1 tsp vanilla bean paste",
"1 tsp baking powder",
"300g self-raising flour",
"purple gel food colouring (or a mixture of purple, blue and red gel colouring) ",
"700g icing sugar",
"350g butter, softened ",
"Blue or purple gel food colouring",
"edible pearls and silver sprinkles, or extra optional decoration ",
"200g white chocolate",
"2 tsp gold or metallic lustre (see tip below)",
"mermaid tail mould and small shell moulds, available online"
"steps": [
"If you're making the mermaid tails, melt the white chocolate in a heatproof bowl in 20-second bursts in the microwave, stirring after each turn. Pour into the tail moulds and small shells, and put on a small tray flat in the freezer for 15-20 mins until set. You can repeat this for four tails if you only have one mould.",
"Once set, remove from the mould, mix the lustre with \u00bc tsp of water and paint it onto the mermaid tails (see tip, below). Put back on a plate or tray in the freezer until needed.",
"Heat the oven to 180C/160C fan/gas 4. Butter and line the base of three 18cm sandwich cake tins with baking parchment. Using a stand mixer or electric hand whisk, beat together the butter, sugar, eggs, vanilla, baking powder and flour until you have a fluffy mix.",
"Divide the mixture evenly between three bowls and mix a few drops of colouring into each bowl until fully combined, making each bowl a different shade of purple, getting lighter. Pour each coloured sponge mix into separate tins and smooth over the tops. Bake for 25-30 mins until a skewer inserted into the middle comes out clean. After 10 mins, remove the cakes from their tins and transfer to a cooling rack, top-side facing down, and leave to cool. Don\u2019t worry if the outside doesn\u2019t look purple, the inside will!",
"While the cake is cooling, make the icing. Beat together the icing sugar and butter until pale and fluffy, mixing in 1 tbsp warm water to loosen the mixture if necessary. Set half of the icing aside in a bowl. Divide the other half of the icing between three bowls and colour each a different shade of blue, a dark, medium and light. Stack the sponges, spreading most of the white icing over each one using a palette knife, then use the palette knife to roughly coat the outside of the cakes with the remaining white icing to create a crumb coat. Chill for 30 mins.",
"Put each of the blue icing shades in separate piping bags and cut a large 2cm hole at the bottom. Starting with the dark shade at the bottom of the cake, pipe an even ring onto the whole cake, two-three times around. Continue working your way up the cake with the icing getting lighter as you reach the top of the cake. Using a small palette knife, work your way around the join in between each row, gently pushing to join each line together. Save some icing in the piping bags to decorate the top. Smooth over the cake with a large palette knife or cake scraper to create a smooth ombre icing, keeping the excess to decorate the top.",
"You can either mix all the leftover icing together and put in a clean piping bag with a star nozzle to get a multicoloured effect, or pipe individual shades on the top. Add a few dots around the top of the cake in the varying blue colours to look like waves (using some of the white to look like the top of a crashing wave), and dot around the pearls, sprinkles, shells and mermaid tails, pushing them into the icing on the side of the cake, and on top to finish."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "1 hr and 30 mins",
"Cooking": "30 mins"
"serves": 14,
"difficult": "A challenge",
"vote_count": 8,
"subcategory": "Cakes",
"dish_type": "Birthday cake recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "f0582920-b139-4c2c-a054-36b7be3c5861",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Storecupboard chocolate hazelnut cake",
"description": "Raid your storecupboard to make this lovely chocolate cake. Using ground hazelnuts delivers an incredible texture and flavour, or try almonds if you prefer",
"author": "Rukmini Iyer",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"225g dark brown soft sugar",
"225g unsalted butter",
"100g dark chocolate (at least 70% cocoa solids), roughly broken up",
"4 eggs",
"140g blanched hazelnuts, ground",
"60g self-raising flour",
"60g cocoa powder",
"1 tsp baking powder",
"60g roasted hazelnuts, halved",
"100g natural yogurt, at room temperature",
"100g dark chocolate (at least 70% cocoa solids), finely chopped",
"splash of milk (optional)"
"steps": [
"Heat the oven to 180C/160C fan/gas 4. Tip the sugar, butter and dark chocolate into a saucepan over a low heat and stir until glossy and melted. Remove the pan from the heat and leave to cool for 10 mins.",
"Whisk the eggs into the cooled chocolate mixture, then pour into a large bowl with the ground hazelnuts, flour, cocoa and baking powder. Gently stir to combine, then pour into a 20cm tin lined with baking parchment.",
"Bake for 40-50 mins, or until a skewer inserted into the middle comes out clean. If any wet mixture remains, return it to the oven for 5-10 mins. Leave to cool in the tin for 5 mins, then turn out onto a wire rack to cool completely.",
"For the ganache, pour the yogurt into a heatproof bowl and set it over a pan of simmering water, making sure the bowl doesn\u2019t touch the water. Whisk for 3-4 mins until hot, then tip in the chocolate. Turn off the heat and whisk continuously until the chocolate has melted. If the mixture looks as though it might split, pour in a splash of milk, leave it for 15 seconds to warm through, then whisk briefly until smooth. Leave the ganache to cool for 15-20 mins so it\u2019s easier to spread.",
"Spread the ganache all over the cake, then scatter over the roasted hazelnut halves. Leave the cake to cool and set completely. Will keep in an airtight container, chilled or at room temperature, for up to two days. Serve at room temperature."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "20 mins",
"Cooking": "1 hr and 15 mins"
"serves": 8,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 1,
"subcategory": "Cakes",
"dish_type": "Birthday cake recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "187d10c0-0415-4c51-8c48-09dbbf36997e",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Orange and raspberry Hey Duggee cake",
"description": "Dazzle your kids with their favourite TV character in cake form! This orange buttercream and jam-filled sponge is sure to be a crowd-pleaser, great for a birthday party ",
"author": "Edd Kimber",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"300g unsalted butter, room temperature",
"300g caster sugar",
"2 tsp vanilla extract",
"6 large eggs",
"400g self-raising flour",
"130g natural yogurt",
"2 tbsp milk (if needed)",
"50g caster sugar",
"1 tsp vanilla extract",
"250g unsalted butter, softened",
"550g icing sugar",
"75g orange curd",
"3 tbsp raspberry jam",
"500g red sugarpaste",
"250g yellow sugarpaste",
"140g blue sugarpaste",
"100g brown sugarpaste",
"25g black sugarpaste",
"80cm length of yellow ribbon (optional)"
"steps": [
"Start by making the cake. Heat oven to 180C/160C fan/gas 4 and lightly grease a 23cm deep round cake pan, lining the base with parchment paper.",
"Cream the butter and sugar together in a large bowl using an electric hand whisk until light and fluffy \u2013 this should take about 10 mins. Add the vanilla and whisk again to combine. Beat the eggs a little with a fork, and with the beaters still running, add the eggs a little bit at a time. Wait until each addition has been fully combined before adding more.",
"Once all of the eggs have been added, fold in the flour with a spatula in three additions, alternating with the yogurt. If the finished batter feels a little stiff, mix in a couple tbsp of milk to loosen it. Transfer the batter into the prepared cake pan and level out with a spatula.",
"Bake in the preheated oven for about 1 hr 30 \u2013 1 hr 40 mins or until a skewer inserted into the middle of the cake comes out clean. If the cake is browning too quickly, cover loosely with baking parchment for the last 15 mins of cooking. Allow the cake to cool in the tin for 20 mins.",
"While the cake is cooling in the tin make the syrup. Place the sugar, 50ml water and vanilla extract into a small saucepan over a medium heat and bring to a simmer, cooking for a few mins until the sugar has dissolved. Transfer the cake onto a wire rack to cool completely then use a skewer to poke holes all over the top of the cake. Use a pastry brush to spread the syrup over the top of the cake, allowing it to soak into the sponge before adding more.",
"To make the buttercream, beat the butter and icing sugar together with an electric hand whisk until light and fluffy, then add the orange curd and whisk again to combine. If the cake is domed on the top, use a large serrated knife to level it off then cut the cake through the middle, into two layers. Place the bottom layer of cake onto a 23cm round cake board and spread a thin layer of buttercream on the cake and top with the raspberry jam. Place the second layer of cake on top and spread the remaining buttercream over the top and sides of the cake.",
"On a work surface lightly dusted with icing sugar, knead the red sugarpaste until soft and pliable. Roll it out until about 3-4mm thick and wide enough to cover the cake. Roll the sugarpaste onto the rolling pin and carefully drape over the cake. Gently smooth the sugarpaste down the sides of the cake and trim off the excess with a small sharp knife. Reserve the trimmings for the details later on.",
"Repeat the rolling process with the yellow sugarpaste but this time cutting into thin strips. Cut 30 strips approx 1.5cm x 10cm and stick to the sides of the cake all the way around, dipping your finger in water to brush onto the back of each one, which will act as glue (the strips should cover the entire height of the cake but only reach a couple of centimetres over the top of cake).",
"Next roll out the blue sugarpaste to the same thickness as the red and yellow but this time cut out a 20cm circle and stick it in place in the middle of the cake using a little water. Roll out the brown sugarpaste as well and use a thin sharp knife to cut out Duggee\u2019s face and attach to the blue circle.",
"For Duggee\u2019s clothes knead a little yellow into the remaining brown sugarpaste until it is a light brown colour and use this to cut out his shirt and lip area, sticking with a little water as before. Use the black sugarpaste to roll his eyes and nose, using your hands rather than rolling on the work surface. Use the remaining sugarpaste to shape the decorations for his outfit and mouth and stick as before with a little water. Wrap the ribbon around the bottom edge of the cake and secure with tape or a pin but remember to remove before serving. This cake will keep in a sealed container for up to 4 days."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "1 hr and 30 mins",
"Cooking": "1 hr and 40 mins"
"serves": 16,
"difficult": "A challenge",
"vote_count": 8,
"subcategory": "Cakes",
"dish_type": "Birthday cake recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "cb405de8-4781-4639-9d87-64b9ea6816aa",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Toasted marshmallow & ginger cake",
"description": "Decorative Italian meringue masks a spicy, moist ginger cake layered with ginger buttercream- an amazing bake!",
"author": "Cassie Best",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"100g butter, plus a little extra for greasing",
"100g dark muscovado sugar",
"100g black treacle",
"140g golden syrup",
"225g plain flour",
"1 tsp bicarbonate of soda",
"2 tsp ground ginger",
"1 tsp ground cinnamon",
"125ml whole milk",
"3 medium egg yolks, whisked with a fork (save the whites for the icing)",
"140g butter, softened",
"200g icing sugar",
"4 smalls stem ginger, finely chopped, plus 1 tbsp syrup",
"\u00bd tsp ground ginger",
"3 medium egg whites",
"175g golden caster sugar",
"piping bag",
"large round piping nozzle",
"cook's blowtorch",
"3 sparklers to decorate (optional)"
"steps": [
"Melt the butter, sugar, treacle and syrup in a small saucepan, whisking until smooth. Set aside to cool for 10 mins. Heat oven to 160C/140C fan/gas 3. Grease and line a 2lb loaf tin with baking parchment (our tin was 22 x 7 x 7cm).",
"In a bowl, mix the flour, bicarbonate of soda, ground ginger, cinnamon and 1\u20442 tsp salt. Pour in the warm syrup mixture and the milk, followed by the egg yolks. Whisk until you have a smooth batter. Pour into the tin and bake for 1 hr or until a skewer comes out clean. Cool in the tin for 30 mins, then slice off the top to give you a smooth surface. Flip onto a wire rack and remove the baking parchment. Leave to cool. Can now be covered with cling film and kept for up to 5 days.",
"To make the buttercream, put the ingredients in a large bowl and mash together with a fork or spatula (this prevents the icing sugar from going everywhere). When roughly combined, blend with an electric hand whisk until smooth.",
"Now make the marshmallow icing. Put the egg whites, sugar, 1 tbsp water and a good pinch of salt into a heatproof bowl. Place over a pan of simmering water, making sure the bowl doesn\u2019t touch the hot water, and whisk until thick and leaving a prominent trail from the beaters \u2013 this will take about 4 mins. Remove the bowl from the heat and continue whisking for another 3 mins until cooled slightly and really stiff. Transfer half to a piping bag fitted with a large round nozzle and set aside.",
"When ready to assemble, slice the cake lengthways into 3 even layers. On a cake stand or plate, reassemble the cake, with the largest slice on the bottom, layering with the buttercream.",
"Using a small offset palette knife or small butter knife, cover the cake with the marshmallow icing left in the bowl. Use the palette knife to create vertical lines along the edges (see tip, left). Now use the piping bag to pipe spikes of meringue over the top of the cake. Use a cook\u2019s blowtorch to toast the meringue to a golden brown \u2013 a few charred patches will add to the effect. Serve straight away or chill for up to 2 days, removing from the fridge 30 mins before serving. We decorated ours with sparklers."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "55 mins",
"Cooking": "1 hr and 15 mins"
"serves": 8,
"difficult": "A challenge",
"vote_count": 10,
"subcategory": "Cakes",
"dish_type": "Birthday cake recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "8da7c0b7-f1b3-4730-b359-358dc19b37f6",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Unicorn cake",
"description": "Stop people in their tracks with a stunning unicorn cake. With a light sponge and salted caramel buttercream, it looks fabulous and tastes divine too",
"author": "Liberty Mendez",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"300g white fondant icing",
"edible gold lustre",
"coloured sprinkles to decorate (optional)",
"black fondant icing",
"325g unsalted butter, softened, plus extra for the tin",
"325g caster sugar",
"1tsp vanilla bean paste",
"6 eggs",
"325g self-raising flour",
"2tsp baking powder",
"4tbsp milk",
"450g unsalted butter, softened",
"900g icing sugar",
"tsp vanilla bean paste",
"200g salted caramel (optional)",
"purple, pink and blue gel food colourings"
"steps": [
"Start by making the unicorn's horn and ears \u2013 they'll need to dry completely before use. Roll 225g white fondant into a long sausage shape, with one end slightly thicker than the other. Starting from the thicker end, twist the sausage into a tight coil until you have a horn shape. Pinch the small end upwards into a pointed tip. Next, divide the remaining white fondant into two pieces. Roll each one out into a rough oval on a sheet of baking parchment, then pinch the top end of each oval upwards to make a point. Set the ears aside with the horn and leave to dry while you make the cake.",
"Heat the oven to 180C/160C fan/gas 4. Butter the base of three 20cm sandwich tins and line with baking parchment. Beat the butter, sugar and vanilla together in a large bowl with an electric whisk for 8-10 mins until pale and fluffy. Add the eggs, one at a time, beating well after each addition. Sift in the flour, baking powder and a pinch of salt, and fold in using a large metal spoon. Add just enough of the milk to create a soft dropping consistency.",
"Divide the batter between the prepared tins and smooth the tops with a spatula. Bake on the middle shelf of the oven for 25-30 mins, or until golden and firm to the touch. Leave to cool slightly in the tins, then transfer to a wire rack to cool completely.",
"While the cake is cooling, make the buttercream. Beat the butter, icing sugar and vanilla together until pale and fluffy, beating in 4-6 tbsp hot water to loosen the mixture if necessary.",
"Put one of the cooled sponges on a cake board or stand and spread a little of the buttercream on top using a palette knife. Gently spread over half the salted caramel, if using, then sandwich with another sponge. Repeat the process with a little more buttercream, the remaining salted caramel (if using) and the third sponge. Spread the outside of the cake with a thin layer of buttercream \u2013 this doesn't have to be neat. Chill for 30 mins.",
"Spread a thick, even layer of buttercream over the chilled cake using a palette knife. Divide the remaining buttercream into three bowls and colour each one differently using the gel food colouring. Ours were light pink, purple and dark pink.",
"Put a little gold lustre dust into a bowl, add a drop of water and stir to make a gold paste. Using a small paintbrush, paint the unicorn horn gold using the paste, as well as the inside of the ears, if you like. Carefully place the gold horn in the middle of the iced cake, with the ears on either side.",
"Fit three piping bags with three different nozzles (we used a round nozzle and two different-sized star nozzles) and fill each with a different colour of buttercream. Pipe each colour around the ears and horn and all over the top of the cake, coming down one side and over the edge of the front \u2013 this is the unicorn's mane. Decorate with some sprinkles, if using.",
"Divide the black fondant in two pieces, and roll each into a thin sausage shape. Shape each into an arch, then press onto the front of the cake for eyes. If you like, curve the outer edges of the eyes upwards for eyelashes. Cut into slices and serve. Will keep in the fridge for up to three days."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "1 hr and 30 mins",
"Cooking": "30 mins"
"serves": 12,
"difficult": "More effort",
"vote_count": 6,
"subcategory": "Cakes",
"dish_type": "Birthday cake recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "541480da-acde-443c-883b-7893cde58a92",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Funfetti cupcakes",
"description": "Bake a batch of these funfetti cupcakes for a kids' party \u2013 they have an airy, custard-flavoured sponge and creamy vanilla frosting, all topped with rainbow sprinkles",
"author": "Einfach Backen Team",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"75ml sunflower oil",
"100g caster sugar",
"2 eggs",
"150g natural yogurt",
"1 tsp lemon juice",
"200g plain flour",
"2 tsp baking powder",
"40g custard powder",
"2 tbsp colourful sprinkles (optional)",
"250g butter, softened",
"250g icing sugar",
"1 tsp vanilla extract",
"100g soft cheese, at room temperature",
"2 tbsp colourful sprinkles"
"steps": [
"Heat the oven to 180 C/160 Fan/gas 4 and line 12 holes of a muffin tin with paper cases. Whisk the oil with the sugar and eggs, then stir in the plain yogurt and lemon juice.",
"Mix the flour with the baking powder, a pinch of salt and the custard powder, and add this to the wet ingredients. Mix well and add the 2 tbsp of sprinkles, if you like. Use an ice cream scoop or two teaspoons to divide the mixture between the muffin cases. Bake the muffins for about 25 mins until golden brown, then let them cool completely.",
"For the frosting, beat the butter with the icing sugar and vanilla extract for about 5 mins until the colour is slightly lighter and the texture is creamy. Beat the soft cheese to loosen, then stir it in.",
"Put the frosting in a piping bag with your choice of nozzle and pipe icing onto each muffin. Decorate with the sprinkles. Will keep chilled for up to three days."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "20 mins",
"Cooking": "25 mins"
"serves": 12,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 1,
"subcategory": "Cakes",
"dish_type": "Birthday cake recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "0e5db1d1-05d2-4c4e-b2f2-176a26f99b9f",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Funfetti cake",
"description": "Perfect for a party, this rainbow-speckled cake screams 'celebrate'! Pipe creamy vanilla icing and scatter over sprinkles for a showstopping cake that adults and kids will love",
"author": "Chelsie Collins",
"rattings": 4,
"ingredients": [
"300g golden caster sugar",
"450g butter, softened",
"1 tbsp vanilla bean paste",
"8 eggs, beaten",
"450g self-raising flour",
"1 tsp baking powder",
"4 tbsp whole milk",
"200g rainbow sprinkles, plus extra to decorate",
"150g softened butter",
"450g icing sugar, sifted",
"180g tub full-fat cream cheese",
"1 tbsp vanilla paste"
"steps": [
"Preheat the oven to 180C/160C fan/gas 4 and grease and line 4 x 20cm cake tins. If you don\u2019t have 4, halve the sponge recipe and bake in 2 batches.",
"Put the sugar, butter and vanilla paste in a large bowl and beat with an electric whisk (or in a table top mixer) until pale and fluffy. Add the eggs gradually, beating between each addition until fully incorporated. Add a tbsp or 2 of flour if the mixture looks like it\u2019s curdling.",
"Sift in the flour and baking powder with a tsp of salt and fold into the cake batter. Pour in the milk and beat to loosen the mixture. Scatter over the sprinkles and ripple through the cake batter before dividing between each cake tin. Bake for 25-30 mins until golden and the sponge springs back when you press it lightly. Swap the tins around in the oven after 15 mins to ensure they cook evenly. Cool on wire racks completely before icing.",
"Meanwhile, make the icing by beating the butter with half of the icing sugar until combined and fluffy. Add the cream cheese and the rest of the icing sugar, beating again until fully combined. Drizzle over the vanilla paste and beat until incorporated. Put a large round nozzle into a piping bag and spoon in the icing.",
"When the cakes have cooled put a blob of icing onto a cake board and sit 1 of the sponges on top. Pipe blobs of vanilla icing in a circle covering the whole base of the sponge, then top with the next sponge. Repeat with all 3 layers, scattering over some extra sprinkles on the top. Serve in slices."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "30 mins",
"Cooking": "25 mins - 30 mins"
"serves": 20,
"difficult": "More effort",
"vote_count": 49,
"subcategory": "Cakes",
"dish_type": "Birthday cake recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "b305693b-458a-4010-8a6f-1a89eef17d12",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Chocolate birthday cake",
"description": "Bake this simple and stunning chocolate birthday cake for a kids' or adults' party centrepiece. Decorate with icing shapes and colourful candles.",
"author": "Good Food team",
"rattings": 4,
"ingredients": [
"140g butter, plus extra for the tin",
"175g golden caster sugar",
"2 eggs",
"225g self-raising wholemeal flour",
"50g cocoa powder",
"\u00bc tsp bicarbonate of soda",
"250g natural yogurt",
"300g golden icing sugar, sieved",
"2 tbsp cocoa powder, sieved",
"1 tbsp butter, melted ",
"3-4 tbsp boiling water",
"50g each white, plain and milk chocolate, broken into squares"
"steps": [
"Heat oven to 180C/fan 160C/gas 4. Butter and line the base of a 18 x 28cm cake tin or tray. Put the butter and sugar into a bowl; beat together with electric hand beaters until light and fluffy. add the eggs a little at a time, beating well between each addition.",
"Sieve the flour, cocoa and bicarbonate of soda into the bowl, then tip in any bran left in the sieve. Pour in the natural yogurt. Stir everything to a smooth mixture and spoon into the prepared tin. Bake for 20-25 mins until just firm and shrinking away from the sides of the tin. Cool in the tin for 5 mins, then turn onto a wire rack to cool completely.",
"For the icing, sieve the icing sugar and cocoa into a bowl, then pour in the butter and 2 tbsp just-boiled water. Stir together to a smooth, spreadable consistency. if it\u2019s too stiff, very carefully add a little more boiling water, drop by drop.",
"Spread the icing over the top of the cake, using a palette knife dipped in hot water. Will keep in an airtight container for up to 1 week.",
"Melt the chocolates in three different bowls in the microwave on High for 1 min or over a pan of simmering water. Spoon the melted chocolates into three plastic disposable piping bags. Snip the ends off and pipe 12 simple shapes on top of the cake. Leave to set. Just before serving, cut the cake into 12 squares and push in the candles."
"nutrients": {
"kcal": "432",
"fat": "18g",
"saturates": "10g",
"carbs": "65g",
"sugars": "51g",
"fibre": "3g",
"protein": "6g",
"salt": "0.41g"
"times": {
"Preparation": "20 mins",
"Cooking": "25 mins"
"serves": 12,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 103,
"subcategory": "Cakes",
"dish_type": "Birthday cake recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "81ba2e2f-513a-4e34-b3dc-aa28d8f641d4",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Super-easy birthday cake",
"description": "Children love colour, so what could be better than a birthday cake with two different coloured sponges made from one mixture and a colourful icing?",
"author": "Lulu Grimes",
"rattings": 4,
"ingredients": [
"225g butter, at room temperature",
"225g golden caster sugar",
"4 large eggs",
"225g self-raising flour",
"3 tbsp whole milk",
"1 tsp vanilla extract",
"2 tbsp cocoa powder",
"150g butter, very soft",
"300g icing sugar, sifted",
"pink food colouring"
"steps": [
"Heat oven to 180C/160C fan/gas 4. Butter two 18cm loose-based cake tins and line the bases with baking parchment. Beat the butter and sugar in a mixer or by hand, then add the eggs, one at a time, mixing well after each. Fold in the flour, milk and vanilla extract until the mixture is smooth.",
"Divide the mixture between two bowls. Sift the cocoa powder into one of the bowls. Scrape the vanilla batter into one tin and the chocolate batter into the other and level the tops. Bake for 20-25 mins or until a skewer comes out clean. Cool for 5 mins, then transfer to a wire rack and cool completely.",
"To make the icing, beat the butter and add the icing sugar a little at a time, beating each lot in until you have a smooth, creamy icing. Add a little pink colour and beat it in (add more if you want a stronger colour). Sandwich the two cakes together with icing and spread the rest on top using a palette knife. Will keep in an airtight container for three days."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "20 mins",
"Cooking": "25 mins"
"serves": 8,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 17,
"subcategory": "Cakes",
"dish_type": "Birthday cake recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "4a507f94-a708-4eb6-b134-22230250b068",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Rainbow zebra cake",
"description": "Celebrate our 30th birthday with us \u2013 or your own special occasion \u2013 with this impressive rainbow sponge. Iced with buttercream and topped with coloured sprinkles, it's a cake that has the wow factor",
"author": "Esther Clark",
"rattings": 4,
"ingredients": [
"375g salted butter, softened, plus extra for the tin",
"375g golden caster sugar",
"6 large eggs, at room temperature",
"375g self-raising flour",
"1\u00bd tsp baking powder",
"150ml milk",
"blue and pink food colouring (see tip, below)",
"sprinkles, to decorate",
"250g salted butter, softened",
"400g icing sugar, sifted",
"vanilla pod, seeds scraped out",
"100g full-fat cream cheese"
"steps": [
"Heat the oven to 180C/160C fan/gas 4. Butter and line three 20cm loose-bottomed sandwich cake tins with baking parchment.",
"To make the sponge, beat the butter and sugar together in a stand mixer or using an electric whisk for 5-8 mins or until light and fluffy. Whisk in the eggs, one at a time, beating well after each addition. Fold in the flour, baking powder and milk to loosen. Divide the mixture between three mixing bowls, weighing for accuracy if you like. Colour one of the batters blue and another pink, starting with a little colouring, then adding more for a deeper finish. Leave one of the bowls of batter uncoloured.",
"Get the three cake tins and bowls of batter ready in front of you. Spoon a heaped tablespoon of blue batter into the centre of the first tin, then pink in the second, and plain in the third. Working quickly so that it doesn\u2019t spread too much, add another dollop of a different coloured batter on top of each one. Don\u2019t wait for the batter to settle or spread, just keep alternating the colours until you run out. The weight of each layer will cause the batter to spread as you go, so very gently tap and shake the cake tins to even out the mixture, then bake in the centre of the oven for 25-30 mins or until firm to the touch. Turn out top-side down onto wire racks straightaway, then leave to cool completely.",
"For the icing, put the butter, icing sugar and vanilla seeds into a stand mixer fitted with the paddle attachment or put in a bowl and use an electric whisk. Beat for 5 mins or until fluffy and aerated. Add the cream cheese and beat briefly until just combined.",
"Place one of the cakes on a cake stand or serving plate and spread 2 tbsp of the buttercream on top, then repeat with the other sponges. Spread a smooth layer of the icing over the top and sides of the cake, using a large palette knife, leaving some slightly less iced spots for a \u2018naked\u2019 finish. Top with sprinkles and candles, if you like. Will keep in an airtight tin for three days."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "50 mins",
"Cooking": "30 mins"
"serves": 12,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 28,
"subcategory": "Cakes",
"dish_type": "Birthday cake recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "ea715e04-f0c8-4d3a-b1f5-ae11eb988ca2",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Hedgehog cake",
"description": "A celebration cake with a touch of woodland style, this chocolate cake is decorated with edible spikes, buttercream and chocolate details",
"author": "Valerie Barrett",
"rattings": 4,
"ingredients": [
"150g unsalted butter, plus extra for greasing",
"150g plain chocolate, broken into pieces",
"150g plain flour",
"\u00bd tsp baking powder",
"\u00bd tsp bicarbonate of soda",
"200g light muscovado sugar",
"2 large eggs",
"150g soured cream",
"1 tsp vanilla extract",
"2 tbsp cocoa powder",
"2 tbsp hot water",
"150g unsalted butter, softened",
"300g icing sugar, sieved",
"2 x 134g boxes chocolate Flake bars",
"2 chocolate chips",
"2 gold or silver balls",
"1 round chocolate"
"steps": [
"Heat the oven to 160C/140C fan/gas 3. Grease and base line a 1 litre heatproof glass pudding basin and a 450g loaf tin with baking parchment.",
"Put the butter and chocolate into a saucepan and melt over a low heat, stirring. When the chocolate has all melted remove from the heat.",
"In a large bowl mix together the flour, baking powder, bicarbonate of soda and muscovado sugar. In another bowl beat together the eggs, soured cream and vanilla extract. Pour the egg and chocolate mixtures into the flour and mix thoroughly together.",
"Weigh 250g into the loaf tin, then spoon the rest of the mixture into the pudding basin.",
"Cook both cakes side by side in the oven. The loaf cake will cook in about 30 mins and the basin cake in about 1 hour. Take the loaf cake out of the oven and close the oven door quickly so as not to allow the heat out. Test with a skewer inserted into the centre, it should come out clean. If not return to the oven for another five mins. Repeat with the basin cake after about another half an hour. Once each cake is cooked, allow to cool completely before turning out.",
"To make the icing, mix together the cocoa and water to make a smooth paste. Beat the butter until soft and gradually beat in the icing sugar. Add the cocoa paste and beat until smooth.",
"To assemble the cake, trim the top of the basin cake so it is flat. Turn cut side down onto a board and cut in half vertically. Spread a little butter icing on each of the flat bases and sandwich these two buttercreamed surfaces together to make a rugby ball shape for the hedgehog body. Place onto a 30cm cake board or wooden board. Cut the loaf cake in half vertically. Take one half and trim the short end to a v shape to make the pointy head. Use a little icing to attach to the body. Cut pieces from the remaining loaf cake to fill any gaps. Cover the whole cake in butter icing.",
"Cut the flake bars into pieces ranging from 2.5cm to 5cm. The spikes do not have to be regular or even in shape. Starting at the front push the spikes into the body of the hedgehog at a slight angle. Start with the small pieces gradually using larger ones as you go towards the back. Press a round chocolate into the tip of the head to represent the nose and use chocolate chips for the eyes. Using a tiny bit of butter icing attach sliver or gold balls to the eyes.",
"The cake is best made the day before cutting and icing and will keep well for 3\u20134 days."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "1 hr and 30 mins",
"Cooking": "1 hr"
"serves": 12,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 31,
"subcategory": "Cakes",
"dish_type": "Birthday cake recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "52571886-a527-494f-959a-da3aafffc523",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Vanilla party cake",
"description": "Cover the light buttery sponge of this classic celebration cake with silky-smooth meringue buttercream and colourful edible polka dots",
"author": "Edd Kimber",
"rattings": 4,
"ingredients": [
"225g unsalted butter, softened, plus extra for greasing",
"350g caster sugar",
"1 tbsp vanilla extract",
"5 large egg whites",
"325g plain flour",
"25g cornflour",
"1 \u00bd tbsp baking powder",
"250ml buttermilk",
"3 large egg whites",
"240g caster sugar",
"1 vanilla pod, halved lengthways and seeds scraped out",
"360g unsalted butter, softened",
"1 tsp vanilla extract",
"multi-coloured edible polka dots, to decorate"
"steps": [
"Heat oven to 180C/160C fan/gas 4 and grease 3 x 20cm sandwich tins, lining the bases with baking parchment and greasing the parchment too.",
"Beat the butter and sugar in a large bowl with an electric whisk until light and fluffy. Add the vanilla extract and the egg whites, a little at a time, beating until fully combined before adding more. Mix together the flour, cornflour and baking powder. Add the dry ingredients in 3 additions, alternating with the buttermilk. Divide the batter between the tins and level the tops.",
"Bake for 25-30 mins or until a skewer inserted into the middle comes out clean. Allow the cakes to cool in the tins for 10 mins, then turn out onto a wire rack, peeling off the parchment. Cool completely.",
"To make the buttercream, put the egg whites and sugar in a big bowl (the bowl of your tabletop mixer, if you have one) with the vanilla seeds and set over a pan of gently simmering water. Lightly whisk until the sugar has fully dissolved \u2013 you can test this by dipping two fingers into the bowl and rubbing them together; if you can\u2019t feel any grains of sugar, the mixture is ready. Remove the bowl from the heat and keep whisking until a thick meringue has formed. Continue whisking until the meringue has cooled to room temperature, then slowly add in the butter, 1 tbsp at a time. By the time all the butter has been incorporated, the mixture should have transformed into a silky-smooth buttercream. If it hasn\u2019t, continue to whisk until it does. If it still refuses to thicken, it may be the mixture is still too warm, so chill for 10 mins, then continue whisking. Add the vanilla extract and mix to combine.",
"To assemble the cake, place a sponge on a cake board or serving plate and top with a thin layer of buttercream. Repeat with the remaining cake layers and finish by spreading the remaining buttercream over the top and sides of the cake (see below). To get a smooth finish, use the edge of a palette knife, and drag carefully around the sides of the cake, smoothing out the buttercream. To decorate the cake, press the sides of it with the edible polka dot sprinkles creating a full border at the bottom with less and less the further up the cake you go. Best served within 2 days of baking, but the cake will keep for up to 4 days."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "1 hr and 15 mins",
"Cooking": "40 mins"
"serves": 16,
"difficult": "A challenge",
"vote_count": 49,
"subcategory": "Cakes",
"dish_type": "Birthday cake recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "d1b563d6-cc37-4988-82c6-98ad69a179d8",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Maple & pear ruffle cake",
"description": "A grown-up, lightly-spiced sponge that is sandwiched with pears caramelised in maple syrup and topped with meringue buttercream",
"author": "Edd Kimber",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"225g unsalted butter, softened, plus extra for greasing",
"175g golden caster sugar",
"175g light brown soft sugar",
"4 large eggs",
"325g plain flour",
"25g cornflour",
"1 tbsp ground cinnamon",
"1 tsp ground ginger",
"1 tsp mixed spice",
"1 \u00bd tbsp baking powder",
"300ml full-fat milk",
"edible gold spray (optional), to decorate",
"4 large conference pears, ripe but firm",
"juice 0.5 lemon",
"3 tbsp maple syrup",
"2 tbsp unsalted butter",
"4 large egg whites",
"320g light brown soft sugar",
"480g unsalted butter, softened",
"6 tbsp maple syrup"
"steps": [
"Heat oven to 180C/160C fan/gas 4 and grease 3 x 20cm sandwich tins, lining the bases with baking parchment and greasing the parchment too.",
"To make the sponge, put the butter and sugars in a large bowl and beat with an electric whisk until light and fluffy, about 5 mins. Add the eggs, a little at a time, beating until fully incorporated before adding more. In another bowl, mix the flour, cornflour, spices and baking powder. Stir in the dry ingredients in 3 additions, alternating with the milk. Divide the batter among the prepared tins, smooth the surfaces and bake for 25-30 mins or until a skewer inserted into the middle of the cakes comes out clean. Allow the cakes to cool in the tins for 10 mins, then turn out onto a wire rack, peeling off the parchment, to cool completely.",
"For the caramelised pears, peel, core and dice them into small cubes, tossing with the lemon juice as you go. Tip into a frying pan with the maple syrup and butter, and cook over a medium-high heat until the pears have softened and most of the liquid has evaporated. Set aside to cool.",
"For the buttercream, put the egg whites and sugar in a large heatproof bowl (the bowl of your tabletop mixer, if you have one) and place over a pan of gently simmering water. Whisk until the sugar has fully dissolved - you can test this by dipping two fingers into the bowl and rubbing them together; if you can\u2019t feel any grains of sugar, the mixture is ready. Remove the bowl from the pan and beat with an electric whisk (or use your tabletop mixer) until a thick meringue has formed. Continue whisking until the meringue has cooled to room temperature.",
"Slowly beat in the butter, 1 tbsp at a time. The mixture should now look like a silky- smooth buttercream \u2013 if it doesn\u2019t, continue to whisk until it does. If it still refuses to thicken, it may be the mixture is still too warm, so chill for 10 mins, then continue whisking. Whisk in the maple syrup last.",
"To assemble the cake, place the first sponge on a cake board or serving plate and spread with a thin layer of the buttercream. Top with half of the caramelised pear chunks, discarding any leftover liquid. Repeat, finishing with the third sponge.",
"To finish, spread a very thin layer of the buttercream over the sides and top of the cake \u2013 this is called \u2018crumb-coating\u2019 (see tip). Now spread a thick layer of buttercream on top of the cake. Put the remaining buttercream in a piping bag fitted with a small petal piping tip (see tip). Hold the piping bag with the wide end of the nozzle touching the side of the cake, at the very bottom. Gently wiggle the bag side to side, back and forth, in a zigzag motion, working up the cake in a strip. Repeat, starting next to the previous strip each time, working all the way around the cake until it\u2019s entirely covered. To finish, pipe 1 row of buttercream around the edge of the top of the cake (which will neaten any rough edges at the top of your zigzags). If you like a little sparkle, finish the cake with a coat of edible gold spray. Best served within 2 days of baking, but the cake will keep for up to 4 days."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "1 hr and 30 mins",
"Cooking": "40 mins"
"serves": 16,
"difficult": "A challenge",
"vote_count": 6,
"subcategory": "Cakes",
"dish_type": "Birthday cake recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "061b8cf5-5c23-4e58-a5cb-84ae8ee645e1",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Easy lemon layer cake",
"description": "Indulge in a slice of lemon cake for afternoon tea. With lovely light sponge layers, a citrus zing offsets the rich and creamy soft cheese icing",
"author": "Liberty Mendez",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"225g unsalted butter, softened",
"225g caster sugar",
"4 large eggs",
"225g self-raising flour",
"1 tsp baking powder",
"75g natural yogurt",
"1 tsp vanilla bean paste or extract",
"3 lemons, zested",
"150g granulated sugar",
"3 lemons, zest of 2 pared into strips, juiced (you\u2019ll need 60ml)",
"150g unsalted butter, softened",
"150g icing sugar, sieved",
"1 tsp vanilla bean paste or extract",
"300g full-fat soft cheese"
"steps": [
"Heat the oven to 180C/160C fan/gas 4 and line the base of two 20cm sandwich tins with baking parchment. Beat the butter and sugar together for 3 mins using an electric whisk until smooth and fluffy. Add the eggs, one at a time, beating well between each addition and scraping down the sides of the bowl. Fold in the flour and baking powder until well incorporated, then fold in the yogurt, vanilla and lemon zest. Divide between the tins and bake for 30-35 mins until golden and a skewer inserted into the middles comes out clean.",
"Meanwhile, make the drizzle. Tip the sugar, lemon juice and 100ml water into a small pan set over a medium heat and stir until dissolved. Add the lemon zest, bring to the boil and simmer for 2-3 mins until the zest has softened and the liquid is syrupy. Remove the zest to a sheet of baking parchment using a slotted spoon, and remove the syrup from the heat.",
"Leave the sponges to cool for 10 mins in the tins, then pour over the warm drizzle. Leave to cool completely.",
"For the icing, beat the butter and icing sugar together using an electric whisk for 4-5 mins until smooth, scraping down the sides of the bowl as you go. Add the vanilla and soft cheese and beat for 4 mins more until thick and creamy. Don\u2019t worry if it doesn\u2019t look thick at first \u2013 it will loosen, then thicken again as you beat it.",
"Remove the cooled sponges from the tins. Spoon the icing into a piping bag fitted with a star nozzle. Put one sponge on a cake stand or serving plate, and pipe just under half the icing around the edge using a circular motion for a wavy effect. Pipe a little more icing over the empty middle (this doesn\u2019t need to be neat) and smooth with the back of a spoon. Chill for 45 mins-1 hr until set. Top with the second sponge, then pipe eight blobs of icing around the edge at regular intervals, leaving a gap between each. Spoon the candied lemon zest into each gap, then serve."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "50 mins",
"Cooking": "35 mins"
"serves": 8,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 37,
"subcategory": "Cakes",
"dish_type": "Best cake recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "da1d31af-6858-401a-a2b5-8d34a9ddd48e",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Mini victoria sponge cakes",
"description": "Make these bite-sized victoria sponges for a special afternoon tea or birthday celebration. Choose your favourite jam for the filling, then add whipped cream",
"author": "Cassie Best",
"rattings": 4,
"ingredients": [
"150g unsalted butter, softened",
"150g golden caster sugar",
"2 eggs",
"1 tbsp milk",
"\u00bd tsp vanilla extract",
"150g self-raising flour",
"250ml double cream",
"2 tbsp icing sugar, plus extra for dusting",
"185g jam of your choice (strawberry or raspberry works well)"
"steps": [
"Heat the oven to 180C/160C fan/gas 4 and line a 12-hole muffin tin with paper cases. Beat the butter and caster sugar together using an electric whisk until pale and fluffy, then whisk in the eggs, one at a time, scraping down the sides of the bowl after each addition.",
"Add the milk, vanilla, flour and a pinch of salt, then beat again until smooth. Divide the batter evenly between the paper cases \u2013 this can be easily done using an ice cream scoop. Bake for 17-20 mins, or until the sponges are golden, risen and a skewer inserted into the middles comes out clean. Leave to cool in the tin for 10 mins, then transfer to a wire rack to cool completely. Once completely cool, the sponges can be frozen for up to three months.",
"Remove the paper cases from the sponges, then split the sponges in half through the equator using a small serrated knife. Set aside.",
"Whip the cream and icing sugar together to soft peaks using an electric whisk. Spread a little jam over the base of each sponge, then spoon or pipe over a dollop of whipped cream and sandwich with the tops of the sponges. Dust with a little icing sugar before serving. Best eaten on the same day."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "20 mins",
"Cooking": "20 mins"
"serves": 12,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 4,
"subcategory": "Cakes",
"dish_type": "Best cake recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "ff44a1c1-5a4b-4850-a6bc-57b330321169",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Vegan simnel cake",
"description": "Make a vegan-friendly version of a classic simnel cake this Easter so everyone can enjoy a treat. Use a kitchen blowtorch to easily achieve that signature burnished look on the marzipan",
"author": "Anna Glover",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"200ml soya milk",
"1 lemon, zested and \u00bd juiced",
"500g marzipan",
"icing sugar, for dusting",
"250g dairy-free spread, plus extra for the tin",
"250g mixed dried fruit (we used sultanas, raisins and candied peel) ",
"75g glac\u00e9 cherries, roughly chopped ",
"1 orange, zested and juiced ",
"200g light brown soft sugar",
"200g plain flour",
"75g ground almonds",
"1 tsp baking powder",
"\u00bd tsp ground ginger",
"\u00bd tsp ground cinnamon",
"1 tsp mixed spice",
"2 tsp vanilla bean paste",
"25g apricot jam, warmed, plus extra for sticking the marzipan balls to the cake"
"steps": [
"Mix the soya milk with the lemon juice in a jug and set aside for a few minutes to thicken. Cut 150g of the marzipan from the larger block. Roll this out on a work surface lightly dusted with icing sugar until it's just slightly smaller than the base of a 23cm cake tin. Using the dairy-free spread, butter a 23cm springform cake tin and line with a double layer of baking parchment. Heat the oven to 180C/160C fan/gas 4.",
"Mix the dried fruit, lemon zest, chopped cherries and orange zest and juice together in a large bowl, tossing a few times until well combined.",
"Beat the vegan spread with the brown sugar until pale using an electric whisk, then add the flour, almonds, baking powder, spices and vanilla. Tip in the milk mixture until you have a smooth batter. Fold in the fruit along with a pinch of salt and any juice from the bowl until well combined \u2013 don\u2019t worry if the batter looks slightly curdled.",
"Spoon half the batter into the prepared tin, then gently smooth the surface with the back of the spoon and top with the round of marzipan. Spoon over the remaining batter and smooth the surface again. Bake for 30 mins, then reduce the oven to 150C/130C fan/gas 2 and bake for another 1 hr 45 mins-2 hrs, or until a skewer comes out clean and the cake is well-risen and firm. Carefully remove from the tin and leave to cool completely on a wire rack. Cut into slices to serve. Will keep for two weeks in an airtight container.",
"Brush the warm apricot jam over the cooled cake. Cut a 200g piece from the remaining marzipan and roll it out again as before. Cut out a 23cm circle using the base of the cake tin as a guide. Use the rolling pin to help you lift the marzipan circle over the cake and gently press it onto the surface (the apricot jam will help it stick). Divide the remaining marzipan into 11 pieces and roll into balls. Use a little more jam to stick the balls around the edge of the cake \u2013 these represent the 12 apostles, minus Judas. If you like, use a kitchen blowtorch to slightly burnish the marzipan balls and topping until just golden (do this carefully so they don't burn)."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "30 mins",
"Cooking": "2 hrs and 30 mins"
"serves": 12,
"difficult": "More effort",
"vote_count": 2,
"subcategory": "Cakes",
"dish_type": "Best cake recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "ad9d6d44-5f82-458a-afda-9a5c42fca674",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Blackberry & orange cake",
"description": "Try a twist on layered sponge cake with blackberries, zesty oranges and marmalade in place of your usual filling. Pipe the topping for a professional look",
"author": "Liberty Mendez",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"225g unsalted butter, softened, plus extra for the tins",
"225g caster sugar",
"4 large eggs",
"1tsp vanilla extract",
"250g self-raising flour",
"1tsp baking powder",
"2 oranges, zested (reserve the oranges for the drizzle, below)",
"150g blackberries, halved if large",
"3 oranges, juiced (use the zested oranges, above, you\u2019ll need about 150ml), 1 zested",
"100g caster sugar",
"150g unsalted butter, softened",
"350g icing sugar",
"1 orange, zested, plus extra zest to serve",
"1tbsp milk",
"200g marmalade",
"100g blackberries"
"steps": [
"Heat the oven to 180C/160C fan/ gas 4. Butter two 20cm loose-bottomed cake tins and line with baking parchment. Beat the butter and caster sugar together in a large bowl using an electric whisk until pale and fluffy. Add the eggs, one at a time, until combined. Tip in the vanilla, flour and baking powder and fold until smooth, then gently fold in the orange zest and blackberries, being careful not to overmix.",
"Divide the batter between the two tins and bake for 35-40 mins until golden and a skewer inserted into the middles comes out clean. Cover with foil after 30 mins if they start to colour too quickly.",
"Meanwhile, make the drizzle. Put the orange juice, zest and sugar in a small pan and simmer for 4-5 mins until a thin syrup forms. Pour into a heatproof bowl and set aside.",
"When the sponges are ready, drizzle the syrup over both while still warm and brush over evenly using a pastry brush. Leave to cool completely in the tins.",
"Meanwhile, make the buttercream for the topping. Beat the butter and icing sugar in a large bowl with an electric whisk until light, pale and fluffy. Whisk in the orange zest and milk until loosened slightly. Spoon into a piping bag fitted with a large round nozzle. Beat the marmalade to loosen, then transfer a little to a piping bag fitted with a small round nozzle.",
"Remove the cooled sponges from the tins, and place one on a cake board or plate. Pipe buttercream dots on top in a circle around the edge, then three dots in the middle. Spoon some marmalade into the gaps between the buttercream, then top with the second sponge. Pipe more buttercream dots all over the surface, then fill in the gaps by piping in the remaining marmalade. To finish, scatter with the blackberries and extra orange zest."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "45 mins",
"Cooking": "40 mins"
"serves": 10,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 20,
"subcategory": "Cakes",
"dish_type": "Best cake recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "76750211-c55f-4fc2-8151-519e01b9ad08",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Citrus, almond & yogurt cake",
"description": "Enjoy this zesty citrus, almond and yogurt cake for afternoon tea. Best served warm with a cup of tea",
"author": "Good Food team",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"165g butter, plus extra for the tin",
"200g golden caster sugar, plus 2 tbsp",
"150g self-raising flour",
"100g ground almonds",
"3 eggs",
"75g natural yogurt, plus 2 tbsp",
"1 large lemon",
"1 orange",
"100g icing sugar",
"15g toasted flaked almonds"
"steps": [
"Melt the butter in a small pan. Remove from the heat and leave to cool slightly. Meanwhile, butter a 23cm springform cake tin and line with baking parchment. Heat the oven to 180C/160C fan/gas 4.",
"Put the 200g caster sugar, flour and ground almonds in a large bowl and mix well. Whisk the eggs and 75g yogurt into the cooled melted butter, then pour this into the bowl with the dry ingredients. Zest the lemon and orange over the bowl. Stir with a spatula until there are no streaks of flour, then scrape into the tin and bake on the middle shelf of the oven for 40 mins.",
"Cut a few slices each from the zested lemon and orange, then squeeze the juice from what\u2019s left of each into a saucepan (you\u2019ll need about 6 tbsp total). Add the 2 tbsp caster sugar and the fruit slices to the pan. Bring to the boil and cook for 5-10 mins, or until the juice has reduced to a thin syrup and the fruit slices have softened. Leave to cool. Remove the fruit slices to a sheet of baking parchment and leave to dry.",
"Insert a skewer into the middle of the cake \u2013 it should come out dry, with no wet cake mix clinging to it. If it\u2019s not ready, bake for 5-10 mins more and check again. Leave to cool in the tin for 5 mins, then spoon over the citrus syrup. Leave to cool for 10 mins more, then remove from the tin. To freeze, first leave to cool completely, then wrap the cake well. Will keep frozen for up to three months.",
"Mix the 2 tbsp yogurt with the icing sugar to make a thick icing. Spoon this onto the centre of the cake and use the back of a spoon to ease it to the edge (it should drip over the side). Scatter over the flaked almonds and decorate with the fruit slices. Serve warm, or leave to cool completely. Will keep in an airtight tin for up to five days."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "15 mins",
"Cooking": "45 mins"
"serves": 12,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 20,
"subcategory": "Cakes",
"dish_type": "Best cake recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "2edd1343-5b10-47a9-a88d-1761415f995d",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Easy pound cake",
"description": "Bring a smile to your friends and family with a slice of our vanilla pound cake. It's the perfect partner to a cuppa for elevenses or afternoon tea",
"author": "Liberty Mendez",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"200g unsalted butter, softened",
"200g caster sugar",
"3 eggs, beaten",
"200g self-raising flour",
"1 tsp baking powder",
"3 tbsp whole milk",
"1 tbsp vanilla paste / \u00bd vanilla pod seeds",
"125g icing sugar",
"1 tbsp vanilla paste / \u00bd vanilla pod seeds"
"steps": [
"Pre-heat oven to 180C/160C fan/gas 4 and line a 900g loaf tin with parchment paper (mine was 19cm x 9cm x 6cm). Put all of the ingredients except those for the icing into a large bowl and beat together, either using an electric hand whisk or a wooden spoon until smooth and combined. Pour the mix into the loaf tin and spread evenly with the back of spoon. Bake for 40 \u2013 45 mins.",
"Once out of the oven, leave to cool and make the icing. Combine the icing sugar and vanilla paste with three tbsp of water \u2013 you may need more but add it gradually to get a thick icing. Spread it over the top of the cake; it\u2019s fine if it drips down the edges. Allow to set and then slice. "
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "10 mins",
"Cooking": "45 mins"
"serves": 8,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 31,
"subcategory": "Cakes",
"dish_type": "Best cake recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "cc0d6862-7739-47e6-bc51-68f6d95f6844",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Easy chocolate fudge cake",
"description": "Need a guaranteed crowd-pleasing cake that's easy to make? This super-squidgy chocolate fudge cake with smooth icing is an instant baking win",
"author": "Member recipe by misskay",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"150ml sunflower oil, plus extra for the tin",
"175g self-raising flour",
"2 tbsp cocoa powder",
"1 tsp bicarbonate of soda",
"150g caster sugar",
"2 tbsp golden syrup",
"2 large eggs, lightly beaten",
"150ml semi-skimmed milk",
"100g unsalted butter",
"225g icing sugar",
"40g cocoa powder",
"2\u00bd tbsp milk (a little more if needed)"
"steps": [
"Heat the oven to 180C/160C fan/gas 4. Oil and line the base of two 18cm sandwich tins. Sieve the flour, cocoa powder and bicarbonate of soda into a bowl. Add the caster sugar and mix well.",
"Make a well in the centre and add the golden syrup, eggs, sunflower oil and milk. Beat well with an electric whisk until smooth.",
"Pour the mixture into the two tins and bake for 25-30 mins until risen and firm to the touch. Remove from oven, leave to cool for 10 mins before turning out onto a cooling rack.",
"To make the icing, beat the unsalted butter in a bowl until soft. Gradually sieve and beat in the icing sugar and cocoa powder, then add enough of the milk to make the icing fluffy and spreadable.",
"Sandwich the two cakes together with the butter icing and cover the sides and the top of the cake with more icing."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "25 mins",
"Cooking": "30 mins"
"serves": 8,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 965,
"subcategory": "Cakes",
"dish_type": "Best cake recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "9bba2171-def4-407c-b6dc-ae1e34a2e801",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Butterfly cupcakes",
"description": "These pretty cupcakes are perfect for a special occasion. The flavoured syrup help the cakes stay moist, so you can make them a day ahead and decorate the next day",
"author": "Miriam Nice",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"300g golden caster sugar",
"4 eggs",
"300g butter, melted and cooled",
"300g self-raising flour",
"300g golden caster sugar",
"1 tbsp dried lavender flowers",
"400g butter, softened",
"550g icing sugar",
"3 food colourings gels (we used purple, yellow and pink)",
"400g white chocolate",
"3 food colourings gels (we used purple, yellow and pink)",
"2 chocolate biscuits, crushed (we used Oreos but removed the white filling)"
"steps": [
"Heat oven to 180C/160C fan/gas 4 and line two 12-hole cupcake tins with paper muffin cases. Put all the cake ingredients in a large bowl and whisk with an electric whisk for 3-4 mins or until pale and light. Divide the mixture evenly among the 24 cases and bake for 20 mins or until a skewer inserted into the centre of a cake comes out clean. Leave to cool on a wire rack.",
"While the cupcakes bake, make the syrup. Put the sugar, lavender and 300ml water in a medium pan over a low heat. Bring gradually to the boil, cook for 2 mins, then turn off the heat and leave to infuse. When cold, strain through a sieve into a small jug.",
"To make the icing, put the butter, icing sugar and 100ml of the syrup in a large bowl. Mix with a wooden spoon, then switch to an electric whisk and whisk until smooth and fluffy. Divide the mixture between three bowls. Add a tiny dot of food colouring gel to each bowl to make three different colours of buttercream \u2013 stir to mix, then transfer half of each colour to disposable piping bags.",
"Use a cocktail stick to poke a few little holes in the top of the cupcakes, then drizzle each with 1 tsp of the syrup. Put 1 heaped tsp of icing onto each cake (do eight of each colour) and swirl it round with the back of the spoon to completely cover the top. Next, use the matching piping bag to pipe a straight line about 2-3 cm long across the middle of each cake.",
"To make the wings, melt the white chocolate in a heatproof bowl over a pan of simmering water. Divide into three smaller bowls and add the same gel colours as before. Cut 8cm squares of baking parchment and, using a pen, draw a pair of butterfly wings on each square so that the design shows through on the other side or, if you prefer, trace the design below. Turn the paper over and, using the line as a guide, paint on the melted chocolate. Sprinkle crushed biscuits on the edges to create patterns, then leave to set. Once set, gently push the wings into the cupcakes at a 45-degree angle."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "2 hrs",
"Cooking": "25 mins"
"serves": 24,
"difficult": "More effort",
"vote_count": 4,
"subcategory": "Cakes",
"dish_type": "Best cake recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "f89a3bcc-535e-4945-871c-92fb37c4962f",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Lemon drizzle sponge pudding",
"description": "Transform a classic lemon drizzle cake into a self-saucing pud for a cheap, comforting dessert. Serve with cream or custard",
"author": "Anna Glover",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"250g soft butter, plus extra for the dish",
"380g caster sugar",
"4 eggs",
"250g self-raising flour",
"1 tsp baking powder",
"3 lemons, zested and juiced",
"2\u00bd tbsp cornflour",
"custard or cream, to serve",
"50g icing sugar",
"1 lemon, juiced and zested"
"steps": [
"Heat the oven to 180C/160C fan/gas 4. Butter a 30 x 20cm deep baking dish.",
"Put the butter and 250g caster sugar in a bowl and beat for 5 mins until pale and fluffy. Whisk in the eggs, then sieve over the flour and baking powder and fold in until you have a batter. Stir in the lemon zest, reserving a little for decoration.",
"Spoon the sponge batter into the dish and smooth over the top.",
"Mix the lemon juice with the cornflour in a heatproof bowl to make a smooth paste. Mix the remaining 130g caster sugar with 300ml boiling water in a jug, pour over the cornflour mix and whisk until smooth. Pour this over the sponge. Bake for 45-50 mins until golden and set, and the sponge springs back when touched.",
"While the pudding is baking, make the lemon drizzle. Mix the icing sugar with enough lemon juice (about half of it) to create a loose consistency. Drizzle over the sponge while it\u2019s still warm and decorate with the reserved lemon zest. Serve straightaway with cream or custard."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "15 mins",
"Cooking": "50 mins"
"serves": 10,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 56,
"subcategory": "Cakes",
"dish_type": "Best cake recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "e6bb0423-146c-46ba-9df2-25397400f50e",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Sponge cake",
"description": "Choose your favourite filling for this easy, perfectly fluffy sponge cake \u2013 we've opted for lemon curd and whipped cream, but you could have jam. Perfect for afternoon tea.",
"author": "Sophie Godwin \u2013 Cookery writer",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"225g softened butter",
"225g golden caster sugar",
"4 large eggs",
"\u00bd lemon, zested",
"1 tsp vanilla extract",
"225g self-raising flour",
"splash of milk",
"Optional fillings of lemon curd, jam, lightly whipped cream",
"icing sugar for dusting"
"steps": [
"Heat oven to 180C/160C fan/gas 4, butter and line the base of two 20cm spring-form cake tins with baking parchment.",
"Using an electric whisk beat the butter and sugar together until pale and fluffy. Crack the eggs in one at a time and whisk well, scraping down the sides of the bowl after each addition. Add the lemon zest, vanilla, flour, milk and a pinch of salt. Whisk until just combined then divide the mixture between the two tins.",
"Bake in the centre of the oven for 25-30 mins until a skewer inserted into the middle of each cake comes out clean. After 10 mins remove the cakes from their tins and leave to cool completely on a wire rack. Fill how you like. My personal favourite is a good dollop of lemon curd and some fresh cream, then dust the top with icing sugar. Will keep for 3 days."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "15 mins",
"Cooking": "30 mins"
"serves": 8,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 149,
"subcategory": "Cakes",
"dish_type": "Best cake recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "9a6e89ee-abde-4f6e-a8d7-9636dbfc7ae5",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Cherry bakewell cake",
"description": "If you know someone who likes bakewell tart, then they will just love this cake \u2013 it\u2019s full of almond flavour and sandwiched with cherry jam",
"author": "Jane Hornby",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"200g butter, well softened, plus extra for greasing",
"200g golden caster sugar",
"100g ground almond",
"100g self-raising flour",
"1 tsp baking powder",
"\u00bd tsp almond extract or essence",
"4 large eggs",
"\u00bd a 340g jar morello cherry conserve",
"175g icing sugar",
"5-6 tsp water or lemon juice",
"1 tbsp ready-toasted flaked almonds"
"steps": [
"Heat oven to 180C/160C fan/gas 4 and make sure there\u2019s a shelf ready in the middle. Butter and line the bases of two 20cm round sandwich tins with baking paper.",
"Using electric beaters, beat together all the cake ingredients with a pinch of salt until smooth, then spoon into the tins and level the tops. Bake for 30 mins or until golden and springy. Don\u2019t open the oven before 25 mins cooking time has passed.",
"When they\u2019re ready, cool the sponges for a few mins, then tip out of the tins and cool completely on a wire rack. Make sure the top of one of the cakes is facing up as you\u2019ll want a smooth surface for the icing later on.",
"When cool, put one sponge on a serving plate, then spread with jam. Sandwich the second sponge on top. Sieve the icing sugar into a large bowl. Add the water or lemon juice, then stir until smooth and thick. Spread evenly over the top and let it dribble over the sides. Scatter with the nuts and leave to set for a few mins before cutting."
"nutrients": {
"kcal": "600",
"fat": "32g",
"saturates": "15g",
"carbs": "75g",
"sugars": "65g",
"fibre": "1g",
"protein": "8g",
"salt": "0.83g"
"times": {
"Preparation": "15 mins",
"Cooking": "30 mins"
"serves": 8,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 274,
"subcategory": "Cakes",
"dish_type": "Best cake recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "70a98200-8e22-480e-be6e-9f27b4e40c8b",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Easy chocolate cake",
"description": "Master the chocolate cake with an airy, light sponge and rich buttercream filling. It's simple enough for an afternoon tea but special enough for a party too",
"author": "Miriam Nice",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"200g golden caster sugar",
"200g unsalted butter, softened plus extra for the tins",
"4 large eggs",
"200g self-raising flour",
"2 tbsp cocoa powder",
"1 tsp baking powder",
"\u00bd tsp vanilla extract",
"2 tbsp milk",
"100g milk chocolate, chopped",
"200g butter, softened",
"400g icing sugar",
"5 tbsp cocoa powder",
"2 tbsp milk",
"50g dark chocolate",
"25g milk chocolate",
"25g white chocolate"
"steps": [
"Heat oven to 190C/170C fan/gas 5. Butter the base and sides of two 20cm round sandwich tins and line the bases with baking parchment.",
"In a large bowl, beat together 200g golden caster sugar, 200g softened unsalted butter, 4 large eggs, 200g self-raising flour, 2 tbsp cocoa powder, 1 tsp baking powder, \u00bd tsp vanilla extract, 2 tbsp milk and a pinch of salt until pale.",
"Divide the mixture between the prepared tins. Bake for 20 mins or until a skewer inserted into the centre of the cake comes out clean.",
"Leave to cool in the tin for 10 mins, then turn out onto a wire rack to cool completely.",
"For the buttercream, put 100g chopped milk chocolate in a heatproof bowl and melt in the microwave, stirring every 30 secs. Leave the melted chocolate to cool for 5 mins.",
"Mash 200g softened butter and 400g icing sugar together with a fork, then switch to a wooden spoon or electric beaters, if you have them.",
"Sift in 5 tbsp cocoa powder with a pinch of salt and pour in the melted chocolate and 2 tbsp milk. Mix again until smooth.",
"On a cake stand or large plate, sandwich the cakes together with half of the buttercream, then spread the rest on top. Decorate with chocolate shards, if you like.",
"To make chocolate shards: melt 50g dark chocolate and pour it onto a tray lined with baking parchment or foil.",
"Now melt 25g milk chocolate and 25g white chocolate and drizzle them over the dark chocolate before it sets.",
"Shake the tray gently to level the mixture then leave to set somewhere cool. Chop into shards."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "35 mins",
"Cooking": "20 mins"
"serves": 12,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 361,
"subcategory": "Cakes",
"dish_type": "Chocolate cake recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "17a45839-f1b8-4377-a60a-121f92b5cce4",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Storecupboard chocolate hazelnut cake",
"description": "Raid your storecupboard to make this lovely chocolate cake. Using ground hazelnuts delivers an incredible texture and flavour, or try almonds if you prefer",
"author": "Rukmini Iyer",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"225g dark brown soft sugar",
"225g unsalted butter",
"100g dark chocolate (at least 70% cocoa solids), roughly broken up",
"4 eggs",
"140g blanched hazelnuts, ground",
"60g self-raising flour",
"60g cocoa powder",
"1 tsp baking powder",
"60g roasted hazelnuts, halved",
"100g natural yogurt, at room temperature",
"100g dark chocolate (at least 70% cocoa solids), finely chopped",
"splash of milk (optional)"
"steps": [
"Heat the oven to 180C/160C fan/gas 4. Tip the sugar, butter and dark chocolate into a saucepan over a low heat and stir until glossy and melted. Remove the pan from the heat and leave to cool for 10 mins.",
"Whisk the eggs into the cooled chocolate mixture, then pour into a large bowl with the ground hazelnuts, flour, cocoa and baking powder. Gently stir to combine, then pour into a 20cm tin lined with baking parchment.",
"Bake for 40-50 mins, or until a skewer inserted into the middle comes out clean. If any wet mixture remains, return it to the oven for 5-10 mins. Leave to cool in the tin for 5 mins, then turn out onto a wire rack to cool completely.",
"For the ganache, pour the yogurt into a heatproof bowl and set it over a pan of simmering water, making sure the bowl doesn\u2019t touch the water. Whisk for 3-4 mins until hot, then tip in the chocolate. Turn off the heat and whisk continuously until the chocolate has melted. If the mixture looks as though it might split, pour in a splash of milk, leave it for 15 seconds to warm through, then whisk briefly until smooth. Leave the ganache to cool for 15-20 mins so it\u2019s easier to spread.",
"Spread the ganache all over the cake, then scatter over the roasted hazelnut halves. Leave the cake to cool and set completely. Will keep in an airtight container, chilled or at room temperature, for up to two days. Serve at room temperature."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "20 mins",
"Cooking": "1 hr and 15 mins"
"serves": 8,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 1,
"subcategory": "Cakes",
"dish_type": "Chocolate cake recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "5886b7a6-5709-4cbe-9b12-756bd4e3b08e",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Marble bundt cake",
"description": "If you need an easy but impressive cake for a celebration or charity bake sale, try this chocolate and vanilla sponge cake",
"author": "Apetit Online",
"rattings": 4,
"ingredients": [
"180g butter, very soft, plus extra for the tin",
"6 eggs, separated",
"300g granulated sugar",
"250ml milk or cream",
"2 tbsp vanilla sugar",
"450g plain flour",
"1 tsp baking powder",
"3 tbsp cocoa powder",
"icing sugar, to dust"
"steps": [
"Butter and line a 2.5l bundt tin. Heat the oven to 180\u00b0C/160\u00b0C fan/gas 4. Beat the egg yolks with the sugar until lighter in colour, then beat in the soft butter followed by the milk or cream.",
"In another bowl, beat the egg whites until they form soft peaks, then add the vanilla sugar and beat until stiff. Beat the flour and baking powder into the yolk mixture, then fold in the egg whites.",
"Pour half of the batter into the tin, fold the cocoa powder into the remaining batter, then pour in over the vanilla layer. Use the handle of a spoon to swirl the batters together. Bake for about 1 hr or until the cake is risen and lightly browned and a skewer inserted into the middle comes out clean.",
"Remove the cake from the oven, let it cool for a while in the tin, then turn it out and leave to cool completely on a wire rack. Dust with icing sugar to serve."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "30 mins",
"Cooking": "1 hr"
"serves": 12,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 4,
"subcategory": "Cakes",
"dish_type": "Chocolate cake recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "fd7295e8-a8f4-4fce-8fa6-ba6b0502b0ca",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Sachertorte",
"description": "This rich chocolate cake was created in Vienna, Austria, and has a signature layer of apricot jam. Discover how to achieve the perfect mirror glaze below",
"author": "Einfach Backen Team",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"200g dark chocolate",
"8 eggs",
"275g caster sugar",
"175g butter, softened",
"200g plain flour",
"250g apricot jam",
"2 tbsp apricot liqueur or juice",
"50g caster sugar",
"170ml double cream",
"200g dark chocolate (at least 70% cocoa content)",
"25g butter",
"70g milk chocolate, chopped"
"steps": [
"Melt the chocolate in a heatproof bowl set over a pan of simmering water, ensuring the bowl doesn\u2019t touch the water. Alternatively, melt it in short bursts in the microwave, stirring between each burst. Set the chocolate aside to cool a little while you separate the eggs. Whisk the egg whites and a pinch of salt using electric beaters until they form soft peaks, then gradually add 200g of sugar, continuing to whisk until the egg whites form stiff peaks.",
"Line a 24cm springform tin with baking parchment. Heat the oven to 170 C/150 fan/gas 3. Using electric beaters, beat the butter and remaining sugar in a large bowl until light and creamy and the sugar has dissolved. Gradually beat in the egg yolks and cooled chocolate. Fold about \u2153 the whisked egg whites into the chocolate mixture. Sift the flour over the mixture in two batches and fold each in. Gently fold in the remaining beaten egg whites using a spatula.",
"Pour the cake batter into the prepared tin, spread evenly and bake for about 1 hr or until the cake is risen and springy to the touch. Put on a wire rack and leave to cool completely in the tin.",
"Heat the jam and liqueur (or juice) in a small saucepan, then pour into a bowl through a fine sieve. Loosen the bottom of the cake tin, then slide off the tin and peel away the baking parchment. Halve the base horizontally. Place the bottom layer on a cake stand and spread with half of the jam mixture, then place the other half of the cake on top. Spread a thin layer of the remaining jam all over the cake and leave to dry.",
"For the chocolate glaze, bring 40ml water and sugar to the boil in a small saucepan until the sugar has dissolved. Leave to cool slightly, then stir in 2 tbsp of the double cream. Heat the remaining cream in a separate pan and stir in the butter until melted. Remove from the heat and gradually add the chocolate, letting it melt into the cream, and stir in the sugar syrup. Place the cake on a cooling rack over a tray to catch any excess glaze. Evenly coat the cake with the glaze by pouring it slowly into the middle, tilting the cake gently so it flows slowly over the edges. Don\u2019t smooth it with a knife or it will look streaky. Best enjoyed fresh but will keep for up to three days.",
"For the striped pattern, melt the milk chocolate either in a microwave or in a heatproof bowl set over a pan of simmering water, ensuring the bowl isn\u2019t touching the water. Pour the melted chocolate into a small piping bag and pipe onto the still-damp icing in parallel strips, 2-3cm apart. Carefully pull the tip of a spoon alternately from top to bottom through the lines to make the pattern, then allow the glaze to dry."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "1 hr",
"Cooking": "1 hr"
"serves": 12,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 2,
"subcategory": "Cakes",
"dish_type": "Chocolate cake recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "ba7df312-9a32-4811-9aa3-b261fa7f8311",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Chocolate fridge cake",
"description": "Sophisticated and intensely chocolatey with a hit of juicy raisins and crunchy biscuit pieces, serve this decadent chocolate fridge cake as a teatime treat",
"author": "Orlando Murrin",
"rattings": 4,
"ingredients": [
"1 mugful mixed dried fruit (about 225g)",
" \u00bd mugful brandy or juice (about 110ml)",
"300g dark chocolate (70% cocoa solids)",
"\u00bd pack butter (about 125g, salted or unsalted), plus extra for the tin",
"3 tbsp golden syrup",
"13 digestive biscuits (about 200g)",
"100g pack toasted flaked almonds or roasted hazelnuts, chopped (see tip, below)"
"steps": [
"Put the dried fruit in a small bowl and pour in just enough brandy or juice to cover. Microwave for 2 mins until steaming, then set aside.",
"The non-messy way to chop chocolate is to smash it (still wrapped) onto your work surface, then unwrap it down to the foil and snap it (still in foil) into small bits using your fingers. Empty the chocolate into a microwaveable bowl. Add the butter and golden syrup, cover the bowl with cling film and microwave for 2 mins until melted. Set aside.",
"Meanwhile, line a 20cm square tin with baking parchment, using a little butter to stick it in place. (You can also use foil but it\u2019s more fiddly to peel off later, or cling film if you don\u2019t mind wrinkles on the underside of your cake.)",
"Take a third, large bowl. Use your fingers to break the biscuits into it. Stir in the nuts, soaked fruit and soaking liquid, then mix everything together. Pour the melted chocolate into the bowl with the biscuits, using a spatula or spoon to scrape out every last bit of chocolate. Mix together until everything is coated in chocolate.",
"Check the ingredients list to make sure everything is accounted for (it\u2019s surprisingly easy to miss something in this recipe), then tip the chocolate mixture into the tin, pushing well into corners and flattening the top. Put in the fridge (no need to cover) for 4 hrs or overnight until set. To serve, remove from tin, peel away the parchment and cut into 16 squares (any crumbly bits that fall off make tasty samples for the cook). Will keep for up to 1 week in an airtight container in the fridge. Can be frozen for up to 1 month."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "20 mins",
"Cooking": "No Time"
"serves": 16,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 8,
"subcategory": "Cakes",
"dish_type": "Chocolate cake recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "e7e3e2d6-1f67-4bd7-9e55-9b64c43729fa",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Chocolate Swiss roll",
"description": "This nostalgic dessert can be made a day ahead. Fill with a vanilla cream, dust with icing sugar to finish and serve in slices",
"author": "Barney Desmazery",
"rattings": 4,
"ingredients": [
"60g self-raising flour",
"3 tbsp cocoa powder",
"3 eggs",
"75g golden caster sugar, plus extra for scattering ",
"200ml double cream",
"\u00bd tsp vanilla extract",
"50g icing sugar, sifted, plus extra to serve "
"steps": [
"Heat the oven to 220C/200C fan/gas 7. Line a 22 x 32cm swiss roll tin (if it\u2019s 20 x 30cm that\u2019s still fine) with baking parchment. Sift the flour and cocoa powder together into a bowl and set aside.",
"Crack the eggs into another bowl or the bowl of a stand mixer and tip in the sugar. Use an electric whisk or the whisk attachment to beat the eggs and sugar together for 5 mins until pale and very thick. Use a spoon or spatula to gently fold in the flour mixture until completely incorporated and everything\u2019s the same colour with no streaks.",
"Gently scrape the mix into the tin and spread to the corners. Bake for 9-10 mins until puffed up and springy to touch. While the cake is baking, get another piece of parchment a little larger than the tin and scatter it with sugar. When the sponge is cooked, use oven gloves to carefully invert it onto the sugar-coated paper. Lift off the tin and peel away the top layer of parchment. Score a line 2cm from one of the shorter edges, then use the parchment to roll the sponge into a spiral with the parchment running through it. Leave the rolled sponge to cool completely.",
"While the cake is cooling, make the filling by whisking all the ingredients together until the cream stiffens. Unroll the sponge and spread over the filling, leaving the scored edge clear. Starting from the scored edge, use the parchment to roll the sponge up around the filling. Lift onto a board or serving platter and dust with icing sugar. Can be served straight away or chilled for up to 24 hrs. Serve in slices."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "30 mins",
"Cooking": "10 mins"
"serves": 6,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 10,
"subcategory": "Cakes",
"dish_type": "Chocolate cake recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "04e2d78e-0fdc-482f-9c3e-9a8e59bf21d7",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Chocolate & raspberry birthday layer cake",
"description": "Who could resist our chocolate and raspberry cake? Like a Victoria sponge but better, try budget-friendly frozen raspberries for the cream",
"author": "Anna Glover",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"225ml sunflower oil, plus extra for the tins",
"250g caster sugar",
"3 large eggs",
"225ml milk",
"250g self-raising flour",
"4 tbsp cocoa",
"1\u00bd tsp bicarbonate of soda",
"150g raspberry jam",
"100g frozen raspberries, defrosted",
"300ml double cream",
"2 tbsp icing sugar"
"steps": [
"Heat the oven to 180C/160C fan/gas 4. Oil and line two round 20cm springform cake tins with baking parchment. Whisk the oil, sugar, eggs and milk in a bowl until smooth. Sieve the flour, cocoa and bicarb into another large bowl, then gradually mix in the wet ingredients. ",
"Divide the mixture between the tins and bake for 35-40 mins until the cakes are risen and spring back when pressed. Leave to cool in the tins for 10 mins, then transfer to a wire rack to cool completely.",
"For the raspberry layer, stir the jam and the defrosted raspberries together. Once the cakes are cool, whip the cream with the sugar to soft peaks, then gently fold half the raspberry mixture through the cream to create a ripple effect. ",
"Spoon most of the reserved raspberry mixture over one of the cakes, then dollop on half of the cream. Smooth over with a palette knife, then place the other sponge on top. Swirl over the remaining cream and swirl the last of the raspberry mixture through it. Will keep in the fridge for two days."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "20 mins",
"Cooking": "40 mins"
"serves": 12,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 88,
"subcategory": "Cakes",
"dish_type": "Chocolate cake recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "67f5d6a8-e439-4632-a1d2-a8241d78be9c",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Chocolate caramel cake",
"description": "This rich cake makes an impressive centrepiece for any summer tea party",
"author": "Emma Lewis",
"rattings": 4,
"ingredients": [
"300g butter, plus extra for greasing",
"300g light muscovado sugar",
"3 large eggs",
"1\u00bd tsp baking powder",
"85g cocoa powder",
"225g plain flour",
"225ml soured cream",
"300ml pot double cream",
"5 tbsp dulce de leche or caramel sauce",
"25g caramel flavoured chocolate, finely chopped (we used Lindt)"
"steps": [
"Heat oven to 180C/160C fan/gas 4. Lightly grease 2 x 23cm loose-bottom cake tins and line with a circle of baking parchment. Beat together the butter and sugar until pale and creamy. Add the eggs, one at a time, beating well between each addition, then add the baking powder, cocoa and a third of the flour. Mix well to combine, then stir in half the soured cream. Alternating between adding the flour and soured cream, mix everything until just combined. Spoon into the prepared tins, then smooth over the surface with a spoon.",
"Bake for 30 mins or until the cakes are firm to touch and a skewer inserted into the centres comes out clean. Leave to cool in the tins for 5 mins, then turn out onto a rack and cool completely.",
"When you\u2019re ready to serve, whip the double cream with 2 tbsp Dulce de leche until soft peaks form. Place 1 cake on a serving plate and spread with half the cream, then drizzle over the remaining Dulce de leche. Top with the other cake, then spread the remaining cream on top. Sprinkle with the chocolate. Chill until ready to serve."
