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Forked from Geczy/
Created September 4, 2024 01:08
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Migrate Coolify to a new server
# This script will backup your Coolify instance and move everything to a new server. Docker volumes, Coolify database, and ssh keys
# 1. Script must run on the source server
# 2. Have all the containers running that you want to migrate
# Configuration - Modify as needed
sshKeyPath="$HOME/.ssh/your_private_key" # Key to destination server
# -- Shouldn't need to modify anything below --
# Check if the source directory exists
if [ ! -d "$backupSourceDir" ]; then
echo "❌ Source directory $backupSourceDir does not exist"
exit 1
echo "✅ Source directory exists"
# Check if the SSH key file exists
if [ ! -f "$sshKeyPath" ]; then
echo "❌ SSH key file $sshKeyPath does not exist"
exit 1
echo "✅ SSH key file exists"
# Check if we can SSH to the destination server, ignore "The authenticity of host can't be established." errors
if ! ssh -i "$sshKeyPath" -o "StrictHostKeyChecking no" -o "ConnectTimeout=5" root@$destinationHost "exit"; then
echo "❌ SSH connection to $destinationHost failed"
exit 1
echo "✅ SSH connection successful"
# Get the names of all running Docker containers
containerNames=$(docker ps --format '{{.Names}}')
# Initialize an empty string to hold the volume paths
# Loop over the container names
for containerName in $containerNames; do
# Get the volumes for the current container
volumeNames=$(docker inspect --format '{{range .Mounts}}{{.Name}}{{end}}' "$containerName")
# Loop over the volume names
for volumeName in $volumeNames; do
# Check if the volume name is not empty
if [ -n "$volumeName" ]; then
# Add the volume path to the volume paths string
volumePaths+=" /var/lib/docker/volumes/$volumeName"
# Calculate the total size of the volumes
# shellcheck disable=SC2086
totalSize=$(du -csh $volumePaths 2>/dev/null | grep total | awk '{print $1}')
# Print the total size of the volumes
echo "✅ Total size of volumes to migrate: $totalSize"
# Print size of backupSourceDir
backupSourceDirSize=$(du -csh $backupSourceDir 2>/dev/null | grep total | awk '{print $1}')
echo "✅ Size of the source directory: $backupSourceDirSize"
# Check if the backup file already exists
if [ ! -f "$backupFileName" ]; then
echo "🚸 Backup file does not exist, creating"
# Recommend stopping docker before creating the backup
echo "🚸 It's recommended to stop all Docker containers before creating the backup
Do you want to stop Docker? (y/n)"
read -r answer
if [ "$answer" != "${answer#[Yy]}" ]; then
if ! systemctl stop docker; then
echo "❌ Docker stop failed"
exit 1
echo "✅ Docker stopped"
echo "🚸 Docker not stopped, continuing with the backup"
# shellcheck disable=SC2086
if ! tar --exclude='*.sock' -Pczf $backupFileName -C / $backupSourceDir $HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys $volumePaths; then
echo "❌ Backup file creation failed"
exit 1
echo "✅ Backup file created"
echo "🚸 Backup file already exists, skipping creation"
# Define the remote commands to be executed
# Check if Docker is a service
if systemctl is-active --quiet docker; then
# Stop Docker if it's a service
if ! systemctl stop docker; then
echo '❌ Docker stop failed';
exit 1;
echo '✅ Docker stopped';
echo 'ℹ️ Docker is not a service, skipping stop command';
echo '🚸 Saving existing authorized keys...';
cp ~/.ssh/authorized_keys ~/.ssh/authorized_keys_backup;
echo '🚸 Extracting backup file...';
if ! tar -Pxzf - -C /; then
echo '❌ Backup file extraction failed';
exit 1;
echo '✅ Backup file extracted';
echo '🚸 Merging authorized keys...';
cat ~/.ssh/authorized_keys_backup ~/.ssh/authorized_keys | sort | uniq > ~/.ssh/authorized_keys_temp;
mv ~/.ssh/authorized_keys_temp ~/.ssh/authorized_keys;
chmod 600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys;
echo '✅ Authorized keys merged';
if ! curl -fsSL | bash; then
echo '❌ Coolify installation failed';
exit 1;
echo '✅ Coolify installed';
# SSH to the destination server, execute the remote commands
if ! ssh -i "$sshKeyPath" -o "StrictHostKeyChecking no" root@$destinationHost "$remoteCommands" <$backupFileName; then
echo "❌ Remote commands execution or Docker restart failed"
exit 1
echo "✅ Remote commands executed successfully"
# Clean up - Ask the user for confirmation before removing the local backup file
echo "Do you want to remove the local backup file? (y/n)"
read -r answer
if [ "$answer" != "${answer#[Yy]}" ]; then
if ! rm -f $backupFileName; then
echo "❌ Failed to remove local backup file"
exit 1
echo "✅ Local backup file removed"
echo "🚸 Local backup file not removed"
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