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Last active May 9, 2020 07:18
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# Create the target dir
mkdir Completed
for mkvFile in *.mkv; do
# Get the file name without the extension
filename=$(basename -- "$mkvFile")
# Count the vobsub tracks
numTracks=$(mkvinfo "$mkvFile" | grep -c "S_VOBSUB")
if [ $numTracks -eq 0 ]; then
echo "No tracks to convert !"
# Get the vobsub part of the output, and parse to get the track number
for subTrack in $(mkvinfo "$mkvFile" | grep -B4 "VOBSUB" | grep "mkvextract" | cut -d ":" -f 3 | tr -d -c 0-9); do
# Try to parse the track language
trackLang=$(mkvinfo "$mkvFile" | grep -B4 "S_VOBSUB" | grep -C3 "Track UID: $subTrack" | grep "Language:" | cut -d ":" -f 2 | tr -d '\040\011\012\015')
if [ -z "$trackLang" ]; then
# Extract the vobsub track
mkvextract tracks "$mkvFile" $subTrack:"$filename"
# Convert to .srt
/mnt/c/Program\ Files/Subtitle\ Edit/SubtitleEdit.exe /convert "$filename".sub srt
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
echo "Failed to convert subtitle to SRT!"
# Merge the .srt into the .mkv
mkvmerge -o "_$mkvFile" "$mkvFile" --language 0:$trackLang --default-track "0:yes" "$"
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
echo "Failed to merge subtitle to _$mkvFile!"
# Move and cleanup
mv "_$mkvFile" "Completed/$mkvFile"
rm "$filename.sub" "$filename.idx" "$"
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CrispyBaguette commented May 9, 2020

Script I've used to add .srt tracks to old DVD rips with vobsub tracks. I'm using WSL to run SubtitleEdit in a bash script (thanks Microsoft !) because I wasn't able to run it on macOS with mono, due to the Winforms 32 bits dependencies (thanks Apple !).

There's room for improvement, the subtitles might not be perfect (SubtitleEdit uses OCR for the conversion), and I can't guarantee that it won't break, but finding this would have saved me a couple of hours.

It requires MKVToolNix.

It's based on a script I found here.

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