"nutrients": {
"kcal": "597",
"fat": "43g",
"saturates": "25g",
"carbs": "51g",
"sugars": "32g",
"fibre": "1g",
"protein": "5g",
"salt": "0.74g"
"times": {
"Preparation": "20 mins",
"Cooking": "30 mins"
"serves": 12,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 35,
"subcategory": "Cakes",
"dish_type": "Chocolate cake recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "0189e707-0f53-4a09-a11d-864d1b638877",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Chocolate birthday cake",
"description": "Bake this simple and stunning chocolate birthday cake for a kids' or adults' party centrepiece. Decorate with icing shapes and colourful candles.",
"author": "Good Food team",
"rattings": 4,
"ingredients": [
"140g butter, plus extra for the tin",
"175g golden caster sugar",
"2 eggs",
"225g self-raising wholemeal flour",
"50g cocoa powder",
"\u00bc tsp bicarbonate of soda",
"250g natural yogurt",
"300g golden icing sugar, sieved",
"2 tbsp cocoa powder, sieved",
"1 tbsp butter, melted ",
"3-4 tbsp boiling water",
"50g each white, plain and milk chocolate, broken into squares"
"steps": [
"Heat oven to 180C/fan 160C/gas 4. Butter and line the base of a 18 x 28cm cake tin or tray. Put the butter and sugar into a bowl; beat together with electric hand beaters until light and fluffy. add the eggs a little at a time, beating well between each addition.",
"Sieve the flour, cocoa and bicarbonate of soda into the bowl, then tip in any bran left in the sieve. Pour in the natural yogurt. Stir everything to a smooth mixture and spoon into the prepared tin. Bake for 20-25 mins until just firm and shrinking away from the sides of the tin. Cool in the tin for 5 mins, then turn onto a wire rack to cool completely.",
"For the icing, sieve the icing sugar and cocoa into a bowl, then pour in the butter and 2 tbsp just-boiled water. Stir together to a smooth, spreadable consistency. if it\u2019s too stiff, very carefully add a little more boiling water, drop by drop.",
"Spread the icing over the top of the cake, using a palette knife dipped in hot water. Will keep in an airtight container for up to 1 week.",
"Melt the chocolates in three different bowls in the microwave on High for 1 min or over a pan of simmering water. Spoon the melted chocolates into three plastic disposable piping bags. Snip the ends off and pipe 12 simple shapes on top of the cake. Leave to set. Just before serving, cut the cake into 12 squares and push in the candles."
"nutrients": {
"kcal": "432",
"fat": "18g",
"saturates": "10g",
"carbs": "65g",
"sugars": "51g",
"fibre": "3g",
"protein": "6g",
"salt": "0.41g"
"times": {
"Preparation": "20 mins",
"Cooking": "25 mins"
"serves": 12,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 103,
"subcategory": "Cakes",
"dish_type": "Chocolate cake recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "8e8afed9-ffa4-41ab-be82-0464a32c7112",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Salted dark chocolate, rye & courgette cake",
"description": "Not only are these chocolate squares a great way to use up a glut of courgettes, they're topped with rye crumbs and sea salt for a chocolate cake with a twist",
"author": "Cassie Best",
"rattings": 4,
"ingredients": [
"150g butter, melted, plus extra for greasing",
"80g spelt flour",
"120g rye flour",
"8 tbsp cocoa powder",
"2 tsp baking powder",
"1 tsp bicarbonate of soda",
"280g light brown soft sugar",
"200ml buttermilk",
"2 large eggs",
"1 tsp vanilla extract",
"2 medium courgettes, grated (approx 350g weight)",
"100g dark chocolate (75-80%) finely chopped",
"100g dark chocolate, finely chopped",
"170g unsalted butter, softened",
"350g icing sugar",
"4 tbsp cocoa powder",
"2 tbsp milk",
"1 slice rye bread, optional",
"\u00bd tsp flaky sea salt"
"steps": [
"Heat oven to 180C/160C fan/gas 4. Grease a 20 x 30cm cake tin and line with baking parchment. Mix the flours, cocoa powder, baking powder, bicarbonate of soda and sugar in a large bowl with \u00bd tsp salt. Shake the bowl a few times to encourage any large lumps of sugar to come to the surface and crush these with your fingertips. Mix the butter, buttermilk, eggs and vanilla in a jug and pour into the dry ingredients, add the courgette and chopped chocolate too. Stir everything together, then scrape into the tin. Bake for 45-50 mins until the cake is risen, and a skewer inserted to the centre comes out with just a few moist crumbs, but no wet cake mixture. Leave to cool in the tin for 15 mins, then transfer to a wire rack to cool.",
"To make the icing, put the chocolate in a heatproof bowl, suspended over a pan of barely simmering water. Stir every now and then until melted. (Alternatively, melt in the microwave, stirring the chocolate every 20 secs so it doesn\u2019t burn.) Remove the bowl from the heat and leave to cool a little. Meanwhile, put the butter and icing sugar in another large bowl and mash with a spatula to combine (this will prevent you covering the work surface in icing sugar), then whisk with a hand mixer until smooth. Sift in the cocoa and pour in the melted chocolate and milk, then mix again until smooth.",
"If using the rye bread, heat oven to 160C/140C fan/gas 3. Blitz the bread in a food processer to chunky crumbs, then tip onto a baking tray, spreading them in an even layer. Bake for 15 mins, stirring halfway, until lightly toasted and crispy. Spread the chocolate icing over the cake, then scatter with rye crumbs and sea salt. Cut into squares to serve. "
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "30 mins",
"Cooking": "1 hr"
"serves": 12,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 7,
"subcategory": "Cakes",
"dish_type": "Chocolate cake recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "1ae5113b-ed0b-47ca-a8e1-bf40a18d5f86",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Chocolate & sesame loaf cake",
"description": "Tahini gives this cake a subtle nutty flavour that partners perfectly with rich chocolate. This recipe makes 2 cakes, so why not freeze one as a treat for another day!",
"author": "Miriam Nice",
"rattings": 4,
"ingredients": [
"200g butter, plus extra for greasing",
"200g dark chocolate, chopped",
"200g golden caster sugar",
"100ml strong espresso",
"100ml soured cream",
"2 eggs",
"200g self-raising flour",
"5 tsp cocoa powder",
"250g self-raising flour",
"150g tahini",
"1 heaped tsp baking powder",
"150ml strong black coffee",
"150g golden caster sugar",
"\u00bc tsp cinnamon",
"2 tbsp milk",
"200ml double cream",
"40g butter",
"200g dark chocolate, chopped",
"4 x 30g pack sesame snaps"
"steps": [
"Heat oven to 180C/160C fan/gas 4. Grease two 900g loaf tins (8.5cm deep) and line with baking parchment.",
"First, make the chocolate cake mixture. Put the butter and chocolate in a large heatproof bowl set over a pan of simmering water, stirring occasionally. Put all the other ingredients in a large mixing bowl and, when the chocolate and butter have melted, pour over and mix with an electric whisk until smooth and well combined. Set aside and rinse the beaters.",
"In another large bowl, add all the sesame cake ingredients, then combine with an electric whisk until smooth.",
"Alternating with dollops of each mixture, divide between the two tins. Level the top, then swirl a skewer through the mixture to create a marbled effect. Bake in the middle of the oven for 45-50 mins or until a skewer inserted into the centre comes out clean. Leave the cakes to cool completely on a wire rack while you make the topping (there\u2019s enough for both cakes but the topping recipe is easily halved if you want to freeze one and ice it later)",
"Heat the double cream and butter together gently in a small pan until just simmering, then remove from the heat and add the chocolate. Stir until the mixture is smooth, then place in the fridge for 20 mins to firm up.",
"Beat well with a wooden spoon, then transfer to a disposable piping bag. Snip the end off to make a wide opening, then pipe thick, overlapping zigzags across the cakes. Cut the sesame snaps into shards and arrange on top, scattering over any crumbs, then serve."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "20 mins",
"Cooking": "55 mins - 1 hr"
"serves": 2,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 5,
"subcategory": "Cakes",
"dish_type": "Chocolate cake recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "22a03e16-812d-49ef-89d8-958117aca055",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Dark chocolate, coconut & passion fruit mousse cake",
"description": "Sandwich our best ever chocolate sponge with a fruity coconut mousse and smother in a rich ganache for a stunning party centrepiece",
"author": "Cassie Best",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"150ml vegetable oil, plus extra for greasing",
"200g plain flour",
"8 tbsp cocoa powder",
"2 tsp baking powder",
"1 tsp bicarbonate of soda",
"280g light brown soft sugar",
"200ml buttermilk",
"100ml strong coffee or espresso",
"2 tsp vanilla extract",
"2 large eggs",
"4 tbsp coconut rum liqueur (I used Malibu)",
"toasted coconut shavings, to serve (optional)",
"6 gelatine leaves",
"6 ripe passion fruits (the skin should be crinkled when ripe)",
"160g can coconut cream",
"85g golden caster sugar",
"2 tbsp coconut rum liqueur",
"300ml pot double cream",
"200g dark chocolate, around 70% cocoa solids, finely chopped",
"300ml pot double cream"
"steps": [
"Heat oven to 180C/160C fan/gas 4. Grease and line two 20cm cake tins with baking parchment \u2013 if your cake tins are quite shallow, line the sides to a depth of at least 5cm. Put the flour, cocoa powder, baking powder, bicarbonate of soda, sugar and 1 tsp salt in a bowl and mix well. If there are any lumps in the sugar, squeeze these through your fingers to break them up.",
"Measure the buttermilk, coffee, oil and vanilla in a jug. Add the egg and whisk until smooth. Pour the wet ingredients into the dry and whisk until well combined. Pour the cake mixture evenly into the two tins, and bake for 25-30 mins until risen and a skewer inserted into the centre comes out clean. Cool in the tins for 10 mins, then turn out onto a wire rack, peel off the baking parchment and leave to cool. These sponges can be made up to three days ahead and will stay moist if wrapped in cling film, or you can wrap well and freeze for up to two months.",
"To make the mousse, put the gelatine leaves in a bowl of cold water, one at a time, so they don\u2019t stick together. Set aside for 5 mins to soften. Scoop the pulp and seeds from the passion fruit into a sieve suspended over a bowl, and push through the juice \u2013 you should have about 100ml. Put 1 tbsp of the seeds in a small bowl and set aside. Save 2 small empty passion fruit halves and discard the rest.",
"Pour the coconut cream, passion fruit juice and sugar into a saucepan and bring to a gentle simmer. Remove from the heat and stir in the coconut rum liqueur. Add the gelatine to the hot liquid, a leaf at a time, squeezing out the water before you add them. Stir until the gelatine has dissolved. Fill each reserved passion fruit half with some of the mixture, place in a small dish and chill until needed. Leave the remaining mixture to cool to room temperature. Pour the double cream into a large bowl and whip until it\u2019s holding its shape. Add half the passion fruit mixture, fold together, then add the remaining mixture and fold through again.",
"Line a deep 20cm cake tin with a double layer of cling film. Slice each sponge in half through the middle and drizzle each layer with 1 tbsp coconut rum liqueur. Place one of the layers into the tin, flat-side down, and spread with a third of the passion fruit mousse \u2013 don\u2019t worry if a little trickles down the sides. Layer the remaining sponges and mousse on top, finishing with a layer of cake. Cover the top of the cake with cling film and chill for at least 4 hrs, or preferably overnight.",
"When the cake has chilled and the mousse is set, turn out onto a cake stand, so the base now becomes the top, and remove the cling film. Using a palette knife, scrape any passion fruit mousse off the edges of the cake, to give it a smooth surface. Place the cake back in the fridge while you prepare the ganache.",
"Put the chocolate and cream in a pan and gently heat, stirring now and then, to make a runny chocolate sauce. Leave to firm up at room temperature until it reaches a spreadable consistency.",
"Remove the cake from the fridge. Spread the ganache over the top and sides of the cake with a palette knife until completely covered. Decorate with a ring of toasted coconut shavings, if you like. Remove the filled passion fruit shells from the fridge and place these on top too, topped with the reserved passion fruit seeds. Chill until ready to serve, but bring out of the fridge 1 hr before slicing (don\u2019t forget to serve the passion fruit jellies to your favourite guests too). Leftovers will keep in the fridge for 2 days."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "45 mins",
"Cooking": "45 mins"
"serves": 12,
"difficult": "A challenge",
"vote_count": 3,
"subcategory": "Cakes",
"dish_type": "Chocolate cake recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "5afd0798-c482-413e-adbe-8ecfcc201745",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Easy vegan chocolate cake",
"description": "This indulgent, fudgy vegan cake is topped with a rich frosting \u2013 you'd never guess that it's gluten-free and made without dairy, eggs, wheat or nuts",
"author": "Jane Hornby",
"rattings": 4,
"ingredients": [
"a little dairy-free sunflower spread, for greasing",
"1 large ripe avocado (about 150g)",
"300g light muscovado sugar",
"350g gluten-free plain flour",
"50g good-quality cocoa powder",
"1 tsp bicarbonate of soda",
"2 tsp gluten-free baking powder",
"400ml unsweetened soya milk",
"150ml vegetable oil",
"2 tsp vanilla extract",
"85g ripe avocado flesh, mashed",
"85g dairy-free sunflower spread",
"200g dairy-free chocolate, 70% cocoa, broken into chunks",
"25g cocoa powder",
"125ml unsweetened soya milk",
"200g icing sugar, sifted",
"1 tsp vanilla extract",
"gluten-free and vegan sprinkles, to decorate"
"steps": [
"Heat oven to 160C/140C fan/gas 3. Grease two 20cm sandwich tins with a little dairy-free sunflower spread, then line the bases with baking parchment.",
"Put 1 large avocado and 300g light muscovado sugar in a food processor and whizz until smooth.",
"Add 350g gluten-free plain flour, 50g cocoa powder, 1 tsp bicarbonate of soda, 2 tsp gluten-free baking powder, 400ml unsweetened soya milk, 150ml vegetable oil and 2 tsp vanilla extract to the bowl with \u00bd tsp fine salt and process again to a velvety, liquid batter.",
"Divide between the tins and bake for 25 mins or until fully risen and a skewer inserted into the middle of the cakes comes out clean.",
"Cool in the tins for 5 mins, then turn the cakes onto a rack to cool completely.",
"While you wait, start preparing the frosting. Beat together 85g ripe avocado flesh and 85g dairy-free sunflower spread with electric beaters until creamy and smooth. Pass through a sieve and set aside.",
"Melt 200g dairy-free chocolate, either over a bowl of water or in the microwave, then let it cool for a few mins.",
"Sift 25g cocoa powder into a large bowl. Bring 125ml unsweetened soya milk to a simmer, then gradually beat into the cocoa until smooth. Cool for a few mins.",
"Tip in the avocado mix, 200g sifted icing sugar, melted chocolate and 1 tsp vanilla, and keep mixing to make a shiny, thick frosting. Use this to sandwich and top the cake.",
"Cover with sprinkles or your own decoration, then leave to set for 10 mins before slicing. Can be made 2 days ahead."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "30 mins",
"Cooking": "25 mins"
"serves": 12,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 126,
"subcategory": "Cakes",
"dish_type": "Chocolate cake recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "6fba3767-78c9-465d-a3f1-8a83172787aa",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Gravity-defying sweetie cake",
"description": "Anti-gravity cakes are a great option for birthdays or parties - this stunning chocolate sweetie cake will delight kids and grown-ups alike",
"author": "Cassie Best",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"150ml vegetable oil, plus extra for greasing",
"200g plain flour",
"8 tbsp cocoa powder",
"2 tsp baking powder",
"1 tsp bicarbonate of soda",
"280g light brown soft sugar",
"200ml buttermilk",
"100ml strong coffee or espresso",
"2 tsp vanilla extract",
"2 large eggs",
"2\u00bd x 114g packs milk chocolate fingers",
"8 tubes of sugar coated chocolates, or other sweets",
"100g milk chocolate, chopped into small pieces, plus 50g/2oz for decorating",
"200g slightly salted butter, softened",
"400g icing sugar, seived",
"4 tbsp cocoa powder",
"2 tbsp milk",
"1 bendy straw",
"2 wooden skewers",
"1 paper bag or sweet packet (see tip)",
"sticky tape"
"steps": [
"Heat oven to 180C/160C fan/gas 4. Grease and line two 20cm cake tins with baking parchment \u2013 if your cake tins are quite shallow, line the sides to a depth of at least 5cm. Put the flour, cocoa powder, baking powder, bicarbonate of soda, sugar and 1 tsp salt in a bowl and mix well. If there are any lumps in the sugar, squeeze these through your fingers to break them up.",
"Measure the buttermilk, coffee, oil and vanilla in a jug. Add the egg and whisk until smooth. Pour the wet ingredients into the dry and whisk until well combined. Pour the cake mixture evenly into the two tins, and bake for 25-30 mins until risen and a skewer inserted into the centre comes out clean. Cool in the tins for 10 mins, then turn out onto a wire rack, peel off the baking parchment and leave to cool. These sponges can be made up to three days ahead and will stay moist if wrapped in cling film, or you can wrap well and freeze for up to two months.",
"To make the chocolate fudge icing, put the chocolate in a heatproof bowl, suspended over a pan of barely simmering water. Stir every now and then until melted. (Alternatively, melt in the microwave, stirring the chocolate every 20 secs so it doesn\u2019t burn.) Remove the bowl from the heat and leave to cool a little. Meanwhile, put the butter and icing sugar in another large bowl and mash with a spatula to combine (this will prevent you covering the work surface in icing sugar), then whisk with a hand mixer until smooth. Sift in the cocoa and pour in the melted chocolate and milk, then mix again until smooth.",
"Use roughly half the icing to sandwich the cakes together on a cake stand or board. Use a palette knife to cover the entire cake with the remaining icing \u2013 don\u2019t worry about being too neat. Use the chocolate fingers to cover the sides of the cakes \u2013 do this straight after icing as the icing will set after a while, and the chocolate fingers won\u2019t stick.",
"Melt the remaining 50g chocolate in the microwave or in a small bowl suspended over a pan of gently simmering water. Leave to cool until the chocolate is a spreadable consistency. You can speed this up by putting it in the fridge \u2013 just stir it every 5 mins or so to prevent the chocolate from setting.",
"Push a skewer into the centre of the cake and slip the straw over the top \u2013 this will give it more stability. Push 1-2cm of the straw into the cake. Use a cutlery knife to spread a blob of chocolate onto a sugar coated chocolate sweet and, starting at the base, stick the sweets to the straw. You will have to do this in stages to allow the chocolate to set a little before adding another layer of sweets. Work your way up the straw until it\u2019s completely covered. If the chocolate in your bowl becomes too firm, simply heat again until it is at the correct consistency. Stop when you reach the bend in the straw.",
"Stick the remaining skewer into the top of the straw so that it pokes out at an angle. Place the paper bag on top \u2013 you may have to use a little sticky tape to hold it in place. If any of the straw is exposed, cover it with more sweets.",
"Tip the remaining sweets on top of the cake to flood the surface. Will keep well stored in an airtight tin for 2 days."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "1 hr",
"Cooking": "35 mins"
"serves": 12,
"difficult": "More effort",
"vote_count": 50,
"subcategory": "Cakes",
"dish_type": "Chocolate cake recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "ecbcef31-5db4-478f-af9a-8d3793a573b2",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Easy chocolate brownie cake",
"description": "The perfect cake for brownie lovers, try a big slice warm with some ice cream",
"author": "Good Food team",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"175g unsalted butter, plus extra for greasing",
"225g dark chocolate, broken into pieces",
"200g caster sugar",
"3 medium eggs, separated",
"65g plain flour",
"50g chopped pecan nuts"
"steps": [
"Heat oven to 180C/fan 160C/gas 4. Butter a 20-25cm cake tin and line with greaseproof paper.",
"Place 175g/6oz of the chocolate, plus the butter and sugar in a heavy-based pan and heat gently until melted, stirring occasionally. Leave to cool.",
"Whisk the egg yolks into the chocolate mixture, then add the flour, nuts and the remaining chocolate.",
"Whisk the egg whites until they form soft peaks, then gently, but thoroughly, fold into the chocolate mixture.",
"Pour into the prepared tin and bake in the centre of the oven for about 35-40 mins until crusty on top. Leave to cool, then run a knife around the sides and remove from the tin. Dust with icing sugar and serve warm with custard or ice cream or cold with cream."
"nutrients": {
"kcal": "405",
"fat": "26g",
"saturates": "14g",
"carbs": "41g",
"sugars": "34g",
"fibre": "0.44g",
"protein": "4g",
"salt": "0.06g"
"times": {
"Preparation": "15 mins - 20 mins",
"Cooking": "45 mins"
"serves": 10,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 225,
"subcategory": "Cakes",
"dish_type": "Chocolate cake recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "dcbfcfa6-16c3-4717-82be-ee7354810c1c",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Cookies & cream party cake",
"description": "Stack up our best ever chocolate sponges and smother in a biscuit icing to make this towering celebration cake",
"author": "Cassie Best",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"300ml vegetable oil, plus extra for greasing",
"400g plain flour",
"130g cocoa powder",
"4 tsp baking powder",
"2 tsp bicarbonate of soda",
"560g light brown soft sugar",
"400ml buttermilk",
"200ml strong coffee, or espresso",
"4 tsp vanilla extract",
"4 large eggs",
"250g pack slightly salted butter, softened",
"600g icing sugar",
"280g tub full-fat cream cheese",
"2 tsp vanilla extract",
"10 filled chocolate biscuits (about \u00be of a pack)",
"filled chocolate biscuits, as many as you need for the letters on top (some may break when you insert the skewers, so buy extra)",
"thin wooden skewers",
"100g white chocolate, finely chopped",
"ready-to-roll fondant icing, coloured (we used a mixture of blue and green food colouring), or an icing writing pen"
"steps": [
"Heat oven to 180C/160C fan/gas 4. Grease and line two 20cm cake tins with baking parchment \u2013 if your cake tins are quite shallow, line the sides to a depth of at least 5cm. Put 200g flour, 8 tbsp cocoa powder, 2 tsp baking powder, 1 tsp bicarbonate of soda, 280g light brown soft sugar and 1 tsp salt in a bowl and mix well. If there are any lumps in the sugar, squeeze these through your fingers to break them up.",
"Measure 200ml buttermilk, 100ml coffee, 150ml oil and 2 tsp vanilla in a jug. Add 2 eggs and whisk until smooth. Pour the wet ingredients into the dry and whisk until well combined. Pour the cake mixture evenly into the two tins, and bake for 25-30 mins until risen and a skewer inserted into the centre comes out clean. Cool in the tins for 10 mins, then turn out onto a wire rack, peel off the baking parchment and leave to cool.",
"Repeat steps 1 and 2, so that you have 4 sponge cakes in total. These sponges can be made up to three days ahead and will stay moist if wrapped in cling film, or you can wrap well and freeze for up to two months.",
"To make the icing, put the butter in a large bowl and sieve in half the icing sugar. Roughly mash together with a spatula, then whizz with a hand mixer until smooth. Add the cream cheese and sieve in the remaining icing sugar, mash together again, then blend once more with the hand mixer. Put the biscuits in a food processor and whizz to fine crumbs. Add the biscuit crumbs to the icing and mix again until combined.",
"Next, make the cookie cake toppers. You\u2019ll need one biscuit for each letter of the word you\u2019d like to write \u2013 someone\u2019s name or, like we have done, \u2018WOW!\u2019 Carefully insert a skewer into the creamy filling in the middle of each biscuit \u2013 some cookies may break, so save these ones for later. Melt the chocolate in the microwave, stirring every 20 secs or so, or in a heatproof bowl suspended over a pan of gently simmering water. Spread a little chocolate over the surface of one side of each cookie. Roll out the fondant icing to the thickness of a 50p coin, and cut out your letters, then stick these to the cookies and set aside to dry. Alternatively, let the chocolate dry, then use an icing pen to write the name or word directly on the surface.",
"To assemble the cake, stick one of your sponges to a cake stand or board with a little of the cream cheese icing. Use roughly half the icing to stack the remaining cakes on top, spreading a generous amount between each layer. Pile the remaining icing on top of the assembled cake, and use a palette knife to ease it over the edges, covering the entire surface of the cake. Tidy the plate with a piece of kitchen paper.",
"If you have any leftover biscuits, break them into pieces and push these around the base of the cake. Insert the dried cookie cake toppers into the top of the cake and serve. Store leftovers in the fridge for up to 2 days, but bring back to room temperature for an hour or so before eating."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "1 hr",
"Cooking": "50 mins"
"serves": 20,
"difficult": "More effort",
"vote_count": 76,
"subcategory": "Cakes",
"dish_type": "Chocolate cake recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "c3493304-d373-4830-850e-96cbc2a80cbc",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Chocolate drip cake",
"description": "This malted drip cake is smothered in cream cheese icing and drizzled with a dark chocolate ganache \u2013 a stunning multi-layered centrepiece for a big occasion",
"author": "Cassie Best",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"200g unsalted butter, softened, plus extra for greasing",
"250g golden caster sugar",
"3 large eggs",
"225g plain flour",
"25g powdered malt drink",
"2 tsp baking powder",
"100g natural yogurt",
"2 tsp vanilla extract",
"175g unsalted butter, softened, plus extra for greasing",
"250g golden caster sugar",
"3 large eggs",
"225g plain flour",
"25g cocoa powder",
"2 tsp baking powder",
"50g natural yogurt",
"100g dark chocolate, melted and cooled a little",
"butter or flavourless oil, for greasing",
"200g golden caster sugar",
"5 tbsp golden syrup",
"2 tsp bicarbonate of soda",
"37g pack Maltesers",
"250g pack slightly salted butter, softened",
"750g icing sugar",
"3 tbsp powdered malt drink",
"1 tsp vanilla extract",
"280g tub full-fat cream cheese",
"100g dark chocolate, finely chopped",
"75ml double cream"
"steps": [
"First make the malt sponges. Heat oven to 180C/160C fan/gas 4. Grease and line the bases of 2 x 20cm cake tins with baking parchment. Put the butter and sugar in a large bowl and whisk until pale and fluffy. Add the eggs, one at a time, whisking well between each addition. Tip the flour, malt and baking powder into the bowl with \u00bc tsp salt and fold together, then add the yogurt and vanilla, and give everything a final stir. Divide the cake mixture between the 2 tins, level the tops and bake on the middle shelf for 25-30 mins or until a skewer pushed into the centre of the cakes comes out clean. Cool for 10 mins, then remove from the tins, peel off the baking parchment and transfer to a wire rack to cool completely. Wash the tins.",
"Now make the chocolate sponges. Grease and line the base of the tins as before and boil the kettle. In the same bowl (don\u2019t worry about washing it), cream the butter and sugar as before, adding the eggs, one at a time, and mixing until combined. Sift in the flour, cocoa and baking powder with \u00bc tsp salt. Fold the mixture together, then add the yogurt, melted chocolate and 100ml boiling water. Stir until combined, then divide between the tins. Bake for 25-30 mins, testing with a skewer as before. Cool in the tins for 10 mins, then turn out, remove the baking parchment and cool completely. The sponges can be made up to 2 days before being iced, cooled and wrapped tightly in cling film.",
"Make the honeycomb. Grease a baking tray with a little butter or oil. Put the sugar and golden syrup in a large pan. Warm over a medium heat and leave to bubble to a liquid caramel, but don\u2019t stir. When you\u2019re happy with the colour (the darker it gets, the more intense the flavour will be), add the bicarbonate of soda and quickly stir into the syrup. Before the bubbles die down, pour the foaming mixture onto the baking tray, then set aside for 30 mins to cool and firm up.",
"Make the icing. In your largest mixing bowl, beat the butter with half the icing sugar, the malt and vanilla until smooth. Add the remaining icing sugar and the cream cheese, and beat again until well combined \u2013 don\u2019t overmix or the icing may become runny.",
"You\u2019re now ready to assemble. Put one of the sponges on a cake stand or cake board, sticking it down with a small blob of icing. Use \u00bc of the icing to stack the cakes, alternating between the malt and chocolate sponges. Place the final sponge on top, flat-side up. When assembled, use a palette knife to cover the entire cake with a thin layer of the icing, filling any gaps between sponges, but don\u2019t worry about completely covering the sponges at this stage. This is called a crumb coat and ensures that your final layer is crumb-free. Make space in your fridge and chill the cake for 30 mins to firm up the icing.",
"Once the icing is chilled, use the remaining icing to completely cover the cake. This is easiest if you pile the icing on top of the cake, then use a palette knife to ease it over the edge and down the sides. You can make it as smooth or as rough as you like. Chill for another 30 mins.",
"Make the drizzle. Meanwhile, put the dark chocolate in a bowl and heat the cream in a small pan until just steaming. Pour the cream over the chocolate and leave to melt for 5-10 mins. Stir to make a glossy ganache, then set aside to firm up a little \u2013 you want the ganache to be pourable but not too runny, to make drizzly droplets down the side of the cake.",
"When the ganache is the correct consistency, remove the cake from the fridge and spoon the ganache over the top edge of the cake, encouraging it to drizzle down the side with your spoon \u2013 start at the back of the cake to get the hang of it. Fill in the middle of the top of the cake with chocolate too.",
"Break the honeycomb into tall shards and stack them on top of the cake. Finish with whole and halved Maltesers, adding a few around the base, along with some honeycomb crumbs. The cake is best served within 2-3 hrs of assembling, but will still taste delicious for up to 3 days. Store leftovers in the fridge and allow to come back to room temperature before serving."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "2 hrs",
"Cooking": "1 hr"
"serves": 20,
"difficult": "A challenge",
"vote_count": 20,
"subcategory": "Cakes",
"dish_type": "Chocolate cake recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "67b881f8-b4eb-4b57-ac1c-4b72a06c5169",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Chocolate & lime cake",
"description": "Give chocolate cake a zesty lift with lime buttercream filling, chocolate and lime icing and candied zest to decorate \u2013 an irresistible flavour pairing",
"author": "Diana Henry",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"225g butter, softened at room temperature, plus extra for greasing",
"225g light brown soft sugar",
"4 large eggs, at room temperature, lightly beaten",
"170g self-raising flour",
"\u00bd tsp baking powder",
"50g cocoa powder",
"2 tbsp milk",
"50ml lime juice (about 4 limes)",
"25g caster sugar",
"3 limes",
"100g granulated sugar",
"100g unsalted butter",
"200g icing sugar",
"2 limes, finely zested",
"50ml double cream, plus 1 tbsp",
"100g 70% dark chocolate, cut into small pieces",
"2 \u00bd tbsp lime marmalade"
"steps": [
"Heat oven to 180C/160C fan/gas 4. Butter and line the base of 2 x 20cm cake tins with baking parchment. Beat the butter and light brown sugar together until pale and fluffy. Add the eggs gradually, beating well between each addition. Fold in the flour, baking powder and cocoa powder. If the mixture is very stiff, stir in the milk.",
"Spoon into the cake tins and bake for 20-25 mins or until a skewer inserted into the centre comes out clean. Turn the cakes out onto a wire rack and peel off the parchment. Gently heat the lime juice and caster sugar together, stirring to help the sugar dissolve. While the cakes and the syrup are still warm, pierce the cakes all over using a skewer and spoon over the syrup. Leave to cool completely.",
"Next, make the candied lime zest. Pare the zest from the limes, cutting it into broad strips. Cut away the white pith and discard, then slice the zest into matchstick-sized strips. Put them in a pan and cover with water, then bring to the boil. Cook for 1 min, then drain and rinse. Dry and set aside. Juice the limes and add enough water to make 225ml. Heat gently with the sugar until the sugar has melted. Add the strips of zest and simmer until the liquid has almost evaporated and turned syrupy \u2013 about 30 mins. Scoop the strips of zest out with a slotted spoon, then place them on parchment to dry.",
"To make the buttercream, beat the butter and icing sugar together using an electric mixer or by hand (start off gently or the icing sugar will fly everywhere), until pale and light, but don\u2019t beat for so long that it gets too fluffy. Add the lime zest and beat again until smooth. Chill in the fridge until the buttercream is firm, but spreadable.",
"To make the icing, heat the cream gently (don't let it boil), then take it off the heat. Add the chocolate and let it melt, stirring to help it along. Put the marmalade in a small pan with the extra 1 tbsp cream and heat slowly to dissolve. Add to the chocolate and cream and stir until everything is blended. Leave to cool a little, but not so long that it becomes firm. Pour over one of the layers of sponge and leave to cool and set \u2013 it will run down the sides and drip off.",
"Spread the buttercream over the other layer, then put the chocolate coated layer on top. Decorate with the candied lime zest."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "1 hr and 10 mins",
"Cooking": "40 mins"
"serves": 8,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 16,
"subcategory": "Cakes",
"dish_type": "Chocolate cake recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "9d865739-9d0f-4f99-94d3-4b54d2b3684a",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Quick peach Melba crumbles",
"description": "Raspberries, peaches and a crunchy granola topping make for an easy 10-minute dessert that's perfect for summer",
"author": "Chelsie Collins",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"410g can sliced peaches in syrup",
"1 tbsp butter",
"150g raspberries",
"100ml whipping cream",
"\u00bd tbsp icing sugar",
"100g granola"
"steps": [
"Pour the can of peaches, with the syrup, into a small saucepan over a medium heat. Add the butter and simmer until the peaches are hot. Once simmering, add the raspberries and cook for 1-2 mins more until hot.",
"Meanwhile, put the cream in a large bowl with the icing sugar and whisk until lightly whipped.",
"Using a slotted spoon, put the peach Melba mixture into four serving dishes and top each with a sprinkling of granola and a dollop of cream."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "5 mins",
"Cooking": "5 mins"
"serves": 4,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 2,
"subcategory": "Desserts",
"dish_type": "Quick desserts",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "ab75f65b-c921-4e23-89ea-5a97869b5dc3",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Quick sticky toffee puddings",
"description": "Discover a shameless shortcut to this family favourite pud",
"author": "Good Food team",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"4 large chocolate muffins, crumbled",
"50g large sultanas",
"small knob of butter, for greasing",
"50g light muscovado sugar",
"50g butter",
"75ml double cream",
"vanilla ice cream, to serve"
"steps": [
"Heat oven to 200C/180C fan/gas 6. Mix the muffins with the sultanas. Divide between 4 buttered ramekins or one baking dish. Cover with foil and bake for 8 mins until just warmed through.",
"Meanwhile, place the sugar, butter and cream in a small pan and gently heat together, stirring until the sugar dissolves. Pour the sauce over the muffin mixture and serve warm with ice cream."
"nutrients": {
"kcal": "555",
"fat": "35g",
"saturates": "20g",
"carbs": "59g",
"sugars": "42g",
"fibre": "1g",
"protein": "5g",
"salt": "0.66g"
"times": {
"Preparation": "5 mins",
"Cooking": "10 mins"
"serves": 4,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 38,
"subcategory": "Desserts",
"dish_type": "Quick desserts",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "50f52e18-824a-4152-b373-760e656071c4",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Quick mango pudding",
"description": "If you've taken time to make a special main course, why not take the pressure off and serve this simple but delicious pud",
"author": "Lulu Grimes",
"rattings": 4,
"ingredients": [
"1 large ripe mango",
"6 scoops vanilla ice cream",
"2 tbsp thick cream",
"3 passion fruits"
"steps": [
"Peel and dice a large ripe mango; whizz to a pur\u00e9e in a food processor. Add 6 scoops of vanilla ice cream and 2 tbsp thick cream and whizz again. Spoon into bowls and scoop \u00bd passion fruit over each."
"nutrients": {
"kcal": "131",
"fat": "6g",
"saturates": "4g",
"carbs": "18g",
"sugars": "17g",
"fibre": "2g",
"protein": "2g",
"salt": "0.08g"
"times": {
"Preparation": "5 mins",
"Cooking": "No Time"
"serves": 6,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 6,
"subcategory": "Desserts",
"dish_type": "Quick desserts",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "0425fe29-e9a1-4b13-9a16-c66381756a17",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Easy strawberry mousse",
"description": "Make this strawberry mousse using just three ingredients. With a pur\u00e9e at the base, it's topped with a creamy mousse for a stunning yet simple summer dessert",
"author": "Barney Desmazery",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"400g strawberries",
"100g caster sugar",
"300ml double cream"
"steps": [
"Choose four of the best-looking strawberries and set these aside to finish the mousse, then hull and roughly chop the rest. Tip these into a blender or food processor along with the sugar and blitz until smooth.",
"Whisk the cream to stiff peaks. Reserve roughly 4 tbsp of the strawberry pur\u00e9e in a small dish, then fold the rest through the whipped cream until it turns an even shade of pink. Divide the reserved pur\u00e9e between four small serving glasses or ramekins. Spoon the mousse over the top, then chill for at least 1 hr. Will keep chilled for up to a day. Just before serving, halve the reserved strawberries and use these to decorate the mousse."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "15 mins",
"Cooking": "No Time"
"serves": 4,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 4,
"subcategory": "Desserts",
"dish_type": "Quick desserts",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "63ef7791-0f12-4815-9b80-c066d6e9d4de",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Easy microwave brownies",
"description": "Make these easy, fudgy brownies in under 15 minutes in the microwave. They're ideal when you need a quick and indulgent dessert.",
"author": "Elaine Lemm",
"rattings": 3,
"ingredients": [
"150g salted butter",
"150g caster sugar",
"1 tsp vanilla extract",
"2 tbsp milk",
"2 medium eggs, beaten",
"50g plain flour",
"75g unsweetened cocoa powder",
"80g milk chocolate chips"
"steps": [
"Cut the butter into small pieces. Put in a 20 x 20cm microwavable glass or ceramic dish and cook in 20-second bursts in the microwave until melted. Remove, swirl it around the dish to coat the sides, then tip it into a mixing bowl.",
"Add the sugar to the bowl and, using a hand or electric whisk, whisk vigorously until the mixture is creamy and fully incorporated into the melted butter.",
"In a jug, stir the vanilla extract into the milk along with the beaten eggs. Whisk this, a little at a time, into the sugar and butter mixture, ensuring it\u2019s thoroughly incorporated before adding more.",
"Sift the flour and cocoa powder together, then fold gently into the cake batter. Finally, stir in the milk chocolate chips.",
"Tip the whole mix into the buttered dish and smooth using a spatula to fill the dish. Cook for 5 mins or until the brownies are well-risen and slightly firm to touch. Don\u2019t worry if they\u2019re still a bit soft in the centre; they will continue to cook for several minutes once out of the microwave.",
"Put the hot dish onto a cooling rack and leave for at least 20 mins to firm up. Cut into 8 squares. Will keep in an airtight container for three days."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "10 mins",
"Cooking": "5 mins"
"serves": 8,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 3,
"subcategory": "Desserts",
"dish_type": "Quick desserts",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "081cc592-534c-47e3-9aba-a2485580e1d5",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Microwave mug cake",
"description": "Need a quick chocolate fix? Try making this easy microwave mug cake with storecupboard ingredients. It's even more delicious with a scoop of vanilla ice cream",
"author": "Member recipe by cabrioletbird",
"rattings": 4,
"ingredients": [
"4 tbsp self-raising flour",
"4 tbsp caster sugar",
"2 tbsp cocoa powder",
"1 medium egg",
"3 tbsp milk",
"3 tbsp vegetable oil or sunflower oil",
"a few drops of vanilla essence or other essence (orange or peppermint work well)",
"2 tbsp chocolate chips, nuts, or raisins etc (optional)"
"steps": [
"Add 4 tbsp self-raising flour, 4 tbsp caster sugar and 2 tbsp cocoa powder to the largest mug you have (to stop it overflowing in the microwave) and mix.",
"Add 1 medium egg and mix in as much as you can, but don't worry if there's still dry mix left.",
"Add the 3 tbsp milk, 3 tbsp vegetable or sunflower oil and a few drops of vanilla essence and mix until smooth, before adding 2 tbsp chocolate chips, nuts, or raisins, if using, and mix again.",
"Centre your mug in the middle of the microwave oven and cook on High for 1\u00bd -2 mins, or until it has stopped rising and is firm to the touch."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "5 mins",
"Cooking": "2 mins"
"serves": 1,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 407,
"subcategory": "Desserts",
"dish_type": "Quick desserts",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "c5dd32d5-9e1c-433c-96ef-2cf02806e121",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Microwave banana pudding",
"description": "This pud will be a hit with all the family, and it only takes 20 minutes to make",
"author": "Good Food team",
"rattings": 4,
"ingredients": [
"100g butter, softened, plus extra for greasing",
"2 ripe bananas",
"100g light muscovado sugar",
"100g self-raising flour",
"2 tsp ground cinnamon",
"2 eggs",
"2 tbsp milk",
"icing sugar, toffee sauce and ice cream, to serve, if you like"
"steps": [
"Put the butter in a 1-litre baking dish and microwave on High for 30 secs-1 min until melted. Add 1\u00bd bananas, mash into the melted butter, then add the sugar, flour, cinnamon, eggs and milk. Mix together well.",
"Slice the remaining banana over the top, then return to the microwave and cook on High for 8 mins until cooked through and risen. Serve warm, dusted with icing sugar, if you like, with a drizzle of toffee sauce and a scoop of ice cream."
"nutrients": {
"kcal": "474",
"fat": "26g",
"saturates": "15g",
"carbs": "57g",
"sugars": "37g",
"fibre": "1g",
"protein": "7g",
"salt": "0.77g"
"times": {
"Preparation": "10 mins",
"Cooking": "10 mins"
"serves": 4,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 134,
"subcategory": "Desserts",
"dish_type": "Quick desserts",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "7c73b40a-6a4f-43b5-b858-0f2e39a4b694",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Frozen tropical fruit yogurt",
"description": "Try this genius recipe \u2013 as if by magic, the frozen tropical fruit freezes the yogurt when blended together. Use a food processor rather than a blender",
"author": "Tom Kerridge",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"480g frozen tropical fruit mix",
"170g Greek yogurt",
"2 tbsp maple syrup or honey",
"200g diced tropical fruit and passion fruit seeds, to serve"
"steps": [
"Put everything except the fresh fruit in a food processor and blend. Scoop straight into bowls, or tip into a container and freeze if you want to serve it later. Serve with the fresh tropical fruit and spoon over the passion fruit seeds."
"nutrients": {
"kcal": "98",
"fat": "3g",
"saturates": "2g",
"carbs": "15g",
"sugars": "14g",
"fibre": "1g",
"protein": "2g",
"salt": "0.1g"
"times": {
"Preparation": "15 mins"
"serves": 6,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 9,
"subcategory": "Desserts",
"dish_type": "Quick desserts",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "3aa6a195-4a56-4622-83d9-2e0d5e064cc4",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "5-minute mocha pots",
"description": "This dreamy dessert is ready in under 10 minutes. Use milk chocolate if you're feeding young children",
"author": "Chelsie Collins",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"200g milk or dark chocolate with coffee, broken into chunks",
"300ml pot double cream",
"1 tsp vanilla extract",
"2 tbsp cr\u00e8me fra\u00eeche"
"steps": [
"Melt the chocolate in the microwave for 2 mins, stirring halfway through, or over a pan of gently simmering water. Leave to cool a little.",
"Using an electric whisk, whip the double cream with the vanilla in a bowl until lightly whipped. Fold in the cooled, melted chocolate until fully combined.",
"Split the mixture between four small bowls or ramekins and serve topped with a dollop of cr\u00e8me fra\u00eeche. If you aren\u2019t serving straight away, chill in the fridge and then add the cr\u00e8me fra\u00eeche just before bringing to the table."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "5 mins",
"Cooking": "2 mins"
"serves": 4,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 9,
"subcategory": "Desserts",
"dish_type": "Quick desserts",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "27300dfa-91f3-4ad4-b4d8-4bb385677df7",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "White forest rocky road",
"description": "Enjoy our decadent white chocolate version of rocky road, with mini marshmallows, dried cherries, coconut, almonds and your favourite biscuits",
"author": "Anna Glover",
"rattings": 1,
"ingredients": [
"100g butter",
"500g white chocolate, chopped",
"200g biscuits (digestives or malted milk work well)",
"50g blanched almonds, roughly chopped",
"200g dried or glac\u00e9 cherries, roughly chopped",
"50g mini marshmallows (ensure vegetarian, if needed)",
"15g desiccated coconut"
"steps": [
"Line a 20cm square baking tin with baking parchment. Melt the butter and chocolate in a heatproof bowl set over a pan of simmering water, ensuring the bowl doesn\u2019t touch the water, or do this in 20-second bursts in the microwave. Cut five or six triangles from the biscuits with a sharp knife to make trees. Put the off-cuts in a bowl. Bash into rubble.",
"Tip the almonds and most of the cherries and marshmallows into the bowl with the bashed biscuits, pour over the chocolate mixture and fold in until coated. Tip into the tin and smooth the top. Press a row or two of the biscuit trees into one end of the rocky road. Sprinkle the rest with the reserved toppings and scatter over the coconut to resemble snow. Transfer the tin to the fridge and chill for 2 hrs until solid. Cut into squares to serve."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "15 mins",
"Cooking": "No Time"
"serves": 20,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 2,
"subcategory": "Desserts",
"dish_type": "Quick desserts",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "695d3e96-5da3-4964-9699-1eb45c25dd5f",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Bakewell trifles",
"description": "These cherry and almond desserts will really impress your guests. The amaretti biscuits give it a special touch",
"author": "Sarah Cook",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"25g crunchy amaretti biscuit",
"140g madeira loaf cake",
"\u00bd x 225g jar cocktail or maraschino cherries, drained, plus extra to serve",
"200g cherry compote or jam",
"2 x 150g pots custard",
"300ml double cream",
"3 tbsp toasted flaked almond"
"steps": [
"Crumble the biscuits and cake, roughly mix and divide between 8 small glasses. Halve the cherries and divide between the trifles, then top with compote or jam.",
"Beat together the custard and cream, then dollop on top. Scatter over the almonds, add a cherry half to each trifle and chill until ready to serve."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "15 mins",
"Cooking": "No Time"
"serves": 8,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 3,
"subcategory": "Desserts",
"dish_type": "Quick desserts",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "a366dea9-724e-4287-815d-be8a24b55dbc",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Vegan mug cake",
"description": "Bake a simple vegan mug cake in the microwave \u2013 you can have it ready in under 10 minutes to satisfy a craving. Serve with a scoop of dairy-free ice cream",
"author": "Miriam Nice",
"rattings": 4,
"ingredients": [
"3 tbsp dairy-free milk, we used oat milk",
"pinch lemon zest",
"1 tsp lemon juice",
"1 tbsp sunflower oil",
"4 tbsp self-raising flour",
"2 tbsp caster sugar",
"pinch bicarbonate of soda",
"4 fresh or frozen raspberries",
"coconut cream or dairy-free ice cream"
"steps": [
"Put the milk in a microwave-safe mug, add the lemon zest and juice and leave to sit for 2-3 mins. It should start to look a bit grainy, as if it has split. Stir in the sunflower oil, flour, sugar and bicarbonate of soda. Mix really well with a fork until smooth.",
"Drop in the raspberries then microwave on high for 1 min 30 secs, or until puffed up and cooked through.",
"Serve with a drizzle of coconut cream, or a scoop of dairy-free ice cream if you like."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "5 mins",
"Cooking": "2 mins"
"serves": 1,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 36,
"subcategory": "Desserts",
"dish_type": "Quick desserts",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "e17e0c7f-43c1-4ed6-a95a-a3fb3bbfa71c",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Chocolate ganache with sea salt, olive oil & toasts",
"description": "Silky smooth chocolate ganache, with crisp ciabatta toasts and a sprinkle of sea salt makes for a quick, chic, ultra-indulgent dinner party dessert",
"author": "Diana Henry",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"250ml double cream",
"250g 70% dark chocolate",
"1 loaf ciabatta, finely sliced",
"extra virgin olive oil",
"sea salt flakes"
"steps": [
"Heat the cream in a heavy-bottomed pan until it is warm but not boiling (you don\u2019t want to overheat the chocolate, so be careful not to overdo it). Take the pan off the heat, then add the chocolate to the pan with the cream and leave to melt for a while, then beat with a wooden spoon. At first it looks like it won\u2019t go smooth, but it will. Leave to cool and set. You can also chill it, but take it out of the fridge before serving so that it isn\u2019t too firm or \u2018fridge cold\u2019.",
"Cut the bread into fine slices and toast on each side (the best way is under the grill, but watch it like a hawk). Serve the ganache in glasses in small scoops. Drizzle generously with olive oil and sprinkle with sea salt. Brush the toast with more olive oil and serve with the ganache."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "10 mins",
"Cooking": "10 mins"
"serves": 6,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 2,
"subcategory": "Desserts",
"dish_type": "Quick desserts",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "aae40b12-b592-4010-9ad9-451b78300c01",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Quick cheat's strawberry mousse",
"description": "Make the most of strawberries in this quick dessert, with a silky mascarpone layer complemented by a tangy compote, crunchy ginger biscuits and pistachios",
"author": "Liberty Mendez",
"rattings": 4,
"ingredients": [
"500g strawberries, hulled and halved, any larger ones quartered",
"1 lemon, zested and juiced",
"100g caster sugar",
"150ml mascarpone",
"300ml double cream",
"1 tbsp vanilla bean paste",
"4 gingernut biscuits, crushed",
"small handful of pistachios, roughly chopped (optional)",
"freeze-dried strawberries, crushed (optional)"
"steps": [
"Put the strawberries, lemon juice, sugar and 2 tbsp water in a large pan over a medium heat and cook for 5 mins until the fruit has softened. Scrape into a bowl leave to cool. Tip 300g of the mixture into a blender (reserve the rest for later), blitz until smooth and sieve into a jug.",
"Whisk the mascarpone in a large bowl to soften, then add the double cream, vanilla bean paste and lemon zest, and whisk again until just starting to thicken. Fold in the blitzed, sieved strawberry pur\u00e9e to combine \u2013 it will thicken a bit more. Alternatively, swirl it through so you have layers of compote going through the mousse.Will keep chilled for up to a day.",
"Spoon or pipe the mousse into glass tumblers and top with the reserved strawberry compote, the gingernut crumbs, pistachios and dried strawberries, if you like."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "20 mins",
"Cooking": "5 mins"
"serves": 4,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 5,
"subcategory": "Desserts",
"dish_type": "Quick desserts",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "a7542de1-ace1-4b9b-8f7c-c1af26c8dd0b",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Vanilla, apple & ginger biscuit fool",
"description": "Impress guests with these apple and ginger fools for dessert. Made using just four simple ingredients, they're quick and easy",
"author": "Claire Thomson",
"rattings": 3,
"ingredients": [
"150ml double cream",
"300g vanilla-flavoured yogurt",
"150g jar chunky apple sauce (or use your favourite fruit compote)",
"100g ginger biscuits, lightly crushed, plus extra to decorate (optional)"
"steps": [
"Pour the cream into a bowl and whip to soft peaks using a whisk. Fold in the yogurt, apple sauce and crushed ginger biscuits, then spoon the mixture into serving glasses or bowls. Alternatively, layer the whipped cream, yogurt, apple sauce and crushed biscuits up separately in serving glasses or one large bowl.",
"Chill in the fridge for up to a day before serving, or serve straightaway. Just before serving, sprinkle over some extra ginger biscuit crumbs, if you like."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "10 mins",
"Cooking": "No Time"
"serves": 4,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 2,
"subcategory": "Desserts",
"dish_type": "Quick desserts",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "145adc33-cae6-495d-b1c4-d5905678979a",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Raspberry fool with whisky & toasted oats",
"description": "Fresh, pink raspberries with whipped cream is the perfect summer dessert. Add a splash of whisky and toasted oats for a subtle nutty flavour",
"author": "Tom Kerridge",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"300ml double cream",
"40g demerara sugar",
"25ml whisky",
"40g toasted oats",
"200g raspberries",
"white chocolate, grated"
"steps": [
"Whisk 300ml double cream with 40g demerara sugar until soft peaks form, then fold in 25ml whisky.",
"Layer the whisky cream in glasses with 40g toasted oats and 200g raspberries, halved. Top with a good grating of white chocolate."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "20 mins",
"Cooking": "No Time"
"serves": 6,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 2,
"subcategory": "Desserts",
"dish_type": "Quick desserts",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "c5b8b225-3bea-4cec-9afa-bef00ef311b4",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Apple crumble sundae",
"description": "Ready in no time, this simple budget sundae will satisfy any midweek sweet cravings. If you're looking for a pudding you can whip up in a flash, this is it",
"author": "Chelsie Collins",
"rattings": 4,
"ingredients": [
"2 tbsp butter",
"4 Granny Smiths apples, cored and diced",
"1 tsp ground cinnamon",
"2 tbsp light brown sugar",
"8 scoops vanilla ice cream",
"2 ginger nuts biscuits, crushed"
"steps": [
"In a small saucepan, melt the butter over a gentle heat and add the apples, cinnamon and sugar. Cook for 10 mins or until the apples have softened but still hold their shape.",
"Split the mixture between four sundae glasses or bowls. Sit 2 scoops of ice cream on top of each, followed by the crushed biscuits. Serve while the apple mix is still warm."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "10 mins",
"Cooking": "10 mins"
"serves": 4,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 18,
"subcategory": "Desserts",
"dish_type": "Quick desserts",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "84ef2744-310f-481e-8c58-13150a5133e5",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Lemon curd & yogurt fool",
"description": "Treat yourself to a delightfully easy family dessert - ready in just five minutes",
"author": "Good Food team",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"300g jar lemon curd (we used Duchy Originals Traditional Lemon Curd)",
"500g tub 0% Greek yogurt",
"200g punnet raspberry",
"1 tbsp icing sugar",
"shortbread, to serve"
"steps": [
"Put the lemon curd and yogurt into a bowl. Fold together for a rippled effect. Divide the mixture between four glasses and chill.",
"Mix raspberries and icing sugar together and gently crush, then spoon with their juices over the chilled mix and serve."
"nutrients": {
"kcal": "299",
"fat": "9g",
"saturates": "5g",
"carbs": "42g",
"sugars": "41g",
"fibre": "1g",
"protein": "16g",
"salt": "0.66g"
"times": {
"Preparation": "5 mins",
"Cooking": "No Time"
"serves": 4,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 51,
"subcategory": "Desserts",
"dish_type": "Quick desserts",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "21c5beab-3da4-4d2d-8c0c-8eaf99c50f30",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Banoffee splits",
"description": "A simple pudding with a creamy and indulgent chocolate sauce, ready in just 10 minutes",
"author": "Barney Desmazery",
"rattings": 4,
"ingredients": [
"2 small ripe bananas",
"4 scoops ice cream",
"1 chocolate bar, chopped into small chunks",
"3 tbsp cream",
"small knob of butter"
"steps": [
"Tip all the sauce ingredients into a small saucepan and heat gently, stirring until you have a smooth sauce. Peel and split the bananas. Put 2 halves on each of 2 serving plates, add 2 scoops of ice cream to each plate, drizzle over the warm sauce and serve straight away."
"nutrients": {
"kcal": "519",
"fat": "26g",
"saturates": "16g",
"carbs": "63g",
"sugars": "58g",
"fibre": "1g",
"protein": "8g",
"salt": "0.4g"
"times": {
"Preparation": "5 mins",
"Cooking": "5 mins"
"serves": 2,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 4,
"subcategory": "Desserts",
"dish_type": "Quick desserts",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "20b99ff7-e136-4ac2-87f8-da3342591490",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "After-dinner mint cream",
"description": "This creamy syllabub is a spin on classic mint choc chip and a great way to use up leftover chocolates",
"author": "Silvana Franco",
"rattings": 4,
"ingredients": [
"250g mascarpone",
"300ml double cream",
"2-3 tbsp caster sugar",
"2-3 tbsp cream sherry (we used Harvey's Bristol Cream)",
"200g thin after-dinner mints, plus 6 extra to serve"
"steps": [
"Put the mascarpone, double cream, caster sugar and sherry in a bowl and whisk until thick enough to hold its shape. Break 200g of the after-dinner mints into small pieces, then beat these into the cream mixture. Spoon into tiny glasses or bowls and chill until needed. Add 1 more thin after-dinner mint to each dessert before serving"
"nutrients": {
"kcal": "595",
"fat": "51g",
"saturates": "30g",
"carbs": "33g",
"sugars": "32g",
"fibre": "0g",
"protein": "3g",
"salt": "0.21g"
"times": {
"Preparation": "10 mins",
"Cooking": "No Time"
"serves": 6,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 5,
"subcategory": "Desserts",
"dish_type": "Quick desserts",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "b51392db-5984-4f37-aca6-dfa2f191a17b",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Baileys banana trifles",
"description": "A quick and impressive make-ahead dessert with Irish cream for grown-ups, or use extra toffee sauce for kids",
"author": "Good Food team",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"300g pot extra-thick double cream",
"7 tbsp Irish cream",
"6 chocolate brownies (about 250g/9oz), broken up, or use crumbled chocolate biscuits or loaf cake",
"3 bananas, sliced",
"500g pot vanilla custard",
"6 tbsp toffee sauce",
"25g chocolate, grated"
"steps": [
"Mix the cream with 1 tbsp Irish cream, and set aside. Divide the brownie pieces between 6 glasses, then drizzle each with 1 tbsp Irish cream. Top with the sliced bananas, custard and boozy cream, dividing equally, then drizzle with toffee sauce and finish with grated chocolate. Can be made a few hours ahead."
"nutrients": {
"kcal": "689",
"fat": "46g",
"saturates": "26g",
"carbs": "63g",
"sugars": "53g",
"fibre": "2g",
"protein": "7g",
"salt": "0.43g"
"times": {
"Preparation": "10 mins"
"serves": 6,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 22,
"subcategory": "Desserts",
"dish_type": "Quick desserts",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "ffb1d9e6-8327-4fc7-b4cc-ba74b4e8bd9d",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "No-bake chocolate tart",
"description": "You can make this indulgent chocolate tart up to two days ahead. Any leftovers will make a welcome treat with a cup of coffee the next day",
"author": "Mary Cadogan",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"200g pack all-butter biscuit",
"100g butter",
"1 tbsp golden syrup or honey",
"100g bar dark chocolate",
"100g bar milk chocolate",
"1 tsp vanilla extract",
"2 tbsp icing sugar, plus extra for dusting",
"200ml whipping cream",
"3 tbsp cr\u00e8me fra\u00eeche, to decorate",
"200g raspberry, to serve"
"steps": [
"Crush the biscuits by putting them in a large, strong, plastic food bag and bashing with a rolling pin. Melt the butter with the syrup or honey in the microwave, then stir in the biscuits. Press onto the base and up the sides of a 12 x 36cm rectangular tin (or 23-25cm round flan tin) and chill while you make the filling.",
"Break up the two chocolate bars and put in a large bowl. Melt in the microwave for 2-3 mins on Medium, stirring halfway through. Stir in the vanilla extract, then sift in the icing sugar. Whip the cream until it just holds its shape, then fold into the melted chocolate. Pour into the prepared tin and smooth the top. Chill for at least 2 hrs or for up to 2 days.",
"Just before serving, remove the tart from the tin and slide it onto a flat plate (loosen edges first with the tip of a small pointed knife). You will find it easier to remove the tart if you leave it at room temperature for 30 mins. Put a few tsps of cr\u00e8me fra\u00eeche along the centre of the tart (or around the edges if the tart is circular) and top each with a raspberry, then dust lightly with icing sugar. Cut into thin slices and serve with extra raspberries on the side."
"nutrients": {
"kcal": "487",
"fat": "36g",
"saturates": "22g",
"carbs": "39g",
"sugars": "27g",
"fibre": "2g",
"protein": "4g",
"salt": "0.43g"
"times": {
"Preparation": "25 mins",
"Cooking": "No Time"
"serves": 8,
"difficult": "More effort",
"vote_count": 248,
"subcategory": "Desserts",
"dish_type": "Sweet tart recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "0b4089b0-c144-4d38-a72a-d2e3c4382b14",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Gregg's tangy lemon tart",
"description": "Gregg Wallace fell in love with Michel Roux Snr's lemon tart at first bite. This is his version of the classic recipe",
"author": "Gregg Wallace",
"rattings": 4,
"ingredients": [
"500g plain flour, plus extra for dusting",
"140g icing sugar",
"250g unsalted butter, cubed",
"4 egg yolks",
"5 eggs",
"140g caster sugar",
"150ml double cream",
"juice 2-3 lemon (about 100ml/3.5fl oz) and 2 tbsp lemon zest"
"steps": [
"To make the pastry, mix the flour and icing sugar in a bowl. Rub the butter into the flour with your fingers until crumbly. Mix in the egg yolks. If the pastry is still too dry, add 1-2 tbsp water until it comes together. Roll into a ball and divide in half (freeze one half for another recipe). Flatten out the pastry with your hands, wrap the dough in cling film, then chill for at least 30 mins. While the pastry is chilling, make the filling. Beat all the ingredients, except for the zest, together. Sieve the mixture, then stir in the zest.",
"Roll out the pastry on a lightly floured surface to about the thickness of a \u00a31 coin, then lift into a 23cm tart tin. Press down gently on the bottom and sides, then trim off any excess pastry. Stab a few holes in the bottom with a fork and put back in the fridge for 30 mins.",
"Heat oven to 160C/140C fan/gas 3. Line the tart with foil and fill with rice or dried beans. Bake for 10 mins, then remove the tart tin from the oven, discard the foil, and bake for another 20 mins until biscuity. When the pastry is ready, remove it from the oven, pour in the lemon mixture and bake again for 30-35 mins until just set. Leave to cool, then remove the tart from the tin and serve at room temperature or chilled."
"nutrients": {
"kcal": "770",
"fat": "44g",
"saturates": "24g",
"carbs": "86g",
"sugars": "38g",
"fibre": "2g",
"protein": "13g",
"salt": "0.18g"
"times": {
"Preparation": "25 mins",
"Cooking": "1 hr"
"serves": 8,
"difficult": "More effort",
"vote_count": 150,
"subcategory": "Desserts",
"dish_type": "Sweet tart recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "b11a27ab-8067-43ff-ab96-26dcfc958daf",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Raspberry bakewell slice",
"description": "Get ahead this weekend and make this indulgent, freezable treat, perfect for pud or with a cup of tea",
"author": "Good Food team",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"375g pack sweet shortcrust pastry",
"5 tbsp thick seedless raspberry jam",
"100g frozen raspberries, just thawed",
"25g flaked almonds",
"4 tbsp apricot jam",
"200g butter, very soft, plus a little extra for the tin",
"200g golden caster sugar",
"100g ground almonds",
"100g self-raising flour",
"1 tsp baking powder",
"\u00bd tsp almond extract",
"4 eggs, beaten"
"steps": [
"Heat oven to 200C/180C fan/gas 6. Line the base and sides of a buttered traybake tin, about 18-20cm x 30cm, with baking parchment. Roll out the pastry to line. Lift into the tin and evenly press right into the corners. Prick with a fork and chill for 20 mins.",
"Bake the pastry for 8-10 mins until it\u2018s cooked but not too coloured. Cool for a few mins and turn down the oven to 180C/160C fan/gas 4. Dot the raspberry jam over the pastry (there's no need to spread) and scatter over the raspberries.",
"For the sponge, put all the ingredients into a large bowl and beat with an electric whisk until soft and very well mixed. Spoon this over the raspberry layer, then smooth evenly. Scatter over the flaked almonds and bake for 35-40 mins until golden and firm. Cool completely in the tin. Will freeze for up to 3 months \u2013 overwrap the tin with baking parchment and foil beforehand.",
"To serve, thaw for 4 hrs at room temperature, then reheat in a low oven. Melt the apricot jam with 1 tbsp water and brush over the top of the sponge just before serving."
