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Created July 17, 2018 19:35
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Vue component with an integration of Selectize.js' tagging feature, reactive to v-model
<input type="text" class="selectize-tag-input">
if (!$().selectize) {
require('selectize') // This script requires selectize
export default
name : 'tags-field',
props : ["value", "onAdd"], // The onAdd property must be a function and is used to verify if a new tag being added is valid, returning false will not allow the field to be added
watch : {
value : function() // Here is where we work around the non-reactiveness of Selectize
this.$el.value = this.value;
this.$el.setAttribute('value', this.value);
methods :
this.$emit('input', this.innerValue);
init : function(reinit)
var t = this;
this.instance = $(this.$el).selectize({
delimiter: ',',
create: function(input) {
if ( typeof t.onAdd === "function" )
if ( t.onAdd(input) !== true ) {
this.$control_input[0].value = '';
this.$control_input[0].setAttribute('value', '');
return false;
return {
value: input,
text: input
var inputEl = $(this.$el).siblings().children('.selectize-input').children('input')[0];
var t = this;
// After reinitializing, take the user back to the text field if they've typed in it previously
inputEl.addEventListener('focus', function()
t.userType = true;
if ( reinit === true && this.userType )
// Restart watcher
reinit : function(reinit)
syncWatcher : function()
if ( this.watcherInstance !== null )
clearInterval(this.watcherInstance); // We need to clear the interval and redefine the "t" variable to ensure that the watcher is up to date with the instance's new information
var t = this;
this.watcherInstance = setInterval(function()
if ( t.$el.getAttribute('value') !== t.innerValue )
t.innerValue = t.$el.getAttribute('value');
}, 100);
return {
userType : false,
instance : null,
watcherInstance : null,
innerValue : ''
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