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Created April 10, 2021 11:33
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Multiply with infix notation in Clojure
(defn pem-helper [sq symb]
(loop [tail sq i 0]
(if (seq tail)
(if (= (first tail) symb)
(recur (rest tail) (inc i)))
(defn pem-mult-i [sq]
(pem-helper sq '*))
(defn pem-div-i [sq]
(pem-helper sq '/))
(defn pem-add-i [sq]
(pem-helper sq '+))
(defn pem-minus-i [sq]
(pem-helper sq '-))
(defn pemdas-i [sq]
(some #(= % '*) sq) (pem-mult-i sq)
(some #(= % '/) sq) (pem-div-i sq)
(some #(= % '+) sq) (pem-add-i sq)
(some #(= % '-) sq) (pem-minus-i sq)
:else nil))
(defn bunch [sq i]
(let [fir (take (dec i) sq)
bunch (list (nth sq i) (nth sq (dec i)) (nth sq (inc i)))
rema (drop (inc (inc i)) sq)]
(concat (concat fir (list bunch)) rema)))
(defmacro my-infix [infix]
(loop [cur infix]
(let [i (pemdas-i cur)]
(if i
(recur (bunch cur i))
(first cur)))))
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