"nutrients": {
"kcal": "595",
"fat": "38g",
"saturates": "16g",
"carbs": "57g",
"sugars": "36g",
"fibre": "2g",
"protein": "9g",
"salt": "0.76g"
"times": {
"Preparation": "45 mins",
"Cooking": "35 mins"
"serves": 10,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 73,
"subcategory": "Desserts",
"dish_type": "Sweet tart recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "9f6a63b0-a84d-4ed3-8d25-2024965745e7",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Clementine custard tarts",
"description": "Try a festive twist on custard tarts by adding the zest and juice of clementines. They're delicious served with an afternoon cuppa at Christmas",
"author": "Samuel Goldsmith",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"6 clementines, 3 zested, all juiced (you\u2019ll need about 240ml)",
"320g sheet ready-rolled puff pastry",
"plain flour, for dusting",
"2 eggs, plus 3 egg yolks (freeze the extra whites to make meringues)",
"2 tbsp cornflour",
"2 tbsp caster sugar",
"450ml whole milk",
"icing sugar, for dusting (optional)"
"steps": [
"Heat the oven to 200C/180C fan/gas 6. Bring the clementine juice to the boil in a small saucepan over a medium heat. Cook until it has reduced to about 50ml (this may take up to 20 mins). Leave to cool.",
"Unravel the puff pastry. Scatter two-thirds of the clementine zest over it. Re-roll the pastry into a tight spiral from one of the short ends, then cut along its length at 2cm intervals into 12 even rounds. On a lightly floured surface, roll each round into a roughly 10cm circle. Line the holes of a 12-hole muffin tin with the pastry rounds. Chill in the fridge until needed.",
"Put the eggs, egg yolks, cornflour, sugar, reduced clementine juice and the remaining zest in a pan, and whisk together to combine. Gradually whisk in the milk until the mixture is smooth, then warm over a low-medium heat until thickened and starting to simmer, about 8-10 mins. Remove from the heat, pour into a jug and leave to cool for a few minutes, whisking occasionally to prevent a skin from forming.",
"Fill each pastry case with custard until almost full. Bake for 18-22 mins until the pastry cases are golden and the custard has browned slightly on top. Leave to cool completely in the tin. Dust with icing sugar, before serving, if you like."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "25 mins",
"Cooking": "25 mins"
"serves": 12,
"difficult": "More effort",
"vote_count": 2,
"subcategory": "Desserts",
"dish_type": "Sweet tart recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "c71c9b57-715d-4b98-801b-34c11766b903",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Custard tart",
"description": "With buttery pastry and a creamy filling, it's no wonder this dish has become a classic",
"author": "Barney Desmazery",
"rattings": 4,
"ingredients": [
"140g butter, chilled and diced",
"250g plain flour",
"zest 1 lemon",
"100g golden caster sugar",
"1 egg, beaten",
"1 tbsp whole milk",
"250ml double cream",
"250ml milk",
"1 vanilla pod, split",
"1 strip lemon zest",
"whole nutmeg",
"8 egg yolks",
"100g golden caster sugar"
"steps": [
"To make the pastry, rub the butter into the flour with the lemon zest and a pinch of salt until it resembles breadcrumbs. Add the sugar, egg and milk and bring together to form a dough. This can be made 2 days in advance.",
"On a lightly floured surface, roll the pastry out and use it to line a 20cm tart tin, leave 2cm of pastry hanging over the edge. Chill for 30 mins.",
"Heat oven to 180C/160C fan/gas 4. Line the case with baking beans, bake blind for 20 mins, then remove the beans and continue to cook for a further 20 mins until the base is biscuity. Remove from oven and reduce the temperature to 140C/120C fan/gas 1.",
"Bring the cream, milk, vanilla pod, lemon zest and a small grating of nutmeg to the boil. Beat the egg yolks with the sugar until pale, then pour the hot milk and cream over, beating as you go. Strain custard into a jug, allow to settle for a few mins, then skim off any froth.",
"Carefully pour the custard into the tart case, grate some more nutmeg over the top and bake for 40 mins or until just set with the very slightest wobble in the middle. Remove from the oven, trim the pastry edges off (away from the filling), then leave to cool completely before serving in slices with a grating more of nutmeg, if you like."
"nutrients": {
"kcal": "593",
"fat": "40g",
"saturates": "21g",
"carbs": "53g",
"sugars": "29g",
"fibre": "1g",
"protein": "9g",
"salt": "0.33g"
"times": {
"Preparation": "25 mins",
"Cooking": "1 hr and 20 mins"
"serves": 8,
"difficult": "More effort",
"vote_count": 34,
"subcategory": "Desserts",
"dish_type": "Sweet tart recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "102ad8b8-c42d-4c86-8afb-580f0454a4f3",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Tarte tatin",
"description": "Dark and sticky caramel, sweet apples and crisp pastry combine to make this heavenly French dessert. And with Raymond Blanc's recipe, you can make it perfectly every time",
"author": "Raymond Blanc",
"rattings": 4,
"ingredients": [
"300g all-butter puff pastry",
"plain flour, for dusting",
"6 dessert apples (about 900g/2lb), such as Braeburn, Cox\u2019s Orange Pippin or Adam\u2019s Pearmain",
"100g golden caster sugar",
"85g unsalted butter (60g/21/4oz chilled and diced, 25g/1oz melted)",
"cr\u00e8me fra\u00eeche (full-fat please!) or high-quality vanilla ice cream, to serve"
"steps": [
"Roll the pastry to a 3mm-thick round on a lightly floured surface and cut a 24cm circle, using a plate as a guide. Lightly prick all over with a fork, place on a baking sheet, then cover and freeze while preparing the apples.",
"Heat oven to 180C/160C fan/gas 4. Peel, quarter and core the apples. Put the sugar in a flameproof 20cm ceramic tatin dish or a 20cm ovenproof heavy-based frying pan and place over a medium-high heat. Cook the sugar for 5-7 mins to a dark amber caramel syrup that\u2019s starting to smoke, then turn off the heat and stir in the 60g diced chilled butter.",
"To assemble the tarte tatin, arrange the apple quarters very tightly in a circle around the edge of the dish first, rounded-side down, then fill in the middle in a similar fashion. Gently press with your hands to ensure there are no gaps. Brush the fruit with the melted butter.",
"Bake in the oven for 30 mins, then remove and place the disc of frozen puff pastry on top \u2013 it will quickly defrost. Tuck the edges down the inside of the dish and, with a knife, prick a few holes in the pastry to allow steam to escape. Bake for a further 40-45 mins until the pastry is golden brown and crisp.",
"Allow to cool to room temperature for 1 hr before running a knife around the edge of the dish and inverting it onto a large serving plate that is deep enough to contain the juices. Serve with cr\u00e8me fra\u00eeche or vanilla ice cream."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "20 mins",
"Cooking": "1 hr and 15 mins"
"serves": 6,
"difficult": "A challenge",
"vote_count": 70,
"subcategory": "Desserts",
"dish_type": "Sweet tart recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "7ce62148-dbb3-409c-ba84-dc2220afae78",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Flat apple & vanilla tart",
"description": "A gorgeous looking tart that is fantastic for any occasion - from morning tea to decadent dessert",
"author": "Mary Cadogan",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"375g pack puff pastry, preferably all-butter",
"5 large eating apples - Cox's, russets or Elstar",
"juice of 1 lemon",
"25g butter, cut into small pieces",
"3 tsp vanilla sugar or 1 tsp vanilla extract",
"1 tbsp caster sugar",
"3 rounded tbsp apricot conserve"
"steps": [
"Heat oven to 220C/fan 200C/gas 7. Roll out the pastry and trim to a round about 35cm across. Transfer to a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.",
"Peel, core and thinly slice the apples and toss in the lemon juice. Spread over the pastry to within 2cm of the edges. Curl up the edges slightly to stop the juices running off.",
"Dot the top with the butter and sprinkle with vanilla and caster sugar. Bake for 15-20 mins until the apples are tender and the pastry crisp.",
"Warm the conserve and brush over the apples and pastry edge. Serve hot with vanilla ice cream or cr\u00e8me fra\u00eeche."
"nutrients": {
"kcal": "356",
"fat": "18g",
"saturates": "8g",
"carbs": "47g",
"sugars": "10.7g",
"fibre": "2g",
"protein": "4g",
"salt": "0.58g"
"times": {
"Preparation": "10 mins",
"Cooking": "20 mins"
"serves": 6,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 88,
"subcategory": "Desserts",
"dish_type": "Sweet tart recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "ecb37b2f-4a61-4e36-b9e8-2e1ed9539af8",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Manchester tart",
"description": "End dinner on a retro note with this Manchester tart recipe. It's easy enough to make midweek, and with a pastry base and custard filling, it's also super-comforting",
"author": "Liberty Mendez",
"rattings": 3,
"ingredients": [
"175g raspberry jam",
"50g desiccated coconut, lightly toasted",
"12 maraschino cherries",
"200g plain flour",
"100g cold unsalted butter, cut into cubes",
"65g icing sugar",
"1 large egg yolk",
"800ml whole milk",
"2 tsp vanilla bean paste",
"5 large egg yolks",
"100g caster sugar",
"50g custard powder"
"steps": [
"To make the pastry, put the flour and butter in a bowl and rub with your fingertips until the mixture resembles breadcrumbs. Mix in the sugar and a pinch of salt, followed by the egg yolk, and bring it together into a dough. If the pastry is too dry to come together, add 1-2 tbsp cold water. Tip onto a work surface and form into a rough ball. Knead briefly.",
"Roll the pastry out between two sheets of baking parchment into a roughly 28cm circle. Chill for 20-30 mins until firm, then use it to line a 23cm tart tin. Push the pastry into the corners, then trim the edge so there\u2019s 1-2cm pastry overhanging the rim (don\u2019t worry if it breaks slightly, as it can be patched with any off-cuts). Prick the pastry base several times with a fork, then chill for 45 mins. Heat the oven to 200C/180C fan/gas 6.",
"Line the chilled pastry case with a sheet of baking parchment, then fill to the top with baking beans, uncooked rice or lentils. Bake for 15 mins, then remove the beans and parchment and bake for 10-15 mins more until the pastry is golden brown. Leave to cool in the tin, then trim the excess pastry using a small serrated knife.",
"Meanwhile, make the custard. Bring the milk and vanilla to the boil in a large saucepan over a medium heat. Beat the egg yolks, caster sugar and custard powder together in a medium bowl until well combined.",
"Slowly pour the hot milk mixture over the egg mixture, whisking continuously until everything is smooth and well combined. Tip the custard mixture back into the pan and cook over a medium-low heat, stirring continuously, for 2-3 mins until very thick. Remove from the heat and leave to cool slightly.",
"Spread the jam over the base of the cooled pastry case. Carefully pour over the custard and smooth with the back of a spoon or spatula. Sprinkle over the coconut and dot the maraschino cherries around the edge in a circle. Chill for 2-3 hrs, or until set."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "25 mins",
"Cooking": "25 mins"
"serves": 12,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 2,
"subcategory": "Desserts",
"dish_type": "Sweet tart recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "bd5f202b-a407-4588-8195-e11193100a49",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Mini bakewell tarts",
"description": "Use shop-bought pastry to make our easy bakewell tarts. Simply layer jam, frangipane and icing inside a shortcrust case for a nostalgic teatime treat",
"author": "Elena Silcock",
"rattings": 4,
"ingredients": [
" 2 x 320g sheets of all butter shortcrust pastry",
"120g butter, softened ",
"120g golden caster sugar",
"1 egg",
"1 tbsp plain flour",
"110g ground almonds",
"90g cherry jam",
"200g icing sugar",
"12 glac\u00e9 cherries"
"steps": [
"Heat the oven to 180C/160C fan/gas 4. Lightly butter a 12 hole muffin tin. Unroll the sheet of pastry and use a 10cm circular pastry cutter to cut 12 circles out of the pastry sheet. Press the cut circles into the holes of the tin, making sure they come right up and slightly over the top \u2013 pushing out any creases. Chill the pastry in the fridge for 20mins. Scrunch up 10cm x 10cm squares of baking paper and then un-scrunch and use to line each of the pastry tarts, then fill with baking beans, rice or dried pulses. Bake for 10 mins, then remove the paper and beans and bake for 10 mins longer, until golden brown. Set aside to cool a little.",
"Make the filling by beating together the butter and sugar until light and fluffy, then whisk in the egg, followed by the flour (the flour will prevent the mixture from splitting). Fold in the ground almonds. Spoon a level tsp of cherry jam into each of the pastry shells, followed by a tablespoon of the frangipane mixture. Bake for 20 mins, until the frangipane is golden and springy. Set aside to cool completely. Neaten the edges of the pastry with a small knife or scissors if you like.",
"Mix the icing sugar with 2 tbsp water. Spread the icing over each of the tarts, top each with a glac\u00e9 cherry, leave to set for 20 mins, then serve with tea."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "30 mins",
"Cooking": "40 mins"
"serves": 12,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 58,
"subcategory": "Desserts",
"dish_type": "Sweet tart recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "3ca4b55d-ae79-46ea-b4b4-d1b1bec833fd",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Next-level egg custard tart",
"description": "Bake your own custard tart with our next-level recipe. We\u2019ve updated this classic dessert with a few extra touches, including a new way to make pastry with brown butter",
"author": "Barney Desmazery",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"125g cold butter, cut into cubes",
"200g plain flour, plus extra for dusting",
"50g icing sugar",
"1 egg yolk",
"600ml double cream",
" \u00bc tsp vanilla extract",
"8 egg yolks",
"100g caster sugar",
"grating of nutmeg (at least half a nutmeg)"
"steps": [
"First, make the pastry. Melt the butter in a saucepan until foaming, then sizzle until it turns nut-brown. Pour off the fat into a bowl, leaving the sediment in the pan to be discarded. Leave the fat to cool, then chill until it hardens again. Combine the flour, icing sugar and a pinch of salt in a medium bowl. When the fat has hardened, cut it into chunks and rub it into the flour mixture until crumbly. Stir in the egg yolk and 1 tsp cold water, and bring it together into a dough. Flatten into a disc, then cover and chill for at least 30 mins. Can be made up to two days ahead. (The pastry can also be made with regular butter.)",
"Roll the chilled pastry out on a lightly floured surface to a roughly 5mm thickness, then lift into a 20cm tart tin. Press the pastry into the base and up the side using a small piece of excess floured pastry. Leave some overhanging the rim. Chill for at least 30 mins, or freeze for 10 mins. Reserve any excess pastry.",
"Heat the oven to 180C/160C fan/gas 4. Line the pastry case with baking parchment and fill with baking beans or uncooked rice. Put on a baking tray and bake for 15 mins. Remove the parchment and beans and bake for 15-20 mins more until biscuity.",
"Meanwhile, make the filling. Tip the cream and vanilla into a saucepan and bring to the boil. Stir (don\u2019t whisk) the egg yolks and sugar together in a heatproof bowl. Slowly drizzle the hot cream over the egg yolk mixture, stirring continuously (not whisking) until everything is incorporated. Sieve the custard through a fine mesh sieve into a jug, then spoon off any froth.",
"Remove the baked tart case from the oven, and reduce the temperature to 140C/120C fan/gas 1. Trim the excess pastry from the case, and mend any cracks with the reserved raw pastry. With the tart case on the baking tray, slide it halfway back into the oven, then carefully pour in the filling to the top of the case. Finely grate over at least half a nutmeg. Gently slide the tray fully into the oven and bake for 40 mins, or until just set with a very slight wobble. Leave to cool completely in the tin, then remove from the case and cut into slices."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "30 mins",
"Cooking": "50 mins"
"serves": 8,
"difficult": "More effort",
"vote_count": 8,
"subcategory": "Desserts",
"dish_type": "Sweet tart recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "98bafc48-0334-45e1-a316-5586596817fd",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Millionaire's chocolate tart",
"description": "A dinner party version of teatime favourite, millionaire's shortbread. It's not too bitter, so the kids will love it too",
"author": "Sarah Cook",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"375g pack dessert shortcrust pastry",
"1 tsp vanilla paste or extract",
"flour, for dusting",
"250g caramel",
"100g 70% plain chocolate, broken into pieces",
"100g white chocolate, broken into pieces",
"6 tbsp melted butter",
"2 eggs, plus 3 egg yolks",
"4 tbsp golden caster sugar",
"icing sugar and single cream, to serve (optional)"
"steps": [
"Break the pastry into chunks and drop into a food processor. Drizzle over the vanilla paste and pulse until the vanilla is speckled through the pastry (the extract should be completely absorbed). Tip out onto a floured surface, bring together into a ball, then roll out to line a 23cm tart tin (leave any overhanging pastry as you will trim this away when the tart is baked). Chill for 30 mins.",
"Heat oven to 200C/180C fan/gas 6. Line the pastry with greaseproof paper. Fill with baking beans, bake blind for 15-20 mins, then remove the paper and beans and bake for 5-10 mins more until pale golden. Carefully spread caramel over the base and set aside while you make the filling. Lower oven to 180C/160C fan/gas 4.",
"Melt the chocolates in a bowl over a pan of barely simmering water, then stir in the melted butter. Whisk the eggs, yolks and sugar together with an electric whisk in a large mixing bowl for 10 mins, until pale and thick enough to leave a trail when the beaters are lifted up. Fold in the melted chocolate with a large metal spoon, then scrape into the tin.",
"Bake for 20-25 mins \u2013 the surface should be set and puffed but still with a slight wobble. Cool, then chill for at least 3 hrs or overnight, before dusting with icing sugar and serving."
"nutrients": {
"kcal": "618",
"fat": "39g",
"saturates": "18g",
"carbs": "62g",
"sugars": "41g",
"fibre": "2g",
"protein": "9g",
"salt": "0.59g"
"times": {
"Preparation": "30 mins",
"Cooking": "55 mins"
"serves": 10,
"difficult": "More effort",
"vote_count": 63,
"subcategory": "Desserts",
"dish_type": "Sweet tart recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "4663f186-7068-4e00-a72c-cc713521b774",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Butternut squash tarte tatin",
"description": "Revamp the classic tarte tatin and try our vibrant veg version. Our butternut squash tarte is delicious served warm with a scoop of vanilla ice cream",
"author": "Lulu Grimes",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"650-700g butternut squash, peeled and cut into 2mm round slices",
"150g golden caster sugar",
"large pinch ground ginger",
"large pinch ground cinnamon",
"\u00bd lemon, juiced",
"20g butter",
"250g puff pastry (half a block or 3/4 of a ready-rolled sheet)",
"cr\u00e8me fra\u00eeche or ice cream to serve"
"steps": [
"Heat the oven to 180C/160C fan/gas 4. Lay the squash slices on a baking tray and sprinkle over a little of the caster sugar. Bake for 20 mins or until the squash is still slightly resistant to a sharp knife, but not hard. Don\u2019t overcook the squash, or it will break when you try to move it.",
"Meanwhile, scatter the rest of the sugar into an ovenproof frying pan about 20cm across, and heat it gently until it melts and starts to caramelise. Tip the pan if you need to combine patches of sugar that haven\u2019t melted into the liquid parts, but don\u2019t be tempted to stir. When you have a medium amber-coloured caramel, sprinkle on the spices and lemon juice. Turn the heat off.",
"Take the squash out of the oven and leave to cool for a couple of mins. Use tongs to place the squash in the frying pan, gently arranging the slices in a tight spiral on the caramel. Start with a large slice in the centre and lay the other slices on top so it looks neat when you turn it out. When the squash is all in the pan, turn the heat on again and cook until the caramel starts to bubble. Turn the heat down and cook for about 10-15 mins, making sure the caramel doesn\u2019t burn. You want the squash to give off any water and then to start absorbing the caramel \u2013 the caramel will start to get very liquid as this happens, so turn the heat up at the end and make sure the caramel thickens up completely. Turn the heat off, drop the butter into the centre of the pan and wait for it to melt.",
"Cut the pastry into a rough circle just bigger than the pan and drape it over the squash, folding any excess over on itself and carefully tucking it in around the edge. Bake for 20 mins, then turn the heat down to 160C/140C fan/gas 3 and bake for a further 20 mins. Turn out onto a plate while the tarte is hot so the squash and caramel release easily. Serve with cr\u00e8me fra\u00eeche or ice cream."
"nutrients": {
"kcal": "249",
"fat": "10g",
"saturates": "5g",
"carbs": "35g",
"sugars": "22g",
"fibre": "3g",
"protein": "3g",
"salt": "0.32g"
"times": {
"Preparation": "30 mins",
"Cooking": "1 hr"
"serves": 8,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 2,
"subcategory": "Desserts",
"dish_type": "Sweet tart recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "7383f802-5177-4a41-8dbc-f41b658ac87a",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Chocolate, hazelnut & salted caramel tart",
"description": "A buttery pastry case with a layer of caramel and just a hint of salt, studded with nuts and finished with a fudge filling",
"author": "Good Food team",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"50g blanched hazelnut",
"200g plain flour",
"1 tbsp icing sugar",
"140g cold butter, diced",
"1 egg yolk",
"flour, for dusting",
"75g caster sugar",
"25g butter",
"100ml double cream",
"1 tbsp golden syrup",
"large pinch sea salt flakes",
"50g blanched hazelnut, toasted and roughly chopped",
"100g dark chocolate (70%)",
"75g butter",
"2 large eggs, plus 1 yolk",
"50g caster sugar",
"1 tbsp cocoa"
"steps": [
"To make the pastry, whizz the hazelnuts in a food processor until finely ground. Add the flour, icing sugar and butter, and pulse until the mixture resembles breadcrumbs. Add the egg yolk and 1-2 tbsp cold water, and pulse until the dough comes together. Tip the dough out and flatten into a disc, then wrap in cling film and chill for 30 mins.",
"Heat oven to 180C/160C fan/gas 4. On a floured surface, roll out the pastry to line a 23cm loose-bottomed, deep tart tin. Trim the edges and prick the base with a fork, then line with baking parchment and fill with baking beans. Bake for 20 mins, then carefully remove the baking beans and parchment and bake for a further 5-10 mins until light golden. Allow to cool.",
"Meanwhile, make the salted caramel. Tip the sugar into a small pan, add 1-2 tbsp water and heat gently to dissolve the sugar. Increase the heat and cook until the sugar turns to an ambercoloured caramel. Reduce the heat and add the butter, cream and golden syrup, and stir until the sauce is smooth and thickened. Remove from the heat and add the salt. Allow to cool for a few mins, then spread onto the tart base. Scatter with chopped hazelnuts and set aside.",
"For the chocolate filling, melt the chocolate and butter in a heatproof bowl set over a pan of simmering water. Stir until smooth, then remove from the heat and allow to cool slightly. In a separate bowl, whisk the eggs, egg yolk and caster sugar for about 6 mins until thick and pale. Fold in the melted chocolate and cocoa, then pour into the tart case. Transfer to a baking sheet and cook for 20-25 mins or until set and the top has formed a crust. Allow to cool to room temperature before serving in slices."
"nutrients": {
"kcal": "424",
"fat": "31g",
"saturates": "16g",
"carbs": "31g",
"sugars": "19g",
"fibre": "2g",
"protein": "5g",
"salt": "0.6g"
"times": {
"Preparation": "40 mins",
"Cooking": "45 mins - 50 mins"
"serves": 12,
"difficult": "More effort",
"vote_count": 55,
"subcategory": "Desserts",
"dish_type": "Sweet tart recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "96a17a02-0f23-40c9-925c-274fe847de35",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Peach & almond tart",
"description": "Juicy peaches, sweet almonds, melt-in-the-mouth pastry... you'll want a large slice of this one",
"author": "Gregg Wallace",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"175g plain flour, plus extra for rolling",
"85g cold unsalted butter, cut into small pieces",
"1 tbsp caster sugar",
"2 egg yolks",
"100g caster sugar",
"140g butter",
"2 eggs, beaten",
"140g ground almond",
"50g plain flour",
"3 peaches, sliced",
"peach preserve or apricot jam",
"cr\u00e8me fra\u00eeche, to serve"
"steps": [
"To make the pastry, rub together the flour and butter until it looks like fine breadcrumbs, then mix in the sugar. Add 1 egg yolk and 1 tsp water, followed by the next yolk and 1 tsp water until the dough just comes together. Wrap in cling film and refrigerate for 30 mins.",
"Heat oven to 200C/180C fan/gas 6. Roll the pastry out on a lightly floured surface until big enough to line a 23cm tart tin. If the dough rips, simply patch it up. Cut away the excess pastry. Line with greaseproof paper, fill with baking beans, then bake for 10 mins. Remove paper and beans. Prick quite a few holes in the base of your tart, then bake for another 10-15 mins until biscuity.",
"While the pastry cooks, make the filling. Whisk the sugar and butter together until you get a pale paste. Beat in the eggs and finally add the almonds and flour. Spoon into pastry case, arrange the peach slices across the top in a pattern and bake for 30-40 mins until golden. When cool, brush your preserve or jam across the top. Serve with a little pot of cr\u00e8me fra\u00eeche on the side and eat it quick before anyone else gets their hands on it!"
"nutrients": {
"kcal": "537",
"fat": "37g",
"saturates": "16g",
"carbs": "45g",
"sugars": "22g",
"fibre": "3g",
"protein": "10g",
"salt": "0.29g"
"times": {
"Preparation": "25 mins",
"Cooking": "1 hr"
"serves": 8,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 35,
"subcategory": "Desserts",
"dish_type": "Sweet tart recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "794b377a-f32e-47b9-96b0-dc672fb9df09",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Chocolate & date tart",
"description": "Impress your guests with this decadent chocolate and date tart in a shortcrust pastry case. Suitable for vegans, it's sure to go down a treat with everyone",
"author": "Elena Silcock",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"flour, for rolling",
"320g shortcrust pastry sheet (ensure vegan if needed)",
"180g medjool dates, pitted and chopped ",
"400ml coconut milk",
"1 tsp vanilla extract",
"200g dairy-free dark chocolate, finely chopped ",
"3 tbsp coconut oil",
"1 tbsp cocoa powder",
"\u00bd tbsp icing sugar"
"steps": [
"Un-roll the pastry sheet onto a lightly floured surface, mix the cocoa powder and icing sugar together. Use a sieve to sprinkle all over the pastry sheet, then fold in half like a book and chill for 15 mins. On a lightly floured surface, roll the pastry sheet into a slightly larger rectangle, big enough to line a 20cm tart tin. Line the tin, leaving any overhanging pastry \u2013 you'll trim this away once the tart is baked. Chill for 30 mins on a baking tray. Heat oven to 200C/180C fan/gas 6.",
"Line the pastry with greaseproof paper and fill with baking beans. Bake for 15-20 mins, then remove the paper and beans and bake for 15 mins more, until cooked through. Remove from the oven and leave the case to cool in its tin, then trim the sides.",
"While the pastry is cooling, make the date caramel. Warm the coconut milk until steaming, then pour 120ml of the coconut milk over the dates. Soak for 5 mins then tip into a food processor with the vanilla extract and a big pinch of flaky salt. Blitz until smooth. Spread the caramel onto the base of the tart and put in the fridge for 30 mins to set a little.",
"To make the ganache topping, heat the remaining coconut milk over a low heat until steaming. Put the chocolate and coconut oil in a large bowl and pour the warm coconut milk over the top. Leave to sit for a minute, then gently stir until combined. Spoon the mixture over the caramel and spread it out \u2013 don\u2019t worry if the caramel comes up the sides a bit. Sprinkle with flaky sea salt and leave to set in the fridge for about an hour, then bring to room temperature before slicing and serving."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "30 mins",
"Cooking": "40 mins"
"serves": 8,
"difficult": "More effort",
"vote_count": 9,
"subcategory": "Desserts",
"dish_type": "Sweet tart recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "3045b260-9ce2-4a2c-8b3f-293469205844",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Custard tart with nutmeg pastry",
"description": "There's something so honest about a custard tart, simply topped with a grating of nutmeg",
"author": "Good Food team",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"500g pack shortcrust pastry",
"1 whole nutmeg, for grating",
"4 large eggs",
"140g golden caster sugar",
"300ml double cream",
"300ml whole milk",
"1 vanilla pod, seeds scraped out"
"steps": [
"Heat oven to 200C/180C fan/gas 6. Roll the pastry out to about 1cm thick, then grate over a dusting of nutmeg using a fine grater. Fold the dough in half, then roll out again, to the thickness of 2 x \u00a31 coins and large enough to line a 20cm loose-bottomed sandwich tin with some overhang. Press the pastry into the tin (leaving the excess draped over the sides), put onto a baking sheet and chill for 10 mins. Line the pastry with baking parchment and fill with baking beans. Bake for 20 mins, then remove beans and paper. Bake for another 15 mins until golden and sandy all over. Trim the edges of the tart with a sharp serrated knife.",
"Turn oven down to 150C/130C fan/ gas 2. Whisk together the eggs and sugar in a large bowl. Put the cream, milk, vanilla pod and seeds into a saucepan and bring to the boil. Pour onto the eggs, whisking as you go. Sieve into a jug. Put the baking sheet onto the pulled-out oven rack, then pour in the custard, right to the top. You may not need every last drop. Grate over a nice layer of nutmeg, then slide gently back into the oven and bake for 1 hr. When it\u2019s ready, the tart should be set and pale golden on the top, and have just the merest tremor in the centre when you jiggle the tray. Cool completely, then serve in slices."
"nutrients": {
"kcal": "405",
"fat": "28g",
"saturates": "13g",
"carbs": "33g",
"sugars": "14g",
"fibre": "1g",
"protein": "6g",
"salt": "0.54g"
"times": {
"Preparation": "15 mins",
"Cooking": "1 hr and 35 mins"
"serves": 12,
"difficult": "More effort",
"vote_count": 33,
"subcategory": "Desserts",
"dish_type": "Sweet tart recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "e16f0517-f99c-41ff-bbc5-9f7d768cca4b",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Blueberry & almond tart",
"description": "Use Mary Cadogan's shortcrust pastry case recipe as the base for this gorgeous summery tart",
"author": "Mary Cadogan",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"85g softened butter",
"175g caster sugar",
"175g ground almonds",
"2 eggs, beaten",
"few drops almond extract",
"2 x 125g punnets blueberries",
"23-24cm cooked shortcrust pastry tart case (see 'goes well with')",
"icing sugar, for dusting"
"steps": [
"Heat oven to 190C/170C fan/gas 5. Beat together the butter and sugar until it is light and fluffy, about 1 min. Stir in the almonds, egg and almond extract.",
"Stir in half the blueberries and spoon into the pastry case. Smooth the top using the back of a metal spoon, then scatter over the remaining blueberries, pressing them in lightly. Bake for 45-50 mins until the pastry is crisp and golden, and the filling is golden and feels firm to the touch.",
"Cool the tart for 10 mins in the tin, then lift onto a serving plate. Dust with a little icing sugar and serve warm or at room temperature."
"nutrients": {
"kcal": "513",
"fat": "33g",
"saturates": "14g",
"carbs": "47g",
"sugars": "27g",
"fibre": "3g",
"protein": "9g",
"salt": "0.35g"
"times": {
"Preparation": "15 mins",
"Cooking": "50 mins"
"serves": 8,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 31,
"subcategory": "Desserts",
"dish_type": "Sweet tart recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "ca022a29-88ea-4a3f-bcf7-528473907289",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Banoffee pie",
"description": "An easy family favourite with buttery pastry and sweet dulce de leche. We recommend a generous dollop of cream to serve",
"author": "Miriam Nice",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"4 bananas, sliced",
"394g caramel or dulce de leche",
"300ml double cream",
"dark chocolate (optional)",
"100g butter, chilled (plus extra for greasing)",
"200g plain flour",
"1 medium egg, separated",
"1 tbsp golden caster sugar"
"steps": [
"Start by making the pastry case. Put the butter and flour in a food processor and pulse until it resembles fresh breadcrumbs. Add the yolk of the egg and the sugar and pulse again until mixed through then, add a tbsp at a time of very cold water pulsing the processor after each addition. Stop adding water as soon as the dough starts to come together as one piece.",
"Remove the dough from the processor and continue to bring together by kneading gently with your hands. Once you have a smooth ball of dough wrap it tightly in cling film and chill in the fridge for 30mins. ",
"Heat oven to 190C/170C/gas 4 and grease a 23cm loose bottomed fluted tart tin. Roll out the chilled pastry on a lightly floured surface and use it to line the tin. Leave about half a cm of pastry proud of the edge of the tin - snipping it to length with kitchen scissors. ",
"Line the base with a piece of baking parchment and weigh it down with baking beans or uncooked rice. Bake for 15 mins then remove the paper and beans and brush the pastry surface with beaten egg white. Return to the oven for a further 15-20 mins or until crisp, golden and cooked through. Leave to cool completely (can be done a day ahead). ",
"Spread half of the caramel on the case of the pastry case and layer the sliced bananas on top. Cover with the rest of the caramel and place in the fridge.",
"Whip the cream until billowy thick and spoon it over the top of the tart. To serve finely grate over a 1-2 pieces of dark chocolate to garnish. "
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "30 mins",
"Cooking": "30 mins - 35 mins"
"serves": 8,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 12,
"subcategory": "Desserts",
"dish_type": "Sweet tart recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "e51b1126-c197-4778-959b-582f0226dba5",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Caramelised passion fruit & lime tart",
"description": "This zingy tart has a wonderful flavour and is a great way to cook with passion friut",
"author": "Barney Desmazery",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"500g pack dessert pastry",
"8 passion fruits",
"finely grated zest and juice of 1 lime",
"200g golden caster sugar",
"6 egg yolks",
"142ml tub double cream",
"icing sugar for dusting (optional)"
"steps": [
"Roll out the pastry and use it to line a 23cm tart ring, then chill for at least 20 mins. Heat oven to 180C/fan160C/gas 4. Line the tart with baking parchment and baking beans, then bake for 15 mins. Remove the parchment, bake for a further 5-10 mins until golden, then remove from the oven and reduce the temperature to 140C/fan 120C/gas 1.",
"While the case is cooking, cut the passion fruits in half, scoop out the flesh into a bowl, then blitz with a hand blender. Push the pulp through sieve and mix the juice with the lime zest and juice. Beat the sugar and yolks together until pale, then beat in the cream and fruit juice. Carefully pour the custard into the tart case, then bake for 40 mins, until set with a very slight wobble. Remove the tart from the oven, then leave to cool completely.",
"You can now either serve the tart as it is, or try a chef\u2019s tip and dust it with icing sugar, then caramelise the top with a blowtorch."
"nutrients": {
"kcal": "546",
"fat": "34g",
"saturates": "13g",
"carbs": "57g",
"sugars": "34g",
"fibre": "2g",
"protein": "6g",
"salt": "0.36g"
"times": {
"Preparation": "30 mins",
"Cooking": "40 mins"
"serves": 8,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 24,
"subcategory": "Desserts",
"dish_type": "Sweet tart recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "90b50151-7598-402a-9bb9-ecde34636beb",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Chocolate crunch with caramel sauce",
"description": "Update a classic school-dinner recipe by using caramel sauce instead of pink custard to serve alongside chocolate squares. Kids (and big kids) will love it",
"author": "Lulu Grimes",
"rattings": 4,
"ingredients": [
"175g plain flour",
"50g ground almonds",
"60g cocoa",
"115g golden caster sugar",
"145g butter, softened, plus extra for the tin",
"demerara sugar, for sprinkling over",
"4 tbsp caramel",
"50ml single cream"
"steps": [
"Heat oven to 180C/160C fan/gas 4. Put the flour, almonds, cocoa, caster sugar and a large pinch of salt into a food processor and whizz briefly. Add the butter and whizz until the mixture resembles damp sand.",
"Generously butter the base and sides of a small (15 x 25cm) baking tin. Tip the mixture into the tin and press it down. Bake for 30 mins. Remove from the oven, sprinkle over some demerara sugar and cut into squares using a sharp knife while still it\u2019s soft.",
"Meanwhile, heat the caramel and cream together in a pan. Serve the concrete warm with the caramel sauce. You can cool any leftovers and eat them cold \u2013 they will harden like shortbread."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "15 mins",
"Cooking": "30 mins"
"serves": 12,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 7,
"subcategory": "Desserts",
"dish_type": "Family dessert recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "cd93d006-5ac5-46c5-8c9c-2ec1126a5a0f",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Salted caramel & apple pudding",
"description": "Whip up this warming, family-friendly dessert in under an hour using apples and golden caramel. Serve hot from the oven with a scoop of ice cream",
"author": "Liberty Mendez",
"rattings": 3,
"ingredients": [
"1 tbsp butter, softened",
"3 large eggs, and 2 egg yolks",
"50g dark brown soft sugar",
"200ml whole milk",
"300ml double cream",
"375g can caramel, beaten until smooth",
"2 tsp vanilla extract",
"75g plain flour",
"3 apples (we used Pink Lady)",
"ice cream, to serve (optional)"
"steps": [
"Heat the oven to 180C/160C fan/gas 4. Butter a 30 x 20 x 4cm baking dish. Put the eggs, extra yolks, sugar, milk, cream, 200g of the caramel, the vanilla and a large pinch of sea salt in a large bowl, then whisk until combined. Stir in the flour until the batter is smooth.",
"Halve, core and cut the apples into 1cm slices \u2013 there\u2019s no need to peel them. Arrange in the baking dish and pour over the batter. Bake for 30-35 mins until the batter is set in the centre, golden and slightly risen.",
"Drizzle over the remaining caramel, then sprinkle with a little extra sea salt. Leave to rest for 5-10 mins (it will deflate a little). Serve warm with vanilla or peanut butter ice cream, if you like."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "15 mins",
"Cooking": "35 mins"
"serves": 6,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 13,
"subcategory": "Desserts",
"dish_type": "Family dessert recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "d4f02280-e47b-4e9f-9095-ae9c09091036",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Strawberry cheesecake in 4 easy steps",
"description": "Follow our step-by-step recipe for this easy no-cook cheesecake \u2013 a delicious summer dessert for all occasions",
"author": "Good Food team",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"250g digestive biscuits",
"100g butter, melted",
"1 vanilla pod",
"600g full fat soft cheese",
"100g icing sugar",
"284ml pot of double cream",
"400g punnet of strawberries, halved ",
"25g icing sugar"
"steps": [
"To make the base, butter and line a 23cm loose-bottomed tin with baking parchment. Put the digestive biscuits in a plastic food bag and crush to crumbs using a rolling pin. Transfer the crumbs to a bowl, then pour over the melted butter. Mix thoroughly until the crumbs are completely coated. Tip them into the prepared tin and press firmly down into the base to create an even layer. Chill in the fridge for 1 hr to set firmly.For more detail on how to make a biscuit base, take a look at our how to make a biscuit base video.",
"Slice the vanilla pod in half lengthways, leaving the tip intact, so that the two halves are still joined. Holding onto the tip of the pod, scrape out the seeds using the back of a kitchen knife.",
"Pour the double cream into a bowl and whisk with an electric mixer until it\u2019s just starting to thicken to soft peaks. Place the soft cheese, icing sugar and the vanilla seeds in a separate bowl, then beat for 2 mins with an electric mixer until smooth and starting to thicken, it will get thin and then start to thicken again. Tip in the double cream and fold it into the soft cheese mix. You\u2019re looking for it to be thickened enough to hold its shape when you tip a spoon of it upside down. If it\u2019s not thick enough, continue to whisk. Spoon onto the biscuit base, starting from the edges and working inwards, making sure that there are no air bubbles. Smooth the top of the cheesecake down with the back of a dessert spoon or spatula. Leave to set in the fridge overnight.",
"Bring the cheesecake to room temperature about 30 mins before serving. To remove it from the tin, place the base on top of a can, then gradually pull the sides of the tin down. Slip the cake onto a serving plate, removing the lining paper and base. Pur\u00e9e half the strawberries in a blender or food processor with the icing sugar and 1 tsp water, then sieve. Pile the remaining strawberries onto the cake, and pour the pur\u00e9e over the top."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "30 mins",
"Cooking": "No Time"
"serves": 12,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 479,
"subcategory": "Desserts",
"dish_type": "Family dessert recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "e8d84120-f4e8-4675-ba35-ec8fc190fcdd",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Self-saucing sticky toffee chocolate pudding",
"description": "Combine sticky toffee pudding sponge with a generous helping of chocolate chunks and chocolate sauce for the ultimate comforting dessert",
"author": "Liberty Mendez",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"200g pitted medjool dates",
"100g unsalted butter, softened, plus extra for the dish",
"75g demerara sugar",
"75g dark brown soft sugar",
"2 large eggs",
"250g plain flour",
"1 tsp bicarbonate of soda",
"1 tbsp baking powder",
"100g dark chocolate, roughly chopped",
"vanilla ice cream or custard, to serve",
"200ml double cream",
"75g unsalted butter, cubed",
"200g dark brown soft sugar",
"30g cocoa powder"
"steps": [
"Put the dates in a bowl and pour in 300ml boiling water. Leave to soak for 30 mins. Meanwhile, make the sauce by tipping all the ingredients, a big pinch of salt and 300ml boiling water into a pan, then whisk over a medium heat and simmer for 2 mins. Pour into a jug and leave to cool slightly. Once the dates are soaked, use a hand blender to blitz the dates and water until you have smooth paste. Leave to cool slightly. Butter a deep 35 x 25cm dish.",
"Heat oven to 180C/160C fan/gas 4. Beat together the butter and sugar for 3 mins until smooth. Add the eggs, one at a time, beating between each addition. Fold in the flour, bicarb and baking powder along with a pinch of salt. Once combined, mix in the date pur\u00e9e, then fold in the dark chocolate. Pour the sponge batter into the prepared dish and spread out evenly using the back of a spoon. Pour the chocolate sauce evenly over the top of the batter.",
"Bake in the oven for 30-35 mins until risen, then leave to rest for 2 mins. Serve warm with a big scoop of ice cream or warm custard."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "20 mins",
"Cooking": "40 mins"
"serves": 8,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 45,
"subcategory": "Desserts",
"dish_type": "Family dessert recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "abbd382b-f902-48ed-8ebd-19441db451f7",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Jam & coconut sponge puddings",
"description": "Need a no-fuss, make-ahead dessert that\u2019s comforting and great for serving after Sunday lunch? Look no further than our raspberry and coconut steamed sponge",
"author": "Anna Glover",
"rattings": 4,
"ingredients": [
"175g unsalted butter, softened, plus extra for the basins",
"6 tbsp raspberry jam",
"175g caster sugar",
"3 large eggs",
"150g self-raising flour",
"25g desiccated coconut, blitzed in a small food processor until fine",
"1 tsp vanilla extract",
"2 tbsp coconut cream, plus 2 tbsp to serve (optional)",
"500g thick custard, to serve"
"steps": [
"Butter six small pudding basins and spoon 1 tbsp jam into the bottom of each one.",
"Put the butter and sugar in a medium bowl and beat with an electric whisk until pale and fluffy. Beat in one of the eggs followed by a spoonful of the flour, then continue until all the eggs have been incorporated. Fold in the remaining flour, the coconut and a pinch of salt, then the vanilla and coconut cream. Spoon the mix into the prepared basins, leaving a 1cm gap at the top.",
"Put the basins on a baking tray, transfer to the freezer and freeze until solid. Will keep in an airtight container, or tightly wrapped in the freezer for up to three months.",
"Heat the oven to 180C/160C fan/ gas 4. Put the basins in a deep baking dish and half-fill with boiled water from the kettle. Tightly cover the dish with foil and bake for 1 hr, or until a skewer inserted into the middle of a sponge comes out clean.",
"Warm the custard with the remaining 2 tbsp coconut cream, if using, and pour into shallow bowls. Run a knife around the sides of the basins and carefully turn out the sponges onto the custard."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "15 mins",
"Cooking": "1 hr"
"serves": 6,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 8,
"subcategory": "Desserts",
"dish_type": "Family dessert recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "309c65fa-ee1d-4b2d-889a-ad5ac6fabed1",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Classic bread & butter pudding",
"description": "Cook this bread and butter pudding in a water bath for a gorgeous soft and creamy texture that contrasts wonderfully with the caramelised crust",
"author": "Tom Kerridge",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"600ml double cream",
"8 large egg yolks",
"175g caster sugar, plus extra to top the pudding",
"16 slices white bread, crusts removed",
"75g unsalted butter, softened, for spreading",
"100g raisins",
"\u00bc-\u00bd whole nutmeg, for grating",
"ice cream, to serve (optional)"
"steps": [
"Heat the cream in a pan until boiling. Meanwhile, whisk the egg yolks and sugar together in a large bowl with an electric whisk until light and fluffy, about 3-5 mins. Pour the hot cream over the eggs, whisking continuously, and when everything is mixed, set aside.",
"Spread the bread with the butter, and cut into triangles. Arrange in a shallow baking dish, about 20 x 26 x 5cm, buttered-side up, in three layers, sprinkling the raisins and finely grating some nutmeg over the bottom two layers and leaving the top layer clear. Pour over the warm custard, lightly pressing the bread down with your fingers to help it soak in. Leave to stand for at least 20 mins before cooking. Can be prepared up to this stage several hours ahead, chilled and cooked when needed.",
"Heat the oven to 180C/160C fan/gas 4. Sit the dish in a large roasting tin and pour a kettleful of hot water into the roasting tin so it comes three-quarters of the way up the outside of the dish. Bake in the oven for 20-25 mins until the custard is just set.",
"Remove the pudding from its water bath and scatter the top liberally with more sugar. Caramelise the top under a hot grill or with a blowtorch \u2013 take it really far (a few burnt edges add to the flavour), but be careful it doesn\u2019t catch. Leave the pudding to rest for 5 mins, then serve with your favourite ice cream \u2013 I like bitter orange marmalade ice cream."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "20 mins",
"Cooking": "25 mins"
"serves": 6,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 10,
"subcategory": "Desserts",
"dish_type": "Family dessert recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "dd5d17a8-cb25-4c5f-966b-2e41d86caf4f",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Blueberry & orange traybake pancake",
"description": "Serve this blueberry and orange traybake pancake at the end of a family dinner for a crowd-pleasing dessert. Swap the blueberries for raspberries, if you like",
"author": "Lulu Grimes",
"rattings": 3,
"ingredients": [
"1 tbsp melted unsalted butter, plus extra for the tin",
"200g self-raising flour",
"1 tsp baking powder",
"1 egg",
"250ml milk",
"2 tbsp golden caster sugar",
"1 large orange, zested and juiced",
"150g blueberries",
"icing sugar, for dusting",
"extra blueberries, blueberry compote or ice cream, to serve (optional)"
"steps": [
"Heat oven to 180C/160C fan/gas 4. Brush a 25 x 20 x 2cm baking tray with butter. Tip the flour and baking powder into a bowl and mix in the egg, milk, butter and caster sugar. Stir in the orange zest and 50ml juice.",
"Scrape the mixture into the tin and level the surface. Dot the blueberries over the top and bake for 20 mins or until the middle of the pancake feels cooked through when pressed lightly. Dust with icing sugar and serve with more blueberries, blueberry compote or ice cream, if you like."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "5 mins",
"Cooking": "30 mins"
"serves": 6,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 24,
"subcategory": "Desserts",
"dish_type": "Family dessert recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "a70a5458-e186-49f7-bbbb-02e75cb5e815",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Classic rice pudding",
"description": "Have this creamy rice pudding cooking in the oven while you make dinner and round off your meal with a comforting pud. Serve with jam for a feel-good treat",
"author": "Esther Clark",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"butter, for the dish",
"130g pudding rice",
"70g caster sugar",
"2 tsp vanilla bean paste or 1 vanilla pod, split and seeds scraped out",
"800ml whole milk",
"170ml double cream",
"grating of nutmeg",
"fruit jam of your choice, to serve (strawberry or apricot work well)"
"steps": [
"Heat the oven to 160C/140C fan/gas 3 and butter a 1.5-litre baking dish. Put the pudding rice, sugar, vanilla, milk and cream in a bowl and stir to combine. Pour the mixture into the prepared dish and grate over a generous layer of nutmeg. Bake for 1 hr 30 mins until a brown skin has formed on top and the rice is cooked and tender.",
"Leave to cool slightly, then scoop the warm pudding into bowls and serve with a dollop of jam on top."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "5 mins",
"Cooking": "1 hr and 30 mins"
"serves": 4,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 16,
"subcategory": "Desserts",
"dish_type": "Family dessert recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "fbd598d9-6d10-4c7c-8a46-3a30916fbcee",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Carrot cake monkey bread",
"description": "Put a twist on the classic American monkey bread with Easter flavours. It\u2019s made to be pulled apart and eaten with your hands \u2013 like a monkey would!",
"author": "Liberty Mendez",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"150ml whole milk",
"135g unsalted butter, softened, plus extra for the tin",
"550g strong white bread flour, plus extra for dusting",
"1 orange, zested",
"2 tsp mixed spice",
"200g carrots (about 2 large), grated",
"7g sachet fast-action dried yeast",
"50g golden caster sugar",
"2 large eggs, at room temperature",
"oil, for the bowl",
"1 tbsp cinnamon",
"100g walnuts, toasted and finely chopped",
"150g light brown soft sugar",
"100g golden marzipan",
"\u00bd orange, zested and juiced",
"100g icing sugar"
"steps": [
"Gently heat the milk and 85g of the butter in a medium pan until the butter has melted and the milk has started to simmer. Leave to cool to room temperature. Tip the flour, orange zest, mixed spice, carrots, yeast, caster sugar and 1 tsp salt into a large bowl with the eggs, then add the cooled milk mixture and bring together into a sticky dough using your hands. Knead until combined, then tip onto a floured work surface and knead again for 5-10 mins until smooth and springy. Transfer the dough to a lightly oiled, large bowl, cover and leave to prove for 1 hr, or until doubled in size.",
"Generously butter a 25cm bundt tin. Melt the remaining butter and leave to cool slightly. Mix the cinnamon, walnuts and brown sugar together in a medium bowl. Separate the proved dough into 40-50 x 25g pieces and roll into balls on a lightly floured surface. Roll the marzipan into small, pea-sized balls and set aside. Dunk the dough balls in the melted butter, then roll in the walnut and sugar mixture to coat. Drop the dough balls into the prepared tin, dotting around some of the marzipan balls as you go. Repeat until you\u2019ve used up all the dough balls and marzipan. Cover and prove again for 45 mins until the dough has risen slightly.",
"Heat the oven to 180C/160C fan/gas 4. Uncover the tin and bake for 40-45 mins, or until well risen and golden. Carefully loosen the bread from the edges using a skewer or butter knife, and leave to cool in the tin for 20 mins. Invert onto a serving plate, keeping the tin in place, and leave for 5-10 mins (the bread will naturally shrink away from the sides), then remove the tin.",
"Gradually whisk the orange juice into the icing sugar to make a thick icing, then drizzle over the bread, letting it drip down the sides. Scatter over the orange zest and serve warm."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "1 hr and 20 mins",
"Cooking": "45 mins"
"serves": 12,
"difficult": "More effort",
"vote_count": 11,
"subcategory": "Desserts",
"dish_type": "Family dessert recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "98019bcf-32b9-40ce-8525-641255dc2926",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Lemon curd, mascarpone & passion fruit tart",
"description": "Serve this vibrant lemon curd and passion fruit tart as an easy dessert or sweet treat. Its tropical flavours make it perfect for summer",
"author": "Esther Clark",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"320g sheet of puff pastry",
"1 egg, beaten",
"250g mascarpone",
"150ml double cream",
"6 tbsp lemon curd",
"3 passion fruit, seeds removed",
"30g chopped pistachios"
"steps": [
"Heat the oven to 200C/180C fan/gas 6. Unroll the puff pastry onto a lined baking tray. Score a 2cm border around the edge of the pastry using a sharp knife, then brush the border with the egg.",
"Bake for 15-20 mins, or until golden and crisp. Gently push down the middle with the back of a spoon, then leave to cool completely.",
"Whisk the mascarpone with the double cream and 3 tbsp lemon curd until soft and spoonable. Fold in another 3 tbsp lemon curd and the seeds of 1 passion fruit.",
"Spoon the cream mixture in the centre of the pastry and scatter over the seeds of 2 passion fruit and the chopped pistachios."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "15 mins",
"Cooking": "25 mins"
"serves": 6,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 11,
"subcategory": "Desserts",
"dish_type": "Family dessert recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "674e7d79-6242-4e61-b24c-21ca07168983",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Strawberry shortcake slice",
"description": "Layer biscuits with strawberries and cream and they'll soften to create an indulgent no-bake dessert. Super easy and delicious, it's a fabulous summer treat",
"author": "Anna Glover",
"rattings": 3,
"ingredients": [
"600ml double cream",
"1 tbsp vanilla bean paste",
"1 tbsp orange blossom water",
"125g icing sugar, plus 2 tbsp",
"500g shortcake biscuits, plus 3 crushed",
"350g strawberries, sliced"
"steps": [
"Line a 20cm cake tin or dish (either a square or rectangle works well) with cling film, leaving an overhang. Whip 500ml of the cream, the vanilla, orange blossom water and 125g icing sugar with an electric whisk until thick and billowy.",
"Add a layer of biscuits to the tin, and spoon over some of the cream, about 1cm thick all over. Add a layer of strawberry slices, then repeat with the cream, biscuits and strawberries until you fill the tin, finishing on a layer of biscuit. You\u2019ll have some strawberries left over to serve. Press everything down well so every biscuit is covered in cream. Cover and chill overnight.",
"To serve, flip the tin onto a serving plate, and remove the cling film. Whip the remaining 100ml cream with 1 tbsp icing sugar and dollop on top of the cake, swirling it around. Top with the remaining strawberry slices in lines, sift over the remaining 1 tbsp icing sugar, and sprinkle the biscuit crumbs in between the rows of strawberries. Cut into slices to serve."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "25 mins",
"Cooking": "No Time"
"serves": 14,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 12,
"subcategory": "Desserts",
"dish_type": "Family dessert recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "72a6dbdd-e1f7-47a5-b2a7-e46259ae7cdf",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Rhubarb crumble",
"description": "Make this classic rhubarb crumble for an easy, family-friendly dessert. Use seasonal rhubarb and a handful of ingredients to make a stunning pud.",
"author": "Gregg Wallace",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"500g rhubarb, chopped into chunks the length of your thumb",
"100g golden caster sugar",
"3 tbsp port (optional)",
"140g self-raising flour",
"85g butter, chilled",
"50g light brown muscovado sugar",
"50g chopped walnuts (optional)"
"steps": [
"Tip 500g thumb-length chunks of rhubarb into a saucepan with 100g golden caster sugar and 3 tbsp port, if using.",
"Cover and simmer on a very low heat for 15 mins, adding more sugar if you want. When soft (but still holding its shape) and sweet enough, pour the rhubarb into a medium baking dish.",
"Heat oven to 200C/180C fan/gas 6.",
"To make the topping, rub 140g self-raising flour and 85g chilled butter together with your fingers until you have a soft, crumbly topping.",
"Now add 50g light brown muscovado sugar and 50g chopped walnuts, if using. Mix together with your hands.",
"Scatter the topping over the rhubarb and bake for 30 mins or until golden brown on top.",
"Serve piping hot with a big jug of thick vanilla custard. Refer to the tip for a recipe."
"nutrients": {
"kcal": "440",
"fat": "18g",
"saturates": "11g",
"carbs": "68g",
"sugars": "42g",
"fibre": "3g",
"protein": "4g",
"salt": "0.67g"
"times": {
"Preparation": "20 mins",
"Cooking": "1 hr"
"serves": 4,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 256,
"subcategory": "Desserts",
"dish_type": "Family dessert recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "89f93c00-40d7-4332-b7a8-658b4226306f",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Treacle tart",
"description": "Treat family and friends to a comforting treacle tart with crumbly pastry and rich filling. A classic British dessert, serve with ice cream or clotted cream",
"author": "Esther Clark",
"rattings": 4,
"ingredients": [
"250g plain flour",
"\u00bd tsp fine salt",
"140g cold unsalted butter, cubed",
"3 tbsp icing sugar",
"2 medium egg yolks",
"2-3 tbsp cold water",
"400g golden syrup",
"1 ball stem ginger in syrup, finely chopped, plus 50g of the syrup ",
"1 lemon, zested",
"2 medium eggs, lightly beaten",
"100g fine fresh white breadcrumbs"
"steps": [
"Sieve the flour and salt into a large bowl. Add the butter and rub together with your fingers to a fine breadcrumb-like texture (you can also do this part in a food processor). Stir though the icing sugar, then quickly add the egg yolks and 2 tbsp water, mixing swiftly with a cutlery knife to combine. Form into a ball (add another tbsp water if you need to), wrap and chill for 30 mins. Roll out to the thickness of a pound coin, and line a 22cm fluted tart tin with the pastry, leaving an overhang. Return to the fridge for 30 mins.",
"Heat the oven to 200C/180C fan/gas 6. Put a baking sheet into the oven to heat up. Line the pastry case with baking parchment and baking beans, then put in the oven on the baking sheet, and bake for 15 mins. Remove the parchment and bake for a further 10 mins or until the pastry is golden brown. Leave the pastry to cool before trimming off the overhanging edges with a small serrated knife.",
"Lower the oven temperature to 160C/140C fan/gas 4. Combine the golden syrup, ginger, ginger syrup, lemon, eggs and breadcrumbs in a bowl, briefly whisking everything together until combined. Carefully pour the filling into the pastry case and put in the lower part of the oven to bake for 35-40 mins or until the filling is just set. Remove from the oven and leave to cool down for 20 mins before serving with ice cream or thick clotted cream."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "30 mins",
"Cooking": "1 hr and 5 mins"
"serves": 10,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 14,
"subcategory": "Desserts",
"dish_type": "Family dessert recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "6e8e00b3-9a88-45d2-9baf-c38b3aed9ed3",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Peanut butter & jam pudding",
"description": "The popular combo of jam and peanut butter works beautifully in this sponge pudding. The salty, nutty flavour you get from the peanuts matches so well with the jammy fruit",
"author": "Esther Clark",
"rattings": 4,
"ingredients": [
"400g frozen berries of your choice",
"200g strawberry or raspberry jam",
"1 tbsp cornflour",
"200g salted butter",
"200g golden caster sugar",
"3 large eggs",
"1 tsp vanilla bean paste",
"100g self-raising flour",
"100g peanut butter",
"2-3 tbsp milk",
"30g salted peanuts",
"vanilla ice cream or custard, to serve"
"steps": [
"Heat the oven to 180C/160C fan/gas 4. Tip the berries into a large saucepan with the jam, and heat gently for about 5 mins until just starting to turn saucy. Spoon some of the liquid into a small bowl and mix with the cornflour. Stir the cornflour mixture into the fruit mixture in the pan, and simmer for 2 mins. Pour into the base of a baking dish (ours was 18 x 25cm), then set aside.",
"Beat the butter and sugar together in a stand mixer, or using an electric whisk, for 5 mins until pale and fluffy. Add the eggs, one at a time, beating between each addition, then the vanilla, flour and peanut butter, beating briefly to combine. Stir in the milk to loosen the mixture. Carefully spoon the batter into the dish over the berries, then smooth the surface gently with the back of a spoon and scatter over the nuts. Bake for 45-50 mins. Leave to cool for 10 mins before serving warm with vanilla ice cream or custard."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "15 mins",
"Cooking": "1 hr"
"serves": 8,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 7,
"subcategory": "Desserts",
"dish_type": "Family dessert recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "0e50b891-5843-41a4-ba81-823c5667b15a",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Lemon & rhubarb rice pudding",
"description": "Infuse traditional rice pudding with lemon curd and rhubarb for a zesty yet comforting dessert. It's a real treat on a cold day",
"author": "Esther Clark",
"rattings": 4,
"ingredients": [
"100g pudding rice",
"1l milk",
"50g caster sugar",
"250g rhubarb",
"1 chopped ball of stem ginger in syrup",
"100ml double cream",
"3-4 tbsp lemon curd"
"steps": [
"Put the pudding rice in a pan with the milk and caster sugar and bring to the boil. Reduce the heat and simmer for 40-45 mins, or until the rice is tender, stirring often to ensure it doesn\u2019t catch on the bottom.",
"Meanwhile, cut the rhubarb into 3cm pieces and put in a pan with the caster sugar, stem ginger and the syrup. Bring to a simmer and cook for 7-10 mins, or until the rhubarb is soft but still holds its shape.",
"Stir the double cream and lemon curd through the rice pudding, then top with some of the poached rhubarb."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "5 mins",
"Cooking": "1 hr"
"serves": 6,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 6,
"subcategory": "Desserts",
"dish_type": "Family dessert recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "5f5a6ec6-825e-4731-8216-db72a870f6ba",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Chocolate brownie cake",
"description": "Get kids cooking at the weekend by baking this yummy brownie cake, much better than shop bought",
"author": "Good Food team",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"100g butter",
"125g caster sugar",
"75g light brown or muscovado sugar",
"125g plain chocolate (plain or milk)",
"1 tbsp golden syrup",
"2 eggs",
"1 tsp vanilla extract/essence",
"100g plain flour",
"\u00bd tsp baking powder",
"2 tbsp cocoa powder"
"steps": [
"Heat oven to 180C/fan 160C/gas 4. Grease and line a 20cm cake tin.",
"Place the butter, caster sugar, brown sugar, chocolate and golden syrup in the pan and melt gently on a low heat until it is smooth and lump-free.",
"Remove the pan from the heat.",
"Break the eggs into the bowl and whisk with the fork until light and frothy. 5 Add the eggs, vanilla extract or essence, flour, baking powder and cocoa powder to the chocolate mixture and mix thoroughly.",
"Put the mixture into the greased and lined cake tin and place on the middle shelf of the oven. Bake for 25-30 mins.",
"Remove and allow to cool for 20-30 mins before cutting into wedges and serving.",
"Serve with cream or ice cream and plenty of fresh fruit."
"nutrients": {
"kcal": "500",
"fat": "23g",
"saturates": "13g",
"carbs": "73g",
"sugars": "59g",
"fibre": "1g",
"protein": "5g",
"salt": "0.5g"
"times": {
"Preparation": "15 mins"
"serves": 6,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 526,
"subcategory": "Desserts",
"dish_type": "Family dessert recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "c0f59fb0-81c0-4fad-bca3-984659763e02",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Easy chocolate cake",
"description": "Master the chocolate cake with an airy, light sponge and rich buttercream filling. It's simple enough for an afternoon tea but special enough for a party too",
"author": "Miriam Nice",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"200g golden caster sugar",
"200g unsalted butter, softened plus extra for the tins",
"4 large eggs",
"200g self-raising flour",
"2 tbsp cocoa powder",
"1 tsp baking powder",
"\u00bd tsp vanilla extract",
"2 tbsp milk",
"100g milk chocolate, chopped",
"200g butter, softened",
"400g icing sugar",
"5 tbsp cocoa powder",
"2 tbsp milk",
"50g dark chocolate",
"25g milk chocolate",
"25g white chocolate"
"steps": [
"Heat oven to 190C/170C fan/gas 5. Butter the base and sides of two 20cm round sandwich tins and line the bases with baking parchment.",
"In a large bowl, beat together 200g golden caster sugar, 200g softened unsalted butter, 4 large eggs, 200g self-raising flour, 2 tbsp cocoa powder, 1 tsp baking powder, \u00bd tsp vanilla extract, 2 tbsp milk and a pinch of salt until pale.",
"Divide the mixture between the prepared tins. Bake for 20 mins or until a skewer inserted into the centre of the cake comes out clean.",
"Leave to cool in the tin for 10 mins, then turn out onto a wire rack to cool completely.",
"For the buttercream, put 100g chopped milk chocolate in a heatproof bowl and melt in the microwave, stirring every 30 secs. Leave the melted chocolate to cool for 5 mins.",
"Mash 200g softened butter and 400g icing sugar together with a fork, then switch to a wooden spoon or electric beaters, if you have them.",
"Sift in 5 tbsp cocoa powder with a pinch of salt and pour in the melted chocolate and 2 tbsp milk. Mix again until smooth.",
"On a cake stand or large plate, sandwich the cakes together with half of the buttercream, then spread the rest on top. Decorate with chocolate shards, if you like.",
"To make chocolate shards: melt 50g dark chocolate and pour it onto a tray lined with baking parchment or foil.",
"Now melt 25g milk chocolate and 25g white chocolate and drizzle them over the dark chocolate before it sets.",
"Shake the tray gently to level the mixture then leave to set somewhere cool. Chop into shards."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "35 mins",
"Cooking": "20 mins"
"serves": 12,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 361,
"subcategory": "Desserts",
"dish_type": "Easy pudding recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "e2f7240c-738c-4df1-809c-74972880b9d2",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Storecupboard chocolate hazelnut cake",
"description": "Raid your storecupboard to make this lovely chocolate cake. Using ground hazelnuts delivers an incredible texture and flavour, or try almonds if you prefer",
"author": "Rukmini Iyer",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"225g dark brown soft sugar",
"225g unsalted butter",
"100g dark chocolate (at least 70% cocoa solids), roughly broken up",
"4 eggs",
"140g blanched hazelnuts, ground",
"60g self-raising flour",
"60g cocoa powder",
"1 tsp baking powder",
"60g roasted hazelnuts, halved",
"100g natural yogurt, at room temperature",
"100g dark chocolate (at least 70% cocoa solids), finely chopped",
"splash of milk (optional)"
"steps": [
"Heat the oven to 180C/160C fan/gas 4. Tip the sugar, butter and dark chocolate into a saucepan over a low heat and stir until glossy and melted. Remove the pan from the heat and leave to cool for 10 mins.",
"Whisk the eggs into the cooled chocolate mixture, then pour into a large bowl with the ground hazelnuts, flour, cocoa and baking powder. Gently stir to combine, then pour into a 20cm tin lined with baking parchment.",
"Bake for 40-50 mins, or until a skewer inserted into the middle comes out clean. If any wet mixture remains, return it to the oven for 5-10 mins. Leave to cool in the tin for 5 mins, then turn out onto a wire rack to cool completely.",
"For the ganache, pour the yogurt into a heatproof bowl and set it over a pan of simmering water, making sure the bowl doesn\u2019t touch the water. Whisk for 3-4 mins until hot, then tip in the chocolate. Turn off the heat and whisk continuously until the chocolate has melted. If the mixture looks as though it might split, pour in a splash of milk, leave it for 15 seconds to warm through, then whisk briefly until smooth. Leave the ganache to cool for 15-20 mins so it\u2019s easier to spread.",
"Spread the ganache all over the cake, then scatter over the roasted hazelnut halves. Leave the cake to cool and set completely. Will keep in an airtight container, chilled or at room temperature, for up to two days. Serve at room temperature."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "20 mins",
"Cooking": "1 hr and 15 mins"
"serves": 8,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 1,
"subcategory": "Desserts",
"dish_type": "Easy pudding recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "211ce093-3fdb-431c-abfe-8c0fd2b2d0b1",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Marble bundt cake",
"description": "If you need an easy but impressive cake for a celebration or charity bake sale, try this chocolate and vanilla sponge cake",
"author": "Apetit Online",
"rattings": 4,
"ingredients": [
"180g butter, very soft, plus extra for the tin",
"6 eggs, separated",
"300g granulated sugar",
"250ml milk or cream",
"2 tbsp vanilla sugar",
"450g plain flour",
"1 tsp baking powder",
"3 tbsp cocoa powder",
"icing sugar, to dust"
"steps": [
"Butter and line a 2.5l bundt tin. Heat the oven to 180\u00b0C/160\u00b0C fan/gas 4. Beat the egg yolks with the sugar until lighter in colour, then beat in the soft butter followed by the milk or cream.",
"In another bowl, beat the egg whites until they form soft peaks, then add the vanilla sugar and beat until stiff. Beat the flour and baking powder into the yolk mixture, then fold in the egg whites.",
"Pour half of the batter into the tin, fold the cocoa powder into the remaining batter, then pour in over the vanilla layer. Use the handle of a spoon to swirl the batters together. Bake for about 1 hr or until the cake is risen and lightly browned and a skewer inserted into the middle comes out clean.",
"Remove the cake from the oven, let it cool for a while in the tin, then turn it out and leave to cool completely on a wire rack. Dust with icing sugar to serve."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "30 mins",
"Cooking": "1 hr"
"serves": 12,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 4,
"subcategory": "Desserts",
"dish_type": "Easy pudding recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "7e8b5129-3c28-4f67-96fc-e511b91d1856",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Sachertorte",
"description": "This rich chocolate cake was created in Vienna, Austria, and has a signature layer of apricot jam. Discover how to achieve the perfect mirror glaze below",
"author": "Einfach Backen Team",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"200g dark chocolate",
"8 eggs",
"275g caster sugar",
"175g butter, softened",
"200g plain flour",
"250g apricot jam",
"2 tbsp apricot liqueur or juice",
"50g caster sugar",
"170ml double cream",
"200g dark chocolate (at least 70% cocoa content)",
"25g butter",
"70g milk chocolate, chopped"
"steps": [
"Melt the chocolate in a heatproof bowl set over a pan of simmering water, ensuring the bowl doesn\u2019t touch the water. Alternatively, melt it in short bursts in the microwave, stirring between each burst. Set the chocolate aside to cool a little while you separate the eggs. Whisk the egg whites and a pinch of salt using electric beaters until they form soft peaks, then gradually add 200g of sugar, continuing to whisk until the egg whites form stiff peaks.",
"Line a 24cm springform tin with baking parchment. Heat the oven to 170 C/150 fan/gas 3. Using electric beaters, beat the butter and remaining sugar in a large bowl until light and creamy and the sugar has dissolved. Gradually beat in the egg yolks and cooled chocolate. Fold about \u2153 the whisked egg whites into the chocolate mixture. Sift the flour over the mixture in two batches and fold each in. Gently fold in the remaining beaten egg whites using a spatula.",
"Pour the cake batter into the prepared tin, spread evenly and bake for about 1 hr or until the cake is risen and springy to the touch. Put on a wire rack and leave to cool completely in the tin.",
"Heat the jam and liqueur (or juice) in a small saucepan, then pour into a bowl through a fine sieve. Loosen the bottom of the cake tin, then slide off the tin and peel away the baking parchment. Halve the base horizontally. Place the bottom layer on a cake stand and spread with half of the jam mixture, then place the other half of the cake on top. Spread a thin layer of the remaining jam all over the cake and leave to dry.",
"For the chocolate glaze, bring 40ml water and sugar to the boil in a small saucepan until the sugar has dissolved. Leave to cool slightly, then stir in 2 tbsp of the double cream. Heat the remaining cream in a separate pan and stir in the butter until melted. Remove from the heat and gradually add the chocolate, letting it melt into the cream, and stir in the sugar syrup. Place the cake on a cooling rack over a tray to catch any excess glaze. Evenly coat the cake with the glaze by pouring it slowly into the middle, tilting the cake gently so it flows slowly over the edges. Don\u2019t smooth it with a knife or it will look streaky. Best enjoyed fresh but will keep for up to three days.",
"For the striped pattern, melt the milk chocolate either in a microwave or in a heatproof bowl set over a pan of simmering water, ensuring the bowl isn\u2019t touching the water. Pour the melted chocolate into a small piping bag and pipe onto the still-damp icing in parallel strips, 2-3cm apart. Carefully pull the tip of a spoon alternately from top to bottom through the lines to make the pattern, then allow the glaze to dry."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "1 hr",
"Cooking": "1 hr"
"serves": 12,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 2,
"subcategory": "Desserts",
"dish_type": "Easy pudding recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "34f0127d-7c5d-4b0c-ba68-9f7902793d0c",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Chocolate fridge cake",
"description": "Sophisticated and intensely chocolatey with a hit of juicy raisins and crunchy biscuit pieces, serve this decadent chocolate fridge cake as a teatime treat",
"author": "Orlando Murrin",
"rattings": 4,
"ingredients": [
"1 mugful mixed dried fruit (about 225g)",
" \u00bd mugful brandy or juice (about 110ml)",
"300g dark chocolate (70% cocoa solids)",
"\u00bd pack butter (about 125g, salted or unsalted), plus extra for the tin",
"3 tbsp golden syrup",
"13 digestive biscuits (about 200g)",
"100g pack toasted flaked almonds or roasted hazelnuts, chopped (see tip, below)"
"steps": [
"Put the dried fruit in a small bowl and pour in just enough brandy or juice to cover. Microwave for 2 mins until steaming, then set aside.",
"The non-messy way to chop chocolate is to smash it (still wrapped) onto your work surface, then unwrap it down to the foil and snap it (still in foil) into small bits using your fingers. Empty the chocolate into a microwaveable bowl. Add the butter and golden syrup, cover the bowl with cling film and microwave for 2 mins until melted. Set aside.",
"Meanwhile, line a 20cm square tin with baking parchment, using a little butter to stick it in place. (You can also use foil but it\u2019s more fiddly to peel off later, or cling film if you don\u2019t mind wrinkles on the underside of your cake.)",
"Take a third, large bowl. Use your fingers to break the biscuits into it. Stir in the nuts, soaked fruit and soaking liquid, then mix everything together. Pour the melted chocolate into the bowl with the biscuits, using a spatula or spoon to scrape out every last bit of chocolate. Mix together until everything is coated in chocolate.",
"Check the ingredients list to make sure everything is accounted for (it\u2019s surprisingly easy to miss something in this recipe), then tip the chocolate mixture into the tin, pushing well into corners and flattening the top. Put in the fridge (no need to cover) for 4 hrs or overnight until set. To serve, remove from tin, peel away the parchment and cut into 16 squares (any crumbly bits that fall off make tasty samples for the cook). Will keep for up to 1 week in an airtight container in the fridge. Can be frozen for up to 1 month."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "20 mins",
"Cooking": "No Time"
"serves": 16,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 8,
"subcategory": "Desserts",
"dish_type": "Easy pudding recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "268d0f15-955f-486c-9eca-05f0b0bda8ba",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Chocolate Swiss roll",
"description": "This nostalgic dessert can be made a day ahead. Fill with a vanilla cream, dust with icing sugar to finish and serve in slices",
"author": "Barney Desmazery",
"rattings": 4,
"ingredients": [
"60g self-raising flour",
"3 tbsp cocoa powder",
"3 eggs",
"75g golden caster sugar, plus extra for scattering ",
"200ml double cream",
"\u00bd tsp vanilla extract",
"50g icing sugar, sifted, plus extra to serve "
"steps": [
"Heat the oven to 220C/200C fan/gas 7. Line a 22 x 32cm swiss roll tin (if it\u2019s 20 x 30cm that\u2019s still fine) with baking parchment. Sift the flour and cocoa powder together into a bowl and set aside.",
"Crack the eggs into another bowl or the bowl of a stand mixer and tip in the sugar. Use an electric whisk or the whisk attachment to beat the eggs and sugar together for 5 mins until pale and very thick. Use a spoon or spatula to gently fold in the flour mixture until completely incorporated and everything\u2019s the same colour with no streaks.",
"Gently scrape the mix into the tin and spread to the corners. Bake for 9-10 mins until puffed up and springy to touch. While the cake is baking, get another piece of parchment a little larger than the tin and scatter it with sugar. When the sponge is cooked, use oven gloves to carefully invert it onto the sugar-coated paper. Lift off the tin and peel away the top layer of parchment. Score a line 2cm from one of the shorter edges, then use the parchment to roll the sponge into a spiral with the parchment running through it. Leave the rolled sponge to cool completely.",
"While the cake is cooling, make the filling by whisking all the ingredients together until the cream stiffens. Unroll the sponge and spread over the filling, leaving the scored edge clear. Starting from the scored edge, use the parchment to roll the sponge up around the filling. Lift onto a board or serving platter and dust with icing sugar. Can be served straight away or chilled for up to 24 hrs. Serve in slices."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "30 mins",
"Cooking": "10 mins"
"serves": 6,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 10,
"subcategory": "Desserts",
"dish_type": "Easy pudding recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "ec825e73-ea42-435c-af67-b3b0e8d7850e",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Chocolate & raspberry birthday layer cake",
"description": "Who could resist our chocolate and raspberry cake? Like a Victoria sponge but better, try budget-friendly frozen raspberries for the cream",
"author": "Anna Glover",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"225ml sunflower oil, plus extra for the tins",
"250g caster sugar",
"3 large eggs",
"225ml milk",
"250g self-raising flour",
"4 tbsp cocoa",
"1\u00bd tsp bicarbonate of soda",
"150g raspberry jam",
"100g frozen raspberries, defrosted",
"300ml double cream",
"2 tbsp icing sugar"
"steps": [
"Heat the oven to 180C/160C fan/gas 4. Oil and line two round 20cm springform cake tins with baking parchment. Whisk the oil, sugar, eggs and milk in a bowl until smooth. Sieve the flour, cocoa and bicarb into another large bowl, then gradually mix in the wet ingredients. ",
"Divide the mixture between the tins and bake for 35-40 mins until the cakes are risen and spring back when pressed. Leave to cool in the tins for 10 mins, then transfer to a wire rack to cool completely.",
"For the raspberry layer, stir the jam and the defrosted raspberries together. Once the cakes are cool, whip the cream with the sugar to soft peaks, then gently fold half the raspberry mixture through the cream to create a ripple effect. ",
"Spoon most of the reserved raspberry mixture over one of the cakes, then dollop on half of the cream. Smooth over with a palette knife, then place the other sponge on top. Swirl over the remaining cream and swirl the last of the raspberry mixture through it. Will keep in the fridge for two days."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "20 mins",
"Cooking": "40 mins"
"serves": 12,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 88,
"subcategory": "Desserts",
"dish_type": "Easy pudding recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "b2e6d302-fb0d-4b4a-87a7-d87305e385d3",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Chocolate caramel cake",
"description": "This rich cake makes an impressive centrepiece for any summer tea party",
"author": "Emma Lewis",
"rattings": 4,
"ingredients": [
"300g butter, plus extra for greasing",
"300g light muscovado sugar",
"3 large eggs",
"1\u00bd tsp baking powder",
"85g cocoa powder",
"225g plain flour",
"225ml soured cream",
"300ml pot double cream",
"5 tbsp dulce de leche or caramel sauce",
"25g caramel flavoured chocolate, finely chopped (we used Lindt)"
"steps": [
"Heat oven to 180C/160C fan/gas 4. Lightly grease 2 x 23cm loose-bottom cake tins and line with a circle of baking parchment. Beat together the butter and sugar until pale and creamy. Add the eggs, one at a time, beating well between each addition, then add the baking powder, cocoa and a third of the flour. Mix well to combine, then stir in half the soured cream. Alternating between adding the flour and soured cream, mix everything until just combined. Spoon into the prepared tins, then smooth over the surface with a spoon.",
"Bake for 30 mins or until the cakes are firm to touch and a skewer inserted into the centres comes out clean. Leave to cool in the tins for 5 mins, then turn out onto a rack and cool completely.",
"When you\u2019re ready to serve, whip the double cream with 2 tbsp Dulce de leche until soft peaks form. Place 1 cake on a serving plate and spread with half the cream, then drizzle over the remaining Dulce de leche. Top with the other cake, then spread the remaining cream on top. Sprinkle with the chocolate. Chill until ready to serve."
