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Created April 3, 2023 04:22
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Code Review for an Ordered Mistakes Feature
(def test-state
{:document {:paragraphs {:uuid-1 {}}
:paragraph-order [:uuid-1 :uuid-2 :uuid-3 :uuid-4]}
:edit {:spellcheck {:mistakes {:uuid-1 [[4 12] [38 42]]
:uuid-3 [[7 12]]
:uuid-4 []
:uuid-X [[0 4]]}}}})
(defn paragraph-order [state]
;; get-in can be more readable than destructuring. Just know
;; that destructuring's an option.
(get-in state [:document :paragraph-order]))
(defn mistakes [state]
;; Unless you pull the `get-in` form from the `paragraph-order` function,
;; you could just call the `paragraph-order` function in the `some` function.
(let [paragraph-order (paragraph-order state)]
;; Thread-last macro for readability, nice :)
(->> (get-in state [:edit :spellcheck :mistakes])
;; _only paragraphs with mistakes and present on paragraph-order_ [nice comment]
;; whenever you see `filter`, `map`, etc. you should think "transducers".
;; they're harder to get at first, but they offer enormous performance boosts.
(filter (fn [[k v]] (and (seq v) (some #{k} paragraph-order))))))) ;; nice use of `some` with the set of k
(defn ordered-mistakes [state]
(let [paragraph-order (paragraph-order state)] ;; this is repetitive...
(->> (mistakes state) ;; `mistakes` is thread-lasting like this one - why not combine?
;; _sort-by paragraph-order_
;; you could delete the `let` and just call `(paragraph-order state)` here.
(sort-by (fn [[k _]] (.indexOf paragraph-order k)))
;; _"unpack" into [:p-uuid [word-start word-end]]_ [nice comment - wasn't obvious what this did at first]
(mapcat (fn [[k v]] (map (fn [i] [k i]) v)))
;; Vectors are nice if you plan to reverse or work with the last elements.
;; They also look nicer and are conceptually easier. There's a small chance
;; turning it into a vector may be unnecessary here.
;; Overall notes:
;; - It works. Nice job :D
;; - Good readability due to thread-last macro-ing and clear comments
;; - The first two functions are conceptually simple and similar enough
;; to combine into the last.
;; - Filtering and mapping should prompt "transducers" into your mind.
;; `filter` and` `map` (`mapcat`) are "reducing" functions.
;; Transducers can combine multiple of these into one reducing function.
;; When I wrote my code for this problem, I improved performance by 4.6 times,
;; requiring <22% of the time that this code requires.
(comment (ordered-mistakes test-state))
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