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Last active April 20, 2022 12:02
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Eviscerate sequences
;; drop-take
(defn eviscerate-sequence
([c i] (eviscerate-sequence c i i))
([c st end] (concat (take st c) (drop (inc end) c))))
;; loop-recur
(defn eviscerate-sequence
([c i] (eviscerate-sequence c i i))
([c start end]
(let [c (apply list c)]
(loop [new-c [] i 0]
; base case: i exceeds the length of c, 0-index
(if (>= i (count c))
; recursive case: i less than length of c
; is the index = an s or e, or between the s or e? skip
; not? Add the element.
(if (or (< i start) (> i end))
(recur (conj new-c (nth c i)) (inc i))
(recur new-c (inc i))))))))
;; lazy recursion
(defn eviscerate-sequence
([c i] (eviscerate-sequence c i i))
([c start end] (eviscerate-sequence c start end 0))
([c start end i]
; is the index greater than the count of c? end it
(if (>= i (count c))
; is the index = an s or e, or between the s or e? call this again with an inc'ed end.
; else return the current thing then everything else
(if (or (< i (dec start)) (> i end))
(lazy-seq (cons (nth c i) (eviscerate-sequence c start end (inc i))))
(lazy-seq (cons (nth c i) (eviscerate-sequence c start end (inc end))))))))
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