"nutrients": {
"kcal": "597",
"fat": "43g",
"saturates": "25g",
"carbs": "51g",
"sugars": "32g",
"fibre": "1g",
"protein": "5g",
"salt": "0.74g"
"times": {
"Preparation": "20 mins",
"Cooking": "30 mins"
"serves": 12,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 35,
"subcategory": "Desserts",
"dish_type": "Easy pudding recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "6674f116-c65b-4f6e-952d-961c9f1081fd",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Chocolate birthday cake",
"description": "Bake this simple and stunning chocolate birthday cake for a kids' or adults' party centrepiece. Decorate with icing shapes and colourful candles.",
"author": "Good Food team",
"rattings": 4,
"ingredients": [
"140g butter, plus extra for the tin",
"175g golden caster sugar",
"2 eggs",
"225g self-raising wholemeal flour",
"50g cocoa powder",
"\u00bc tsp bicarbonate of soda",
"250g natural yogurt",
"300g golden icing sugar, sieved",
"2 tbsp cocoa powder, sieved",
"1 tbsp butter, melted ",
"3-4 tbsp boiling water",
"50g each white, plain and milk chocolate, broken into squares"
"steps": [
"Heat oven to 180C/fan 160C/gas 4. Butter and line the base of a 18 x 28cm cake tin or tray. Put the butter and sugar into a bowl; beat together with electric hand beaters until light and fluffy. add the eggs a little at a time, beating well between each addition.",
"Sieve the flour, cocoa and bicarbonate of soda into the bowl, then tip in any bran left in the sieve. Pour in the natural yogurt. Stir everything to a smooth mixture and spoon into the prepared tin. Bake for 20-25 mins until just firm and shrinking away from the sides of the tin. Cool in the tin for 5 mins, then turn onto a wire rack to cool completely.",
"For the icing, sieve the icing sugar and cocoa into a bowl, then pour in the butter and 2 tbsp just-boiled water. Stir together to a smooth, spreadable consistency. if it\u2019s too stiff, very carefully add a little more boiling water, drop by drop.",
"Spread the icing over the top of the cake, using a palette knife dipped in hot water. Will keep in an airtight container for up to 1 week.",
"Melt the chocolates in three different bowls in the microwave on High for 1 min or over a pan of simmering water. Spoon the melted chocolates into three plastic disposable piping bags. Snip the ends off and pipe 12 simple shapes on top of the cake. Leave to set. Just before serving, cut the cake into 12 squares and push in the candles."
"nutrients": {
"kcal": "432",
"fat": "18g",
"saturates": "10g",
"carbs": "65g",
"sugars": "51g",
"fibre": "3g",
"protein": "6g",
"salt": "0.41g"
"times": {
"Preparation": "20 mins",
"Cooking": "25 mins"
"serves": 12,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 103,
"subcategory": "Desserts",
"dish_type": "Easy pudding recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "13e990b7-b289-4459-85b8-8e6bdd240e44",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Salted dark chocolate, rye & courgette cake",
"description": "Not only are these chocolate squares a great way to use up a glut of courgettes, they're topped with rye crumbs and sea salt for a chocolate cake with a twist",
"author": "Cassie Best",
"rattings": 4,
"ingredients": [
"150g butter, melted, plus extra for greasing",
"80g spelt flour",
"120g rye flour",
"8 tbsp cocoa powder",
"2 tsp baking powder",
"1 tsp bicarbonate of soda",
"280g light brown soft sugar",
"200ml buttermilk",
"2 large eggs",
"1 tsp vanilla extract",
"2 medium courgettes, grated (approx 350g weight)",
"100g dark chocolate (75-80%) finely chopped",
"100g dark chocolate, finely chopped",
"170g unsalted butter, softened",
"350g icing sugar",
"4 tbsp cocoa powder",
"2 tbsp milk",
"1 slice rye bread, optional",
"\u00bd tsp flaky sea salt"
"steps": [
"Heat oven to 180C/160C fan/gas 4. Grease a 20 x 30cm cake tin and line with baking parchment. Mix the flours, cocoa powder, baking powder, bicarbonate of soda and sugar in a large bowl with \u00bd tsp salt. Shake the bowl a few times to encourage any large lumps of sugar to come to the surface and crush these with your fingertips. Mix the butter, buttermilk, eggs and vanilla in a jug and pour into the dry ingredients, add the courgette and chopped chocolate too. Stir everything together, then scrape into the tin. Bake for 45-50 mins until the cake is risen, and a skewer inserted to the centre comes out with just a few moist crumbs, but no wet cake mixture. Leave to cool in the tin for 15 mins, then transfer to a wire rack to cool.",
"To make the icing, put the chocolate in a heatproof bowl, suspended over a pan of barely simmering water. Stir every now and then until melted. (Alternatively, melt in the microwave, stirring the chocolate every 20 secs so it doesn\u2019t burn.) Remove the bowl from the heat and leave to cool a little. Meanwhile, put the butter and icing sugar in another large bowl and mash with a spatula to combine (this will prevent you covering the work surface in icing sugar), then whisk with a hand mixer until smooth. Sift in the cocoa and pour in the melted chocolate and milk, then mix again until smooth.",
"If using the rye bread, heat oven to 160C/140C fan/gas 3. Blitz the bread in a food processer to chunky crumbs, then tip onto a baking tray, spreading them in an even layer. Bake for 15 mins, stirring halfway, until lightly toasted and crispy. Spread the chocolate icing over the cake, then scatter with rye crumbs and sea salt. Cut into squares to serve. "
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "30 mins",
"Cooking": "1 hr"
"serves": 12,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 7,
"subcategory": "Desserts",
"dish_type": "Easy pudding recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "34b66831-cdc3-4dfc-adb7-850a4a2179ac",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Chocolate & sesame loaf cake",
"description": "Tahini gives this cake a subtle nutty flavour that partners perfectly with rich chocolate. This recipe makes 2 cakes, so why not freeze one as a treat for another day!",
"author": "Miriam Nice",
"rattings": 4,
"ingredients": [
"200g butter, plus extra for greasing",
"200g dark chocolate, chopped",
"200g golden caster sugar",
"100ml strong espresso",
"100ml soured cream",
"2 eggs",
"200g self-raising flour",
"5 tsp cocoa powder",
"250g self-raising flour",
"150g tahini",
"1 heaped tsp baking powder",
"150ml strong black coffee",
"150g golden caster sugar",
"\u00bc tsp cinnamon",
"2 tbsp milk",
"200ml double cream",
"40g butter",
"200g dark chocolate, chopped",
"4 x 30g pack sesame snaps"
"steps": [
"Heat oven to 180C/160C fan/gas 4. Grease two 900g loaf tins (8.5cm deep) and line with baking parchment.",
"First, make the chocolate cake mixture. Put the butter and chocolate in a large heatproof bowl set over a pan of simmering water, stirring occasionally. Put all the other ingredients in a large mixing bowl and, when the chocolate and butter have melted, pour over and mix with an electric whisk until smooth and well combined. Set aside and rinse the beaters.",
"In another large bowl, add all the sesame cake ingredients, then combine with an electric whisk until smooth.",
"Alternating with dollops of each mixture, divide between the two tins. Level the top, then swirl a skewer through the mixture to create a marbled effect. Bake in the middle of the oven for 45-50 mins or until a skewer inserted into the centre comes out clean. Leave the cakes to cool completely on a wire rack while you make the topping (there\u2019s enough for both cakes but the topping recipe is easily halved if you want to freeze one and ice it later)",
"Heat the double cream and butter together gently in a small pan until just simmering, then remove from the heat and add the chocolate. Stir until the mixture is smooth, then place in the fridge for 20 mins to firm up.",
"Beat well with a wooden spoon, then transfer to a disposable piping bag. Snip the end off to make a wide opening, then pipe thick, overlapping zigzags across the cakes. Cut the sesame snaps into shards and arrange on top, scattering over any crumbs, then serve."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "20 mins",
"Cooking": "55 mins - 1 hr"
"serves": 2,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 5,
"subcategory": "Desserts",
"dish_type": "Easy pudding recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "45c81dce-3ab3-4a84-9369-0276f6074b89",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Dark chocolate, coconut & passion fruit mousse cake",
"description": "Sandwich our best ever chocolate sponge with a fruity coconut mousse and smother in a rich ganache for a stunning party centrepiece",
"author": "Cassie Best",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"150ml vegetable oil, plus extra for greasing",
"200g plain flour",
"8 tbsp cocoa powder",
"2 tsp baking powder",
"1 tsp bicarbonate of soda",
"280g light brown soft sugar",
"200ml buttermilk",
"100ml strong coffee or espresso",
"2 tsp vanilla extract",
"2 large eggs",
"4 tbsp coconut rum liqueur (I used Malibu)",
"toasted coconut shavings, to serve (optional)",
"6 gelatine leaves",
"6 ripe passion fruits (the skin should be crinkled when ripe)",
"160g can coconut cream",
"85g golden caster sugar",
"2 tbsp coconut rum liqueur",
"300ml pot double cream",
"200g dark chocolate, around 70% cocoa solids, finely chopped",
"300ml pot double cream"
"steps": [
"Heat oven to 180C/160C fan/gas 4. Grease and line two 20cm cake tins with baking parchment \u2013 if your cake tins are quite shallow, line the sides to a depth of at least 5cm. Put the flour, cocoa powder, baking powder, bicarbonate of soda, sugar and 1 tsp salt in a bowl and mix well. If there are any lumps in the sugar, squeeze these through your fingers to break them up.",
"Measure the buttermilk, coffee, oil and vanilla in a jug. Add the egg and whisk until smooth. Pour the wet ingredients into the dry and whisk until well combined. Pour the cake mixture evenly into the two tins, and bake for 25-30 mins until risen and a skewer inserted into the centre comes out clean. Cool in the tins for 10 mins, then turn out onto a wire rack, peel off the baking parchment and leave to cool. These sponges can be made up to three days ahead and will stay moist if wrapped in cling film, or you can wrap well and freeze for up to two months.",
"To make the mousse, put the gelatine leaves in a bowl of cold water, one at a time, so they don\u2019t stick together. Set aside for 5 mins to soften. Scoop the pulp and seeds from the passion fruit into a sieve suspended over a bowl, and push through the juice \u2013 you should have about 100ml. Put 1 tbsp of the seeds in a small bowl and set aside. Save 2 small empty passion fruit halves and discard the rest.",
"Pour the coconut cream, passion fruit juice and sugar into a saucepan and bring to a gentle simmer. Remove from the heat and stir in the coconut rum liqueur. Add the gelatine to the hot liquid, a leaf at a time, squeezing out the water before you add them. Stir until the gelatine has dissolved. Fill each reserved passion fruit half with some of the mixture, place in a small dish and chill until needed. Leave the remaining mixture to cool to room temperature. Pour the double cream into a large bowl and whip until it\u2019s holding its shape. Add half the passion fruit mixture, fold together, then add the remaining mixture and fold through again.",
"Line a deep 20cm cake tin with a double layer of cling film. Slice each sponge in half through the middle and drizzle each layer with 1 tbsp coconut rum liqueur. Place one of the layers into the tin, flat-side down, and spread with a third of the passion fruit mousse \u2013 don\u2019t worry if a little trickles down the sides. Layer the remaining sponges and mousse on top, finishing with a layer of cake. Cover the top of the cake with cling film and chill for at least 4 hrs, or preferably overnight.",
"When the cake has chilled and the mousse is set, turn out onto a cake stand, so the base now becomes the top, and remove the cling film. Using a palette knife, scrape any passion fruit mousse off the edges of the cake, to give it a smooth surface. Place the cake back in the fridge while you prepare the ganache.",
"Put the chocolate and cream in a pan and gently heat, stirring now and then, to make a runny chocolate sauce. Leave to firm up at room temperature until it reaches a spreadable consistency.",
"Remove the cake from the fridge. Spread the ganache over the top and sides of the cake with a palette knife until completely covered. Decorate with a ring of toasted coconut shavings, if you like. Remove the filled passion fruit shells from the fridge and place these on top too, topped with the reserved passion fruit seeds. Chill until ready to serve, but bring out of the fridge 1 hr before slicing (don\u2019t forget to serve the passion fruit jellies to your favourite guests too). Leftovers will keep in the fridge for 2 days."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "45 mins",
"Cooking": "45 mins"
"serves": 12,
"difficult": "A challenge",
"vote_count": 3,
"subcategory": "Desserts",
"dish_type": "Easy pudding recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "a41a634d-6b0f-4f4c-a470-7b66760b03c1",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Easy vegan chocolate cake",
"description": "This indulgent, fudgy vegan cake is topped with a rich frosting \u2013 you'd never guess that it's gluten-free and made without dairy, eggs, wheat or nuts",
"author": "Jane Hornby",
"rattings": 4,
"ingredients": [
"a little dairy-free sunflower spread, for greasing",
"1 large ripe avocado (about 150g)",
"300g light muscovado sugar",
"350g gluten-free plain flour",
"50g good-quality cocoa powder",
"1 tsp bicarbonate of soda",
"2 tsp gluten-free baking powder",
"400ml unsweetened soya milk",
"150ml vegetable oil",
"2 tsp vanilla extract",
"85g ripe avocado flesh, mashed",
"85g dairy-free sunflower spread",
"200g dairy-free chocolate, 70% cocoa, broken into chunks",
"25g cocoa powder",
"125ml unsweetened soya milk",
"200g icing sugar, sifted",
"1 tsp vanilla extract",
"gluten-free and vegan sprinkles, to decorate"
"steps": [
"Heat oven to 160C/140C fan/gas 3. Grease two 20cm sandwich tins with a little dairy-free sunflower spread, then line the bases with baking parchment.",
"Put 1 large avocado and 300g light muscovado sugar in a food processor and whizz until smooth.",
"Add 350g gluten-free plain flour, 50g cocoa powder, 1 tsp bicarbonate of soda, 2 tsp gluten-free baking powder, 400ml unsweetened soya milk, 150ml vegetable oil and 2 tsp vanilla extract to the bowl with \u00bd tsp fine salt and process again to a velvety, liquid batter.",
"Divide between the tins and bake for 25 mins or until fully risen and a skewer inserted into the middle of the cakes comes out clean.",
"Cool in the tins for 5 mins, then turn the cakes onto a rack to cool completely.",
"While you wait, start preparing the frosting. Beat together 85g ripe avocado flesh and 85g dairy-free sunflower spread with electric beaters until creamy and smooth. Pass through a sieve and set aside.",
"Melt 200g dairy-free chocolate, either over a bowl of water or in the microwave, then let it cool for a few mins.",
"Sift 25g cocoa powder into a large bowl. Bring 125ml unsweetened soya milk to a simmer, then gradually beat into the cocoa until smooth. Cool for a few mins.",
"Tip in the avocado mix, 200g sifted icing sugar, melted chocolate and 1 tsp vanilla, and keep mixing to make a shiny, thick frosting. Use this to sandwich and top the cake.",
"Cover with sprinkles or your own decoration, then leave to set for 10 mins before slicing. Can be made 2 days ahead."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "30 mins",
"Cooking": "25 mins"
"serves": 12,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 126,
"subcategory": "Desserts",
"dish_type": "Easy pudding recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "2faee3ee-92db-4f29-b968-dd90475f4960",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Gravity-defying sweetie cake",
"description": "Anti-gravity cakes are a great option for birthdays or parties - this stunning chocolate sweetie cake will delight kids and grown-ups alike",
"author": "Cassie Best",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"150ml vegetable oil, plus extra for greasing",
"200g plain flour",
"8 tbsp cocoa powder",
"2 tsp baking powder",
"1 tsp bicarbonate of soda",
"280g light brown soft sugar",
"200ml buttermilk",
"100ml strong coffee or espresso",
"2 tsp vanilla extract",
"2 large eggs",
"2\u00bd x 114g packs milk chocolate fingers",
"8 tubes of sugar coated chocolates, or other sweets",
"100g milk chocolate, chopped into small pieces, plus 50g/2oz for decorating",
"200g slightly salted butter, softened",
"400g icing sugar, seived",
"4 tbsp cocoa powder",
"2 tbsp milk",
"1 bendy straw",
"2 wooden skewers",
"1 paper bag or sweet packet (see tip)",
"sticky tape"
"steps": [
"Heat oven to 180C/160C fan/gas 4. Grease and line two 20cm cake tins with baking parchment \u2013 if your cake tins are quite shallow, line the sides to a depth of at least 5cm. Put the flour, cocoa powder, baking powder, bicarbonate of soda, sugar and 1 tsp salt in a bowl and mix well. If there are any lumps in the sugar, squeeze these through your fingers to break them up.",
"Measure the buttermilk, coffee, oil and vanilla in a jug. Add the egg and whisk until smooth. Pour the wet ingredients into the dry and whisk until well combined. Pour the cake mixture evenly into the two tins, and bake for 25-30 mins until risen and a skewer inserted into the centre comes out clean. Cool in the tins for 10 mins, then turn out onto a wire rack, peel off the baking parchment and leave to cool. These sponges can be made up to three days ahead and will stay moist if wrapped in cling film, or you can wrap well and freeze for up to two months.",
"To make the chocolate fudge icing, put the chocolate in a heatproof bowl, suspended over a pan of barely simmering water. Stir every now and then until melted. (Alternatively, melt in the microwave, stirring the chocolate every 20 secs so it doesn\u2019t burn.) Remove the bowl from the heat and leave to cool a little. Meanwhile, put the butter and icing sugar in another large bowl and mash with a spatula to combine (this will prevent you covering the work surface in icing sugar), then whisk with a hand mixer until smooth. Sift in the cocoa and pour in the melted chocolate and milk, then mix again until smooth.",
"Use roughly half the icing to sandwich the cakes together on a cake stand or board. Use a palette knife to cover the entire cake with the remaining icing \u2013 don\u2019t worry about being too neat. Use the chocolate fingers to cover the sides of the cakes \u2013 do this straight after icing as the icing will set after a while, and the chocolate fingers won\u2019t stick.",
"Melt the remaining 50g chocolate in the microwave or in a small bowl suspended over a pan of gently simmering water. Leave to cool until the chocolate is a spreadable consistency. You can speed this up by putting it in the fridge \u2013 just stir it every 5 mins or so to prevent the chocolate from setting.",
"Push a skewer into the centre of the cake and slip the straw over the top \u2013 this will give it more stability. Push 1-2cm of the straw into the cake. Use a cutlery knife to spread a blob of chocolate onto a sugar coated chocolate sweet and, starting at the base, stick the sweets to the straw. You will have to do this in stages to allow the chocolate to set a little before adding another layer of sweets. Work your way up the straw until it\u2019s completely covered. If the chocolate in your bowl becomes too firm, simply heat again until it is at the correct consistency. Stop when you reach the bend in the straw.",
"Stick the remaining skewer into the top of the straw so that it pokes out at an angle. Place the paper bag on top \u2013 you may have to use a little sticky tape to hold it in place. If any of the straw is exposed, cover it with more sweets.",
"Tip the remaining sweets on top of the cake to flood the surface. Will keep well stored in an airtight tin for 2 days."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "1 hr",
"Cooking": "35 mins"
"serves": 12,
"difficult": "More effort",
"vote_count": 50,
"subcategory": "Desserts",
"dish_type": "Easy pudding recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "3e485374-9126-488d-9c6a-80b7c14f03c6",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Easy chocolate brownie cake",
"description": "The perfect cake for brownie lovers, try a big slice warm with some ice cream",
"author": "Good Food team",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"175g unsalted butter, plus extra for greasing",
"225g dark chocolate, broken into pieces",
"200g caster sugar",
"3 medium eggs, separated",
"65g plain flour",
"50g chopped pecan nuts"
"steps": [
"Heat oven to 180C/fan 160C/gas 4. Butter a 20-25cm cake tin and line with greaseproof paper.",
"Place 175g/6oz of the chocolate, plus the butter and sugar in a heavy-based pan and heat gently until melted, stirring occasionally. Leave to cool.",
"Whisk the egg yolks into the chocolate mixture, then add the flour, nuts and the remaining chocolate.",
"Whisk the egg whites until they form soft peaks, then gently, but thoroughly, fold into the chocolate mixture.",
"Pour into the prepared tin and bake in the centre of the oven for about 35-40 mins until crusty on top. Leave to cool, then run a knife around the sides and remove from the tin. Dust with icing sugar and serve warm with custard or ice cream or cold with cream."
"nutrients": {
"kcal": "405",
"fat": "26g",
"saturates": "14g",
"carbs": "41g",
"sugars": "34g",
"fibre": "0.44g",
"protein": "4g",
"salt": "0.06g"
"times": {
"Preparation": "15 mins - 20 mins",
"Cooking": "45 mins"
"serves": 10,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 225,
"subcategory": "Desserts",
"dish_type": "Easy pudding recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "5282d4da-05cd-4b7b-8223-b7fbba99b5ff",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Cookies & cream party cake",
"description": "Stack up our best ever chocolate sponges and smother in a biscuit icing to make this towering celebration cake",
"author": "Cassie Best",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"300ml vegetable oil, plus extra for greasing",
"400g plain flour",
"130g cocoa powder",
"4 tsp baking powder",
"2 tsp bicarbonate of soda",
"560g light brown soft sugar",
"400ml buttermilk",
"200ml strong coffee, or espresso",
"4 tsp vanilla extract",
"4 large eggs",
"250g pack slightly salted butter, softened",
"600g icing sugar",
"280g tub full-fat cream cheese",
"2 tsp vanilla extract",
"10 filled chocolate biscuits (about \u00be of a pack)",
"filled chocolate biscuits, as many as you need for the letters on top (some may break when you insert the skewers, so buy extra)",
"thin wooden skewers",
"100g white chocolate, finely chopped",
"ready-to-roll fondant icing, coloured (we used a mixture of blue and green food colouring), or an icing writing pen"
"steps": [
"Heat oven to 180C/160C fan/gas 4. Grease and line two 20cm cake tins with baking parchment \u2013 if your cake tins are quite shallow, line the sides to a depth of at least 5cm. Put 200g flour, 8 tbsp cocoa powder, 2 tsp baking powder, 1 tsp bicarbonate of soda, 280g light brown soft sugar and 1 tsp salt in a bowl and mix well. If there are any lumps in the sugar, squeeze these through your fingers to break them up.",
"Measure 200ml buttermilk, 100ml coffee, 150ml oil and 2 tsp vanilla in a jug. Add 2 eggs and whisk until smooth. Pour the wet ingredients into the dry and whisk until well combined. Pour the cake mixture evenly into the two tins, and bake for 25-30 mins until risen and a skewer inserted into the centre comes out clean. Cool in the tins for 10 mins, then turn out onto a wire rack, peel off the baking parchment and leave to cool.",
"Repeat steps 1 and 2, so that you have 4 sponge cakes in total. These sponges can be made up to three days ahead and will stay moist if wrapped in cling film, or you can wrap well and freeze for up to two months.",
"To make the icing, put the butter in a large bowl and sieve in half the icing sugar. Roughly mash together with a spatula, then whizz with a hand mixer until smooth. Add the cream cheese and sieve in the remaining icing sugar, mash together again, then blend once more with the hand mixer. Put the biscuits in a food processor and whizz to fine crumbs. Add the biscuit crumbs to the icing and mix again until combined.",
"Next, make the cookie cake toppers. You\u2019ll need one biscuit for each letter of the word you\u2019d like to write \u2013 someone\u2019s name or, like we have done, \u2018WOW!\u2019 Carefully insert a skewer into the creamy filling in the middle of each biscuit \u2013 some cookies may break, so save these ones for later. Melt the chocolate in the microwave, stirring every 20 secs or so, or in a heatproof bowl suspended over a pan of gently simmering water. Spread a little chocolate over the surface of one side of each cookie. Roll out the fondant icing to the thickness of a 50p coin, and cut out your letters, then stick these to the cookies and set aside to dry. Alternatively, let the chocolate dry, then use an icing pen to write the name or word directly on the surface.",
"To assemble the cake, stick one of your sponges to a cake stand or board with a little of the cream cheese icing. Use roughly half the icing to stack the remaining cakes on top, spreading a generous amount between each layer. Pile the remaining icing on top of the assembled cake, and use a palette knife to ease it over the edges, covering the entire surface of the cake. Tidy the plate with a piece of kitchen paper.",
"If you have any leftover biscuits, break them into pieces and push these around the base of the cake. Insert the dried cookie cake toppers into the top of the cake and serve. Store leftovers in the fridge for up to 2 days, but bring back to room temperature for an hour or so before eating."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "1 hr",
"Cooking": "50 mins"
"serves": 20,
"difficult": "More effort",
"vote_count": 76,
"subcategory": "Desserts",
"dish_type": "Easy pudding recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "2c010aef-51b6-4d4e-9731-9fa2e9ed586c",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Chocolate drip cake",
"description": "This malted drip cake is smothered in cream cheese icing and drizzled with a dark chocolate ganache \u2013 a stunning multi-layered centrepiece for a big occasion",
"author": "Cassie Best",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"200g unsalted butter, softened, plus extra for greasing",
"250g golden caster sugar",
"3 large eggs",
"225g plain flour",
"25g powdered malt drink",
"2 tsp baking powder",
"100g natural yogurt",
"2 tsp vanilla extract",
"175g unsalted butter, softened, plus extra for greasing",
"250g golden caster sugar",
"3 large eggs",
"225g plain flour",
"25g cocoa powder",
"2 tsp baking powder",
"50g natural yogurt",
"100g dark chocolate, melted and cooled a little",
"butter or flavourless oil, for greasing",
"200g golden caster sugar",
"5 tbsp golden syrup",
"2 tsp bicarbonate of soda",
"37g pack Maltesers",
"250g pack slightly salted butter, softened",
"750g icing sugar",
"3 tbsp powdered malt drink",
"1 tsp vanilla extract",
"280g tub full-fat cream cheese",
"100g dark chocolate, finely chopped",
"75ml double cream"
"steps": [
"First make the malt sponges. Heat oven to 180C/160C fan/gas 4. Grease and line the bases of 2 x 20cm cake tins with baking parchment. Put the butter and sugar in a large bowl and whisk until pale and fluffy. Add the eggs, one at a time, whisking well between each addition. Tip the flour, malt and baking powder into the bowl with \u00bc tsp salt and fold together, then add the yogurt and vanilla, and give everything a final stir. Divide the cake mixture between the 2 tins, level the tops and bake on the middle shelf for 25-30 mins or until a skewer pushed into the centre of the cakes comes out clean. Cool for 10 mins, then remove from the tins, peel off the baking parchment and transfer to a wire rack to cool completely. Wash the tins.",
"Now make the chocolate sponges. Grease and line the base of the tins as before and boil the kettle. In the same bowl (don\u2019t worry about washing it), cream the butter and sugar as before, adding the eggs, one at a time, and mixing until combined. Sift in the flour, cocoa and baking powder with \u00bc tsp salt. Fold the mixture together, then add the yogurt, melted chocolate and 100ml boiling water. Stir until combined, then divide between the tins. Bake for 25-30 mins, testing with a skewer as before. Cool in the tins for 10 mins, then turn out, remove the baking parchment and cool completely. The sponges can be made up to 2 days before being iced, cooled and wrapped tightly in cling film.",
"Make the honeycomb. Grease a baking tray with a little butter or oil. Put the sugar and golden syrup in a large pan. Warm over a medium heat and leave to bubble to a liquid caramel, but don\u2019t stir. When you\u2019re happy with the colour (the darker it gets, the more intense the flavour will be), add the bicarbonate of soda and quickly stir into the syrup. Before the bubbles die down, pour the foaming mixture onto the baking tray, then set aside for 30 mins to cool and firm up.",
"Make the icing. In your largest mixing bowl, beat the butter with half the icing sugar, the malt and vanilla until smooth. Add the remaining icing sugar and the cream cheese, and beat again until well combined \u2013 don\u2019t overmix or the icing may become runny.",
"You\u2019re now ready to assemble. Put one of the sponges on a cake stand or cake board, sticking it down with a small blob of icing. Use \u00bc of the icing to stack the cakes, alternating between the malt and chocolate sponges. Place the final sponge on top, flat-side up. When assembled, use a palette knife to cover the entire cake with a thin layer of the icing, filling any gaps between sponges, but don\u2019t worry about completely covering the sponges at this stage. This is called a crumb coat and ensures that your final layer is crumb-free. Make space in your fridge and chill the cake for 30 mins to firm up the icing.",
"Once the icing is chilled, use the remaining icing to completely cover the cake. This is easiest if you pile the icing on top of the cake, then use a palette knife to ease it over the edge and down the sides. You can make it as smooth or as rough as you like. Chill for another 30 mins.",
"Make the drizzle. Meanwhile, put the dark chocolate in a bowl and heat the cream in a small pan until just steaming. Pour the cream over the chocolate and leave to melt for 5-10 mins. Stir to make a glossy ganache, then set aside to firm up a little \u2013 you want the ganache to be pourable but not too runny, to make drizzly droplets down the side of the cake.",
"When the ganache is the correct consistency, remove the cake from the fridge and spoon the ganache over the top edge of the cake, encouraging it to drizzle down the side with your spoon \u2013 start at the back of the cake to get the hang of it. Fill in the middle of the top of the cake with chocolate too.",
"Break the honeycomb into tall shards and stack them on top of the cake. Finish with whole and halved Maltesers, adding a few around the base, along with some honeycomb crumbs. The cake is best served within 2-3 hrs of assembling, but will still taste delicious for up to 3 days. Store leftovers in the fridge and allow to come back to room temperature before serving."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "2 hrs",
"Cooking": "1 hr"
"serves": 20,
"difficult": "A challenge",
"vote_count": 20,
"subcategory": "Desserts",
"dish_type": "Easy pudding recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "5da0f3b6-66c5-4414-b997-ecfc75329ecd",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Chocolate & lime cake",
"description": "Give chocolate cake a zesty lift with lime buttercream filling, chocolate and lime icing and candied zest to decorate \u2013 an irresistible flavour pairing",
"author": "Diana Henry",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"225g butter, softened at room temperature, plus extra for greasing",
"225g light brown soft sugar",
"4 large eggs, at room temperature, lightly beaten",
"170g self-raising flour",
"\u00bd tsp baking powder",
"50g cocoa powder",
"2 tbsp milk",
"50ml lime juice (about 4 limes)",
"25g caster sugar",
"3 limes",
"100g granulated sugar",
"100g unsalted butter",
"200g icing sugar",
"2 limes, finely zested",
"50ml double cream, plus 1 tbsp",
"100g 70% dark chocolate, cut into small pieces",
"2 \u00bd tbsp lime marmalade"
"steps": [
"Heat oven to 180C/160C fan/gas 4. Butter and line the base of 2 x 20cm cake tins with baking parchment. Beat the butter and light brown sugar together until pale and fluffy. Add the eggs gradually, beating well between each addition. Fold in the flour, baking powder and cocoa powder. If the mixture is very stiff, stir in the milk.",
"Spoon into the cake tins and bake for 20-25 mins or until a skewer inserted into the centre comes out clean. Turn the cakes out onto a wire rack and peel off the parchment. Gently heat the lime juice and caster sugar together, stirring to help the sugar dissolve. While the cakes and the syrup are still warm, pierce the cakes all over using a skewer and spoon over the syrup. Leave to cool completely.",
"Next, make the candied lime zest. Pare the zest from the limes, cutting it into broad strips. Cut away the white pith and discard, then slice the zest into matchstick-sized strips. Put them in a pan and cover with water, then bring to the boil. Cook for 1 min, then drain and rinse. Dry and set aside. Juice the limes and add enough water to make 225ml. Heat gently with the sugar until the sugar has melted. Add the strips of zest and simmer until the liquid has almost evaporated and turned syrupy \u2013 about 30 mins. Scoop the strips of zest out with a slotted spoon, then place them on parchment to dry.",
"To make the buttercream, beat the butter and icing sugar together using an electric mixer or by hand (start off gently or the icing sugar will fly everywhere), until pale and light, but don\u2019t beat for so long that it gets too fluffy. Add the lime zest and beat again until smooth. Chill in the fridge until the buttercream is firm, but spreadable.",
"To make the icing, heat the cream gently (don't let it boil), then take it off the heat. Add the chocolate and let it melt, stirring to help it along. Put the marmalade in a small pan with the extra 1 tbsp cream and heat slowly to dissolve. Add to the chocolate and cream and stir until everything is blended. Leave to cool a little, but not so long that it becomes firm. Pour over one of the layers of sponge and leave to cool and set \u2013 it will run down the sides and drip off.",
"Spread the buttercream over the other layer, then put the chocolate coated layer on top. Decorate with the candied lime zest."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "1 hr and 10 mins",
"Cooking": "40 mins"
"serves": 8,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 16,
"subcategory": "Desserts",
"dish_type": "Easy pudding recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "dc8dc804-7741-4d4e-a225-068b762507c6",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Courgette muffins",
"description": "Get kids busy in the kitchen with these scrummy courgette muffins, perfect for cooks aged between 8-14",
"author": "Good Food team",
"rattings": 4,
"ingredients": [
"50g courgette, cut into chunks",
"1 apple, peeled and quartered",
"1 orange, halved",
"1 egg",
"75g butter, melted",
"300g self-raising flour",
"\u00bd tsp baking powder",
"\u00bd tsp cinnamon",
"100g golden caster sugar",
"handful of sultanas",
"1 tub soft cheese mixed with 3 tbsp icing sugar, to make icing"
"steps": [
"Brush the muffin tin with oil. Ask your grown-up helper to switch the oven to 190C/ 170C fan/gas 5.",
"Grate the courgettes and put them in a large bowl. Grate the apple and add to the bowl. Squeeze the orange and add the juice to the bowl.",
"Break the egg into a bowl; if any bits of shell get in, scoop them out with a spoon. Stir the butter and egg into the courgette and apple mix.",
"Sieve the flour, baking powder and cinnamon into the bowl. Add the sugar and sultanas.",
"Mix with a spoon until everything is combined, but don\u2019t worry if it is lumpy.",
"Spoon the mixture into the tin. Ask your helper to put it in the oven and cook for 20-25 mins. Cool in the tin, then spread some icing on each."
"nutrients": {
"kcal": "272",
"fat": "14g",
"saturates": "9g",
"carbs": "35g",
"sugars": "16g",
"fibre": "1g",
"protein": "4g",
"salt": "0.5g"
"times": {
"Preparation": "35 mins",
"Cooking": "25 mins"
"serves": 12,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 32,
"subcategory": "Kids' baking",
"dish_type": "Baking with kids",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "8797644e-4bf6-4902-accd-cc8c12f2a3d9",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Chocolate cornflake cakes",
"description": "Everyone loves crispy chocolate cornflake cakes, whatever their age. Get the whole family in the kitchen to make these simple bites",
"author": "Caroline Hire \u2013 Food writer",
"rattings": 4,
"ingredients": [
"50g butter",
"100g milk or dark chocolate, broken into chunks",
"3 tbsp golden syrup",
"100g cornflakes"
"steps": [
"Children: Weigh out the ingredients. Older children can do this by themselves with supervision and little ones can help to pour or spoon ingredients into the weighing scales. Put 50g butter, 100g milk or dark chocolate, broken into chunks and 3 tbsp golden syrup in a saucepan or microwavable bowl. Put 100g cornflakes in another large bowl.",
"Grown ups: Melt the weighed butter, chocolate and golden syrup in the saucepan over a low heat or briefly in the microwave. Allow to cool a little before pouring over the cornflakes.",
"Children: Stir the ingredients together gently using a wooden spoon. Spoon the mixture into 12 cupcake cases arranged on a muffin tray (or baking sheet, if you don\u2019t have one). Grown ups will need to do this for younger children or simply arrange on a tray and let the mess happen. Put in the fridge to set."
"nutrients": {
"kcal": "121",
"fat": "6.1g",
"saturates": "3.7g",
"carbs": "15.1g",
"sugars": "9g",
"fibre": "0.3g",
"protein": "1.3g",
"salt": "0.3g"
"times": {
"Preparation": "10 mins",
"Cooking": "5 mins"
"serves": 12,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 138,
"subcategory": "Kids' baking",
"dish_type": "Baking with kids",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "47d213ae-d76c-460b-85e2-086fa5e5e07f",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Number birthday cake",
"description": "Make a child's birthday special with this number cake decorated with mini meringues, biscuits, macarons and raspberries - and any other treats they like!",
"author": "Katie Marshall",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"350g unsalted butter, softened, plus extra for the tin",
"350g golden caster sugar",
"6 eggs",
"350g self-raising flour",
"1 tsp baking powder",
"2 lemons, zested",
"50ml milk",
"4 tbsp caster sugar",
"2 lemons, juiced (use the zested lemons)",
"175g unsalted butter, softened",
"350g icing sugar, sieved",
"4 tbsp jam of your choice",
"mini meringues, biscuits, macarons and raspberries (or any toppings you like)"
"steps": [
"Heat the oven to 200C/180C fan/gas 6. Butter a deep 30 x 23cm rectangular tin. Beat the butter and sugar together in a stand mixer until pale, about 5 mins. Add the eggs, one at a time. Sift in the flour and baking powder, and add the lemon zest and milk. Fold in using a large metal spoon. Spoon into the tin. Bake for 35-40 mins until a skewer inserted into the centre comes out clean. Leave to cool for 10 mins in the tin, then turn out onto a wire rack to cool completely.",
"Transfer the cake to a board and cut in half through the equator. Put one half on a baking tray. Mix the caster sugar with the lemon juice, then brush this over the cut sides of the cake halves. For the buttercream, beat the butter in a stand mixer to loosen. Slowly add the icing sugar and a splashof water and continue to beat until pale. Spread the jam over the base cake layer, then carefully spread a third of the buttercream on top. Sandwich with the other cake layer, then cut the cake into the shape of your desired number using a serrated knife, trying to waste as little of the cake as possible (offcuts can be eaten as a small treat). Spoon the remaining buttercream into a piping bag fitted with a star nozzle and pipe swirls on the cake. Decorate with your chosen toppings. Will keep chilled for up to three days."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "40 mins",
"Cooking": "40 mins"
"serves": 12,
"difficult": "More effort",
"vote_count": 1,
"subcategory": "Kids' baking",
"dish_type": "Baking with kids",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "463370a8-2142-4c49-86cd-64d23b05cc35",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Chocolate brownie cake",
"description": "Get kids cooking at the weekend by baking this yummy brownie cake, much better than shop bought",
"author": "Good Food team",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"100g butter",
"125g caster sugar",
"75g light brown or muscovado sugar",
"125g plain chocolate (plain or milk)",
"1 tbsp golden syrup",
"2 eggs",
"1 tsp vanilla extract/essence",
"100g plain flour",
"\u00bd tsp baking powder",
"2 tbsp cocoa powder"
"steps": [
"Heat oven to 180C/fan 160C/gas 4. Grease and line a 20cm cake tin.",
"Place the butter, caster sugar, brown sugar, chocolate and golden syrup in the pan and melt gently on a low heat until it is smooth and lump-free.",
"Remove the pan from the heat.",
"Break the eggs into the bowl and whisk with the fork until light and frothy. 5 Add the eggs, vanilla extract or essence, flour, baking powder and cocoa powder to the chocolate mixture and mix thoroughly.",
"Put the mixture into the greased and lined cake tin and place on the middle shelf of the oven. Bake for 25-30 mins.",
"Remove and allow to cool for 20-30 mins before cutting into wedges and serving.",
"Serve with cream or ice cream and plenty of fresh fruit."
"nutrients": {
"kcal": "500",
"fat": "23g",
"saturates": "13g",
"carbs": "73g",
"sugars": "59g",
"fibre": "1g",
"protein": "5g",
"salt": "0.5g"
"times": {
"Preparation": "15 mins"
"serves": 6,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 526,
"subcategory": "Kids' baking",
"dish_type": "Baking with kids",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "52e3136f-507f-4c5d-8bcf-31f894646af8",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "No-bake orange cheesecake",
"description": "This is an easy cheesecake for kids to prepare with just a little supervision \u2013 they'll love smashing up the biscuits for the base.",
"author": "Good Food team",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"15 digestive biscuits",
"6 tbsp butter, melted ",
"400g curd or cream cheese",
"grated zest 3 oranges, save the segments for the decoration",
"200g mascarpone cheese",
"100g caster sugar",
"3 tbsp milk",
"184ml pot double cream"
"steps": [
"Crush the biscuits roughly. You can do this by putting them in a plastic food bag and crushing them with a wooden spoon.",
"Put the biscuits into a bowl and mix in the melted butter. Put the mixture into a 23cm cheesecake tin, then use the back of a spoon to spread it evenly and press it down in the tin to form the base. Put the tin into the fridge to set. This should take about 30 mins.",
"Put the curd or cream cheese, orange zest, mascarpone, sugar and milk into a bowl and mix it well with the wooden spoon.",
"Put the cream in a clean bowl and whisk until it is the consistency of thick custard. Add to the orange mixture and mix thoroughly.",
"Remove the cheesecake tin from the fridge. Pour the filling over the biscuit base and spread evenly. Decorate with segments of orange and return to the fridge until ready to serve (at least 4 hours or overnight)."
"nutrients": {
"kcal": "630",
"fat": "47g",
"saturates": "27g",
"carbs": "43g",
"sugars": "26g",
"fibre": "2g",
"protein": "11g",
"salt": "1.32g"
"times": {
"Preparation": "25 mins",
"Cooking": "No Time"
"serves": 8,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 47,
"subcategory": "Kids' baking",
"dish_type": "Baking with kids",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "d1bd8e53-c6b3-49f8-a454-3c9b2dfbd53a",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Raspberry ripple cake",
"description": "Rainy day? Get the kids in the kitchen and have some fun making this fruity, fun cake",
"author": "Emma Lewis",
"rattings": 4,
"ingredients": [
"200g caster sugar",
"200g butter, softened",
"4 eggs",
"1 tsp vanilla extract",
"200g self-raising flour",
"1 tsp baking powder",
"3 tbsp milk",
"200g punnet raspberry",
"140g marshmallow"
"steps": [
"Grease a 23cm-deep, loose-bottomed cake tin and cut out a circle of baking parchment to fit into the bottom. Cut a thick strip of parchment to fit around the side of the tin. Heat oven to 190C/fan 170C/gas 5. Put the sugar and butter into a large mixing bowl. Using an electric whisk (or wooden spoon if you\u2019ve got more time and energy), beat them together until creamy and soft. Crack in the eggs, one by one, giving a good beat after each addition. Stir in the vanilla extract, then the flour and baking powder, then stir through the milk to loosen the mixture. Carefully stir in half the raspberries, making sure you don\u2019t mix too vigorously or they will fall apart.",
"Cook the cake for 25-30 mins until just about cooked through. Then, carefully take it out of the oven. Scatter the marshmallows all over the cake, trying to leave a 2cm border round the edge of the tin as the marshmallows will expand when cooking, then tuck raspberries into any gaps. Return to the oven for another 10 mins until the cake has fully cooked through and the marshmallows are lightly browned and gooey. Leave for 5 mins, then ease out of the tin, cut up and eat."
"nutrients": {
"kcal": "386",
"fat": "20g",
"saturates": "11g",
"carbs": "50g",
"sugars": "32g",
"fibre": "1g",
"protein": "6g",
"salt": "0.75g"
"times": {
"Preparation": "10 mins - 20 mins",
"Cooking": "40 mins"
"serves": 10,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 12,
"subcategory": "Kids' baking",
"dish_type": "Baking with kids",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "62c3aa7f-570f-4a6f-ab06-6748ef766c8c",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Father's Day cupcakes",
"description": "Dad'll love these easy cupcakes, make them really chocolatey or put his favourite sweet or nut on top - the perfect treat!",
"author": "Jane Hornby",
"rattings": 4,
"ingredients": [
"150g pot natural yogurt",
"3 eggs, beaten",
"1 tsp vanilla extract",
"175g golden caster sugar",
"140g self-raising flour (swap 1 tbsp of flour for cocoa powder)",
"100g ground almond",
"175g unsalted butter, melted ",
"100g chocolate (milk or dark)",
"140g unsalted butter",
"140g icing sugar"
"steps": [
"Line a 12-hole muffin tin with paper cases and heat oven to 190C/fan 170C/gas 5. In a jug, mix the yogurt, eggs and vanilla extract. Put the dry ingredients, plus a pinch of salt, into a large bowl and make a well in the middle.",
"Add the yogurty mix and melted butter, and quickly fold in with a spatula or metal spoon \u2013 don\u2019t overwork it. Spoon into the cases (they will be quite full) and bake for 18-20 mins or until golden, risen and springy to the touch. Cool for a few mins, then lift the cakes onto a wire rack to cool completely. Keep in an airtight container for up to 3 days or freeze as soon as possible.",
"Chocolate frosting: Melt the chocolate in the microwave on High for 1\u00bd mins, stirring halfway. Leave to cool. Beat the butter and icing sugar in a large bowl until creamy. Beat in the chocolate. Cover and chill for up to one month. Up to 48 hrs before serving (or the day before if it\u2019s really hot), bring back to room temperature, then spread over the cakes. Put the chocolate buttons on. Keep cool, out of direct sunlight."
"nutrients": {
"kcal": "492",
"fat": "32g",
"saturates": "17g",
"carbs": "47g",
"sugars": "38g",
"fibre": "1g",
"protein": "6g",
"salt": "0.32g"
"times": {
"Preparation": "20 mins"
"serves": 12,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 37,
"subcategory": "Kids' baking",
"dish_type": "Baking with kids",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "6b7160a7-6966-4e5f-8ed9-4af305fc9b78",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Iced fairy cakes",
"description": "Teach 8-14 year olds how to make fairy cakes and guarantee a fun kitchen activity",
"author": "Good Food team",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"100g caster sugar",
"100g very soft butter",
"100g self-raising flour",
"2 eggs",
"1 tsp vanilla extract",
"200g very soft butter",
"200g icing sugar",
"food colouring, sprinkles, marshmallows etc"
"steps": [
"Ask a grown-up helper to turn the oven on to 180C/160C fan/gas 4. Put a paper case in hole of a 12-hole bun tin.",
"Put the sugar and butter (it must be soft or you won\u2019t be able to mix it properly) in a bowl and mix it together. Sift in the flour.",
"Break the eggs into a separate bowl (spoon out any bits of shell that fall in) and add them to the bowl with the vanilla. Mix everything together.",
"Divide between the cases using a spoon, scraping it off with a knife. Ask a grown-up helper to put the tray in the oven for 20 minutes.",
"Mix the butter and icing sugar to make a creamy icing. Add colouring, if you like. Push an icing nozzle into an icing bag, then scoop in the icing.",
"Let the cakes cool completely in the tray. Pipe icing onto each cake and decorate with marshmallows or sprinkles, or whatever you like."
"nutrients": {
"kcal": "331",
"fat": "22g",
"saturates": "13g",
"carbs": "39g",
"sugars": "27g",
"fibre": "0g",
"protein": "2g",
"salt": "0.5g"
"times": {
"Preparation": "40 mins",
"Cooking": "20 mins"
"serves": 12,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 92,
"subcategory": "Kids' baking",
"dish_type": "Baking with kids",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "7bd7762a-6d26-4c1f-b585-2762ce890c10",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Very chocolatey cake",
"description": "An indulgent chocolate cake that kids can make for a friend's birthday or as a family treat",
"author": "Good Food team",
"rattings": 4,
"ingredients": [
"3 eggs",
"200g golden caster sugar",
"200g very soft butter",
"200g self-raising flour",
"1 tsp baking powder",
"3 tbsp cocoa powder",
"100g chocolate drops (milk, plain, white or a mix of all three)",
"300g soft butter",
"100g icing sugar",
"400g melted plain chocolate"
"steps": [
"Ask a grown-up to switch the oven on to 180C/160C fan/ gas 4. Break the eggs into a small bowl and scoop out any bits of shell, then tip them into a large bowl.",
"Put the sugar and butter in a bowl, then sift over the flour, baking powder and cocoa.",
"Beat everything together using a wooden spoon or electric beaters, then stir in the chocolate drops.",
"Spoon half of the mixture into each tin and smooth the tops.",
"Ask a grown-up to bake the cakes for 20-25 mins or until risen and a skewer comes out clean. Cool in the tin for 5 mins, then turn out onto a rack.",
"Beat the butter and icing sugar, then fold in the chocolate. Spread over the middle, sandwich the cakes together, then dust with icing sugar."
"nutrients": {
"kcal": "235",
"fat": "16g",
"saturates": "10g",
"carbs": "22g",
"sugars": "17g",
"fibre": "0g",
"protein": "2g",
"salt": "0.28g"
"times": {
"Preparation": "35 mins",
"Cooking": "25 mins"
"serves": 6,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 12,
"subcategory": "Kids' baking",
"dish_type": "Baking with kids",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "304c89f8-88ce-4ca3-be59-3b7c5cc8368d",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Sticky upside-down banana cake",
"description": "Edd Kimber gives us an irresistible new take on the seventies classic. This stunning upside-down cake makes a great cooking project for teen cooks",
"author": "Edd Kimber",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"80g unsalted butter, plus extra for greasing",
"150g light muscovado sugar",
"\u00bd tsp vanilla bean paste",
"4 large bananas",
"240g plain flour",
"2 \u00bd tsp baking powder",
"1 tsp cinnamon",
"\u00bd tsp ground ginger",
"300g golden caster sugar",
"120g unsalted butter, very soft",
"3 large eggs",
"150ml soured cream"
"steps": [
"Heat oven to 180C/160C fan/gas 4 and lightly grease a deep 23cm round cake tin, lining the base with baking parchment.",
"To make the topping, put the butter and sugar in a small saucepan and cook over a medium heat until melted and combined. Add the vanilla and mix together. Pour the caramel into the cake tin and spread in an even layer. Cut the bananas in half lengthways and arrange on top of the caramel, cut-side down.",
"To make the batter, put all the ingredients in a large bowl with 1/4 tsp salt. Use an electric mixer to beat together on a low speed until the batter is smooth and evenly mixed. Pour the batter on top of the bananas and level out with a spatula. Bake in the oven for 55 mins-1 hr or until a skewer inserted in the middle comes out clean. If the cake begins to look too dark, cover with foil after 45 mins. Allow to cool in the tin for 10 mins before turning out onto a plate. Best served warm but also delicious at room temperature. Best eaten within 2 days."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "15 mins",
"Cooking": "1 hr and 5 mins"
"serves": 12,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 32,
"subcategory": "Kids' baking",
"dish_type": "Baking with kids",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "1870c9a1-e519-4b59-aa4c-c594cb063e27",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Ice cream cone cakes",
"description": "Wafer cones make an unlikely but perfect case for light custard and vanilla sponge- decorate with buttercream and your favourite ice cream toppings",
"author": "Sarah Cook",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"12 flat-bottomed ice cream cones",
"200g softened butter",
"200g plain flour",
"4 tbsp custard powder",
"1 tsp vanilla paste with seeds",
"200g golden caster sugar",
"2 large eggs, beaten",
"350g butter, softened",
"350g icing sugar, sorted",
"2 tsp vanilla extract",
"sprinkles, wafers, chocolate, glac\u00e9 cherries, sauces- whatever you like on ice cream!"
"steps": [
"Heat oven to 180C/160C fan/gas 4. Sit the cones in a muffin tin to hold them upright.",
"Put the butter, flour, custard powder, vanilla, sugar and eggs in a large mixing bowl. Beat together with an electric whisk until smooth. If you have nimblefingered little helpers, hand round pairs of teaspoons and set them to work filling the cones. If you\u2019re making them yourself, spoon the cake batter into a food bag or disposable piping bag, snip off the end to give you a wide hole, then pipe into the cones, filling them \u00be full \u2013 this will enable you to get the batter right to the bottom.",
"Bake the cone cakes, still in the muffin tin, for 30 mins until a skewer poked into the centre of the cake comes out clean. Leave to cool.",
"To decorate the cakes, beat the butter until smooth, then add the icing sugar and vanilla, and beat again until well mixed. Put into a piping bag fitted with a big star nozzle, then pipe icing on top of each cake as you would a cupcake. Decorate with sprinkles, cherries, drizzles of sauce \u2013 whatever you like."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "15 mins",
"Cooking": "30 mins"
"serves": 10,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 7,
"subcategory": "Kids' baking",
"dish_type": "Baking with kids",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "de1b664e-16dc-4350-879a-d0a406e37811",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Giant cookie cake",
"description": "Studded with white and milk chocolate chips, Lisa Lipman's moreish cake is delicious served either warm with a dollop of ice cream or cold, with its chewy cookie texture",
"author": "Good Food team",
"rattings": 4,
"ingredients": [
"175g unsalted butter, softened",
"200g light soft brown sugar",
"1 egg, plus 1 yolk",
"2 tsp vanilla extract",
"250g self-raising flour",
"2 tsp cornflour",
"2 tsp baking powder",
"100g milk chocolate chips",
"50g white chocolate chips",
"vanilla ice cream, to serve"
"steps": [
"Heat oven to 200C/180C fan/gas 6 and grease a 22cm springform cake tin. Beat the butter and sugar in a large bowl until pale and fluffy, then mix in the egg, extra yolk and vanilla extract.",
"Combine the flour, cornflour and baking powder, then fold into the butter mixture until fully incorporated \u2013 it will be quite thick. Add the chocolate chips and mix until evenly distributed.",
"Spoon the mixture into the prepared tin and bake for 20-25 mins or until light golden brown. Leave to cool for 5 mins. Serve warm with vanilla ice cream."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "20 mins",
"Cooking": "20 mins - 25 mins"
"serves": 8,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 22,
"subcategory": "Kids' baking",
"dish_type": "Baking with kids",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "a68b3454-18d4-471f-99f3-b910a8ca8dc0",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Blueberry lemon cake with coconut crumble topping",
"description": "This sticky, crumbly bake is irresistible - it's a pudding straight from the tin",
"author": "Good Food team",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"300g butter, softened",
"425g caster sugar",
"zest 1 lemon",
"6 eggs, beaten",
"250g self-raising flour",
"300g blueberry",
"200g desiccated coconut",
"200g lemon curd"
"steps": [
"Heat oven to 180C/fan 160/gas 4 and grease and line a 20 x 30 cm cake tin with baking parchment. Beat together 250g of the butter with 250g sugar and the lemon zest until light and fluffy. In a separate bowl, break up 4 eggs with a fork, then gradually beat into the butter and sugar mixture, adding a spoonful of flour if it begins to curdle. When the eggs are incorporated, fold in the flour and a third of the blueberries, then spoon into the tin. Flatten the surface with a spatula, sprinkle over another third of the blueberries, and bake for 20 mins until the surface is set.",
"To make the topping, melt the rest of the butter, then stir in the coconut and remaining sugar and eggs until combined. Warm the lemon curd gently for a few mins in a small pan until it is runny and pourable.",
"After the initial baking, scatter the remaining blueberries over the top of the cake, drizzle over the lemon curd, and crumble over the coconut mixture. Bake for a further 20-25 mins until the coconut is golden. Leave the cake in the tin to cool. Cut into 16 squares and store in a tin, interlined with greaseproof paper."
"nutrients": {
"kcal": "446",
"fat": "27g",
"saturates": "17g",
"carbs": "50g",
"sugars": "34g",
"fibre": "43g",
"protein": "5g",
"salt": "0.55g"
"times": {
"Preparation": "15 mins",
"Cooking": "45 mins"
"serves": 16,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 48,
"subcategory": "Kids' baking",
"dish_type": "Baking with kids",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "e031b542-a6e8-4edf-9a55-898b5eae53a7",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Peach melba pop pies",
"description": "These easy peasy pies are stuffed with flavour and are great fun for little fingers to decorate",
"author": "Cassie Best",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"200g raspberries",
"410g can peach slices in fruit juice, drained and chopped",
"1 tbsp cornflour",
"1 tbsp honey",
"2 x 320g shortcrust pastry sheet",
"1 egg, beaten",
"150g icing sugar",
"freeze-dried raspberries or sprinkles, optional"
"steps": [
"Set 6 plump raspberries aside and tip the rest into a bowl. Add the peaches and toss together. In a small bowl mix the cornflour and honey to make a paste, pour over the fruit and combine.",
"Unroll the pastry sheets and use a pizza wheel to cut out 6 rectangles from each one. Turn a piece of pastry so the long side is nearest to you, and fold it in half like a book, to create a fold down the middle. Open the pastry out and spoon the fruit filling onto one side, leaving a border of about 1cm around the edge. Brush the beaten egg around the edges and fold the pastry again to encase the filling. Use a fork to seal the edges all the way around, then brush all over with more egg. Poke a few air holes in the top with the fork. Repeat with the remaining pastry and filling. Arrange the pop pies on a baking sheet lined with baking parchment and chill for at least 30 mins, or for up to 24 hrs. Alternatively freeze for up to 2 months.",
"Heat oven to 200C/180C fan/gas 6. Bake the pop pies for 20 mins, or until the pastry is golden and the filling is bubbling through the holes. Remove from the oven and cool for at least 20 mins. If cooking from frozen, bake for an extra 5 mins. Meanwhile crush the remaining raspberries until juicy and mix with the icing sugar to make a thick icing. Spread thinly over the pies and sprinkle with freeze dried raspberries or sprinkles, if you like. Eat warm, or cold, for breakfast or drizzle with cream or custard for dessert."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "30 mins",
"Cooking": "20 mins"
"serves": 12,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 3,
"subcategory": "Kids' baking",
"dish_type": "Easy pastries for kids",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "b63f7b64-0f67-470e-8851-0475fec3eb7a",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Mixed fruit tart",
"description": "This tasty tart is a great introduction to pastry and gives budding young chefs a chance to flex their creative muscles as they decorate with vanilla mascarpone and a variety of berries",
"author": "Edd Kimber",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"220g plain flour, plus extra for dusting",
"1 tbsp golden caster sugar",
"110g unsalted butter, chilled and diced",
"1 large egg yolk",
"120g mascarpone",
"250ml double cream",
"1 tsp vanilla bean paste",
"1 tbsp icing sugar",
"300g fruit (we used cherries, redcurrants and various berries), chopped if necessary"
"steps": [
"Heat oven to 180C/160C fan/gas 4. To make the pastry, put the flour, sugar and a pinch of salt in the bowl of a food processor, then pulse to combine. Add the butter and pulse until the mixture resembles coarse breadcrumbs. Add the egg yolk and 3 tbsp very cold water, and pulse until the mixture just starts to come together. Tip the dough onto a work surface and use your hands to bring together into a uniform dough. Wrap in cling film and chill for 1 hr. Can be made up to 3 days in advance.",
"On a lightly floured work surface, roll out the pastry and use to line a 23cm tart tin. Trim off the excess and chill for 30 mins. Prick the chilled pastry shell with a fork and line with a crumpled piece of baking parchment. Fill with baking beans or rice, and bake in the oven for 20 mins. Remove the parchment and put the pastry back in the oven for 12-14 mins or until golden. Take out of the tin and put on a wire rack to cool completely.",
"To make the filling, put the mascarpone, cream, vanilla and icing sugar in a large bowl and whisk until it just holds soft peaks. Spread the cream mixture into the pastry case in an even layer. Decorate with the fruit, however you like. Best eaten on the day."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "25 mins",
"Cooking": "35 mins"
"serves": 8,
"difficult": "More effort",
"vote_count": 3,
"subcategory": "Kids' baking",
"dish_type": "Easy pastries for kids",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "207eea85-a3b9-4235-a2d9-ac600af52537",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Easy apple pie",
"description": "Kids will love to help make and eat this comforting, classic fruity pudding with homemade shortcrust pastry",
"author": "Good Food team",
"rattings": 4,
"ingredients": [
"225g plain flour",
"140g butter or margarine",
"3 large cooking apples",
"2 tbsp honey",
"pinch of cinnamon",
"pinch of mixed spice",
"1 egg, beaten",
"cr\u00e8me fra\u00eeche, vanilla ice cream or natural yogurt, to serve"
"steps": [
"Heat oven to 200C/180C fan/gas 6. To make the pastry, sift the flour into a large mixing bowl and add the butter or margarine. Using your fingers, mix together until the mixture resembles breadcrumbs.",
"Add about 3 tbsp cold water \u2013 1 tbsp at a time \u2013 to bind the mixture into a ball. Then wrap it in cling film and leave to chill in the fridge while you prepare the apples, or for 30 mins if you have time.",
"While the pastry is chilling, core the apples, then cut into even-sized chunks so they all cook in the same amount of time. Put the apples into the pie dish, drizzle over the honey and add the cinnamon, mixed spice and about 2 tbsp water.",
"Roll out the pastry on a floured work surface until it is large enough to cover the pie dish. Using the rolling pin, carefully lift the pastry and lay it over the top of the apple mixture. Carefully trim off the excess pastry (this can be rerolled and cut into shapes to decorate the pie crust if you like) and press the pastry edges onto the dish to create a seal.",
"Make a small cut in the pastry so that the air can escape during cooking, then brush with beaten egg to glaze.",
"Bake the pie in the oven for 20-30 mins until the pastry is golden and sandy in appearance and the apple filling is bubbling and hot. Serve while still warm with cr\u00e8me fra\u00eeche, ice cream or natural yogurt."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "30 mins",
"Cooking": "20 mins - 30 mins"
"serves": 4,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 21,
"subcategory": "Kids' baking",
"dish_type": "Easy pastries for kids",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "4b1f6b22-2a75-4fcd-b1e4-f78442d9697e",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Curly twirlies",
"description": "Use ready-to-roll croissant pastry to create these chocolate and toffee-filled treats that are gooey and sticky when eaten warm",
"author": "Sarah Cook",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"140g soft toffee",
"2 x tubes of 6 ready-to-roll croissants (we used Jus Rol)",
"100ml milk",
"50g dark chocolate drops- or use a block of chocolate and roughly chop",
"golden icing sugar, for dusting"
"steps": [
"Heat oven to 200C/180C fan/gas 6. Put the toffees into a small pan with the milk and melt over a very low heat, stirring occasionally to bring together to a smooth sauce. Cool off the heat for 1-2 mins until a little less molten and thickened slightly.",
"Cover two baking sheets with baking parchment. Unroll one tube of croissant dough. Pinch together the diagonal perforated seams, but divide the dough into three rectangles along the straight crossing seams. Cut each rectangle into 4 long, thin strips \u2013 so you end up with 12. Drizzle a little toffee along the length of each strip, then scatter with some chocolate drops. Unroll the other dough and cut into the same size strips, then sandwich together with the toffee-choc covered ones. Holding the ends of each strip, twist tightly and lay on the prepared baking sheets \u2013 they\u2019ll expand a little.",
"Once all are shaped, bake for 12-15 mins until golden and crisp. Dust with a little golden icing sugar to serve and enjoy best, freshly baked."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "20 mins",
"Cooking": "20 mins"
"serves": 12,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 2,
"subcategory": "Kids' baking",
"dish_type": "Easy pastries for kids",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "1f9f3b31-6859-464e-bdba-b186b3dc52ee",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Sausage plait",
"description": "A step-by-step recipe for kids from CBeebies series 'i can cook'- the roll contains peppers and chilli and teaches pastry skills",
"author": "Good Food team",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"a little oil, for greasing",
"400g pack pork and apple sausage - about 6 fat sausages ",
"1 roasted red pepper from a jar, patted dry with kitchen paper",
"1 large egg",
"\u00bd tsp chilli flakes (optional)",
"2 tbsp tomato pur\u00e9e",
"flour, for dusting",
"250g ready-made puff pastry",
"baked beans or salad, to serve"
"steps": [
"Heat oven to 200C/180C fan/ gas 6. Grease a baking tray with oil using a pastry brush, then cover it with baking parchment. Put to one side. Remove the meat from the sausage skins by snipping off the ends, then squeezing the sausagemeat into a bowl (see step 1).",
"Cut the pepper into small pieces with scissors. Break the egg into the cup, beat with a fork, and save 2 tbsp for glazing. Add the red pepper and remaining egg to the sausagemeat with the chilli flakes, if using, and pur\u00e9e. Mix well with a fork or clean hands (step 2).",
"Sprinkle some flour on the work surface. Using a rolling pin, roll out the pastry into a rough square shape, about 30 x 30cm. Put the pastry on the lined baking tray (step 3).",
"Now spoon the filling down the middle of the pastry in a sausage shape \u2013 leave a little gap at the top and bottom (about 3cm) (step 4).",
"Cut the pastry at a slight diagonal, on either side of the filling, into 1.5cm strips, the same number each side \u2013 we cut 12 strips each side. Brush the pastry all over with most of the saved egg (step 5).",
"Tuck the top and bottom edges of the pastry over the filling. Starting at the top, lay the pastry strips over the filling, taking one from each side, to cross like a plait. Now brush the top all over with the last of the egg. Bake for 35-40 mins or until golden. Serve hot or cold with baked beans or salad (step 6)."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "30 mins",
"Cooking": "40 mins"
"serves": 4,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 17,
"subcategory": "Kids' baking",
"dish_type": "Easy pastries for kids",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "1d229290-4727-4d1b-ae82-3725ea1c883a",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Cheese stars",
"description": "Show off your cooking skills and get in the festive spirit with these fun looking easy cheesy treats - they make great party snacks for grazing guests",
"author": "Miriam Nice",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"320g puff pastry sheet",
"mugful of grated cheese (we mixed 60g cheddar with 25g parmesan)",
"flour, for dusting",
"2 tbsp milk",
"toppings of your choice (optional) - we used poppy seeds, dried oregano and sesame seeds"
"steps": [
"Unroll the pastry and sprinkle most of the cheese over one half of the sheet. Fold the pastry in half to cover the cheese and seal it in.",
"Dust your rolling pin and work surface with a little flour and put your pastry sheet on it. Roll it out until doubled in size.",
"Heat oven to 200C/180C fan/gas 6 and line two baking sheets with baking parchment.",
"Using cookie cutters, cut the pastry into shapes and put them on the prepared baking sheets. (Put the cutters on the dough close together so that less pastry is wasted. You can fold the trimmings back on themselves and re-roll to cut out more shapes.)",
"Brush the shapes with milk and add a pinch of cheese and a sprinkling of your chosen topping, if using.",
"Bake in the oven for 10-12 mins or until risen and golden, then transfer to a serving plate. Will keep in an airtight container for 3 days."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "15 mins",
"Cooking": "10 mins - 12 mins"
"serves": 20,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 7,
"subcategory": "Kids' baking",
"dish_type": "Easy pastries for kids",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "a2fa0420-7c9e-45cf-8ae9-7bd5b09f4033",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Mince & pea pies",
"description": "Make these meat pies in individual portions and freeze them so you can pull one out when you're short on time. The kids will love them",
"author": "Lulu Grimes",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"500g lean minced beef",
"1 tbsp olive oil",
"1 onion, finely chopped",
"2 large carrots (about 200g), finely chopped",
"2 celery sticks (about 200g), finely chopped",
"1 tbsp tomato pur\u00e9e",
"1 beef stock cube",
"200g frozen peas",
"1 egg, lightly beaten",
"375g ready-rolled shortcrust pastry",
"Tenderstem broccoli or other greens, to serve"
"steps": [
"Fry the mince in a little oil over a high heat, stirring to break up any lumps, until it\u2019s well browned all over. Transfer the mince to a plate, then fry the onion, carrots and celery in the rest of the oil over a low heat until softened. Stir in the tomato pur\u00e9e and crumble in the stock cube, then return the mince to the pan and give everything a good stir. Fry for a minute, then add 300ml water. Cover with a lid and simmer for 20 mins, then remove the lid and simmer until the sauce has thickened slightly. Stir in the peas, then turn off the heat and leave to cool for 10 mins",
"Heat oven to 200C/180C fan/gas 6. Divide the mince mixture between four individual pie dishes (or use one large dish). Brush the dish rims with egg. Unroll the pastry and cut it into four pieces for the individual pies \u2013 roll the pieces out a little more to fit the pie dishes if you need to. Top each pie with some pastry, press down against the rim and trim any excess. Seal the edges with a fork, or crimp if you like, then brush the pastry with egg.",
"Poke a little hole in the top, decorate with any offcuts if you like (brushed with a little egg), then cook for 25-30 mins or until the pastry is golden and risen. Cool for 5-10 minutes before serving."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "20 mins",
"Cooking": "55 mins"
"serves": 4,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 7,
"subcategory": "Kids' baking",
"dish_type": "Easy pastries for kids",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "9229d5ae-f7fe-4d11-a0f6-d072d6da12f9",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Crumbly chicken & mixed vegetable pie",
"description": "Let your children pick and choose which veg they like best, and get them to help make this simple pie",
"author": "Good Food team",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"1 onion",
"40g butter",
"100g button mushroom",
"40g plain flour, plus extra for dusting",
"400ml milk, warmed",
"1 chicken stock cube",
"pinch nutmeg",
"pinch mustard powder",
"bay leaf",
"250g cooked chicken",
"200g mix of sweetcorn, peas, chopped, peppers, broccoli, carrots or other veg",
"250g shortcrust pastry",
"1 egg, beaten or milk, for glazing"
"steps": [
"Heat oven to 200C/fan 180C/gas 6. Peel and chop the onion as finely as possible. Melt the butter in the pan over a medium heat. Add the chopped onion and leave to cook for 5 mins, stirring occasionally. Finely slice the mushrooms and add them to the pan with the onions.",
"When the onions and mushrooms are almost cooked, add the flour to the pan and stir to make a thick paste called a roux. Crumble the stock cube in and stir well. Continuously stir the roux over a low heat for 2 mins to cook out the flour. This stops the sauce from having a starchy taste.",
"Slowly add the warm milk to the pan, stirring all the time. Once all the milk has been added, season with salt, pepper, nutmeg and mustard powder. Add the bay leaf and bring to the boil, stirring all the time to stop the sauce becoming lumpy.",
"When the sauce has thickened, add more milk or water as necessary to get the desired consistency, bring to the boil, then turn down to a very low heat. Chop the cooked chicken into even-sized pieces and add to the sauce. Add your veg and pour into the pie dish.",
"Put the pastry on a clean, floured surface. Make sure you also dust the rolling pin with flour. Roll out the pastry, trying not to make any tears. Measure the pastry against the pie dish and once the pastry is slightly larger than the top, lift it carefully over the dish. It might be helpful to use the rolling pin to help you move the pastry. Trim off the pastry hanging over the edge of the dish. Press the outside edge of the pastry with a fork or your fingers to make a nice pattern.",
"Brush the top of the pie with beaten egg or milk. Make a small hole in the centre of the pastry top to allow the steam to escape. You can use any leftover pastry to decorate the top of the pie with pastry shapes if you like. Place the pie in the oven for 25 mins. It is ready when golden brown."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "30 mins",
"Cooking": "45 mins"
"serves": 4,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 89,
"subcategory": "Kids' baking",
"dish_type": "Easy pastries for kids",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "e1522f92-0df0-4a82-b8ef-fe5e22db29c7",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Treacle tart",
"description": "Treat family and friends to a comforting treacle tart with crumbly pastry and rich filling. A classic British dessert, serve with ice cream or clotted cream",
"author": "Esther Clark",
"rattings": 4,
"ingredients": [
"250g plain flour",
"\u00bd tsp fine salt",
"140g cold unsalted butter, cubed",
"3 tbsp icing sugar",
"2 medium egg yolks",
"2-3 tbsp cold water",
"400g golden syrup",
"1 ball stem ginger in syrup, finely chopped, plus 50g of the syrup ",
"1 lemon, zested",
"2 medium eggs, lightly beaten",
"100g fine fresh white breadcrumbs"
"steps": [
"Sieve the flour and salt into a large bowl. Add the butter and rub together with your fingers to a fine breadcrumb-like texture (you can also do this part in a food processor). Stir though the icing sugar, then quickly add the egg yolks and 2 tbsp water, mixing swiftly with a cutlery knife to combine. Form into a ball (add another tbsp water if you need to), wrap and chill for 30 mins. Roll out to the thickness of a pound coin, and line a 22cm fluted tart tin with the pastry, leaving an overhang. Return to the fridge for 30 mins.",
"Heat the oven to 200C/180C fan/gas 6. Put a baking sheet into the oven to heat up. Line the pastry case with baking parchment and baking beans, then put in the oven on the baking sheet, and bake for 15 mins. Remove the parchment and bake for a further 10 mins or until the pastry is golden brown. Leave the pastry to cool before trimming off the overhanging edges with a small serrated knife.",
"Lower the oven temperature to 160C/140C fan/gas 4. Combine the golden syrup, ginger, ginger syrup, lemon, eggs and breadcrumbs in a bowl, briefly whisking everything together until combined. Carefully pour the filling into the pastry case and put in the lower part of the oven to bake for 35-40 mins or until the filling is just set. Remove from the oven and leave to cool down for 20 mins before serving with ice cream or thick clotted cream."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "30 mins",
"Cooking": "1 hr and 5 mins"
"serves": 10,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 14,
"subcategory": "Kids' baking",
"dish_type": "Easy pastries for kids",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "ca287b81-66ba-4951-abf2-fa35bb5ee3c0",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Chicken & sweetcorn pies",
"description": "This fun and easy-to-make dish is perfect for getting kids aged 8-14 years busy in the kitchen ",
"author": "Good Food team",
"rattings": 4,
"ingredients": [
"500g puff pastry, plus flour for dusting",
"2 skinless cooked chicken breasts",
"3 tbsp canned or frozen, defrosted sweetcorn",
"3 tbsp frozen peas, defrosted",
"6 tbsp double cream",
"1 tsp Dijon mustard",
"1 egg, beaten",
"oil, for brushing"
"steps": [
"Ask a grown-up helper to turn the oven on to 180C/160C fan/gas 4. Roll out the pastry on a floured surface and trim to make a rectangle about 24 x 36cm.",
"Cut the pastry in half, lengthways, then cut each half into 3 equal squares, about 12cm along each side, using a small knife or scissors.",
"Push each square into the oiled tin, making sure it is pushed right into the edges",
"Use scissors or a small knife to cut the chicken into strips, then cut into chunks. Put chunks in a bowl. Add the sweetcorn, peas, cream and mustard. Mix together.",
"Divide mixture between the pies. Fold the tops of the pies over roughly and press together. Don\u2019t worry if they don\u2019t cover all the filling.",
"Brush the pastry with the beaten egg. Ask your grown-up helper to put them in the oven for 35 minutes or until they brown and the filling bubbles."
"nutrients": {
"kcal": "488",
"fat": "32g",
"saturates": "13g",
"carbs": "33g",
"sugars": "2g",
"fibre": "0g",
"protein": "19g",
"salt": "0.83g"
"times": {
"Preparation": "25 mins",
"Cooking": "35 mins"
"serves": 6,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 5,
"subcategory": "Kids' baking",
"dish_type": "Easy pastries for kids",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "1beb7855-dd64-4a6c-8daf-9b00dd0f4181",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Sausage roll twists with tomato dip",
"description": "Perfect for kids birthday parties - just make sure the mums and dads don't eat them all!",
"author": "Good Food team",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"1\u20442 a 500g block all-butter puff pastry, defrosted if frozen",
"400g pack chipolata",
"6 tbsp reduced-sugar tomato ketchup",
"2 tsp malt vinegar",
"6 cherry tomatoes, finely chopped"
"steps": [
"Heat oven to 220C/fan 200C/gas 7. Roll out the pastry to \u00a31 coin thickness (about 20 x 30cm) and cut into strips about 1cm wide, cutting from the shorter edge. Thin each sausage a little by twisting, then snip in half. Wind one pastry strip around each half-sausage, then place on a baking sheet, pastry ends down.",
"Bake for 20 mins until the sausages and pastry are golden. Meanwhile, mix together the ketchup, vinegar and cherry tomatoes. Serve in little bowls alongside the sausage twists."
"nutrients": {
"kcal": "95",
"fat": "7.5g",
"saturates": "2g",
"carbs": "7g",
"sugars": "1g",
"fibre": "0g",
"protein": "3g",
"salt": "0.54g"
"times": {
"Preparation": "10 mins",
"Cooking": "20 mins"
"serves": 24,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 16,
"subcategory": "Kids' baking",
"dish_type": "Easy pastries for kids",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "13a5c8aa-4071-45ef-8996-68d1de72ea95",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Red pepper, ham & cheese tart",
"description": "A sheet of ready-rolled puff pastry makes this tart easy as pie",
"author": "Good Food team",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"215g ready-rolled puff pastry sheet",
"3 tbsp sundried tomato paste",
"4 slices ham",
"125g ball mozzarella, drained and torn into chunks",
"50g roasted red pepper from a jar, cut into strips",
"25g pitted black olive, halved",
"large pinch dried oregano",
"handful rocket leaves"
"steps": [
"Heat oven to 220C/200C fan/gas 7. Unroll the pastry onto a baking sheet and score a border 1cm from the edge. Prick inside the border with a fork and spread with the sundried tomato paste. Bake for 12-15 mins.",
"Squash down the puffed-up pastry inside the scored rim, then top with the ham, cheese, peppers and olives. Sprinkle with oregano and bake for 10-12 mins more until the base is nice and crisp. Scatter with rocket leaves and serve."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "5 mins",
"Cooking": "30 mins"
"serves": 4,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 11,
"subcategory": "Kids' baking",
"dish_type": "Easy pastries for kids",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "1cf0b4c6-689e-4dcb-be44-8eba812dbf41",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Cheese & spinach pasties",
"description": "Teach your kids some pastry skills - and provide a lunchbox filler - with this recipe from CBeebies 'i can cook'",
"author": "Good Food team",
"rattings": 4,
"ingredients": [
"50g frozen spinach, defrosted and chopped",
"2 tsp parmesan (or vegetarian alternative)",
"4 tsp grated mature cheddar",
"pinch ground nutmeg",
"flour, for dusting",
"200g shortcrust pastry, at room temperature"
"steps": [
"Heat oven to 200C/180C fan/gas 6. Line the baking tray with baking parchment. Put the spinach onto pieces of kitchen paper. Pat flat to remove any water, then put in the bowl. Add the cheeses and nutmeg, stir together and set aside.",
"Using a flour dredger, sprinkle some flour on the work surface. Roll out the pastry to a long rectangle (step 1). Using the biscuit cutter, cut out 6 circles (step 2). Brush the edges with water (step 3), then spoon the spinach mixture into the middle of each. Fold the edges together and squeeze them. Brush the tops with more water and make holes with a fork (step 4). Bake for 15-20 mins until golden, then enjoy warm or leave to cool completely and pack into lunchboxes."
"nutrients": {
"kcal": "108",
"fat": "7g",
"saturates": "2g",
"carbs": "10g",
"sugars": "0g",
"fibre": "1g",
"protein": "2g",
"salt": "0.3g"
"times": {
"Preparation": "15 mins",
"Cooking": "20 mins"
"serves": 6,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 4,
"subcategory": "Kids' baking",
"dish_type": "Easy pastries for kids",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "113ee6ca-f35d-4d27-a70e-15d4590cafdb",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Tomato tart",
"description": "This easy-to-make tomato tart is a fun way of getting kids aged 8-14 involved in the kitchen",
"author": "Good Food team",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"4 tbsp soft cheese",
"1 tsp Dijon mustard",
"8 ripe tomatoes",
"375g puff pastry",
"flour, for rolling out",
"anchovies or olives to decorate, if you like",
"chunk parmesan"
"steps": [
"Ask a grown-up helper to turn the oven on to 200C/180C fan/gas 6. Mix the soft cheese together with the mustard in a small bowl.",
"Cut the tomatoes into thick slices.",
"Roll the pastry into a rectangle on a floured surface \u2013 don\u2019t worry if the edges are uneven. Lift the pastry onto a baking sheet",
"Now trim off any really wiggly bits. Mark a border the thickness of two fingers around the edge.",
"Spread the soft cheese inside the border, then arrange the tomato slices on top. Decorate with anchovies or olives (if using).",
"Grate the Parmesan all over. Ask a grown-up to put the tart in the oven for 30 mins or until the pastry is golden and the tomatoes are cooked."
"nutrients": {
"kcal": "508",
"fat": "38g",
"saturates": "19g",
"carbs": "34g",
"sugars": "7g",
"fibre": "3g",
"protein": "10g",
"salt": "1.37g"
"times": {
"Preparation": "30 mins",
"Cooking": "30 mins"
"serves": 4,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 6,
"subcategory": "Kids' baking",
"dish_type": "Easy pastries for kids",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "143458f7-e9de-4c1c-80a8-d443f760719b",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Little jam tarts",
"description": "These simple favourites take just 30 minutes to make - get the kids to help",
"author": "Good Food team",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"500g sweet shortcrust pastry",
"20 tsp jam (we used apricot, blackcurrant and strawberry)"
"steps": [
"Roll out the shortcrust pastry on a lightly floured surface to just under the thickness of \u00a31 coin. Stamp out 20 x 5cm circles using a pastry cutter and line 2 mini muffin tins (or make in 2 batches).",
"Prick with a fork and spoon 1 tsp jam into each (we used apricot, blackcurrant and strawberry). Stamp out shapes from the leftover pastry to decorate the tarts, if you like.",
"Bake at 200C/180C fan/gas 6 for 12-15 mins, until the pastry is golden."
"nutrients": {
"kcal": "132",
"fat": "8g",
"saturates": "3g",
"carbs": "15g",
"sugars": "6g",
"fibre": "1g",
"protein": "1g",
"salt": "0.13g"
"times": {
"Preparation": "15 mins",
"Cooking": "15 mins"
"serves": 20,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 10,
"subcategory": "Kids' baking",
"dish_type": "Easy pastries for kids",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "6f9f8e0c-3611-4138-9a88-eabd3dab0e9b",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Strawberry tartlets",
"description": "Get your kids in the kitchen to create these teatime treats, perfect for 8-14 year-olds to show off their cooking skills",
"author": "Good Food team",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"350g ready-made sweet shortcrust pastry",
"flour, for rolling out",
"150ml double cream",
"1 tbsp lemon curd",
"\u00bd punnet strawberries",
"2 tbsp strawberry jam, without any whole strawberries in it"
"steps": [
"Ask a grown-up to turn the oven to 180C/fan 160C/gas 4. Roll the pastry out on a floured surface until it\u2019s as thick as \u00a31 coin. Cut round a saucer to make 4 circles. Put each one into the tin.",
"Put a square of greaseproof paper and some rice in each. Ask a grown-up to put them in the oven for 25 minutes, then take paper and rice out. Leave to cool.",
"Use a whisk to whisk the cream until it starts to get thick, then stir in the lemon curd.",
"Pull the green hulls out of the strawberries, and cut each one carefully into slices with a small knife.",
"Spoon the cream into 4 pastry cases. Arrange the strawberry slices in a spiral or in rows on top of the lemon cream.",
"Mix the jam in a bowl with 1 tbsp hot water, then brush it over the strawberries."
"nutrients": {
"kcal": "590",
"fat": "43g",
"saturates": "20g",
"carbs": "49g",
"sugars": "11g",
"fibre": "2g",
"protein": "6g",
"salt": "0.85g"
"times": {
"Preparation": "30 mins",
"Cooking": "25 mins"
"serves": 4,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 5,
"subcategory": "Kids' baking",
"dish_type": "Easy pastries for kids",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "38ee3381-d79a-4cba-8520-76b7e360c06d",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Banoffee pie",
"description": "An easy family favourite with buttery pastry and sweet dulce de leche. We recommend a generous dollop of cream to serve",
"author": "Miriam Nice",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"4 bananas, sliced",
"394g caramel or dulce de leche",
"300ml double cream",
"dark chocolate (optional)",
"100g butter, chilled (plus extra for greasing)",
"200g plain flour",
"1 medium egg, separated",
"1 tbsp golden caster sugar"
"steps": [
"Start by making the pastry case. Put the butter and flour in a food processor and pulse until it resembles fresh breadcrumbs. Add the yolk of the egg and the sugar and pulse again until mixed through then, add a tbsp at a time of very cold water pulsing the processor after each addition. Stop adding water as soon as the dough starts to come together as one piece.",
"Remove the dough from the processor and continue to bring together by kneading gently with your hands. Once you have a smooth ball of dough wrap it tightly in cling film and chill in the fridge for 30mins. ",
"Heat oven to 190C/170C/gas 4 and grease a 23cm loose bottomed fluted tart tin. Roll out the chilled pastry on a lightly floured surface and use it to line the tin. Leave about half a cm of pastry proud of the edge of the tin - snipping it to length with kitchen scissors. ",
"Line the base with a piece of baking parchment and weigh it down with baking beans or uncooked rice. Bake for 15 mins then remove the paper and beans and brush the pastry surface with beaten egg white. Return to the oven for a further 15-20 mins or until crisp, golden and cooked through. Leave to cool completely (can be done a day ahead). ",
"Spread half of the caramel on the case of the pastry case and layer the sliced bananas on top. Cover with the rest of the caramel and place in the fridge.",
"Whip the cream until billowy thick and spoon it over the top of the tart. To serve finely grate over a 1-2 pieces of dark chocolate to garnish. "
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "30 mins",
"Cooking": "30 mins - 35 mins"
"serves": 8,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 12,
"subcategory": "Kids' baking",
"dish_type": "Easy pastries for kids",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "c2fce752-ae2d-4c6f-8fc4-19cc19fdd3c4",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Quick cheese straws",
"description": "Delicious cheesy sticks, perfect for dipping, just as good on their own - ready in under 20 minutes.",
"author": "Emma Lewis",
"rattings": 4,
"ingredients": [
"350g pack ready-rolled puff pastry",
"four handfuls grated parmesan (or vegetarian alternative)",
"handful flour, to roll pastry on"
"steps": [
"heat oven to 220c/fan 200c/gas 7. Unroll a puff pastry, scatter over a couple of handfuls of grated Parmesan, then fold in half. On a lightly floured surface, roll out to the thickness of a \u00a31 coin. Cut into 1cm strips, then twist the strips 3-4 times. Lay on a baking sheet, scatter over more cheese and bake for 12 mins, or until golden. Leave to cool, then keep in an airtight container for up to 2 days. As these cheese straws are very delicate, roll them in kitchen paper before packing into a plastic container."
"nutrients": {
"kcal": "75",
"fat": "5g",
"saturates": "2g",
"carbs": "7g",
"sugars": "0g",
"fibre": "0g",
"protein": "2g",
"salt": "0.18g"
"times": {
"Preparation": "5 mins",
"Cooking": "12 mins"
"serves": 8,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 31,
"subcategory": "Kids' baking",
"dish_type": "Easy pastries for kids",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "6ceba28b-b7d4-4392-ba2b-cae6ac0c1f0c",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Strawberry toffee tart",
"description": "Easy-to-make and perfect for kids",
"author": "Mary Cadogan",
"rattings": 4,
"ingredients": [
"175g crunchy biscuits, such as Hobnobs",
"75g butter, melted",
"400g strawberries",
"284ml tub double cream",
"5 soft toffees ",
"200g tub Greek yogurt",
"icing sugar, for dusting"
"steps": [
"Line a 20cm flan tin with baking parchment. Put the biscuits in a strong food bag and bash with a rolling pin to finely crush them. Tip into a bowl and mix in the melted butter. Press over the base of the tin. Chill for about 30 mins until it feels firm. Slice or halve the strawberries, depending on their size.",
"Remove the biscuit base from the flan tin and slide onto a flat serving plate. Put 2 tbsp of the cream in a small bowl with the toffees, then whip the rest until it just holds its shape in soft folds. Fold in the yogurt, then spoon over the biscuit base and cover with strawberries.",
"Melt the toffees and cream together in the microwave on Medium for 30 secs-1 min, then stir until it forms a sauce. Drizzle over the tart filling.",
"The tart can be chilled for a couple of hours at this stage. Dust with icing sugar before serving."
"nutrients": {
"kcal": "559",
"fat": "46g",
"saturates": "24g",
"carbs": "32g",
"sugars": "12g",
"fibre": "2g",
"protein": "6g",
"salt": "0.75g"
"times": {
"Preparation": "45 mins"
"serves": 6,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 5,
"subcategory": "Kids' baking",
"dish_type": "Easy pastries for kids",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "a4922670-e20f-4c61-917a-3e86a6c7cb37",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Easy sausage rolls",
"description": "Eat these family-friendly sausage rolls with a chutney or pickle. They make a great snack for a party buffet",
"author": "Lulu Grimes",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"375g all-butter puff pastry",
"flour, for dusting",
"2 tbsp apple sauce, pickle or chutney",
"400g sausagemeat or sausages, skins removed",
"1 egg, beaten",
"2 tsp sesame seeds or nigella seeds (optional)"
"steps": [
"Roll out the pastry to a 35 x 30cm rectangle on a surface lightly dusted with flour. Trim the edges neatly, then cut in half lengthways to form two long strips. Spread with a thin layer of the apple sauce, pickle or chutney, leaving a border along the edges.",
"Tip the sausagemeat into a large bowl, add 3 tbsp cold water and squash together. Divide the mixture in two and mould each half into a cylindrical shape. Put each portion of meat into the middle of a pastry strip, leaving a border at either side. Brush the pastry border and the top of the sausage mix with the beaten egg. Fold one edge of the pastry over the meat and roll to encase, then use a fork to press the pastry edges together. Cut the sausage rolls into 5cm lengths and arrange on a lined baking tray. Chill for 20 mins. Can be made a day ahead or frozen for up to one month; to bake from frozen, add an extra 10 mins to the cooking time.",
"Heat oven to 200C/180C fan/gas 6. Brush the sausage rolls with the rest of the beaten egg and sprinkle with the sesame seeds or nigella seeds (if using). Bake for 30-35 mins until the pastry is deep golden. Transfer the sausage rolls to a wire rack and leave to cool for 10 mins."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "25 mins",
"Cooking": "35 mins"
"serves": 12,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 37,
"subcategory": "Kids' baking",
"dish_type": "Easy pastries for kids",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "f55239d0-fcce-435e-8132-a8d3f1b0d99b",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Tuna & sweetcorn slice",
"description": "This easy budget supper uses ready-rolled pastry to make an open pie - experiment with your own toppings",
"author": "Good Food team",
"rattings": 4,
"ingredients": [
"320g pack ready-rolled puff pastry",
"185g can tuna in spring water, drained and flaked",
"325g can sweetcorn, drained",
"3 tbsp cr\u00e8me fra\u00eeche",
"50g cheddar, grated",
"a few chives, snipped to 1cm lengths"
"steps": [
"Heat oven to 220C/200C fan/ gas 7. Lay the pastry out on a baking sheet. Pinch up the edges to form a border, pressing firmly into the corners. Prick the centre all over with a fork and pop in the oven for 10-15 mins.",
"Meanwhile, mix the tuna and sweetcorn in a bowl and season.",
"Remove the pastry from the oven, pressing the centre down with the back of a fork, as it will have puffed up a bit. Spread the cr\u00e8me fra\u00eeche across centre, spoon the tuna mix on top, then sprinkle over the cheese. Bake for 10-15 mins more, until golden, puffed up and cooked though. Sprinkle with chives and cut into quarters."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "5 mins",
"Cooking": "25 mins - 30 mins"
"serves": 4,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 24,
"subcategory": "Kids' baking",
"dish_type": "Easy pastries for kids",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "0388a834-b518-40d7-94f2-a30feb9514b5",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Digger cake",
"description": "You don\u2019t need to be an engineer to make this impressive construction site birthday cake, just a few toys, some chocolate coated wafer bars and a little creative flair",
"author": "Jane Hornby",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"250g pack unsalted butter",
"50ml whole milk",
"150g whole natural yogurt",
"\u00bd tsp vanilla paste or extract",
"3 large eggs",
"250g light muscovado sugar, any lumps squashed",
"250g self-raising flour",
"2 tsp baking powder",
"50g cocoa powder",
"2 tbsp cocoa powder",
"2 tbsp milk, plus 1 tsp more if needed",
"200g unsalted butter, very well softened",
"300g icing sugar",
"1 tsp vanilla paste or extract",
"large round cake board or a large flat plate, about 13inches/33cm",
"2 plastic diggers and one dumper truck, or similar",
"9 four-finger KitKat bars",
"handful Smarties or other coloured sweets",
"marker pen",
"10 x 5cm rectangle of yellow cardboard",
"1 drinking straw",
"sticky tape"
"steps": [
"Heat the oven to 180C/fan 160C/gas 4. Use a little of the butter to grease the sides and bases of two 20cm sandwich tins. Melt the rest of the butter in a small saucepan. Off the heat, add the milk, yogurt and vanilla, followed by the eggs. Beat well with a fork.",
"Put the dry ingredients plus \u00bc tsp salt into a large bowl. Whisk to combine \u2013 this aerates and saves sifting. Tip in the wet ingredients and whisk to a smooth, silky batter.",
"Don\u2019t hang around at this point. Pour the batter evenly into the prepared tins and put onto the middle shelf in the oven. Bake for 25 mins or until risen and a skewer inserted into the middle of the cakes comes out clean. Cool for 10 mins in the tins, then carefully invert the cakes and leave to cool upside down on a cooling rack. ",
"Make the buttercream. Stir the cocoa into 2 tbsp milk until smooth. Put the butter into a large bowl and sift the icing sugar on top. Add the cocoa mixture, vanilla, and a pinch of salt. Beat for a few mins with electric beaters until creamy and spreadable. Add the extra 1 tsp milk if you need to.",
"Place one of the cakes towards the back of the board or plate, and fix it with a little of the buttercream to stop it slipping about. Spread with \u00bc of the buttercream.",
"Sandwich the second cake on top. With a small, serrated knife, cut away a scallop-shaped crater from the top cake. Cut about half way down into the sponge and removing about a quarter of the top of the cake. Keep the piece you remove. Position two diggers on the top of the cake to see if your crater is about the right size and shape, then set them aside again.",
"Using a palette knife, paddle the rest of the buttercream evenly over the top of the cake and down its sides. Make sure that the edge of the excavated area is defined.",
"Snap the ends from enough of the KitKat fingers to follow the edge of the excavated area, then press them into the buttercream. Now fix the rest of the whole fingers around the side of the cake.",
"Crumble the cake that you removed in step 6, to make soil. Part-fill the excavated hole with the soil, adding a few Smarties, if you like. Position the diggers on top and put some soil and Smarties into their buckets.",
"Fill a lorry or dump truck with more crumbs and Smarties, and let some of the soil and spill over the edge of the cake and the broken KitKats.",
"Use the marker to write your message on the card and draw some diagonal black lines. Cut the straight part of the straw into two equal pieces, then fix these to the back of the card with tape to make a sign. Position the sign at the back of the cake. If the sponges are used fresh or within a day of baking (wrap well once cooled), the finished cake will keep in a cool place (not the fridge) for 2 days."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "20 mins",
"Cooking": "25 mins"
"serves": 20,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 18,
"subcategory": "Kids' baking",
"dish_type": "Kids' birthday cakes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "eeb8579c-c8de-4d5a-bd6a-4bbc24b4f14a",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Funfetti cake",
"description": "Perfect for a party, this rainbow-speckled cake screams 'celebrate'! Pipe creamy vanilla icing and scatter over sprinkles for a showstopping cake that adults and kids will love",
"author": "Chelsie Collins",
"rattings": 4,
"ingredients": [
"300g golden caster sugar",
"450g butter, softened",
"1 tbsp vanilla bean paste",
"8 eggs, beaten",
"450g self-raising flour",
"1 tsp baking powder",
"4 tbsp whole milk",
"200g rainbow sprinkles, plus extra to decorate",
"150g softened butter",
"450g icing sugar, sifted",
"180g tub full-fat cream cheese",
"1 tbsp vanilla paste"
"steps": [
"Preheat the oven to 180C/160C fan/gas 4 and grease and line 4 x 20cm cake tins. If you don\u2019t have 4, halve the sponge recipe and bake in 2 batches.",
"Put the sugar, butter and vanilla paste in a large bowl and beat with an electric whisk (or in a table top mixer) until pale and fluffy. Add the eggs gradually, beating between each addition until fully incorporated. Add a tbsp or 2 of flour if the mixture looks like it\u2019s curdling.",
"Sift in the flour and baking powder with a tsp of salt and fold into the cake batter. Pour in the milk and beat to loosen the mixture. Scatter over the sprinkles and ripple through the cake batter before dividing between each cake tin. Bake for 25-30 mins until golden and the sponge springs back when you press it lightly. Swap the tins around in the oven after 15 mins to ensure they cook evenly. Cool on wire racks completely before icing.",
"Meanwhile, make the icing by beating the butter with half of the icing sugar until combined and fluffy. Add the cream cheese and the rest of the icing sugar, beating again until fully combined. Drizzle over the vanilla paste and beat until incorporated. Put a large round nozzle into a piping bag and spoon in the icing.",
"When the cakes have cooled put a blob of icing onto a cake board and sit 1 of the sponges on top. Pipe blobs of vanilla icing in a circle covering the whole base of the sponge, then top with the next sponge. Repeat with all 3 layers, scattering over some extra sprinkles on the top. Serve in slices."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "30 mins",
"Cooking": "25 mins - 30 mins"
"serves": 20,
"difficult": "More effort",
"vote_count": 49,
"subcategory": "Kids' baking",
"dish_type": "Kids' birthday cakes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "6b69b249-519b-49ae-b6eb-bcb234c26767",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Gravity-defying sweetie cake",
"description": "Anti-gravity cakes are a great option for birthdays or parties - this stunning chocolate sweetie cake will delight kids and grown-ups alike",
"author": "Cassie Best",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"150ml vegetable oil, plus extra for greasing",
"200g plain flour",
"8 tbsp cocoa powder",
"2 tsp baking powder",
"1 tsp bicarbonate of soda",
"280g light brown soft sugar",
"200ml buttermilk",
"100ml strong coffee or espresso",
"2 tsp vanilla extract",
"2 large eggs",
"2\u00bd x 114g packs milk chocolate fingers",
"8 tubes of sugar coated chocolates, or other sweets",
"100g milk chocolate, chopped into small pieces, plus 50g/2oz for decorating",
"200g slightly salted butter, softened",
"400g icing sugar, seived",
"4 tbsp cocoa powder",
"2 tbsp milk",
"1 bendy straw",
"2 wooden skewers",
"1 paper bag or sweet packet (see tip)",
"sticky tape"
"steps": [
"Heat oven to 180C/160C fan/gas 4. Grease and line two 20cm cake tins with baking parchment \u2013 if your cake tins are quite shallow, line the sides to a depth of at least 5cm. Put the flour, cocoa powder, baking powder, bicarbonate of soda, sugar and 1 tsp salt in a bowl and mix well. If there are any lumps in the sugar, squeeze these through your fingers to break them up.",
"Measure the buttermilk, coffee, oil and vanilla in a jug. Add the egg and whisk until smooth. Pour the wet ingredients into the dry and whisk until well combined. Pour the cake mixture evenly into the two tins, and bake for 25-30 mins until risen and a skewer inserted into the centre comes out clean. Cool in the tins for 10 mins, then turn out onto a wire rack, peel off the baking parchment and leave to cool. These sponges can be made up to three days ahead and will stay moist if wrapped in cling film, or you can wrap well and freeze for up to two months.",
"To make the chocolate fudge icing, put the chocolate in a heatproof bowl, suspended over a pan of barely simmering water. Stir every now and then until melted. (Alternatively, melt in the microwave, stirring the chocolate every 20 secs so it doesn\u2019t burn.) Remove the bowl from the heat and leave to cool a little. Meanwhile, put the butter and icing sugar in another large bowl and mash with a spatula to combine (this will prevent you covering the work surface in icing sugar), then whisk with a hand mixer until smooth. Sift in the cocoa and pour in the melted chocolate and milk, then mix again until smooth.",
"Use roughly half the icing to sandwich the cakes together on a cake stand or board. Use a palette knife to cover the entire cake with the remaining icing \u2013 don\u2019t worry about being too neat. Use the chocolate fingers to cover the sides of the cakes \u2013 do this straight after icing as the icing will set after a while, and the chocolate fingers won\u2019t stick.",
"Melt the remaining 50g chocolate in the microwave or in a small bowl suspended over a pan of gently simmering water. Leave to cool until the chocolate is a spreadable consistency. You can speed this up by putting it in the fridge \u2013 just stir it every 5 mins or so to prevent the chocolate from setting.",
"Push a skewer into the centre of the cake and slip the straw over the top \u2013 this will give it more stability. Push 1-2cm of the straw into the cake. Use a cutlery knife to spread a blob of chocolate onto a sugar coated chocolate sweet and, starting at the base, stick the sweets to the straw. You will have to do this in stages to allow the chocolate to set a little before adding another layer of sweets. Work your way up the straw until it\u2019s completely covered. If the chocolate in your bowl becomes too firm, simply heat again until it is at the correct consistency. Stop when you reach the bend in the straw.",
"Stick the remaining skewer into the top of the straw so that it pokes out at an angle. Place the paper bag on top \u2013 you may have to use a little sticky tape to hold it in place. If any of the straw is exposed, cover it with more sweets.",
"Tip the remaining sweets on top of the cake to flood the surface. Will keep well stored in an airtight tin for 2 days."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "1 hr",
"Cooking": "35 mins"
"serves": 12,
"difficult": "More effort",
"vote_count": 50,
"subcategory": "Kids' baking",
"dish_type": "Kids' birthday cakes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "2466bd68-adb0-4a48-b69a-21e9c294d4a5",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Pirate ship and treasure island cake",
"description": "A stunning children's birthday chocolate cake with hidden treasure buried on a sandy desert island for the kids to dig into",
"author": "Valerie Barrett",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"200g butter, cubed",
"300g dark plain chocolate, broken into pieces",
"200g plain flour",
"\u00be tsp baking powder",
"\u00be tsp bicarbonate of soda",
"250g light muscovado sugar, plus extra for decoration",
"3 eggs",
"200g soured cream",
"1 \u00bd tsp vanilla extract",
"150g sieved apricot jam, warmed",
"650g brown ready-to-roll icing",
"18 mini Toblerones",
"6 malt chocolate balls",
"6 chocolate caramels (we used Rolos)",
"8 mini chocolate fingers",
"100g white marzipan",
"gold covered chocolate coins",
"chocolate skull (optional)",
"250g royal icing made from packet royal icing sugar (use 250g sugar)",
"blue food colouring",
"1 chocolate stick (we used Mikado) (optional)",
"30 x 20cm cake tin",
"30cm square cake board (preferably blue)",
"2 sheets black, white or blue paper",
"2 drinking straws",
"2 sandwich flags"
"steps": [
"Heat the oven to 160C/140C fan/gas 3. Grease and line a 30x20cm cake tin with baking parchment.",
"Put the butter and 200g of the chocolate into a saucepan and heat gently until melted. Remove from the heat. Sieve the flour, baking powder and bicarbonate of soda into a large bowl. Mix in the sugar. Beat together the eggs, soured cream and vanilla extract. Pour the chocolate and egg mixtures into the flour and sugar and beat well until smooth. Pour into the prepared tin and bake in the oven for about 40 minutes. Leave until completely cold before cutting and shaping.",
"Cut the cake in half lengthways. Place one complete half on the 30cm cake board. Cut the remaining half into 3 rectangles, 13x10cm, 7x10cm and 10x10cm. Attach the 10x10cm piece to one end of the base cake using a little warm jam. Cut a \u2018V\u2019 shape to represent the prow of the ship. Place the 13x10 piece at the other end of the base cake, attaching with jam. Using jam again attach the 7x10 piece on top of the 13x10 piece to make the upper deck. Slice the back of the ship at a very slight angle.",
"Brush the whole cake with jam. Roll out about 550g of the ready-to-roll icing and cover the cake. Trim the edges at the base and keep any trimmings.",
"Melt the remaining 100g chocolate in the microwave or in a heatproof bowl over a saucepan of barely simmering water. Use melted chocolate to stick the mini Toblerones to the edges of the two decks and to the \u2018V\u2019 shape of the prow. Trim any to fit exactly. Use the chocolate to stick on the chocolate balls for canon balls, finger biscuits stacked up as canons and chocolate caramels for port holes. Using a little of the marzipan, roll out and cut four windows. Make window frames from brown icing trimmings, rolling out to thin sausages to form a cross and sticking with chocolate. Attach to the sides of the ship with chocolate. Poke the chocolate stick out of the front of the prow, if using.",
"Arrange the chocolate coins in a little pile on the cake board, reserving 3 or 4 coins for the top. Roll out the remaining brown icing and cover the coins completely. Brush with melted chocolate and sprinkle with muscovado sugar. Push 3 or 4 coins into the sand along with the chocolate skull if using.",
"Put a little of the royal icing in a bowl. Colour the remainder blue. Spread the icing on the cake board around the ship and the island. Use the white icing to make \u2018surf\u2019 around the edge of the island.",
"Using the remaining marzipan and brown icing, make three barrels. Place one on the deck of the ship and the others in the sea. Cut out sails from the paper and make holes in them so you can push the straws through. Attach the sails to the ship and poke sandwich flags out of the top to finish."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "2 hrs and 30 mins",
"Cooking": "45 mins"
"serves": 20,
"difficult": "More effort",
"vote_count": 7,
"subcategory": "Kids' baking",
"dish_type": "Kids' birthday cakes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "b5674bbf-e79e-45a9-84f8-1e8a5f609325",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Pretty princess birthday cake",
"description": "Pull out all the stops with this sensational celebration cake, a princess doll enrobed in pretty pink and white icing - perfect for a special birthday party",
"author": "Good Food team",
"rattings": 4,
"ingredients": [
"500g unsalted butter, softened, plus extra for greasing",
"500g caster sugar",
"seeds scraped from 2 vanilla pods or 2 tsp vanilla paste",
"10 large eggs, cracked into a jug",
"170g plain flour",
"200g full-fat Greek yogurt",
"500g self-raising flour",
"250g unsalted butter, softened",
"500g icing sugar, sieved",
"400g white ready-to-roll icing",
"500g pink ready-to-roll icing",
"edible lustre spray in pink or pearl",
"8 small icing roses",
"1 large icing rose",
"1 mini sugar butterfly",
"250g royal icing sugar",
"1 pink cake board",
"1 Barbie-style doll"
"steps": [
"Heat the oven to 160C/140C fan/gas 3. Grease and line a deep 15cm round cake tin, making sure the lining is higher than the top of the tin. Grease and base line a 1 litre ovenproof glass pudding basin.",
"Using electric beaters or a tabletop mixer, beat the butter, sugar, vanilla and \u00bc tsp salt together until pale and fluffy, then pour in the eggs, one at a time, giving the mix a really good beating before adding the next. Add 1 tbsp of the plain flour if the mix starts to look slimy rather than fluffy. Beat in the yogurt.",
"Mix the flours; then, using a large metal spoon, fold them into the batter, and spoon into the prepared tin and bowl. The mixture will come almost to the top. Place the bowl and cake tin on a baking tray. Cook in the oven for about 1 hour 40 to 1hour 50 mins. Allow the cakes to cool completely.",
"To make the butter icing, put the butter into a bowl and beat well until softened. Gradually beat in the icing sugar. Trim the tops of the cakes level. Slice the pudding basin cake in three and the 15cm cake in half. Using a 5cm round cutter, stamp out the centre of each piece of cake.",
"Place one half of the 15cm cake on a cake board. Spread with a little butter icing and place the other half on top. Spread a little icing on this layer and top with the widest layer of the basin cake. Repeat with the other layers. Spread the remaining butter icing all over the assembled cake.",
"Take 250g white fondant icing and roll out into a long strip about 7cm wide. Press the edge gently with a teaspoon to give a frilled effect or use a ball tool. Attach to the base of the cake, pushing gently onto the icing.",
"Roll out the pink icing to a large circle about 36cm in diameter. Cut a hole from the centre using the 5cm cutter. Cut away just under an eighth section of the icing. Drape the icing over the cake, making the join at the back. At even intervals push up the pink fondant to create a swagged look.",
"Spray the cake lightly with the edible lustre. Take the doll and wrap the legs in plastic film. Place the doll in the cake. The top of the cake should come to hip not waist level. Using the trimmings, roll out an oblong of pink icing and wrap around the body of the doll to make the bodice. Smooth the bottom of the bodice onto the top of the skirt.",
"Roll out some white fondant and cut out a 9cm circle using a fluted or flower cutter. Cut a small circle from the centre of this and then split one side and place around the waist of the doll, cutting away any excess. Use the remaining white icing to make a large bow and place at the back of the dolls waist.",
"Make up the royal icing according to pack instructions. Using a piping bag fitted with a small plain nozzle (or use a strong plastic bag and cut off the tip), pipe around the edge of the pink skirt. Attach a rose to the top of each swag. Pipe three lines of dots just above the roses going up the dress.",
"Pipe across the top of the bodice and half way down the front. Using the icing attach a sugar butterfly to the top of the bodice and one large sugar rose at the waist."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "2 hrs",
"Cooking": "1 hr and 40 mins - 1 hr and 50 mins"
"serves": 16,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 5,
"subcategory": "Kids' baking",
"dish_type": "Kids' birthday cakes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "9f236d25-a751-496b-b00b-824527abddc0",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Mermaid cake",
"description": "Create a cake with the wow factor with our colourful ombre mermaid. It's a baking challenge but makes a magical party cake for kids and grown-ups alike",
"author": "Liberty Mendez",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"300g butter, softened, plus extra for the tins",
"300g caster sugar",
"5 large eggs, beaten",
"1 tsp vanilla bean paste",
"1 tsp baking powder",
"300g self-raising flour",
"purple gel food colouring (or a mixture of purple, blue and red gel colouring) ",
"700g icing sugar",
"350g butter, softened ",
"Blue or purple gel food colouring",
"edible pearls and silver sprinkles, or extra optional decoration ",
"200g white chocolate",
"2 tsp gold or metallic lustre (see tip below)",
"mermaid tail mould and small shell moulds, available online"
"steps": [
"If you're making the mermaid tails, melt the white chocolate in a heatproof bowl in 20-second bursts in the microwave, stirring after each turn. Pour into the tail moulds and small shells, and put on a small tray flat in the freezer for 15-20 mins until set. You can repeat this for four tails if you only have one mould.",
"Once set, remove from the mould, mix the lustre with \u00bc tsp of water and paint it onto the mermaid tails (see tip, below). Put back on a plate or tray in the freezer until needed.",
"Heat the oven to 180C/160C fan/gas 4. Butter and line the base of three 18cm sandwich cake tins with baking parchment. Using a stand mixer or electric hand whisk, beat together the butter, sugar, eggs, vanilla, baking powder and flour until you have a fluffy mix.",
"Divide the mixture evenly between three bowls and mix a few drops of colouring into each bowl until fully combined, making each bowl a different shade of purple, getting lighter. Pour each coloured sponge mix into separate tins and smooth over the tops. Bake for 25-30 mins until a skewer inserted into the middle comes out clean. After 10 mins, remove the cakes from their tins and transfer to a cooling rack, top-side facing down, and leave to cool. Don\u2019t worry if the outside doesn\u2019t look purple, the inside will!",
"While the cake is cooling, make the icing. Beat together the icing sugar and butter until pale and fluffy, mixing in 1 tbsp warm water to loosen the mixture if necessary. Set half of the icing aside in a bowl. Divide the other half of the icing between three bowls and colour each a different shade of blue, a dark, medium and light. Stack the sponges, spreading most of the white icing over each one using a palette knife, then use the palette knife to roughly coat the outside of the cakes with the remaining white icing to create a crumb coat. Chill for 30 mins.",
"Put each of the blue icing shades in separate piping bags and cut a large 2cm hole at the bottom. Starting with the dark shade at the bottom of the cake, pipe an even ring onto the whole cake, two-three times around. Continue working your way up the cake with the icing getting lighter as you reach the top of the cake. Using a small palette knife, work your way around the join in between each row, gently pushing to join each line together. Save some icing in the piping bags to decorate the top. Smooth over the cake with a large palette knife or cake scraper to create a smooth ombre icing, keeping the excess to decorate the top.",
"You can either mix all the leftover icing together and put in a clean piping bag with a star nozzle to get a multicoloured effect, or pipe individual shades on the top. Add a few dots around the top of the cake in the varying blue colours to look like waves (using some of the white to look like the top of a crashing wave), and dot around the pearls, sprinkles, shells and mermaid tails, pushing them into the icing on the side of the cake, and on top to finish."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "1 hr and 30 mins",
"Cooking": "30 mins"
"serves": 14,
"difficult": "A challenge",
"vote_count": 8,
"subcategory": "Kids' baking",
"dish_type": "Kids' birthday cakes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "7c83674c-2168-4a57-8950-26a843397849",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Hedgehog cake",
"description": "A celebration cake with a touch of woodland style, this chocolate cake is decorated with edible spikes, buttercream and chocolate details",
"author": "Valerie Barrett",
"rattings": 4,
"ingredients": [
"150g unsalted butter, plus extra for greasing",
"150g plain chocolate, broken into pieces",
"150g plain flour",
"\u00bd tsp baking powder",
"\u00bd tsp bicarbonate of soda",
"200g light muscovado sugar",
"2 large eggs",
"150g soured cream",
"1 tsp vanilla extract",
"2 tbsp cocoa powder",
"2 tbsp hot water",
"150g unsalted butter, softened",
"300g icing sugar, sieved",
"2 x 134g boxes chocolate Flake bars",
"2 chocolate chips",
"2 gold or silver balls",
"1 round chocolate"
"steps": [
"Heat the oven to 160C/140C fan/gas 3. Grease and base line a 1 litre heatproof glass pudding basin and a 450g loaf tin with baking parchment.",
"Put the butter and chocolate into a saucepan and melt over a low heat, stirring. When the chocolate has all melted remove from the heat.",
"In a large bowl mix together the flour, baking powder, bicarbonate of soda and muscovado sugar. In another bowl beat together the eggs, soured cream and vanilla extract. Pour the egg and chocolate mixtures into the flour and mix thoroughly together.",
"Weigh 250g into the loaf tin, then spoon the rest of the mixture into the pudding basin.",
"Cook both cakes side by side in the oven. The loaf cake will cook in about 30 mins and the basin cake in about 1 hour. Take the loaf cake out of the oven and close the oven door quickly so as not to allow the heat out. Test with a skewer inserted into the centre, it should come out clean. If not return to the oven for another five mins. Repeat with the basin cake after about another half an hour. Once each cake is cooked, allow to cool completely before turning out.",
"To make the icing, mix together the cocoa and water to make a smooth paste. Beat the butter until soft and gradually beat in the icing sugar. Add the cocoa paste and beat until smooth.",
"To assemble the cake, trim the top of the basin cake so it is flat. Turn cut side down onto a board and cut in half vertically. Spread a little butter icing on each of the flat bases and sandwich these two buttercreamed surfaces together to make a rugby ball shape for the hedgehog body. Place onto a 30cm cake board or wooden board. Cut the loaf cake in half vertically. Take one half and trim the short end to a v shape to make the pointy head. Use a little icing to attach to the body. Cut pieces from the remaining loaf cake to fill any gaps. Cover the whole cake in butter icing.",
"Cut the flake bars into pieces ranging from 2.5cm to 5cm. The spikes do not have to be regular or even in shape. Starting at the front push the spikes into the body of the hedgehog at a slight angle. Start with the small pieces gradually using larger ones as you go towards the back. Press a round chocolate into the tip of the head to represent the nose and use chocolate chips for the eyes. Using a tiny bit of butter icing attach sliver or gold balls to the eyes.",
"The cake is best made the day before cutting and icing and will keep well for 3\u20134 days."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "1 hr and 30 mins",
"Cooking": "1 hr"
"serves": 12,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 31,
"subcategory": "Kids' baking",
"dish_type": "Kids' birthday cakes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "f4edbfbd-ee4c-46eb-add8-e322d2ad1675",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Surprise pi\u00f1ata football cake",
"description": "Slice into this sensational mint chocolate celebration cake and let the hidden sweets pour out for your party guests to enjoy",
"author": "Valerie Barrett",
"rattings": 4,
"ingredients": [
"200g unsalted butter",
"200g soft light brown sugar",
"4 large eggs",
"150g self-raising flour",
"50g cocoa powder, sieved",
"1 tbsp milk",
"200g unsalted butter",
"200g caster sugar",
"4 large eggs",
"200g self-raising flour",
"\u00bd tsp peppermint extract",
"about \u00bd to 1 tsp green food colouring paste",
"150g unsalted butter, softened",
"300g icing sugar, sieved",
"300g chocolate balls or foil-covered chocolate footballs (available online)",
"4 tbsp sieved apricot jam, warmed",
"500g green ready-to-roll icing",
"350g white ready-to-roll icing",
"100g black ready-to-roll icing",
"a little food colouring paste , choose team colours",
"novelty candles, optional"
"steps": [
"Heat the oven to180C/160C fan/gas 4. Grease and base line a 20cm round cake tin with baking parchment. To make the chocolate cake, put the butter into a bowl and beat until soft. Add all the remaining ingredients and beat well until light and creamy. Spoon into the tin and spread level. Bake in the oven for about 45 mins or until a skewer inserted into the centre of the cake comes out clean. Cool. When cold, slice the top off the cake to make it level.",
"To make the mint cake, grease and base line your 20cm cake tin with baking parchment. Put the butter into a bowl and beat until soft. Add the remaining ingredients and beat well until light and creamy. Spoon into the tin and spread level. Bake in the oven for about 45 mins or until a skewer inserted into the centre of the cake comes out clean. Cool. Do not slice the top level as it needs to be rounded.",
"To make the butter icing, put the butter into a bowl and beat until soft. Gradually beat in the icing sugar. Slice the chocolate and mint cakes in half horizontally so you have four layers. Using an 8cm round cutter, stamp a circle from the centre of each layer. Place the bottom layer of chocolate cake on a 25cm cake board. Spread with a little butter icing. Place the bottom green layer on top. Spread with butter icing and place the other chocolate layer on top. Spread with more icing and place the rounded green sponge on top.",
"Fill the centre hole with sweets, almost to the top. Take one of the 8cm green sponge pieces and slice in half horizontally. Place one piece on the cake to cover the hole containing the sweets. Spread the top with the remaining butter icing. Roll out about 300g of the white fondant icing to a 20cm circle and place on top of the cake.",
"Brush the sides of the cake with apricot jam. Measure the circumference of the cake and the depth. Add 2.5cm to the depth measurement. Using these measurements roll out the green fondant to a long strip. (You may find it easier to do two shorter strips). Attach the strip around the cake. Use scissors snip around the top edge to represent grass.",
"Make a cardboard template of a pentagon (5 sides). Roll out the black icing and cut out six pentagons. Place them on the cake as for a football. If you wish to stick them in place use a little icing sugar mixed with water.",
"With the remaining white icing trimmings make a scarf and paint with food colouring in your team colours. Drape the scarf over the edge of the cake. Add candles as desired."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "2 hrs",
"Cooking": "1 hr and 30 mins"
"serves": 16,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 9,
"subcategory": "Kids' baking",
"dish_type": "Kids' birthday cakes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "fa794185-2aea-49b4-bfa5-ee1e0d5bcb8a",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Fire engine cake",
"description": "Stun a crowd and get creative with this themed celebration cake - details include a chocolate ladder, icing water splash and toy firemen",
"author": "Valerie Barrett",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"250g butter, softened",
"250g caster sugar",
"4 large eggs",
"1 tsp almond extract (if you have a nut allergy, use vanilla extract instead)",
"200g self-raising flour",
"50g ground almond (if you have a nut allergy, use 50g plain flour instead)",
"2 tbsp milk",
"150g butter, softened",
"300g icing sugar, sieved",
"500g ready-to-roll icing, coloured red",
"250g ready-to-roll icing, coloured grey",
"200g royal icing, made from packet royal icing sugar (use 200g sugar)",
"red food colouring",
"4 liquorice Catherine wheels",
"25g white ready-to-roll icing",
"2 iced party ring biscuits",
"25g ready-to-roll icing, coloured yellow",
"8-10 chocolate coated biscuit sticks (e.g Mikado) or mint sticks (e.g Matchmakers)",
"6 dolly mixture sweets",
"blue food colouring",
"black food colouring",
"Lego firemen (optional)"
"steps": [
"Heat the oven to 180C/160C fan/gas 4. Grease and base line a 20cm square cake tin with baking parchment. Put the butter and sugar into a bowl and beat until light and fluffy. Add the eggs, almond extract, flour, ground almonds and milk and beat very well until light and pale in colour. Spread into the prepared tin and bake in the oven for 35\u201340 mins. Remove and allow to become completely cold before cutting and icing.",
"To make the butter icing, put the butter into a bowl and beat well. Gradually beat in the icing sugar until smooth and creamy. Cut the cake in half to make two rectangles each 10x20cm. Take one half and cut into two pieces measuring 10x14cm and 10x6cm. Using a little butter icing, attach the 10x6cm piece to one end of the 10x20cm piece. This is the cab part of the engine. Take the 10x14cm piece and slice in half horizontally. Spread a little butter icing on the main part of the fire engine (behind the cab) and stick on one of the 10x14cm pieces. The remaining piece of cake is not required.",
"Using a sharp knife, slice the front of the cab at an angle where the windows will be placed. Spread the whole cake with butter icing. Roll out the red fondant and use to cover the fire engine. Trim around the base.",
"Roll out all but 50g of the grey icing to an irregular strip and place on a 30cm cake board. Carefully lift the fire engine onto the board.",
"Unroll about half the liquorice from each of the four wheels. Attach the strips, using a little of the red icing, to make a double border around the base of the cake. Again using the icing, attach the four wheels. Use leftover liquorice to make strips to mark the centre of the road.",
"Roll out the reserved grey icing and cut out 6 shutters and two wing mirrors. Attach to the cake using red icing. Use the white icing to make two front and two side windows for the cab. Attach with red royal icing and pipe around each window and pipe the cab doors.",
"Stick on dolly mixtures to represent headlights, roof lights and ladder supports. Make a ladder from the chocolate covered biscuit or mint sticks, chopping and sticking with icing. Attach to the top of the engine with icing.",
"Stick together the two party rings and attach to the side of the fire engine. Roll the yellow fondant icing into a long sausage and wrap around the biscuits to represent the hose, snake out onto the board and then make a small circle of yellow icing and stick on the end for the nozzle. Colour the remaining royal icing a pale blue colour. Thin with a little water if necessary and drizzle onto the cake board to represent water flowing from the hose.",
"Using a little blue colouring thinned with water, paint the windows with a fine paint brush. Using black colouring, paint windscreen wipers on the front windows."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "2 hrs",
"Cooking": "40 mins"
"serves": 16,
"difficult": "More effort",
"vote_count": 10,
"subcategory": "Kids' baking",
"dish_type": "Kids' birthday cakes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "479d5a15-2ca9-4288-87ad-90cd94121cfd",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Easy castle cake",
"description": "A magical three-tiered sponge cake that's simple to make, but no one would ever guess...",
"author": "Valerie Barrett",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"300g soft butter",
"300g caster sugar",
"6 eggs",
"1 tbsp vanilla extract",
"80g plain flour",
"300g self-raising flour",
"100g plain full-fat Greek yogurt",
"3 tbsp milk",
"8 tbsp seedless raspberry jam",
"150g soft butter",
"300g icing sugar, sieved",
"600g ready-to-roll white icing",
"200g ready-to-roll pink icing",
"250g royal icing, made from a pack of royal icing sugar",
"100g ready-to-roll lilac or light blue icing",
"20 pieces chewing gum",
"40 sugar cubes",
"silver balls",
"green food colouring",
"mini sugar blossoms",
"edible glitter",
"coloured cake board",
"wooden skewer",
"coloured sandwich flags or candles"
"steps": [
"Heat the oven to 160C/140C fan/gas 3. Grease and base line a round 13cm cake tin and a round 18cm cake tin. Place two muffin cases in a muffin tin.",
"Put the butter and sugar into a large bowl and beat together until light and creamy. Add all the remaining ingredients except the jam and beat well. Half fill the muffin cases and then fill the two cake tins 3/4 full. Bake in the oven placing the cake tins on one shelf and the muffin tin on another. Open the oven door and remove the muffins and smaller cake quickly when they are done as you don't want to let the heat out of the oven. The muffins will take about 35 mins, the 13cm cake about 1 hour 10 mins and the 18cm cake about 1 1/2 hours. You know each is done when a skewer inserted into the centre comes out clean. Allow the cakes to become completely cold before icing.",
"Trim the tops of the two cakes so they are flat. Slice each one in half, spread with jam and then sandwich together again. Using a 6cm cutter, cut each muffin to make a cylinder. Trim the tops flat. Sandwich together with jam to make a tower.",
"To make the butter icing put the butter into a bowl and beat until soft. Gradually beat in the icing sugar. Spread the butter icing over both cakes and the muffin tower. Roll out the white icing and use to cover the two cakes. Place the larger one on a cake board. Put the smaller one on top. Roll a strip of white icing and wrap around the muffin tower. Place on top of the cake. Push a wooden skewer though the cakes to hold them together.",
"Using about 150g pink icing, mould into an onion shape for the dome. Put to one side. Roll out a little pink icing and cut out a 6cm round and place on top of the muffin tower. Using the made up royal icing, attach the dome to the top of the tower.",
"Using the pink icing make two doors and two curtains. Attach to the cake using royal icing. Make windows by rolling out the lilac icing and cutting out hearts using medium, small and tiny cutters. Attach these upside down to the cake with royal icing. Roll a small piece of lilac icing into a thin sausage and stick around the curtains to make the window frame.",
"Again using the royal icing, stick on the pieces of gum around the doors, and the sugar cubes around the edge of the cakes. Attach silver balls to the dome to decorate and to the doors to make handles. Score horizontal lines down the doors to give a textured effect. Attach a piece of gum under each window on the middle tier and then stick three flowers on top to make window boxes.",
"Colour the remaining royal icing green and spoon into a piping bag fitted with a plain nozzle. Pipe creeper branches up the castle walls. Attach mini sugar flowers.",
"Stick coloured flags or candles into the middle tier of the cake. Sprinkle a little edible glitter over the dome and sugar cubes."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "2 hrs",
"Cooking": "1 hr and 30 mins"
"serves": 20,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 1,
"subcategory": "Kids' baking",
"dish_type": "Kids' birthday cakes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "a8f3ca93-d814-4036-a582-64ccafeb0a9d",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Easy volcano cake",
"description": "Decorate a towering chocolate sponge with sweets and molten toffee 'lava' to create a dazzling children's treat",
"author": "Valerie Barrett",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"300g butter, very soft",
"350g caster sugar",
"6 eggs",
"300g self-raising flour",
"2 tbsp milk",
"red paste food colouring",
"100g apricot glaze or sieved apricot jam, warmed",
"500g marzipan",
"200g plain chocolate",
"about 250g assorted chocolate honeycomb chunks, chocolate raisins, Maltesers, caramel popcorn etc, plus plastic dinosaurs, cake sparklers or fountains etc, to decorate"
"steps": [
"Preheat the oven to 180C/160C fan/gas 4. Grease and base line an 18cm round cake tin, a 800\u2013900ml oven proof (Pyrex) bowl and a 1.2 litre oven proof bowl.",
"Put the butter, 300g of the sugar, eggs, flour and milk into a large bowl and beat well until light and creamy. Spread just under half the mixture in the cake tin.",
"Take just under half of the remaining mixture and put into a bowl and colour deep red with food colouring. Put 3\u20134 small spoonfuls of red cake mix onto the mixture in the cake tin. Using the handle of a teaspoon pull the red mix through to give a marbled effect.",
"Using the remaining plain and red cake mix place spoonfuls in a random fashion in the two prepared bowls. Again use the teaspoon handle to give a marbled effect.",
"Bake in the oven for about 30 mins for the small bowl, about 35 mins for the medium and 50\u201360 mins for the cake tin. The mixture is cooked when firm to the touch and when a skewer inserted into the centre comes out clean.",
"When the cakes are cold trim off any peaks that have formed. Place the round cake on a large cake board. Cut three small \u2018v\u2019 shapes on the edge of the cake, to make an uneven shape for the volcano base. Spread a little apricot glaze all over the cake and place the larger bowl cake, rounded side up, on top. Brush with apricot glaze and place the remaining cake, rounded side up, on top. Cut a small hollow in the top of this cake (to represent the \u2018mouth\u2019 of the volcano) and then brush the cake with apricot glaze.",
"Roll out the marzipan to a large circle to cover the cake. It can be quite a rough shape. Lift it onto the cake and drape in a random fashion in the nooks and crannies to make a volcano shape.",
"Melt the chocolate in a microwave or in a bowl over a pan of hot water. Using a pastry brush, paint the volcano with chocolate. Attach chunks of chocolate, popcorn etc with melted chocolate. Add the dinosaurs. Drizzle any remaining chocolate over the volcano in a random fashion.",
"To make the lava put the remaining 50g sugar into a small non-stick frying pan. Heat gently without stirring until the sugar has melted but is still clear. Lightly oil a metal baking sheet. When the sugar is just turning light brown at the edge, remove from the heat and carefully stir in a little red paste food colouring. Using a teaspoon, drizzle lava shapes onto the prepared tray. Leave to cool completely.",
"When cold, carefully lift the lava shapes and place in the top of the volcano. For extra effect use birthday candles, cake sparklers, or cake fountains."
"nutrients": {
"kcal": "788",
"fat": "38g",
"saturates": "19.7g",
"carbs": "101.4g",
"sugars": "84.4g",
"fibre": "2g",
"protein": "9.8g",
"salt": "0.8g"
"times": {
"Preparation": "1 hr and 15 mins",
"Cooking": "1 hr"
"serves": 12,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 7,
"subcategory": "Kids' baking",
"dish_type": "Kids' birthday cakes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "db4c3cbd-fbc7-4244-9ba0-2cadcd6a0908",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Birthday bug cake",
"description": "Children will love the butterfly and ladybird decorations on this colourful cake \u2013 and you'll love its simplicity",
"author": "Jane Hornby",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"Easy vanilla cake and syrup mix (see recipe below)",
"100g white chocolate (I used Milkybar)",
"Basic vanilla buttercream mix (see Easy vanilla cake recipe below)",
"12 giant chocolate buttons, 6 cut in half",
"treat-size pack chocolate buttons",
"2 chocolate sticks (I used Matchmakers)",
"hundreds and thousands",
"multicoloured candles",
"red (or whatever colour you like) writing icing tubes (I used Asda)",
"multicoloured candles"
"steps": [
"Bake the Easy vanilla cake in a greased, lined deep 20cm cake tin as in the basic recipe; drench with syrup and leave to cool. Leave the oven on.",
"Break the white chocolate into cubes into a microwaveable bowl, and heat on High for 1 min (or melt over a pan of simmering water). Stir, then leave any remaining lumps to melt in the warm liquid chocolate. Once just-warm, beat the chocolate into the buttercream.",
"Start the butterflies. Put the whole giant buttons on a flat baking tray on non-stick baking paper, then put into the oven for 20-30 secs or until the chocolate looks shiny. Take out, scatter with hundreds and thousands, then leave to set completely before cutting in half with a large non-serrated knife. For the ladybirds, pipe dots of icing all over the already cut giant button halves, then leave aside to dry.",
"Spread the buttercream over the cake, then start to arrange the butterflies. Cut each Matchmaker into 3 \u2013 these will make the bodies. Press onto the cake, then stick four giant button halves around each body to make \u2018wings\u2019. For the ladybirds, place two spotty button halves together, then use a small button for the head. Scatter more hundreds and thousands all over the cake, then poke in the candles."
"nutrients": {
"kcal": "536",
"fat": "30g",
"saturates": "18g",
"carbs": "64g",
"sugars": "47g",
"fibre": "1g",
"protein": "7g",
"salt": "0.28g"
"times": {
"Preparation": "50 mins",
"Cooking": "1 hr and 20 mins"
"serves": 16,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 22,
"subcategory": "Kids' baking",
"dish_type": "Kids' birthday cakes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "63b4ed45-f1da-4faf-8dc3-9e1f9aa113d4",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Chocolate owl cake",
"description": "A fun chocolate birthday cake decorated with buttons, biscuits and marzipan - bound to be a hit with young children",
"author": "Valerie Barrett",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"325g butter",
"325g plain chocolate",
"2 tsp vanilla extract",
"325g plain flour",
"1 tsp baking powder",
"1 tsp bicarbonate of soda",
"450g light soft brown sugar",
"5 large eggs",
"300ml soured cream",
"250g butter",
"350g icing sugar, sieved",
"50g cocoa, sieved",
"2 tbsp milk",
"8 giant white chocolate buttons",
"2 packs milk chocolate buttons ",
"2 chocolate Flake bars",
"60g yellow marzipan",
"125g pack chocolate finger biscuit",
"candles (optional)",
"writing icing (optional)"
"steps": [
"Preheat the oven to 160C/fan 140C/gas 4. Base line a 20cm round and a 18cm square cake tin.",
"Put the butter and chocolate into a saucepan and stir over a very gentle heat until melted and smooth. Remove from the heat and stir in the vanilla extract.",
"Sieve the flour, baking powder and bicarbonate of soda into a large bowl. Add the sugar, breaking up any lumps if necessary. Beat together the eggs and soured cream and pour onto the flour mixture. Add the melted chocolate and mix all well together until smooth.",
"Divide the mixture equally between the two tins and bake in the oven for about 55 mins - 1 hour. A good way to check that the mixture is equally divided is to put a cocktail stick into each mixture and the levels should be the same.",
"To make the icing, put the butter into a bowl and beat until creamy. Add the icing sugar and cocoa a little at a time beating well between each addition. Add the milk to mix to a soft spreading consistency.",
"To assemble, place the round cake on a large wooden board or tray (the cake will need to served on this). Place the round cake tin on the square cake about 12cm from one edge and cut around the edge of the tin. Remove the smaller piece and place at one end of the round cake to represent the ears.",
"Using the remains of the square cake cut almost in half to give an oblong (for the fence) and a semi circle (for the wings). Place the oblong at the bottom of the owl cake. Slice the semi circle in half horizontally through the middle. Arrange one piece each side of the round cake to make the wings.",
"Spread the butter icing all over the cake. Cut the flake bars into small pieces and arrange on the wings to represent feathers. Keep the flake crumbs. Arrange milk chocolate buttons over the body. Place chocolate fingers on the bottom cake to make the fence. Using a fork, mark the icing to make the owl\u2019s ears. Use the flake crumbs to make a v-shape between the ears like a 'widow\u2019s peak'. Arrange the white chocolate buttons in two circles to make the eyes and place a milk chocolate button in the centre of each. Use a third of the marzipan to shape a beak and use the remaining marzipan to make two feet.",
"Place the candles on the \u2018fence\u2019 part of the cake. You can also pipe a child\u2019s name or message on the fence using writing icing."
"nutrients": {
"kcal": "527",
"fat": "30.6g",
"saturates": "18.3g",
"carbs": "57.4g",
"sugars": "47.3g",
"fibre": "1.4g",
"protein": "6.6g",
"salt": "0.7g"
"times": {
"Preparation": "1 hr",
"Cooking": "1 hr"
"serves": 25,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 53,
"subcategory": "Kids' baking",
"dish_type": "Kids' birthday cakes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "dd0f0de5-191d-42ce-8459-e8b562937d65",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Teddy Christening cake",
"description": "Make an impressive Christening or 1st birthday cake using these simple techniques and our step-by-step photographs",
"author": "Good Food team",
"rattings": 1,
"ingredients": [
"1 x 15cm light fruitcake (see related recipes)",
"1 x 23cm zingy lemon cake (see related recipes)",
"icing sugar, for dusting",
"200g smooth apricot jam",
"500g pack marzipan",
"500g white ready-to-roll icing 'regal ice' (for the cake drum)",
"500g white ready-to-roll icing 'regal ice' (for the 15cm fruitcake)",
"1kg white ready-to-roll icing 'regal ice' (for the 23cm lemon cake)",
"light brown or 'teddy bear brown' food colouring paste",
"pink or 'fuschia' food colouring paste",
"blue or 'bluebell' food colouring paste",
"edible glue",
"500g icing sugar, sifted",
"250g unsalted butter, softened",
"finely grated zest of 1 lemon",
"15cm (6\") cake tin and cake board",
"23cm (9\") cake tin and cake board",
"30cm (12\") cake drum",
"a wide rolling pin",
"a large smooth surface",
"cake smoother (optional)",
"a paintbrush",
"a small sieve or icing sugar dredger",
"a 15cm cake box",
"a 30cm cake box",
"A selection of baby-themed biscuit cutters, we used a teddy bear, a duck and a small rabbit (you don't want any of your cutters to be over 7cm tall as they will be too big for the depth of the cake)"
"steps": [
"Make the 15cm fruit cake. You can do this up to a month in advance and wrap it in cling film. Once a week you can feed it with a little dark rum or brandy by poking holes in the top and spooning a little into the holes.",
"Marzipan the fruitcake. Heat the apricot jam until bubbling, then take off the heat. Sieve if necessary to remove any bits. Level off the top of the fruit cake using a long serrated bread knife. Brush the top with jam and flip the cake over and position it on top of the 15cm cake board. Briefly knead the marzipan and smooth into a ball. Dust the work surface with icing sugar. Roll out into a circle. Use a bit of string or tape measure to measure your fruit cake\u2019s top and sides so you know how far to roll out the dough. Brush the cake with apricot jam and then carefully transfer the marzipan to the cake (see picture 1). Gently smooth the top first, then ease your hands down the sides, carefully lifting and coaxing the marzipan so that it fits without overlapping (see picture 2). When you have reached the bottom edges of the cake, use a sharp knife to shave off any excess marzipan. You can do this up to a month in advance.",
"Ice the cake drum (see picture 4). Lightly knead 500g icing and form into a ball. Dust your work surface with sifted icing sugar and roll out the icing in a circle using a tape measure to check that it is wide enough (23cm). Brush the drum with cooled boiled water and transfer the icing to the board. Gently roll over the board again, then trim the edges with a small sharp knife. Roll gently again if you like to get a really smooth finish. Watch out for fingerprints and bits of fluff as ready-to-roll icing can be quite delicate.You can do this in advance too. If you do, put it in a cake box to stop it gathering dust.",
"Make the 23cm lemon cake. The unfilled cake will keep well if you wrap it with baking parchment and cling film for up to 4 days, or in the freezer for up to a month.",
"Buttercream the zingy lemon cake. Make buttercream by beating together the butter, icing sugar and lemon zest. You can do this the day before icing.",
"Level off the top of the lemon cake using a long serrated bread knife. Spread a little of the buttercream onto the 23cm cake board. Turn cake upside down onto the board. Brush all over with a thin layer of the sieved apricot jam - this helps to stop crumbs getting into the buttercream. Cut the cake in half horizontally using the bread knife. It doesn\u2019t matter if it\u2019s not perfect as people won\u2019t be able to see once the cake is covered. Use a palette knife to spread a layer of buttercream onto the top of the cut side of the cake on the board. Put the top layer back on and press down a little to level it. Spread the remaining buttercream on the top and sides of the cake using the palette knife to smooth the surface (see picture 3). Pop the cake in the fridge until the buttercream is firm, this will make it easier to ice.",
"To cover the cakes in the icing, you\u2019ll need 500g for the smaller cake and 900g for the larger one. For each, gently work the icing into a ball. Dust the work surface with icing sugar and roll it into a circle. Again use a tape measure or piece of string to ensure the circle is big enough to cover the cake. In the case of the fruitcake, brush the marzipan with cooled boiled water, then transfer the icing onto the cake and smooth it down in the same way as the marzipan. Use a cake smoother if you have one to get a really smooth finish (see picture 5). For the lemon cake, you won\u2019t need any additional gluing, the buttercream will do the job. Once you have smoothed the icing over the cake, trim it carefully. A ribbon will hide the bottom of the cake so it doesn\u2019t need to be perfect. Save any leftover icing to make the decorations. Wrap it in clingfilm and put into a freezer bag to seal out the air.",
"To stack the cakes, use three plastic dowels, these help to keep the cake stable and level. Insert three dowels in a triangle, 2cms in from where the edges of the smaller cake will be (see picture 6). With a pen, mark where the top of the icing comes to on the dowel. Carefully pull out the dowels, you can use tweezers for this, and line them up. Pick the dowel with the highest mark, this is the length you want all the dowels to be. Score the dowels with scissors at this length and cut or snap the plastic.",
"Put the rods back into the three holes, rounded end down. Smooth a little leftover buttercream onto cake where the dowels are. Pick the best side of the smaller cake and aim to position this at the front. Carefully lift it onto the larger one, you can use a palette knife to help you lower the cake.",
"To decorate, pinch off a small ball of icing and leave it white. Divide the remaining icing into quarters. Dye two quarters brown. Do this by dipping a toothpick into the colouring paste and gradually adding more colour to the icing, kneading it as you go (see picture 7). Keep going until you have the colour you want and it is smoothly incorporated with no streaks. It\u2019s better to do this gradually as the colours can be quite strong and it\u2019s easy to add too much.",
"Dye the remaining two balls of icing in your chosen pastels. Wrap all of the balls in clingfilm and pop into a freezer bag until ready to use. This will stop them from becoming crusty.",
"Start by decorating the bottom layer. Roll out the icing, cutting out approximately 12 shapes. We did six brown teddies and alternated them with either a pink duck (three in total) or a blue duck (three in total). Paint a small amount of edible glue onto the back of each teddy and stick it on. Then repeat with the ducks, placing them between the teddies. For the top layer, we cut out 12 small bunnies, alternating brown, blue, pink, brown, blue pink etc. Stick the shapes with even spacing between them on to the cake. The number of shapes you need will depend on the size of the cutters you\u2019ve chosen.",
"To make the teddy, roll out one small ball for the head and one slightly larger one for the body. Stick the head on top of the body. Roll out two sausages of icing one for the legs and one for the arms. Cut them in half. Stick the arms to the side of the body and flatten the ends to form little paws. Next stick on the legs, again flattening the ends to form paws. Roll two small balls of brown, flatten and cup them slightly to make ears. Make a little ball of white icing to stick onto the face to make a muzzle. Dip a toothpick into the brown colouring paste and do two dots for eyes. Roll tiny balls of icing for the nose (in brown) and buttons (in white) and stick them on. If you like, take some white icing and make pads for the feet and for the inner ears too (see picture 9).",
"To make the rabbit, roll a sausage of pink or blue icing and snip the top and the bottom one third along. Form the top into ears and the bottom into legs. Pinch a neck about 1 cm under the ears and then snip each side upwards from the legs to just below the neck to form arms and mould them slightly (see picture 8). Make a face by dipping your toothpick back into the brown paste and draw on eyes, a nose and whiskers. Sit the teddy on top of the cake and arrange the bunny on his lap.",
"If you like and are handy with writing icing, write the child\u2019s name on the second tier or stick a candle there."
"nutrients": {
"kcal": "0",
"fat": "0g",
"saturates": "0g",
"carbs": "0g",
"sugars": "0g",
"fibre": "0g",
"protein": "0g",
"salt": "0g"
"times": {
"Preparation": "4 hrs",
"Cooking": "No Time"
"serves": 45,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 1,
"subcategory": "Kids' baking",
"dish_type": "Kids' birthday cakes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "c8b763d9-6993-4918-8d5f-58ca6e8fc6bf",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Cookies & cream party cake",
"description": "Stack up our best ever chocolate sponges and smother in a biscuit icing to make this towering celebration cake",
"author": "Cassie Best",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"300ml vegetable oil, plus extra for greasing",
"400g plain flour",
"130g cocoa powder",
"4 tsp baking powder",
"2 tsp bicarbonate of soda",
"560g light brown soft sugar",
"400ml buttermilk",
"200ml strong coffee, or espresso",
"4 tsp vanilla extract",
"4 large eggs",
"250g pack slightly salted butter, softened",
"600g icing sugar",
"280g tub full-fat cream cheese",
"2 tsp vanilla extract",
"10 filled chocolate biscuits (about \u00be of a pack)",
"filled chocolate biscuits, as many as you need for the letters on top (some may break when you insert the skewers, so buy extra)",
"thin wooden skewers",
"100g white chocolate, finely chopped",
"ready-to-roll fondant icing, coloured (we used a mixture of blue and green food colouring), or an icing writing pen"
"steps": [
"Heat oven to 180C/160C fan/gas 4. Grease and line two 20cm cake tins with baking parchment \u2013 if your cake tins are quite shallow, line the sides to a depth of at least 5cm. Put 200g flour, 8 tbsp cocoa powder, 2 tsp baking powder, 1 tsp bicarbonate of soda, 280g light brown soft sugar and 1 tsp salt in a bowl and mix well. If there are any lumps in the sugar, squeeze these through your fingers to break them up.",
"Measure 200ml buttermilk, 100ml coffee, 150ml oil and 2 tsp vanilla in a jug. Add 2 eggs and whisk until smooth. Pour the wet ingredients into the dry and whisk until well combined. Pour the cake mixture evenly into the two tins, and bake for 25-30 mins until risen and a skewer inserted into the centre comes out clean. Cool in the tins for 10 mins, then turn out onto a wire rack, peel off the baking parchment and leave to cool.",
"Repeat steps 1 and 2, so that you have 4 sponge cakes in total. These sponges can be made up to three days ahead and will stay moist if wrapped in cling film, or you can wrap well and freeze for up to two months.",
"To make the icing, put the butter in a large bowl and sieve in half the icing sugar. Roughly mash together with a spatula, then whizz with a hand mixer until smooth. Add the cream cheese and sieve in the remaining icing sugar, mash together again, then blend once more with the hand mixer. Put the biscuits in a food processor and whizz to fine crumbs. Add the biscuit crumbs to the icing and mix again until combined.",
"Next, make the cookie cake toppers. You\u2019ll need one biscuit for each letter of the word you\u2019d like to write \u2013 someone\u2019s name or, like we have done, \u2018WOW!\u2019 Carefully insert a skewer into the creamy filling in the middle of each biscuit \u2013 some cookies may break, so save these ones for later. Melt the chocolate in the microwave, stirring every 20 secs or so, or in a heatproof bowl suspended over a pan of gently simmering water. Spread a little chocolate over the surface of one side of each cookie. Roll out the fondant icing to the thickness of a 50p coin, and cut out your letters, then stick these to the cookies and set aside to dry. Alternatively, let the chocolate dry, then use an icing pen to write the name or word directly on the surface.",
"To assemble the cake, stick one of your sponges to a cake stand or board with a little of the cream cheese icing. Use roughly half the icing to stack the remaining cakes on top, spreading a generous amount between each layer. Pile the remaining icing on top of the assembled cake, and use a palette knife to ease it over the edges, covering the entire surface of the cake. Tidy the plate with a piece of kitchen paper.",
"If you have any leftover biscuits, break them into pieces and push these around the base of the cake. Insert the dried cookie cake toppers into the top of the cake and serve. Store leftovers in the fridge for up to 2 days, but bring back to room temperature for an hour or so before eating."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "1 hr",
"Cooking": "50 mins"
"serves": 20,
"difficult": "More effort",
"vote_count": 76,
"subcategory": "Kids' baking",
"dish_type": "Kids' birthday cakes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "1515b3d0-e3dd-4a03-bafc-d4f349ed353f",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Vanilla party cake",
"description": "Cover the light buttery sponge of this classic celebration cake with silky-smooth meringue buttercream and colourful edible polka dots",
"author": "Edd Kimber",
"rattings": 4,
"ingredients": [
"225g unsalted butter, softened, plus extra for greasing",
"350g caster sugar",
"1 tbsp vanilla extract",
"5 large egg whites",
"325g plain flour",
"25g cornflour",
"1 \u00bd tbsp baking powder",
"250ml buttermilk",
"3 large egg whites",
"240g caster sugar",
"1 vanilla pod, halved lengthways and seeds scraped out",
"360g unsalted butter, softened",
"1 tsp vanilla extract",
"multi-coloured edible polka dots, to decorate"
"steps": [
"Heat oven to 180C/160C fan/gas 4 and grease 3 x 20cm sandwich tins, lining the bases with baking parchment and greasing the parchment too.",
"Beat the butter and sugar in a large bowl with an electric whisk until light and fluffy. Add the vanilla extract and the egg whites, a little at a time, beating until fully combined before adding more. Mix together the flour, cornflour and baking powder. Add the dry ingredients in 3 additions, alternating with the buttermilk. Divide the batter between the tins and level the tops.",
"Bake for 25-30 mins or until a skewer inserted into the middle comes out clean. Allow the cakes to cool in the tins for 10 mins, then turn out onto a wire rack, peeling off the parchment. Cool completely.",
"To make the buttercream, put the egg whites and sugar in a big bowl (the bowl of your tabletop mixer, if you have one) with the vanilla seeds and set over a pan of gently simmering water. Lightly whisk until the sugar has fully dissolved \u2013 you can test this by dipping two fingers into the bowl and rubbing them together; if you can\u2019t feel any grains of sugar, the mixture is ready. Remove the bowl from the heat and keep whisking until a thick meringue has formed. Continue whisking until the meringue has cooled to room temperature, then slowly add in the butter, 1 tbsp at a time. By the time all the butter has been incorporated, the mixture should have transformed into a silky-smooth buttercream. If it hasn\u2019t, continue to whisk until it does. If it still refuses to thicken, it may be the mixture is still too warm, so chill for 10 mins, then continue whisking. Add the vanilla extract and mix to combine.",
"To assemble the cake, place a sponge on a cake board or serving plate and top with a thin layer of buttercream. Repeat with the remaining cake layers and finish by spreading the remaining buttercream over the top and sides of the cake (see below). To get a smooth finish, use the edge of a palette knife, and drag carefully around the sides of the cake, smoothing out the buttercream. To decorate the cake, press the sides of it with the edible polka dot sprinkles creating a full border at the bottom with less and less the further up the cake you go. Best served within 2 days of baking, but the cake will keep for up to 4 days."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "1 hr and 15 mins",
"Cooking": "40 mins"
"serves": 16,
"difficult": "A challenge",
"vote_count": 49,
"subcategory": "Kids' baking",
"dish_type": "Kids' birthday cakes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "5b3dfe71-483d-49dd-879d-976588bd3ec9",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Dinosaur cake",
"description": "This show-stopping party cake is deceptively easy to make and looks really professional. Ideal for kid's birthdays, try this colourful decorated vanilla sponge with bite",
"author": "Jane Hornby",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"250g pack unsalted butter",
"50ml whole milk",
"150g whole natural yogurt",
"\u00bd tsp vanilla paste or extract",
"3 large eggs",
"250g white caster sugar",
"300g self-raising flour",
"2 tsp baking powder",
"300g unsalted butter, very well softened",
"450g icing sugar",
"1 tsp vanilla paste or extract",
"2 tsp whole milk",
"2 heaped tbsp raspberry jam ( or lemon curd)",
"1kg white sugarpaste",
"green and pink food colouring paste (we used Sugarflair Spring Green and Fuchsia)",
"a little icing sugar, sifted, for rolling out",
"38g tube Smarties",
"22inch/55cm square cake board",
"100g royal icing sugar",
"100g desiccated coconut",
"blue food colouring paste",
"100g chocolate sprinkles"
"steps": [
"Heat the oven to 180C/fan 160C/gas 4. Use a little of the butter to grease the sides and bases of two 20cm sandwich tins. Melt the rest of the butter in a small saucepan. Off the heat, add the milk, yogurt and vanilla, followed by the eggs. Beat well with a fork.",
"Put the dry ingredients plus \u00bc tsp salt into a large bowl. Whisk to combine \u2013 this aerates and saves sifting. Tip in the wet ingredients and whisk to a smooth, silky batter.",
"Don\u2019t hang around at this point. Pour the batter evenly into the prepared tins and put onto the middle shelf in the oven. Bake for 25 mins or until risen and a skewer inserted into the middle of the cakes comes out clean. Cool for 10 mins in the tins, then carefully invert the cakes and leave to cool upside down on a cooling rack.",
"Make the buttercream. Put the butter into a large bowl and sift the icing sugar on top. Add the vanilla and milk and a pinch of salt then beat for a few mins with electric beaters until creamy, pale and spreadable.",
"Sandwich the cakes with just under \u00bc of the buttercream and then all of the jam, if using. Mark the cake into six then cut out two of the wedges. Chill all of the cake in the fridge for 30 mins to firm up the crumbs, which will make icing easier.",
"While you wait, colour the remaining buttercream with a little green food colouring gel.",
"Split the sugarpaste into four pieces, one 500g, one 250g, one 150g and one 100g. Colour 250g green to make the legs and arms. Colour 150g pink, to make the spines.",
"Position the cakes on the board and, once you\u2019re happy, use a little buttercream to anchor them. The main part of the cake will make the body of the dinosaur and the root of its tail, and the two cutout wedges will make the face.",
"Shape the 500g piece of sugarpaste to make a tail, tapering at the end. Flatten the other end out (the piece will look a bit like a witch\u2019s hat at this point) and mould it over the tail part of the cake.",
"Using a palette knife, spread the coloured buttercream over each piece of cake and the tail.",
"Shape 100g white icing into eyes and teeth and poke them into the buttercream.",
"Shape two small sausages to make an arm, with two claws, and position on the cake. Shape the rest of the green sugarpaste into two legs, adding claws if you like. Press them into the buttercream on the dinosaur\u2019s belly.",
"Shape the pink icing into spikes and position them along the spine and under the tail. Use two small sausages of pink icing for the eyelids if you like. Finally press the Smarties all over the dinosaur, saving two for the eyes. Leave to set.",
"If you want to cover the board, rub a few drops of blue colouring into the coconut until even. Mix the royal icing sugar with 2 tbsp water, then brush this all over the board and around the dinosaur. Sprinkle with the coconut and the chocolate sprinkles and leave to set. If the sponges are used fresh or within a day of baking (wrap well once cooled), the finished cake will keep in a cool place (not the fridge) for 3 days."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "20 mins",
"Cooking": "25 mins"
"serves": 16,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 6,
"subcategory": "Kids' baking",
"dish_type": "Kids' birthday cakes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "02e8dba5-5f7d-454a-ac39-c535a3393bda",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Super-easy birthday cake",
"description": "Children love colour, so what could be better than a birthday cake with two different coloured sponges made from one mixture and a colourful icing?",
"author": "Lulu Grimes",
"rattings": 4,
"ingredients": [
"225g butter, at room temperature",
"225g golden caster sugar",
"4 large eggs",
"225g self-raising flour",
"3 tbsp whole milk",
"1 tsp vanilla extract",
"2 tbsp cocoa powder",
"150g butter, very soft",
"300g icing sugar, sifted",
"pink food colouring"
"steps": [
"Heat oven to 180C/160C fan/gas 4. Butter two 18cm loose-based cake tins and line the bases with baking parchment. Beat the butter and sugar in a mixer or by hand, then add the eggs, one at a time, mixing well after each. Fold in the flour, milk and vanilla extract until the mixture is smooth.",
"Divide the mixture between two bowls. Sift the cocoa powder into one of the bowls. Scrape the vanilla batter into one tin and the chocolate batter into the other and level the tops. Bake for 20-25 mins or until a skewer comes out clean. Cool for 5 mins, then transfer to a wire rack and cool completely.",
"To make the icing, beat the butter and add the icing sugar a little at a time, beating each lot in until you have a smooth, creamy icing. Add a little pink colour and beat it in (add more if you want a stronger colour). Sandwich the two cakes together with icing and spread the rest on top using a palette knife. Will keep in an airtight container for three days."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "20 mins",
"Cooking": "25 mins"
"serves": 8,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 17,
"subcategory": "Kids' baking",
"dish_type": "Kids' birthday cakes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "06e79809-fd7f-40e2-b2ac-727617af6d00",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Loaded potato skins",
"description": "Enjoy these potato skins as a relaxed starter or snack. Use chives instead of spring onion for a milder flavour, or omit the bacon for a veggie version",
"author": "Monaz Dumasia",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"4 medium baking potatoes",
"2 tsp olive oil",
"2 rashers streaky bacon",
"75g soured cream",
"1 chopped spring onion or 2 tbsp finely chopped chives",
"75g cheddar coarsely grated"
"steps": [
"Heat the oven to 220C/200C fan/gas 7. Put the baking potatoes on a baking tray. Prick all over with a fork and rub with a little oil. Cook potatoes in oven for 1 hr until golden and cooked all the way through. Remove from oven. Allow potatoes to cool for 15 mins.",
"While potatoes are cooking, heat 1 tsp oil in a medium frying pan and fry the bacon for 5-8 mins until crisp. Leave to cool, then transfer to a board and finely chop.",
"Cut the slightly cooled potatoes in half and scoop the flesh from the skin into a large bowl, leaving a little around the edges. Put the skins back on the baking tray, scooped side up.",
"Mash the potato flesh and soured cream together using a fork or masher. Stir in the cooled bacon, most of the spring onion or chives and half of the cheddar. Season to taste.",
"Divide the potato mixture evenly between the cavities of the potato skins. Sprinkle the remaining cheddar over each filled potato half. Return the potatoes to the oven for 20 mins until golden and bubbling.",
"Sprinkle over the remaining spring onion or chives and serve hot."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "10 mins",
"Cooking": "1 hr and 20 mins"
"serves": 4,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 1,
"subcategory": "Kids' baking",
"dish_type": "Easy party food",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "ee562b87-7fdd-46d1-b112-5ab4379d9c5e",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Chocolate sandwich cookie ice cream cupcakes",
"description": "Impress family and friends this summer with these cooling ice cream cupcakes. You only need a few ingredients to make them and no baking is required",
"author": "Jane Dunn",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"20g cr\u00e8me-filled chocolate sandwich cookies, plus 8 whole cookies for decorating",
"60g unsalted butter, melted",
"300ml double cream",
"200g condensed milk",
"100ml double cream",
"1 tbsp icing sugar"
"steps": [
"Line eight holes of a 12-hole cupcake tin with paper cases. Tip the cookies into a food processor and blitz to a fine crumb, or do this in a bowl using the end of a rolling pin. Measure 215g of the crumbs into a bowl and mix in the melted butter. Divide the mixture between the paper cases, pressing it into the bases slightly.",
"Pour the cream, condensed milk and 55g of the remaining crushed cookies into a bowl, and whisk until just starting to thicken, about 5 mins. Spoon the mixture evenly over the chocolate cookie bases, then freeze for at least 2 hrs or overnight until solid. Will keep frozen for up to two days.",
"Just before serving, make the topping. Whip the cream with the icing sugar using an electric whisk until it\u2019s a pipeable consistency. Spoon into a piping bag fitted with a star nozzle and pipe a swirl of whipped cream over each cupcake. Decorate each with a whole cookie and remaining cookie crumbs. Serve immediately."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "20 mins",
"Cooking": "No Time"
"serves": 8,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 2,
"subcategory": "Kids' baking",
"dish_type": "Easy party food",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "f482959b-31d3-4b9d-be40-5b9f9e266941",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Easy sausage rolls",
"description": "Eat these family-friendly sausage rolls with a chutney or pickle. They make a great snack for a party buffet",
"author": "Lulu Grimes",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"375g all-butter puff pastry",
"flour, for dusting",
"2 tbsp apple sauce, pickle or chutney",
"400g sausagemeat or sausages, skins removed",
"1 egg, beaten",
"2 tsp sesame seeds or nigella seeds (optional)"
"steps": [
"Roll out the pastry to a 35 x 30cm rectangle on a surface lightly dusted with flour. Trim the edges neatly, then cut in half lengthways to form two long strips. Spread with a thin layer of the apple sauce, pickle or chutney, leaving a border along the edges.",
"Tip the sausagemeat into a large bowl, add 3 tbsp cold water and squash together. Divide the mixture in two and mould each half into a cylindrical shape. Put each portion of meat into the middle of a pastry strip, leaving a border at either side. Brush the pastry border and the top of the sausage mix with the beaten egg. Fold one edge of the pastry over the meat and roll to encase, then use a fork to press the pastry edges together. Cut the sausage rolls into 5cm lengths and arrange on a lined baking tray. Chill for 20 mins. Can be made a day ahead or frozen for up to one month; to bake from frozen, add an extra 10 mins to the cooking time.",
"Heat oven to 200C/180C fan/gas 6. Brush the sausage rolls with the rest of the beaten egg and sprinkle with the sesame seeds or nigella seeds (if using). Bake for 30-35 mins until the pastry is deep golden. Transfer the sausage rolls to a wire rack and leave to cool for 10 mins."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "25 mins",
"Cooking": "35 mins"
"serves": 12,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 37,
"subcategory": "Kids' baking",
"dish_type": "Easy party food",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "cf911091-8e11-47a4-8ff6-3acca31811bb",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Funfetti cupcakes",
"description": "Bake a batch of these funfetti cupcakes for a kids' party \u2013 they have an airy, custard-flavoured sponge and creamy vanilla frosting, all topped with rainbow sprinkles",
"author": "Einfach Backen Team",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"75ml sunflower oil",
"100g caster sugar",
"2 eggs",
"150g natural yogurt",
"1 tsp lemon juice",
"200g plain flour",
"2 tsp baking powder",
"40g custard powder",
"2 tbsp colourful sprinkles (optional)",
"250g butter, softened",
"250g icing sugar",
"1 tsp vanilla extract",
"100g soft cheese, at room temperature",
"2 tbsp colourful sprinkles"
"steps": [
"Heat the oven to 180 C/160 Fan/gas 4 and line 12 holes of a muffin tin with paper cases. Whisk the oil with the sugar and eggs, then stir in the plain yogurt and lemon juice.",
"Mix the flour with the baking powder, a pinch of salt and the custard powder, and add this to the wet ingredients. Mix well and add the 2 tbsp of sprinkles, if you like. Use an ice cream scoop or two teaspoons to divide the mixture between the muffin cases. Bake the muffins for about 25 mins until golden brown, then let them cool completely.",
"For the frosting, beat the butter with the icing sugar and vanilla extract for about 5 mins until the colour is slightly lighter and the texture is creamy. Beat the soft cheese to loosen, then stir it in.",
"Put the frosting in a piping bag with your choice of nozzle and pipe icing onto each muffin. Decorate with the sprinkles. Will keep chilled for up to three days."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "20 mins",
"Cooking": "25 mins"
"serves": 12,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 1,
"subcategory": "Kids' baking",
"dish_type": "Easy party food",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "fbef1bfb-fbee-4584-bb77-090fd1de23d4",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Marshmallows dipped in chocolate",
"description": "Kids will love making these sweet chewy lollipops decorated with melted chocolate and cake sprinkles",
"author": "Caroline Hire \u2013 Food writer",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"50g white chocolate",
"50g milk chocolate",
"selection of cake sprinkles",
"1 bag marshmallows (about 200g)",
"1 pack lollipop sticks"
"steps": [
"Heat the chocolate in separate bowls over simmering water or on a low setting in the microwave. Allow to cool a little.",
"Put your chosen sprinkles on separate plates. Push a cake pop or lolly stick into a marshmallow about half way in. Dip into the white or milk chocolate, allow the excess to drip off then dip into the sprinkles of your choice. Put into a tall glass to set. Repeat with each marshmallow."
"nutrients": {
"kcal": "45",
"fat": "1.2g",
"saturates": "0.7g",
"carbs": "8g",
"sugars": "6.8g",
"fibre": "0g",
"protein": "0.6g",
"salt": "0g"
"times": {
"Preparation": "10 mins",
"Cooking": "5 mins"
"serves": 26,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 16,
"subcategory": "Kids' baking",
"dish_type": "Easy party food",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "d4cd749a-a7b3-4344-906c-9d066ce4c333",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Ring doughnuts",
"description": "Master the ultimate ring doughnuts. When it comes to the execution, the devil is in the details: grab a ruler, set your timer and have a thermometer handy.",
"author": "Barney Desmazery",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"250g strong white bread flour, plus extra for dusting",
"30g caster sugar",
"7g sachet fast-action dried yeast",
"100ml lukewarm milk",
"1 egg, beaten",
"1\u20442 tsp vanilla extract",
"50g butter, softened",
"vegetable oil, for deep-frying",
"100g caster sugar",
"1 tsp cinnamon",
"200g icing sugar",
"sprinkles, freeze-dried raspberries or chocolate curls, to decorate (optional)"
"steps": [
"Tip the flour, sugar, yeast and 1 tsp salt into a bowl and mix to combine. Pour in the milk, egg and vanilla, and bring everything together with your hands into a rough dough, making sure all the flour is mixed in. Or, do this using a stand mixer. Cover with a clean, damp cloth and set aside for 30 mins.",
"Tip the dough onto a clean surface and knead for 10-15 mins by hand or 5-8 mins in a stand mixer on low speed until springy and glossy. Use your hands to work the softened butter into the dough \u2013 this will take about 5 mins. At first, it will look like it\u2019s not coming together, but keep working the dough through your fingers and it will become smooth and glossy. Form the dough into a ball and return it to the bowl. Cover and leave in a warm place to prove for 2-3 hrs, or until nearly doubled in size. Line a baking tray with baking parchment.",
"Roll the dough out on a lightly floured surface to a 2cm thickness, then use a 9cm cutter to stamp out as many circles as you can. Use a 4cm cutter to stamp out the middles. Re-roll the trimmings (including the middles) and stamp out more (you should end up with six ring doughnuts). Re-roll any remaining trimmings and use the 4cm cutter to stamp out five or six mini bites. Put the doughnuts and bites on the prepared tray, cover with a clean tea towel and leave to prove in a warm place for another 2-3 hrs, or in the fridge overnight until doubled in size. The lightness of the doughnuts depends on thissecond proving, and a longer prove in the fridge will give the doughnuts more flavour.",
"Fill a deep-fat fryer following manufacturer\u2019s instructions, or a heavy-based pan, ensuring it is no more than a third full. Heat to 170C or until a cube of bread dropped in browns in 30 seconds. Carefully lift two or three doughnuts from the tray and slide them into the hot oil using a floured spatula. Fry for 2 mins each side until puffed up and golden brown, then remove to a sheet of kitchen paper using a slotted spoon or tongs. Leave to cool. Repeat with the remaining doughnuts, then fry all the mini bites for a total of 2 mins.",
"When the doughnuts and bites have cooled, you can either coat them in sugar or a glaze. For sugar doughnuts, combine the sugar and cinnamon, then toss with the doughnuts. For glazed doughnuts, sift the icing sugar into a bowl and mix in 2 tbsp cold water until you have a runny icing. Dip in the doughnuts, then decorate with the toppings of your choice. Best eaten straightaway, but will keep in an airtight container for a day."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "30 mins",
"Cooking": "15 mins"
"serves": 6,
"difficult": "More effort",
"vote_count": 1,
"subcategory": "Kids' baking",
"dish_type": "Easy party food",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "b7e55956-f239-4cff-838f-6c9881e8091b",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Number birthday cake",
"description": "Make a child's birthday special with this number cake decorated with mini meringues, biscuits, macarons and raspberries - and any other treats they like!",
"author": "Katie Marshall",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"350g unsalted butter, softened, plus extra for the tin",
"350g golden caster sugar",
"6 eggs",
"350g self-raising flour",
"1 tsp baking powder",
"2 lemons, zested",
"50ml milk",
"4 tbsp caster sugar",
"2 lemons, juiced (use the zested lemons)",
"175g unsalted butter, softened",
"350g icing sugar, sieved",
"4 tbsp jam of your choice",
"mini meringues, biscuits, macarons and raspberries (or any toppings you like)"
"steps": [
"Heat the oven to 200C/180C fan/gas 6. Butter a deep 30 x 23cm rectangular tin. Beat the butter and sugar together in a stand mixer until pale, about 5 mins. Add the eggs, one at a time. Sift in the flour and baking powder, and add the lemon zest and milk. Fold in using a large metal spoon. Spoon into the tin. Bake for 35-40 mins until a skewer inserted into the centre comes out clean. Leave to cool for 10 mins in the tin, then turn out onto a wire rack to cool completely.",
"Transfer the cake to a board and cut in half through the equator. Put one half on a baking tray. Mix the caster sugar with the lemon juice, then brush this over the cut sides of the cake halves. For the buttercream, beat the butter in a stand mixer to loosen. Slowly add the icing sugar and a splashof water and continue to beat until pale. Spread the jam over the base cake layer, then carefully spread a third of the buttercream on top. Sandwich with the other cake layer, then cut the cake into the shape of your desired number using a serrated knife, trying to waste as little of the cake as possible (offcuts can be eaten as a small treat). Spoon the remaining buttercream into a piping bag fitted with a star nozzle and pipe swirls on the cake. Decorate with your chosen toppings. Will keep chilled for up to three days."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "40 mins",
"Cooking": "40 mins"
"serves": 12,
"difficult": "More effort",
"vote_count": 1,
"subcategory": "Kids' baking",
"dish_type": "Easy party food",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "2bc4b00a-fe3b-4d33-8fd4-e18d20cbb57a",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Vanilla milkshake bar",
"description": "What could be more exciting than a milkshake bar for kids (and big kids)? Perfect for a party or celebration, let guests choose their own toppings",
"author": "Good Food team",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"200g vanilla ice cream",
"500ml semi-skimmed or whole milk",
"2 tsp vanilla extract",
"melted white chocolate (optional)",
"mini cookies, sprinkles, marshmallows, pretzels, popcorn, chocolates and a variety of sweets",
"maraschino cherries",
"squirty cream",
"4 milkshake or dessert glasses",
"coloured paper straws"
"steps": [
"Tip the mini cookies, sprinkles, marshmallows and other sweets of your choice into separate serving bowls, and set on the table alongside the squirty cream.",
"Blitz the ice cream, milk and vanilla in a blender until combined and creamy. Pour into a large jug.",
"If you like, dip the rims of the glasses into the melted chocolate, then some sprinkles. Leave to set slightly, then divide the milkshake between glasses. Let everyone customise their shake with the toppings and squirty cream, and serve with the paper straws."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "10 mins",
"Cooking": "No Time"
"serves": 4,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 5,
"subcategory": "Kids' baking",
"dish_type": "Easy party food",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "04ce8c0b-c408-4e06-b66d-36f5867e1d7d",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Cheese & onion pasties",
"description": "Rustle up these little cheese and onion pasties for a family picnic. If you won't eat all 12, they freeze well and can be cooked straight from frozen",
"author": "Cassie Best",
"rattings": 4,
"ingredients": [
"1 tbsp vegetable oil",
"2 onions, sliced",
"4 thyme sprigs, leaves picked",
"150g mature cheddar (or a mixture of strong hard cheeses), grated",
"1 tbsp wholegrain mustard",
"4 spring onions, sliced",
"250g plain flour, plus extra for dusting",
"125g cold butter",
"large pinch of cayenne pepper",
"\u00bd tsp English mustard powder",
"1 large egg, beaten"
"steps": [
"First, make the pastry. Tip the flour into a bowl. Holding the block of butter in its wrapper, grate it directly into the flour (you may need to dip the end of the butter into the flour occasionally if it becomes sticky). Add the cayenne pepper, mustard powder and half the beaten egg, and season with a pinch of salt. Bring everything together with your hands until the mixture starts to clump together. Tip the pastry onto the work surface and knead very briefly into a smooth ball, adding up to 3 tbsp cold water if it\u2019s too dry. Squash the pastry into a disc. Wrap and chill while you make the filling.",
"Heat the oil in a frying pan and cook the onions and thyme leaves for 8-10 mins until the onions have softened and started to caramelise. Tip into a bowl and leave to cool. Once cool, mix in the grated cheese, mustard and spring onions.",
"Heat the oven to 200C/180C fan/gas 6 and line a baking tray with baking parchment. Roll the chilled pastry out on a lightly floured surface to the thickness of a \u00a31 coin. Cut out as many 10-12cm circles as you can (you can use a cup or mug as a template), then re-roll any off-cuts and repeat. You should get about 10-12 circles in total.",
"Spoon a mound of the filling into the centre of each pastry circle, leaving the edges clear. Working with one circle at a time, brush a little of the remaining beaten egg around the edge, then bring two sides up to meet in the middle in a half-moon shape. Pinch the pastry together, crimping the edge to seal. Transfer to the baking tray and repeat with the remaining pastry circles and filling. Brush all the pasties with some beaten egg. Will keep frozen for two months.",
"Bake the pasties for 20-25 mins (or 40-45 mins from frozen) until the pastry is deep golden brown. Leave to cool for at least 10 mins before eating warm, or cool completely and pack into containers for a picnic. Will keep in an airtight container for up to three days."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "30 mins",
"Cooking": "35 mins"
"serves": 10,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 7,
"subcategory": "Kids' baking",
"dish_type": "Easy party food",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "f1b4745d-03be-4f2e-9fbe-1f25eb9c6a30",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Egg & cress club sandwich",
"description": "Enjoy these toasted egg and cress club sandwiches as part of a summer family picnic. Skewer each sandwich with a sandwich pick and serve with crisps",
"author": "Lulu Grimes",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"2 eggs",
"2 tbsp mayonnaise",
"3 slices bread",
"a little butter",
"\u2153 carton of cress",
"2-3 slices of tomato or a lettuce leaf and a slice of ham or cheese",
"crisps, to serve"
"steps": [
"Bring a pan of water to the boil and carefully lower in the eggs. Cook for 6 mins, then cool under running water until they can be peeled. Peel the eggs, then leave to cool completely.",
"Mash or chop the eggs, then mix with 1\u00bd tbsp mayonnaise and some seasoning, if you like. Toast the bread.",
"Lay one slice of bread on a board. Butter it, then spread on three quarters of the egg and scatter over the cress. Add another slice of toast and gently spread on the remaining mayo. Add the tomato or lettuce and ham or cheese (or whichever combination you prefer). Dot the remaining egg over the top, spread gently, then top with the final piece of toast. Cut the crusts off if you like, then gently cut the sandwich into four quarters, being careful not to squash out the egg. Skewer each sandwich with a sandwich pick. Serve with crisps."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "10 mins",
"Cooking": "10 mins"
"serves": 1,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 8,
"subcategory": "Kids' baking",
"dish_type": "Easy party food",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "a316fc50-dc03-4717-8848-c28b700f5867",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Chocolate birthday cake",
"description": "Bake this simple and stunning chocolate birthday cake for a kids' or adults' party centrepiece. Decorate with icing shapes and colourful candles.",
"author": "Good Food team",
"rattings": 4,
"ingredients": [
"140g butter, plus extra for the tin",
"175g golden caster sugar",
"2 eggs",
"225g self-raising wholemeal flour",
"50g cocoa powder",
"\u00bc tsp bicarbonate of soda",
"250g natural yogurt",
"300g golden icing sugar, sieved",
"2 tbsp cocoa powder, sieved",
"1 tbsp butter, melted ",
"3-4 tbsp boiling water",
"50g each white, plain and milk chocolate, broken into squares"
"steps": [
"Heat oven to 180C/fan 160C/gas 4. Butter and line the base of a 18 x 28cm cake tin or tray. Put the butter and sugar into a bowl; beat together with electric hand beaters until light and fluffy. add the eggs a little at a time, beating well between each addition.",
"Sieve the flour, cocoa and bicarbonate of soda into the bowl, then tip in any bran left in the sieve. Pour in the natural yogurt. Stir everything to a smooth mixture and spoon into the prepared tin. Bake for 20-25 mins until just firm and shrinking away from the sides of the tin. Cool in the tin for 5 mins, then turn onto a wire rack to cool completely.",
"For the icing, sieve the icing sugar and cocoa into a bowl, then pour in the butter and 2 tbsp just-boiled water. Stir together to a smooth, spreadable consistency. if it\u2019s too stiff, very carefully add a little more boiling water, drop by drop.",
"Spread the icing over the top of the cake, using a palette knife dipped in hot water. Will keep in an airtight container for up to 1 week.",
"Melt the chocolates in three different bowls in the microwave on High for 1 min or over a pan of simmering water. Spoon the melted chocolates into three plastic disposable piping bags. Snip the ends off and pipe 12 simple shapes on top of the cake. Leave to set. Just before serving, cut the cake into 12 squares and push in the candles."
"nutrients": {
"kcal": "432",
"fat": "18g",
"saturates": "10g",
"carbs": "65g",
"sugars": "51g",
"fibre": "3g",
"protein": "6g",
"salt": "0.41g"
"times": {
"Preparation": "20 mins",
"Cooking": "25 mins"
"serves": 12,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 103,
"subcategory": "Kids' baking",
"dish_type": "Easy party food",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "622ced89-b146-4fe8-bbf8-667bcb7afb32",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Double choc & coconut traybake",
"description": "Pair creamy milk chocolate with coconut for a match made in heaven, then decorate with more coconut and a drizzle of white chocolate",
"author": "Esther Clark",
"rattings": 4,
"ingredients": [
"200g unsalted butter, softened",
"100g golden caster sugar",
"100g light brown soft sugar",
"3 large eggs",
"60g desiccated coconut",
"200g self-raising flour",
"100g Greek yogurt",
"\u00bd tsp coconut flavouring (optional, see tip below)",
"200g milk or dark chocolate, chopped into small pieces",
"200ml double cream",
"40g white chocolate, melted",
"handful of coconut flakes, toasted, or desiccated coconut or sprinkles"
"steps": [
"Line a 22 x 28cm rectangular cake tin with baking parchment. Heat the oven to 180C/160C fan/gas 4.",
"First, prepare the topping. Put the milk or dark chocolate pieces in a large heatproof bowl. Heat the double cream in a medium pan until just steaming, then slowly pour over the chocolate, whisking until the chocolate has melted and the mix is smooth. Leave to cool slightly, then chill for 1 hr 30 mins until soft, but still spoonable.",
"Beat the butter, sugars and \u00bc tsp salt together in a stand mixer or using an electric whisk for 5 mins, or until light and fluffy. Add the eggs one at a time, beating well after each addition. Add the desiccated coconut, flour, yogurt and coconut flavouring, if using, and briefly beat until just combined. Spoon the mix into the tin, smooth the surface using the back of a spoon, then bake for 30 mins until golden and firm to the touch. Leave in the tin to cool completely.",
"When fully cool, spread over the chocolate topping, then drizzle with the white chocolate and scatter over the toasted coconut flakes. Chill for around 15 mins until the topping is set. Cut into 12 squares, then serve."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "30 mins",
"Cooking": "40 mins"
"serves": 12,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 8,
"subcategory": "Quick bakes",
"dish_type": "Traybake recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "60591233-36ac-4445-a02b-821b592c719f",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Chocolate crunch with caramel sauce",
"description": "Update a classic school-dinner recipe by using caramel sauce instead of pink custard to serve alongside chocolate squares. Kids (and big kids) will love it",
"author": "Lulu Grimes",
"rattings": 4,
"ingredients": [
"175g plain flour",
"50g ground almonds",
"60g cocoa",
"115g golden caster sugar",
"145g butter, softened, plus extra for the tin",
"demerara sugar, for sprinkling over",
"4 tbsp caramel",
"50ml single cream"
"steps": [
"Heat oven to 180C/160C fan/gas 4. Put the flour, almonds, cocoa, caster sugar and a large pinch of salt into a food processor and whizz briefly. Add the butter and whizz until the mixture resembles damp sand.",
"Generously butter the base and sides of a small (15 x 25cm) baking tin. Tip the mixture into the tin and press it down. Bake for 30 mins. Remove from the oven, sprinkle over some demerara sugar and cut into squares using a sharp knife while still it\u2019s soft.",
"Meanwhile, heat the caramel and cream together in a pan. Serve the concrete warm with the caramel sauce. You can cool any leftovers and eat them cold \u2013 they will harden like shortbread."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "15 mins",
"Cooking": "30 mins"
"serves": 12,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 7,
"subcategory": "Quick bakes",
"dish_type": "Traybake recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "d41b07e7-5441-4470-86b3-238ad90e89cd",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Raspberry & white chocolate financier traybake",
"description": "Think of financiers like posh bakewells made with brown butter. Tom Kerridge turns them into a traybake here, using raspberries and white chocolate",
"author": "Tom Kerridge",
"rattings": 4,
"ingredients": [
"200g butter, plus extra for the tin",
"200g golden caster sugar",
"100g plain flour",
"100g ground almonds",
"small pinch of ground cinnamon",
"6 large egg whites (freeze the egg yolks for another recipe)",
"150g raspberries",
"100g white chocolate chips or chunks",
"icing sugar, for dusting",
"227g tub clotted cream, to serve"
"steps": [
"Melt the butter in a small pan until sizzling. Watch it carefully \u2013 the butter will foam, and, when the foam subsides, it will turn from yellow to a nutty brown. Remove from the heat, tip into a bowl to stop it cooking and leave to cool.",
"Heat the oven to 180C/160C fan/gas 4. Butter a 20 x 25cm baking tin at least 4cm deep and line with baking parchment. Mix the sugar, flour, almonds and cinnamon together. Beat the egg whites in a separate large bowl using an electric whisk to soft peaks. Fold the beaten egg whites into the flour mix using a large metal spoon. Slowly pour in the brown butter, folding it in until everything is combined and the batter is light. Scrape into the prepared tin. Scatter over the raspberries and chocolate.",
"Bake for 20-25 mins until firm. Leave to cool in the tin, then dust with some icing sugar and cut into squares or bars. Will keep, well wrapped, for up to three days at room temperature. Serve with clotted cream."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "20 mins",
"Cooking": "30 mins"
"serves": 8,
"difficult": "More effort",
"vote_count": 13,
"subcategory": "Quick bakes",
"dish_type": "Traybake recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "ca9aef5b-18ab-4edf-aed2-6125c6dd12f5",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Blueberry & orange traybake pancake",
"description": "Serve this blueberry and orange traybake pancake at the end of a family dinner for a crowd-pleasing dessert. Swap the blueberries for raspberries, if you like",
"author": "Lulu Grimes",
"rattings": 3,
"ingredients": [
"1 tbsp melted unsalted butter, plus extra for the tin",
"200g self-raising flour",
"1 tsp baking powder",
"1 egg",
"250ml milk",
"2 tbsp golden caster sugar",
"1 large orange, zested and juiced",
"150g blueberries",
"icing sugar, for dusting",
"extra blueberries, blueberry compote or ice cream, to serve (optional)"
"steps": [
"Heat oven to 180C/160C fan/gas 4. Brush a 25 x 20 x 2cm baking tray with butter. Tip the flour and baking powder into a bowl and mix in the egg, milk, butter and caster sugar. Stir in the orange zest and 50ml juice.",
"Scrape the mixture into the tin and level the surface. Dot the blueberries over the top and bake for 20 mins or until the middle of the pancake feels cooked through when pressed lightly. Dust with icing sugar and serve with more blueberries, blueberry compote or ice cream, if you like."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "5 mins",
"Cooking": "30 mins"
"serves": 6,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 24,
"subcategory": "Quick bakes",
"dish_type": "Traybake recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "12a89bbb-91fa-499c-a3db-9b4a78978575",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Banoffee traybake",
"description": "Fill your cake tin with this simple banoffee traybake, bursting with banana, toffee and chocolate flavours. It's guaranteed to be a new family favourite ",
"author": "Cassie Best",
"rattings": 4,
"ingredients": [
"200g butter, softened, plus extra for the tin",
"2 large ripe bananas (250g peeled weight)",
"250g light brown soft sugar",
"4 large eggs",
"1\u00bd tsp vanilla extract",
"250g self-raising flour",
"100g natural yogurt",
"100g dark chocolate, chopped into chunks",
"100g thick caramel or dulce de leche (we used a can of Carnation caramel)",
"12 dried banana chips, to serve (optional)"
"steps": [
"Heat oven to 180C/160C fan/gas 4. Butter and line a 20 x 30cm baking tin with two strips of criss-crossed baking parchment. In a jug, mash the bananas with a fork, then add the butter and sugar and mix with an electric whisk until smooth and creamy.",
"Add the eggs one at a time, beating well after each addition, then add the vanilla and a pinch of salt. Use a spatula to fold through the flour, yogurt and chocolate chunks. Scrape the mixture into the tin and smooth over the surface. Bake for 30 mins until risen and golden and a skewer inserted into the centre of the cake comes out clean. Cool for 10 mins in the tin, then transfer to a wire rack.",
"Cut the traybake into 12 squares, then top each one with a spoonful of caramel and a banana chip, if you like. Will keep in a tin for up to five days, or in the freezer \u2013 without the toppings \u2013 for up to a month."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "20 mins",
"Cooking": "30 mins"
"serves": 12,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 32,
"subcategory": "Quick bakes",
"dish_type": "Traybake recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "7ea66aad-a46d-4984-ae0f-028a8ff2cea5",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Peach Melba squares",
"description": "This traybake can be mixedtogether in no time and is simple to slice andtransport",
"author": "Jane Hornby",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"250g pack unsalted butter",
"300g golden caster sugar",
"1 tsp vanilla extract",
"3 large eggs",
"200g self-raising flour",
"50g ground almonds",
"2 just-ripe peaches, stoned, halved, then each half cut into 3",
"100g raspberries",
"handful flaked almonds",
"1 tbsp icing sugar, to finish"
"steps": [
"Butter and line a traybake or small roasting tin, about 20 x 30cm. Heat oven to 180C/160C fan/gas 4. Gently melt the butter in a large saucepan, cool for 5 mins, add the sugar, vanilla and eggs, then beat until smooth with a wooden spoon. Stir in the flour, almonds and \u00bc tsp salt.",
"Tip the mix into the tin, then lay the peach slices evenly on top \u2013 that way each square of cake will have a bite of fruit. Scatter the raspberries and almonds over, then bake for 1 hr-1 hr 10 mins, covering with foil after 40 mins. Test with a skewer: the middle should have just a tiny hint of squidginess, which will firm up once the cake cools. Cool in the tin for 20 mins, then lift out onto a cooling rack. Once cold, dredge with icing sugar, then cut into squares."
"nutrients": {
"kcal": "385",
"fat": "23g",
"saturates": "12g",
"carbs": "43g",
"sugars": "31g",
"fibre": "2g",
"protein": "5g",
"salt": "0.22g"
"times": {
"Preparation": "10 mins",
"Cooking": "1 hr"
"serves": 12,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 88,
"subcategory": "Quick bakes",
"dish_type": "Traybake recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "68d77a94-445b-4c33-a1ce-1d5427b5fd5d",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Chocolate traybake",
"description": "This American-style chocolate traybake is super-easy, can be prepared in advance and cuts into even portions. It's perfect for birthday parties or bake sales",
"author": "Cassie Best",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"185ml vegetable oil, plus extra for the tin",
"250g plain flour",
"80g cocoa powder",
"2\u00bd tsp baking powder",
"1 tsp bicarbonate of soda",
"325g light brown soft sugar",
"250ml buttermilk",
"125ml strong coffee or espresso, (can be warm, but not hot)",
"2 tsp vanilla extract",
"2 large eggs",
"150g salted butter, softened",
"200g icing sugar",
"4 tbsp cocoa powder",
"2 tbsp milk",
"sprinkles, sweets, chocolate shavings or nuts, to decorate"
"steps": [
"Heat oven to 180C/160C fan/gas 4. Oil and line the base and sides of a 33cm x 23cm roasting tin or cake tin with a lip of at least 2\u00bd cm. Combine the flour, cocoa powder, baking powder, bicarb, sugar and a good pinch of salt in a large bowl. Rub any lumps of sugar between your fingers, shaking the bowl a few times to bring them to the surface.",
"Whisk the oil, buttermilk, coffee, vanilla and eggs in a jug, then pour the wet ingredients into the dry. Use a spatula to stir well, removing any pockets of flour. Pour the mixture into the lined tin and bake for 25-30 mins until a skewer inserted into the centre comes out clean. If any wet cake mixture clings to the skewer, return the cake to the oven for 5 mins, then check again. Once cooked, remove from the oven and leave to cool in the tin for at least 20 mins.",
"Meanwhile, make the icing. Melt the butter in a saucepan, then remove from the heat and stir in the icing sugar, cocoa powder and milk. The icing will be very runny but will thicken a little as it cools. (If the icing has set too much before the cake has cooled, reheat it slightly to make it easier to pour.)",
"Pour the icing over the cake and leave to set. Decorate with the sweets, sprinkles, chocolate shavings or nuts, then cut into squares and dig in."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "15 mins",
"Cooking": "30 mins"
"serves": 10,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 33,
"subcategory": "Quick bakes",
"dish_type": "Traybake recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "c8506e42-0eb2-4140-8c03-69b4496b0c8d",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Triple cheese & onion muffins",
"description": "Savoury fluffy cakes packed with cheddar, Parmesan, chives, spring onion and cream cheese - delicious fresh from the oven",
"author": "Sarah Cook",
"rattings": 4,
"ingredients": [
"150ml sunflower oil, plus extra for the tin",
"1 large egg",
"284ml carton buttermilk, made up to 350ml with milk",
"500g self-raising flour",
"1 tsp English mustard powder",
"140g mature cheddar, grated",
"1 bunch spring onions, sliced",
"small bunch chives, snipped",
"25g parmesan (or vegetarian alternative), grated",
"200g full-fat soft cheese, gently diced into 2cm cubes"
"steps": [
"Heat oven to 200C/180C fan/gas 6 and oil a 12-hole muffin tin. Whisk the oil, egg and buttermilk. In a mixing bowl, mix the flour, 1 tsp salt and mustard powder, then stir in the cheddar, spring onions, chives and half the Parmesan.",
"Use a large spoon to gently fold the wet ingredients into the dry \u2013 don\u2019t overmix, just lightly combine. With the final few folds, mix in the soft cheese cubes. Spoon the mixture between the holes in the tin (they will be quite full), scatter with the remaining Parmesan and bake for 25 mins."
"nutrients": {
"kcal": "375",
"fat": "24g",
"saturates": "8g",
"carbs": "30g",
"sugars": "2g",
"fibre": "2g",
"protein": "10g",
"salt": "0.8g"
"times": {
"Preparation": "15 mins",
"Cooking": "25 mins"
"serves": 12,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 21,
"subcategory": "Quick bakes",
"dish_type": "Savoury baking recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "7c2b6aad-ccbb-47d9-9271-c55e14909be9",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Smoked salmon & poppy seed palmiers",
"description": "These savoury pastries are sure to please at a posh picnic, with cream cheese, smoked fish and puff pastry",
"author": "Cassie Best",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"320g sheet puff pastry",
"1 egg, beaten",
"1 tbsp poppy seeds",
"5 tbsp cream cheese",
"100g smoked salmon",
"small bunch chives, snipped"
"steps": [
"Unroll the pastry and brush one side all over with the beaten egg. Sprinkle over the poppy seeds, then flip over the pastry. Spread the cream cheese over the pastry and top with the smoked salmon, then scatter over the chives. With one of the longer sides facing you, mark a line roughly down the centre, but don\u2019t cut all the way through. Tightly roll each end in towards the middle until you reach the centre. Slice into 1cm-thick pieces and place, cut-side up, on a baking tray lined with baking parchment. Chill until ready to bake, or freeze for up to 2 months.",
"Heat oven to 200C/180C fan/gas 6. Bake for 20-25 mins until puffed up and golden brown (if baking from frozen, cook for an extra 5 mins). Leave to cool on a wire rack before packing for your picnic."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "25 mins",
"Cooking": "25 mins"
"serves": 10,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 15,
"subcategory": "Quick bakes",
"dish_type": "Savoury baking recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "7949b512-97f9-43e7-9dde-6767ba14099c",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Cheese & Marmite scones",
"description": "Yeast extract gives a deep savoury flavour to these tasty pinwheel cheddar cheese scones - perfect for afternoon tea or a simple snack",
"author": "Sara Buenfeld",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"450g plain flour, plus extra for dusting",
"1 tbsp baking powder",
"3 tsp yeast extract",
"1 large egg",
"about 250ml milk",
"1 tbsp sunflower oil",
"140g mature cheddar, grated",
"100g full-fat cream cheese"
"steps": [
"Heat oven to 220C/200C fan/gas 7 and dust a baking tray with a little flour. Mix the flour and baking powder in a large bowl. Put 1 tsp yeast extract in a jug, add the egg and make up to 300ml with the milk. Stir in the oil, then beat really well to dissolve the yeast extract.",
"Tip 85g of the cheddar into a bowl and mix with the cream cheese and remaining yeast extract to make a spread. Toss the rest of the cheese through the flour mixture, then pour in the milk mixture and stir with the blade of a knife until it comes together. (You need to work quickly once you\u2019ve added the liquid, as it activates the baking powder.) Tip onto a lightly floured work surface and gently knead the mix, taking care not to overwork it, as it will make the scones heavy.",
"Press or lightly roll the dough into an oblong about 20 x 25cm. Spread with the yeast extract mixture and roll up from the longest side to create a tight, fat cylinder. Pat the ends of the cylinder to straighten them, then slice into 8 pinwheels and put on the baking tray, patting them to make flattish rounds. Bake for 12-15 mins until golden and cooked.",
"Leave for a few mins on the tray to allow the cheese centre to harden a little, then transfer to a wire rack to cool. Eat warm or cold. Best eaten on the day they are made."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "20 mins",
"Cooking": "12 mins - 15 mins"
"serves": 8,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 17,
"subcategory": "Quick bakes",
"dish_type": "Savoury baking recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "6e377a07-fd29-4607-9025-d5aca0283d08",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Cheddar & sage scones",
"description": "Make sure you use a punchy mature cheese to shine through these savoury scones made with mustard and buttermilk",
"author": "James Martin",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"225g self-raising flour",
"1 \u00bd tsp English mustard powder",
"50g cold butter, cubed",
"100g mature cheddar, grated",
"1 tbsp finely chopped sage, plus 8 small leaves",
"1 egg, beaten",
"100ml buttermilk"
"steps": [
"Heat oven to 220C/200C fan/gas 7. Mix the flour, mustard powder, \u00bd tsp salt and a grinding of black pepper in a large bowl. Rub in the butter until the mixture resembles fine crumbs. Stir in half of the cheese and the sage. Mix together the egg and buttermilk in a separate bowl.",
"Make a well in the centre of the flour mix and pour in all but \u00bd tbsp of the buttermilk mix. Working quickly, stir until the mixture forms a soft, spongy dough. Tip onto a lightly floured surface and knead briefly until smooth. Roll out to a 3cm-thick square. Cut into quarters, then half each quarter diagonally, so you have 8 triangles. Place the scones on a floured baking tray, brush with the remaining buttermilk, sprinkle over the remaining cheese and top each with a sage leaf. Bake for 12-14 mins until they are well risen, golden and sound hollow when tapped on the bottom. Eat while still warm, spread with butter."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "10 mins",
"Cooking": "15 mins"
"serves": 8,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 19,
"subcategory": "Quick bakes",
"dish_type": "Savoury baking recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "040570da-7df9-4949-8aab-1fc3bf401a0c",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Brie, courgette & red pepper muffins",
"description": "These cheesy savoury bites are best eaten on the day they're baked \u2013 ideally fresh from the oven. They're perfect for picnics or lunchboxes",
"author": "Mary Cadogan",
"rattings": 4,
"ingredients": [
"knob of butter",
"2 small or 1 large courgette, cut into small cubes",
"250g self-raising flour",
"1 tsp baking powder",
"1 tbsp fresh oregano leaves or 1 tsp dried",
"3 eggs, lightly beaten",
"100ml milk",
"5 tbsp sunflower oil",
"2 red peppers, skinned (see tip, below) and cut into bite-sized pieces",
"85g cheddar, grated",
"100g brie or camembert (check packaging for a vegetarian-friendly brand)"
"steps": [
"Heat oven to 190C/170C fan/gas 5. Line 10 holes of a muffin tin with paper cases. Melt the butter in a pan and gently cook the courgettes for about 5 mins until softened.",
"Mix the flour, baking powder, oregano and some seasoning in a large bowl. Make a well in the centre and add the eggs, milk and oil, stirring all the time to draw the flour into the centre. Beat for 1 min or so to make a smooth batter.",
"Add the courgettes, peppers, two thirds of the cheddar and all the brie or camembert to the batter, stirring well. Divide between the muffin cases and sprinkle with the remaining cheddar. Bake for 25-30 mins until the muffins feel firm to the touch and are golden and crusty on top. Serve warm or at room temperature."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "25 mins",
"Cooking": "35 mins"
"serves": 10,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 13,
"subcategory": "Quick bakes",
"dish_type": "Savoury baking recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "0903d2cb-89fc-4581-b4ac-bf7537465f77",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Cheesy sausage rolls",
"description": "Bake these comforting bread rolls in a muffin tin - they're filled with cheddar, bangers, spring onions and garlic butter",
"author": "Sarah Cook",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"500g pack bread mix",
"oil, for greasing",
"8 good-quality sausages, cooked following pack instructions and cooled",
"a little flour, for dusting",
"50g garlic butter, melted",
"6 spring onions, finely sliced",
"200g mature cheddar, grated"
"steps": [
"Make up the bread mix following pack instructions. Set aside somewhere warm-ish to rise, in a bowl covered with oiled cling film, while you get everything else ready. Slice the cooked sausages into just under 1cm slices.",
"Roll out the dough on a lightly floured surface to a rectangle roughly 50 x 30cm. Brush with half the garlic butter and scatter over the spring onions, cheese and sausages. Roll up the dough tightly from one of the longest sides, like a Swiss roll. Use a sharp, floured knife to cut the roll into 12 pieces. Wipe the holes of a 12-hole muffin tin with a little more melted butter. Push a roll of bread, cut-side up, into each hole. Dab the remaining butter over the tops, and cover loosely with oiled cling film. Set aside somewhere warm-ish for 30 mins to puff a little.",
"Heat oven to 200C/180C fan/gas 6. Bake the rolls for 20-25 mins until golden and risen. Cool in the tins for 10 mins, then lift out to eat warm, or cool completely."
"nutrients": {
"kcal": "294",
"fat": "17g",
"saturates": "9g",
"carbs": "22g",
"sugars": "1g",
"fibre": "1g",
"protein": "13g",
"salt": "1.5g"
"times": {
"Preparation": "1 hr and 20 mins",
"Cooking": "45 mins - 50 mins"
"serves": 12,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 21,
"subcategory": "Quick bakes",
"dish_type": "Savoury baking recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "04096897-7307-4789-a3a5-100753772d78",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Cheese & Marmite pasties",
"description": "Savoury Marmite works beautifully with cheese and onion when baked up in shortcrust parcels. These easy homemade pasties are ideal for picnics",
"author": "Sarah Cook",
"rattings": 4,
"ingredients": [
"500g potato, peeled and grated",
"200g mature cheddar (or vegetarian alternative), grated",
"100g soft breadcrumb",
"bunch spring onions, thinly sliced",
"2 eggs",
"500g pack shortcrust pastry",
"a little flour, for dusting",
"2 tbsp Marmite (or Vegemite)"
"steps": [
"Put the grated potato, cheese, breadcrumbs and spring onions into a mixing bowl with 1 egg. Sprinkle over 1 tsp salt and plenty of freshly ground black pepper. Mix together.",
"Roll out the pastry on a lightly floured surface to just slightly thicker than a \u00a31 coin. Use a 16-17cm saucer or bowl to cut out 6 circles of pastry \u2013 you may need to re-roll trimmings to get the last one. Warm the Marmite in a small pan or in the microwave with a splash of water so it is a bit runnier, then brush over each circle, leaving a 2-3cm border around each edge.",
"Divide the filling between the middles of each circle, then beat remaining egg and brush a little around each border. For each, bring up 2 sides of pastry to meet over the filling, and pinch and crimp to seal into a pasty shape. If eating straight away, transfer pasties to a baking sheet and chill while you heat oven to 160C/140C fan/gas 3. Or leave on the tray, wrap well in cling film and freeze for up to 3 months.",
"Brush the pasties all over with more egg. Bake for 50 mins-1 hr until golden brown and crisp. Eat warm, or cool, in the next 24 hrs."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "25 mins",
"Cooking": "1 hr"
"serves": 6,
"difficult": "More effort",
"vote_count": 24,
"subcategory": "Quick bakes",
"dish_type": "Savoury baking recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "dc5a6069-30c8-4726-9975-8731b065d55e",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Leek, goat\u2019s cheese, walnut & lemon tart",
"description": "A no-fuss open puff pastry pie that makes a great vegetarian main course or quick lunchtime treat",
"author": "Good Food team",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"1 tbsp olive oil, plus extra for drizzling",
"25g butter",
"2 medium leeks, sliced",
"2 tbsp chopped thyme leaf",
"zest 2 lemons and juice 1 lemon",
"375g pack ready-rolled puff pastry",
"200g soft spreadable goat's cheese",
"50g walnut piece",
"little chopped parsley, to serve"
"steps": [
"Heat oven to 220C/200C fan/gas 7. Heat the olive oil in a large frying pan, then add the butter. Once sizzling, add the leeks and cook over a medium heat until softened but not coloured. Stir in the thyme and half the lemon zest, then increase the heat. Add the lemon juice and cook for about 30 secs until the lemon juice reduces, then season well. Remove from the heat and cool slightly.",
"Unroll the pastry and lay on a baking sheet lined with baking parchment. Lightly mark a 1cm border around the edges with the tip of a sharp knife, then prick the base all over with a fork.",
"Spread the lemony leeks on top of the pastry, within the border. Crumble over the cheese, scatter with the walnuts, then season with pepper. Drizzle with some olive oil, brushing the edges with a little oil as well. Put tart in the oven for 15-20 mins until the pastry puffs up around the edges and is golden brown. Scatter with parsley and the remaining lemon zest. Serve hot, warm or cool."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "25 mins",
"Cooking": "30 mins"
"serves": 4,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 58,
"subcategory": "Quick bakes",
"dish_type": "Savoury baking recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "c0da76b2-458a-43e6-949e-614241aea05f",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Cheese & onion bread",
"description": "This savoury cheese and onion bread is delicious served warm from the oven and makes a great easy sharing starter",
"author": "Angela Nilsen",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"400g malted grain brown bread flour, or wholemeal or granary bread flour",
"100g strong white bread flour",
"7g sachet easy-bake dried yeast (or 2 tsp Quick dried yeast)",
"1\u00bd tsp salt",
"1 tbsp soft butter",
"1 large onion, cut into thin wedges",
"1 tbsp olive oil",
"1 beaten egg",
"50g grated mature cheddar"
"steps": [
"Mix your choice of brown flour with the white, the yeast and salt in a large mixing bowl. Put in the butter and rub it into the flour. Stir in the seeds if using. Make a dip in the centre of the flour and pour in almost 300ml hand warm (cool rather than hot) water, with a round-bladed knife. Then mix in enough of the remaining water and a bit more if needed, to gather up any dry bits in the bottom of the bowl and until the mixture comes together as a soft, not too sticky, dough. Gather it into a ball with your hands.",
"Put the dough on to a very lightly floured surface and knead for 8-10 mins until it feels smooth and elastic, only adding the minimum of extra flour if necessary to prevent the dough sticking. Place the ball of dough on a lightly floured work surface. Cover with an upturned, clean, large glass bowl and leave for 45 mins-1 hr or until doubled in size and feels light and springy. Timing will depend on the warmth of the room.",
"Knock back the dough by lightly kneading just 3-4 times. You only want to knock out any large air bubbles, so too much handling now will lose the dough\u2019s lightness. Shape into a ball. Cover with the glass bowl and leave for 15 mins.",
"Fry the onion in the olive oil until very lightly caramelised, then leave to cool. Cut the dough in half and shape into 2 balls. Cover with the glass bowl and leave for 15 mins. Shape by flattening each ball into an 18cm round, put each on a large baking tray lined with baking parchment. Make 6 deepish cuts with a sharp knife to mark each round into 6 wedges. Cover with a clean tea towel. Leave for 40-45 mins, or until doubled in size. Finish by brushing with beaten egg, scatter over the onion, then the grated cheese.",
"Put a roasting tin in the bottom of the oven 20 mins before ready to bake and heat oven to 230C/210C fan/gas 8. Put the risen bread in the oven, carefully pour about 250ml cold water into the roasting tin (this will hiss and create a burst of steam to give you a crisp crust), then lower the heat to 220C/200C fan/gas 7. Bake for 30-35 mins or until golden. If the onion is getting too brown, lay a piece of parchment over the top. Remove and cool on a wire rack. If you tap the underneath of the loaf if should be firm and sound hollow."
"nutrients": {
"kcal": "183",
"fat": "5g",
"saturates": "2g",
"carbs": "31g",
"sugars": "3g",
"fibre": "2g",
"protein": "7g",
"salt": "0.74g"
"times": {
"Preparation": "20 mins",
"Cooking": "30 mins"
"serves": 2,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 3,
"subcategory": "Quick bakes",
"dish_type": "Savoury baking recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "45ef841b-16c6-4b51-8964-bcb775123a72",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Garlic & prosciutto plait",
"description": "Create your own artisan bread with these attractive, yet simple-to-make savoury loaves",
"author": "Angela Nilsen",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"400g malted grain brown bread flour, or wholemeal or granary bread flour",
"100g strong white bread flour",
"7g sachet easy-bake dried yeast (or 2 tsp Quick dried yeast)",
"1\u00bd tsp salt",
"1 tbsp soft butter",
"2 plump garlic cloves, crushed with \u00bc tsp salt",
"5 slices prosciutto, roughly chopped",
"1 beaten egg"
"steps": [
"Mix your choice of brown flour with the white, the yeast and salt in a large mixing bowl. Put in the butter and rub it into the flour. Mix in the crushed garlic. Make a dip in the centre of the flour and pour in almost 300ml hand warm (cool rather than hot) water, with a round-bladed knife. Then mix in enough of the remaining water and a bit more if needed, to gather up any dry bits in the bottom of the bowl and until the mixture comes together as a soft, not too sticky, dough. Gather it into a ball with your hands.",
"Put the dough on to a very lightly floured surface and knead for 8-10 mins until it feels smooth and elastic, only adding the minimum of extra flour if necessary to prevent the dough sticking. Place the ball of dough on a lightly floured work surface. Cover with an upturned, clean, large glass bowl and leave for 45 mins-1 hr or until doubled in size and feels light and springy. Timing will depend on the warmth of the room.",
"Knock back the dough by lightly kneading just 3-4 times. You only want to knock out any large air bubbles, so too much handling now will lose the dough\u2019s lightness. Shape into a ball. Cover with the glass bowl and leave for 15 mins.",
"Shape by cutting the ball into 6 even pieces. Roll each with your hands into a 30-35cm sausage shape, that is plump in the middle and tapers off at each end. For each plait, lay 2 dough sausages in front of you like an X, then lay the other piece lengthways down the middle of the X and scatter over a few slices of proscuitto. Start to plait from the centre down, left over right, right over left etc. When you reach the end, carefully turn the plait over and complete the plaiting, working down from the centre again. Press the tapered ends together to seal then lay each on a baking sheet lined with baking parchment. Tuck the rest of the proscuitto into the folds of each plait. Cover with a clean tea towel. Leave for 40-45 mins, or until doubled in size.",
"Put a roasting tin in the bottom of the oven 20 mins before ready to bake and heat oven to 230C/210C fan/gas 8. Put the risen bread in the oven, carefully pour about 250ml cold water into the roasting tin (this will hiss and create a burst of steam to give you a crisp crust), then lower the heat to 220C/200C fan/gas 7. Bake for 25 mins or until golden. Remove and cool on a wire rack. If you tap the underneath of the loaf if should be firm and sound hollow. Finish by brushing with beaten egg."
"nutrients": {
"kcal": "81",
"fat": "2g",
"saturates": "1g",
"carbs": "15g",
"sugars": "1g",
"fibre": "1g",
"protein": "3g",
"salt": "0.45g"
"times": {
"Preparation": "20 mins",
"Cooking": "25 mins"
"serves": 2,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 2,
"subcategory": "Quick bakes",
"dish_type": "Savoury baking recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "d1a81836-388c-49b5-8a0a-af0db2db0c9c",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Cheese, rosemary & potato loaf",
"description": "Making a big savoury scone loaf is a quick and tasty alternative to making bread with yeast",
"author": "Jane Hornby",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"2 tbsp olive oil",
"2 garlic cloves, thinly sliced",
"350g self-raising flour, plus more for dusting",
"\u00bc tsp salt",
"1 tsp baking powder",
"85g cold butter, cut into cubes",
"150g pot natural full-fat yogurt",
"4 tbsp full-fat milk",
"250g cooked new potato, sliced",
"1 tsp chopped rosemary, plus extra small sprigs",
"50g parmesan (or vegetarian alternative), grated",
"85g gruy\u00e8re, half diced, half grated"
"steps": [
"Heat the oil in a medium pan, then gently fry the garlic for 10 mins until softened but not coloured. Set aside. Heat oven to 220C/200C fan/gas 7.",
"Put the flour, salt and baking powder into a food processor, then whizz in the butter until it disappears. Tip into a large bowl, then make a well in the middle. Warm the yogurt and milk together in a microwave for 1 min or in a pan; it should be hot and may well go a bit lumpy-looking. Tip into the bowl and quickly work into the flour mix using a cutlery knife. As soon as it's all in, stop.",
"Turn the dough onto a floured surface, bring it together with floured hands, then press out to a large rectangle. Scatter over the potatoes, chopped rosemary, garlic, some of its oil and most of the cheese. Knead a few times, shape into a round, then lift onto a floured baking sheet.",
"Score the top, scatter with the rest of the cheese, poke in a few rosemary sprigs, then drizzle with the remaining oil. Bake for 25 mins until risen, golden and sizzling around the edges. Best eaten just warm."
"nutrients": {
"kcal": "379",
"fat": "19g",
"saturates": "10g",
"carbs": "42g",
"sugars": "3g",
"fibre": "2g",
"protein": "12g",
"salt": "1.32g"
"times": {
"Preparation": "20 mins",
"Cooking": "35 mins"
"serves": 8,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 6,
"subcategory": "Quick bakes",
"dish_type": "Savoury baking recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "8965fc90-233c-46f8-8d26-64343d49360b",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Olive bread swirls",
"description": "These delicious savoury rolls make an excellent side dish for a lunch party",
"author": "Xanthe Clay",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"500g strong white flour, plus extra for rolling",
"1 tsp salt",
"7g sachet easy-blend dried yeast",
"6 tbsp extra-virgin olive oil, plus a little for brushing",
"small bunch of basil",
"170g pitted black olives (about 200g unpitted weight)",
"1 garlic clove, crushed",
"4 tinned anchovies (optional)",
"50g pitted green olives"
"steps": [
"In a large bowl, mix the flour, salt, yeast, 1 tbsp olive oil and 300ml warm water, to make a soft dough. Knead by hand for 10 mins or with the dough hook in a food processor or mixer for 5 mins. Put the dough back in the cleaned out mixing bowl, then cover the bowl with oiled cling film. Leave to rise for an hr in a warm place until doubled in size.",
"Meanwhile, make the filling. Discard any tough basil stalks (leave tender ones on) and put in a mini food processor or hand blender beaker with the black olives. Add 4 tbsp olive oil, the garlic and the anchovies, if using. Whizz to a rough paste.",
"Heat oven to 220C/200C fan/gas 7. Line a shallow baking tin about 30 x 20cm with non-stick paper. On a floured worktop, roll out the dough to a rectangle roughly 30 x 40cm. Spread the olive paste all over and arrange the whole green olives in a line down one of the short edges. Roll up the dough like a Swiss roll, starting at the short olive-encrusted end to make a sausage shape.",
"Cut the dough into 12 slices, then carefully lift each one into the tin, to make 4 rows of 3 swirl shapes. Lightly brush all over with the remaining olive oil. Loosely cover with cling film, then leave to rise for 20 mins or so, until slightly puffed up and filling the tin. Cook for 20-25 mins until golden, then leave to cool in the tin."
"nutrients": {
"kcal": "258",
"fat": "10g",
"saturates": "1g",
"carbs": "38g",
"sugars": "1g",
"fibre": "3g",
"protein": "6g",
"salt": "1.05g"
"times": {
"Preparation": "20 mins - 25 mins",
"Cooking": "20 mins - 25 mins"
"serves": 12,
"difficult": "More effort",
"vote_count": 35,
"subcategory": "Quick bakes",
"dish_type": "Savoury baking recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "191f59af-841c-4b60-9dd1-72c2228f072f",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Homemade soft pretzels",
"description": "Edd Kimber demonstrates how to make perfect pretzels with a chewy crust and soft, fluffy interior. Mix honey and mustard for a fantastic dip to go with them",
"author": "Edd Kimber",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"500g strong white bread flour",
"7g sachet fast-action dried yeast",
"25g dark brown muscovado sugar",
"50g unsalted butter, melted",
"plain flour, for dusting",
"oil, for greasing",
"3 tbsp bicarbonate of soda, baked (see below)",
"1 large egg, lightly beaten, for glazing ",
"flaked sea salt, to serve"
"steps": [
"Put the flour, yeast, sugar and 1 tsp salt in a large bowl and mix together to combine. In a large jug, mix together 300ml lukewarm water and the butter. Make a well in the flour mixture and pour in the water, mixing together to form a rough dough.",
"Tip out onto a floured work surface and knead for 10-15 mins or until smooth and elastic. Put the dough in a lightly oiled bowl, cover with oiled cling film and set aside until doubled in size, about 1hr.",
"Once risen, knock out the air bubbles in the dough and divide into 8 equal pieces. Using your hands, roll each piece into a long rope about 60cm long.",
"To form into pretzels, lay the rope in a U-shape with the curve pointing towards you. Take the two ends and cross them over.",
"Take the ends, lift them backwards and press them into the curve of the U-shape. Repeat with the remaining dough. Heat oven to 200C/180C fan/gas 6.",
"Carefully place the pretzels on a baking tray lined with parchment and lightly greased with oil. Cover lightly with oiled cling film. Set aside for about 20 mins until puffy (not fully risen like bread dough).",
"Fill a medium-sized saucepan with water, bring to the boil, add the baked bicarbonate of soda, then reduce the heat to a low simmer. One at a time, carefully lift the pretzels into the pan and cook for 20 secs per side. The pretzels will rise to the surface; flip with a slotted spoon.",
"Use the spoon to gently lift the pretzels from the pan and return them to the baking tray. Once they have all been cooked in the water, lightly brush with the egg and sprinkle with flaked sea salt.",
"Bake in the oven for 20-25 mins or until a rich, dark brown. Allow to cool on the baking tray for 10 mins, then transfer to a wire rack to cool completely. Best served on the day made but can be frozen for up to 1 month."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "40 mins",
"Cooking": "20 mins"
"serves": 8,
"difficult": "More effort",
"vote_count": 45,
"subcategory": "Quick bakes",
"dish_type": "Savoury baking recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "48d79d8c-2ded-4276-bcb1-b4c41f685e6f",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Cheese & pesto whirls",
"description": "These herby tear-and-share bread rolls have mozzarella and sun-dried tomatoes baked into them - perfect for a picnic or for dipping into soup",
"author": "Cassie Best",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"450g strong white bread flour, plus a little for dusting",
"7g sachet fast-action dried yeast",
"1 tsp golden caster sugar",
"2 tbsp olive oil, plus a drizzle",
"150g tub fresh pesto",
"240g tub semi-dried tomatoes, drained and roughly chopped",
"100g grated mozzarella (ready-grated is best for this, as it is drier than fresh)",
"50g parmesan (or vegetarian alternative), grated",
"handful basil leaves"
"steps": [
"Combine the flour, yeast, sugar and 1\u00bd tsp fine salt in a large mixing bowl, or the bowl of a tabletop mixer. Measure out 300ml warm water and add roughly 280ml to the flour, along with the olive oil, and start mixing until the ingredients start to clump together as a dough. If the dough seems a little dry, add the remaining water. Once combined, knead for 10 mins by hand on your work surface, or for 5 mins on a medium speed in a mixer. The dough is ready when it feels soft, springy and elastic. Clean the bowl, drizzle in a little oil, then pop the dough back in, turning it over and coating the sides of the bowl in oil. Cover with some oiled cling film and set aside in a warm place to double in size \u2013 this will take 1-3 hrs, depending on the temperature.",
"Line a baking tray with parchment. Uncover the dough and punch it down a couple of times with your fist, knocking out all the air bubbles. Tip out onto a floured work surface and dust the top with a little flour too, if it is sticky. Roll the dough out to a rectangle, roughly 40 x 30cm. Spread the pesto over the dough, then scatter over the tomatoes, both cheeses and the basil. Roll the dough up from one of the longer sides, into a long sausage.",
"Use a sharp knife to cut the dough into 12 even pieces. Place on the baking tray, cut-side up, in a 3-by-4 formation, making sure the open end of each roll is tucked in towards the centre on the arrangement \u2013 this will prevent them from uncoiling during cooking. Leave a little space between each roll as they will grow and touch as they prove. Loosely cover with oiled cling film and leave to prove for 30 mins\u20131 hr until almost doubled in size again. Heat oven to 200C/180C fan/gas 6.",
"Uncover the bread when it is puffed up. Bake on the middle shelf in the oven for 35-40 mins until golden brown and the centre looks dry and not doughy. Remove from the oven and leave to cool for at least 10 mins."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "40 mins",
"Cooking": "40 mins"
"serves": 12,
"difficult": "More effort",
"vote_count": 60,
"subcategory": "Quick bakes",
"dish_type": "Savoury baking recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "4c084cc6-6897-4e17-b09c-7613feb5da2a",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Gruy\u00e8re & onion tear & share",
"description": "These tasty white bread rolls are filled with cheese and onion \u2013 let everyone help themselves as part of a buffet",
"author": "Katy Greenwood",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"500g strong bread flour, plus extra for dusting",
"7g sachet fast-action dried yeast",
"pinch of sugar",
"2 tbsp olive oil, plus 2 tsp extra",
"knob of butter",
"2 onions, thinly sliced",
"140g gruy\u00e8re, grated",
"1 tbsp thyme leaves"
"steps": [
"In a large bowl, combine the flour, yeast, sugar and 1 tsp salt. Make a well in the centre and gradually pour in 350ml tepid water, stirring and mixing the water into the flour. If the mix is a little wet, stir in a bit of extra flour; if a little dry, add a bit more water. The dough should be soft but not too sticky. Turn the dough out onto a floured work surface and knead for about 10 mins until the dough is springy but smooth. Put in a large floured bowl, cover with cling film and leave in a warm place to rise until doubled in size (this will take 45 mins-1 hr).",
"While the dough rises, heat the 2 tbsp oil and butter in a non-stick frying pan. Stir in the onions and cook over a medium heat for 10-15 mins until golden and softened. Leave to cool, then stir in the cheese and thyme leaves, and season.",
"Once the dough has risen and doubled in size, knock it back and divide into 12 balls. Flour a work surface and roll out the balls to about 10cm across. Spoon 1 heaped tbsp of the onion mixture in the middle of the dough and gather up the edges over the filling, pressing together to seal. Do this with all the balls, reserving a little onion mixture. Oil a baking tray and arrange the balls, seam-side down, in rows. Cover with oiled cling film and leave in a warm place to prove for another 30 mins.",
"Heat oven to 220C/200C fan/gas 7. Once the buns have risen a little more and are beginning to join together, remove the cling film, drizzle with the remaining oil and spoon over the leftover onion mixture. Bake for 10 mins, then turn the oven down to 200C/180C fan/gas 6 and cook for another 10 mins. The buns should be golden and crisp on the bottom. Cool before serving."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "45 mins",
"Cooking": "30 mins - 35 mins"
"serves": 12,
"difficult": "More effort",
"vote_count": 5,
"subcategory": "Quick bakes",
"dish_type": "Savoury baking recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "e19a7207-2842-4a0c-85ea-bcc010ca452b",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Jumbo sausage roll with salsa beans",
"description": "This giant sausage roll and spicy homemade baked beans are easy to make and perfect for sharing - great for students on a budget",
"author": "Cassie Best",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"400g sausagemeat, or pack of 8 sausages, squeezed from their skins",
"2 tbsp dried mixed herbs",
"300g jar hot salsa dip",
"1 egg, beaten",
"375g ready-rolled puff pastry sheet",
"3 x 400g cans cannellini or haricot beans (or a mixture), drained",
"400g can chopped tomatoes",
"1 green chilli, thinly sliced (deseeded if you don't like it too hot)"
"steps": [
"Heat oven to 200C/180C fan/gas 6 and line a baking tray with baking parchment or foil. In a large bowl, mix together the sausagemeat, herbs, half the salsa and roughly half the egg until well combined.",
"Unroll the pastry sheet on your baking tray. Pile the sausage mixture onto one side of the pastry \u2013 along the longer side \u2013 leaving a gap of 4cm around the edge. Brush a little of the egg around the edges, then fold the pastry over the filling. Press the edges together with a fork and score a few air holes through the top with a knife (to let steam escape). Brush with the remaining egg and bake for 40 mins.",
"Meanwhile, tip the beans, tomatoes, remaining salsa and some seasoning into a saucepan and cover with a lid. Simmer for 20 mins or until the sauce is thick and clings to the beans. To serve, scatter the beans with the chilli and serve with slices of sausage roll."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "10 mins",
"Cooking": "40 mins"
"serves": 6,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 20,
"subcategory": "Quick bakes",
"dish_type": "Savoury baking recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "49e487a5-76f4-4a65-a981-ee9048397e3d",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Brazilian cheese bread (p\u00e3o de queijo)",
"description": "Try baking a South American mainstay \u2013 these light and fluffy cheese puffs are best served warm from the oven",
"author": "Jennifer Joyce",
"rattings": 4,
"ingredients": [
"oil or butter, for the baking sheet",
"250ml whole milk",
"125g unsalted butter",
"1 tsp salt",
"300g tapioca flour",
"2 eggs",
"100g parmesan, grated"
"steps": [
"Heat the oven to 220C/200C fan/gas 7. Oil or butter a baking sheet and set aside.",
"Heat the milk, butter and salt in a medium saucepan and bring to a boil. Remove from the heat and add the tapioca flour. Stir vigorously, then leave to cool a little.",
"Pour the dough into a standing mix to beat the dough until its cool, or use a wooden spoon and beat by hand. Beat the eggs in one at a time, waiting until each is completely incorporated before adding the next. When the dough is glossy and mixed, add the parmesan. Beat again until mixed.",
"Spoon the dough onto the baking sheet in 1 tbsp balls, 5cm apart. Bake for 30 mins until crisp and golden. Remove from the oven and eat while still warm."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "20 mins",
"Cooking": "30 mins"
"serves": 24,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 18,
"subcategory": "Quick bakes",
"dish_type": "Savoury baking recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "ff4c42f6-6c43-475b-96e6-d36bb2656343",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Microwave brownies",
"description": "Forget microwave mug cakes - if you're after some serious indulgence in just 15 minutes, this easy chocolate, peanut butter and jam brownie recipe is sure to hit the spot",
"author": "Jack Monroe",
"rattings": 4,
"ingredients": [
"75g butter, plus a little extra for greasing",
"50g peanut butter",
"1 egg",
"25g cocoa powder",
"50g plain flour",
"100g sugar",
"few tsp of jam"
"steps": [
"Add the butter and peanut butter to a microwave-safe bowl and cook on High for 30 secs to melt. Remove from the microwave and stir thoroughly. Allow to cool slightly then add the egg and stir to combine. Grease with butter and line a second microwaveable round dish (about 15cm wide) with cling film. Tip the peanut butter mix into the lined dish then sieve in the cocoa powder and flour and tip in the sugar. Mix gently to form a thick, sticky paste. Smooth the top of the mixture with the back of a large spoon.",
"Using a teaspoon, make crater-holes in the top of the brownie mixture and fill each generously with jam as it will melt and bubble down when cooked. Pop in the microwave for 3-4 mins on High. Remove and leave to cool for 15 mins (it will carry on cooking as it cools) then enjoy!"
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "10 mins",
"Cooking": "5 mins"
"serves": 6,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 19,
"subcategory": "Quick bakes",
"dish_type": "How to make cakes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "1e998ecd-9d38-45f0-b13a-aa21ffe3791e",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Blood orange & poppy drizzle muffins",
"description": "These citrussy muffins are lovely and light, and make a delicious pudding served with ice cream or thick Greek yogurt",
"author": "Sarah Cook",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"5 tbsp light rapeseed or sunflower oil, plus a little extra for greasing",
"300g self-raising flour",
"175g golden caster sugar",
"1 tsp baking powder",
"2 tbsp poppy seeds",
"200ml milk",
"1 large egg",
"zest 2 blood orange, juice 2.5",
"140g granulated sugar"
"steps": [
"Heat oven to 200C/180C fan/gas 6 and lightly grease a 12-hole muffin tin. Mix together the flour, caster sugar, baking powder and poppy seeds in a large mixing bowl. In another bowl, whisk together the oil, milk, egg, and zest and juice from 1 of the oranges.",
"Working very quickly, pour the wet ingredients into the dry and barely mix together with a fork \u2013 the mixture should be lumpy, so don\u2019t overwork it. Spoon the mixture into the tins and bake for 10-12 mins until risen and browned.",
"While the muffins are baking, mix the remaining zest with the granulated sugar in a small bowl. Have the remaining blood orange juice ready too.",
"Leave the muffins to cool for 2 mins, then transfer to a wire rack. Again working quickly, pour the juices into the sugar mix and spoon some over each muffin, repeating until it is all used up. Leave to set for 5 mins before eating."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "20 mins",
"Cooking": "12 mins - 15 mins"
"serves": 12,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 9,
"subcategory": "Quick bakes",
"dish_type": "How to make cakes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "145df499-ebf2-4e4c-805a-a978d9921b7e",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Microwave coffee & walnut cake",
"description": "Good Food reader Catherine Dunkley shares her super-quick and easy recipe for the perfect last-minute coffee and walnut cake",
"author": "Good Food team",
"rattings": 4,
"ingredients": [
"85g very soft butter",
"85g golden caster sugar",
"2 eggs, beaten",
"85g self-raising flour",
"2 tsp instant coffee powder",
"small handful of walnut pieces (optional)",
"1 tsp instant coffee powder",
"1 tsp milk",
"25g very soft butter",
"100g icing sugar"
"steps": [
"In a medium bowl, beat the butter and sugar together until light and fluffy. Gradually add the eggs followed by the flour and instant coffee. Stir most of the walnuts (if using) into the batter, reserving a few for decoration. Transfer to a microwave-proof dish and cook in the microwave on full power for 2 mins. Reduce the power to medium and cook for 2 mins.",
"After 4 mins, check to see if the cake is cooked \u2013 it should be risen and spring back when touched. If it needs a bit longer, cook on medium for 1 min more at a time, checking after each minute until the cake is cooked. Remove and allow to cool.",
"Meanwhile, make the coffee butter cream. Dissolve the coffee in the milk, then add the butter and icing sugar. Beat until smooth, spread over the cake and top with the reserved walnuts."
"nutrients": {
"kcal": "538",
"fat": "30g",
"saturates": "16g",
"carbs": "65g",
"sugars": "49g",
"fibre": "1g",
"protein": "7g",
"salt": "0.65g"
"times": {
"Preparation": "15 mins",
"Cooking": "10 mins"
"serves": 4,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 29,
"subcategory": "Quick bakes",
"dish_type": "How to make cakes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "d6ddf262-edb3-47a0-88b6-cd576d243ad2",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Vegan cupcakes with banana & peanut butter",
"description": "Employ some clever tricks to achieve a dairy-free bake. Egg-free mayonnaise, almond milk and margarine are the secrets to these vegan cupcakes",
"author": "Good Food team",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"240g self-raising flour",
"140g golden caster sugar",
"1 tsp bicarbonate of soda",
"240g egg-free mayonnaise",
"2 large or 3 small ripe bananas, mashed",
"1 tsp vanilla extract",
"25g vegan dark chocolate chip",
"80g vegan margarine",
"250g icing sugar",
"25ml vegan milk (we used almond milk)",
"2 tbsp smooth peanut butter"
"steps": [
"Heat oven to 170C/150C fan/gas 3\u00bd. Line muffin tins with 16 cases. In a bowl, combine the flour, sugar, \u00bd tsp salt and bicarbonate of soda. In a second bowl or a jug, mix the mayonnaise, mashed bananas and vanilla extract. Pour the wet ingredients into the dry and mix with a spoon until just combined (don\u2019t overmix or your cupcakes will be heavy). Spoon the mixture into the cases and bake for 20 mins.",
"When the cupcakes come out of the oven, sprinkle the chocolate chips over \u2013 they will melt and then harden again, so don\u2019t touch them.",
"For the icing, combine the vegan margarine and icing sugar in an electric mixer, then add the vegan milk and continue to mix on a slow speed until completely combined. Turn the mixer up and combine for a further 3 mins. Finally, stir in the peanut butter. Pipe or simply spread the icing on top of the cakes. Store in an airtight container and eat within 2 days."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "25 mins",
"Cooking": "20 mins"
"serves": 16,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 27,
"subcategory": "Quick bakes",
"dish_type": "How to make cakes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "c7449afa-5874-4a78-8b19-20daef47dc4b",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Microwave mug cake",
"description": "Need a quick chocolate fix? Try making this easy microwave mug cake with storecupboard ingredients. It's even more delicious with a scoop of vanilla ice cream",
"author": "Member recipe by cabrioletbird",
"rattings": 4,
"ingredients": [
"4 tbsp self-raising flour",
"4 tbsp caster sugar",
"2 tbsp cocoa powder",
"1 medium egg",
"3 tbsp milk",
"3 tbsp vegetable oil or sunflower oil",
"a few drops of vanilla essence or other essence (orange or peppermint work well)",
"2 tbsp chocolate chips, nuts, or raisins etc (optional)"
"steps": [
"Add 4 tbsp self-raising flour, 4 tbsp caster sugar and 2 tbsp cocoa powder to the largest mug you have (to stop it overflowing in the microwave) and mix.",
"Add 1 medium egg and mix in as much as you can, but don't worry if there's still dry mix left.",
"Add the 3 tbsp milk, 3 tbsp vegetable or sunflower oil and a few drops of vanilla essence and mix until smooth, before adding 2 tbsp chocolate chips, nuts, or raisins, if using, and mix again.",
"Centre your mug in the middle of the microwave oven and cook on High for 1\u00bd -2 mins, or until it has stopped rising and is firm to the touch."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "5 mins",
"Cooking": "2 mins"
"serves": 1,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 407,
"subcategory": "Quick bakes",
"dish_type": "How to make cakes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "857325c3-2098-4fc7-9fad-8ab61f2184a7",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Raspberry bakewell cake",
"description": "This simple almondy cake is a great way of using up pick-your-own raspberries",
"author": "Barney Desmazery",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"140g ground almond",
"140g butter, softened",
"140g golden caster sugar",
"140g self-raising flour",
"2 eggs",
"1 tsp vanilla extract",
"250g raspberry",
"2 tbsp flaked almond",
"icing sugar, to serve"
"steps": [
"Heat oven to 180C/160C fan/gas 4 and base-line and grease a deep 20cm loose-bottomed cake tin. Blitz the ground almonds, butter, sugar, flour, eggs and vanilla extract in a food processor until well combined.",
"Spread half the mix over the cake tin and smooth over the top. Scatter the raspberries over, then dollop the remaining cake mixture on top and roughly spread \u2013 you might find this easier to do with your fingers. Scatter with flaked almonds and bake for 50 mins until golden. Cool, remove from the tin and dust with icing sugar to serve."
"nutrients": {
"kcal": "411",
"fat": "28g",
"saturates": "10g",
"carbs": "35g",
"sugars": "21g",
"fibre": "3g",
"protein": "8g",
"salt": "0.5g"
"times": {
"Preparation": "10 mins",
"Cooking": "50 mins"
"serves": 8,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 710,
"subcategory": "Quick bakes",
"dish_type": "How to make cakes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "43eae272-9411-4333-9a9b-3430d23d73eb",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Easy chocolate cupcakes",
"description": "These light cakes are perfect for freezing \u2013 they just need a quick blast in the microwave to bring them back to life",
"author": "Good Food team",
"rattings": 4,
"ingredients": [
"300g dark chocolate, broken into chunks - don't use one with a high cocoa content",
"200g self-raising flour",
"200g light muscovado sugar, plus 3 tbsp extra",
"6 tbsp cocoa",
"150ml sunflower oil, plus a little extra for greasing",
"284ml pot soured cream",
"2 eggs",
"1 tsp vanilla extract"
"steps": [
"Heat oven to 180C/fan 160C/gas 4 and line a 10-hole muffin tin with paper cases. Whizz the chocolate into small pieces in a food processor. In the largest mixing bowl you have, tip in the flour, sugar, cocoa, oil, 100ml soured cream, eggs, vanilla and 100ml water. Whisk everything together with electric beaters until smooth, then quickly stir in 100g of the whizzed-up chocolate bits. Divide between the 10 cases, then bake for 20 mins until a skewer inserted comes out clean (make sure you don\u2019t poke it into a chocolate chip bit). Cool on a wire rack.",
"To make the icing, put the remaining chocolate bits, soured cream and 3 tbsp sugar in a small saucepan. Heat gently, stirring, until the chocolate is melted and you have a smooth icing. Chill in the fridge until firm enough to swirl on top of the muffins, then tuck in."
"nutrients": {
"kcal": "534",
"fat": "31g",
"saturates": "11g",
"carbs": "62g",
"sugars": "46g",
"fibre": "0g",
"protein": "6g",
"salt": "0.3g"
"times": {
"Preparation": "15 mins - 20 mins",
"Cooking": "20 mins"
"serves": 10,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 61,
"subcategory": "Quick bakes",
"dish_type": "How to make cakes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "43f34d68-a16c-40a4-a8c3-a09b2b46299f",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Choc-cherry muffins",
"description": "If you\u2019ve got a spare half-an-hour, whip up these easy muffins and freeze them for when you need them",
"author": "Jenny White",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"250g self-raising flour",
"1 tsp bicarbonate of soda",
"140g dried sour cherry",
"100g bar white chocolate, cut into chunks",
"100g bar dark chocolate, cut into chunks",
"100g golden caster sugar",
"2 eggs, beaten",
"150ml pot natural yogurt",
"100g butter, melted"
"steps": [
"Heat oven to 200C/fan 180C/gas 6 and line a 12-hole muffin tin with some paper cases. Sift the flour, and bicarbonate of soda into a large bowl, then stir in the cherries, chocolate and sugar. Add the beaten eggs, yogurt and then the butter and stir to combine. It doesn\u2019t matter if the mixture looks a bit lumpy, it\u2019s more important not to overmix or the muffins will turn out tough.",
"Fill the paper cases and bake for 20-25 mins until risen and golden brown. Transfer to a rack to cool. They are especially delicious eaten slightly warm."
"nutrients": {
"kcal": "386",
"fat": "13g",
"saturates": "6g",
"carbs": "45g",
"sugars": "18g",
"fibre": "1g",
"protein": "5g",
"salt": "0.73g"
"times": {
"Preparation": "40 mins",
"Cooking": "No Time"
"serves": 12,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 45,
"subcategory": "Quick bakes",
"dish_type": "How to make cakes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "daabaefb-9a0e-44b0-91a1-9f1cb802a17e",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Easy microwave brownies",
"description": "Make these easy, fudgy brownies in under 15 minutes in the microwave. They're ideal when you need a quick and indulgent dessert.",
"author": "Elaine Lemm",
"rattings": 3,
"ingredients": [
"150g salted butter",
"150g caster sugar",
"1 tsp vanilla extract",
"2 tbsp milk",
"2 medium eggs, beaten",
"50g plain flour",
"75g unsweetened cocoa powder",
"80g milk chocolate chips"
"steps": [
"Cut the butter into small pieces. Put in a 20 x 20cm microwavable glass or ceramic dish and cook in 20-second bursts in the microwave until melted. Remove, swirl it around the dish to coat the sides, then tip it into a mixing bowl.",
"Add the sugar to the bowl and, using a hand or electric whisk, whisk vigorously until the mixture is creamy and fully incorporated into the melted butter.",
"In a jug, stir the vanilla extract into the milk along with the beaten eggs. Whisk this, a little at a time, into the sugar and butter mixture, ensuring it\u2019s thoroughly incorporated before adding more.",
"Sift the flour and cocoa powder together, then fold gently into the cake batter. Finally, stir in the milk chocolate chips.",
"Tip the whole mix into the buttered dish and smooth using a spatula to fill the dish. Cook for 5 mins or until the brownies are well-risen and slightly firm to touch. Don\u2019t worry if they\u2019re still a bit soft in the centre; they will continue to cook for several minutes once out of the microwave.",
"Put the hot dish onto a cooling rack and leave for at least 20 mins to firm up. Cut into 8 squares. Will keep in an airtight container for three days."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "10 mins",
"Cooking": "5 mins"
"serves": 8,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 3,
"subcategory": "Quick bakes",
"dish_type": "How to make cakes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "f6c0a2fa-bcf2-4a53-87bf-98ffea338a96",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Microwave chocolate cake",
"description": "Edwina Hanslo's delicious and super quick chocolate cake with a creamy ganache is the perfect choice for busy mums",
"author": "Good Food team",
"rattings": 4,
"ingredients": [
"100ml sunflower oil, plus extra for pan",
"175g caster sugar",
"140g plain flour",
"3 tbsp cocoa",
"3 tsp baking powder",
"2 large eggs",
"1 tsp vanilla essence",
"chocolate sprinkles, to serve",
"100g dark chocolate, broken into pieces",
"5 tbsp double cream"
"steps": [
"Grease a 22cm silicone microwaveable cake pan with a little oil and place a circle of baking parchment in the bottom.",
"Mix the sugar, flour, cocoa and baking powder in a bowl. In a jug, whisk the oil, eggs, vanilla and 100ml hot water until combined.",
"Add the liquid ingredients to the dry ingredients and mix thoroughly until you have a lump-free batter. Pour the mixture into the cake pan and gently tap to pop any air bubbles. Cover with cling film.",
"Microwave on Full power (800 watts) for 7 mins. Remove and check if the cake is cooked by poking a skewer into the middle: if it comes out clean, the cake is ready. Allow the cake to stand for 5 mins, then remove the cling film and turn out onto a cooling rack.",
"For the ganache, melt the chocolate on Half power (600 watts) for approximately 2 mins, stirring every 30 secs until melted. Add the cream and mix thoroughly until smooth and glossy.",
"Once the cake is cool, spread over the ganache and scatter with the sprinkles. The cake will keep for up to 3 days in an airtight container."
"nutrients": {
"kcal": "364",
"fat": "23g",
"saturates": "9g",
"carbs": "34g",
"sugars": "24g",
"fibre": "1g",
"protein": "4g",
"salt": "0.5g"
"times": {
"Preparation": "5 mins",
"Cooking": "10 mins"
"serves": 10,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 33,
"subcategory": "Quick bakes",
"dish_type": "How to make cakes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "40b77eb8-4b38-4d43-8271-908e1292f8e3",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Basic muffin recipe",
"description": "Good Food reader Charlotte Hilsdon shares her simple, chocolate chip muffin recipe, to which you can add fruit, chocolate or nuts",
"author": "Good Food team",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"2 medium eggs",
"125ml vegetable oil",
"250ml semi-skimmed milk",
"250g golden caster sugar",
"400g self-raising flour (or same quantity plain flour and 3 tsp baking powder)",
"1 tsp salt",
"100g chocolate chips or dried fruit such as sultanas or dried cherries (optional)"
"steps": [
"Heat oven to 200C/180C fan/gas 6. Line 2 muffin trays with paper muffin cases. In a large bowl beat 2 medium eggs lightly with a handheld electric mixer for 1 min.",
"Add 125ml vegetable oil and 250ml semi-skimmed milk and beat until just combined then add 250g golden caster sugar and whisk until you have a smooth batter.",
"Sift in 400g self-raising flour and 1 tsp salt (or 400g plain flour and 3 tsp baking powder if using) then mix until just smooth. Be careful not to over-mix the batter as this will make the muffins tough.",
"Stir in 100g chocolate chips or dried fruit if using.",
"Fill muffin cases two-thirds full and bake for 20-25 mins, until risen, firm to the touch and a skewer inserted in the middle comes out clean. If the trays will not fit on 1 shelf, swap the shelves around after 15 mins of cooking.",
"Leave the muffins in the tin to cool for a few mins and transfer to a wire rack to cool completely."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "20 mins",
"Cooking": "25 mins"
"serves": 20,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 257,
"subcategory": "Quick bakes",
"dish_type": "How to make muffins",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "daf8702d-d1e9-4dd7-8a8f-1c0d405f9ec1",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Banoffee muffins with cream & salted caramel",
"description": "Give much-loved banana bread a modern update it by transforming it into tasty muffins iced with fresh cream and a moreish salted caramel sauce",
"author": "Rosie Birkett",
"rattings": 4,
"ingredients": [
"100g unsalted butter, melted, plus extra for the tin",
"4 ripe bananas",
"50g full-fat natural yogurt, plus 2 tbsp",
"100g spelt flour",
"120g plain flour",
"2 tsp baking powder",
"1 tsp ground cardamom",
"2 eggs",
"160g golden caster sugar",
"1 tsp vanilla extract",
"40g walnuts, broken",
"200ml double cream",
"40g unsalted butter, diced",
"150ml double cream",
"130g light muscovado sugar",
"generous pinch sea salt"
"steps": [
"Heat oven to 200C/180C fan/gas 6. Prepare a muffin tin by thoroughly buttering and lining with cases. In a bowl, mash three bananas, then stir in 50g yogurt. In another bowl, sift in the flours, baking powder, cardamom and a pinch of salt, and stir to combine.",
"Add the eggs and sugar to the bowl of a stand mixer, then whisk until pale and frothy \u2013 about 3 mins. Slowly pour in the melted butter in a steady stream, then add the vanilla. Turn the speed down, then add the flour mixture, 2 tbsp at a time, alternating with the yogurt and banana mix, until everything is incorporated. Mix in the walnuts for no longer than 20 seconds. Divide the mixture between the muffin cases. Bake for 25-30 mins or until a skewer inserted comes out clean.",
"Meanwhile, make the salted caramel by heating the butter, cream and sugar in a non-stick pan until simmering. Remove from the heat, then add the salt \u2013 you want enough to pique the sauce, but it shouldn\u2019t taste salty.",
"Once the muffins are cooked, remove from the oven and leave to cool on a wire rack. Whip the cream to soft peaks, fold through 2 tbsp yogurt and slice the final banana. Spoon or pipe the cream onto the muffins. Top with the sliced banana and drizzle with salted caramel."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "20 mins",
"Cooking": "25 mins - 30 mins"
"serves": 12,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 2,
"subcategory": "Quick bakes",
"dish_type": "How to make muffins",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "fe868a06-2967-4f32-8e01-038429857b76",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Banana & blueberry muffins",
"description": "A low-fat muffin that tastes as good as it looks - they'll keep in an airtight container for up to 3 days, or freeze for up to a month",
"author": "Jane Hornby",
"rattings": 4,
"ingredients": [
"300g self-raising flour",
"1 tsp bicarbonate of soda",
"100g light muscovado sugar",
"50g porridge oats, plus 1 tbsp for topping",
"2 medium bananas, the riper the better",
"284ml carton buttermilk",
"5 tbsp light olive oil",
"2 egg whites",
"150g punnet blueberries"
"steps": [
"Heat oven to 180C/fan 160C/gas 4 and line a 12-hole muffin tin with paper muffin cases. Tip the flour and bicarbonate of soda into a large bowl. Hold back 1 tbsp of the sugar, then mix the remainder with the flour and 50g oats. Make a well in the centre. In a separate bowl, mash the bananas until nearly smooth. Stir the buttermilk, oil and egg whites into the mashed banana until evenly combined.",
"Pour the liquid mixture into the well and stir quickly and sparingly with a wooden spoon. The mix will look lumpy and may have the odd fleck of flour still visible, but don\u2019t be tempted to over-mix. Tip in the blueberries and give it just one more stir. Divide the mix between the muffin cases \u2013 they will be quite full \u2013 then sprinkle the tops with the final tbsp of the oats and the rest of he sugar. Bake for 18-20 mins until risen and dark golden. Cool for 5 mins in the tray before lifting out onto a rack to cool completely."
"nutrients": {
"kcal": "202",
"fat": "5g",
"saturates": "0.8g",
"carbs": "36g",
"sugars": "14g",
"fibre": "2g",
"protein": "5g",
"salt": "0.59g"
"times": {
"Preparation": "10 mins",
"Cooking": "20 mins"
"serves": 12,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 293,
"subcategory": "Quick bakes",
"dish_type": "How to make muffins",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "50c64efc-1cf0-48bf-98df-5ff84cbc14af",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Healthy banana muffins",
"description": "With apple, blueberry, banana and seeds, this breakfast-on-the-go tastes great, is low in calories and uses honey instead of sugar",
"author": "Cassie Best",
"rattings": 4,
"ingredients": [
"2 large eggs",
"150ml pot natural low-fat yogurt",
"50ml rapeseed oil",
"100g apple sauce or pur\u00e9ed apple",
"1 ripe banana, mashed",
"4 tbsp honey",
"1 tsp vanilla extract",
"200g wholemeal flour",
"50g rolled oats, plus extra for sprinkling",
"1 \u00bd tsp baking powder",
"1 \u00bd tsp bicarbonate of soda",
"1 \u00bd tsp cinnamon",
"100g blueberry",
"2 tbsp mixed seed, we used pumpkin, sunflower and flaxseed"
"steps": [
"Heat oven to 180C/160C fan/gas 4. Line a 12-hole muffin tray with 12 large muffin cases. In a jug, mix the eggs, yogurt, oil, apple sauce, banana, honey and vanilla. Tip the remaining ingredients, except the seeds, into a large bowl, add a pinch of salt and mix to combine.",
"Pour the wet ingredients into the dry, mix briefly until you have a smooth batter, don\u2019t over mix as this will make the muffins heavy. Spoon the batter between the cases. Sprinkle the muffins with the extra oats and the seeds. Bake for 25-30 mins until golden and well risen, and a skewer inserted to the centre of a muffin comes out clean. Remove from the oven, transfer to a wire rack and leave to cool. Store in a sealed container for up to 3 days."
"nutrients": {
"kcal": "179",
"fat": "7.1g",
"saturates": "0.9g",
"carbs": "22.7g",
"sugars": "10.2g",
"fibre": "3.3g",
"protein": "5.2g",
"salt": "0.6g"
"times": {
"Preparation": "45 mins",
"Cooking": "No Time"
"serves": 12,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 59,
"subcategory": "Quick bakes",
"dish_type": "How to make muffins",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "1ab5f4e2-7283-4b1f-a348-0210cf028518",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Feel-good muffins",
"description": "This simple cinnamon-spiced muffin recipe contains fibre-packed prunes and oats \u2013 perfect for breakfast on-the-go or as an afternoon pick-me-up",
"author": "Mary Cadogan",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"175g self-raising flour",
"50g porridge oats",
"140g light muscovado sugar",
"2 tsp ground cinnamon",
"\u00bd tsp bicarbonate of soda",
"1 egg, beaten",
"150ml \u00bc pint buttermilk",
"1 tsp vanilla extract",
"6 tbsp sunflower oil",
"175g stoned prune, chopped",
"85g pecans"
"steps": [
"Heat the oven to 200C/gas 6/fan 180C. Butter 6-8 muffin tins or line them with muffin cases. Put the flour, oats, sugar, cinnamon and bicarbonate of soda in a large bowl, then rub everything through your fingers, as if making pastry, to ensure the ingredients are evenly blended.",
"Beat the egg, then stir in the buttermilk, vanilla and oil. Lightly stir the egg mix into the flour.",
"Fold the prunes and nuts into the mixture.",
"Divide between the tins, filling the cases to the brim, then bake for 20-25 minutes until risen and golden. Serve warm or cold."
"nutrients": {
"kcal": "478",
"fat": "22g",
"saturates": "2g",
"carbs": "66g",
"sugars": "24g",
"fibre": "2g",
"protein": "8g",
"salt": "0.66g"
"times": {
"Preparation": "10 mins",
"Cooking": "25 mins"
"serves": 6,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 91,
"subcategory": "Quick bakes",
"dish_type": "How to make muffins",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "79403c22-151c-40f6-b385-c9b48386f69e",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Toddler recipe: Mini egg & veg muffins",
"description": "These egg and vegetable muffins are packed with courgette, carrot, peas, eggs and feta cheese. Make them for your toddler as a snack, or for lunch",
"author": "Caroline Hire \u2013 Food writer",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"oil, for greasing",
"1 small carrot, cut into small dice",
"\u00bd small courgette, cut into small dice",
"25g peas",
"6 eggs",
"25g feta cheese"
"steps": [
"Heat the oven to 200C/180 fan/gas 6. Grease 6 holes of a muffin tin. Put the carrot, courgette and peas (about 190g veg) in a microwaveable dish with 2 tbsp water. Cover with cling film and cook for 2 mins or until tender. Drain the veg.",
"Beat the eggs and stir in the veg and feta. Pour into the 6 holes. Bake for 15 minutes until the eggs are set. Leave for a minute or two, then use a knife to carefully remove the muffins."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "3 mins",
"Cooking": "17 mins"
"serves": 6,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 23,
"subcategory": "Quick bakes",
"dish_type": "How to make muffins",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "e9c882fb-1808-41bc-b7cf-15f3364f2a9d",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Gluten-free muffins",
"description": "These simple gluten-free muffins are full to bursting with crunchy amaretti biscuits and creamy Greek yogurt for a light-textured sponge. Perfect with a cuppa",
"author": "Elena Silcock",
"rattings": 4,
"ingredients": [
"110ml vegetable oil",
"110g golden caster sugar",
"2 eggs",
"2 tbsp Greek yogurt, plus extra to serve",
"25ml espresso or strong coffee",
"110g ground almonds",
"60g rice flour",
"1 tsp gluten-free baking powder",
"4 soft, gluten-free amaretti biscuits, broken up",
"50g flaked almonds"
"steps": [
"Heat oven to 180C/160C fan/gas 4. Line a 12-hole muffin tin with muffin cases or baking parchment squares.",
"Whisk the oil, sugar and eggs together. Add the yogurt and espresso, then fold in the ground almonds, rice flour and baking powder. Carefully fold the broken amaretti biscuits into the mixture.",
"Divide the mixture between the cases (about 2 tbsp in each). Sprinkle with the flaked almonds and bake for 20-25 mins until golden on top. Serve warm with a large dollop of Greek yogurt."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "15 mins",
"Cooking": "20 mins - 25 mins"
"serves": 12,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 5,
"subcategory": "Quick bakes",
"dish_type": "How to make muffins",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "f96bb512-a27c-4300-adf4-f2b61eae93c3",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Raspberry & white chocolate muffins",
"description": "Indulge in these raspberry and white choc chip muffins for a sweet treat. Made with fresh or frozen raspberries, they're perfect served with a cuppa",
"author": "Liberty Mendez",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"100g unsalted butter, softened",
"65g caster sugar",
"65g light brown sugar",
"2 large eggs, room temperature",
"125g Greek yogurt",
"1 tsp vanilla paste",
"5 tbsp milk",
"250g self-raising flour",
"1 tsp baking powder",
"200g raspberries (fresh or frozen)",
"75g white chocolate chips"
"steps": [
"Heat the oven to 200C/180C fan/gas 6 and line a 12-hole muffin tin with paper cases.",
"Beat the butter and sugar together for 5 mins until pale and fluffy. Add the eggs gradually and beat in until combined. Stir in the yogurt, vanilla and milk. Fold in the flour, baking powder and a pinch of fine salt until you have a smooth batter. Finally, fold in 150g raspberries and white chocolate chips and fill the muffin cases three-quarters full.",
"Push 2 raspberries into the top of each muffin so they're sticking out slightly. Bake for 8 mins, then reduce the oven to 180C/160C fan/gas 4 and bake for 20-25 mins more until risen and golden, and a cocktail stick inserted into the centre comes out clean."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "20 mins",
"Cooking": "30 mins"
"serves": 8,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 9,
"subcategory": "Quick bakes",
"dish_type": "How to make muffins",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "b7042c86-ad2d-4fbd-9155-fef188cf9c46",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Sweet potato, avocado & feta muffins",
"description": "Use super-ripe avocados in this savoury bake, topped with crumbly cheese, sweet potato chunks and a scattering of mixed seeds",
"author": "Cassie Best",
"rattings": 4,
"ingredients": [
"1 sweet potato (about 200g), peeled and chopped into small chunks",
"drizzle of flavourless oil, such as vegetable or sunflower",
"1 large avocado, peel and stone removed, roughly chopped (about 150g prepared weight)",
"100g ground almonds",
"100g fine polenta",
"80ml maple syrup",
"3 large eggs",
"1 \u00bd tsp baking powder",
"1 tsp bicarbonate of soda",
"100ml semi-skimmed milk",
"50g feta, crumbled, optional",
"2 tbsp mixed seeds",
"\u00bc tsp sweet paprika"
"steps": [
"Place the sweet potato in a heatproof bowl, cover with cling film and microwave on High for 8 mins, or until really soft. Leave to cool completely. Grease 9 holes of a muffin tin with a little oil (or line each hole with a square of baking parchment.)",
"Chop 1/4 of the sweet potato into even smaller pieces and set aside. Place the sweet potato, avocado, almonds, polenta, maple syrup, eggs, baking powder, bicarb, milk and 1/4 tsp salt in the bowl of a food processor. Blend until completely smooth. Divide the mixture evenly between the muffin tin holes, then top with the reserved chopped sweet potato, feta, seeds and a dusting of paprika. Bake for 22 mins at 180C/160 fan/ gas mark 4, or until risen, browning on top and cooked through \u2013 check by inserting a skewer to the centre, it should come out dry. Cool in the tin for 5 mins, then transfer to a wire rack and cool completely. Store in a sealed container for up to 3 days."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "20 mins",
"Cooking": "20 mins"
"serves": 9,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 10,
"subcategory": "Quick bakes",
"dish_type": "How to make muffins",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "511cd738-d91c-4794-856d-f913e62e1355",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Doughnut muffins",
"description": "These individual sugar-dipped cupcakes are baked not fried but taste just as delicious and are best straight from the oven",
"author": "Sarah Cook",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"140g golden caster sugar, plus 200g extra for dusting",
"200g plain flour",
"1 tsp bicarbonate of soda",
"100ml natural yogurt",
"2 large eggs, beaten",
"1 tsp vanilla extract",
"140g butter, melted, plus extra for greasing",
"12 tsp seedless raspberry jam"
"steps": [
"Heat oven to 190C/170C fan/gas 5. Lightly grease a 12-hole muffin tin (or use a silicone one). Put 140g sugar, flour and bicarb in a bowl and mix to combine. In a jug, whisk together the yogurt, eggs and vanilla. Tip the jug contents and melted butter into the dry ingredients and quickly fold with a metal spoon to combine.",
"Divide two-thirds of the mixture between the muffin holes. Carefully add 1 tsp jam into the centre of each, then cover with the remaining mixture. Bake for 16-18 mins until risen, golden and springy to touch.",
"Leave the muffins to cool for 5 mins before lifting out of the tin and rolling in the extra sugar."
"nutrients": {
"kcal": "229",
"fat": "11g",
"saturates": "6g",
"carbs": "29g",
"sugars": "18g",
"fibre": "1g",
"protein": "3g",
"salt": "0.4g"
"times": {
"Preparation": "20 mins",
"Cooking": "18 mins"
"serves": 12,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 162,
"subcategory": "Quick bakes",
"dish_type": "How to make muffins",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "6b19ea47-3a03-479c-86e0-940f4ac30dc6",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Simnel muffins",
"description": "A new twist on a traditional recipe and perfect for getting the kids involved in the festivities",
"author": "Mary Cadogan",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"250g mixed dried fruit",
"grated zest and juice 1 medium orange",
"175g softened butter",
"175g golden caster sugar",
"3 eggs, beaten",
"300g self-raising flour",
"1 tsp mixed spice",
"\u00bd tsp freshly grated nutmeg",
"5 tbsp milk",
"175g marzipan",
"200g icing sugar",
"2 tbsp orange juice for mixing",
"mini eggs"
"steps": [
"Tip the fruit into a bowl, add the zest and juice and microwave on medium for 2 minutes (or leave to soak for 1 hour). Line 12 deep muffin tins with paper muffin cases.",
"Preheat the oven to fan 180C/ 160C/gas 4. Beat together the butter, sugar, eggs, flour, spices and milk until light and fluffy (about 3-5 minutes) \u2013 use a wooden spoon or hand held mixer. Stir the fruit in well.",
"Half fill the muffin cases with the mixture. Divide the marzipan into 12 equal pieces, roll into balls, then flatten with your thumb to the size of the muffin cases. Put one into each muffin case and spoon the rest of the mixture over it. Bake for 25-30 minutes, until risen, golden and firm to the touch. Leave to cool.",
"Beat together the icing sugar and orange juice to make icing thick enough to coat the back of a wooden spoon. Drizzle over the muffins and top with a cluster of eggs. Leave to set. Best eaten within a day of making."
"nutrients": {
"kcal": "465",
"fat": "17g",
"saturates": "8g",
"carbs": "79g",
"sugars": "42g",
"fibre": "2g",
"protein": "6g",
"salt": "0.61g"
"times": {
"Preparation": "45 mins - 55 mins"
"serves": 12,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 43,
"subcategory": "Quick bakes",
"dish_type": "How to make muffins",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "c98023c6-fd28-46b3-afba-e9123b661946",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "The ultimate makeover: Blueberry muffins",
"description": "We've created a deliciously light version of this classic muffin that contains virtually no saturated fat",
"author": "Angela Nilsen",
"rattings": 4,
"ingredients": [
"5 tbsp rapeseed oil",
"225g self-raising flour",
"115g wholemeal flour",
"2 tsp baking powder",
"zest \u00bd lemon and 1 tsp juice",
"85g golden caster sugar",
"50g light muscovado sugar",
"1 small very ripe banana with black skin (about 85g peeled weight)",
"1 egg",
"284ml pot buttermilk",
"225g fresh blueberries"
"steps": [
"Heat oven to 200C/180C fan/gas 6. Use 1 tsp oil to lightly oil a 12-hole muffin tin (or use paper cases). Mix both flours with the baking powder and lemon zest. Reserve 1 tbsp caster sugar, then stir the rest into the flour with the muscovado.",
"Mash the banana well. In another bowl beat the egg, then stir in the banana, buttermilk and oil. Using a large metal spoon, very lightly stir into the flour mix, just to combine. Over-mixing will make the muffins tough. Toss in the blueberries and give just a few turns of the spoon to carefully stir them in without crushing.",
"Spoon the mixture into the tin \u2013 each hole should be very full. Bake for 20-25 mins until risen and golden.",
"Mix the reserved caster sugar with the lemon juice. When the muffins are done, remove from the oven, then brush with the sugar and lemon mixture while they are still hot. Gently loosen the edges of each muffin with a knife, then leave in the tin for 15 mins to cool a little as they\u2019re very delicate while hot. Remove to a wire rack. Best eaten the day of making, but will keep for up to 2 days."
"nutrients": {
"kcal": "206",
"fat": "6g",
"saturates": "1g",
"carbs": "36g",
"sugars": "16g",
"fibre": "2g",
"protein": "5g",
"salt": "0.43g"
"times": {
"Preparation": "25 mins",
"Cooking": "25 mins"
"serves": 12,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 62,
"subcategory": "Quick bakes",
"dish_type": "How to make muffins",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "700d048a-1b49-486e-aeed-59b378b3bb4c",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Choc-cherry muffins",
"description": "If you\u2019ve got a spare half-an-hour, whip up these easy muffins and freeze them for when you need them",
"author": "Jenny White",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"250g self-raising flour",
"1 tsp bicarbonate of soda",
"140g dried sour cherry",
"100g bar white chocolate, cut into chunks",
"100g bar dark chocolate, cut into chunks",
"100g golden caster sugar",
"2 eggs, beaten",
"150ml pot natural yogurt",
"100g butter, melted"
"steps": [
"Heat oven to 200C/fan 180C/gas 6 and line a 12-hole muffin tin with some paper cases. Sift the flour, and bicarbonate of soda into a large bowl, then stir in the cherries, chocolate and sugar. Add the beaten eggs, yogurt and then the butter and stir to combine. It doesn\u2019t matter if the mixture looks a bit lumpy, it\u2019s more important not to overmix or the muffins will turn out tough.",
"Fill the paper cases and bake for 20-25 mins until risen and golden brown. Transfer to a rack to cool. They are especially delicious eaten slightly warm."
"nutrients": {
"kcal": "386",
"fat": "13g",
"saturates": "6g",
"carbs": "45g",
"sugars": "18g",
"fibre": "1g",
"protein": "5g",
"salt": "0.73g"
"times": {
"Preparation": "40 mins",
"Cooking": "No Time"
"serves": 12,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 45,
"subcategory": "Quick bakes",
"dish_type": "How to make muffins",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "8da73740-5451-457d-8701-72ce253e8c85",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Breakfast muffins",
"description": "Make muffins healthier with mashed banana and apple sauce for natural sweetness, plus blueberries and seeds for an extra nutritious hit",
"author": "Cassie Best",
"rattings": 4,
"ingredients": [
"2 large eggs",
"150ml pot natural low-fat yogurt",
"50ml rapeseed oil",
"100g apple sauce or pureed apples (find with the baby food)",
"1 ripe banana, mashed",
"4 tbsp clear honey",
"1 tsp vanilla extract",
"200g wholemeal flour",
"50g rolled oats, plus extra for sprinkling",
"1\u00bd tsp baking powder",
"1\u00bd tsp bicarbonate of soda",
"1\u00bd tsp cinnamon",
"100g blueberry",
"2 tbsp mixed seed (we used pumpkin, sunflower and flaxseed)"
"steps": [
"Heat oven to 180C/160C fan/gas 4. Line a 12-hole muffin tin with 12 large muffin cases. In a jug, mix the eggs, yogurt, oil, apple sauce, banana, honey and vanilla. Tip the remaining ingredients, except the seeds, into a large bowl, add a pinch of salt and mix to combine.",
"Pour the wet ingredients into the dry and mix briefly until you have a smooth batter \u2013 don\u2019t overmix as this will make the muffins heavy. Divide the batter between the cases. Sprinkle the muffins with the extra oats and the seeds. Bake for 25-30 mins until golden and well risen, and a skewer inserted into the centre of a muffin comes out clean. Remove from the oven, transfer to a wire rack and leave to cool. Can be stored in a sealed container for up to 3 days."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "15 mins",
"Cooking": "30 mins"
"serves": 12,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 124,
"subcategory": "Quick bakes",
"dish_type": "How to make muffins",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "d6f6317f-a939-4cd0-b2e1-4fcbede56b23",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Blueberry bakewell muffins",
"description": "These easy blueberry muffins have a delightfully jammy centre and crunchy crumble topping \u2013 a tasty treat for teatime or packed lunch",
"author": "Sarah Cook",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"100g unsalted butter, softened, plus 1 tbsp, melted, for the tin",
"140g golden caster sugar",
"2 large eggs",
"140g natural yogurt",
"1 tsp vanilla extract",
"1 tsp almond extract",
"2 tbsp milk",
"250g plain flour",
"2 tsp baking powder",
"1 tsp bicarbonate of soda",
"125g blueberries (or use frozen)",
"3 tbsp demerara sugar",
"\u00bc tsp ground cinnamon",
"3 tbsp flaked almonds, roughly chopped",
"2 tbsp ground almonds",
"3 tbsp plain flour",
"1 tbsp cold butter diced",
"12 tsp wild blueberry conserve (I used Felix wild blueberry jam, available from"
"steps": [
"Heat oven to 200C/180C fan/gas 6 and line a 12-hole muffin tin with paper cases. Put all the topping ingredients, apart from the jam, in a bowl and rub together.",
"Beat the butter and caster sugar together until pale and fluffy. Add the eggs and beat in for 1 min, then mix in the yogurt, extracts and milk. Combine the flour, baking powder and bicarb in a bowl with \u00bc tsp fine salt, then tip this into the wet ingredients and stir in. Finally, fold in the blueberries and divide the mixture between the muffin cases. Top each muffin with 1 tsp blueberry jam, then scatter over the crumble mixture.",
"Bake for 5 mins, then reduce oven to 180C/160C fan/gas 4 and bake for 15-18 mins more until risen and golden, and a cocktail stick inserted in comes out with just jam on it \u2013 no wet cake mixture.",
"Cool in the tin for 10 mins, then carefully lift out onto a wire rack to finish cooling. Will keep for up to four days in an airtight container \u2013 after a day or two, pop them in the microwave for 10-15 secs on High to freshen up."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "20 mins",
"Cooking": "20 mins"
"serves": 12,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 26,
"subcategory": "Quick bakes",
"dish_type": "How to make muffins",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "e30038e8-1dd1-4468-810c-c058be6ea831",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Summer fruit crumble muffins",
"description": "Combine raspberries, blueberries and peaches in these fruity crumble muffins. They're perfect for picnics, playdates or to enjoy with a cuppa",
"author": "Cassie Best",
"rattings": 3,
"ingredients": [
"125g unsalted butter, softened",
"140g golden caster sugar",
"2 eggs",
"140g natural yogurt",
"1 tsp vanilla extract",
"2 tbsp milk",
"300g plain flour",
"2 tsp baking powder",
"1 tsp bicarbonate of soda",
"150g berries of your choice (we used blueberries and raspberries) 2 peaches or nectarines, stoned and cut into small pieces",
"1 tbsp demerara sugar"
"steps": [
"Heat the oven to 180C/160C fan/gas 4 and line a 12-hole muffin tin with paper cases. Beat 100g of the butter and the caster sugar together using an electric whisk until pale and fluffy. Add the eggs, beat for 1 min, then mix in the yogurt, vanilla and milk. Combine 250g of the flour with the baking powder and bicarb in a bowl with \u00bc tsp salt, then stir this into the wet ingredients.",
"Spoon 2 tbsp of the batter into each paper case. Gently push two raspberries each into four of the cases, two or three blackberries into another four and a large spoonful of chopped peaches into the final four. Divide the rest of the batter between the cases, spooning it over the fruit, then top with more berries or peaches, to match the filling.",
"Mix the remaining 50g flour and 25g butter together with your fingers until the mixture clumps together in small chunks, then stir in the demerara sugar. Sprinkle a little of the crumble mixture over each muffin, then bake for 22-25 mins until risen, golden and a skewer inserted into the centre comes out clean.",
"Leave to cool in the tin for 10 mins, then carefully lift out onto a wire rack to cool completely. Will keep for three days in an airtight container."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "25 mins",
"Cooking": "20 mins"
"serves": 12,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 1,
"subcategory": "Quick bakes",
"dish_type": "How to make muffins",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "dc91e252-ec29-4b5b-a489-810ba2ca2916",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Chocolate muffins with hot chocolate custard",
"description": "These classic cocoa puddings with a hot chocolate sauce contain just 215 calories each - and there's a lemon version too",
"author": "Good Food team",
"rattings": 4,
"ingredients": [
"1 tbsp cocoa powder",
"100g self-raising flour",
"\u00bd tsp bicarbonate of soda",
"50g golden caster sugar",
"100ml skimmed milk",
"1 egg",
"2 tbsp sunflower oil, plus extra for greasing ",
"2 x pots low-fat custard",
"25g dark chocolate, chopped"
"steps": [
"Heat oven to 160C/fan 140C/gas 3. Brush 6 holes of a muffin tin with a drop of oil. Sieve the cocoa into a large bowl, then add the rest of the dry ingredients. Stir to combine, then make a well in the centre.",
"Beat the milk, egg and oil together in a jug, pour into the well, then stir quickly to make a batter. Spoon into the muffin tin, then bake for 15 mins or until risen and firm to the touch. Heat the custard in the microwave according to instructions, or in a pan, then tip in the chopped chocolate and stir until smooth. Turn the puddings into bowls and pour the custard over."
"nutrients": {
"kcal": "215",
"fat": "8g",
"saturates": "2g",
"carbs": "32g",
"sugars": "17g",
"fibre": "1g",
"protein": "5g",
"salt": "0.59g"
"times": {
"Preparation": "10 mins",
"Cooking": "10 mins"
"serves": 6,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 60,
"subcategory": "Quick bakes",
"dish_type": "How to make muffins",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "36680a13-e92e-40c7-a57a-71f0b8c42dfd",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Maple-glazed blueberry muffins",
"description": "Give the classic blueberry muffin a makeover by adding a crisp maple-sugar glaze, which sets to a cracked crust",
"author": "Cassie Best",
"rattings": 4,
"ingredients": [
"250g plain flour",
"1 \u00bd tsp baking powder",
"1 tsp bicarbonate of soda",
"140g granulated sugar",
"100g unsalted butter, melted",
"50g buttermilk",
"2 large eggs",
"50g maple syrup, plus 11/2 tbsp for the topping",
"1 tsp vanilla extract",
"175g blueberries, plus extra for the top",
"3 tbsp icing sugar"
"steps": [
"Heat oven to 180C/160C fan/gas 4. Place the muffin cases in a muffin tray. In a large bowl, combine the flour, baking powder, bicarb, sugar and 1/2 tsp salt. Whisk the butter, buttermilk, eggs, maple syrup and vanilla extract in a jug. Pour the wet ingredients into the dry and add most of the blueberries. Stir briefly to just combine, but don\u2019t overmix or the muffins will be heavy.",
"Divide the mixture between the muffin cases (use an ice cream scoop if you have one) and bake for 22-25 mins until well risen and a skewer inserted into the centre comes out clean. Transfer to a wire rack.",
"Mix the remaining maple syrup and the icing sugar together with a pinch of salt until smooth. Brush the icing over each muffin while they are still warm. Dot a few blueberries on top of each one. Best eaten within a day or two."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "20 mins",
"Cooking": "25 mins"
"serves": 12,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 6,
"subcategory": "Quick bakes",
"dish_type": "How to make muffins",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "5e05a126-a90e-47f8-a5a6-0b9a1876e1f7",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Blood orange & poppy drizzle muffins",
"description": "These citrussy muffins are lovely and light, and make a delicious pudding served with ice cream or thick Greek yogurt",
"author": "Sarah Cook",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"5 tbsp light rapeseed or sunflower oil, plus a little extra for greasing",
"300g self-raising flour",
"175g golden caster sugar",
"1 tsp baking powder",
"2 tbsp poppy seeds",
"200ml milk",
"1 large egg",
"zest 2 blood orange, juice 2.5",
"140g granulated sugar"
"steps": [
"Heat oven to 200C/180C fan/gas 6 and lightly grease a 12-hole muffin tin. Mix together the flour, caster sugar, baking powder and poppy seeds in a large mixing bowl. In another bowl, whisk together the oil, milk, egg, and zest and juice from 1 of the oranges.",
"Working very quickly, pour the wet ingredients into the dry and barely mix together with a fork \u2013 the mixture should be lumpy, so don\u2019t overwork it. Spoon the mixture into the tins and bake for 10-12 mins until risen and browned.",
"While the muffins are baking, mix the remaining zest with the granulated sugar in a small bowl. Have the remaining blood orange juice ready too.",
"Leave the muffins to cool for 2 mins, then transfer to a wire rack. Again working quickly, pour the juices into the sugar mix and spoon some over each muffin, repeating until it is all used up. Leave to set for 5 mins before eating."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "20 mins",
"Cooking": "12 mins - 15 mins"
"serves": 12,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 9,
"subcategory": "Quick bakes",
"dish_type": "How to make muffins",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "5a54f2dc-b518-438b-b303-334e0bd75f94",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Gooseberry & custard pies",
"description": "Use slightly tart gooseberries in this summer dessert with a delicate vanilla custard and filo pastry",
"author": "Tom Kerridge",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"6 sheets filo pastry",
"50g butter, melted",
"2 tbsp golden caster sugar",
"vanilla ice cream, to serve (optional)",
"200g golden caster sugar",
"1 vanilla pod, split and seeds scraped out",
"500g gooseberries, topped and tailed",
"300ml double cream",
"300ml full-fat milk",
"2 vanilla pods, split and seeds scraped out",
"4 large egg yolks",
"50g golden caster sugar",
"20g plain flour",
"20g cornflour"
"steps": [
"First, make the compote. Put the sugar and vanilla pod with seeds in a saucepan with 3 tbsp water and bring to the boil. Try to gently swirl rather than stir. Drop in the gooseberries and simmer for 20 mins or until half the liquid has bubbled off. Divide between four small pie dishes and put in the fridge to cool while you make the custard.",
"Put the cream, milk and vanilla pods with seeds in a saucepan and bring just to the boil. Meanwhile, in a large bowl, whisk the egg yolks, sugar, flour and cornflour together. Pour the hot milk mixture over the egg mixture, whisking constantly. Rinse out the saucepan, then pour the custard mixture into the pan. Cook on a low heat, whisking, for 5-6 mins until thick. Pour through a sieve over a large jug and discard the vanilla pods, then pour the custard over the compote in the pie dishes. Leave to cool.",
"Heat oven to 180C/160C fan/gas 4. To make the pie lids, lay one sheet of the filo on the work surface and brush with the melted butter, then put another sheet on top. Repeat with the rest of the sheets. On the final layer, scatter over the sugar, then cut the pastry into four rectangles. Lightly scrunch each rectangle and place loosely on top of each pie dish. Bake the pies in the oven for 20 mins or until the pastry is golden and caramelised. Remove from the oven and serve."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "25 mins",
"Cooking": "50 mins"
"serves": 4,
"difficult": "More effort",
"vote_count": 1,
"subcategory": "Savoury pastries",
"dish_type": "Filo pastry recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "8bf41246-16d9-4054-9c97-a240c3451a88",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Runner bean samosas",
"description": "Runner beans work really well with spices and these curried filo triangles are the perfect showcase - a great starter or nibble for 6 people",
"author": "Tom Kerridge",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"1 small floury potato, peeled and halved",
"60ml vegetable oil",
"1 small onion, diced",
"4 garlic cloves, grated",
"1 tbsp mild curry powder",
"200g runner beans, topped, tailed and sliced, plus extra to serve",
"1 tbsp mango chutney",
"\u00bd small pack coriander, roughly chopped",
"6sheets filo pastry",
"natural yogurt, mixed with chopped mint and lime, to serve",
"1 tsp icing sugar",
"1 tbsp mild curry powder",
"1 tbsp onion seeds"
"steps": [
"Put the potato in a small saucepan, cover with cold water and bring to the boil. Simmer for 15 mins until completely cooked through, then mash and set aside.",
"Meanwhile, make the filling for the samosas. Heat a frying pan over a medium heat with 2 tsp of the oil and fry the onion for about 5 mins until starting to brown. Add the garlic, curry powder and beans, fry for 2 mins until they start to soften, then remove from the heat. Stir in the chutney, mashed potato and coriander, add a little seasoning and chill in the fridge for 15 mins.",
"Heat oven to 190C/170C fan/gas 5. To make the samosas, lay one filo sheet on a clean work surface. Brush the filo with a thin layer of oil, then fold in half lengthways with the short edge towards you. Keep the remaining pastry covered with a damp cloth so it doesn\u2019t dry out. Spoon a sixth of the cooled filling at one end of the strip, and leave a 2cm border. Take the right corner and fold diagonally to the left, enclosing the filling and forming a triangle. Fold again along the upper crease of the triangle. Keep folding in this way until you reach the end of the strip. Place on a baking tray lined with baking parchment. Repeat the process until all of the mix is used up.",
"Brush all the samosas with oil, then dust with icing sugar, curry powder and the onion seeds. Bake in the oven for 20 mins until deep golden brown, then serve with the flavoured yogurt and some chutney."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "30 mins",
"Cooking": "35 mins"
"serves": 6,
"difficult": "More effort",
"vote_count": 6,
"subcategory": "Savoury pastries",
"dish_type": "Filo pastry recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "8e3542d6-c1c2-4227-a51b-f4fdc4600868",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Prawn, pepper & chickpea filo pie",
"description": "Try a lighter version of a traditional pastry-topped pie, with a prawn, pepper & chickpea filling. The filo pastry also gives it an excellent crunch",
"author": "Ailsa Burt",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"1 tbsp olive oil, plus 1 tsp",
"1 onion, finely chopped",
"2 garlic cloves, crushed",
"1-2 tsp harissa, to taste",
"2 tbsp tomato pur\u00e9e",
"400g can chickpeas, drained and rinsed",
"300g raw king prawns",
"3 roasted red peppers from a jar, finely sliced",
"300ml vegetable stock",
"1 lemon, cut into wedges",
" small bunch of parsley, finely chopped",
"6 sheets of filo pastry"
"steps": [
"Heat the oven to 200C/180C fan/gas 6. Heat the 1 tsp of oil in an ovenproof pan over medium heat and add the onion and garlic. Cook gently for a few minutes until slightly softened. Stir in the harissa and tomato pur\u00e9e, and cook for 3 mins more. Tip in the chickpeas, prawns, peppers and stock.",
"Bring to a gentle simmer, then season, stir through a squeeze of lemon juice and the parsley. Ruffle the pastry sheets on top and brush over the remaining olive oil. Bake for 15 mins until golden and bubbling. Serve with lemon wedges."
"nutrients": {
"kcal": "291",
"fat": "7g",
"saturates": "1g",
"carbs": "36g",
"sugars": "5g",
"fibre": "7g",
"protein": "18g",
"salt": "1.3g"
"times": {
"Preparation": "10 mins",
"Cooking": "20 mins"
"serves": 4,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 2,
"subcategory": "Savoury pastries",
"dish_type": "Filo pastry recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "6a9126e9-b285-4421-815c-ae284d26300c",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Moroccan-spiced turkey pie",
"description": "Transform leftover turkey in this spiced filo pastry parcel, inspired by a Moroccan pastilla - a perfect main course for Boxing Day",
"author": "Chelsie Collins",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"2 tsp coriander seeds",
"2 tsp cumin seeds",
"pinch of ground cinnamon",
"2 tbsp olive oil",
"2 aubergines, cut into small dice",
"2 banana shallots, halved and sliced",
"2 tbsp harissa",
"2 peppers (any colours will do), deseeded and diced",
"227g can chopped tomatoes",
"1 chicken stock cube",
"500g leftover turkey (a mix of leg and breast is best), chopped",
"100g butter, melted, plus extra for greasing",
"250g pack (about 10 large sheets) filo pastry",
"25g flaked almonds"
"steps": [
"Heat a large non-stick pan over a medium heat and toast the coriander and cumin seeds for 1-2 mins until fragrant. Add the cinnamon, olive oil, aubergine and shallots. Coat the veg in the spices and cook on a medium-low heat for about 10 mins until the aubergine has softened slightly.",
"Add the harissa and peppers. Give everything a good stir, then add the tomatoes and crumble over the stock cube. Simmer, uncovered, for 20 mins until the veg is tender and the mixture is nice and thick.",
"Stir through the turkey meat and season well. Set aside to cool.",
"Heat oven to 200C/180C fan/gas 6 and grease a 23cm springform tin with a little butter. Lay two sheets of filo over the base of the tin and brush with the melted butter. Cross over another two layers of filo and brush again with butter. Repeat once more, then put the cooled filling in the centre. Using the remaining four pastry sheets, cover the filling and brush with more melted butter. Scrunch the top of the pie together and bake for 30-35 mins.",
"Remove from the oven and scatter the pie with the flaked almonds. Cook for a final 10 mins until the pie is golden and piping hot. Serve straight away."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "20 mins",
"Cooking": "1 hr and 15 mins"
"serves": 6,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 11,
"subcategory": "Savoury pastries",
"dish_type": "Filo pastry recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "679f9b4a-9e6e-490b-9fef-4cc186b6b96a",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Feta, herb & spring onion borek",
"description": "Try this classic borek for lunch or dinner, with crispy filo pastry and a tasty feta, herb and spring onion filling that doesn\u2019t require cooking in advance",
"author": "Melek Erdal",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"270g filo pastry",
"1 tbsp olive oil, plus extra for brushing",
"2 egg yolks (freeze the whites for another recipe)",
"a pinch each of nigella seeds and sesame seeds, to serve",
"250g feta",
"1 green bird's-eye chilli, finely chopped",
"3 medium spring onions, finely chopped",
"handful of coriander, finely chopped",
"handful of mint, finely chopped",
"handful of dill, finely chopped",
"6 tbsp olive oil",
"1 egg, beaten",
"50ml olive oil",
"70ml milk"
"steps": [
"Heat the oven to 200C/180C fan/gas 6. Prepare the filling first. Mash the feta in a bowl with the back of a fork. Add the chilli, spring onions, herbs and olive oil, then mix everything well using the fork.",
"For the sauce, whisk the beaten egg with the olive oil and milk in a small bowl until fully combined.",
"Lay the filo sheets on a clean work surface and cover with a clean, damp cloth to ensure they don\u2019t dry out as you work. Brush the base of a shallow 20cm round ovenproof dish with some olive oil.",
"Layer six sheets of filo in the bottom of the dish, overlapping them by about 45 degrees and fanning them out, also ensuring that half of each sheet covers the base while the other half overhangs the dish. Between each addition, liberally brush the sheets with the sauce. The entire base should be covered with the filo, and the filo generously basted in the sauce.",
"Tip in all the filling, then fold the overhanging filo over the filling to enclose it, brushing the sheets with more sauce as you do. Cover the top with a final sheet of filo, but don\u2019t brush this with the sauce.",
"Whisk the egg yolks with the 1 tbsp olive oil and brush this on top of the borek. Sprinkle with the sesame and nigella seeds and bake for 30 mins until golden brown."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "30 mins",
"Cooking": "30 mins"
"serves": 6,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 1,
"subcategory": "Savoury pastries",
"dish_type": "Filo pastry recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "f7c43ff3-986d-41f7-ab41-0334e2466bb4",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Spinach filo spiral pie",
"description": "These impressive-looking spinach filo spirals are deceptively easy to make. A take on Greek spanakopita, serve with a side salad for a weekend lunch",
"author": "Janine Ratcliffe",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"300g baby spinach",
"50g salted butter, melted, plus a knob for frying",
"1 large onion, finely chopped",
"200g feta, crumbled",
"7 shop-bought filo sheets",
"1 tbsp nigella seeds"
"steps": [
"Heat a large non-stick pan over a medium heat. Tip in the spinach and cook, stirring, until wilted (you won\u2019t need any oil or water as it will steam in its own moisture). Leave to cool a little, then tip into a clean tea towel and squeeze out as much water as possible. Chop and put in a bowl.",
"Heat the knob of butter in a non-stick frying pan. Add the onion and cook for about 10 mins until softened. Tip into the bowl with the spinach, then stir in the feta using a fork until fully combined. Taste for seasoning.",
"Heat the oven to 190C/170C fan/gas 5. Brush a 24 x 4cm deep metal pie dish with some of the butter.",
"Lay a filo sheet on your work surface. Brush with some of the melted butter, then spread about 2 tbsp of the filling in a line along the longest edge of the pastry. Roll loosely into a long sausage (don\u2019t roll it too tight as this might cause the pastry to split), then coil the pastry and put in the centre of the tin.",
"Repeat with the rest of the pastry and filling, arranging the coils around the central one. Brush the tops with more butter, then sprinkle with the nigella seeds. Bake for 25-30 mins until golden and crisp."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "30 mins",
"Cooking": "25 mins"
"serves": 4,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 5,
"subcategory": "Savoury pastries",
"dish_type": "Filo pastry recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "1d028dfc-bd6e-44cb-ba12-6896b043ef53",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Sticky tamarind tomato & spinach whirl",
"description": "Try this riff on a Greek spanakopita. With a sticky-sweet, spiced and tangy twist, it's a spectacular veggie centrepiece for any special occasion",
"author": "Shivi Ramoutar",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"300g cherry tomatoes, halved",
"4 small garlic cloves, sliced",
"2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil",
"4 tbsp tamarind paste",
"1 tsp sugar",
"1 leek, halved and finely sliced",
"5 spring onions, finely sliced",
"300g spinach, wilted, excess water squeezed out and roughly chopped",
"400g feta, crumbled",
"3 large eggs, beaten",
"2 tbsp finely chopped coriander leaves, plus a few leaves to serve",
"1 tbsp smoked paprika",
"6 filo pastry sheets",
"100g unsalted butter, melted",
"1 tsp chilli flakes"
"steps": [
"Heat the oven to 160C/140C fan/gas 3. Mix the tomatoes, garlic, half the oil, tamarind and sugar together, along with a generous pinch of seasoning. Tip onto a baking tray and put in the oven for 25-30 mins or until sticky and roasted. Leave to cool a little.",
"Heat the remaining oil in a large frying pan over a medium heat, then add the leek and spring onions, stirring occasionally until softened, about 10 mins. Leave to cool completely, then tip into a bowl and mix with the spinach, feta, roasted tomatoes, eggs, coriander, smoked paprika and seasoning.",
"Heat the oven to 200C/180C/gas 6. Brush a sheet of filo with melted butter, then lay another sheet on top and brush with butter again, keeping the rest of the filo covered with a clean, damp tea towel to stop it drying out, Spoon a third of the filling along the long side of the rectangle and gently roll into a long tube. Repeat this two more times until you have used all the filo and filling. In a round pie dish, or round ovenproof pan, carefully coil the three filo rolls from the outside of the dish in towards the middle, so you end up with a large spiral. Don\u2019t worry if it cracks a bit \u2013 you can layer the filo to cover any cracks. Brush the whole spiral with more butter, sprinkle over the chilli flakes and bake for 50-60 mins until deep, golden brown. Scatter over the extra coriander to serve."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "40 mins",
"Cooking": "1 hr and 30 mins"
"serves": 8,
"difficult": "More effort",
"vote_count": 4,
"subcategory": "Savoury pastries",
"dish_type": "Filo pastry recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "dc9bcc54-8a52-4fa3-896a-39350160d391",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Lighter spanakopita",
"description": "This traditional Greek spinach and feta cheese pie gets a healthier makeover - we've slashed the fat, salt and calories",
"author": "Angela Nilsen",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"500g fresh spinach",
"3 tbsp rapeseed oil",
"1 shallot, finely chopped",
"6 spring onions, ends trimmed, finely chopped",
"2 garlic cloves, finely chopped",
"generous pinch of ground nutmeg",
"200g ricotta",
"1 large egg, beaten",
"2 tbsp chopped dill, plus 1 rounded tsp",
"2 tbsp snipped chives",
"2 tsp chopped mint",
"5 sheets filo pastry (each about 46 x 25cm and about 250g total weight)",
"100g feta",
"minted yogurt dip (see tip), to serve (optional)",
"tomato, cucumber & pepper salad (see tip), to serve (optional)"
"steps": [
"Pack the spinach into a large heatproof bowl. Pour boiling water over and press the spinach down with a wooden spoon. Leave for 1 min to wilt, stirring a couple of times so all the leaves are submerged. Tip into a large colander and place under running cold water to cool quickly. Drain well \u2013 squeeze out any excess water by pressing the spinach down with the wooden spoon, then squeezing with your hands. Using kitchen paper, pat the spinach dry into a compact shape, lay it on a board and roughly chop, then set aside.",
"Heat 2 tsp of the oil in a large non-stick frying pan. Add the shallot, spring onions and garlic, and fry over a high-ish heat for 3-4 mins, stirring often, until softened and just starting to brown. Lower the heat, tip in the spinach and stir for 1 min only to finish drying. Season with pepper and a good pinch of nutmeg, and leave to cool.",
"Heat oven to 190C/170C fan/gas 5 and put a baking sheet in to heat up. In a bowl, stir the ricotta into the beaten egg and mix in the 2 tbsp dill, the chives and mint. Season with pepper and a pinch of salt.",
"Lightly oil a 20cm square x 4cm deep cake tin. Mix the remaining oil with the 1 rounded tsp dill. Lay the filo pastry sheets on a large board. Brush the top one with a little of the dill oil, then carefully lower it into the tin to line the base and 2 of the sides, with an overhang on both sides. The pastry doesn\u2019t have to fit in smoothly \u2013 a few wrinkles and folds in it are fine. Brush a bit more oil over the second pastry sheet and this time lay it down in the tin the other way round, so it drapes over and lines the base and the other 2 sides. The tin should now be completely covered, with a pastry overhang all round. Repeat the criss-cross layering with 2 more oiled filo sheets.",
"Stir the ricotta mixture into the spinach, then crumble in the feta. Lightly stir it in so you leave a few chunky pieces. Spoon this filling into the lined tin and level it. Bring the pastry sides up and over the filling, then brush a little oil over them. Brush the remainder of the oil over the last filo sheet on the board. Cut the sheet in half widthways and lay one half over at a time, in big folds, to cover the filling and give you a pastry topping.",
"Place the tin on the heated baking sheet and bake for 25-30 mins until the pastry is crisp and golden. Leave to cool for 10-15 mins. Remove the tin and transfer to a serving plate. If your tin doesn\u2019t have a loose bottom, carefully upturn it onto a flat board, then flip it over onto the serving plate. Serve warm or cold with minted yogurt dip and a tomato, cucumber & pepper salad (see below), if you like."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "1 hr",
"Cooking": "30 mins - 35 mins"
"serves": 6,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 20,
"subcategory": "Savoury pastries",
"dish_type": "Filo pastry recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "ff00f97b-a526-45c6-be8f-16cf247037f5",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Summer herb & feta pies",
"description": "These little filo pastry parcels are packed with a cheese, basil, mint and watercress filling - perfect for a picnic",
"author": "Mary Cadogan",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"large bunch watercress",
"good handful basil, roughly chopped",
"good handful mint, roughly chopped",
"4 spring onions, roughly chopped",
"2 large eggs",
"freshly grated nutmeg",
"100g feta, cut into small cubes",
"85g artichoke hearts in oil from a jar, drained and chopped",
"50g butter",
"270g pack filo pastry sheets",
"2 tbsp freshly grated parmesan (or vegetarian alternative)",
"Garden tomato salad, optional - see Goes well with"
"steps": [
"Heat oven to 200C/180C fan/gas 6. Remove any thick stalks from the watercress, then chop the rest and put in a food processor with the herbs and spring onions. Blitz for a few secs, then add the eggs, nutmeg and some seasoning, and blitz again briefly \u2013 you don\u2019t want too fine a chop. Tip the mixture into a bowl and stir in the feta and artichokes.",
"Melt the butter and unwrap the filo sheets. Cut them into 12-13cm squares through the layers \u2013 you may have too much pastry but the leftovers can be re-wrapped and saved for another recipe . Stack 4 squares of pastry on top of each other, brushing lightly with butter as you go, offsetting each square to get a star shape all round the edge. Continue until you have 8 stacks.",
"Press each stack into a deep-hole muffin tin and fill with the feta mixture. Fold over the pastry to enclose the filling, pinching it together. Brush the tops with the remaining butter and sprinkle with Parmesan. Bake for 25 mins until the pastry is golden and crisp. Leave to cool for a few mins, then remove the tins and cool completely on a wire rack. Pack into a plastic container to take to the picnic and serve with a tomato salad, if you like."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "25 mins",
"Cooking": "25 mins"
"serves": 8,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 3,
"subcategory": "Savoury pastries",
"dish_type": "Filo pastry recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "fc9bcba3-d246-4430-a5d6-7b41269aa598",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Sausage, apple & sage roll",
"description": "Crispy filo pastry filled with sausagemeat, sage and chunks of juicy apple makes a simple yet tasty weeknight supper",
"author": "Justine Pattison",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"1 tbsp sunflower oil",
"1 medium onion, finely chopped",
"1 small eating apple, peeled, cored and cut into 1.5cm chunks",
"3 sheets filo pastry",
"454g pack extra-lean pork sausages",
"1 tbsp finely chopped sage",
"bag of mixed salad leaves, to serve"
"steps": [
"Heat oven to 200C/180C fan/gas 6. Line a large baking tray with baking parchment. Heat 1 tsp of the oil in a small non-stick saucepan and gently fry the onion and apple for 6-8 mins, stirring regularly, until softened and lightly browned. Leave to cool for 5 mins.",
"Place 1 sheet of pastry on your work surface, with the short end closest to you, and brush lightly with oil. Place another sheet on top, but off-set roughly 6cm to the right, and brush with a little more oil. Top with the final sheet, off-set another 6cm to the right. The pastry rectangle should be roughly 40 x 45cm.",
"Squeeze the sausagemeat from the skins into a large bowl. Add the onion, apple and sage, and mix well. Form the pork mixture into a large sausage shape and place across the pastry, about 8cm in from one short end and 8cm from each side.",
"Fold up the bottom of the pastry until it begins to cover the filling, then fold in the sides. Roll the pastry from the bottom, gently but firmly, to enclose the filling. Place on the baking tray and brush with the remaining oil. Bake for 30 mins or until the filling is cooked and the pastry is golden brown and crisp. Serve with mixed salad leaves."
"nutrients": {
"kcal": "280",
"fat": "7g",
"saturates": "2g",
"carbs": "30g",
"sugars": "6g",
"fibre": "4g",
"protein": "21g",
"salt": "1.7g"
"times": {
"Preparation": "20 mins",
"Cooking": "40 mins"
"serves": 4,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 4,
"subcategory": "Savoury pastries",
"dish_type": "Filo pastry recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "b7deb656-8d0d-4c30-9991-1a3b170fe4cf",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Baklava cake",
"description": "Try a twist on baklava by turning the classic nutty filo pastry dessert into a cake. It makes a spectacular centrepiece that's perfect for a celebration",
"author": "Athina Rich",
"rattings": 4,
"ingredients": [
"100g plain flour",
"1 tbsp baking powder",
"100g fine semolina",
"1 tsp ground cinnamon",
"60g walnuts",
"60g pistachios",
"4 large eggs, separated",
"100g caster sugar",
"150g butter, melted",
"8 sheets of filo pastry",
"400g caster sugar",
"80g honey",
"1-2 tbsp rosewater",
"1 cinnamon stick",
"chopped walnuts and pistachios, edible rose petals and whipped cream flavoured with rosewater"
"steps": [
"Tip the flour, baking powder, semolina and cinnamon into a large bowl. Put the nuts in a food processor and blitz until coarsely chopped.",
"Beat the egg whites using an electric whisk or stand mixer on a high speed until stiff and slowly add half of the sugar. Reduce the speed to medium and beat for about 5 mins until the meringue is nice and firm, then set aside. Beat the egg yolks on a high speed, gradually adding the remaining 50g of sugar. When all the sugar is incorporated, beat for about 10 mins on a high speed until pale in colour and doubled in volume.",
"Gently fold the egg whites into the egg yolk mixture, then add the nut and flour mixtures and carefully fold in. Set aside. Heat the oven to 200C/180C fan/gas 6.",
"For the filo layers, use some of the melted butter to brush the inside of a 23cm bundt tin. Lay the sheets of filo on a board and cut them in half down the middle to give you 16 strips. Take eight strips, keeping the rest covered, and brush one at a time with more butter. Arrange in the tin, making sure the inside of the ring is covered, with overhang. Repeat with the remaining filo.",
"Dollop the cake batter evenly into the tin. Fold the overhanging filo strips inwards to cover the cake mixture, trimming off the excess. Brush the top of the filo with more butter, then prick all over using the point of a sharp knife. Bake for 25 mins or until golden. When a skewer is inserted it should come out clean with no sticky crumbs.",
"Meanwhile, make the syrup. Put the sugar, honey, rosewater, cinnamon stick and 300ml water in a saucepan. Bring to the boil over a high heat, then reduce the heat to medium and simmer for 5 mins. Do not stir.",
"Pour half of the hot syrup over the baklava cake as soon as it comes out of the oven. Leave the cake to cool completely before removing it from the tin, carefully turning it out onto a lined baking sheet. Poke the top of the cake with a skewer. Return it to the oven for approximately 15 mins or until the filo is crispy and golden. Meanwhile, reheat the remaining syrup, then pour over the cake when it comes out of the oven. Leave to cool or come to room temperature before serving.",
"Pipe rosettes of rosewater cream on top and sprinkle with chopped walnuts, pistachios and edible rose petals, if you like. Will keep for three days in the fridge."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "40 mins",
"Cooking": "40 mins"
"serves": 10,
"difficult": "More effort",
"vote_count": 4,
"subcategory": "Savoury pastries",
"dish_type": "Filo pastry recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "e1155b70-9836-481e-8e3c-289c6f84d7ed",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Veggie spiral pie with spiced tomato sauce & chopped salad",
"description": "Rice, feta and spinach make the filling for a savoury twist on the Moroccan dish M'hanncha - perfect for entertaining outdoors",
"author": "Cassie Best",
"rattings": 4,
"ingredients": [
"1 tbsp cumin seeds",
"1 tbsp coriander seeds",
"3 tbsp olive or rapeseed oil",
"2 onions, halved and thinly sliced",
"100g green lentils",
"300g basmati rice",
"4 garlic cloves, crushed",
"1 nutmeg",
"\u00bd tsp ground turmeric",
"\u00bd tsp allspice",
"400g spinach",
"small bunch dill, finely chopped",
"small bunch parsley, finely chopped",
"small bunch mint, finely chopped",
"zest 2 lemon, plus juice of 1",
"200g pack feta (check pack label to find a vegetarian brand), crumbled",
"2 x 270g packs filo pastry (12 sheets in total)",
"100g butter, melted",
"1 egg, beaten",
"1 tsp black sesame seed (or regular sesame seeds)",
"Greek yogurt, to serve",
"2 x cans chopped tomato",
"1 tbsp red wine vinegar",
"2 tsp sugar (any will do)",
"1 tsp ground cinnamon",
"2 tbsp olive oil",
"1 cucumber",
"1 onion, finely chopped",
"2 large tomatoes, finely chopped",
"handful parsley, chopped",
"1 tbsp red wine vinegar",
"2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil"
"steps": [
"Heat a large saucepan, tip in the cumin and coriander seeds and toast for a few mins until you can smell their fragrance and they turn a shade darker, then tip into a pestle and mortar. Add the oil to the pan, then tip in the onions and cook slowly until golden and caramelised \u2013 this will take 15-20 mins. Meanwhile, bring 2 pans of water to the boil. Add the lentils to 1 pan and cook for 20 mins. Put the rice and a pinch of salt in the other pan and cook for 5 mins (it should still have a little bite). Drain both pans, and leave the lentils and rice to steam-dry.",
"Boil the kettle. Stir the garlic into the onions and cook for 1-2 mins over a low heat. Grind the whole spices in the pestle and mortar to a fine powder and add these to the onion mixture. Grate half of the nutmeg and add to the onions with the turmeric and allspice.",
"Put the spinach in a colander in the sink, pour over a kettle of boiling water, then rinse under cold water. Use your hands to squeeze out as much liquid as possible. Finely chop the spinach and add to the onions with the herbs, lemon zest and juice and the rice, lentils and plenty of seasoning. Leave to cool before stirring through the feta.",
"To assemble the pie, you\u2019ll need plenty of space on your work surface \u2013 about 1 metre. Unwrap the filo and cover with a damp tea towel. Have your bowls of melted butter and beaten egg to hand, as well as a pastry brush for each. Working quickly, lay 4 sheets of filo end to end, running along the length of your work surface, and butter each piece generously, overlapping each sheet by about 10cm. Top with another 4 sheets, butter well, then repeat with 3 final sheets of filo (save the last one to cover any cracks later on.)",
"Spoon the rice filling down the centre of the filo, leaving 5cm free on either end. Brush the egg around the edges and tuck the ends in to cover the filling. Starting from one end, roll the filo over the filling, working your way along until you have a long filo sausage. From one end, start to coil the sausage back on itself \u2013 if the pastry cracks, patch it over the hole with your reserved piece of filo. When the coil is complete, slide onto a tray lined with baking parchment, brush the top with beaten egg and sprinkle over the sesame seeds. You can now cover it loosely with cling film and chill for up to 24 hrs.",
"When you\u2019re ready to bake, heat oven to 200C/180C fan/gas 6. Place the pie on the middle shelf and bake for 45 mins until golden and crisp. Meanwhile, tip the ingredients for the tomato sauce into a pan, season and bubble for 30 mins until rich and thick.",
"For the salad, halve the cucumber through the centre, then cut in half lengthways and chop into small cubes. Put in a bowl, add the remaining ingredients and season well. Set aside until ready to serve.",
"Leave the pie to cool for 20 mins before serving with the sauce, salad and a large bowl of yogurt."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "50 mins",
"Cooking": "1 hr and 30 mins"
"serves": 8,
"difficult": "A challenge",
"vote_count": 8,
"subcategory": "Savoury pastries",
"dish_type": "Filo pastry recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "41d0961a-ed1d-4c39-96aa-5adece8fa912",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Samosa pie",
"description": "Cover spiced lamb mince, stewed potato and peas with crispy filo pastry for a low-fat, Indian-inspired dinner",
"author": "Katy Greenwood",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"2-3 tbsp vegetable oil",
"1 onion, chopped",
"500g lamb mince",
"2 garlic cloves, finely chopped",
"2 tbsp curry powder",
"1 large sweet potato (about 300g), peeled and grated",
"100g frozen peas",
"handful coriander, roughly chopped",
"juice 0.5 lemon",
"3-4 sheets filo pastry",
"1 tsp cumin seeds"
"steps": [
"Heat oven to 180C/160C fan/gas 4. Heat 1 tbsp of the oil in a frying pan. Cook the onion and mince for about 5 mins until the meat is browned. Stir in the garlic, curry powder, sweet potato and 300ml water. Cook for 5-8 mins until the potato has softened. Stir in the peas, coriander and a squeeze of lemon juice, then season.",
"Spoon the mixture into a baking dish. Brush the sheets of filo with the remaining oil and scrunch over the top of the mince. Sprinkle with cumin seeds and bake for 10-15 mins or until the top is crisp."
"nutrients": {
"kcal": "308",
"fat": "9g",
"saturates": "2g",
"carbs": "43g",
"sugars": "14g",
"fibre": "8g",
"protein": "9g",
"salt": "0.4g"
"times": {
"Preparation": "5 mins",
"Cooking": "30 mins"
"serves": 4,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 30,
"subcategory": "Savoury pastries",
"dish_type": "Filo pastry recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "39d9058a-638b-4abb-b632-93687a0ff4b2",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Jumbo turkey samosas",
"description": "Use up leftover cooked potatoes and turkey in these spiced filo pastry parcels, then serve with tangy mango chutney",
"author": "Cassie Best",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"3 tbsp curry paste (we used korma)",
"2 tbsp mango chutney, plus extra to serve",
"2 tbsp natural yogurt from a 150g pot (serve the remainder)",
"200g leftover cooked potatoes (roasted or boiled are fine), chopped into small chunks",
"250g cooked turkey or chicken, chopped into small pieces",
"250g frozen peas",
"bunch coriander, chopped, plus a few leaves picked to serve",
"270g pack filo pastry (6 sheets)",
"4 tbsp vegetable oil",
"1 egg, beaten",
"1 tbsp sesame seeds"
"steps": [
"In a large bowl, combine the curry paste, mango chutney and 2 tbsp yogurt, and mix well. Fold in the potatoes, turkey, peas and coriander, then season well.",
"Heat oven to 200C/180C fan/gas 6. Cut the sheets of filo in half lengthways so you have 12 strips \u2013 keep the pastry covered with a tea towel while you work so it doesn\u2019t dry out. Layer up 3 sheets of filo, brushing a little oil between each sheet. Pile a quarter of the filling in the top corner of the pastry in a triangle shape. Fold the pastry over to encase the filling, then keep folding until the parcel is sealed and the filo is used up. Brush the final edge with a little beaten egg to help stick the pastry together. Repeat to make all 4 jumbo samosas.",
"Lay your samosas on a baking sheet and brush each one with more beaten egg, then sprinkle with sesame seeds. Bake for 35 mins or until the samosas are golden brown and the filling is piping hot. Serve with the remaining yogurt, some mango chutney and coriander leaves."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "25 mins",
"Cooking": "35 mins"
"serves": 4,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 6,
"subcategory": "Savoury pastries",
"dish_type": "Filo pastry recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "0e72aac4-2b81-45c4-b946-e07775cdb4b6",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Mincemeat samosas",
"description": "Give mince pies a makeover with this alternative recipe - all the festive flavour wrapped up in sheets of filo pastry and baked until crisp",
"author": "Good Food team",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"1 cooking apple, peeled, cored and finely chopped",
"zest and juice 1 orange",
"50g dried ready-to-eat apricots, chopped",
"25g shelled pistachios",
"50g dried cranberries",
"175g sultanas",
"1 tsp cinnamon",
"\u00bd tsp grated nutmeg",
"2 tbsp brandy",
"1 tbsp clear honey",
"50g butter, melted and kept warm",
"6 sheets filo pastry (270g pack)",
"icing sugar, to decorate"
"steps": [
"Mix together the fruit, dried fruit, nuts, spices and brandy. Leave the mixture in the fridge for 30 mins to allow the flavours to develop, then stir in the honey. Heat oven to 200C/180C fan/gas 6. Arrange the filo sheets with the short side facing you and, using scissors, cut the stack in 3 vertically, to make long strips. Brush the top 3 strips with melted butter.",
"Working quickly, put 1 heaped spoonful of mincemeat at the top of the first strip. Fold one corner of the pastry over it to form a triangle, then continue folding alternately left and right to form a triangular package, until you\u2019ve used up all the strip. Repeat with the other strips, brushing with butter before folding.",
"Place on a baking sheet and brush each one with more melted butter. Bake for 15-20 mins until crisp and golden. Dust with icing sugar and serve warm (reheat later in a low oven if necessary)."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "1 hr and 30 mins",
"Cooking": "15 mins - 20 mins"
"serves": 18,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 2,
"subcategory": "Savoury pastries",
"dish_type": "Filo pastry recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "2c9c4017-5822-478b-9907-6f4baf749060",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Thai turkey filo dippers",
"description": "Fill filo pastry parcels with turkey or chicken mince, spring onions and ginger for a buffet nibble or party canap\u00e9 similar to a spring roll",
"author": "Justine Pattison",
"rattings": 4,
"ingredients": [
"3 sheets filo pastry, each about 24 x 48cm",
"4 tbsp sunflower oil",
"1 \u00bd tsp sesame seeds (optional)",
"Thai sweet chilli dipping sauce, to serve",
"250g turkey or chicken mince",
"6 spring onions, trimmed and finely sliced",
"25g piece fresh ginger, peeled and finely grated",
"2 garlic cloves, crushed",
"1 tbsp Thai red curry paste",
"1 tbsp Thai fish sauce (Nam pla)",
"2 lime leaves, very finely sliced"
"steps": [
"To make the filling, mix all the ingredients in a small bowl until thoroughly combined. Cut each sheet of filo pastry into 4 evenly sized rectangles. Make a pile of 12 rectangles and cover with a damp tea towel to stop them drying out.",
"Brush 1 of the rectangles lightly with oil. With one of the shortest sides facing you, spoon 1 level tbsp of the filling across the pastry 2cm up from the bottom of the rectangle and around 1cm in from both sides. Form into a sausage shape. Fold in the bottom over the filling, then fold in the 2 long sides all the way up the rectangle. Roll up from the short side close to you, fully enclosing the filling.",
"Place on a baking tray lined with baking parchment. Repeat as above to make a further 11 filo rolls. Brush with more oil and sprinkle with sesame seeds, if using. Can be covered with cling film at this stage and kept in the fridge for up to 8 hrs before baking.",
"Heat oven to 200C/180C fan/gas 6. Bake the dippers for 10-15 mins or until the pastry is light golden brown and the filling is cooked thoroughly. Serve with Thai sweet chilli dipping sauce."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "30 mins",
"Cooking": "15 mins"
"serves": 12,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 9,
"subcategory": "Savoury pastries",
"dish_type": "Filo pastry recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "dff0c72b-2a55-43a4-923f-68b211e1e316",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Aubergine, tomato & feta baklava",
"description": "This impressive make-ahead vegetarian dish layers up a spiced veggie filling with crispy filo pastry - perfect with a light salad",
"author": "Maria Elia",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"100ml olive oil, plus extra for brushing",
"2 onions, halved and finely sliced",
"500g aubergine, cut into long 5mm thick slices",
"2 garlic cloves, finely chopped",
"2 tsp ground cinnamon",
"5 tbsp tomato pur\u00e9e",
"10 vine-ripened plum tomatoes, skinned and roughly chopped",
"pinch of sugar",
"1 bunch dill, finely chopped",
"2 tsp dried mint",
"dash of red wine vinegar",
"1 pack filo pastry (14 sheets)",
"100g butter, melted",
"100g medjool dates, stoned and finely sliced",
"50g flaked almonds",
"200g feta, crumbled",
"6 tbsp clear honey",
"houmous, to serve",
"dressed green leaves, to serve",
"parsley, to serve",
"chopped Kalamata olives, to serve"
"steps": [
"Heat the olive oil in a large heavy-based pan over a low heat and saut\u00e9 the onions until softened and sticky \u2013 this can take up to 30 mins.",
"Meanwhile, heat a griddle pan until very hot. Brush a few of the aubergine slices with a little oil, sprinkle with sea salt and cook over a high heat until well charred and cooked through, 5-7 mins, turning halfway through cooking. Lift onto kitchen paper and cook the remaining slices.",
"Add the garlic, cinnamon and tomato pur\u00e9e to the onions and cook for a further 2 mins. Add the tomatoes, sugar, dill, mint, vinegar and a generous pinch of sea salt. Reduce the heat to a simmer and cook for 10-15 mins until thickened. Adjust the seasoning to taste and allow to cool. Can be made up to 2 days ahead.",
"Heat oven to 180C/160C fan/gas 4. Unfold the pastry and cover with a damp cloth to prevent it drying out. Brush a baking tray (about 30 x 20cm) with melted butter. Line the tray with a sheet of filo (cut to fit if too big), brush with butter and repeat until you have a 6-layer thickness. Spread half the tomato mixture over the pastry, top with half each of the dates, almonds and feta, and cover with half of the aubergine slices. Sandwich another 4 layers of filo together with melted butter and place on top of the aubergines. Top with the remaining tomato mixture, dates, feta and aubergines. Sandwich the remaining 4 filo sheets together as before and place on top.",
"Lightly score the top, cutting into diamonds about 5 x 10cm. Brush with the remaining butter, splash with a little water and cook for 35-45 mins or until golden. Leave to cool a little before serving, then drizzle each portion with a little honey. Serve with houmous and a bowl of mixed green leaves, dressed with olive oil and lemon juice, with flat-leaf parsley leaves and chopped Kalamata olives."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "5 mins",
"Cooking": "2 hrs"
"serves": 4,
"difficult": "More effort",
"vote_count": 12,
"subcategory": "Savoury pastries",
"dish_type": "Filo pastry recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "f0dc7410-64ee-4860-b7a0-bc915551b84e",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Crispy filo tart with seasonal veg",
"description": "This light, zesty tart is packed with asparagus, courgette, herbs and feta. Best served al fresco",
"author": "Cassie Best",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"3 tbsp olive or rapeseed oil",
"6-8 sheets filo pastry",
"50g dried breadcrumb",
"100g asparagus, sliced in half lengthways if very thick",
"2 courgettes or 300g baby courgettes (or a mixture), sliced",
"6 large eggs",
"zest 2 lemons",
"small handful parsley, mint or basil (or a mixture), roughly chopped",
"200g cr\u00e8me fra\u00eeche",
"200g block feta cheese, crumbled",
"handful small salad leaves or herbs, such as baby chard or pea shoots (optional)"
"steps": [
"Heat oven to 180C/160C fan/gas 4 and pop in a baking sheet to heat up. Use a little of the oil to lightly grease an 18 x 25cm tart tin (ours was 3cm deep). Line the tin with a few strips of baking parchment \u2013 this will help you to lift out the tart later.",
"Unfold the pastry, but keep it covered with a damp tea towel as you work to prevent it from drying out. Taking 1 sheet at a time, brush each piece well with oil, then use to line your tart tin, leaving a little pastry hanging over the edges. Sprinkle a thin layer of breadcrumbs between each layer of pastry as you go \u2013 this will help to keep the pastry crisp. When you get to the final layer, brush with a little extra oil and scrunch the edges together to create a pretty border.",
"Toss the asparagus and courgettes with seasoning and the remaining oil and tip onto a baking tray. Place the pastry case on the top shelf of the oven, with the veg on the shelf below and cook for 10 mins.",
"Remove the veg from the oven. Brush the tart with a little beaten egg and bake for a further 5 mins until the pastry is golden brown and crunchy.",
"Whisk the remaining egg with the lemon zest, herbs, cr\u00e8me fra\u00eeche and seasoning. Lay half the veg in the bottom of the pastry case and add half the feta. Pour over the egg mixture, then top with the remaining veg and feta. Bake for 40 mins until the filling has set. Remove from the oven and leave to cool. Serve with a grinding of black pepper and scattered with small salad leaves or herbs, if you like."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "25 mins",
"Cooking": "50 mins"
"serves": 6,
"difficult": "More effort",
"vote_count": 9,
"subcategory": "Savoury pastries",
"dish_type": "Filo pastry recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "5677ffe4-7621-45e0-abf0-987e2d6d934c",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Griddled vegetable & feta tart",
"description": "Crispy filo pastry makes a light base for a vegetarian tart filled with Mediterranean veg and feta",
"author": "Lucy Netherton",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"2 tbsp olive oil",
"1 aubergine, sliced",
"2 courgettes, sliced",
"2 red onions, cut into chunky wedges",
"3 large sheets filo pastry",
"10-12 cherry tomatoes, halved",
"drizzle of balsamic vinegar",
"85g feta cheese, crumbled",
"1 tsp dried oregano",
"large bag mixed salad leaves and low-fat dressing, to serve"
"steps": [
"Heat oven to 220C/200C fan/gas 7. Pop 33 x 23cm baking tray in the oven to heat up. Brush a griddle pan with about 1 tsp of the oil and griddle the aubergines until nicely charred, then remove. Repeat with the courgettes and onions, using a little more oil if you need to.",
"Remove the tray from the oven and brush with a little oil. Brush a large sheet of filo with oil, top with another sheet, add a little more oil and repeat with the final sheet. Transfer the pastry to the hot tray, pushing it into the edges a little.",
"Arrange the griddled veg on top, then season. Add the tomatoes, cut-side up, then drizzle on the vinegar and any remaining oil. Crumble on the feta and sprinkle with oregano. Cook for about 20 mins until crispy and golden. Serve with the dressed mixed salad leaves."
"nutrients": {
"kcal": "191",
"fat": "9g",
"saturates": "3g",
"carbs": "19g",
"sugars": "8g",
"fibre": "5g",
"protein": "8g",
"salt": "0.5g"
"times": {
"Preparation": "10 mins",
"Cooking": "40 mins"
"serves": 4,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 29,
"subcategory": "Savoury pastries",
"dish_type": "Filo pastry recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "5135dea7-0b48-4697-9e44-0393a0cf556d",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Pear, chocolate & marzipan strudel",
"description": "Prepare ahead and freeze this rich filo pastry pud, then cook from frozen for the perfect fuss-free seasonal dessert",
"author": "Good Food team",
"rattings": 4,
"ingredients": [
"85g butter, melted, plus a little extra",
"5 pears, peeled, cored and chopped",
"4 tbsp light muscovado sugar, plus extra for sprinkling",
"1 tbsp Disaronno (optional)",
"100g ginger biscuit, crushed",
"1 tsp ground cinnamon",
"100g dark chocolate, broken into chunks",
"100g marzipan, chopped into small pieces",
"250g pack filo pastry (at least 6 sheets)",
"icing sugar and cream, to serve"
"steps": [
"Melt a knob of butter in a large frying pan, add the pears and 1 tbsp sugar, and cook for 5 mins. Tip into a bowl and leave to cool. Then add the Disaronno (if using), biscuits, cinnamon, chocolate, marzipan, and 2 tbsp sugar and mix well.",
"Line a tray with baking parchment. Lay a sheet of filo on it, brush with melted butter and sprinkle with a little sugar. Top with a second sheet of filo and keep going until you\u2019ve used all the pastry. Pile the filling down one of the long sides of the pastry, then roll it up to form a sausage. Make sure it is seam-side down, then tuck the ends under tightly. Roll up in the parchment, wrap tightly in foil and freeze.",
"Heat oven to 200C/180C fan/gas 6. Put a tray in the oven to heat. Unwrap the strudel and place, seam-side down and still on its parchment, onto the tray. Brush with melted butter and sprinkle over 1 tbsp sugar. Bake for 35-40 mins, or until golden and crisp. Leave to cool for 10 mins, then dust with icing sugar."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "25 mins",
"Cooking": "45 mins"
"serves": 6,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 6,
"subcategory": "Savoury pastries",
"dish_type": "Filo pastry recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "46861a5c-8efc-422e-a6a9-42b90b7461cc",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Filo-topped fish pie",
"description": "Fish pie doesn't have to mean heavy mashed potato. Light, crisp pastry tops this tomato-based recipe with halibut, sea bass and prawns",
"author": "Angela Boggiano",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"100g butter",
"1 onion, finely chopped",
"1 fennel bulb, finely chopped",
"1 garlic clove, finely chopped",
"1 tbsp tomato pur\u00e9e",
"200ml white wine",
"400g can chopped tomato",
"150ml double cream",
"300g sea bass fillets, skinned and cut into large pieces",
"250g halibut, skinned and cut into large pieces",
"200g large raw prawn",
"small pack flat-leaf parsley, chopped",
"2 tbsp chopped tarragon",
"6 sheets filo pastry measuring 30 x 25cm"
"steps": [
"Heat 25g of the butter in a large saucepan until foaming. Add the onion and fennel, and cook gently for about 10 mins until very tender. Stir in the garlic and cook for 1 min more. Add the tomato pur\u00e9e, cook for 1 min, then add the white wine and simmer for a few mins until reduced by half.",
"Tip in the chopped tomatoes and simmer for 15 mins until you have a rich, thick sauce.",
"Remove the sauce from the heat. Stir in the cream, fish, prawns and herbs, then season. Spoon the mixture into a 2-litre baking dish.",
"When ready to cook, heat oven to 180C/160C fan/gas 4 and melt the rest of the butter. Unroll the filo pastry and brush 6 sheets all over one side with the melted butter. Gently scrunch up the pastry and lay on the top of the pie filling, covering completely. Bake for 25 mins in the middle of the oven until the pastry is golden and crisp."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "25 mins",
"Cooking": "40 mins"
"serves": 6,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 16,
"subcategory": "Savoury pastries",
"dish_type": "Filo pastry recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "96b64942-84d3-48a6-9f54-d54cf7a26578",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Sweet potato & ginger parcels",
"description": "These moreish snacks are made with Tunisian brik pastry. Similar to filo, but crispier, it's well worth keeping a pack in the freezer",
"author": "Good Food team",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"400g sweet potato",
"50g melted butter, plus a knob extra",
"1 red chilli, deseeded and finely chopped",
"4 spring onions, finely sliced",
"thumb-size piece ginger, grated",
"\u00bd a 190g pack feuilles de brick pastry",
"few pinches cinnamon"
"steps": [
"Microwave or oven-cook potatoes until tender. Melt a knob of butter in a pan. Fry chilli for 30 secs, then spring onion whites and ginger for 1 min. Scrape flesh from potatoes, discard skins, then mash into the pan. Season, then stir in onion greens.",
"Heat oven to 200C/180C fan/gas 6. Unroll a pastry sheet and cut 3 x 6cm strips from the middle; discard leftovers. Brush strips with melted butter, place a spoonful of potato mix at one end, then fold up from side-to-side to make a triangular parcel. The filling should be completely sealed in. Arrange parcels on a baking sheet, brush with butter and repeat until you\u2019ve used up all the filling.",
"Bake for 20 mins until crisp and golden. Dust with a pinch of cinnamon; then serve."
"nutrients": {
"kcal": "65",
"fat": "3g",
"saturates": "2g",
"carbs": "9g",
"sugars": "2g",
"fibre": "1g",
"protein": "1g",
"salt": "0.27g"
"times": {
"Preparation": "30 mins",
"Cooking": "30 mins"
"serves": 15,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 9,
"subcategory": "Savoury pastries",
"dish_type": "Filo pastry recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "7c7ed0d8-141d-46c1-9069-a23260f1be3e",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Chicken & almond pastillas",
"description": "Morocco's very own version of the pasty - spiced meat and apricots are wrapped in crisp filo pastry and finished with cinnamon sugar",
"author": "Cassie Best",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"50g butter, melted, plus 1 tbsp for the pan",
"1 red onion, finely chopped",
"thumb-sized piece ginger, grated",
"2 garlic cloves, crushed",
"1 tbsp cinnamon, plus \u00bd tsp for dusting",
"10 cardamom pods, seeds removed",
"1 tsp turmeric",
"6 boneless chicken thighs, skin removed",
"1 tbsp plain flour",
"500ml chicken stock",
"1 tbsp clear honey",
"100g ground almond",
"zest 1 orange",
"85g dried apricot, chopped",
"50g toasted flaked almond",
"small handful parsley, chopped",
"6 sheets feuille de brick or filo pastry",
"1 large egg, beaten",
"icing sugar, for dusting (optional)"
"steps": [
"Heat 1 tbsp butter in a large casserole dish, add the onion, ginger and garlic, and cook for 5 mins until soft. Add the cinnamon, the cardamom seeds and the turmeric. Stir around the pan for 30 secs until aromatic, then add the chicken and flour. Stir to coat the chicken pieces, then add the chicken stock and season. Stir, cover with a lid and leave to simmer for 45 mins.",
"Remove the lid from the pan and lift the chicken pieces onto a plate. Add the honey and almonds to the cooking liquid and turn up the heat. Bubble the liquid until thick and reduced by about half. Meanwhile, finely shred the chicken with 2 forks. Return the chicken to the sauce and stir in the orange zest, apricots, flaked almonds and parsley \u2013 the mixture should be quite thick. Leave to cool.",
"Heat oven to 200C/180C fan/gas 6. Unwrap the pastry, keeping any you\u2019re not working with under a damp tea towel, so it doesn\u2019t dry out. Taking one piece at a time, brush all over with the melted butter, and around the edges with the beaten egg. Put roughly a sixth of the chicken filling in the top right-hand corner in a triangular shape. Fold the opposite side of the pastry over to cover the filling. Keep flipping the encased filing down the pastry, brushing between the layers with butter as you go, to give you a triangular parcel, like a large samosa. Repeat with the remaining pastry and filling until you have 6 pastillas. Put the pastillas on a baking tray and brush the tops with egg. Bake for 25 mins until the pastry is crisp and golden.",
"For an authentic finish, mix together the remaining cinnamon and icing sugar, and dust the pastillas just before serving."
"nutrients": {
"kcal": "359",
"fat": "20g",
"saturates": "6g",
"carbs": "21g",
"sugars": "9g",
"fibre": "3g",
"protein": "23g",
"salt": "0.6g"
"times": {
"Preparation": "40 mins",
"Cooking": "1 hr and 10 mins"
"serves": 6,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 7,
"subcategory": "Savoury pastries",
"dish_type": "Filo pastry recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "a8d94172-4ffb-4221-a720-8367729a0806",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Roast chicken pie",
"description": "The ultimate comfort food recipe. Golden brown pastry and a creamy chicken, leek and bacon filling make this a real feast for friends and family",
"author": "Good Food team",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"250g flour",
"1 tsp salt",
"60g cold butter",
"60g cold lard",
"1 whole chicken, rubbed with butter or drizzled with olive oil",
"1 tbsp olive oil",
"6 rashers smoked streaky bacon, chopped into lardons",
"3 leeks, sliced into rounds",
"45g butter",
"45g plain flour",
"225ml milk",
"200ml chicken stock",
"100g petits pois",
"1 tsp wholegrain mustard",
"25g pack parsley, roughly chopped",
"1 egg, beaten, to glaze"
"steps": [
"Heat oven to 180C/160C fan/gas 5. Season the chicken and roast for 1 hr 30 mins until the juices run clear when you cut into the leg.",
"To make the pastry, sift the flour and salt into a bowl, then grate in the butter and lard. Rub the mixture with your fingers into breadcrumbs, then add 2 tbsp cold water. Continue to add cold water, 1 tbsp at a time, until the mixture binds together. Be careful not to add too much. Wrap in cling film and leave to rest while you make the filling. (Alternatively you can use ready-rolled shortcrust pastry).",
"In a large, non-stick frying pan, heat the oil, then fry the bacon. Once browned, reduce the heat, add the leeks and cook until they have softened. Mix the butter and flour into a paste and add to the pan, stirring to coat the bacon and leeks. Slowly add the milk, stirring constantly to ensure the mixture doesn\u2019t get lumpy. Add the chicken stock and petit pois, cook for 2 mins, then add the mustard and remove from the heat. Once the chicken is cooked, remove from the oven, leave to rest briefly and carve the meat, discarding the skin and bones. Add this to the pan along with the parsley.",
"Turn the oven up to 220C/200C fan/gas 6. Roll out two-thirds of the pastry and use to line a 25cm pie dish. Spoon your filling on top, then roll out the remaining pastry for the pie topping. Brush the edges of the pastry in the pie dish with water, then lay the top over it. Crimp and seal the edges and use any off-cuts for decoration. Brush with the beaten egg, then make an X-shaped cut in the middle for steam to escape. Bake for 45 mins until golden."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "45 mins",
"Cooking": "2 hrs and 15 mins"
"serves": 6,
"difficult": "More effort",
"vote_count": 48,
"subcategory": "Savoury pastries",
"dish_type": "Easy pie recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "765a428e-a41a-4e6e-aef1-ab706e8270b8",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Easy venison pie",
"description": "Make a venison pie packed with pancetta, mushrooms and red wine, topped with golden puff pastry. It's cooked low and slow for beautifully tender meat",
"author": "Barney Desmazery",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"2\u00bd tbsp sunflower oil",
"1kg diced venison",
"100g smoked bacon lardons, pancetta or chopped smoked streaky bacon",
"2 onions, roughly chopped",
"2 bay leaves",
"200g chestnut mushrooms, quartered, or baby chestnut mushrooms, halved",
"3 tbsp plain flour",
"1 tbsp ketchup",
"150ml red wine or dark ale (optional)",
"2 beef stock cubes mixed with 600ml boiling water",
"1 egg yolk, beaten (freeze the white for another recipe)",
"375g sheet of ready-rolled puff pastry"
"steps": [
"Heat the oven to 160C/140C fan/gas 3. Heat half the oil in a large flameproof casserole, brown the venison well in batches for 10 mins over a high heat, then set aside. Scatter the bacon into the pan with another \u00bd tbsp oil and sizzle for 8-10 mins until golden. Stir through the onions and bay leaves, drizzling with the remaining oil, and cook over a low heat for 5 mins until browned. Lower the heat to medium, then add the mushrooms and cook for a few minutes more until softened.",
"Scatter over the flour, stirring until the flour turns brown. Tip the meat and any juices back into the pan along with the ketchup and give it all a good stir. Pour over the wine or ale, if using, and bring to the boil. Bubble for a few minutes, then pour over the stock. Season and bring to a simmer. Cover with a lid and put in the oven for about 2 hrs until the meat is tender. Will keep chilled for three days or frozen for up to three months. Leave to cool completely first. Defrost in a fridge overnight before reheating thoroughly in a microwave or pan until the meat is piping hot.",
"To make the pie, heat the oven to 220C/200C fan/gas 7. Tip the filling into a 24-26cm rimmed pie dish and brush the rim of the dish with some of the egg yolk. Unravel the pastry, drape it over the dish and use a knife to trim and press against the rim. Re-roll the trimmings to make a decoration, if you like. Will keep covered and frozen for up to three months. Defrost fully before continuing with step three.",
"Brush the pie with the remaining egg yolk and season with sea salt flakes, if you like. Make a few little slits in the centre of the pie to allow the steam to escape, and bake for 30-35 mins until deep golden."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "15 mins",
"Cooking": "3 hrs"
"serves": 6,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 5,
"subcategory": "Savoury pastries",
"dish_type": "Easy pie recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "bd86081d-83b1-4731-bc78-ff0daea2672c",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Prawn, pepper & chickpea filo pie",
"description": "Try a lighter version of a traditional pastry-topped pie, with a prawn, pepper & chickpea filling. The filo pastry also gives it an excellent crunch",
"author": "Ailsa Burt",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"1 tbsp olive oil, plus 1 tsp",
"1 onion, finely chopped",
"2 garlic cloves, crushed",
"1-2 tsp harissa, to taste",
"2 tbsp tomato pur\u00e9e",
"400g can chickpeas, drained and rinsed",
"300g raw king prawns",
"3 roasted red peppers from a jar, finely sliced",
"300ml vegetable stock",
"1 lemon, cut into wedges",
" small bunch of parsley, finely chopped",
"6 sheets of filo pastry"
"steps": [
"Heat the oven to 200C/180C fan/gas 6. Heat the 1 tsp of oil in an ovenproof pan over medium heat and add the onion and garlic. Cook gently for a few minutes until slightly softened. Stir in the harissa and tomato pur\u00e9e, and cook for 3 mins more. Tip in the chickpeas, prawns, peppers and stock.",
"Bring to a gentle simmer, then season, stir through a squeeze of lemon juice and the parsley. Ruffle the pastry sheets on top and brush over the remaining olive oil. Bake for 15 mins until golden and bubbling. Serve with lemon wedges."
"nutrients": {
"kcal": "291",
"fat": "7g",
"saturates": "1g",
"carbs": "36g",
"sugars": "5g",
"fibre": "7g",
"protein": "18g",
"salt": "1.3g"
"times": {
"Preparation": "10 mins",
"Cooking": "20 mins"
"serves": 4,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 2,
"subcategory": "Savoury pastries",
"dish_type": "Easy pie recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "58860233-7185-411f-8e41-7fa46dc8b5da",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Chicken, kale & mushroom pot pie",
"description": "A satisfying chicken and mushroom one-pot that makes a great family supper or freeze leftovers for another day.",
"author": "Chelsie Collins",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"1 tbsp olive oil",
"1 large onion, finely chopped",
"3 thyme sprigs, leaves picked",
"2 garlic cloves, crushed",
"350g chicken breasts, cut into small chunks",
"250g chestnut mushrooms, sliced",
"300ml chicken stock",
"100g cr\u00e8me fra\u00eeche",
"1 tbsp wholegrain mustard",
"100g kale",
"2 tsp cornflour, mixed with 1 tbsp cold water",
"375g pack puff pastry, rolled into a circle slightly bigger than your dish",
"1 egg yolk, to glaze"
"steps": [
"Heat \u00bd tbsp oil over a gentle heat in a flameproof casserole dish. Add the onion and cook for 5 mins until softening. Scatter over the thyme and garlic, and stir for 1 min. Turn up the heat and add the chicken, frying until golden but not fully cooked. Add the mushrooms and the remaining oil. Heat oven to 200C/180 fan/gas 6.",
"Add the stock, cr\u00e8me fra\u00eeche, mustard and kale, and season well. Add the cornflour mixture and stir until thickened a little.",
"Remove from the heat and cover with the puff pastry lid, pressing into the sides of the casserole dish. Slice a cross in the centre and glaze with the egg. Bake for 30 mins until the pastry is puffed up and golden."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "10 mins",
"Cooking": "40 mins"
"serves": 4,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 102,
"subcategory": "Savoury pastries",
"dish_type": "Easy pie recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "d3f23a12-db05-47e2-ba61-32e0308b5766",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Slow cooker shepherd's pie",
"description": "Slow cook shepherd's pie and you'll be rewarded with savoury, succulent mince. This recipe is also low-fat and low-calorie with three of your five-a-day",
"author": "Good Food team",
"rattings": 4,
"ingredients": [
"1 tbsp olive oil",
"1 onion, finely chopped",
"3-4 thyme sprigs",
"2 carrots, finely diced",
"250g lean (10%) mince lamb or beef",
"1 tbsp plain flour",
"1 tbsp tomato pur\u00e9e",
"400g can lentils, or white beans",
"1 tsp Worcestershire sauce",
"650g potatoes, peeled and cut into chunks",
"250g sweet potatoes, peeled and cut into chunks",
"2 tbsp half-fat cr\u00e8me fra\u00eeche"
"steps": [
"Heat the slow cooker if necessary. Heat the oil in a large frying pan. Tip the onions and thyme sprigs and fry for 2-3 mins. Then add the carrots and fry together, stirring occasionally until the vegetables start to brown. Stir in the mince and fry for 1-2 mins until no longer pink. Stir in the flour then cook for another 1-2 mins. Stir in the tomato pur\u00e9e and lentils and season with pepper and the Worcestershire sauce, adding a splash of water if you think the mixture is too dry. Scrape everything into the slow cooker.",
"Meanwhile cook both lots of potatoes in simmering water for 12-13 minutes or until they are cooked through. Drain well and then mash with the cr\u00e8me fra\u00eeche. Spoon this on top of the mince mixture and cook on Low for 5 hours - the mixture should be bubbling at the sides when it is ready. Crisp up the potato topping under the grill if you like."
"nutrients": {
"kcal": "438",
"fat": "10g",
"saturates": "4g",
"carbs": "57g",
"sugars": "12g",
"fibre": "11g",
"protein": "23g",
"salt": "0.39g"
"times": {
"Preparation": "1 hr",
"Cooking": "5 hrs"
"serves": 4,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 32,
"subcategory": "Savoury pastries",
"dish_type": "Easy pie recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "0af79ff8-f6a4-47f3-bfd6-293069f30235",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "One-pot paneer curry pie",
"description": "What's more comforting than a curry in pie form? This one-pot paneer pie is filled with a makhani-style filling and topped with a crisp puff pastry lid ",
"author": "Esther Clark",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"2 tbsp vegetable oil",
"440g paneer, cut into 2cm cubes",
"4 tbsp ghee or butter",
"2 large onions, finely sliced",
"2 large garlic cloves, crushed",
"thumb-sized piece of ginger, finely grated",
"\u00bd tsp hot chilli powder",
"2 tsp ground cumin",
"2 tsp fenugreek seeds",
"1\u00bd tbsp garam masala",
"2 x 400g cans chopped tomatoes",
"1 tbsp caster sugar",
"300g potato, peeled and cut into 2cm cubes",
"150g spinach",
"150g frozen peas",
"100ml double cream",
"2 tbsp cashew nut butter",
"plain flour, for dusting",
"320g sheet all-butter puff pastry",
"2 large eggs, 1 whole, 1 yolk only, lightly beaten together (freeze the leftover egg white for another recipe)",
"2 tsp nigella seeds",
"pilau rice or green veg, to serve"
"steps": [
"Heat the oil over a medium heat in a shallow flameproof casserole dish roughly 30cm wide. Add the paneer and fry for 5 mins, turning with tongs until each side is golden. Remove from the pan and set aside on a plate lined with kitchen paper. ",
"Heat the ghee or butter in the same dish over a medium-low heat, then add the onions and a big pinch of salt. Fry for 15 mins, or until softened and caramelised. Stir in the garlic and ginger, cook for 1 min, then tip in the spices and fry for a further 2 mins. Scrape the spiced onions into a food processor or blender along with the tomatoes and blitz until smooth. Pour back into the pan with 1\u00bd cans of water, then stir through the sugar and potatoes. Bring to the boil, lower to a simmer, then cover and cook, stirring occasionally, for 20-25 mins or until the potato is just tender.",
"Add the spinach and peas, and cook for 5 mins. Stir in the cream and cashew butter, then return the paneer to the pan and season to taste. Remove from the heat and set aside to cool completely.",
"Heat the oven to 220C/200C fan/gas 8. On a lightly floured surface, roll the pastry out to just bigger than your casserole dish. Cut a thin strip off each side and fix these around the edge of the casserole. Roll the pastry sheet over the top and press the edges with a fork to seal, and tuck in any overhang. Brush with the egg, sprinkle with the nigella seeds and bake for 30-35 mins or until deep golden brown. Leave to rest for 15 mins before serving with pilau rice or green veg."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "25 mins",
"Cooking": "1 hr and 30 mins"
"serves": 6,
"difficult": "More effort",
"vote_count": 36,
"subcategory": "Savoury pastries",
"dish_type": "Easy pie recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "f795241d-e2a0-43fb-baa1-cf1736f5ef10",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Sweet potato-topped cottage pie",
"description": "Pre-prepare the mince base and freeze it to make this delicious cottage pie later in the week. It's a wonderfully comforting and nutritious family meal",
"author": "Lulu Grimes",
"rattings": 4,
"ingredients": [
"1 tbsp olive oil",
"1 onion, chopped",
"1 carrot, diced",
"1 celery stick, chopped",
"2 thyme sprigs",
"1 bay leaf",
"650g sweet potatoes, cut into chunks",
"75ml milk",
"20g butter",
"1 tbsp olive oil",
"1 small onion, finely chopped",
"1 garlic clove, crushed",
"\u00bd celery stick, finely sliced",
"1 small carrot, finely chopped",
"500g beef mince, 10% fat",
"3 tbsp tomato & vegetable pur\u00e9e",
"200ml passata",
"50ml milk"
"steps": [
"For the base: heat half of the oil in a pan, add the onion and fry until it starts to soften, then add the garlic, celery and carrot and cook until soft. Meanwhile, heat the remaining oil in a separate frying pan and fry the mince in batches, scooping each batch out with a slotted spoon and leave any excess oil behind.",
"Add the mince to the veg, then stir in the tomato pur\u00e9e and cook for 1 min. Stir in the passata and bring to a simmer. Cover and cook over a very low heat for 1\u00bd-2 hrs, then add the milk and cook for 30 mins. If you're making the base ahead of time, you can leave it to cool at this stage then freeze for up to a month. (Defrost fully before using in the next step.)",
"To finish the recipe, heat more oil in a pan and fry another onion until it starts to soften. Add the carrot and celery and fry until tender. Add the thyme and bay and cook for 1 min, then tip in the mince base and bring to a simmer. Cover and cook for 20 mins (take off the lid towards the end if it\u2019s not thick enough).",
"Heat oven to 180C/160C fan/gas 4. Cook the sweet potatoes in simmering water until tender, drain well, then add the milk and mash the potatoes.",
"Tip the meat mixture into a casserole dish and level it out (fish out the thyme and bay and discard), then pile the potato mixture on top and spread it out. Cook for 30 mins or until the top begins to brown."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "25 mins",
"Cooking": "3 hrs and 35 mins"
"serves": 4,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 13,
"subcategory": "Savoury pastries",
"dish_type": "Easy pie recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "b61f5a8e-0e8a-499a-b519-a90d9b1a16e3",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Sausage & leek mash pie",
"description": "Enjoy sausages and kale with a cheesy mash topping made with leeks and mustard. You can freeze this pie for busy weeknights when you need to feed a crowd",
"author": "Esther Clark",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"4 large potatoes, peeled and cut into 3cm chunks",
"2 tbsp oil",
"6 pork sausages",
"1 tbsp plain flour",
"450ml fresh chicken gravy",
"150g kale, shredded",
"3 leeks, finely sliced",
"\u00bd tbsp wholegrain mustard",
"2-3 tbsp whole milk",
"50g smoked or ordinary cheddar, grated"
"steps": [
"Boil the potatoes for 12 mins or until tender. Drain and leave to steam-dry.",
"Heat 1 tbsp oil in a shallow casserole or deep skillet (20-25cm). Pinch the sausages out of their skins into large pieces, directly into the pan, and fry over a medium heat for 7-8 mins or until golden brown. Add the flour and stir everything together, cooking for 1 min. Pour in the gravy and 100-200ml water (depending on how thick you like your gravy), bring to a simmer, then add the kale and cook for 5 mins. Remove from the heat.",
"Meanwhile, in a separate pan, add the remaining 1 tbsp oil, then the leeks and fry for 5-10 mins until tender, adding a small splash of water to help them cook. Heat your grill to its highest setting.",
"Mash the potatoes until smooth. Stir though the leeks, mustard and milk, and season. Spoon and swirl the mash on top of the sausage mixture, then scatter over the grated cheese and grill for 3-5 mins or until golden and bubbling."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "5 mins",
"Cooking": "40 mins"
"serves": 4,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 114,
"subcategory": "Savoury pastries",
"dish_type": "Easy pie recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "e28531b1-d871-44cb-bdc6-61b26b11929e",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Cheese and potato pie",
"description": "Drawing from the apres-ski classic tartiflette, this indulgent pie transforms into a cheesy fondue with creamy sliced potatoes and crisp puff pastry ",
"author": "Barney Desmazery",
"rattings": 4,
"ingredients": [
"750g floury potatoes (such as King Edwards), sliced",
"100ml cr\u00e8me fra\u00eeche",
"pinch of freshly grated nutmeg",
"plain flour, for dusting",
"2 x 375g blocks of all-butter puff pastry",
"250g round camembert (or vegetarian alternative)",
"1 egg, beaten",
"1 shallot, finely chopped",
"2 tsp Dijon mustard",
"2 tbsp red wine vinegar",
"100ml olive oil",
"500g chicory (I used red and white for colour contrast), leaves separated"
"steps": [
"Heat oven to 220C/200C fan/gas 7. Tip the potatoes into a pan of cold water, bring up to the boil and cook for 2 mins. Drain well, tip back into the saucepan and mix with the cr\u00e8me fra\u00eeche. Season, sprinkle over the nutmeg and set aside.",
"Dust your work surface with flour, roll the first block of pastry to a circle about 28cm wide and place on a baking tray. Arrange a third of the potatoes in the middle of the pastry, then sit the cheese on top. Pile the rest of the potato around the cheese, leaving a 1cm border at the edge of the pastry.",
"Roll the remaining pastry out to a circle about 30cm wide, dusting with more flour if needed. Brush the edges of the pastry on the tray with egg, then drape over the larger circle and seal the sides well, crimping as you go round. A tight seal is important to stop the cheese escaping.",
"Brush all over with egg and lightly score a spiral into the pastry with the back of a knife. Bake the pie for 30 mins until golden brown and puffed up. As soon as the pie comes out of the oven, glaze with a little more egg and leave to cool for 5 mins.",
"Meanwhile, whisk the shallot, mustard, vinegar and oil together. Place the chicory in a bowl and toss with the dressing. Serve the pie cut into oozy wedges, with the salad on the side."
"nutrients": {},
"times": {
"Preparation": "40 mins",
"Cooking": "35 mins"
"serves": 8,
"difficult": "More effort",
"vote_count": 22,
"subcategory": "Savoury pastries",
"dish_type": "Easy pie recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "c6b5decd-6c2a-469a-a571-5b6c29647b7f",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Spanakopita",
"description": "A crispy Greek-style spinach and feta pie that you can adapt for your needs. This simple spanakopita recipe uses just five ingredients.",
"author": "Good Food team",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"200g bag spinach leaves ",
"175g jar sundried tomato in oil",
"100g feta cheese, crumbled",
"2 eggs",
"125g filo pastry"
"steps": [
"Put the spinach into a large pan. Pour over a couple tbsp water, then cook until just wilted. Tip into a sieve, leave to cool a little, then squeeze out any excess water and roughly chop. Roughly chop the tomatoes and put into a bowl along with the spinach, feta and eggs. Mix well.",
"Carefully unroll the filo pastry. Cover with some damp sheets of kitchen paper to stop it drying out. Take a sheet of pastry and brush liberally with some of the sundried tomato oil. Drape oil-side down in a 22cm loosebottomed cake tin so that some of the pastry hangs over the side. Brush oil on another piece of pastry and place in the tin, just a little further round. Keep placing the pastry pieces in the tin until you have roughly three layers, then spoon over the filling. Pull the sides into the middle, scrunch up and make sure the filling is covered. Brush with a little more oil.",
"Heat oven to 180C/fan 160C/gas 4. Cook the pie for 30 mins until the pastry is crisp and golden brown. Remove from the cake tin, slice into wedges and serve with salad."
"nutrients": {
"kcal": "250",
"fat": "13g",
"saturates": "5g",
"carbs": "23g",
"sugars": "5g",
"fibre": "3g",
"protein": "13g",
"salt": "0.3g"
"times": {
"Preparation": "10 mins",
"Cooking": "30 mins"
"serves": 4,
"difficult": "Easy",
"vote_count": 460,
"subcategory": "Savoury pastries",
"dish_type": "Easy pie recipes",
"maincategory": "baking"
"id": "06252339-154f-4127-9eaf-1c71ad1d5ab5",
"url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Chicken & mushroom puff pie",
"description": "This is just what you need on a cold night. Serve with creamy mashed potatoes",
"author": "Jane Hornby",
"rattings": 5,
"ingredients": [
"1 tbsp vegetable oil",
"8 skinless boneless chicken thighs",
"8 rashers smoked streaky bacon, cut into large pieces",
"1 onion, halved and sliced",
"250g baby button mushrooms",
"handful of thyme sprigs",
"2 tbsp plain flour",
"400ml chicken stock",
"200ml milk",
"500g pack fresh puff pastry, or frozen and defrosted",
"1 egg, beaten"
"steps": [
"Heat the oil in a large, non-stick frying pan. Season the chicken thighs and fry for 5-8 mins until golden brown, turning occasionally. You may need to do this in two batches, depending on the size of your pan.",
"Lift the chicken onto a plate and tip the bacon pieces into the pan. Fry for 5 mins until crisp. Add the onion, mushrooms and thyme sprigs, then fry on a high heat for another 3 mins until the onions start to colour. Tip the flour into the pan and cook, stirring, for 1 min.",
"With the pan off the heat, gradually stir or whisk in the chicken stock, followed by the milk, then add the chicken back to the pan.",
"Bring to the boil, then simmer for 30 mins. Spoon the filling into a large pie or baking dish (approx 20 x 30cm) with a lip and leave to c
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